The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
Department heads are requested to submit to Curricular Affairs a
list of courses which have not been offered in the last seven years
and which they wish dropped from the catalog.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately on approval by the Chancellor
RATIONALE: Since major changes are being made in the
catalog resulting from the new core curriculum, this
will give departments the opportunity to bypass the
normal paperwork for a one-shot catalog cleaning.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
Approved: Pat O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 2/19/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
The BT shall be included as a degree option for the interdisciplinary
EFFECTIVE: Immediately on approval by the Chancellor.
RATIONALE: One of the options in the BT is identical to
the existing interdisciplinary major.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
Approved: Pat O'Rouke, Chancellor Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
WHEREAS, the value of degrees is determined by academic tradition
rather than state law; and
WHEREAS, by academic tradition curriculum authority is vested in
the faculty; and
WHEREAS, the existing 1985 Transfer Agreement was passed
without faculty input; and
WHEREAS, said agreement has never been used by the UAF Office of
the Registrar; and
WHEREAS, even were said policy valid, the new UAF Core Curriculum
has created significant transfer problems; and
WHEREAS, the General Assembly Committee on Faculty and Academic
Matters is insufficiently representative due to small size; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable to minimize such transfer of credit
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That a faculty task force be created
with representatives from all three academic units in the
University of Alaska system, that the members of this task
force shall be drawn from the representatives of the
committee with authority over curriculum from each faculty
governance body, that it include among others representatives
from English and Mathematics on each campus, and that this
task force shall develop a new transfer policy for lower-
division general education credits within the University of
Alaska system. It is desirable that non-voting representatives
of the various Offices of the Registrar shall attend the task
force sessions.
Passed unanimously by the Curriculum Affairs Committee of the UAF
Faculty Senate 1/28/91 and submitted to the full Senate for
ratification at the February 11th meeting.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
MOTION FAILED (12 yes, 20 no)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend ARTICLE II - Membership,
Section 2, of the Constitution as follows:
(( )) = deletion
CAPS = addition
ARTICLE III - Membership
Sect. 2 Voting members of the Senate must hold ((academic rank
and must be full-time permanent employees of the
University of Alaska.)) A PART- OR FULL-TIME
EFFECTIVE: Upon Chancellor's Approval
RATIONALE: This revision of the UAF Faculty Senate
constitution to not restrict membership on the Senate to
permanent, full-time employees will allow participation
and direct representation to this body by our faculty
colleagues, such as lecturers and research associates,
whose appointments may be temporary and/or part-time.
Inclusion of these colleagues, through direct
representation in our deliberations and policy making is
important because these individuals: (1) deliver a
substantial share of the teaching and research
undertaken by this institution; (2) are critical to the
operations of several programs at UAF; (3) share a
commitment to the mission of UAF; and (4) are best
prepared to bring their concerns and observations to this
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves that the
Developmental Studies Committee representative on the
Curriculum Review Committee become a full voting member.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The Developmental Studies Committee is the
curriculum review committee for all UAF developmental
courses and since the developmental program is cross
discipline, a Developmental Studies Committee
representative on the Curriculum Review Committee
should have voting status.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to
confirm the following membership of the Scholary Activities
Committee to look at Unit Criteria.
Sukumar Bandopadhyay
Associate Professor
Mining & Geological Engineering
John Gimbel
Associate Professor
Mathematical Sciences
Ruiz Anne Rozell
Associate Professor
Culinary Arts
Dave Spell
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The Senate has received its first group of
unit standards and indices through the VCAA. To
complete the review of the current requests we must
reconstitute this Scholarly Affairs committee to review
the sections submitted dealing with research and
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate endorse the following
Staff Council's resolution on parking in response to the
recommendations of the UAF Assembly Committee on
Transportation and Campus Security.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Staff Council moves to endorse the
UAF Assembly Committee on Transportation and Campus
Security's recommendations included in the committee's letter
dated October 16, 1990, with the following additional
comments and recommendations:
1. The long term plan for the university is to have no
parking at all in the core area with large parking areas
surrounding the campus with ADEQUATE and EFFICIENT shuttle
bus service to other campus sites and parking lots and heated
warm-up stations in which people can wait for the shuttle bus
or wait while their vehicle warms up. Therefore, the plan to
expand present parking should follow the guidelines set forth
in the Master Plan. This would mean looking at large numbers
of parking spaces in surrounding lots.
2. Access to handicapped parking spaces should be improved
with additional snow removal and sidewalk maintenance.
Adequate handicapped parking near buildings should not
preclude adequate shuttle bus service with lifts or designated
parking spaces in lots surrounding the campus.
3. Under Ballaine/Taku IMMEDIATE NEED (number 2.), we
recommend that pedestrian access to campus from that
parking lot should be upgraded when the parking lot is
expanded and improved.
4. Under Dead Storage IMMEDIATE NEED (number 3.), we
recommend that the West Ridge dead storage area SHOULD NOT
be one of the existing headbolt serviced parking lots.
5. Designate east and west end of campus so there is
clarity when referring to areas on campus.
October 16, 1990
Committee on Transportation and Campus Security
This committee would like to go on record as saying that we believe
there to be a major shortage of parking and have formulated a plan,
both short and long term, to help ease the situation.
1. Nenana Lot (across from Patty Gym) IMMEDIATE NEED
We recommend that this lot be expanded and upgraded to include
parking spaces with plug-ins for 1500 vehicles. We would also like
this lot to be equipped with a lighted and heated warm-up shelter
(complete with emergency phone).
The reasons for choosing this site for such a large lot are many:
a. The area is already cleared and soils samples were taken
during a study done on this area by Gray, Rogers, Myers &
Morgan on June 9, 1971. Plans are available from Facilities,
Planning and Construction.
b. This lot is easily accessible and close to the main entrance
to campus.
c. The location figures in to the Master Plan.
d. The area is on the current shuttle bus route.
e. Because of the study that has already been done on the lot
and because of adequate drainage, this lot becomes the least
expensive alternative for the amount of new parking gained.
2. Ballaine/Taku IMMEDIATE NEED
We recommend that this lot be expanded by 250 spaces. We would
also like for the current lot to be upgraded, including regrading and
repaving the existing paved area and paving of the area currently
unimproved. This parking lot should also be equipped with a lighted
and heated warm-up shelter that includes an emergency phone, and
be added to the shuttle bus route.
The reasons for expanding and upgrading this lot include:
a. Transformers already exist in this lot and would, therefore,
be less costly to power.
b. There currently exists unimproved parking in this area.
c. This area provides closer access to east campus and
consequently relieves stress in the core area.
d. Additional unimproved lots could readily be created.
3. Dead Storage IMMEDIATE NEED
The current dead storage located near the power plant should be
enlarged to double its current capacity. At the same time, another
dead storage facility should be created on the West Ridge to
accommodate the faculty, staff, and students in this area.
The justification for this action is:
a. The Physical Plant dead storage area needs to be expanded
in order to house miscellaneous equipment and supplies
currently occupying parking spaces around campus.
b. In both areas, occasional use University vehicles should
be stored in dead storage. This will open up additional
parking spaces.
c. A dead storage area on West Ridge would be more convenient
for users on this end of campus, rather than using facilities
on the other end of campus.
4. New Natural Sciences Building LONG TERM NEED
We would like for this building to include parking for 500
vehicles at the time of its occupancy.
5. Any Additional Building LONG TERM NEED
This committee feels that it is very important that any time
a new building is to be built, adequate parking should be
included in the plans at the outset. Historically, buildings
have been built without adequate parking to accommodate
all employees, students and visitors. It is either too costly
or logistically impossible to rectify these situations once
the buildings are built.
In summary, we have learned that parking is sorely lacking on this
campus. We receive countless complaints and review many appeals
to parking citations from faculty, staff, and students who have been
cited because they parked illegally as a last resort. We believe the
emphasis should be on peripheral parking and expect that if we make
these parking areas safe, functional, and accessible by shuttle bus,
we can encourage their frequent use.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to establish an
Ad Hoc Safety Committee, with the membership and charge
indicated below:
Mike Gaffney
Associate Professor
Alaska Native Studies
Otto Marinen
Associate Professor
Political Science/Justice
John Morack
Nag Rao
To advise the UAF Faculty Senate as to the current and any proposed
changes in the state of campus safety. This committee is to
recommend changes that can be forwarded to the administration for
possible implementation.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous aproval)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the following Operating
Procedures for the UAF Governance Coordinating Commission which
replaces the UAF Assembly.
Sect. 1. The name of this organization shall be the UAF
Governance Coordinating Commission
ARTICLE II Purposes, Responsibilities, and Authority
Sect. 1 The purposes of the UAF Governance Coordinating
Commission are:
A. The body will exist for the express purpose of
coordinating unified action from the individual
governance bodies and to establish conference
committees to address issues of common concern.
B. Provide a mechanism of communication between the
governance bodies.
C. Set up conference committees to consider issues
affecting multiple constituencies. The committees
will report to the UAF Governance Coordinating
Commission and their respective governance bodies.
D. Appoint members to permanent committees ensuring that
there is representation from each of the governance
constituencies, exceptions will be made when agreed
upon by all constituencies.
E. The body coordinates recommendations from the
F. The body will recommend the academic calendar.
ARTICLE III Membership
Sect. 1 The UAF Governance Coordinating Commission will
consist of the president and president-elect, or their
designee, of the three governance bodies. In the case of
ASUAF, the senate president will serve on the UAF
Governance Coordinating Commission. (For the purpose
of identifying membership, the three governance bodies
are the Associated Students of the University of Alaska
ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø, Faculty Senate, and Staff Council.)
