The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve a change in the procedures
for the program requirements for degrees in Interdisciplinary
Studies during the 1994-95 academic year.
Procedure for Obtaining an Advisory Committee for an
Undergraduate Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
In developing an interdisciplinary proposal, the student should
specify the degree (A.A.S., B.A., B.S., or B.T.), include an explanation
of how the proposed program differs substantially from established
UAF programs, and a discussion that current UAF resources are
adequate to meet the requirement of the proposed program. The
student should first find a faculty member to serve as a chair of an
advisory committee for the degree program. Thereafter, the degree
program will be administratively attached to the department and
college/school of the committee chair. The chair will help the
student find at least two additional faculty members from
appropriate disciplines to serve on the advisory committee. This
committee will review the proposed program, select (in concert
with the student) a title for the program and make its
recommendation to the Provost through the cognizant dean.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1994
RATIONALE: This minor change will provide an
administrative home (college/school) for
interdisciplinary degrees and place the cognizant dean
in the approval loop. The Curricular Affairs Committee
will consider policy changes concerning interdisciplinary
degrees during the 1994-95 academic year.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 5/3/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to delete the university-wide
requirement for a demonstrated "competence in a foreign language or
a research tool" for the Ph.D. degree and to allow departments and
programs to decide whether or not a foreign language or a research
tool will be required for degrees within that department or program.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1994
RATIONALE: The intent of this recommended action is not
to encourage abolition of the language or research tool
requirement by any department or program which
considers it an important part of their Ph.D. curriculum.
By having this requirement decentralized, departments
and programs which consider it important can set
rigorous standards appropriate to their disciplines. The
requirement can be eliminated by departments and
programs which believe that the requirement is not
adding substantially to their students' education. For
example, when nearly all students use a pre-existing
language skill to meet the requirement. Departments and
programs should develop their own revised requirement
for publication in the Graduate Catalog.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 5/3/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (ARTICLE V:
Committees) E., PERMANENT, 8. of the Bylaws as follows:
(( )) = Deletion
CAPS = Addition
8. The Faculty Appeals Committee shall be composed of ONE
((five)) tenured faculty member, selected FROM EACH
COLLEGE/SCHOOL AND CONFIRMED by the Faculty Senate, who
shall serve for a two-year term. Members' terms will be
staggered to provide continuity. COMMITTEE MEMBERS SHALL
FIVE TENURED FACULTY ((The committee)) will hear all
promotion and/or tenure reconsideration requests and report
its findings to the Chancellor according to University of
Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Regulations, Section IV, B, 4.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Expanding the membership of the appeals
committee will result in a larger pool of faculty to serve
as needed on grievance hearing panels. The formation of a
subcommittee will fill the need for an appeals process
for promotion/tenure reconsiderations.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 5/3/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the UAF Regulations for the
Evaluation of Faculty; Initial Appointment, Annual Review,
Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical Leave, Article
IV.B.4. Exclusive Process for Reconsideration, fifth and sixth
paragraphs to read:
(( )) = Deletions
CAPS = Additions
The Chancellor will refer all reconsideration requests to the
Appeals Committee, which is a permanent committee of the
((Faculty Appeals Committee)) shall be composed of five
tenured faculty members selected by the Faculty Senate who
shall serve for two-year terms. Members' terms will be
staggered to provide continuity.
This SUBCOMMITTEE ((Committee)) shall examine the file to
determine whether or not the tenure or promotion process and
the decision is consistent with Board of Regents Policy or
Regulations, ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Policy or
Regulations, and unit standards or indices; and whether or not
there is evidence that a material error was made or that there
is reason to believe that substantial unfairness did occur. In
conducting the review of the decision, the committee shall not
substitute its judgment for that of the reviewing bodies but
shall determine whether there were other factors which
should be considered in the decision.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Expanding the membership of the Faculty
Appeals Committee will result in a pool of faculty to
serve as needed on grievance hearing panels. The formation of
a subcommittee will fill the need for an appeals process for
promotion/tenure reconsiderations.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 5/3/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (ARTICLE V:
Committees) B., of the Bylaws as follows:
(( )) = Deletion
CAPS = Addition
B. Membership on standing and permanent committees will be
for two years with the possibility of re-election and will be
appointed by the Administrative Committee and endorsed by
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Limiting membership on standing committees
to one per person will allow a broader cross-
representation on each committee.
