ࡱ> CEB#`  bjbjmm 46dddddddx 4 x@$  $dhd dd     d d     :,dd  ^- 0@7R` `v`d   @ xxx dxxx xxxdddddd  Curric Affairs Committee 5 November 2012 Minutes 9-10 am Reichardt 301 Voting members present: Rainer Newberry (Chair); Retchenda George-Bettisworth; Ken Abramowicz; Karen Gustafson (audio); Cindy Hardy; Sarah Hardy; David Henry; Todd Radenbaugh (audio), Diane McEachern (audio) Non-voting members present: Carol Gering; Lillian Misel (audio); Donald Crocker (audio); Alex Fitts; Linda Hapsmith (audio); Jayne Harvie (taking notes.) Absent (Rainer knew of this in advance): Doug Gering. Guests: Sine Anahita, Gary Gray, Dani Sheppard: members of the ad hoc subcommittee on absences 1. We approved the minutes of the previous meeting CONTINUING EFFORTS AT ADDRESSING UAF-Required ABSENCES *** Attendance (CURRENT VERSION in the UAF Catalog) You are expected to attend classes regularly; unexcused absences may result in a failing grade. You must have prior written approval to miss the first class meeting or your instructor may drop you. You are responsible for conferring with your instructor concerning absences and the possibility of making up missed work. If you are required to participate in either military exercises or UAF-sponsored activities that will cause you to miss class, you must notify your instructor(s) as soon as possible of your absence. You must notify your instructor(s) of all scheduled UAF-required absences for the semester (e.g., travel to athletic events) during the first week of classes. You and your instructor will make a good-faith effort to make suitable arrangements to assure that you can make up classes and work you miss and are not penalized for your excused absence. If suitable arrangements cannot be made, you will be allowed to withdraw from the course without penalty. However, your instructor is under no obligation to allow you to make up missed work for unexcused absences or if notification and arrangements are not made in advance of the absence. Suggested slightly modified new version UAF is committed to student success and academic integrity. The university expects that students' primary commitment is to academic achievement. You are expected to adhere to the class attendance policies set by your instructors. If you must miss class, you are responsible for conferring with your instructor as soon as possible concerning your absence, and to discuss the possibilities for arranging alternative learning opportunities. Note that some departments drop students who miss the first day of class and who fail to obtain their instructors prior approval for the absence. If you must miss class for an academic requirement or to represent UAF in an official capacity (e.g. NCAA athletic competition, music ensemble performances), you must notify your instructor in writing by the first Wednesday of the semester in which the absences will occur. The notification should list all scheduled absences, and bear the signature of a UAF school official. If you will miss class because of these official UAF-recognized activities, it is still your responsibility to discuss with your instructors alternative learning opportunities that will enable you to be successful in the class. This must be done before the end of the drop/add period (typically the second Friday of the semester). Doing so will allow you to drop the class and to add another if, after a good faith effort, you and your instructor cannot arrange for comparable learning opportunities. Instructors are encouraged to make reasonable accommodations for and to not penalize students who miss class to participate in these official UAF-recognized activities. Rationale Previous policy language was ambiguous and subject to misinterpretation. [more could be written here, but this seems adequate] *** Action taken: The new, slightly modified version (above) was unanimously approved for submission to the faculty senate today (as a step towards eventual approval) and to the Administrative Committee of the faculty senate (first step). Also discussed: general changes in athletic-academic interactions. Gary Gray, new Athletic Director, agreed to meet with CAC next semester to discuss such. Dani Sheppard agreed to attend future CAC meetings as a non-voting participant. 3. Interdisciplinary studies minor: tentatively approved with slight change in wording Key issues: make absolutely clear that (a) student will create a specific title for the minor (NOT INTERDISCIPLANARY) and (b) this title will appear on the students transcript. [Lillian agreed that such was possible and practicable.] Alex Fitts, acting Dean, agreed to provide such wording changes in advance of the next meeting for final approval. 4. Report from J Rosenberg (GERC) (via email) We talked about the NSSE survey results from 2009, noting they called for some tweaking of the Core to deal with deficiencies when UAF is compared to other institutions and some ways in which it falls short of achieving its own stated goals. Most of the meeting was taken up with a discussion of assessment. Jean Richey reported on the Core Review committee's meeting with the Provost; in which the Provost suggested that a standardized test would be the most practical--if not the most desirable way--to do it. Discussion went from what other methods might be available and availability of resources for them (e-portfolios, assessment of individual classes, finding ways for students to demonstrate integration of learning from several GE class, etc.). Ultimately we decided that we needed to move forward based on our poll results and our best judgments as educators about what students should get from GE (the program not the corporation) being mindful of but not obsessed about assessment as we progress. When the poll closes next week we will start to compile the qualitative data and start analyzing it. As Jonathon wasnt present to take questions, we simply read the statement (most did so without moving their lips). As it was aready 10:10 am and members were restless. followed by adjournment. 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