The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (16 yes, 10 nay)
The UAF Faculty Senate proposes the attached policy on graduation
"walk-through ."
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
Upon Chancellor Approval
RATIONALE: The lack of policy in this area has led Deans
to approve requests by students to "walk-through"
graduation on an ad hoc basis. Last spring 38 students
were approved to do this. As of this date 14 have not yet
completed requirements for their degree. This motion
sets firm guidelines for situations where graduation
"walk-through" is appropriate.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 3/30/94
*With modifications noted on attachment.
Note: A relevant reference document is March 29, 1994 memo to
Wadlow from Lando (also attached).
Normally, those participating in the annual commencement ceremony
shall have satisfactorily completed all degree requirements in the
immediately preceding summer, fall or spring semesters.
Under very unusual circumstances, a student may be allowed to
"walk through" the ceremony. Approval to do so will seldom be
granted and only after a rigorous review of the individual situation.
1. No masters or doctoral candidates may be granted permission
to "walk through" the graduation ceremony without completing
all essential degree requirements.
2. Only an undergraduate student who has applied for graduation
as a May, OR SUBSEQUENT SUMMER degree candidate and who is
enrolled in all remaining courses/requirements for his/her
degree will be considered for approval to "walk through" the
ceremony. Each situation will be reviewed on its own merits
by the dean of the college in which the student's major is
located. The department head will be recommend approval to
the dean, who will make the final decision.
Valid reasons for allowing a student to walk through the ceremony:
If a student is unable to complete requirements due to the serious
illness of the student or a close member of the family (mother,
father, brother, sister, husband, child) or due to the death of a close
member of the family (any of the above or close friend or
If a grade in a required course that has been completed by the
student is not reported to Admissions and Records by the reporting
If a student is unable to finish a course due to the illness or absence
of the instructor of the course.
Reasons that are not acceptable for approval to walk through the
Failure to complete one or more required courses.
Non-approval of last-minute petitions to waive or substitute degree
Approval for a student to walk through the ceremony must reach the
Admissions and Records Office not later than noon on the Friday
before Commencement.
To: Chancellor Joan Wadlow, UAF
From: Clif Lando, Chair
Faculty Senate Curricular Affairs Committee
Date: 29 March, 1994
Re: Graduation "Walk-through" Policy
The proposed graduation "walk through" policy as recommended by
the Curricular Affairs Committee and passed by the Faculty Senate
on February 14 was recently discussed by the Provost's Council:
Instructional Working Group. Their recommendation was to modify
the proposal so as to allow students who would be ready to graduate
by the end of the subsequent summer to qualify for "walk through". I
took this recommendation back to Curricular Affairs and they
concurred with the modification. The intent of this change can be
realized by inserting the wording, "or subsequent Summer" into the
first sentence of #2 in the proposal. This sentence would then read
"Only an undergraduate student who has applied for graduation as a
May or subsequent summer degree candidate and who is enrolled in
all remaining courses/requirements for his/her degree will be
considered for approval to "walk through" the ceremony." The rest of
the motion would remain unchanged.
I feel certain that the rest of the Senate would go along with this
modification, but in the interest of saving time and effort, I suggest
that you exercise your prerogative of approving with modifications
and simply make this change.
cc. Dave Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate
Colin Read, President Elect, UAF Faculty Senate
Gorden Hedahl, Chair, Provost's Council: Instructional Working
Jack Keating, Provost
Members, Faculty Senate Curricular Affairs Committee
The fourteen students who walked through graduation last spring,
but didn't graduate at the end of summer semester 1993 are:
Graduated in Fall 1993:
John Perkins Poli Sci
Keith Tompkins Justice
Kelly Tompkins Education
Claire Worden Psychology
Sabre Mayrod Computer Sci
Brian Lamb Computer Sci
Norman Sayer English (Masters)
Expected to graduate Spring 1994:
Tim Lamkin Poli Sci
Jean McWilliam Social Work
Marilyn Savage Journalism-Broadcasting
Lisa Thomsen Education
Charles Walworth Education (Masters)
Stephanie Bottan-Allen TVC
Ellie Boone TVC
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approved the Program Deletion:
A.A.S., Financial Institutions Management.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1 994
Upon Board of Regent's Approval
RATIONALE: Changes in the Alaskan Banking System and a
lack of students seeking this degree make this program
no longer viable. [Program deletion request is on file in
the Governance Office.]
