Permits and Policies
Photo credit: Todd Paris
We recommend that you begin the permitting process 1 year prior to research activities.
- You will need to identify the ideal conditions for your field research plots (e.g. soils, vegetation, slope, aspect, distance from camp, etc.). You probably already did this when writing your grant proposal.
- Now that you know what kind of landscape you are looking for, use the TFS GIS interactive
mapping dashboard (Spatial myToolik Dashboard) to identify areas that are not currently occupied or influenced by other research
plots. Another important consideration is the distance between established trails,
boardwalks, and safe pull-outs along the Dalton Highway and your prospective field
- Contact TFS GIS if you have found a few suitable sites, they will confirm that the site is free of other plots as well as determine if the site was previously disturbed. Furthermore, they will determine if the identified site location conflicts with known restricted areas (archeological sites, sensitive species habitat, etc.).
- TFS GIS will need a spreadsheet with the sites, latitude and longitude. Please submit your request to TFS GIS through the TFS Support Request System and if you have any questions contact
- Once all of these things are confirmed TFS GIS will make a map of the study site to provide in your application for a permit.
- Determine which agency you need to apply for.
- There numerous stakeholders around Toolik Field Station: BLM, NPS, FW, DNR, and Alyeska pipeline. Each stakeholder has their own permitting system.
- See the Map below or the TFS GIS interactive mapping dashboard (Spatial myToolik Dashboard), or the for stakeholder boundaries.
Activities fall under three categories:
- Casual Use: Depending on your proposed sampling plan, your activities might be considered “Casual
Use”. Casual Use is defined as activities resulting in no or negligible disturbance
of public lands.
- Time for approval one month, depends on the season and obligations.
- Examples of casual use authorization include plot observations, active layer sampling, hydrological sampling, minimal destructive sampling.
- The BLM ultimately makes the final decision on whether your activities would be considered casual use, or need to go through further review for an authorization permit.
- Free
- Authorization Permit: Permits are short term authorizations up to three years in scope. Most permits require
an , and occasionally analysis, which is reviewed by a BLM interdisciplinary team to
review and process the proposal
- Permits take longer than Casual Use Authorizations to be processed due to the NEPA review or analysis.
- Most proposals are categorical exclusion (CX) level NEPA. A CX is a form of NEPA compliance, without the analysis that occurs in an Environmental Assessment (EA). Occasionally, a proposal will require an EA level analysis.
- Examples of permitted activities include the installation of infrastructure, extensive destructive sampling, and temporary boardwalks.
- A small fee is associated with these permits ($)
- Processing monitoring fees are based on hours estimated to process and monitor the permit. The fee schedule changes yearly, Rent is based on acreage and is due by December 31, yearly.
- Right-of-way Authorization: these authorizations are for periods of time greater than three years, for example
- These authorizations will undergo similar review as permits but but are more likely to need a lengthier Environmental Assessment level NEPA review.
- Examples of Right-of-Way Authorizations are permanent meteorological stations, greenhouses, snow fences and other kinds of infrastructure.
- These Authorizations have a large fee associated with them ($$)
- Processing monitoring fees are based on hours estimated to process and monitor the permit. The fee schedule changes yearly, Rent is based on acreage and is due by December 31, yearly.
* Note: Boardwalks are required by the BLM in some situations, depending on how often you will be accessing your site, the type of landscape your site is located on, and how many people will be accessing the site. There will be additional costs involved if boardwalks are deemed necessary, in addition to the cost of installing the boardwalks.
International Researchers:
Permitting is a critical first step in planning fieldwork at TFS. Please review our general information first, located on our website. For foreign nationals, if your work is more complicated and requires Bureau of Land Management (BLM) authorization, you will need to obtain a State of Alaska business license. Most research projects can apply as individuals, but you may need to register as an entity. To obtain a business license, prior to applying for your BLM permit:
- For additional information on licenses and entities, please visit the
- Once your entity is in “good standing” or if you are applying as an individual, then you can obtain the business license by visitingthe .
A VISA will likely be required for your visit. For assistance with VISAs, please refer
to the .
To expedite your application for a casual-use, permit, or right-of-way authorization please answer the following questions. The more information that you provide the quicker the possible turnaround time.
- Questions for Toolik researchers for authorization application/casual use determination.
- Who?
- Who would authorization be to? (Name of PI)
- Name of institution, contact name, address, cc address, the name on the authorization should be the party responsible for the rent and processing payment.
- Where?
- Meridian, Township, Range, and Section ideally, and lat and long in Excel CVS spreadsheet if possible.
- Map of locations in consultation with Toolik Field Station GIS is required for BLM permits.
- Ground Disturbance?
- How will the ground be disturbed?
- What size area to what depth?
- Will there be measurements or samples be taken?
- What quantity of samples will be taken over how large of an area?
- If samples are taken will there be removal and replacement or will samples be removed permanently?
- Will equipment be left on the land? Seasonally or long term?
- Does the equipment require power? What is the source? Battery, Solar, Fuel?
- What is the plan for fuel handling and spill prevention or clean up? ()
- Is there a plan for removal of equipment if the activity is abandoned?
- Is the activity short (3 years or less) term? or long term?
- Site Access?
- How will sites be accessed?
- By vehicle on existing roads, pullouts?
- By foot on existing trails and boardwalks?
- If crossing tundra what is your method of access in what months?
- Will additional boardwalk be necessary?
- The more complete the information is in the original proposal the faster the BLM can process your application and or determine if it needs a casual use or research permit.
Contact Information
Sheri Wilson
Realty Specialist
Central Yukon Field Office, Bureau of Land Management
222 University Avenue, vlog, AK 99709-3844
Matthew Whitman
Realty Specialist
Central Yukon Field Office, Bureau of Land Management
222 University Avenue, vlog, AK 99709-3844
Melissa Head
Realty Specialist
Central Yukon Field Office, Bureau of Land Management
222 University Avenue, vlog, AK 99709-3844
For projects within Gates of the Arctic National park you will need to submit a permit request to the National Park Service.
- Gates of the Arctic National Park has a whole webpage on "", with lots of great information for planning logistics and applying for permits.
- A proposal needs to be submitted through the Research and Permit and Reporting System and fill out a and email it to Gates of the Arctic research coordinator.
- Proposals will be reviewed to “ensure that park resources and values, as well as other park users, are not unduly affected by the proposed research. An interdisciplinary team will evaluate applications to determine potential impacts in several areas, including: natural resources (NEPA), cultural resources (NHPA Section 106, ARPA, NAGPRA), subsistence resources and/or activities (ANILCA Section 810), Wilderness (Section 4(c) of the 1964 Wilderness Act, with Minimum Requirement/Minimum Tool determination) and the Endangered Species Act (Section 7), among others.
- How long will it take?
- Permit application deadline is March 31st for projects starting between May 1 - August 31. If applying for a permit outside this time frame apply at least 60 days in advance.
- Best Practices in planning to work in a National Park wilderness
- Human powered tools and or battery packs, no motors.
- What kind of disturbance will occur from your collect, installation, sampling efforts?
- Early communication with the park to discuss and develop the project and confirm that it is consistent with wilderness regulations
- Explain in your permit application that the research needs to be accomplished in the wilderness rather than outside the park. How does the research benefit the wilderness or it’s management?
- How can you minimize your impact on wilderness
- If you plan on collecting samples you will need to contact the park curator. All samples collected in the park are property of the NPS. These samples will need to be cataloged in the NPS system. Better to learn the process before you begin sampling! For more information see the .
Contact Information
Linda Hasselbach
Permit Coordinator
Gates of the Arctic National Park
4175 Geist Road, vlog, AK, 99709
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining, Land and Water
Permits from the AK DNR are needed if you are going to :
- Place monitoring equipment on the landscape for more than two weeks.
- Staging a camp in one or more locations for more than two weeks.
- Conducting off-road travel to reach your study sites.
Apply for a permit for placing equipment or staging a camp through the . This Application includes the Land-Use Permit, Off-road Travel and Use of Uplands and Non-Marine Waters Permit Applications.
Applications typically take 4-6 weeks to process and have a public notice period for review.
For more information check out the page on the Alaska DNR website.
Natural Resource Specialist
North Slope Permitting, Northern Regional Office, Alaska DNR, Division of Mining, Land and Water
3700 Airport Way, vlog, AK 99709
Applications for permits to work in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- Applications are needed for Scientific Research within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge managed by the USFW
- There is a very detailed permitting page on the ANWR website that will walk you through what information is needed, when it is due, and where to send your application. The below information is just a summary.
- Permit applications are only accepted between October 1 and November 30th. Your application must be turned in by the last day of the application period.
- Link to the permit application
- Things to include in your permit application
- Describe project by specifically identifying timing, frequency, and how the project is expected to proceed:
- Identify species or habitats being studied:
- Full Proposal from that you submitted for funding (ex. NSF proposal) with detailed information or
- Provide the answers to these questions or a combination of proposal and answers here.
- Expected benefits of research/monitoring:
- Where will your study site(s) be location (Lat/Long)?
- Toolik GIS can help you make a map for your application.
- Denote exactly where your sites will be located with GPS points and or an attached map.
- What are the dates you will be at your study sites?
- How will you get to your study sites?
- List trails, routes, vehicle numbers and license plate numbers, where will you park.
- How many people will participate? Will you be staying overnight in the refuge? If so, in what kind of accommodation?
- What kinds of equipment and instrumentation will you be bringing into the field?
- Will you be installing and leaving any equipment or instrumentation?
- When will it be installed? Removed? Will it need maintenance? How often will access be needed to download the data?
- Will you be disturbing the ground?
- If collecting samples, what kind, how many?
- Do you have the permits needed for collections?
- Will you have or be transporting hazardous materials?
- Email the completed application to
Contact Information:
Heather Bartlett
Assistant Refuge Manager
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
101 12th Ave., Room 236, vlog, AK, 99701
Bureau of Land Management requires .
- Fill out the (Just the Application part, BLM does the rest).
- Fill out the Filming on Public Lands - .
- Provide a Map with specific coordinates of where you will be filming (Lat/Long).
- Toolik GIS can help you make a map for your application.
- Pay the determined by the local BLM officer
- Application processing time typically 1-2 months.
National Park Service .
- Permits are needed for all commercial photography and filming within Gates of the Arctic National Park under a Special Use Permit.
- Use of UAS/drones in the the park is prohibited unless written approval by the superintendent.
- Complete the and email to the park.
- Pay the non-refundable application and admin fee of $200
- For simple permit requests, applications must be received at least three weeks prior to proposed start date. For more complex requests, applications must be received six weeks in advance.
- Important note: General liability insurance must be carried by the permittee showing the “U.S. Government, National Park Service, vlog Administrative Center, 4175 Geist Rd, vlog, AK 99709” as additionally insured. Short term policies must show coverage on "occurrence" basis. The minimum amount of commercial liability insurance is one million dollars. Additional amounts may be required for high-risk activities.
- Email the park directly with any questions via their .
Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
vlog Administrative Center
National Park Service
4175 Geist Road, vlog, AK, 99709
US Fish and Wildlife Service requires .
- Permits are needed for all commercial photography and filming under the Special Use Permit. The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS/drones) is no longer allowed for any US Fish and Wildlife Service supported or permitted use.
- Review the for a detailed description of the application process. All questions about filming or photography in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be directed to the Permits Specialist Maria Berkeland at or at 907-888-5704.
- A $100 fee may be required depending on activities and purpose.
- When to Apply
- Winter/ Spring filming apply during October 1-November 30th
- Summer/ Fall filming apply during January 1 - April 15th
- Complete applications received during these time periods will be processed within 45 days of receipt.
- Incomplete applications will be returned after the application period closes.
- Applications outside of these dates will be processed during the next application period.
- Denote exactly where your sites will be located with GPS points and or an attached map.
- Toolik GIS can help you make a map for your application.
- Explain why?
- State of Alaska Business License
- Narrative Letter to the Refuge Manager
- Where will your study site(s) be location (Lat/Long)?
- List of licenses and insurance policies that cover the photography and filming
- What are the dates you will be at your sites?
- How will you get to your sites? List trails, routes, vehicle numbers, license plate numbers, and where will you park.
- How many people will participate? Will you be staying overnight in the refuge? If so, in what kind of accommodation?
- Will you have or be transporting hazardous materials? (e.g., fuel)
- Important note: Commercial filming in the wilderness portions of the refuges are prohibited,
unless deemed necessary to manage the wilderness.
- Most areas near Toolik are not in the wilderness area of ANWR, but be sure to check if your potential sites are located there. ()
- Submit your application and narrative letter to
- To pay your $100 application fee, call 907-888-5704 and pay by credit card or send it by check to the address below.
- Permits are needed for commercial photography and filming
vlog requires a location agreement and media releases for all commercial filming within the station premises.
- Contact Toolik's communication & DEI manager, Haley Dunleavy, as soon as possible to begin the approval process.
- Submit UAF media relations filming at least a week before filming start date.
Please read the policies for Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Operations at Toolik Field
Station and review the airspace map of areas around Toolik Field Station.
Additionally you may need to be aware of the drone policies for the different land
agencies that hold allotments in and around TFS.
- Much of the land around and near Toolik Field Station is administered and managed by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM). For questions and current information about permit requirements for UAS/drones launched from and operated over this land, please call: 907-474-2200
- Drone Use: Launching, landing, or operating of drones (i.e., unmanned aircraft) from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service is prohibited except as approved in writing by the superintendent.
- As of January 29, 2020 unmanned aircraft systems are no longer allowed for any US FWS supported or permitted use.
- This prohibition applies to the use of drones for commercial filming and scientific research, regardless of previous approval.
Contact the Toolik Field Station Safety Coordinator (Scott Filippone) or the UAF Department of Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management Radiation Safety Officer (Tracey Martinson).
All activities involving live vertebrates must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) from the institution awarded the research grant. You must provide a copy of the approved IACUC protocol and the approval letter. If you need to use the Toolik Field Station Animal Facility to hold animals for more than 12 hours you need approval from the vlog IACUC. Please contact the UAF IACUC Administrator for assistance.
Contact Information:
State of Alaska
Contact the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game and request an application for Scientific or Educational permits.
- are needed in order to “capture, collect, or repeatedly disturb wild Alaskan mammals, birds or reptiles for scientific purposes”
- are needed in order to “collect, hold, or propagate fish, shellfish, or aquatic plants”
- are needed to capture and handle wildlife as well as to possess wildlife parts for education purposes
Check these lists to determine if the species you are planning on working with are listed.
Is the organizational body that regulates bird banding in the United States.
General Permitting Information for acquiring a is provided by the Bird Banding Laboratory as well as information on how to register as a Master Bander with a .
Takes 4-6 months to process
Email contact:
Yes, you can. At least for BLM permissions.
If you need help navigating the permitting process please contact Toolik GIS (hotlink) for specific information.
Toolik Field Station has a variety of policies and requirements to review before coming to the station.
Responsible and respectful conduct is expected at Toolik Field Station. The camp management team has the ability to remove any staff member, contractor, or member of the scientific community from camp if that person’s behavior threatens immediate danger to the community.
Alcohol and Drug Policies (Strictly Enforced)
Toolik Field Station is an alcohol-free workplace. Toolik residents may bring alcohol to the Station for personal consumption outside of work hours. We expect moderate and responsible behavior and consumption. Residents and staff who create problems while under the influence of alcohol may be dismissed from the station. Furnishing alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21 will be grounds for immediate expulsion from Toolik.
Toolik residents shall not purchase, arrange for transport, or transport alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs to the Toolik Field Station for other residents or Toolik staff. Sanctions include dismissal from camp and notification to the Alaska State Troopers.
Alcoholic beverages may not be stored or consumed in work areas. Work areas are defined as shops, labs, aircraft, or motor vehicles of any type. Alcoholic beverages discovered in work areas will be immediately removed and disposed of.
If you wish to bring alcohol, please only bring aluminum cans. There is no glass recycling in Alaska, so it’s important to keep glass usage at a minimum.
Toolik Field Station is a drug-free workplace. The station is located on land leased from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a federal agency and TFS/UAF is federally funded (NSF), requiring compliance with federal law. So please note that even if marijuana was legalized in Alaska, it is not legal to possess or use it on federal land. Use and distribution of illegal drugs at Toolik will not be tolerated. Anyone suspected of illegal drug use will be asked to leave the premises. Any illegal drugs discovered will be turned over to the Alaska State Troopers.
Toolik is a tobacco-free location. For more information about the UAF Tobacco policy.
The Scientific Liaisons ("Senior Scientists") act as consultants to the camp management
team on issues that affect scientists working at TFS. The Scientific Liaisons facilitate
communication between members of the scientific community and camp staff to assist
in the resolution of disagreements among members of the scientific community, or between
scientists and other inhabitants of Toolik. The Scientific Liaisons are available
to help members of the scientific community if they don't feel comfortable discussing
issues directly with the camp management team. The Scientific Liaisons and camp management
team maintain open communication to coordinate responses to issues of concern, resolve
conflicts before they escalate, and before making decisions that affect the scientific
Starting 2021, there will be 2 Scientific Liaisons to represent more genders.
Protocols for the Scientific Liaisons
The camp management team and the Scientific Liaisons work closely on all matters concerning camp operation. We hope that most issues can be resolved through communication with the interested parties, the Scientific Liaisons, and the Facility Supervisor.