Signed: B. D. Spell, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
APPROVED: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 5/3/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the 1994-95 committee
membership as attached.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: New Senate members' preference for
committee selection were reviewed and weighted
against membership distribution from schools and
Signed: Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
Curricular Affairs
John Aspnes, SOE (95)
John Craven, CNS (95)
Robert Hollister, CLA (96)
Glenn Juday, SALRM (96)
Don Lynch, CLA (96)
Maynard Perkins, CRA (96)
Marcele Skelton, TVC (95)
*Dana Thomas, CLA (96)--Chair
Ex-Officio: Ann Tremarello, Registrar's Office
Wanda Martin, Advising Center
Joe Hayes, ASUAF
Faculty Affairs
Barbara Alexander, CLA (96)
*Sukumar Bandopadhyay, SME (96)--Chair
Nirendra Biswas, CNS (96)
Dolly Garza, SFOS (95)
Greg Goering, SOM (95)
DeAnne Hallsten, CRA (95)
Ron Illingworth, CRA (96)
Debbie Kalvee, CLA (95)
^David Porter, Dean, SOM
Nag Rao, CLA (95)
Dave Spell, SOE (96)
Scholarly Activities
Wendy Ernst, CLA (96)
Paul Layer, CNS (96)
Michael Panciera, SALRM (95)
Gerry Plumley, SFOS (95)
*David Smith, SOEd. (96)--Chair
Fred Sorenson, ACE (95)
Tom Weingartner, SFOS (96)
^Bob White, Director, IAB
Committee to Nominate Commencement Speaker and
Honorary Degree Recipients
Joan Braddock, CNS/IAB (95)
*David Hales, CLA (95)--Convener
Koji Kawasaki, CNS (95)
Rudolph Krejci, CLA (95)
Jenifer McBeath, SALRM (95)
Claus-M. Naske, CLA (95)
Non-University: Phil Younker
Ex-Officio: ^Karen Cedzo, Director University Relations
Developmental Studies Committee
Deborah Bye, Kuskokwim, CRA (96)
Jerah Chadwick, Devel. Studies, CRA (96)
Richard Clausen, Math, CLA (96)
John Creed, Chukchi, CRA (95)
George Guthridge, Bristol Bay, CRA (95)
Cindy Hardy, Dev. Studies, TVC (96)
*Ron Illingworth, Interior Campus, CRA (95)--Co-Chair
Rose Kairaiuak, RSS (95)
Wanda Martin, Advising Center (95)
Maynard Perkins, Northwest, CRA (96)
Mark Oswood, Biology,/Wildlife, CNS (96)
Riki Sipe, CCC, CLA (95)
Marcele Skelton, General Studies, CRA (96)
*Jane Weber, Dev. Studies, TVC (96)--Co-Chair
Joan Worley, English, CLA (95)
Ex-Officio: ^Ruth Lister, TVC
Faculty Appeals Committee
Larry Bennett, SOE (95)
Clifford Cox, SOM (94)
John Kelley, SFOS (95)
Roger Powers, CLA (94)
Jerry Purser, CES (94)
Faculty Development. Assessment & Improvement
^James Drew, Dean, SALRM
Joan Moessner, CLA (95)
Michael Pippenger, SOM (96)
Channon Price, CNS (95)
Raymond RaLonde, SFOS (95)
Peter Schweitzer, CLA (96)
*Joan Worley, CLA (95)--Chair
Graduate Council
+Diane Bischak, SOM (95); Jim Collins, alt
+Robert Carlson, SOE (96); Lufti Raad, alt.
Basil Coutant, CLA (96); Kes Woodward, alt.
*+Larry Duffy, CNS (95); +John Craven, alt.--Chair
Susan Henrichs, SFOS (96)
Charles Knight, SALRM (95); David Verbyle, alt.
+Peter Knoke, CLA (95)
David Ogbe, SME (96); Dimitri. Hatzignatiou, alt.
+Gerry Plumley, SFOS (96); +Bill Smoker, alt.
Brenton Watkins, CNS (95)
Graduate Student:
Ex-Officio: Joe Kan, Graduate Dean
Mary Ann Borchert, Grad. Student Serv.
