
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous approval)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend its Bylaws Sec. 3 (Article 
V- Committees) Permanent 8 to read as follows:

8.	The Faculty Appeals AND OVERSIGHT Committee shall be 
	composed of TWO [[one]] tenured faculty members, ELECTED 
	[[selected]] from each college/school and confirmed by the 
	Faculty Senate, who shall serve for a two year term. Members' 
	terms will be staggered to provide continuity. THIS COMMITTEE 

	Committee members shall CONSTITUTE [[serve as]] a hearing 
	panel pool to serve as needed on grievance hearing panels. 

	A promotion/tenure appeals subcommittee composed of five 
	tenured faculty will hear all promotion and/or tenure 
	reconsideration requests and report its findings to the 
	Chancellor according to ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø 
	Regulations, Section IV,B,4. 

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately on Chancellor's approval

	RATIONALE:	The current faculty appeals committee 
		has a narrow charge. There is no appropriate faculty-
		governed process to consider issues such as:  student 
		grade appeals; student actions against faculty; 
		challenges to academic freedom; faculty appeals of 
		dismissals, non-retentions, and administrative 
		decisions; and faculty initiated actions against other 
		faculty or faculty governance. This committee will 
		also provide a representative body of senior faculty 
		to oversee the evaluation of administrators, which 
		has previously been carried out on an ad hoc basis. 

		This committee is not designed to replace the 
		current University Wide Grievance Council but rather 
		to create a forum to resolve issues of faculty 
		prerogative or faculty appeal. It is hoped that this 
		forum would resolve some issues before they reach 
		the Grievance Council. 

		This committee and the UAF Faculty Senate will 
		develop procedures for the appeal and administrative 
		evaluations.  Appropriate University regulations 
		governing the function of this committee will be 

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  	Date:  3/27/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.


Additions in CAPS
Deletions in brackets ((   ))

4.	The Developmental Studies Committee will INCLUDE ((be)) 
	one representative from each of the following units:  
	Northwest Campus, Chukchi Campus, Kuskokwim Campus, 
	Bristol Bay Campus, INTERIOR-ALEUTIANS Campus, the College 
	of Natural Sciences, the ((Math)) English,  MATHEMATICAL 
	SCIENCES, and Cross Cultural Communications Departments, 
	the ((General and)) Developmental Studies DIVISION 
	((Department)) of the COLLEGE OF RURAL ALASKA, ((Rural 
	College, Interior Campus)) RURAL STUDENT SERVICES, AND THE 
	ADVISING CENTER; and two representatives from the TANANA 
	VALLEY CAMPUS ((School of Career and Continuing Education)).  
	((Additionally, there shall be one non-voting representative 
	each from Rural Students Services and from the Advising 
	EVALUATION, AND ASSESSMENT.  This Committee will function 
	as a curriculum council review committee for all 
	developmental studies courses.  Discipline based 
	developmental courses will ((first)) be reviewed by the 
	appropriate college curriculum council before submission to 
	this committee for review and coordination

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately upon Chancellor's Approval

	RATIONALE:	Several rural campuses have undergone name 
		changes and the college of Rural Alaska has undergone a 
		name change and an internal restructuring since these  
		bylaws were modified.  Additionally, committee 
		members believe it inappropriate for Rural Student 
		Services and the Advising Center to be restricted to non-
		voting membership.  Finally, this change identifies those 
		areas of responsibility which have been a part of this 
		committee since its initial formation in 1987 but which 
		had not been formally incorporated into these bylaws.

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  	Date:  3/27/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.


The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following Grade Appeals 


I.	Introduction

The University of Alaska is committed to the ideal of academic 
freedom and so recognizes that the  assignment of grades is a 
faculty responsibility.  Therefore, the University administration 
shall not influence or affect an assigned grade or the review of an 
assigned grade.

The following procedures are designed to provide a means for 
students to seek review of final course grades alleged to be 
arbitrary and capricious.  Before taking formal action, a student 
must attempt to resolve the issue informally with the instructor of 
the course.  A student who files  a written request for review under 
the following procedures shall be expected to abide by the final 
disposition of the review, as provided below, and may not seek 
further review of the matter under any other procedure within the 

II.	Definitions

A.	A "grade" refers to letter grades A, B, C, D, F and Pass.  The 
	NB (no basis) and I (incomplete) designators are not grades 
	and, therefore, are not subject to appeal.

