The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Persons who want an opportunity for a fresh undergraduate start at
UAF may apply for readmission on the basis that their prior
academic record be disregarded and they begin their college study
again with no credits attempted and no credits and quality points
earned.(1) This policy may be used by a student only once and is
applicable only to students enrolled at UAF.(2)
(3) Prior to applying for admission on this basis, at least two years
must have elapsed since the end of the semester in which the
applicant was last in full-time attendance at school. The prior
academic record remains a part of the student's overall academic
record, but none of it is carried forward and none of the credits
earned previously can be used in the new program.(4) Students
showing competency in any area may be allowed advanced standing
or a waiver of requirements just as any non-bankrupt student, but
will not be allowed credit-by-examination for courses lost in
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
*See attached memorandum with changes 1. through 4. and related
TO: David Smith, President
Faculty Senate
FROM: Wayne C. Thomas, Acting Vice Chancellor
for Academic Affairs
DATE: 2 June 1988
SUBJECT: Modification to Academic Bankruptcy Policy
I have modified the Academic Bankruptcy Policy passed by the
Senate at its Meeting #4 on April 22, 1988. The modifications are
indicated by underlines as follows:
(1) Persons who want an opportunity for a fresh undergraduate start
at UAF may apply for readmission on the basis that their prior
academic record be disregarded and they begin their college study
again with no credits attempted and no credits and quality points
earned reflected in subsequent grade Point average calculations.
This policy may be used by a student only once and is applicable only
to students enrolled at UAF and only for UAF credits. (2) Academic
Bankruptcy for records from UAF units which were not part of UAF
prior to Fall 1987 may be requested at the time of admission or
readmission to undergraduate status.
(New paragraph)
(3) To declare Academic Bankruptcy, a student must submit the
"Application for Academic Bankruptcy" form and secure the approval
of the dean of the college or school to which the student is admitted
or readmitted. Prior to applying for admission on this basis, at least
two years must have elapsed since the end of the semester in which
the applicant was last in full-time attendance at school.
(New Third paragraph)
The prior academic record remains a part of the student's overall
academic record, but none of it is carried forward and none of the
credits earned previously can be used in the new program. (4) These
credits will be included, however, in computations for graduation
with honors (See "Graduation with Honors," page ). Students
showing competency in any area may be allowed advanced standing
or a waiver of requirements just as any non-bankrupt student, but
will not be allowed credit-by-examination for courses lost in
The changes reflected in (l) and (4), above, are needed to clarify the
relationship between academic bankruptcy and graduation with
honors and to assure that all students, whether transfer or wholly
resident, are afforded honors on a consistent basis. Notice that the
Graduation with Honors policy approved by the Senate at the same
meeting specifically requires that all credits attempted at all
institutions be considered when determining eligibility for honors.
Transfer students, then, do not have the option of having exactly the
same kind of false starts ignored in their attempt for honors,
regardless of their gpa of record at UAF. It is both inconsistent and
inequitable to treat our graduates differently in the award of this
Students who are allowed Academic Bankruptcy are given the benefit
of starting with a new gpa from that point, thus allowing them to
continue in good standing and allowing them to be eligible for
financial aid, student jobs, etc. Their gpa of record, as well, is
significantly higher than would otherwise have been true.
The award of Graduation with Honors is our highest academic
distinction. Those students whose entire scholastic record
demonstrates that they are eligible for this distinction deserve our
recognition, whether they earn this award in four straight years or
in twenty semesters over a period of twenty years, and whether as a
last-minute transfer student or long-time and only UAF student.
Modification (2) is included to allow students previously enrolled in
off-campus units to declare bankruptcy for eligible records even
though the credits were not UAF credits at the time.
Modification (3) is included to specify the procedure and approval
required to declare bankruptcy.
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
In order to graduate with honors, an undergraduate student must
have earned a cumulative grade point average in all college work
attempted at UAF of 3.5 or higher. In addition, a transfer student
must have completed 48 semester hours of credit at UAF for a
baccalaureate degree or 24 semester hours of credit at UAF for an
associate degree. The cumulative grade point average in all college
work attempted at all other institutions attended combined with the
UAF cumulative grade point average must not be less than 3.5.
