The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
MOTION PASSED (14 yes, 11 nays)
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to prohibit tenured faculty, tenure
track faculty, and research faculty hired after this motion becomes
effective, or not currently enrolled in a graduate degree program,
from receiving a graduate degree from UAF* WITHIN THE DISCIPLINE IN WHICH THEY TEACH.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: It is ethically questionable for faculty to
confer graduate degrees upon themselves. Included are
tenured, tenure track, and research faculty. Though
research faculty are not tenured, they are equivalent to
regular faculty in other ways: they are full-time, they
are presumed to have graduate degrees or the equivalent
before starting the job, and most importantly, they
supervise graduate students and sometimes teach as
affiliates to academic departments. Thus they are
involved in the degree-granting process.
The motion is not intended to restrict faculty
professional development derived from enrolling in
courses to enhance one's performance in one's own field.
Tenured, tenure track, and research faculty already in
graduate degree programs by the effective date of the
motion, are grandfathered. For questionable cases, the
affected individual should process his/her appeal through
the Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee of the UAF
Faculty Senate.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
Approved with modifications as indicated: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 5/3/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
RESOLUTION (unanimous)
BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAF Faculty Senate ratifies the election
of President-Elect on the basis of the following ballot.
Please vote for ONE individual to serve as the President-Elect of
the UAF Faculty Senate for 1997-98.
** Ron Gatterdam, Professor
Computer Sciences & Mathematics
** President-Elect
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate recommends the revisions of the
proposed Regents' Policy and University Regulation 09.06.00--
Services for Students with Disabilities as proposed by the
Curricular Affairs Committee and to forward these
recommendations to the Faculty Alliance
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
The committee considered the proposed policy and regulations
for students with disabilities as submitted by the Board of Regents
to the Faculty Alliance.
Chapter 06. Definitions
F. Student with a Disability. In the opinion of the committee,
this section required either a cross-reference to the definitions in
the regulations (Chapter 6, Provision of Appropriate Academic
Adjustments ... A. Requesting Accommodation for Students...) or the
definition in policy should state that documentation of disability
status needs to be supplied.
Accommodation of Students with Disabilities.
Maynard Perkins questioned how this section of policy would
apply to rural sites. The committee thought the language in the
section (for example, implementation subject to resource
limitations and the making of reasonable modifications and
adjustments) would protect the university against exorbitant costs,
but thought the language should be reviewed by university legal
Provision of Appropriate Academic Adjustments...
Section B.2. The committee found the wording of this section
inappropriate in a university that prizes cooperative and not
adversarial approaches to the resolution of issues. It recommended
substituting the following language:
"2. Suggesting appropriate academic adjustments and other
programmatic accommodations for qualified students with
disabilities in consultation with faculty and staff, in accordance
with Regents' Policy, University Regulation, MAU rules and
procedures, and established faculty senate procedures, and working
cooperatively with faculty and staff for their provision and
Section C. Responsibilities of Faculty and Staff in providing
accommodations for students with disabilities. The committee
thought this section was adversarial and instituted administrative
directives to faculty and staff. It recommended these changes:
"Faculty and staff will work with the DSS coordinator to agree
upon and provide appropriate academic adjustments and other
programmatic accommodations. The university will make training
available to faculty and staff regarding adequate accommodation for
students with disabilities."
The committee recommended the deletion of the following
paragraph (beginning "The dean or director of a program....) because it
would be superfluous if a cooperative approach were instituted.
Comments on Regulations
Section A. Requesting Accommodations for students.
l. This paragraph has the same problems as the parallel
policy language. The committee recommended substituting it with
the following:
"If the student is eligible for services, the DSS
coordinator or designee will work cooperatively with faculty and
staff to design appropriate academic adjustments and other
programmatic accommodations, with a copy to the student.
Section B. Implementation of Authorized Appropriate...
The committee proposed the deletion of this paragraph, which
would be unnecessary if a cooperative approach were implemented.
In the opinion of the committee, these issues required a joint effort
of the DSS official and faculty/staff.
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following calendar for
its 1998-99 meetings.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Meetings have to be scheduled and the Wood
Center Ballroom reserved well in advance.