B.	For the purpose of this procedure, "arbitrary and capricious" 
	grading means:

	1.	the assignment of a course grade to a student on some 
		basis other than performance in the course, or

	2.	the assignment of a course grade to a student by 
		resorting to standards different from those which 
		were applied to other students in that course, or

	3.	the assignment of a course grade by a substantial, 
		unreasonable and unannounced departure from the 
		instructor's previously articulated standards.

C.	"Grading errors" denotes errors in the calculation of grades 
	rather than errors in judgment.

D.	All references to duration in "days" refers to university 
	working days, which exclude weekends, holidays and days 
	in which the university is officially closed.

E.	"Department head" for the purposes of this policy denotes 
	the administrative head of the academic unit offering the 
	course (e.g., head, chair or coordinator of an academic 

III.	Procedures

A.	Errors by an instructor in determining and recording a grade 
	or by the university staff in transcribing the grade are sources 
	of error that can be readily corrected through the student's 
	prompt attention following the normal change of grade 

	1.	It is a student's obligation to notify the instructor of 
		any possible error immediately by the most direct means 
		available.  If this is through an oral conversation and/or 
		the issue is not immediately resolved, it is the student's 
		responsibility to provide the instructor with a signed, 
		written request for review of the grade, with a copy to 
		the unit department head and the dean of the college or 
		school in which the course was offered.

	2.	Notification must be received by the instructor and/or 
		department head within 20 days from the first day of 
		instruction of the next regular semester (i.e., fall 
		semester for grade issued at the end of the previous 
		spring semester or summer session; spring semester for 
		grade issued at the end of the previous fall semester).

	3.	The instructor is responsible for notifying the student 
		in writing of his or her final judgment concerning the 
		grade in question within 10 days of receipt of the 
		request, and for promptly submitting the appropriate 
		change of grade form to the Director of Admissions and 
		Records if an error occurred.

	4.	If the student does not receive a response from the 
		instructor or the unit department head by the required 
		deadline, the student must seek the assistance of the 
		dean of the college or school in which the course was 

	5.	If the instructor is no longer an employee of the 
		university or is otherwise unavailable, the student 
		must bring the matter to the attention of the unit 
		department head who will make every effort to contact 
		the instructor.

		a.	If the instructor can not be contacted but course 
			records are available, the department head may 
			correct a grading error through the regular change 
			of grade process on behalf of the instructor.

		b.	If the instructor can not be contacted and course 
			records are either unavailable or indecisive, the 
			student may request a review following the 
			procedure outlined below.

	6.	there may be extenuating circumstances when the 
		deadlines cannot be met due to illness, mail disruption, 
		or other situations over which the student may have no 
		control.  in such a case, upon request from the student, 
		the dean of students, after review of supporting 
		documentation provided by the student, may recommend 
		to the grade appeals committee that the deadlines be 
		adjusted accordingly.  an extension of the deadline will 
		be limited to one semester but every effort should be 
		made to complete the appeal process within the current 

B.	If no such error occurred, the remaining option is by review 
	for alleged arbitrary and capricious grading, or for instances 
	where the course instructor is unavailable and satisfaction 
	is not forthcoming from the appropriate department head.

	1.	This review is initiated by the student through a signed, 
		written request to the department head with a copy to 
		the dean of the college or school in which the course was 

		a.	The student's request for review may be submitted 
			using university forms specifically designed for 
			this purpose and available at the Admissions and 
			Records Office.

		b.	By submitting a request for a review, the student 
			acknowledges that no additional mechanisms exist 
			within the university for the review of the grade, 
			and that the university's administration can not 
			influence or affect the outcome of the review.

		c.	The request for a review must be received no later 
			than 45 days after the first day of instruction in 
			the next regular semester (i.e., fall semester for 
			grade issued at the end of the previous spring 
			semester or summer session; spring semester for 
			grade issued at the end of the previous fall 

		d.	The request must detail the basis for the allegation 
			that a grade was improper and the result of 
			arbitrary and capricious grading and must present 
			the relevant evidence.

	2.	It is the responsibility of the department head to 
		formally notify both the instructor who issued the grade 
		and the dean of the unit's college or school that a request 
		for a review of grade has been received.