Students with cumulative grade point average of 3.5 will be
graduated cum laude; 3.8, magna cum laude; 4.0, summa cum laude
provided they meet the requirements stated above.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 6/3/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (l abstain)
The UAF Faculty Senate approves in principle an evaluation policy
for academic administrators by the faculty
RATIONALE: This motion directs the Faculty Senate to
create an ad hoc committee to develop procedures for academic
administrator evaluation which is to be based upon AAUP guidelines.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
*At the suggestion of the Faculty Senate Administrative
Committee, the MOTION is restated as follows, with a new
The UAF Faculty Senate approves in principle an evaluation
policy for academic administrators by the faculty, and directs
the Faculty Senate to create an ad hoc committee to develop
procedures for academic administrator evaluation which is to
be based upon AAUP guidelines.
RATIONALE: A policy for Evaluation of Administrators at
UAF needs to be developed cooperatively between UAF
faculty and administration.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Grades, other than incompletes and deferreds, submitted by the
instructor upon completion of a course, is assumed to be the
student's final grades and they become part of the student's
permanent records. A grade may not be changed unless a legitimate
error has been made on the part of the instructor in calculating the
grade and such a change must be approved by the instructor's unit
head and dean. **
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
"Corrections of grading errors must be made within 30 days
after the beginning of the next regular semester."
Requests for changes to grades because of other circumstances
or which are requested beyond this time limit should be dealt
with on an individual basis as exceptions to policy and require
concurrence of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to
assure equity and consistency across the University.
The deadline of 30 days after the beginning of the next regular
semester exceeds the 45-day after submission of grade
deadline which was previous policy in some of the CCREE units
and maintains the standard and policy previously applied to
UAF students.
The UAF Faculty Senate approved the following at its meeting #4 on
April 22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Courses are individually classified by subject area.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
NOTE TO FILE: This motion was rewritten for clarification by the
Administrative Committee on May 31, 1988 and the new motion
submitted for VCAA approval.
MOTION (Unanimous)
Courses that may be used in satisfying generally stated degree
requirements (e.g., Social Science, Humanities, Natural Science) are
classified on an individual course basis.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy regarding
course classifications.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 6/9/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION PASSED (1 nay, 1 abstain)
The UAF Senate Faculty approves the following Minimum Eligibility
Requirements for Tenure Track Faculty at the University of Alaska
* 1. Earned doctorate
Master's degree with appropriate experience as reflected in
unit criteria
Bachelor's degree with appropriate experience as reflected in
unit criteria [for disciplines without a recognized Bachelor's
degree, any Bachelor's degree in addition to the appropriate
licenses and certifications would be appropriate]
**2. Demonstrated capability for appropriate quality work in two of
the following three areas: teaching, research, and public/
university service as described in each faculty member's
assignment. The faculty member must also demonstrate
capability for activity in the third area.
*1. Earned doctorate
Master's degree and appropriate experience as reflected in unit
Bachelor's degree with appropriate experience as reflected in
unit criteria [for disciplines without a recognized Bachelor's
degree, any Bachelor's degree in addition to the appropriate
licenses and certifications would be appropriate]
**2. Demonstrated excellent performance in two of the following
three areas: teaching, research, and public/university service
as defined in each faculty member's assignment and evidence
of activity in the third area.
* 1. Earned doctorate
Master's degree and appropriate experience as reflected in unit
Bachelor's degree with appropriate experience as reflected in
unit criteria [for disciplines without a recognized Bachelor's
degree, any Bachelor's degree in addition to the appropriate
licenses and certifications would be appropriate]
2. Recognized excellence in teaching, research, and
public/university service as defined in each faculty member's
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Proposal provides for recognition of faculty
whose primary responsibilities will be to fulfill the
expanded mission of the University and maintain high
academic standards at all levels, especially at the rank
of full professors.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
* Replace requirements in 1. under Assistant Professor, Associate
Professor, and Professor as follows:
1. Earned doctorate
Terminal Master's degree in those disciplines with
nationally recognized terminal degrees AND appropriate
experience as reflected in unit criteria
Bachelor's degree in those Vocational/Technical Fields
for which there is no recognized academic degree AND
appropriate licenses and certifications AND appropriate
experience as reflected in unit criteria.
** ADD the following sentence at the end of 2. in the Assistant
Professor and Associate Professor requirements:
2. . . . activity in the third area. "The two-area minimum
requirement notwithstanding, specific disciplines may
require in their unit criteria that performance of
appropriate quality work be demonstrated in all three
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (l nay)
The UAF Faculty Senate approves the following Principles on
1. In a land grant/sea grant university, service to the
institution's constituency is a fundamental part of the
University faculty's professional academic responsibility.