Calendar of Meetings
Mtg. # Date Day Time Type
81 9/14/98 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference
82 10/12/98 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference
83 11/16/98 Monday 1:30 p.m. face-to-face
84 12/7/98 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference
85 2/8/99 Monday 1:30 p.m. face-to-face
86 3/8/99 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference
87 4/5/99 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference
88 5/3/99 Monday 1:30 p.m. audioconference/
Location: Wood Center Ballroom
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to assign academic credit for the
special or reserve numbers (-91 through -99) to the faculty
member(s) immediately and directly responsible for supervising the
students or the courses.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Student supervision is a time consuming
instruction activity and is recognized in BOR policy and
the United Academics contract, which requires a greater
accountability for workload. Tracking the credit hours
back to the faculty will help document actual workload.
At present, some credit can be incorrectly assigned, for
example, to a departments' graduate program coordinator.
It is often the case that more than one faculty member
takes the lead role in directing a student. It is likely
and desirable that the committee members will sort out
an appropriate allocation of the credit hours; however,
it is important to ensure that these allocations are not
triggered by some mechanical algorithm that always
assigns credit to the committee chair.
For reference, the current special or reserved numbers at
UAF are as follows:
-92 Seminar
-93 Special Topics courses (intended to be
offered only once)
-94 Trial Courses
-95 Special Topics Summer Session courses
(offered only in the summer)
-96 NICSA Course offerings
-97 Individual Study
-98 Individual Research
-99 Thesis
These numbers are applicable at all levels, from 100
through 600. These courses may be repeated for credit.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
Approved: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 4/23/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the following
membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria.
Ron Gatterdam, Curricular Affairs
Ray Gavlak, Faculty & Scholarly Affairs
Michael Whalen, Graduate & Professional Curricular Affairs
Rich Seifert, Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement
Kara Nance, Service Committee
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: The UAF Faculty Senate has been informed
by Executive Dean Ralph Gabrielli that the ACCFT
"Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure Review Process for
UAF ACCFT members (Unit Criteria) needs to be approved
by the Senate in order to proceed with the review of the
candidate up for tenure this year. (The Senate approved a
one-time acceptance of the ACCFT review procedures at
the last meeting.)
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to endorse the following membership
on the Ad Hoc Committee on Senate/Union Relations.
Ron Gatterdam, Curricular Affairs (Chair)
Ray Gavlak, Faculty & Scholarly Affairs
David Porter, Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement
Ron Illingworth, ACCFT
John French, United Academics
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: Senate bylaws specify that the Senate
President may create and appoint members to any ad
hoc committee necessary for conducting Senate business.
Ad hoc committees are subject to later ratification by
the Senate. This committee was formed in November and
has met several times. With the ratification of the
ACCFT and United Academics contracts this committee
continues to serve a function for the Senate.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
The UAF Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 79 on
April 6, 1998:
The UAF Faculty Senate moves to accept the interim Standards and
Indices for Promotion and Tenure to Associate Professor, bipartite
academic, developed and approved by the ACCFT faculty of the
College of Rural Alaska and incorporated on pages 9 & 11-13 of their
document, Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure Review Process for
ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø Alaska Community College Federation
of Teachers Bargaining Unit Members. These interim standards and
indices will be for academic year 1997-98.
EFFECTIVE: Immediately
RATIONALE: ACCFT faculty have, for the last 6 years,
had a regional review promotion and tenure process
with standards and indices by which all ACCFT faculty
at UAF were evaluated for promotion and tenure.
The standards and indices approved by the UAF CRA
ACCFT faculty are identical to the currently existing
standards and indices identified above.
The collective bargaining agreement between the
University of Alaska and the ACCFT effective from
July 1, 1997 to June 30, 2000 mandates in item 5.4.B
that "The University and the Union agree that evaluation
policies in which decisions are made within MAUs are
desirable. New policies which reflect this goal will be
generated through the normal governance structure and
will be patterned on the current Regional Review
In light of the newly agreed upon contract the University
of Alaska and United Academics, it is recognized that a
rewrite of the current ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø
Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies and
Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty will be
necessary and that this rewrite should reflect the
contract language binding on both unions and the
University thus it is appropriate to establish interim
standards and indices pending this rewrite.
