
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on 
February 10, 1997:


BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The UAF Faculty Senate expresses its most 
	sincere condolences to the family and friends of our most 
	distinguished colleague, Professor Linda Ellanna.  Her untimely 
	passing has left a sorrowful void both in our hearts and on our 
	campus.  She will be remembered for many, many years by both 
	faculty and students.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The UAF Faculty Senate extends its most 
	sincere condolences to the family and friends of Professor 
	Jack Distad.  Jack's many years of distinguished service to the 
	University, his unavailing support of mathematical instruction, 
	and his participation in all aspects of University life will long 
	be remembered.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The UAF Faculty Senate expresses its wish 
	that our distinguished colleage, Professor Carol Gold, enjoy a 
	most rapid and speedy recovery from her unfortunate accident.  
	Get well Carol: we miss you.

The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on 
February 10, 1997:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous)

The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the resolution of 
appreciation forwarded by the University-wide Promotion and 
Tenure Committee.

WHEREAS, Dr. John Keller has served with distinction as a member of the University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee for three years; and WHEREAS, Dr. John Keller has served with special distinction as the committee�s chair for two eventful years; and WHEREAS, Dr. John Keller has always handled his chairperson duties with fairness, calmness, integrity and concern for both the candidate and the quality of the academy; and WHEREAS, the committee appreciates his special talents in time management, committee organization, and communication; and WHEREAS, Dr. John Keller will retire from the committee after the spring semester 1997; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee express its profound gratitude to Dr. John Keller for a job well done. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the committee express its appreciation for his gentle urgings with respect to citation analysis, bibliographic annotation, peer evaluation of instruction, and other measures of faculty excellence. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, provided to Dr. John Keller and forwarded to the UAF Faculty Senate. Done at ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø, Alaska February 7, 1997 Witnessed by the following non-Keller members of the committee: Scott Huang, Mariam Karlsson, Debendra Das, Sheryl Stanek, T. Harikumar, Walter Benesch, F. Lawrence Bennett, Dauna Browne The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED (unanimous) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Transfer of Credit Policy as listed in the UAF 1996-97 catalog, page 11 as follows: (( )) = Deletions CAPS = Additions Transfer of Credit 3. COLLEGE LEVEL ACADEMIC CREDITS EARNED BY A STUDENT AT ANY MAU WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO UAF, SUBJECT TO APPLICABILITY TOWARD DEGREE REQUIREMENTS AND MEASURES OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AS DELINEATED BY THE APPROPRIATE COLLEGE AND DEPARTMENT. Undergraduate credits earned at the 100-level or above with a grade of "C" or higher at institutions outside of the UA system, and accredited by one of the six regional accrediting agencies, will be considered for transfer. Transfer credit normally isn't granted for courses with doctrinal religious content or for graduate courses (for undergraduate programs). ((Credit is not transferred for advanced placement credit or credit by examination awarded by another institution.)) EFFECTIVE: FALL 1997 RATIONALE: This means that a UA transfer student would be able to transfer to UAF any UA course having a grade of "D" or better; and that course would transfer to a College or Department as long as there was not conflicting College or Department criteria. This change brings UAF in accord with Regents' Policy and University Regulation: P10.04.06 A.3. 3. A student who has completed some of the general education requirements at one University of Alaska university or community college will have those credits count toward fulfillment of the same categories of general education requirements outlined in the common core at all University of Alaska universities and community colleges. This applies even if there is no directly matching coursework at the institution to which the student transfers. This statement will be published in each university and community college catalog. R10.04.06 Transfer of Credit In accepting credits from accredited colleges and universities, maximum recognition of courses satisfactorily completed will be granted to transfer students toward satisfying requirements at the receiving institution. Coursework must be at the 100 level or above to transfer and, from institutions outside the University of Alaska, must be completed with a grade of C or better. A student's entire transcript from any MAU within the University of Alaska will be transferred to another MAU, subject to applicability toward degree requirements and measures of academic performance as established elsewhere in Regents' Policy, University regulation, and the rules and procedures of the MAU from which the student is to receive a degree or certificate. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED (unanimous) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the Core Review Committee recommendation that any course proffered for consideration of CORE designation must include, in it description, a careful and complete plan for its effectiveness evaluation. Plans for effectiveness evaluation should be consonant with effectiveness evaluation plans for other courses which fulfill the same CORE requirement. Departments offering courses for CORE designation during the period in which effectiveness evaluation plans are being initiated, and which are accepted for CORE designation by the Core Review Committee, will join with the other departments offering that CORE option in planning effectiveness evaluation. This motion does not include courses submitted for "W" or "O" designation. EFFECTIVE: Fall 1997 RATIONALE: The Core Review Committee is charged with determining which courses shall be included in the CORE curriculum, and has been appointed oversight of the Educational Effectiveness Evaluation of the CORE Curriculum The Core Review Committee believes that the Effectiveness Evaluation process will become a permanent aspect of the committee�s responsibility and in regard to the future, do not want subsequent Core Review Committees to have to reinvent the wheel. The committee feels that the faculty SHOULD begin to perceive both the CORE and their participation in the CORE in regard to the Effectiveness Evaluation process; to share, if you will, the commitment to Evaluation to which the University is committed. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED (unanimous) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the Policy on Approval of Academic Changes to include a spring review cycle deadline in March. The spring review cycle will include academic and course changes that do not require UAF Faculty Senate and Board of Regents approval. Changes in the spring review cycle will be approved effective the following Fall, however, they may not be included in the course catalog. EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Approval of the Chancellor RATIONALE: Once a year in the fall the Graduate Curricular Affairs Committee and the Curriculum Review Committees review numerous requests for course changes. Currently, this is the only opportunity for programs to enact changes in their degree program, add, drop or modify courses. The current deadline requires all suggestions to be drawn up and submitted relatively early in the academic year. This may not be sufficient time for faculty to complete the required paperwork and to sufficiently consider all the potential ramifications of a change. In addition, new faculty are often at a severe disadvantage if they wish to introduce a new course. Currently, if the fall deadline is missed, the action must wait an entire academic year before being considered, thereby delaying any changes for almost two years from the time the idea originated. By adding an additional review cycle in the spring, programs will be able to react more efficiently to changes, address administrative concerns more completely, and have an opportunity to optimize their program in a less hectic manner. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous) ========================== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend the UAF Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty: Initial Appointment, Annual Review, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Sabbatical Leave, Article IV.B.2. with the additional of a fifth paragraph. IV. CONSIDERATION OF FACULTY FOR PROMOTION AND TENURE B. Faculty with Academic Rank 2. (add paragraph 5) ACCESS TO THE CANDIDATE�S FILE WILL BE LIMITED TO THE CANDIDATE AND, DURING THE OFFICIAL REVIEW PERIODS ESTABLISHED BY THE PROVOST, THE APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL AT EACH REVIEW LEVEL (DEPARTMENT HEAD, PEER COMMITTEE, DEAN AND/OR DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY-WIDE PROMOTION AND TENURE COMMITTEE, PROVOST, AND CHANCELLOR, AND INCLUDING STAFF AS DESIGNATED AT THE LEVEL OF REVIEW). EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor Approval RATIONALE: This paragraph makes explicit current policy in most of the University. Currently there is no statement of this policy in UAF Regulations, which has led to some confusion regarding this issue. On the other hand, if the file is not a confidential dossier, then perhaps is it a public document? In any case, access to these files should be well defined in University Regulations. The large majority of the University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee (by a 9 to 1 vote) agreed with the above confidentiality policy. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous) ========================== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to amend Section 3 (ARTICLE V: Committees) of the Bylaws as follows: (( )) = Deletion CAPS = Addition A. An Administrative Committee will be composed of the chairpersons of all standing SENATE COMMITTEES and OF ALL permanent Senate Committees EXCEPT THE UNIVERSITY-WIDE PROMOTION AND TENURE COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE TO NOMINATE COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER AND HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENTS. B. Membership on standing and permanent committees will be for two years EXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW with the possibility of RE- APPOINTMENT ((reelection and will be appointed by the Administrative Committee)). THE INITIAL APPOINTMENT OR RE- APPOINTMENT IS MADE BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE OR AS SPECIFIED IN THE DEFINITION OF A PERMANENT COMMITTEE and ((endorsed)) CONFIRMED by the full Senate. Senators are limited to serving on a maximum of one standing committee at any one time. TO PROVIDE CONTINUITY, TERMS WILL BE STAGGERED AND AN INITIAL APPOINTMENT MAY BE MADE FOR ONE OR TWO YEARS AS DETERMINED BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE BASED ON NEED. C. Standing committees will be constituted entirely of Senate members. Permanent committees can be constituted without Senate members. D. All permanent and standing committee chairs will be elected from and by the members of their respective committee and must be full-time faculty at UAF. E. The standing and permanent committees of the Senate are: STANDING 1. The Curricular Affairs Committee will deal with curricular and academic policy changes on all levels except the graduate level. 