2. An individual faculty member engages in a variety of activities
that constitute service under university policy. The exact
nature of that service may vary with the faculty member's
3. Service is required for award of tenure or promotion and must
be recognized as an integral part of every faculty member's
4. Each faculty member's assignment must assure the opportunity
to engage in service, teaching, and scholarly activity
sufficient to achieve promotion and tenure.
EFFECTIVE: Upon Chancellor Approval
RATIONALE: The Committee on Service finds that there
are basic questions and ambiguities about the service
component of the faculty workload at UAF. This
statement of principles reaffirms the fundamental
nature of the service activity, recognizes the variety of
service performed, and emphasizes that promotion,
tenure, and professional work satisfaction depend upon
each faculty member having the opportunity to
participate in service, teaching, and scholarly activity.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
The UAF Faculty Senate approves the following Resolution on
Service's Statement of Principles:
RESOLUTION (unanimous)
WHEREAS, The Senate has adopted the Committee on Service's
Statement of Principles, and
WHEREAS, Service is not well defined or understood, and
WHEREAS, Service is seldom given proper weight or recognition
relative to teaching and scholarly activities in the promotion
and tenure process; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate charges the Permanent
Committee on Service to research these matters and to
present, for Senate action, recommendations to clarify the
issues and to establish policy and guidelines on service.
EFFECTIVE: Upon Chancellor Approval
RATIONALE: The Committee on Service is established by
Art. V Sec. 4 (B) of the Constitution of the UAF Faculty
Senate (10/26/87) and Art. V Sec. 4 (G) of the Bylaws of
the UAF Faculty Senate (10/26/87). Neither provides a
charge to the committee other than the statement "All
University outreach and 'service."' At its first meeting,
the committee found it required a more substantive and
specific charge based on an accepted set of principles in
order to examine issues relevant to service.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Degree and Certificate candidates are required to have an academic
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate approved the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,
students are entitled to review their records. Except for directory
information, no personally identifiable information will be disclosed
to agencies off-campus without the written permission of the
student. Records are made available for legitimate on-campus
professional use on a need-to-know basis.
Directory information is disclosed to the public on a routine basis
unless the student requests, in writing, to the Director of
Admissions and Records that such information not be released. The
following is considered directory information:
Address, telephone number
Home address (permanent)
Weight and height of students on athletic teams
Date of birth
Dates of attendance and current class standing
Major field(s) of study
Degrees and awards received, including dates
Participation in officially recognized activities
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Class standing is determined on the basis of total credits earned.
Students are classified as:
Freshman: O - 29 credits
Sophomore: 30 - 59 credits
Junior: 60 - 89 credits
Senior: 90 credits
Transfer students will be given class standing on the basis of the
number of transfer credits accepted by UAF. Non-degree students are
registered without class standing. Graduate students are given the
class standing of "graduate" only after being officially admitted to
master's or doctoral program.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
All grades, original and retakes, for a course completed at UAF will
be shown on the permanent record but only the last grade achieved at
UAF for a course will be computed in the GPA unless the course is
designated as one that can be repeated for credit.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must be an
undergraduate enrolled in at least 12 UAF credits graded with letter
grades and must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5 for the semester
in UAF courses.
To be eligible for the Chancellor's List, a student must be an
undergraduate enrolled in at least 12 UAF credits graded with letter
grades and must have earned a GPA of 4.00 in UAF courses.
The Chancellor's List and the Dean's List awards will be posted on
the permanent student record.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Midterm grade reporting will be optional for each campus.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
Individual independent study will have course number -97 at all
levels and be offered at the discretion of the department.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: To establish a uniform UAF policy.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
APPROVED: W. C. Thomas, Chancellor's Office Date: 5/18/88
For Information Only
No Action Required
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate empowers the Administrative Committee to
act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months of 1988 on all
matters within its purview that may arise. Members will be kept
informed of the Administrative Committee's actions.
EFFECTIVE: April 22, 1988
RATIONALE: This motion will allow the Administrative
Committee to act on behalf of the Senate so that
necessary work can be accomplished.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate
For Information Only
No Action Required
The Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #4 on April
22, 1988:
MOTION (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate President or his designee will attend all
regular Board of Regents and appropriate subcommittee meetings. A
full report will be given to the Senate after each meeting.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1988
RATIONALE: The faculty needs to be made aware of
academic issues which are being considered by the Board
of Regents.
Signed: David M. Smith, President, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate