
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate 
	recommends that American Sign Language be included as a 
	foreign language alternative in the post-Core (major and 
	minor) B.A. & B.S degree requirements.  This action is 
	contingent upon acceptance by the Colleges/Schools offering 
	B.A. & B.S. degrees.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

WHEREAS, Teachers Retirement System (TRS) and similar funds are 
	currently under the sole management of the Commissioner of 
	Revenue, a gubernatorial appointee possibly subject to 
	political pressures regarding the investment of such funds; and

WHEREAS, Investment of TRS funds should be for the primary benefit 
	of contributors to and beneficiaries of those funds, and 
	therefore TRS members should share in the fiduciary 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the UAF Faculty Senate, favors the 
	creation of a separate public corporation for the specific 
	purpose of managing the investment and benefit administration 
	of TRS and similar funds.  We therefore support proposed 
	legislation (SB #18 and HB #37) that would create such a 

	1.	It seems clear that our interests would be better served 
		by a separate governing board rather than by a single 
		political appointee, particularly if that board 
		membership includes elected representatives.
	2.	It is likely that the funds may perform better, as well as 
		more safely, under the proposed structure.  This would 
		allow the funds to pay for their own maintenance as well 
		as support solvency on behalf of beneficiaries.
	3.	The proposed legislation covers investment of over 4 
		billion dollars from 14 different funds.  The major 
		portion is from PERS (2.7 bil.) and TRS (1.7 bil.).
	4.	UAF Staff Council and UAS Faculty Senate have passed 
		similar resolutions in support of a separate management 
		board or corporation.
	5.	We support the concept embodied in the proposed 
		legislation without judgment on the numerous specific 
		details (definitions, administrative procedures, terms of 
		office, etc.).

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves that, the A.A.S. shall be included as a 
degree option for the interdisciplinary major.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately on approval by the Chancellor.

	RATIONALE:	The exceptional A.A.S. student who seeks to 
		broaden his/her educational experience within the A.A.S. 
		framework and transfer students with course work that 
		is not directly equatable to UAF courses should have the 
		opportunity to pursue a tailored A.A.S. degree.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91

Approved:  Pat O'Rourke, Chancellor   	Date:  3/20/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate recommends a system of faculty awards to 
recognize significant accomplishment in public service by 
requesting that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs establish 
awards for distinguished public service, with funding from that 
office and following procedures developed by representative faculty 
committees.  The awards process shall follow that described in the 
motion passed by the Faculty Senate on 12/17/90 for comparable 
awards in teaching and research.

	1.	These awards will provide equal recognition for the 
		public service component of the land grant university 
		mission as was approved for teaching and research at the 
		December 1990 meeting of the UAF Faculty Senate.

	2.	Within the mission of the land grant university, most 
		faculty are responsible for teaching, research and 
		service.  "Public service" is the application of teaching, 
		research and other scholarly and creative activity to 
		constituencies outside UAF (UAF Regulations for 
		Evaluation of Faculty . . . III C,3,a).

	3.	Recent Board of Regents actions can be interpreted as 
		challenges to the public service component of the UA 
		system as follows:

		(a)	8/17/90 and 9/28/90 - native education is 
			identified as one of its "highest priorities"
		(b)	11/2/90 - "commitments to extended education be 
			considered the responsibility of the entire UAF 
		(c)	12/10/90 - revised policy (04.04.05) by expanding 
			public service to specifically include service to 
			"elementary and secondary schools"

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91

Approved:  Pat O'Rourke, Chancellor   	Date:  3/20/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the AAS in Renewable 
Resources degree program.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Upon Board of Regents Approval

	RATIONALE:	See program proposal

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91

Approved:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  	Date:  4/22/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Certificate program in 
Land Management.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Upon Board of Regents Approval

	RATIONALE:	See program proposal

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91

Approved:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  	Date:  4/22/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Certificate program in 
Natural Resources.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Upon Board of Regents Approval

	RATIONALE:	See program proposal

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91

Approved:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  	Date:  4/22/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (with 2 objections)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the following policy on 

	For a one year trial period, there will be no preregistration 
	fee.  Students who are preregistered shall be required to 
	confirm their cloices before the first day of regular 