2. ((The Scholarly Activities Committee will deal with policies concerning research and creative activity.)) ((3.)) The Faculty AND SCHOLARLY Affairs Committee will deal with policies related to workload, appointment, termination, promotion, tenure, sabbatical leave, ((and)) academic freedom, RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY. 3((4)). The Graduate Curricular Affairs Committee will include five SENATE members and will be responsible for the review and approval of graduate courses, curriculum and graduate degree requirements, and other academic matters related to instruction and mentoring of graduate students. The Dean of the Graduate school, ((and the)) Director((s)) of the Library, ((and Admissions and Records)) THE UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR, and one graduate student are non-voting ex-officio members. PERMANENT 1. The University-Wide Promotion and Tenure Committee will be one member from each school and college. TERMS OF SERVICE ON THE COMMITTEE WILL BE THREE YEARS. Members of this committee must hold tenured senior level appointment at UAF. This committee will review candidate files for promotion and/or tenure and will recommend for or against the promotion and/or tenure of each candidate who presents a file for consideration by the committee. 2. The Service Committee will be 7 members who represent the academic community and the general public, with not less than two members being non-university employees. The chair must be a faculty member. ((Members' terms will be staggered to provide continuity.)) This committee will deal with policies relating to the service mission of the university and its faculty. 3. The Graduate School Advisory Committee will include three full-time faculty members appointed by the Senate President, three full-time faculty members appointed by the Provost, and one graduate student selected by the Provost from nominations submitted by the graduate faculty and student senate. The graduate student must have completed a minimum of one full year of attendance at UAF. Each department with a graduate program is limited to no more than one member. The Dean of the Graduate School and the President of the Faculty Senate are ex-officio non-voting members. The Dean of the Graduate School will convene regular meetings, and must convene additional meetings if requested by two members of the committee. The committee will advise the Dean of the Graduate School and the Provost on administrative matters pertinent to the operation and growth of graduate studies at UAF, including financial and tax-related issues and dealings with other universities. All recommendations regarding curricular matters will go to the Graduate Curricular Affairs Committee and the Faculty Senate for approval. 4. The Developmental Studies Committee will include one representative from each of the following units: Northwest Campus, Chukchi Campus, Kuskokwim Campus, Bristol Bay Campus, Interior-Aleutians Campus; ((the College of Natural Sciences)) COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS SCIENCE DEPARTMENT (BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY, OR PHYSICS) AND MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT; the COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS English DEPARTMENT, ((Mathematical Sciences)), STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM, and Cross Cultural Communications Department; the Developmental Studies Division of the College of Rural Alaska; Rural Student Services; and the Advising Center; and two representatives from the Tanana Valley Campus. The Developmental Studies Committee shall consider policies concerning developmental education: programs, courses, instructional development, evaluation, and assessment. This committee will function as a curriculum council review committee for all developmental studies courses. Discipline based developmental courses will be reviewed by the appropriate college curriculum council before submission to this committee for review and coordination. 5. The Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee will be composed of faculty members and the Director of Faculty Development. This committee will deal with faculty and instructional development and evaluation. 6. The Committee to Nominate Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients will nominate commencement speakers and candidates for honorary degrees. 7. The Legislative and Fiscal Affairs Committee will follow legislative and fiscal issues which may impact faculty concerns at the university and will act as a faculty advocate with legislators and candidates. 8. The Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee shall be composed of two tenured faculty members, elected from each college/school and confirmed by the Faculty Senate. ((who shall serve for a two year term. Members' terms will be staggered to provide continuity.)) This committee will function as an appeal body for issues of faculty prerogative, oversee evaluation of academic administrators, and make recommendations to the Provost or Chancellor. Committee members shall constitute a hearing panel pool to serve as needed on grievance hearing panels. A promotion/tenure appeals subcommittee composed of five tenured faculty will hear all promotion and/or tenure reconsideration requests and report its findings to the Chancellor according to University of Alaska ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Regulations, Section IV,B,4. F. Any standing or permanent committee may create subcommittees to assist the committee. G. The Senate President may create and appoint the members of any ad hoc committee necessary for conducting Senate business. Ad hoc committees are subject to later ratification by the Senate. H. Committees must forward any legislation which involves the setting or altering of policy to the full Senate for approval. Committees which are specifically charged with applying policy to make decisions may do so without having the Senate approve those