Dennis Stephens, Libraries
Ann Tremarello, Director, A&R
Legislative and Fiscal Affairs
Robert Carlson, SOE (96)
Merritt Helfferich, GI
Mike Moore, CRA (95)
Claus-M. Naske, CLA (95)
Wendy Redman, SW Univ. Rel.
*Scott Smiley, CNS (95)--Chair
Dennis Stephens, Library
^Robert Trent, Dean, SME
Service Committee
David Blurton, CLA (95)
Jakup Esop, CRA/TVC (95)
^Hollis Hall, Director, CES
Michele He'bert, ACE (96)
Kara Nance, CLA (96)
*Fred Sorensen, ACE (95)--Chair
Non-University: Herb Smelcer, US BIA
Non-University: Vacant
University-wide Promotion & Tenure Committee
*John Aspnes, SOE (95); Terry McFadden, alt.
Don Carling, SALRM (95); John Yarie, alt.
Mike Castellini, SFOS (96); Chuck Crapo, alt.
Karen Colligan-Tayor, CLA (96); John Leipzig, alt.
Scott Huang, SME (97)
John Keller, CNS (97); John Morack, alt
Jerry Lipka, CLA/SOEd. (96); Dauna Browne, alt.
Kristine Long, CES (96); Don Quarberg, alt.
Joli Morgan, CRA (97); Ruiz Ann Rozell, alt.
Kelley Pace, SOM (95)
Core Review
Tom Bartlett (SOM) (96)
Jin Brown, Speech, CLA (96)
Lillian Corti, English, CLA (95)
Basil Coutant, Math, CLA (96)
Patricia Kwachka, Humanities, CLA (96)
Betty Anne Phillip (95)/Juergen Kienle, CNS (96)
Nag Rao, BSHS, CRA (95)
Student, ASUAF:
Ex-Officio: Gorden Hedahl, Dean, CLA
Sue McHenry, RSS
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate recommends to the Board of Regents that the
attached list of individuals be awarded the appropriate UAF degrees
pending completion of all University requirements. [Note: copy of the
list is available in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.]
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: These degrees are granted upon
recommendation of the program faculty, as verified by
the appropriate department head. As the representative
governance group of the faculty, we are making that
Signed: Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to empower the Administrative
Committee to act on behalf of the Senate until the Senate resumes
deliberations in the Fall of 1994 on all matters within its purview
which may arise. Senators will be kept informed of the
Administrative Committee meetings and will be encouraged to
attend, participate, and vote in these meetings.
EFFECTIVE: April 25, 1994
RATIONALE: This motion will allow the Administrative
Committee to act on behalf of the Senate so that
necessary work can be accomplished and will also allow
Senators their rights to participate in the governance
Signed: Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
The UAF Faculty Senate calls for a special Senate meeting to be held
on May 20,1994 or May 13,1994 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the following
three issues: 1) Policies and Regulation regarding Financial
Exigency; 2) Program Assessment; and 3) UA Salary Structure.
EFFECTIVE: April 25, 1994
Signed: Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its' Meeting #49 on
April 25,1994:
WHEREAS, David Spell has served the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø
Faculty Senate in a manner deserving of the University of
Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate's greatest admiration and
respect; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as Senator to the University of
Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate from 1989-1993; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as a member of the Graduate
Council from 1989-90; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as a member of the Faculty Affairs
Committee from 1989-90 and as Chairman from 1990-92; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as a member of the Scholarly
Activities Committee from 1991-92 and as Chairman from
1990-91; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as President-Elect of the
ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate from 1992-
1993; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as a member of the Executive
Committee of the UA statewide General Assembly from 1992-
1994; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as a member of the University of
Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Governance Coordinating Committee from
1992-1994; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as a member of the Faculty
Alliance of the University of Alaska Systemwide Governance
Council from 1993-1994; and
WHEREAS, David Spell has served as President of the University of
Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate from 1993-1994; and
WHEREAS, The ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate wishes
to acknowledge the outstanding service rendered the faculty
and the University by the work of David Spell as he concludes
his term as president; now
Faculty Senate acknowledges the many contributions of David
Spell and expresses its appreciation for his exemplary service.
Signed: Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/25/94