ARTICLE IV Leadership
Sect. 1 The chairperson of the UAF Governance Coordinating
Commission will be elected from its members for a
one-year term. The election will occur at the last UAF
Governance Coordinating Commission meeting of the
academic year.
ARTICLE V Committees
Sect. 1 The conference committees of the UAF Governance
Coordinating Commission shall include:
Academic Computer Users Committee
Budget Committee
Committee on Transportation and Campus Security
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
Library and Information Technology Users Committee
Rural Affairs Committee
UAF Grievance Council
Sect. 2 A. Conference committees shall have at least one
representative from each of the governance
constituencies, exception will be made when agreed
upon by all constituencies.
B. Terms of all conference committee members will be
one year for students and two years for faculty and
C. Committee chairs will be elected from and by the
respective committees.
D. Committee chairs shall forward committee business to
the UAF Governance Coordinating Commission for
E. Policy items from the conference committees must be
forwarded to the individual governance bodies for action.
F. In addition to the committees' specific charges, the
primary responsibility of the committees are
formulation and oversight of university-wide policies
under the purview of each committee.
G. Committees will meet at least monthly during the
academic year.
H. The chairs of the conference committees will report
recommendations at the monthly UAF Governance
Coordinating Commission meetings.
Sect. 3 Conference Committees Charges
A. Academic Computer Users Committee
The charge of the Academic Computer Users Committee
shall be to:
1. review and assess the academic computing needs
of the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø.
2. plan towards improving the academic computer
capabilities at the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø.
B. Budget Committee
The Charge of the UAF Budget Committee shall be:
1. follow and study the annual budget development,
including methods of determining budget
allocations among and within the Major
Administrative Units of the University of Alaska.
2. conduct hearings on the UAF budget as deemed
appropriate or necessary.
C. Committee on Transportation and Campus Security
The charge of the Committee on Transportation and
Campus Security shall be to:
1. act as the reviewing authority of the
Department of Security operations, including
policy, practices, personnel, and public safety.
2. oversee transportation system policies at UAF;
e.g. mass transit, parking and traffic.
3. serve as an appeals board, deciding appeals
regarding motor vehicle citations and
D. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
The charge of the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee
shall be to:
1. exercise oversight of the direction of the
Intercollegiate Athletics Program.
2. investigate compliance with NCAA and
conference regulations.
3. participate in the evaluation of intercollegiate
E. Library and Information Technologies Users Committee
The charge of the Library and Information Technologies
Users Committee shall be to:
1. review Library and Media Services plans and
2. advise on the application of technological
innovations for the Library/Media Services.
F. Rural Affairs
The charge of the Rural Affairs committee shall be to:
1. oversee the general welfare of the UAF community
not residing on the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø campus.
2. monitor all activities affecting compliance with
the Rural College mission statement of the
G. UAF Grievance Council
The UAF Grievance Council will administer grievance
procedures and make recommendations in compliance
with University grievance policy and regulations.
Sect. 3 Ad Hoc Committees may be established as demand
Sect. 1 The UAF Governance Coordinating Commission will hold
monthly meetings during the academic year.
Sect. 1 A quorum will constitute at least one member from each
of the governing bodies.
ARTICLE VIII Parliamentary Authority
Sect. 1 The parliamentary authority shall be the latest edition of
Robert's Rules of Order.
ARTICLE IX Amendments
Sect. 1 Amendments to the Procedures require a two-thirds vote
from each of the three governing bodies.
Sect. 2 Amendments to the Procedures shall be forwarded to the
Chancellor's office for approval.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate confirm the slate of
candidates for President-Elect as follows:
John Lehman
Associate Professor
Business Administration
Tim Tilsworth
Civil Engineering
The election of the President-elect will occur during the March
18th, 1991 meeting with the designee beginning office at the start
of New Business at the April 15th, 1991 meeting.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate establish an Ad Hoc
committee to discuss faculty involvement in the selection of
Deans/Directors and Vice-Chancellors.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The faculty desire that policy reflect the
formal degree of faculty involvement in the selection of
Deans/Directors and Vice-Chancellors.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to refer action
on PERS/TRS changes to the Legislative & Fiscal Affairs
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate recommend that any
FY92 pay increase in excess of 3% be applied to the protection of
real income as an across-the-board percentage increase to the base.
RATIONALE: In accordance with Regent's Policy we are
exercising our collective judgement as to where this
extra money should be spent.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate refer the issue of
Emeritus Status policy to the Faculty Affairs Committee.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #24 on
February 11, 1991.
RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate refer the issue of
EEO/AA review officer to the Faculty Affairs Committee.
Signed: John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/91