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RequirementUAF CoreMin Net CreditsMath (calc+additional)CoursesCHEM 105 & 106MATH 200x or 272xMax Net CreditsPHYS 103 & 104 or 211& 212 BS degree STAT 200 or 300Org chem or Biochem PHC (18-22) Total creditsSource2xx3xxOrgChem/Biochem 3xx and 4xx.- Major areas: cell&mol, phys, org, ecol, evolCurrent curriculum, Biology BSMath (3) NatSci (8) Lib (0-1)mFantasy curriculum 1 - Replace Fundamentals with 4 200-level intro courses; provide more choice in curriculumCell & Metabolism IntroPhysiology Intro Ecology IntroEvolution Intro?- Example subdisciplines: cell&mol, phys, diversity, ecol, evolFantasy curriculum 2 - Retain Fundamentals, offer 2 new 300-level courses in broad areas, require org chem, increase flexibilityOrg Chem - 2 semesters^6 courses (or more) from major subdisciplines; requirements based on concentration and breadthMajor Source of requirementCourses specifiedMajorConcentH5 courses (or more) from major areas, based on concentration and breadth Ecology-?Cell/Mol (genetics prereq) ->?MinMaxW/O (embedded)MATH 200X or 272X CHEM 105&106LS 100X or 101X or testLibraryNatural science CommunicationchoiceBIOL 261 (Cell Bio)BIOL 362 (Genetics)BIOL 481 (Evolution)Physiology choiceOtherPHYS 103&104 or 211&212ENGL111X,ENGL211X,COMM131X/141XHistory of lifeGen BSBIOL 271 (Ecology)Systems317 - Comp Anat Vert 310-An Beh417O - Neurobiology417O-Neurobiol334W-Struc Func PlantsUCategories of courses students may choose from to complete concentration requirements INCOMPLETE!Psychology / Philosophy402W - Biomed Res EthicsPHIL 322 - EthicsPSY 240 - Lifespan Devel PsyPSY 245 - Child DevelPSY 275 - Intro to Soc Sci ResPSY 304 - PersonalityPSY 210O - Cross-Cult PsyPSY 335 - Physiol PsyPSY 337W - Sport PsyPSY 345 - Abnorm PsyPSY 370 - Drugs & Drug DepPSY 455W - Comm PsyPSY 469 - Health Psy453O/2 - Mol Biol445W/O - Mol EvolCHEM 451 - Gen Biochem Metab!CHEM 450 - Gen Biochem - Macromol3xx-Epidemiology462-Concepts Inf Dis443W-Microbial Ecology4xxW? - Environmental Micro'GEOS 315W - Paleobiology & Paleontology$GEOS 401 - Invertebrate Paleontology'GEOS 453 - Palynology & PaleopalynologyGEOS 458 PaleopedologyGEOS 486 - Vert Paleontology BiodiversityWLF 305 - Wildl Dis458 - Vert Endocrinology Minor complexMATH 107X or other choiceBIOL 115 & 116BIOL 115X & 116XCHEM 105X & 106X PHYS 103X STAT 200XMath - calc+ additional crs UD CreditsUD sumsum BS Degree BA DegreeCurrent Biology BSCurrent Biology BAGen BAMinorHumanities & Soc SciH and S coursesBiology requiredBIOL 303 or CHEM 321&322No electives required%UD (req, not counting biol electives)*Rest must come from elective bio and other(Bio electives not required to be at UD, so good advising necessary/Rest must come from minor complex and electivesGood advising necessary W]#iLhH+yZ2 W! ,"z "2 #' $ *%x % &cc||s%m6}A} 00_)ef[$ -}A} 00_)ef[$ -}A} 00_)ef[$ -}A} 00_)ef[$ -}A} 00_)ef[$ -}A} 00_)ef [$ -}A} 00_)L[$ -}A} 00_)L[$ -}A} 00_)L[$ -}A} 00_)L[$ -}A} 00_)L[$ -}A} 00_)L [$ -}A} 00_)23[$ -}A} 00_)23[$ -}A} 00_)23[$ -}A} 00_)23[$ -}A}  00_)23[$ -}A}! 00_)23 [$ -}A}" 00_)[$ -}A}# 00_)[$ -}A}$ 00_)[$ -}A}% 00_)[$ -}A}& 00_)[$ -}A}' 00_) [$ -}A}( 00_)[$ -}}) }00_)[$ -##0.  }}* 00_)[$ -???##0.??? ??? ???}-}/ 00_)}A}1 a00_)[$ -}A}2 00_)[$ -}A}3 00_)?[$ -}A}4 00_)23[$ -}-}5 00_)}}7 ??v00_)̙[$ -##0.  }A}8 }00_)[$ -}A}9 e00_)[$ -}x}:00_)[$##  }}; ???00_)[$???## ???  ??? ???}-}= 00_)}U}> 00_)[$## }-}? 00_)}(}t00_)}(}u00_)}(}v00_)}(}w00_)}(}|00_)}(}00_)}(}00_)}(}00_)}(}00_)}(}00_)M 20% - Accent1 ef %M" 20% - Accent2 ef %M& 20% - Accent3 ef %M* 20% - Accent4 ef %M. 20% - Accent5 ef %M2 20% - Accent6  ef %M 40% - Accent1 L %M# 40% - Accent2 L渷 %M' 40% - Accent3 L %M+ 40% - Accent4 L %M/ 40% - Accent5 L %M3 40% - Accent6  Lմ %M 60% - Accent1 23 %M$ 60% - Accent2 23ږ %M( 60% - Accent3 23כ %M, 60% - Accent4 23 %M0 60% - Accent5 23 %M4 60% - Accent6  23 %AAccent1 O %A!Accent2 PM %A%Accent3 Y %A)Accent4 d %A-Accent5 K %A1Accent6  F %9Bad  % Calculation  }%  Check Cell  %????????? ??? 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