	3.	The dean will appoint a 5 member review committee 
		composed of the following:

		a.	One tenure-track faculty member from the 
			academic unit in which the course was offered 
			(other than the instructor of the course).

		b.	Two tenure-track faculty members from within 
			the college or school but outside of the unit in 
			which the course was offered.

		c.	One tenure track faculty member from outside 
			the college or school in which the course was 

		d.	 At the option of the student whose grade is being 
			reviewed, the fifth member to be appointed by the 
			dean will be a student or another tenure track 
			faculty member outside the college or school in 
			which the course was offered.

		e.	The campus judicial officer or his/her designee 
			shall serve as a nonvoting facilitator for grade 
			appeals hearings.  This individual shall serve in 
			an advisory role to help preserve consistent 
			hearing protocol and records.

	4.	The committee must meet within 10 days of receipt of 
		the student's request.

		a.	During this and any subsequent meetings, all 
			parties involved shall protect the confidentiality 
			of the matter according to the provisions of the 
			Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 
			and any other applicable federal, state or 
			university policies.

		b.	Throughout the proceedings, the committee will 
			encourage a mutually agreeable resolution.

		c.	At this meeting, the committee will rule on the 
			validity of the student's request.  Grounds for 
			dismissal of the request for review are:

			1)	This is not the first properly prepared 
				request for appeal of the particular grade.

			2)	The actions of the instructor do not 
				constitute arbitrary and capricious grading, 
				as defined herein.

			3)	The request was not made within the policy 

			4)	The student has not taken prior action to 
				resolve the grade conflict with the 
				instructor, as described under section III, A.

		d.	In the event that the committee votes to dismiss 
			the request, a written notice of dismissal must 
			be forwarded to the student, instructor, 
			department head and dean within five days of the 
			decision, and will state clearly the reasoning for 
			the dismissal of the request.

	5.	Acceptance for consideration of the student's request 
		will result in the following:

		a.	A request for and receipt of a formal response from 
		the instructor to the student's allegation.

		b.	A second meeting scheduled to meet within 10 days 
			of the decision to review the request.

			1)	The student and instructor will be invited to 
				attend the meeting.

			2)	The meeting will be closed to outside 
				participation, and neither the student nor 
				instructor may be accompanied by an 
				advocate or representative.  Other matters of 
				format  will be announced in advance.

			3)	The proceedings will be tape recorded and 
				the tapes will be stored with the campus 
				Judicial Officer.

			4)	The meeting must be informal, non-
				confrontational and fact-finding, where both 
				the student and instructor may provide 
				additional relevant and useful information 
				and can provide clarification of facts for 
				materials previously submitted.

	6.	The final decision of the committee will be made in 
		private by a majority vote.

		a.	The committee is not authorized to award a grade 
			(letter or pass/fail) or take any action with regard 
			to the instructor.

		b.	Actions which the committee can take if it accepts 
			the student's allegation of arbitrary and capricious 
			grading must be directed towards a fair and just 
			resolution, and may include, but are not limited to, 
			the following:

			1)	direct the instructor to grade again the 
				student's work under the supervision of the 
				department head,

			2)	direct the instructor to administer a new 
				final examination and/or paper in the course,

			3)	direct a change of the student's registration 
				status (i.e., withdrawn, audit, dropped) in the 

		c.	A formal, written report of the decision must be 
			forwarded to the student, instructor, department 
			head, dean and Director of Admissions and Records 
			within five days of the meeting.

		d.	The decision of the committee is final.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Beginning of Fall Semester 1995

	RATIONALE:	No such formal appeals process currently 
		exists.  This has lead to inconsistencies in the handling 
		of such cases.

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95

Approved:  * Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  	Date:  3/31/95

*In signing this I want to emphasize two points:
  1.  The grade appeals policy fills a very serious gap in UAF 
procedure and I am pleased that the Senate acted and appreciate the 
efforts that resulted in its development.
  2.  Experience may suggest format revisions.  Yet I hope that 
meanwhile the committee exercises its full authority in the last 
provision to secure a "fair and just resolution"; this provision 
authorizes the committee to take actions beyond those that are 
specifically listed.  For example, the committee might find it 
desirable to appoint a faculty peer committee to grade the student's 
work again.  And, the committee might also want to include in its 
written report any conclusion that the instructor's action was 
unethical and possibly illegal.


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1955.


