
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #33 on 
March 9, 1992:

MOTION PASSED (3 nays, 2 abstentions)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the AAS in Paralegal 
Studies.  This is an academic approval and does not imply budgetary 

	EFFECTIVE: 	Upon Board of Regents Approval

	RATIONALE:	See program proposal in Governance Office

Signed:  R.C. Highsmith, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/10/92

Approved:  J. Wadlow, Chancellor   	Date:  4/3/92

*Funding through reallocation, $10,000 yearly.  See Mar. 30, 1992 
Lister memo.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #33 on 
March 9, 1992:


		U of A President's House and UAF Chancellor's House


A plan has been proposed to build a new residency for the University 
of Alaska President through private fund raising efforts.  The new 
residence is proposed for a location off Yankovich Road on private 
property which has been donated to the University for this express 

Should this private fund raising effort be successful and the housing 
plan implemented, it would follow that the UAF Chancellor would 
occupy the residence presently used by President Komisar and his 

Prior to the establishment of a statewide University system it was 
desirable that the President have a home on the Fairbank's campus.  
It is no longer necessary that the President reside on campus 
particularly since the UAF Chancellor is the chief administrative 
officer for the campus.  It is, however, desirable that the University 
of Alaska  President be located in the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø area along with the 
U of A Statewide Administration.  

Construction of a new off-campus residence for the U of A President 
will be beneficial to UAF, the U of A system and the residents of 
ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø.  Implementation of the plan will mean that the President 
will remain in the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø area, that the Statewide 
Administration will also remain in the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø area, and that the 
President's current residence can be occupied by Chancellor Wadlow.

It is desirable that the UAF Chancellor have a residence suitable for 
hosting larger groups than is presently possible.  These groups could 
include off-campus individuals, legislators and other politicians as 
well as on-campus faculty, staff and students.  A larger and more 
suitable home will provide for better hosting and entertaining of 
guests, group meetings, fund raising sessions and other matters.

The issue of suitable housing for the UAF Chancellor was of concern 
during the spring of 1991 to both finalists for the position.  
Commitments in that regard should be fulfilled.

Use of private funds for the construction of a new residence for the 
President is a positive step for both the  University and the 
community.  The use of private funds shows a timely interest in and 
appreciation for the University by our community.

On the other hand, some would consider the use of public funds for 
this effort unsuitable.  Even so, it is possible that a residence for 
the President could be secured through rental or lease agreements 
that would require the use of public funds to pay the bills. 

Tenure in university top management positions is relatively short 
and on the average ranges from about 5-7 years.  Therefore, it is 
likely to be a relatively short time before the University must again 
embark on searches for a new President, and a new UAF Chancellor.  
It will be important that an improved housing arrangement be 
available prior to those searches and the ongoing effort should help 
to resolve these concerns.

The opportunity is before us to use private donations to improve the 
housing arrangement for the President and, subsequently, the UAF 
Chancellor.  Resolution of the matter will be beneficial to both the 
University and the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø community.



WHEREAS, the chief administrative officer of the University of 
	Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø campus is the Chancellor, and

WHEREAS, the existing residence of the UAF Chancellor is relatively 
	small and not well suited for the hosting of University guests, 

WHEREAS, the residence for the UAF Chancellor was a concern by 
	both finalists for the position and was a contract issue during 
	recruitment negotiations, and

WHEREAS, it is desirable that the University of Alaska President 
	maintain a residence in the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø area,

THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University 
	of Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø supports the proposal to:

	Build a new residence for the President of the University of 
	Alaska near the community of ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø using private funds, 
	and to

	Provide the present residence of the U of A President for the 
	UAF Chancellor.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate of the University 
	of Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø expresses its appreciation to those 
	individuals from the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø area and greater Alaska, who 
	generously contribute funds, resources and energy toward this 

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/10/92


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #33 on 
March 9, 1992:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Policy on Approval of 
Academic Changes Within Existing UAF Programs as follows:

	2.	There shall be a [[thirty]] TEN day waiting period for 
		the solicitation of comments or objections prior to 
		the review by the cognizant Senate subcommittee.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	This change in policy will allow 
		college/school curriculum councils more time to review 
		proposed academic changes from their units.  The change 
		in deadline date will still allow the Senate 
		subcommittee time for review prior to catalog deadlines.  

Signed:  R.C. Highsmith, President, UAF Faculty Senate    Date:  3/10/92

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor   	Date:  3/24/92