If a member of the scientific community is behaving in an inappropriate way or causing problems for the camp, the Scientific Liaisons should first inform that person’s PI/project leader who has responsibility for the actions of their project members. If the PI/project leader is unavailable or unable to correct the problem, the Scientific Liaisons are authorized to take additional steps. Both the camp manager and the Scientific Liaisons have the authority to issue formal warnings to any member of camp whose behavior is causing problems for the community, at any time.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to restate important principles and expectations for professional conduct and acceptable behavior by all personnel. While non-exhaustive, this Code is a shared statement of commitment to uphold the ethical, professional, and legal standards required to fulfill these principles and objectives.
The new (2018) Principles can be downloaded from this URL:
The 2018 revised core Principles for the Conduct of Research in the Arctic are:
- Be accountable
- Establish effective two-way communication
- Respect local culture and knowledge
- Build and sustain relationships
- Pursue responsible environmental stewardship
Comments may be submitted to:
Toolik Field Station Extreme Winter Weather Operation Guidelines
Winter Operations at Toolik Field Station (TFS) involve working in unique and often dangerous environmental conditions. Severe cold, high winds, blowing snow, darkness, and limited visibility are just a few variables that can cause a hazardous working environment. Adhering to these Winter Weather Operation guidelines will minimize exposure to the most extreme winter conditions and their associated risks. It is important to remember that Arctic winters can always be dangerous and the proper training, preparation, equipment, and procedures are essential. Ultimately everyone must accept personal responsibility for their own safety in the harsh Arctic winter. Never work in winter conditions you feel are unsafe or for which you are not adequately prepared.
Limited Camp Functions in Extreme Environmental Conditions
During extreme winter weather events most outdoor operations at Toolik Field Station will be limited to ensure the safety of the community. These include:
- All outdoor operations, maintenance, science support, and upgrade projects that are not essential to the everyday operation of the station and safety of the community. Examples of essential operations are: road maintenance to ensure safe camp access to scheduled arrivals and departures, daily maintenance checks, and emergency repair work.
- Transportation between vlog and TFS.
- Personal recreation further than two miles from camp without the approval of the on-site camp manager and the company of at least one partner in the field.
All science users are strongly recommended to limit their activities and follow these guidelines for their field work under extreme environmental conditions.
Extreme Environmental Conditions Defined
Extreme environmental conditions are any combination of meteorological variables that the on-site camp manager deems severe enough to limit outdoor activity. These include, but are not limited to:
- Temperatures below -45°F (-42°C)
- Temperatures categorized as 5 minute frostbite time as determined by the NWS Windchill Chart (see figure below).
- Temperatures below 0°F (-18°C)with substantially limited visibility. This pertains only to activity off the road system, driveway, gravel pad, or Toolik Lake and its tributaries.
For an overview of all University of Alaska IT Policies, Procedures & Computing Standards, Best practices, and BOR Policy & Regulations visit:
IT Policies & Security Standards
Or contact
Policy for Unmanned Aerial System Operations (UAS) at Toolik Field Station
To provide a safe airspace operating environment for all researchers, aviators, and
other people and property in the area of Toolik Field Station (TFS),
To comply with all Federal Aviation Administration, University of Alaska, and other
applicable Rules and Regulations,
To enable research development in the field of UAS (including winged and rotary-wing
aircraft, balloons, and kites), as possible, once safety and regulatory requirements
are fulfilled.
Requirements for UAS Operations at Toolik
- All TFS researchers using a UAS for research, educational, or academic purposes must
follow the rules stipulated in 14 CFR 107, 14 CFR 48.
- All TFS Researchers using a UAS should review Advisory Circular 107-2.
- All researchers who reside at TFS and plan to use a UAS for recreation or research
must be aware of special airspace restrictions as presented in the “Limited, Restricted
and Prohibited UAS Airspace near Toolik Field Station" map attached to this policy
- All TFS-based UAS use must be listed as an approved activity in the project’s BLM
permit. All BLM UAS stipulations must be followed. A copy of the project’s BLM permit
must be on file with the TFS station manager.
- All research projects must contact the TFS UAS coordinator (see contact information
below) prior to arriving at the station to review proposed UAS flight areas as well
as UAS operational and safety plans.