	EFFECTIVE DATE:   Upon Chancellor's approval to begin with 
				  Fall 1991 preregistration

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91

Approved with Modifications Indicated:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  
	Date:  4/22/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate endorses 
	the establishment of a "Teaching Improvement Partnership," a 
	faculty mentoring program coordinated by the Office of Faculty 
	Development (OFD), that would encourage peer consultation for 
	instructional improvement on an informal, voluntary basis.  
	Through funding made available to OFD, the "Teaching 
	Improvement Partnership" would pay small, annual stipends to 
	five trained faculty members (approximately $2,000 each) 
	from diverse disciplines for their collaboration with peers 
	who request assistance in improving teaching effectiveness.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	UAF currently has no program (large or small) 
		dedicated to instructional improvement on an individual 
		basis.  The "Teaching Improvement Partnership" is a pilot 
		program emphasizing voluntary, confidential 
		participation so that faculty seeking assistance to 
		improve their teaching can work informally with 
		colleagues, who have undergone intensive training in 
		teaching-consultation procedures.  Such a program, 
		which carefully differentiates development and 
		improvement from evaluation, can be an important factor 
		in the instructional growth of an institution by 
		increasing the dialogue about teaching, by making more 
		effective use of available pedagogical resources, and by 
		generating further resources earmarked for faculty 

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves
	to endorse the following membership of a joint 
	faculty/administrative planning focus task force.


John Duff			Ralph Gabrielli
Music 				College of Rural Alaska

Joe Dupras  			Thomas Gaylord
English 			Associate Vice Chancellor 
				for Planning, Computing & 
John Daly			Information Systems
Aviation Technology
Carla Kirts  			John Goering
Resources Management 		School of Fisheries

Hans Nielsen			Patty Kastelic
Physics				Director of Advising Services

Patrick O'Brien			John Leipzig
Economics  			President, UAF Faculty Senate

David Smith			Paul Reichardt
Education			College of Natural Sciences

				Janice Reynolds, VCAA
Ron Johnson			Jerome Trojan, VCA
Mechanical Engineering		Regina Bailey
				Lois Hildenbrand, Staff Council
				Tim Lamkin, ASUAF

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/18/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

WHEREAS, appropriations for new parking lots or upgrading existing 
	parking lots are low on the priority list of capital projects; 

WHEREAS, there already exists a lack of core area parking; and

WHEREAS, no steps are being taken to institute shuttle bus service 
	between the existing outer parking lots and the core area; and 

WHEREAS, there will not be adequate parking for the Natural 
	Sciences building when it is opened; and

WHEREAS, parts or all of existing parking lots are historically lost 
	to the construction of new buildings or additions to existing 
	buildings; and

WHEREAS, various parking lots are lacking reliable head-bolt plug-
	ins and adequate lighting; and

WHEREAS, there are no emergency phones or warm-up huts in 
	existing outer parking lots; and

WHEREAS, the present system of collecting decal fees and parking 
	fines does not allow for the direct accounting of how the 
	money is spent; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all monies collected from decal 
	sales and parking tickets be placed in a separate account to be 
	used for the maintenance and upgrading of existing parking 
	lots, institution of a shuttle service to and from outer parking 
	lots, and the construction of new parking lots; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Committee on Transportation and 
	Campus Safety be charged with setting a priority list for 
	scheduling projects.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves
	to support the formation of a UAF Assembly Health Issues 
	Committee with the following charge:

The charge of the Health Issues Committee shall be to:

1.	Address health issues which affect the work environment.

2.	Coordinate efforts with the Health Center, Fire Department, 
	Risk Management, and Public Safety to find solutions to health 

The committee shall be made up of at least two faculty, two staff, 
and two students.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Upon approval

	RATIONALE:	Health issues on campus affect faculty, staff 
		and students and their productivity.  The committee will 
		work in conjunction with the Health Center, Fire 
		Department, Risk Management, and Public Safety.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #25 on 
March 18, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The Faculty Senate moves to refer the issue of faculty annual 
evaluation to the Faculty Affairs Committee.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/19/91