The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #66 on
October 14, 1996:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Associate of Arts
Requirements in the following way:
To allow three semester-length courses (9 credits) in American Sign
Language taken at the university level to be substituted for one of
the required humanities and social science core courses, and the
three-credit humanities or social science elective.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1996
RATIONALE: During the 1995-96 year, the Faculty Senate
approved the use of three semester-length courses
(9 credits) in American Sign Language to substitute for
two courses in the Perspectives on the Human Condition
section of the baccalaureate core curriculum. At the time
this was presented and approved, no consideration was
given to the associate of arts degree requirements.
The humanities and social science requirements for the
associate of arts degree are identical to the
baccalaureate core �Perspectives on the Human
Condition� area with the exception that 3 credits of
humanities or social science electives are required
instead of Phil. 3232X/PS 300X.
This motion meets the intent of the Faculty Senate to
facilitate the movement of associate of arts students
into baccalaureate degree programs.
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #66 on
October 14, 1996:
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate moves to confirm the
Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Peer Review Committee for
the 1996-97 academic year as indicated below:
Don Button, Marine Science & Biochemistry
Tom Clausen, Chemistry/Biochemistry
John French, Fisheries & Biochemistry
Dan Jaffe, Chemistry/Biochemistry
Gerry Plumley, Marine Science
Glen Shaw, Geophysics
Richard Stolzberg, Chemistry/Biochemistry
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: According to UAF Regulations, units with
less than seven tenured faculty must have their Unit
Peer Review committees augmented with additional
appropriate faculty. Presently the Chemistry
Department has six tenured faculty, one of whom is
serving on the University-wide Promotion and Tenure
Committee. Thus, Chemistry has only five faculty
eligible for serving on the Unit Peer Review Committee.
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #66 on
October 14, 1996:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to change the Student-Initiated
Withdrawal Policy that applies to all ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø campus courses (i.e.,
all UAF courses except those given by the rural campuses or the
Center for Distance Education); and change the no basis (NB) grade to
the following:
The last day for student-initiated withdrawal for all ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø
campus students shall be the sixth Friday of the semester.
Class roll correction forms completed by faculty during the sixth
week of class (rural campuses will follow their own time line) will
also serve as faculty initiated withdrawal forms for students not
attending or participating in that course. For courses with duration
other than the normal fall or spring semester the time period will be
prorated according to the length of the course. For non-semester
based correspondence students a course length of one year will be
The no basis (NB) grade will be eliminated from grades given at UAF.
EFFECTIVE: Fall 1997
RATIONALE: One major factor in the senate vote that
created the relatively short time period for student
initiated withdrawals was a belief that students were
shopping for credits. The elimination of the tuition cap
and implementation of new late add fees have changed
the situation.
Each semester the faculty is requested by the registrar
to correct class rolls but often see no change in the
status of nonparticipating students in subsequent class
rolls. Although our registrar may check student initiated
withdrawal records, or change to audit requests, and
may even attempt to contact these students, in many
cases no change occurs in the student's status.
With the faculty being able to withdraw students who
are not attending class or who have not submitted work
by the end of the sixth week, there is no longer a need for
the NB grade.
Together these changes should reduce student
resentment for missing a deadline, reduce the number of
negative interactions between students, faculty, and
administrators, and reduce the abuse of NB grades.