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 2/25/94
August, 1993
Prepared by: Jeanette Morton
Coordinator, Business Technologies
College of Rural Alaska
Program to be Deleted:
Financial Institutions Management
Structural changes in the Alaskan Banking System caused by bank
failures, mergers and takeovers have severely limited employment
opportunities. At this time there are no active degree seeking
students in this program and only one of the core courses in this
degree is being offered.
The core courses in this degree are highly specialized and are not
part of any other program or degree. Deletion of the degree and
supporting courses will not effect any other program.
Since there are no students seeking this degree and very few of the
courses have been offered the last six years, there will be no effect
on personnel, budgets or other resources as these have all been
Background Information:
The Degree was offered by the Tanana Valley Community College
prior to the restructuring that eliminated the Community College
System and was grand-fathered into the UAF system. A copy of the
original instructional program request is not available. The
description in the catalog (copy enclosed) is all that is provided.
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the policy providing for the
admission on non-high school graduates to baccalaureate degree
programs as follows:
Non-high school graduates, 18 years of age or older, or
students who completed high school by passing the G.E.D. test or its
equivalent, and non-qualified high school graduates, may be
considered for unrestricted admission to a baccalaureate degree
program on a case by case basis. Supporting evidence of the
applicant's academic ability must be submitted for review including
test results from either the SAT or ACT examinations.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
Upon Chancellor Approval
RATIONALE: The U.S. Office of Civil Rights received a
complaint that suggested UAF's admission policies for
non-high school graduates may discriminate against
individuals because of age requirements. The policies
state that for admission as an associate degree student,
a non-high school graduate must be 18 years of age or
older; for admission to a baccalaureate degree program, a
non-high school graduate must be 21 years of age or
The Office of Civil Rights does not argue with the
university's use of age as a measure of maturity and
readiness assessment. OCR agrees that the intent of the
18 year age requirement for the associate degree is to
include more students. Therefore, there is no compliance
problem with the requirement for admission of a non-
high school graduate into an associate degree program.
OCR feels there is difficulty with the 21 year age
requirement for admission to baccalaureate programs
because it may exclude a small number of people. They
have asked us to review the policy to determine whether
or not the intent of the policy would be compromised if
the age limit was changed.
During the past several years, almost all non-high school
graduates have been admitted into associate level
programs at UAF. This has allowed a non-graduate to
step into a formal program and immediately benefit as a
degree seeking student. Once the student has completed
satisfactorily one or more semesters of full-time work,
an application for admission into a baccalaureate
program may be approved.
UAF can remove the 21 year age restriction for
admission of non-high school graduates to baccalaureate
programs without reducing the university's academic
standards because the same review process still can be
followed. Making this change will satisfy the Office of
Civil Rights and still provide admission to baccalaureate
degree programs for exceptionally talented students who
otherwise would not be able to be admitted at this level.
Since most non-high school graduate applicants still will
be admitted to associate degree programs, the effect of
this change will be negligible.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 2/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the residency credit
requirement for the Associate and Baccalaureate Degree as follows:
Current Policy:
At least 15 of your final 30 semester hours applicable to any
associate degree must be earned at UAF. If you're a bachelor's
degree, student, you must earn at least 24 upper-division credits
and at least 30 of the last 36 credits for the degree at UAF. For
transfer students, you need to earn at UAF at least 12 semester
credits in your major and at least three semester credits in your
minor for the baccalaureate degree.
Amended Policy:
At least 15 semester credits applicable to any associate degree
must be earned at UAF. At least 30 semester credits, including at
least 24 credits at the upper-division level, applicable to any
baccalaureate degree must be earned at UAF. For transfer students,
at least 12 semester credits in the major and at least three
semester credits in the minor must be earned at UAF.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1994
RATIONALE: With the proliferation of TV courses,
correspondence courses, credit for prior learning,
internships, exchange programs and the mobility of
students, the present residency credit requirements are
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 2/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Transfer Within the UA
System Policy for students who have fully completed the general
education requirements at UAA or UAS.
Current Statewide Policy:
Credit for course work successfully completed at one University of
Alaska institution towards fulfillment of the general education
requirements at that institution shall transfer towards fulfillment
of the same categories at all other University of Alaska institutions.
