

Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee


FY88 Senate President will attend BOR meetings. (-) Meeting #04
FY90 Discussion at special Senate meeting. (-) Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations. (-) Meeting #16

FY91 Endorse the Operating Procedures for the UAF Governance Coordinating Commission which replaces the UAF Assembly. (-) Meeting #24 Refer to Faculty Affairs the issue of systemwide governance and charge the committee to report back in September with their recommendation. (-) Meeting #27

FY92 Resolution accepting the recommendations submitted in the Report of the Governance Task Force of the UA General Assembly with a change in Recommendation 6: System Governance: Voting Members in that the membership of the System Governance Council shall consist of two faculty, one staff, and one student representative from each of the three major academic centers and one staff representative from SAA for a total of 13 voting members. (-) Meeting #31

FY93 Resolution that the Governance Coordinating Committee establish a joint working committee to begin a review of the student and community support structures available on campus and within the UAF system. (-) Meeting #41

FY94 Motion to ratify the Constitution of the Alliance of Faculty Senates. (-) Meeting #47
Motion to empower the Administrative Committee to make nominations to the Faculty Alliance for statewide task forces. (-) Meeting #47 Resolution relating to productivity measures. (f) Meeting #48 Resolution relating to program deletion analysis. (f) Meeting #48 Resolution relating to who pays for department heads. (f) Meeting #48 Resolution relating to service attributed to administrative budget. (f) Meeting #48 Motion supporting the resolution relating to Institutional support for workload description as amended and forward it to the Faculty Alliance. (#,-) Meeting #48 Motion supporting the resolution relating to resource utilization as amended and to forward it to the Faculty Alliance. (-) Meeting #48 Motion to establish a wellness program for University employees. (#,*) Meeting #48 FY95 Motion to endorse the Outreach Working Group's "Definition, Criteria, and Evaluation of Service." (-) Meeting #56 FY96 Resolution to endorse the proposed changes to the System Governance Council Constitution. (-) Meeting #59 Discussion Paper: University of Alaska Political Action Committees. (-) Meeting #59 Motion to amend the UAF Governance Coordinating Procedure to delete the Budget Committee. (-) Meeting #60 Motion to amend the UAF Governance Coordinating Procedure to delete the Library and Information Technology Users Committee. (-) Meeting #62 Motion to recommend that Regents' Policy include sections on governance and consultation. (-) Meeting #63 Report on the Western States Association of Faculty Governance Conference. (-) Meeting #64 Report on Intercollegiate Athletics Committee's motion on academic eligibility for student athletes. (-) Meeting #64 FY97 Motion to appoint an ad hoc committee to study the relationship and/or structures of faculty governance at universities in which faculty are unionized. (-) Meeting #67 Motion to change the name of the Alliance of Faculty Senates to the Faculty Alliance. (-) Meeting #68 Motion to amend the UAF Governance Coordinating Procedure to delete the Health Issues Committee. (-) Meeting #68 Resolution on Union-Governance Relations. (-) Meeting #68 Motion to approve the disbanding of the Academic Computer Users Committee. (-) Meeting #71 Motion to the Faculty Alliance of the Senate's concerns and recommendations regarding proposed changes to Regents' Policy and Regulations on Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment. (-) Meeting #71 Motion to amend the Faculty Alliance resolution regarding "upon recommendation of the faculty." (#) Meeting #71 FY98 Motion to send a letter to the Governor on behalf of the Senate. (-) Meeting #76 Motion to approve amendment to the Faculty Alliance Constitution. (-) Meeting #77 Motion to affirm the Faculty Alliance motion on the Presidential Search process. (-) Meeting #77

FY99 Motion to approve changes to the GCC procedures--postponed. (-) Meeting #82 Motion on draft Common Grading System submitted by the UA Faculty Alliance be accepted. (-) Meeting #84 Motion on draft Course Level Definitions submitted by the UA Faculty Alliance be accepted. (-) Meeting #84 Motion to approve changes to the Governance Coordinating Committee Procedures. (-) Meeting #88 FY03 Motion to amend the GCC Procedures to establish a new standing committee for Diversity and Tolerance. (-) Meeting #112 FY04 Resolution on Outcomes Based Budgeting. (-) Meeting #119 Motion to support the Faculty Liaison position. (a*) Meeting #120 Resolution on the Budget Liaison Report. (-) Meeting #120 Motion to endorse the Faculty Alliance report on the targets for outcomes based budgeting measures. (-) Meeting #120 Discussion on Course Level and Grade Definitions (-) Meeting #121 FY05 Motion to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 10.06.01. (-) Meeting #127 Motion to recommend the amendment of Regents' Policy 04.04.040. (a) Meeting #126 Motion to recommend change to BOR Policy 10.05.03 on Residency Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees. (a) Meeting #125 Motion in support of BOR policy changes and draft University Regulation 03.01.01 - Faculty, Staff, and Student Governance. (a) Meeting #125 Motion to adopt a vote of confidence for Michael Hannigan as President-elect. (f) Meeting #124 FY06 Motion to ratify the recommendation of the GCC to delete the standing committees. (a) Meeting #137 FY07 Motion to amend the Governanct Coordinating Committee (GCC) Procedures to add the Joint Committee on Student Success. (a) Meeting #142