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Nov. 12, 2024

Welcome to week 12!

You are doing amazing!

How does that land? Do you feel like you are doing amazing? How do you feel you are doing?

At some point in our long race, someone is yelling at you from the sidelines that you are doing amazing and you look over and think that you’d like that person to be quiet. You don’t feel amazing. You feel tired and worn out.

How are you really feeling? If you are struggling, you are not alone. Take a moment to realize that and accept it. You are doing something difficult. There is absolutely nothing wrong with needing some help. If you need help, talk to someone. Reach out to family, friends, or your advisor. If nobody pops to mind from those groups of people, reach out to ORCA; or the Student Health and Counseling Center. The good people in these two offices have devoted their schooling and careers to helping us along our collective journey.

One thing that can help is knowing that the finish line for this term is coming. Can you see it from here? I can see it and it is coming up fast. After next week there is only the super short holiday week then one week of classes and then finals. If you are behind a bit here or there, you will have a great opportunity to catch up during the break.

A note of caution. Now is the season of distractions; stay focused. The holidays are a wonderful gathering season with good food, family, and friends. The holidays can also be super stressful. Family and financial stresses often surface or are brought into the foreground this time of year. Keep your long-term goals for yourself and your loved ones on your mind as you navigate this busy but also demanding season. Take care of yourself. Stay the course.

If you have everything well in hand, that’s great. Use some of your wisdom and energy to help care for your fellow travelers. That’s at least a portion of the true spirit of the holiday season.

Things to do:

Open registration for spring classes began yesterday! If you haven’t seen your advisor or made an appointment – do so today! Get your classes locked in for the spring semester as soon as possible. Classes are filling fast and it will feel good to get this settled It will help you to feel more relaxed over the holidays and make your return in January more peaceful.

Really. See your advisor. Register for classes. Today.

Pop Con starts this Thursday. There are many exciting events throughout the weekend. Check it out!

Pop Con and SoBear Lounge are bringing you a great comedy show this Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m. – in the Wood Center Ballroom. I hear it will be great!

Lastly, get outside. Wherever you are, from Alaska to Arkansas, get outside and away from your computer, from your classes, from your roommate, from your job, from everything. Get outside and move. your. body. and take a moment to enjoy the miracle of fresh air, natural light (or darkness), and natural skies.

Have a great 12th week of classes.

I offer a lot of advice, please share your thoughts about what I or we can do better, or what you love about UAF, with me: obguthrie@alaska.edu.

— Owen Guthrie, vice chancellor for student affairs and enrollment management


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