Amendments in CAPS

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to accept the proposal on Featured 



UAF is creating the UAF Featured Faculty as its way of recognizing 
and certifying teaching excellence within the institution.  While UAF 
endorses and encourages the granting of awards to outstanding 
teachers, it also wishes to recognize teaching excellence in a way 
which emphasizes performance relative to explicit criteria rather 
than the competitive comparisons which are inherent in award 
programs.  Thus, election to the Featured Faculty will identify a 
faculty member as an excellent teacher as determined by criteria 
rather than by comparison to peers.  The Featured Faculty will, in 
addition to providing recognition for faculty, become an important 
part of UAF's efforts to maintain and improve the quality of 
instruction within the institution.

Faculty at the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø may be recognized for 
exemplary teaching practices when their teaching performance for 
at least three years demonstrates consistently high-quality 
instruction and this performance quality is confirmed by students, 
colleagues within their unit, supervisor, Dean or Director and 
Provost.  Faculty selected to be recognized for exemplary teaching 
practices shall receive a Certificate of Teaching Excellence 
Recognition and will be given membership in the UAF Featured 
Faculty.  The membership term will be five years.  Newly elected 
members serve the following calendar year as "Featured Faculty of 
UAF".  Other faculty will be encouraged to observe the teaching 
practices of Featured Faculty for one month during the calendar year 
after appointment.  The purposes of these awards shall be to 
improve teaching, recognize high quality teaching, and further 
develop and support faculty collegiality.


A.	Teaching Excellence Recognition, UAF Featured Faculty

	Faculty interested in applying for the UAF Featured 
	Faculty shall initiate the process by submission of a 
	letter and support materials to Department Heads.  
	Faculty with an average of 4 or higher over the last 
	three years on any or all of the items: I-1, I-3, or I-4 of 
	the Student Opinion of Instruction (SOI), or "very good" 
	or higher on this or other comparative measures, are 
	strongly encouraged to apply.

	Any student, faculty, or staff member may nominate a 
	faculty member for consideration by submitting the 
	nomination to the faculty member's supervisor.  The 
	supervisor shall inform the faculty member of his/her 
	nomination and encourage him/her to apply according to 
	procedures described in 1.A.

	1.	Faculty Application Procedures

		a.	Letter shall indicate

			1)	Interest of the faculty member in being 
				considered for the award.

			2)	Agreement to serve the following 
				calendar year as Featured Faculty.

			3)	Reasons for being considered for this 
				honor, including personal teaching 
				strengths, areas of significant teaching 
				improvement, successful connection of 
				research and teaching, and/or record of 
				course/curriculum/pedagogy development.

		b.	Support materials shall include:

			1)	Documentation of student evaluation
				of instruction through student opinion 
				of instruction measures and/or letters 
				of support or other evaluative instruments.

			2)	Copies of two letters of support for 
				exemplary teaching from peer review of 
				teaching and support materials during 
				the prior three years.

	2.	Selection Procedures: 






B.	Featured Faculty procedures

	1.	Faculty Expectations:

	Faculty receiving UAF Featured Faculty Membership shall 
	serve as Featured Faculty at UAF during the following 
	calendar year.

		a.	Faculty shall serve as Featured Faculty for 
			1 month during the calendar year following 
			their award.

		b.	Faculty shall admit peers interested in 
			observing their teaching practices during the 
			month they are featured on the Featured 
			Faculty calendar.  Faculty will select the 
			month during which they will serve and will 
			notify the coordinator.

		c.	Faculty shall have the right to refuse peer 
			observation when there is unavailable space 
			or it is deemed inappropriate (hazardous, 
			confidential, other).

		d.	Faculty shall make every effort to support 
			the intent of peer observations, by providing 
			observation opportunities to at least 3 peer 
			faculty members making such requests, 
			during their agreed-upon month of service.

		e.	Faculty shall agree to serve as Featured 
			Faculty in the spirit of improving 
			collegiality, providing mentor opportunities 
			to others, and improving teaching practices.

	2.	Peer observation expectations:

	Peer faculty interested in observing a Featured Faculty 
	member(s) shall for the purpose of improving their own 
	teaching practices, shall exhibit every consideration to 
	the instructional environment, Featured Faculty member, 
	and students.

		a.	Peer faculty interested in observing must 
			contact the Featured Faculty member to 
			arrange an appointment to observe during 
			their month of service.

		b.	Faculty who observe a peer shall honor and 
			comply with all ethical and professional 
			expectations, as outlined in the Code of 
			Ethics of the Education Profession, State 
			of Alaska, and expected of a professional 
			faculty member.

	3.	Supervisor expectations:

	Featured Faculty may decline to be observed for purposes 
	of evaluation during the agreed-upon month of service to 
	peer faculty.