Current UAF Policy:
When a student transferring to UAF has completed fully the general
education requirements at UAA or UAS, he/she automatically will be
considered to have completed the requirements of the UAF
baccalaureate core with these exceptions:
UAA Must complete:
1 additional credit of lab science
3 additional credits at the 300 level in values and choices
0-1 additional credits in library skills
upper division oral and writing intensive courses
UAS Must complete:
4 additional credits of lab science
3 additional credits at the 300 level in values and choices
0-1 additional credits in library skills
upper division oral and writing intensive courses
Amended UAF Policy:
When a student transferring to UAF has completed fully the general
education requirements at UAA or UAS, prior to transfer, he/she
automatically will be considered to have completed all requirements
of the UAF baccalaureate core.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1 994
RATIONALE: UAF will be acceding to statewide
administration and Board of Regent's desires by
instituting this change. Very few students will qualify
for exemption for the core under this proposal. The rest
will come under the new core transfer policy for
students transferring within the UA system.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 2/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14, 1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to empower the Administrative
Committee to make nominations to the Faculty Alliance for
statewide task forces.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The Faculty Alliance has requested that the
President seek faculty representation for all task forces
through the Faculty Alliance and will include at least one
members from each MAU. This motion will enable
committees to be formed promptly and will allow faculty
input in a timely manner.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to recommend the following
amendments to the University Regulations, 04.09.03, on offering
emeritus status to its faculty members.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
Upon Chancellor Approval
RATIONALE: The current regulations fail to provide
appropriate input to the review process while a retiring
faculty is considered for emeritus status.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
*APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 4/8/94
1. Paragraph A: Add modifying language to clarify intent, which
is to specify that only faculty can initiate nominations but
that making the nomination is voluntary.
NEW LANGUAGE. The modifications to the language proposed by
the Faculty Senate are in small type.
"...Nominations for the Emeritus Professor must originate with
the faculty. The process ...MAY BE INITIATED BY ANY THREE..."
2. B.5 Add after OFFICE SPACE " the discretion of the Dean or
Emeritus Status
A. A full-time faculty member who has already attained the rank
of full professor and who has retired after a minimum of ten
years at the University of Alaska immediately prior to
retirement is eligible for consideration as an emeritus
professor. ((Recommendations for conferring emeritus status
shall be made by the appropriate dean to the appropriate
Promotion Committee to be evaluated on the basis of the
criteria for promotion to the rank of full professor with the
added caveat that the position of professor emeritus is the
highest honor that can be bestowed upon a retiring faculty
member. The committee's recommendations are to be
forwarded to the chancellor who will then forward his/her
recommendations to the president for approval.)) NOMINATIONS
B. In exceptional circumstances, the President may confer
emeritus status to other meritorious employees who have
provided long and faithful service of high quality to the
institution. Recommendations should proceed along the
appropriate administrative channels to the President.
C. The Board of Regents may confer emeritus status upon a
retiring President of the University.
D. Privileges available to emeritus employees include the
1. Listing in the appropriate university directory and
2. Invitations to major university functions.
3. Mailing notices of campus functions and social
4. Use of library, gymnasium and food facilities.
5. Access to laboratories, OFFICE SPACE, research and/or
((research)) ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION facilities
(where such access is available at no charge to the
university and does not displace other faculty and/or
((6)) 7. Receipt of a permanent identification card.
((7)) 8. Waiver of tuition for courses in which they
themselves are enrolled.
E. Upon appointment to emeritus status a retiring employee shall
be designated by the proper title Emeritus/Emerita.
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to ratify the Constitution of the
Alliance of Faculty Senates.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
University of Alaska
It is the intent of the Board of Regents: I) that the faculty shall
share in the governance of the university, 2) that shared governance
is an integral part of the business of the university, and 3) that
participators in shared governance are empowered by the Board of
Regents to carry out their governance responsibilities to the best of
their abilities without interference or fear of reprisal.
The Board of Regents hereby establishes a mechanism for faculty
system governance consisting of an Alliance of Faculty Senates,
hereinafter "Faculty Alliance."
A. Authority
The Faculty Alliance receives its authority by policy 03.01.01
of the University of Alaska Board of Regents which derives its
authority from the Constitution and statutes of the State of
Alaska. The Faculty Alliance shall carry out its functions
subject to the authority of the Board of Regents and the
President of the University.
B. Purposes
1. Representation
To provide official representation for the faculty of the
University of Alaska in matters which affect the general
welfare of the University and its educational purposes
and effectiveness.