decisions. A review by the full Senate may be requested by the reviewing Senate committee. A request to the Senate Administrative Committee for a further Senate review may also be submitted by individual Senators if the question has policy implications. THE COMMITTEE CHAIR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRESENTATION OF THE COMMITTEE�S MOTION TO THE SENATE AT THE MEETING IN WHICH IT WILL BE CONSIDERED. EFFECTIVE: Immediately Upon Chancellor�s Approval RATIONALE: A. The work of the University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee and the Committee to Nominate Commencement Speakers and Honorary Degree Recipients is more seasonal than routine and the work is done largely in executive session for which there can be no public report. Hence the chairs are much less involved in the routine work of the Senate. B. These changes apply the length and staggering of appointments uniformly to all committees and provide the mechanism for creating staggered committee appointments. E. STANDING, 2 & 3 Scholarly Affairs has done nothing for three years, yet its reason for being may have some importance. By combining the two committees, such matters as may perhaps come up in the future which would normally be considered by Scholarly Affairs could be handled by the combined Faculty and Scholarly Affairs. E. PERMANENT, 4. Changes in the college structure and realignment of departments delivering developmental courses require the name changes and the inclusion of another program. H. It is difficult to proceed with a proper discussion of a motion submitted to the Senate if the committee chair is not there to provide information on the committee�s deliberation. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED (unanimous) ========================== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar for its 1997-98 meetings: EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: Meeting have to be scheduled and the Wood Center Ballroom reserved well in advance. UAF FACULTY SENATE 1997-98 Calendar of Meetings Mtg. # Date Day Time Type 73 9/15/97 Monday 1:30 p.m audioconference 74 10/13/97 Monday 1:30 p.m face-to-face 75 11/10/97 Monday 1:30 p.m audioconference 76 12/8/97 Monday 1:30 p.m face-to-face 77 2/9/98 Monday 1:30 p.m face-to-face 78 3/9/98 Monday 1:30 p.m audioconference 79 4/6/98 Monday 1:30 p.m audioconference 80 5/4/98 Monday 1:30 p.m audioconference/ face-to-face *Location: Wood Center Ballroom FALL: Orientation for New Students - Sunday-Wednesday, August 30- September 3, 1997 Labor Day - Monday, September 1, 1997 Registration/Course Selection - Tuesday-Wednesday, September 2- 3, 1997 First Day of Instruction - Thursday, September 4, 1997 Thanksgiving Holiday- Thursday-Friday, November 27-28, 1997 Last Day of Instruction - Friday, December 12, 1997 Final Examinations - Monday-Thursday, December 15-18, 1997 Winter Closure - December 25, 1997-January 4, 1998 SPRING: Orientation for New Students - Monday-Tuesday, January 12-13, 1998 Registration/Course Selection - Tuesday-Wednesday, January 13-14, 1998 First Day of Class - Thursday, January 15, 1998 Alaska Civil Rights Day (no classes) - Monday, January 19, 1998 Spring Break - Monday-Sunday, March 16-22, 1998 Last Day of Instruction - Friday, May 1, 1998 Final Examinations - Monday-Thursday, May 4-7, 1998 The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION PASSED ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to conduct the first half of the last meeting of each year by audioconference and conduct the second half of the meeting face-to-face. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: The first half of the meeting is conducted by the outgoing Senate and the second half is conducted by the new Senate. Holding the meeting is such a manner will reduce the cost of travel for units with outgoing members and still allow new members to meet face-to- face. The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #69 on February 10, 1997: MOTION TABLED (17 yes, 7 nays) ============== The UAF Faculty Senate moves to RE-AFFIRM its position on salary/ compensation, locus of tenure, and post-tenure review as expressed in the following motions passed at UAF Senate meetings #56 and #63 with the further understanding that the position on post-tenure review articulates the preliminaries of a formative, rather than a summative, policy which is to be linked to faculty development. In so moving, the UAF Faculty Senate directs that these policy statements be transmitted to the appropriate committees of United Academics currently working on the contract proposal to be negotiated with the University of Alaska administration, the intent of this transmittal being that these Senate policy statements be incorporated in the contract proposal. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: The motion is presented in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation with United Academics concerning mandatory items of collective bargaining. United Academics committees are currently working on contract language and stand to benefit from the work of the UAF Faculty Senate insofar as it has spoken to these specific mandatory items of collective bargaining. The motion, furthermore, directly responds to Lawrence Weiss� memo to D. Lynch and P. Slattery of 2/2/97 inviting �substantial contribution to the contract proposal.� Moreover, the UAF Faculty Senate reserves it right to pronounce on policy recommendations pertinent to faculty affairs, this consistent with AAUP's "Statement on Academic Government for Institutions Engaged in Collective Bargaining", in particular that "Collective bargaining should not replace, but rather should ensure, effective traditional forms of shared governance...Collective bargaining should ensure institutional policies and procedures that provide access for all faculty to participation in shared governance. Employed in this way, collective bargaining complements and supports structures of shared governance consistent with the "Statement on Government."