

Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee


	Committee Reports (Initially Curric. & Inst. I). (-)  Meeting #05
	Committee Reports (Initially Curric. & Inst. I). (-)  Meeting #06
	Committee Reports (Initially Curric. & Inst. I). (-)  Meeting #07
	Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #06
	Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #07
	Legislative Affairs. (-)  Meeting #06
	Service Committee. (-)  Meeting #07
	Committee Elections--standing & permanent. (-)  Meeting #11

	Goals and Objectives for 1989-90. (-)  Meeting #12
	Faculty Appeals Committee - postpone election. (-)  Meeting #14
	Faculty Appeals Committee - election of members. (-)  Meeting #15
	Annual Reports. (-)  Meeting #18
		Curriculum Review Committee
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee
	Suggested changes to Senate committee structure. (-)  Meeting #18
	Annual Reports. (-)  Meeting #19
		Curricular Affairs
		Faculty Affairs
		Faculty Development Assessment & Improvement
		Graduate Council
	Endorse 1990-91 committee memberships. (-)  Meeting #19

	Motion to establish a core review subcommittee of Curricular Affairs which will review 
		core courses after the courses have been reviewed by the appropriate curriculum 
		councils.  This committee will replace the CLA and CNS curriculum councils in 
		reviewing the courses for oral, written, and natural science core classification. (a)  
		Meeting #21
	Confirm incoming membership of the University-wide
		Promotion and Tenure Committee. (-)  Meeting #21
	Confirm Cooperative Extension Service representative
		to the University-wide Promotion/Tenure Committee. (-)  Meeting #22
	Confirm membership on the Core Review Committee. (-)  Meeting #22
	Confirm membership on the Fact Finding Committee
		on Overhead Recovery. (-)  Meeting #22
	Confirm the Chemistry Department Peer Review Committee. (-)  Meeting #22
	Ratify the election of two individuals to served on the
		Faculty Appeals Committee. (-)  Meeting #23
	Moves that the Developmental Studies Committee representative on the Curriculum 
		Review Committee become a full voting member. (-)  Meeting #24
	Establish and confirm membership of an Ad Hoc Safety Committee. (-)  Meeting #24
	Establish an Ad Hoc committee to discuss faculty involvement
		in the selection of Deans/Directors and Vice-Chancellors. (-)  Meeting #24
	Confirm the membership of the Scholarly Activities Committee to look at 
		Unit Criteria. (-)  Meeting #24
	Endorse faculty membership of a joint faculty/administrative
		planning focus task force. (-)  Meeting #25
	Support the formation of a UAF Assembly Health Issues Committee. (-)  Meeting #25
	Formation of Ad Hoc Committee on Compensation. (-)  Meeting #26
	Motion requesting that the current UAF Faculty Senate President, Ray Highsmith, 
		be added to the Financial Flexibility Task Force. (a)  Meeting #26
	Move that the Core Review Subcommittee of the Curriculum
		Affair be charged with additional tasks. (-)  Meeting #26
	Endorse 1991-92 committee memberships. (-)  Meeting #26
	Annual Reports
		Faculty Affairs. (-)  Meeting #26
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee. (-)  Meeting #26
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #27
		Service Committee. (-)  Meeting #27
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #27
	Motion to refer to a Reconciliation Committee for review the modifications made by 
		the Chancellor to the Transfer Guidelines approved by the Senate at its April 15, 
		1991 meeting. (-)  Meeting #27

	Resolution to refer the issue of Program Review to the appropriate committee of the 
		Senate (Curricular Affairs) and ask the committee to advise the Senate regarding 
		the role the Faculty Senate should have in the Program Review. (-)  Meeting #28
	Motion to refer to Faculty Affairs for further review the policy statement on 
		educational equity. (-)  Meeting #29
	Motion to refer to Scholarly Activities the proposed policy and regulation on 
		Inventions, patents, copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual properties. (-) 
		Meeting #29
	Resolution to confirm the 1991-92 membership on the Core Review Committee, a 
		subcommittee of Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #30
	Resolution to confirm incoming membership of the 	
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee. (-)  Meeting #30
	Resolution to ratify the election of three individuals to serve
		on the Faculty Appeals Committee for promotion & tenure. (-)  Meeting #31
	Resolution to confirm the 1991-92 membership on the Committee to Nominate 
		Commencement Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients. (-)  Meeting #31
	Motion to endorse 1992-93 committee memberships. (-)  Meeting #35
	Annual Reports	
		Faculty Affairs. (-)  Meeting #35
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee. (-)  Meeting #35
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #35
		Graduate Council. (-)  Meeting #35
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #35
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement. (-)  Meeting #35

	Resolution to confirm the 1992-93 membership on the Core Review Committee, a 
		subcommittee of Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #37
	Resolution to ratify the election of three individuals to serve
		on the Faculty Appeals Committee for promotion & tenure. (-)  Meeting #37
	Resolution to confirm the membership on the Ad Hoc
		Committee on Health Benefits. (-)  Meeting #37
	Resolution to recommend maintaining the Office of Faculty Development and 
		staffing the office with a permanent faculty member. (-)  Meeting #37
	Resolution to constitute ad hoc committee to review unit criteria. (-)  Meeting #38
	Resolution to endorse the membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. (-)  Meeting #39
	Referred the issue of notification date for non-retention back to the Faculty 
		Affairs Committee. (-)  Meeting #41
	Motion to endorse 1993-94 committee memberships. (-) Meeting #42
	Annual Reports
		Core Review. (-)  Meeting #42
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #42
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #42
		Faculty Affairs. (-)  Meeting #42
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement. (-) Meeting #42
		Graduate Council. (-)  Meeting #42
		Legislative & Fiscal Affairs. (-)  Meeting #42
		Scholarly Activities. (-)  Meeting #42
		Service. (-)  Meeting #42
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee. (-) Meeting #42
	Motion to confirm the membership on the University-wide Promotion and Tenure 
		Committee. (-)  Meeting #ac93

	Resolution to approved the process of collecting names for the Joint Faculty/
		Administration Task Forces. (-)  Meeting #43
	Resolution to confirm the faculty membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on 
		Student Services. (-)  Meeting #44
	Resolution to ratify the election of two individuals for the Faculty Appeals 
		Committee.  (no action; ratified by AC). (-)  Meeting #44
	Motion to endorse 1994-95 committee membership. (-)  Meeting #49
	Annual Reports	
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #49
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #49
		Faculty Affairs. (-)  Meeting #49
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement. (-)  Meeting #49
		Graduate Council. (-)  Meeting #49
		Legislative & Fiscal Affairs. (-)  Meeting #49
		Scholarly Activities. (-)  Meeting #49
		Service. (-)  Meeting #49

	Motion to confirm the membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. (-)  Meeting #51
	Motion to confirm the membership of the Faculty Appeals Committee. (-)  Meeting #51
	Annual Report - 1993-94	
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure. (-)  Meeting #52
	Motion to empower the Senate president to create an ad hoc committee which will 
		review issues related to the UA Learning Cooperative. (-)  Meeting #52
	Motion to establish an Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Retention.(o)  Meeting #52
	The Administrative Committee charged the Scholarly Activities Committee to look 
		at the current grade appeal process. (-)  Meeting #ac95
	Motion to accept the proposal on Featured Faculty Program. (a)  Meeting #56
	Motion to endorse 1995-96 committee membership. (-)  Meeting #57
	Annual Reports - 1994-95	
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #57
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #57
		Faculty Affairs. (-)  Meeting #57
		Faculty Development, Improvement & Assessment. (-)  Meeting #57
		Graduate Council. (-)  Meeting #57
		Service. (-)  Meeting #57
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure (Interim Summary). (-)  Meeting #57
		Ad Hoc Committee on UALC. (-)  Meeting #57