Signed: John Craven, President, UAF Faculty Senate Date: 4/8/98
Approved: Joan Wadlow, Chancellor Date: 4/23/98
The criteria listed below are intended as the minimum for
determining eligibility for consideration for promotion. However, it
is specifically recognized that University programs may require
faculty whose education and/or experience may be different from
the stated criteria. Exceptions to the minimum time in rank,
terminal degree, or experience qualifications for rank must be fully
justified through all review levels. The basis for exception shall be
outstanding academic performance and/or outstanding professional
Associate Meet criteria for initial appointment to associate
Professor professor
Master's degree in the discipline or appropriate field
Demonstrated evidence of successful college-level
teaching and service
Five (5) years at the rank of assistant professor, or
which three (3) must be at UAF.*
The key concept for promotion to Associate Professor is
"successful," which means "resulted in a positive outcome." The
candidate must demonstrate through the promotion file that each
workload component meets this requirement.
STANDARD 1: (Teaching)
Provides leadership and guidance regarding curriculum issues and in
the development, delivery, and evaluation of educational activity.
The following accomplishments are representative of
"successful" performance of the above criteria. The list is not
exhaustive, nor is it expected that faculty will accomplish all
items. Rather, the quality and quantity of accomplishments
is expected to increase with time in rank. The list is not a
set of criteria nor is it exhaustive or weighted. The list is
merely illustrative and should serve as a guide for faculty
and faculty evaluators.
* Positive student evaluations.
* Colleagues recognize and seek out the expertise of this
* Serves as a resource for other faculty in advising
* Demonstrates mature levels of critical thinking and
contributes knowledge to the field.
* Demonstrates leadership in course and curriculum
development activities.
* Serves as a role model in providing academic advising,
educational planning, vocational/career counseling on
an individual or group basis.
* Demonstrates leadership in designing and teaching/
facilitating credit/non-credit workshops, seminars, and
short courses.
* Demonstrates leadership in designing and developing
and/or evaluating materials to enhance the teaching
process (i.e. planning sheets, degree formats, etc.).
* Provides guidance and direction designing and delivering
educational services to special student populations (i.e.
Alaska Native, disabled, re-entry, economically
disadvantaged, etc.).
* Initiates course development appropriate to area of
expertise and student need.
STANDARD 2: (Service)
Demonstrates leadership in service activities.
The following accomplishments are representative of
"successful" performance of the above criterion. The list is not
exhaustive, nor is it expected that faculty will accomplish all
items. Rather, the quality and quantity of accomplishments is
expected to increase with time in rank. The list is not a set of
criteria nor is it exhaustive or weighted. The list is merely
illustrative and should serve as a guide for faculty and faculty
* Chairs or provides leadership on a Campus/College
* Serves as Campus/College representative to a
community or regional organization.
* Takes responsibility for development of junior faculty.
* Develops an area of service that makes a recognizable
impact on one of the missions of the Campus/College.
* Carries out administrative responsibilities skillfully as
documented by peers and supervisors.
* Provides leadership that generates a climate conducive
to professional growth within the Campus/College.
* Serves on a major university committee.
* Serves as a University representative to a community,
regional, or state organization.
* Actively participates in professional organizations.
* Campus/College representative to University
STANDARD 3: (Research/Creative Activity)
Initiates, designs, executes, and reports original research/creative
activity independently or in collaboration with others. Provides
consultative assistance related to research/creative activity to
faculty and/or other professionals. Expertise is recognized within
the community, region, and state.
The following accomplishments are representative of
"successful" performance of the above criteria. The list is not
exhaustive, nor is it expected that faculty will accomplish all
items. Rather, the quality and quantity of accomplishments is
expected to increase with time in rank. The list is not a set of
criteria nor is it exhaustive or weighted. The list is merely
illustrative and should serve as a guide to faculty and faculty
* Research/creative activity is published in refereed
journals or professionally recognized publications.
* Reports research/creative activities at regional and
national meetings.
* Research projects or program evaluation projects are
actively developed and implemented.
* Consultation on research is sought by faculty members.
* Authors chapter for book or entire book.
* Research proposals for external support are approved
and/or funded.
* Non-research manuscripts are published as monographs,
book sections, books, or articles.
* Reputation as an expert researcher is initiated.
* Serves as guest editor of a journal issue.