
The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:


The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate ratifies the Assembly Constitution 
amended by the Assembly as summarized verbally by John Leipzig.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

Note:  Senate ratification of Assembly constitution appears a 
procedural issue.  I have noted the action but this does not seem 
appropriate for me to approve or disapprove.

	Signed:  Pat O'Rourke		Date:  4/4/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate approves the following Policy on 
Approval of Academic Changes Within Existing UAF Programs as 

1.	Primary academic responsibility for courses and programs 
offered by UAF rests with the individual schools and colleges.  Upon 
approval, proposed changes in course offerings or degree 
requirements by a school or college shall be submitted to the 
Faculty Senate Office for University distribution and review.  
Deadlines for submission of changes to be included in the next 
catalog will be determined by the Faculty Senate Office in 
consultation with the Office of Admission and Records.

2.	There shall be a thirty day waiting period for the solicitation 
of comments or objections prior to the review by the cognizant 
Senate subcommittee.

3.	a.	Changes in graduate programs and graduate level course 
		offerings shall be received by Curriculum and Instruction 
		II (Graduate Council).

	b.	Substantive undergraduate course and program changes 
		shall be reviewed by the University Curriculum Review 
		Committee.  This Committee shall be composed of the 
		chairs of the Curriculum Councils of the schools and 
		colleges and shall be chaired by a member of Curriculum 
		and Instruction I.  The Chairs of the Honors Council and 
		the Developmental Steering Committee and a 
		representative from Admissions and Records shall sit as 
		non-voting members.

		In the event that the proposed change is not unanimously 
		approved, it may be withdrawn or referred to Curriculum 
		and Instruction I for resolution.

4.	Proposed changes approved by the cognizant Senate committee 
will be reported to the Senate and forwarded to the VCAA.

5.	A review of the full Senate may be requested by the reviewing 
Senate committee.  A request to the Senate Administrative 
Committee for a further Senate review may also be submitted by 
individual Senators if the question has policy implications.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	Primary academic responsibility for courses 
		and programs offered by UAF rests with the individual 
		schools and colleges.  

		Proposed changes will undergo a University review under 
		the direction of the Faculty Senate.  The purposes of the 
		review are to prevent adverse effects on other programs, 
		to avoid course duplication, and to ensure that content is 
		taught in the appropriate discipline.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/12/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

The academic calendar be structured so as to provide, if possible, at 
least two days between the last day of class and the first day of 
final exams.

	Note:  The "dead days" between the last day of class and the 
	first day of finals could be, but need not be, over a weekend.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Fall 1988

	RATIONALE:  	The last week of class is normally a time of 
		intense activity during the semester with little time for 
		students to study for the upcoming finals.  "Dead week" 
		policies proposed to correct this are unenforceable, 
		contrary to academic freedom, and in all probability 
		would be ignored.  This policy provides, when possible, at 
		least two days the students can use in preparation for 
		finals.  However, there will be years when two "dead 
		days" will not be provided in order to begin classes after 
		Labor Day without extending into semester break.  The 
		policy does not attempt to regulate extra curricular 
		activities during this period.  Such matters are left to 
		the discretion of the individual students.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/12/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate approves in principle the following 
calendar proposal for Fall 88 for the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø campus.

	A calendar containing 800 minutes of instruction/examination 
	requires 13.3 weeks with 60 minute periods to meet the 
	minimum contact minutes.  Because of the sequencing of 
	classes, i.e., MWF, TR, MTR, R only, F only, etc., it is not 
	possible to work out a schedule that provides the exact amount 
	of contact.

	Instruction Begins			Thurs., Sept. 8
	Thanksgiving Holidays  			Thurs., Fri., Nov. 24-25 
	End of Instruction  			Fri., Dec. 9
	Final Examinations  			Mon.-Thurs., Dec. 12-15

A typical MWF class would meet for a total of 2340 minutes of 
instruction and 120 minutes of final examinations for a total of 
2460 minutes or 820 minutes per credit.  In a three credit course, 
that is exactly 60 minutes over the minimum number of minutes of 
instruction required.