	Motion to confirm the membership of the Faculty Appeals and Oversight Committee. (-)  Meeting #58
	Annual Report - 1994-95
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure (-)  Meeting #59
	Motion to confirm additional membership on the Faculty Appeals and Oversight 
		Committee. (-)  Meeting #59
	Motion to confirm the membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. (-)  Meeting #62
	Motion to empower the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate 
		until the Senate resumes deliberations in the Fall of 1996 on all matters 
		within its purview.  (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee). (-)  Meeting #64
	Motion to endorse the 1996-97 committee membership. (-)  Meeting #64
	Report on Provost's Ad Hoc Committee on Distance Delivery and Technology Enhanced 
		Education. (-)  Meeting #64
	Annual Reports - 1995-96	
		Core Review. (-)  Meeting #64
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #64
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #64
		Faculty Affairs. (-)  Meeting #64
		Faculty Appeals & Oversight. (-)  Meeting #64
		Faculty Development, Improvement & Assessment. (-)  Meeting #64
		Graduate Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #64
		Graduate School Advisory. (-)  Meeting #64
		Scholarly Activities. (-)  Meeting #64
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure. (-)  Meeting #64

	Motion to endorse the 1997-98 committee membership. (-)  Meeting #72
	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months.  (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee). (-)  Meeting #72
	Annual Reports - 1996-97
		Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #72
		Faculty & Scholarly Affairs. (-)  Meeting #72
		Graduate Curricular Affairs. (-)  Meeting #72
		Developmental Studies. (-)  Meeting #72
		Faculty Appeals & Oversight. (-)  Meeting #72
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement. (-)  Meeting #72
		Graduate School Advisory. (-)  Meeting #72
		Legislative & Fiscal Affairs. (-)  Meeting #72
		Service Committee. (-)  Meeting #72
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure. (-)  Meeting #72

	Motion to endorse membership on an Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria.  (-)  Meeting #79
	Motion to endorse membership on an Ad Hoc Committee on Senate/Union relations.  (-)  Meeting #79
	Motion to create a Permanent Committee on Faculty Seminars.  (f)  Meeting #79
	Motion to endorse the 1998-99 committee membership.  (-)  Meeting #80
	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months.  (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee)  (-)  Meeting #80
	Annual Report - 1996-97
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure  (-)  Meeting #73
	Annual Reports - 1997-98
		Curricular Affairs  (-)  Meeting #80
		Faculty & Scholarly Affairs  (-)  Meeting #80
		Graduate & Professional Curricular Affairs  (-)  Meeting #80
		Core Review  (-)  Meeting #80
		Developmental Studies	  (-)  Meeting #80
		Faculty Appeals & Oversight  (-)  Meeting #80
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement  (-)  Meeting #80
		Legislative & Fiscal Affairs  (-)  Meeting #80
		Service Committee  (-)  Meeting #80
		Committee to Nominate Commencement Speakers & Honorary Degree Recipients  (-)  Meeting #80
		Ad Hoc Committee on Senate/Union Relations  (-)  Meeting #80
		Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria  (-)  Meeting #80
		University-wide Promotion and Tenure  (-)  Meeting #80

