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MARCH 18 2013 Requests from CAC concerning the proposed new BS in 2nd Ed  (a) how precisely is this better than the current bacc degree + 5th year license?   [We came up with possibilities like 'allows student to integrate knowledge in one's major with education courses; likely better retention by grouping students interested in 2ndary ED as a cohort for mutual support...' ] Would like to see the document beefed up with such statements (assuming that they're true) + any others that would be useful in making the pitch.     (b) It's an extremely heavy course load--well in excess of typical here--to get through in 4 years.        1.  Suggest putting an '*' next to courses that could conceivably be taken in a 'mester' or summer class to reduce the credits during a regular academic semester         2.  Suggest creating a '5-year plan' as well with more 'normal' course loads   (c) basically to get through in 4 years one needs to start fall semester of one's freshman year knowing 'I want to be a high school physics (or whatever) teacher'.  Which seems highly unrealistic.  Perhaps add a separate 5-year plan for someone who decides by (say) junior year to become a high school physics (or whatever) teacher?  Or would it be better in such a case to go for the existing 'bacc degree + 1' program? On a side note, a rumor was stated in the committee that BOR requested that SOE create such a degree.  Is this the case?  If so, wouldn't it be useful to so state in the document? REVISIONS IN THE 2ND ED degree program in red (pg. 31-32) “D. Planning Evidence of Need Based on the increased enrollments in the secondary minor since its inception in 2006 and the increased number of inquiries regarding a secondary baccalaureate program it appears that a substantial interest exists. In addition, the opportunity for advising early in potential students’ college careers is likely to stimulate enrollment. Finally, there is most certainly a “need” in Alaska for teachers, most especially secondary teachers. Currently, the vast majority of our secondary students are place bound, which means that they have either started a family or already have one that is located in the major urban areas of ЬЧаФvlogЙйЭј, Anchorage, Mat Su, or the Kenai. This does not help to provide secondary teachers for the rural areas of the State. With an undergraduate program, most of the students will not have established themselves in the urban areas and are more likely to accept positions in the rural areas. The addition of an undergraduate program would result in more students enrolling in the Education program, which would result in more secondary teachers available to meet the needs of the State, specifically teachers for rural Alaska and for STEM positions. Students entering a BA program earlier on in their programs will be far more likely to integrate their content classes with the education classes, which will increase the possibilities of forming cohorts. These cohorts will strengthen student learning and provide student support, which will help to retain students in the Secondary Education program. With students entering the Secondary Education program at an earlier date, the advising would take place in the School of Education providing more consistency to make sure students will meet the State requirements for certification. Currently, we receive applications from students without a content area that is certifiable. For example, we have had students enter the Secondary Education program with a criminal justice degree, which is not certifiable. This person had to take several history, political science, and psychology courses in order to be certified as a middle school social science teacher. This can create a hardship for people because they are required to take content courses in addition to the education requirements, and in this example, limits the person’s opportunities. Our recruiting efforts will be greatly enhanced with a baccalaureate degree. Currently, our recruitment focuses on college seniors and “unknown” career changers, because prospective students must have a degree in a certifiable content area before looking at the Secondary Education program. With a baccalaureate degree, we can begin talking to high school seniors about an education degree within a content area, which would be more effective than telling the high school students they need to complete a content areas and then come talk to us about a post bac program. Another huge incentive for a baccalaureate degree is the fact that scholarship opportunities are not available to graduate students, while there are many available for undergraduate students, particularly the Alaska Performance Scholarship. The Alaska Teacher Loan program, which is limited to undergraduate programs, is not available for any high school graduating senior, who may want to major in secondary education in the University of Alaska system because there are no undergraduate Secondary Education programs, and students applying to the Alaska Teacher Loan program have to be enrolled in a teacher education program to be eligible. The Alaska Teacher Loan program is not available for post bac students. The Secondary Education Baccalaureate program appears to require 16-18 credits a semester, which is very intense and very difficult for four years. This is based on the assumption that a student would enter the Secondary Education program as a first-semester freshman and would not make any changes to the major. Realistically, this scenario is unlikely. When we started this proposal, there was an emphasis on structuring programs that would allow students to complete in four years. The proposed baccalaureate could be completed in four years provided the individual students work very hard and are persistent, but the reality is that many students would not be able to complete their programs in four years, which is why we originally planned on a five-year program and have developed check sheets for a five-year program as well as a four-year program. We have researched many universities across the country that have a baccalaureate program in secondary education and the vast majority have requirements that in all probability will require students to spend five years to complete. +`bfgы ь ў (35FџІГУ Х ывЙŸЙˆsoj`jXjPLD9DLh\}hЈ4B*phџhЈ4B*phџhЈ4hIq|hЈ45hR+ѓhЈ45hЈ4hЈ45H* hЈ45hТ6.)hЈ4hТ6.B*CJOJQJ^JaJph"""-hЈ4hТ6.0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJph"""3hЈ4hТ6.0J5B*CJH*OJQJ^JaJph"""0hЈ4hТ6.0J5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph"""0hрKwhЈ40J5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph"""'hТ6.0JB*CJOJQJ^JaJph"""+f+ ‘ :  6 7 ы ь '45FщъMNno­Ўђђђђђђђђђђђ№ыырвыыыыыыыы & F1$7$8$H$gdЈ4 1$7$8$H$gdЈ4gdЈ4 -DMЦ џџџџgdТ6.Х §Ў}~Ф Х њњњјgdЈ421h:pЈ4Аа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %ААаАа а†œ@@ёџ@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRiѓџГR  Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (kєџС(No ListBўOЂёB Т6.apple-converted-spaceХ*џџџџ+f+‘:67ыь'45Fщ ъ M N no­Ў}~ФЧ˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜0€€€˜@0€Цю˜@0€Цю˜@0€Цю˜@0€Цю˜@0€Цю˜@0€Цю˜0€€+‘:67ыЧъа000Љъа000Љъа000Љъа000Љъа000€ъа000€ъа000€ 0Х ЎХ Х №8№@ёџџџ€€€ї№’№№0№( № №№B №S №ПЫџ ?№џџ Ћ…œу- Ћ…М›Ћ…Ьr1 Ћ…› Ћ…м#6 Ћ…ќ§Ћ…„вЋ…\з1 Ћ…дO. 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