- Research project pilots must hold a current FAA remote pilot airman certificate with
UAS rating or hold a current Part 61 pilot certificate and complete an FAA UAS on-line
- Research project pilots must provide a copy of their FAA remote pilot airman certificate
with UAS rating or Part 61 pilot certificate with UAS course completion to the TFS
UAS Coordinator prior to arriving at the Station (contact information below).
- All UAS must be registered and marked as per 14 CFR 48. Research projects must provide
an FAA registration number for each UAS to the TFS UAS Coordinator.
- Upon arrival at the station, the research project pilot must contact the TFS UAS coordinator
and CPS helicopter coordinator to discuss the project’s UAS areas, operational plans,
and safety plans. At this meeting, the TFS Helicopter Coordinator will establish
any daily reporting requirements for the project.
- Project UAS operations plan must designate a knowledgeable and experienced radio operator
to be in contact with the CPS helicopter coordinator and monitor local air traffic
frequencies. Projects are responsible for providing their own airband radio tuned to CTAF 122.9MHz while operating their UAS in the field to monitor and respond
to local air traffic communication. TFS VHF helicopter coordinator radios operate
on different public service frequencies and cannot communicate with civilian aviation
- Any UAS pilot must be familiar with local ATC towers, special airspace restrictions,
equipment in the Toolik Lake Research Natural Area, and mitigate the risk of damage
to property by avoiding these areas. (See attached map, “Limited, Restricted and Prohibited
UAS Airspace near Toolik Field Station" attached to this policy document.)
- UAS flights within 0.5 miles of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline require permission from
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (see attached map).
- UAS flights within (see attached map) and within the are generally prohibited and would require special permission from each agency.
- No UAS flights are permitted within or over the Toolik Field Station. (See attached
- Recreational flights must follow FAA Part 101 and are only permitted at designated areas between the hours of 6pm-9pm (see attached map). Data gathered while operating as hobbyist (under 14 CFR 101) cannot be used for monetary gain, including in publications that were funded through grants. If you want to fly a UAS and use the data in a publication, you must fly under 14 CFR 107 regulations.
International Researchers
If you plan to use a drone for your fieldwork or recreationally while at TFS, you will need a Foreign Aircraft Permit if the UAS is registered in a foreign country or owned, controlled, or operated by someone who is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Information can be found in the . Application instructions can be .
Support and Points of Contact:
Randy Fulweber UAS Coordinator:
Battelle ARO Helicopter Coordinator:
Policies for parents with dependent children at Toolik Field Station (0 to 5 years old)
- Parents must provide for the transportation of their child to and from Toolik Field Station.
- Parents must provide a plan for 24-hour supervision of their child while at Toolik Field Station, to be provided by the parent or by a daycare provider furnished by the parent. Supervision includes plans for feeding, recreation, naps, and sleeping.
- Day care providers furnished by parents are required to be certified in first aid and infant CPR. Parents must submit copies of this certification to the station management prior to arrival.
- Parents shall ensure that their children have had all appropriate vaccinations before bringing them to Toolik Field Station.
- Dependent children are not allowed in the workplace, as per UAF policy (see ). Laboratories, kitchen, the generator modules, and shop facilities are considered to be constituted as the workplace at Toolik Field Station. Children may not ride in university boats or any other mode of transportation, other than the vehicle used to get to and from the station.
- Dependent children are permitted in the housing facilities, the dining hall, the outhouses, and the community center/daycare facility. Dependent children may play in the tundra so long as they are not in experimental plots or sensitive areas, and are under supervision. A site map outlining approved areas will be made available.
- Dependent children will be housed with their parents in the regular Toolik Field Station housing facilities. Toolik Field Station provides mattresses, pillows, and a bottom fitted sheet. Additional, bedding should be provided by the parents. Parents must supply their own bedding and cribs, if needed, for their children.
- Parents using the community center/daycare facility must provide their own bedding and crib or nap mat, all toys, disposable diapers (if needed), and any required food beyond what is provided by the regular Toolik Field Station meal service.
- Parents or caregivers are responsible for clean-up of the center, beyond routine sweeping and removal of trash.
- For infants, Toolik Field Station will not charge any user day fee. The fee for their caregivers to stay at the station shall be the same as other science users covered by the cooperative agreement.
- Parents who want to bring their dependent children to Toolik Field Station must submit a request to the Toolik Field Station Science Director at the same time as they make reservations for themselves, according to the published deadlines for reservations at the station, and explain their reasons for wishing to bring their children. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and acceptance or denial of each request will be dependent on space availability and the plan for adherence to points #1-9.