	Motion to establish an Ad Hoc Committee on Out-of-Class Learning. (-)  Meeting #81
	Motion to establish membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. (-) Meeting #81
	Motion to refer the issue of amending the UAF Policies & Regulations for the 
		Evaluation Faculty to Faculty & Scholarly Affairs.  (-)  Meeting #82
	Motion to establish a Department Honors Policy-recommitted to Committee. (r) Meeting #84
	Motion recommending continued Senate representation on the Outreach Working Group. (a)  
		Meeting #87
	Motion to endorse the 1999-2000 committee membership. (-)  Meeting #88
	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months.  (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee) (-) Meeting #88
	Annual Report - 1997-98
		University-wide Promotion & Tenure.  (-)  Meeting #81
		Ad Hoc Committee on AQSI report  (-)  Meeting #87
	Annual Reports - 1998-99
		Curricular Affairs  (-)  Meeting #88
		Faculty & Scholarly Affairs  (-)  Meeting #88
		Graduate & Professional Curricular Affairs (-)  Meeting #88
		Core Review  (-)  Meeting #88
		Curriculum Review  (-)  Meeting #88
		Developmental Studies  (-)  Meeting #88
		Faculty Appeals & Oversight  (-)  Meeting #88
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement  (-)  Meeting #88
		Graduate School Advisory Committee  (-)  Meeting #88
		Legislative & Fiscal Affairs  (-)  Meeting #88

	Motion to confirm the membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. (-)  Meeting #91
	Motion to endorse the 2000-2001 committee membership.  (-)  Meeting #95
	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee) (-)  Meeting #95
	Annual Reports - 1999-2000
		Curricular Affairs (-)  Meeting #95
		Faculty Affairs (-)  Meeting #95
		Graduate & Professional Curricular Affairs  (-)  Meeting #95
		Core Review  (-)  Meeting #95
		Developmental Studies  (-)  Meeting #95
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement  (-)  Meeting #95
		Graduate School Advisory Committee  (-)  Meeting #95

	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee).  (-)  Meeting #102
	Motion to endorse 2001-2002 committee membership. (-)  Meeting #102
	Annual Reports - 2000-2001 
		Curricular Affairs (-)  Meeting #102
		Faculty Affairs (-)  Meeting #102
		Developmental Studies (-)  Meeting #102
		Faculty Appeals & Oversight (-)  Meeting #102
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement (-)  Meeting #102
		Graduate Academic & Advisory  (-)  Meeting #102

	Motion to confirm membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria.  (-)  Meeting #103
	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee) (-) Meeting #109
	Motion to endorse 2002-2003 committee membership.  (-)  Meeting #109
	Annual Reports - 2000-2001
		Curricular Affairs  (-)  Meeting #109
		Curriculum Review  (-)  Meeting #109
		Faculty Affairs (-)  Meeting #109
		Developmental Studies  (-)  Meeting #109
		Faculty Appeals & Oversight  (-)  Meeting #109
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement  (-)  Meeting #109
		Graduate Academic & Advisory   (-)  Meeting #109

