May 26, 2022
Anupma Prakash, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Owen Guthrie, Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
Nettie La Belle-Hamer, Vice Chancellor, Research
Julie Queen, Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services
Charlene Stern, Vice Chancellor, Rural, Community and Native Education
Nickole Conley, Executive Officer, UAF
Samara Taber, Executive Officer, University Advancement
R04.05.043. Regular Exempt and Nonexempt Staff.
- Changes to Step Placement
- In-grade Salary Adjustments
An increase within a grade is an exceptional occurrence and may be granted to address factors which may include internal [...] alignment, sustained outstanding performance, professional or career growth within a position, or retention. Such increases are within the sole discretion of the University and require prior approval as follows:- Up to five percent (five steps) in any 12 month period: Requires approval by the MAU human resources director or the chief human resources officer.
- Exceptions require approval by the chief human resources officer, based on the recommendations of the appropriate chancellor and MAU human resources office.
- In-grade Salary Adjustments
By this memo, I hereby delegate to you the chancellor’s authorities identified in “b” for exceptions to in-grade salary adjustments as stated above within the units that you supervise. This may not be re-delegated without my approval. I recommended that you seek guidance from UA Human Resources to help ensure appropriate salary placement within the university and across the system.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Memry Dahl, UA HR
Glenn Gambrell, UA HR
UAF Senior Business Partner, UA HR