2. ConsuItation
To provide consultation to the President of the
University and the Board of Regents on academic matters
and faculty welfare issues.
3. Communication
To serve as an instrument by which information which is
of interest and concern to the university system faculty
may be freely collected, disseminated, coordinated, and
C. Responsibilities
The Faculty Alliance recognizes the faculty of the individual
academic major administrative units as having the primary
responsibility and authority for recommending the
establishment of degree requirements; implementing the
degree requirements; establishing the curriculum, the subject
matter and methods for instruction; determining when
established degree requirements are met; and recommending to
the President of the Board of Regents the granting of degrees
thus achieved. The Faculty Alliance shall have advisory and
coordinating role in academic affairs; no action of the Alliance
shall abridge individual academic major administrative unit's
authority in academic matters.
When issues have statewide impact, the responsibilities of the
Alliance of Faculty Senate may include, but are not limited to,
coordination on matters relating to academic affairs such as
academic program review; the addition, deletion or merging of
academic programs; curriculum; subject matter and methods of
instruction, those aspects of student life relating to the
educational process such as degree requirements, grading
policy, course coordination and transfer, student probation and
suspension, standards of admission and scholastic standards;
and faculty welfare issues, including, but not limited to
compensation, benefits, appointments, reappointments and
termination, workload, promotions, the granting of tenure,
dismissal, ethics, and other matters affecting the faculty, the
general welfare of the university and its educational purposes
and effectiveness.
Representatives shall promote maximum dissemination of
information to local faculty senates before voting in the
A. Membership
The membership of the Faculty Alliance shall consist of three
faculty each from the University of Alaska Anchorage,
ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø and University of Alaska
If issues require special knowledge or exclude members
because of bargaining unit status, one or more of the three
votes from each campus may be designated to alternate faculty
B. Selection
Representatives to the Faculty Alliance shall be selected in
such a manner as prescribed by local faculty senates.
C. Term of service
The term of service shall be one year.
D. Recall of members
Any member may be recalled by the faculty senate by which
the member was chosen. The method of recall shall be
determined by the local faculty senate. That faculty senate
shall select a replacement to complete the term of off ice.
E. Official Spokesperson
1. Election
The official spokesperson of the Faculty Alliance shall
be elected by and from the voting membership by a
majority vote, with at least one vote from each MAU
2. Duties
The official spokesperson for the Faculty Alliance shall
a) preside over all meetings of the Alliance b) represent
the Alliance, except that the spokesperson be required to
present majority and minority opinions regardless of
personal opinion. The spokesperson may delegate these
duties to another Faculty Alliance member.
H. Task Forces
The Faculty Alliance may establish task forces independently
or in response to requests of the Board of Regents or the
President of the University to consider complex system wide
issues relating primarily to academic matters or faculty
welfare issues.
Issues and suggestions of the task force, from whatever
source, shall be referred to local faculty senates before action
occurs at the Alliance level.
A. Regular and special meetings
The Faculty Alliance shall have four regular meetings
during the academic year. At least once per semester, the
Faculty Alliance shall meet with the President of the
University to identify system issues and plan for the
coming year. Special Faculty Alliance meetings may be
called by the Board of Regents, the President of the
University, the spokesperson of the Faculty Alliance, or
on petition of one-third of the membership of the Faculty
Alliance .
B. Voting
Voting shall be by simple majority of the full voting
membership to include at least one member from each
MAU, except for amendments to the Faculty Alliance
constitution or bylaws. Amendments to membership
rights require a unanimous vote.
Representatives may defer voting pending action by local
faculty senates on the issue.
A minimum of a simple majority of the voting membership to include
at least one member from each MAU shall constitute a quorum.
The parliamentary authority shall be the latest edition of Robert's
Rules of Order.
A. Constitutions and bylaws
The constitution and bylaws, once passed by the Faculty
Alliance, shall be transmitted to the President of the
University for approval and to the Board of Regents for action.
Copies of the Faculty Alliance constitution and bylaws shall be
maintained in the system governance office.
B. Amendments; distribution prior to voting
Amendments to the constitution and bylaws shall be sent to
Alliance members and to the local faculty senates at least 30
days prior to the Alliance meeting at which they will be
considered. Amendments to the constitution require seven
Alliance member votes.