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  	Date:  3/31/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.

MOTION PASSED (Unanimous approval)

The Faculty Senate moves to establish the following path for 
approval of unit criteria for promotion and tenure.

	1.	New unit criteria or changes to established criteria are 
		submitted to the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on 
		Unit Criteria.

	2.	The Committee either returns the criteria to the unit 
		for suggested changes, or approves the criteria and 
		forward them to the Provost for approval.  The Provost 
		returns the criteria to the Committee, either asking 
		for suggested changes or approving them.  If they are 
		not returned within thirty days they will be assumed 
		to have been approved.

	3.	Upon return from the Provost, the Committee brings 
		the unit criteria to the Faculty Senate for approval, 
		and then on the Chancellor for final approval.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately on Chancellor's approval

	RATIONALE:	Unit Criteria have been stranded repeatedly 
		over the last several years, partly because no clear 
		path of approval has been in place.  This procedure 
		should make it possible to finally resolve the issue 
		of supplementary unit criteria for promotion and tenure.

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  	Date:  3/27/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.


The UAF Faculty Senate endorses a Faculty Compensation Plan based 
on national average salaries for appropriate disciplines at 
comparable institutions as determined by nationally published 
salary surveys. 

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.


The UAF Faculty Senate endorses the Outreach Working Group's 
"Definition, Criteria, and Evaluation of Service" with the 
modification that we do not accept paid consulting in excess of 
appropriate expenses as consistent with public service.

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.


The UAF Faculty Senate endorses the following Pay Raise Proposal 
and formula. 


STEPS IN RANK	1	2	3	4	5	6	
YRS IN RANK	1,2	3,4	5,6	7,8	9,10	11,12

ASSISTANT 	1.00	1.04	1.08	1.12
ASSOCIATE 	1.20	1.24	1.30	1,35	1.38	1.40
FULL			1.40	1.46	1.51	1.57	1.64	1.70

1.	These step increases are to reflect increased faculty 
	experience and are in addition to regular cost-of-living 
	increases as provided by the Board of Regents.

2.	Assistant Professors shall receive a 4% longevity increase for 
	each step corresponding to every two years of university 
	service (assuming a satisfactory or better evaluation.)

3.	Upon promotion to Associate Professor, the faculty members 
	will receive a salary of 20% higher than the base starting 
	Assistant Professor salary.

4.	Upon promotion to full professor, the faculty member will 
	receive a base salary of 40% higher than the base starting 
	Assistant Professor salary.

5.	Associate Professors must be promoted to full Professor by 
	their 12th year as Associate Professors or forego additional 
	step increases.

6.	Full Professors receive a 2% step increase after their 12th 
	year at rank as full Professors.

7.	All steps refer to appropriate, discipline based starting 

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95


The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its meeting #56 on 
March 20, 1995.

Resolution of the Faculty Senate of UAF Regarding Increasing the 
Land Grant for UAF

WHEREAS, the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø is the land grant 
	institution for the State of Alaska, and 

WHEREAS, the concept of utilization of a land grant is to provide a 
	source of revenue for support of the University's activities and 
	to provide for research and intellectual opportunities as a 
	model for land use and resource utilization for each state, and 

WHEREAS, historically the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø has on 
	several occasions attempted to secure an appropriately sized 
	land grant to enable it to accomplish all of the above, and the 
	accomplishment of this land grant has been disrupted on many 
	occasions in our history, and 

WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Alaska has recently 
	examined the question and reviewed legislative acts calling 
	for the increase in the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø' land 
	grant, and 

WHEREAS, the original concept of a land grant was intended to 
	provide for a continuing utilization and disposition of typically 
	a percentage of all transferred lands from the Federal 
	Government to the State, and 

WHEREAS, this amount of land in Alaska should justifiably be one 
	million acres, and several attempts have been made 
	historically to achieve a land grant of this size, and 

WHEREAS, conditions for finally obtaining our land grant have not 
	been better in a long time, 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the University of Alaska 
	ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Faculty Senate endorses the concept of increasing 
	the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø land grant to one million acres, as in the best 
	interest of the University, its students, and the future of 
	Alaska, and 

	Faculty Senate urges the Legislature to pursue full transfer of 
	title to its land grant to the University at the earliest possible 

Signed:  Colin Read, President, UAF Faculty Senate	Date:  3/22/95