	Credit	Instr. 	Exams.	Total 	  Minutes Over

	1	780 	120	900 	   100 
	2	1560 	120	1680 	    80
	3	2340 	120	2460 	    60
	4 	3120 	120	3240 	    40
	5	3900 	120	4020        20

Having an excess of contact minutes would make available the option 
of dropping a class or two during the semester for the courses with 
lower amounts of credit.  Certainly it would not be necessary for 
two hour examinations to be given for courses with one, two, or even 
three credit classes.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/12/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (18 yeas, 7 nays)

One academic credit hour of non-laboratory instruction at UAF will 
consist of a minimum of 800 minutes of instruction.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Fall 1988

	RATIONALE:  	A polling of UAF faculty at a UAF convocation 
		plus reactions from students all indicated a desire to 
		return to a longer number of contact minutes.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/12/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:


Candidates for administrative positions at UAF who desire tenure 
and rank in an academic discipline must be evaluated for tenure and 
rank before a contract is offered.  The evaluation process shall begin 
in the department of the candidate's discipline.

	Interim policy -- The motion is to serve as interim policy until 
		general policies regarding hiring, review, and/or transfer 
		of administrators are completed.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	It is not appropriate for administrators to be 
		evaluated for tenure after they are hired.  Such a process 
		puts departments and their faculty in the potentially 
		difficult position of evaluating the tenurability of 
		persons that will continue to have administrative and 
		fiscal control over their units.  An alternative is that 
		finalists desiring tenure be reviewed by a committee of 
		peers in the discipline and department/college involved 
		before being offered a position.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office   	Date:  4/22/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

No University employee hired with academic rank shall be awarded a 
higher level academic rank without following the University 
promotion procedure, and no University employee shall be granted 
academic rank without appropriate review.

	Interim policy -- The motion is to serve as interim policy until 
		general policies regarding hiring, review, and/or transfer 
		of administrators are completed.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:  	This motion is intended to prevent 
		administration from unilaterally promoting individuals 
		by, for example, moving an individual in a visiting 
		position to a tenure track position of higher rank without 
		review.  Also to be prevented is promotion without 
		review associated with the movement from an 
		administrative position without faculty rank to a faculty 
		position without appropriate advertising and selection 
		procedures being followed.  Another relevant example 
		would be the moving of APT employees to academic rank 

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office   	Date:  4/22/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate authorizes the Administrative 
Committee to Establish 1988-89 Senate Meeting Schedule.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate receives the Standing and Permanent 
Committee Reports identified as Attachment 1 in the Agenda for 
Meeting 3 on March 25, 1988.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous Approval)

Before the Statewide Task Force on Regents' Policy & University 
Regulations and Procedures on Faculty Appointment, Review, 
Promotion, Tenure and Sabbatical Leave submits its proposal to the 
Board of Regents, the faculty governance units of each MAU shall be 
given the opportunity to consider and approve the proposal.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

Note:  The President was asked to transmit this action to the Office 
of the Provost.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:


The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate refers the Motion to accept the UAF 
Tenure Track Faculty Rank and Minimum Eligibility Requirements 
back to the Committee.

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:


To remove all asterisks (*) and the accompanying material in the 
proposal submitted by Faculty Affairs on "UAF Tenure Track Faculty 
Rank and Minimum Eligibility Requirements."

Signed:  David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

APPROVED:  (Unanimous)

	New Course:  BIOL. 601-Radioisotope Techniques.  3 credits 
	(2+3), offered alternate Spring, first offered Spring 1990.

	JUSTIFICATION:  See request attached

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/7/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

APPROVED:  (Unanimous)

	Trial Course:  MPR 694-Solution Concentration and 
	Purification.  3 credits (3+0), offered alternate Fall, 
	first offered Fall 1988.

	JUSTIFICATION:  See request attached

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/15/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

APPROVED:  (Unanimous)

	Trial Course:  ALR 494-Extension Services:  Theories and 
	Practices.  3 credits (3+0), offered alternate Fall, first 
	offered Fall 1988.

	JUSTIFICATION:  See request attached

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/12/88


The Faculty Senate Office passed the following at its Meeting #3 on 
March 25, 1988:

APPROVED:  (Unanimous)

	Trial Course:  CCC 194-Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction 
	to Critical Thinking.  3 credits (3+0), Fall 1988.

	JUSTIFICATION:  See request attached

APPROVED:  W. C. Thomas  		Date:  4/12/88