

Letter Explanation
ffailed Senate/Review Committee
+disapproved in part by Committee
#amended by Sen./Review Committee
aapproved by Chancellor's office
paction pending from Chancellor's Office
taction tabled by Senate
waction withdrawn
*modified by Chancellor's Office
!disapproved by Chancellor's Office
-no signature/action required
oapproved; no objection received from Chancellor's Office
rreferred to Committee

Graduate Students

FY98 Motion prohibiting faculty from receiving a graduate degree from UAF. (a*) Meeting #79 FY99 Motion on status of students in post-baccalaureate teacher licensure programs. (a) Meeting #85 Motion on graduate degree transfer credits. (a) Meeting #86 FY00 Motion to amend the GRE/GMAT requirement for Graduate Student Admission. (a*) Meeting #89 Motion to amend the policy on Advancement to Candidacy for the Ph.D. (a*) Meeting #90 Motion to amend the Ph.D. requirements. (a) Meeting #91 Motion on guidelines for Collaborative Ph.D. Graduate Studies. (a#) Meeting #91 Motion to amend the policy on Course Restrictions for graduate degrees. (a) Meeting #93 Motion to approve a policy on Graduate Teaching Assistantships. (r) Meeting #93 Motion to amend the policy on Admission Requirements for Graduate degrees. (f) Meeting #93 Motion to request department heads submit a list of graduate Programs requiring GRE/GMAT scores for admission. (a) Meeting #93 Motion to amend the Graduate Degree Requirements. (a) Meeting #95 FY02 Motion to amend the policy on Course Restrictions for graduate degrees. (a) Meeting #104 Discussion on Joint UAF/UAA Ph.D. Guidelines. (-) Meeting #106 Motion to amend the definition of Graduate Scholastic and Academic standing. (a) Meeting #109 FY03 Motion to amend the policy on Reserving Courses for Graduate Programs. (a) Meeting #116 Report on the Joint Ph.D. Guideline Proposal. (-) Meeting #116 FY04 Motion to require graduate students to enroll at the 600-level for 400/600 level stacked courses--failed. (f) Meeting #118 Motion to amend the Master's Degree requirements for the MA with project and the MS with project--referred back to committee. (r) Meeting #118 Motion to amend the Graduate Academic Standards. (a) Meeting #119 Motion to amend the Graduate Full or Part-time Status/Study Load policy. (a) Meeting #123 Motion to amend the Graduate Degree Requirements for the Master of Arts with Project and the Master of Science with Project. (a) Meeting #123 FY05 Motion to amend the Graduate Credit Registration Requirement. (a*) Meeting #125 Motion on Deficiencies for Graduate Students. (a) Meeting #125 Motion to amend the Cooperative Ph.D. Requirements. (a) Meeting #125
Motion to amend the "walk-through" requirements for graduate students. (a#) Meeting #136 Motion to amend the policy on Graduate Advisory Committee membership for Interdisciplinary doctoral degree students. (a) Meeting #133
Motion to amend the minimum grade requirement for graduate students. (a#) Meeting #142 FY09
Resolution on Majority Vote of Graduate Student Committees. (-) Meeting #152
Resolution on Tuition Rates for Graduate Students after Two Years of Study. (-) Meeting #152