	Motion to confirm membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria. 
		(-) Meeting #110
	Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the 
		Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative 
		Committee) (-) Meeting #116
	Motion to endorse 2003-2004 committee membership.(-) Meeting #116
	Annual Reports - 2002-2003
		Curricular Affairs (-) Meeting #116
		Curriculum Review (-) Meeting #116
		Core Review (-) Meeting #116
		Developmental Studies (-) Meeting #116
		Faculty Affairs (-) Meeting #116
		Faculty Appeals and Oversight (-) Meeting #116
		Faculty Development, Assessment & Improvement (-) Meeting #116
		Graduate Academic & Advisory (-) Meeting #116
		Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #116
FY04 Motion to establish a Faculty Travel Subcommittee. (-) Meeting #117 Motion to refer the vetoed Classified Research Policy to a Reconciliation Committee. (-) Meeting #117 Motion to confirm membership on the Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #117 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-) Meeting #123 Motion to endorse 2004-2005 committee membership. (-) Meeting #123 Annual Reports - 2003-2004 Curricular Affairs (-) Meeting #123 Curriculum Review (-) Meeting #123 Core Review (-) Meeting #123 Developmental Studies (-) Meeting #123 Faculty Affairs (-) Meeting #123 Faculty Appeals & Oversight (-) Meeting #123 Graduate Academic & Advisory (-) Meeting #123 Ad Hoc Committee on Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #123 FY05 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months.  (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-) Meeting #130 Motion to endorse 2005-2006 committee membership. (-) Meeting #130 Motion to amend the Section 1 (Article III:  Membership) and Section 3 (Article V: Committees) of the Bylaws to add union representation to the Faculty Senate and Faculty Affairs Committee (a) Meeting #130 Motion to override the veto of the amendment to the Faculty Senate Bylaws to establish a "Research Oversight Committee." (-) Meeting #128 Motion to amend the Faculty Senate Section 3, (Article V, Committee, Standing) of the Bylaws to establish a " Research Oversight Committee." (!) Meeting #124 Ad Hoc Review Committee Report (-) Meeting #124 Annual Reports – 2004-2005 Curricular Affairs (-) Meeting #130 Curriculum Review (-) Meeting #130 Developmental Studies (-) Meeting #130 Faculty Appeals and Oversight  (-) Meeting #130 Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement (-) Meeting #130 Graduate Academic and Advisory (-) Meeting #130 Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #130 Committee on the Status of Women (-) Meeting #130 FY06 Motion to endorse 2006-2007 committee membership. (-) Meeting #137 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-) Meeting #137 Motion on mixed-gender representation on university-wide committees. (a#) Meeting #131 Annual Reports - 2005-2006 Curricular Affairs (-) Meeting #137 Curriculum Review (-) Meeting #137   Core Review (-) Meeting #137 DevelopmentalStudies (-) Meeting #137   Faculty Affairs (-) Meeting #137   Faculty Appeals and Oversight (-) Meeting #137 Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement (-) Meeting #137   Graduate Academic and Advisory (-) Meeting #137   Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #137 Committee on the Status of Women (-) Meeting #137 FY07 Motion to endorse 2007-2008 committee membership. (-) Meeting #144 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-) Meeting #144 Motion to amend Section 3 (ART V: Committees) of the UAF Faculty Senate By-laws changing the name of the Developmental Studies Committees. (a) Meeting #144 Motion to amend Section 3 (ART V: Committees, Standing) of the UAF Faculty Senate By-laws by deleting the Faculty Research Oversight Committees. (a) Meeting #138 Annual Reports - 2006-2007 Curricular Affairs Curriculum Review   Core Review Developmental Studies (-) Meeting #144 (attachment 14)   Faculty Affairs   Faculty Appeals and Oversight (-) Meeting #144 (attachment 15) Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement (-) Meeting #144 (attachment 16)   Graduate Academic and Advisory (-) Meeting #144 (attachment 17)   Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #144 (attachment 12) Committee on the Status of Women (-) Meeting #144 (attachment 13) FY08 Motion to endorse 2008-2009 committee membership. (-) Meeting #151 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-) Meeting #151 Annual Reports - 2006-2007 Curriculum Review (-) Meeting #151   Faculty Affairs (-) Meeting #151 (attachment 11)   Faculty Appeals and Oversight (-) Meeting #151 Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement (-) Meeting #151 (attachment 14)   Graduate Academic and Advisory (-) Meeting #151   Unit Criteria (-) Meeting #151 (attachment 12) Committee on the Status of Women (-) Meeting #151 (attachment 13) FY09 Motion to endorse 2009-10 committee membership. (-) Meeting #159 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the
Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-) Meeting #159
Annual Reports - 2008-09
Curricular Affairs (-) Meeting #159 - Attachment 9
Committee on the Status of Women (-) Meeting #159 - Attachment 12
Faculty Affairs Committee (-) Meeting #159 - Attachment 10
Faculty Appeals and Oversight (-) Meeting #159 - Handout of 5/15/09
Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committe (-) Meeting #159 - Attachment 14
Student Academic Development and Achievement Committee (-) Meeting #159 - Attachment 13
Unit Criteria Committee (-) Meeting #159 - Handout of 5/4/09
FY10 Motion to endorse 2010-11 committee membership. (-) Meeting #167 Motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the
Senate during the summer months. (AC indicates action by Administrative Committee) (-)Meeting #167
Annual Reports - 2009-10 Meeting #167