The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #78 on March 9, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approve the following new policy on academic probation which replaces the existing policy passed by the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Academic Council on October 14, 1987.
An undergraduate degree status or full-time NON-DEGREE [[special]] student whose semester or cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 will be on probation until that situation changes. Probation reviews are done after both fall and spring semesters.
EFFECTIVE: May 10, 1998
RATIONALE: Current policy and practice provide for three levels of review for probation: for students on good standing whose semester or cumulative GPAs are less than 2.0; for students placed on probation at admission whose semester or cumulative GPA are less than 2.0; and for readmitted students continued on probation whose semester or cumulative GPAs are less than 2.0. This proposal simplifies the probation action, reducing three distinctions to one.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 3/10/98
Approved: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 3/13/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #78 on March 9, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to approved the following new policy on Academic Disqualification which replaces the existing policy passed by the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Academic Council on November 20, 1978.
Undergraduate students on probation whose semester and cumulative GPAs are less than 2.0 at the end of the spring semester may be disqualified from degree status. Disqualified students may continue their enrollment at UAF only as non-degree students, limited to enrolling in nine credits per semester, until reinstated into an academic program.
EFFECTIVE: May 10, 1998
RATIONALE: Current UAF practice is to review students for academic disqualification at the end of both fall and spring semesters. Disqualifying students after the fall semester imposes undue hardships on those who have already returned to campus in the expectation that they will be able to continue in their degree programs. Moreover, because eligibility determinations for financial aid and athletic participation are made only at the end of the academic year, some students may be academically disqualified while remaining eligible for financial aid and athletic participation. The new policy language will make the academic disqualification time line consistent with that used for determining financial aid and athletic participation eligibility.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 3/10/98
Approved: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 3/13/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #78 on March 9, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt an interim promotion and tenure process IN ACADEMIC YEAR 1997-98 for ACCFT faculty associated with the UAF MAU. The specific steps (mirroring existing UAF policy & regulations) shall be:
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: For the last several years ACCFT faculty at UAF have utilized a Regional Review Process for promotion and tenure decisions which was modeled on the system in place at UAA. This process involved forwarding P&T; packages to UAA for review by their University-wide P&T; committee. This committee was augmented by representatives from UAF (ACCFT members). This UAA committee made recommendations for or against P&T; and sent their recommendations to the UAF Chancellor.
The most recent ACCFT collective bargaining agreement states in item 5.4.B. that "The University and the Union agree that evaluation policies in which decisions are made within MAUs are desirable. New policies which reflect this goal will be generated through the normal governance structure and will be patterned on the current Regional Review Process (RRP). These policies will become effective when approved by the University and the Union. No changes will be made in UAA policy."
ACCFT faculty at UAF established an ad hoc P&T; policy and procedures development committee. This committee developed Standards and Indices (Unit Criteria) which have been approved by CRA faculty and forwarded to the CRA Executive Dean, approved, and forwarded to the UAF Provost office in accordance with UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies and Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty.
Changes in the procedures from RRP to local review include establishment of a peer review committee within CRA, inclusion of the CRA Dean within the review process, and inclusion of the UAF University-wide P&T; committee in the review process.
However, given the establishment of a new bargaining unit at UAF (United Academics), and given that UAF ACCFT faculty have existed under UAA policy for faculty appointment and evaluation for several years, we recommend that an interim process be approved to accommodate those UAF ACCFT faculty who wish to stand this year. Subsequently, the entire UAF Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies and Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty will require revision to include UAF ACCFT faculty as well as the new United Academics contract language. This is a longer process but one which should be initiated soon.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 3/10/98
Approved: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 3/13/98