C. Transmittal to the President and Board of Regents for approval
The Alliance shall provide a minority viewpoint to the Board of
Regents if requested by the minority in writing to the
spokesperson before the meeting.
A. Review
Submission of administrative proposals and issues affecting
the statewide university system faculty shall be in accordance
with University Regulation 03.01.01. Those administrative
proposals submitted in the summer months shall be acted upon
by the local senates and the Faculty Alliance by October 15.
Proposals relating to faculty requiring immediate
implementation for compliance with state or federal law shall
be submitted to the Faculty Alliance for review, and may be
implemented prior to Faculty Alliance action but do not
represent official action until the local senates are involved in
the actions.
B. Transmittal to the President
The system governance executive officer shall submit the
original proposal in writing, together with faculty governance
input, including majority and minority viewpoint, to the
President of the University for information or action.
C. Transmittal to the Board of Regents
The spokesperson for the Faculty Alliance shall present
Faculty Alliance views, including majority and minority views,
in writing directly to the Board of Regents as a regular agenda
item of the full Board or Board committees as appropriate, on
any issue within the purview of the Faculty Alliance. The
faculty alliance may also provide a spokesperson for the
minority viewpoint, if requested by the minority in writing to
the spokesperson before the meeting .
A. Action by the President
The President of the University shall, in writing, approve,
disapprove, or modify an Faculty Alliance action, and notify
the spokesperson and the system governance executive officer
within forty-five (45) days of receiving notification of the
action by the system governance executive officer.
B. Modifications by the President
The President of the University may modify an Faculty Alliance
action if the modification does not effectively contravene or
nullify the purpose or principle involved in the action.
C. Disapprovals
The President of the University shall inform the Faculty
Alliance of the reasons for any disapproval or modification
within one month of disapproving or modifying an Faculty
Alliance action.
D. Board of Regents notification and action
Faculty Alliance actions which are modified or disapproved by
the President of the University, together with the statement
of reasons, shall be placed on the next Board of Regents'
meeting agenda for the information of the Board if requested
by the Faculty Alliance. At the request of either the President
of the University or the Faculty Alliance, the Faculty Alliance
action which has been modified or disapproved shall be brought
before the Board for action. The decision of the Board of
Regents is final.
The Faculty Alliance shall annually submit a directory of Alliance
members, a description of the Alliance and how it works, and the
annual Alliance calendar to the system governance executive officer
for inclusion in the governance handbook. This handbook shall be
distributed to the Board of Regents and to the shared governance
The Faculty Alliance shall annually prepare a report of activities.
This report shall be submitted to the system governance executive
officer for compilation into a single annual report of governance
activities for submission to the President of the University and the
Board of Regents. The system governance executive officer shall
maintain Faculty Alliance communications via vax, the vax bulletin
board, and prepare system governance news for inclusion in vax and
printed newsletters.
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (w/2 nays)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Graduate Council
recommendation that the following policy be approved for inclusion
in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs and in the UAF Faculty
Senate Course and Degree Procedures Manual.
Students enrolling for 600-level credit in double-listed (400/600)
courses must have graduate standing (be accepted in a graduate
program). Course descriptions for 400/600 courses will include the
following statement: "graduate standing or permission of instructor
required for 600-level enrollment."
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Only students who have been officially
admitted as graduate students at UAF should b e
permitted to enroll at the 600-level of double-listed
(400/600) courses; undergraduate students and students
without class standing should enroll at the 400-level in
these courses. In order to receive graduate credit, the
course must be at a level of complexity and
generalization which reflects and extends the knowledge
and intellectual maturity of the graduate student, and
the student must, by application and acceptance to a
graduate program, have demonstrated that he or she has
sufficient experience in the field to participate at the
graduate level.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 2/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #47 on
February 14,1994:
MOTION PASSED (unanimous)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Graduate Council
recommendation that the following policy be approved for inclusion
in the undergraduate and graduate catalogs and in the UAF Faculty
Senate Course and Degree Procedures Manual.
All requests from departments without graduate programs for new
600 level courses, including special topics courses, must be
approved by Graduate School. Special topics courses will be
reviewed by the Graduate Dean, and all other courses will be
reviewed by the Graduate Council.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Courses to be taught at the graduate level
must be appropriate for graduate credit. Graduate School
review of the proposed syllabus should evaluate the level
of complexity and scholarly stimulation for graduate
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 2/14/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 2/25/94