Pan-Arctic and International
This is a comprehensive inventory of key policies, programs, and strategies at the pan-Arctic and international scales including key documents of the Permanent Participants of the Arctic Council and international agreements. These are organized by type in the top section, and alphabetically below. The Center for Arctic Policy Studies tries to update this list as new policies and programs are released. Most recent update: 15 December 2020.

Permanent Participants
- Europe and the Arctic: a View from the Arctic Athabaskan Council (2008)
- Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Arctic Council: A Discussion Paper (2007)
- Treaty of the AAC (2000)
- Food Sovereignty and Self-Governance: Inuit Role in Managing Arctic Marine Resources (2020)
- Final Outcome Document of the Inuit Education Summit (2018)
- Implementing the Utqiagvik Declaration: 2018 - 2022 (2018)
- Utqiagvik Declaration (2018)
- Application of Indigenous Knowledge in the Arctic Council (2016)
- Coastal Monitoring Indigenous Knowledge Holders Meeting Report (2016)
- Executive Council Resolution 16-01 A Resolution of Support for Eskimo Walrus Commission's Opposition of Including Walrus, Mammoth, and Mastodon Ivory in African Ivory Ban Laws in the United States (2016)
- Kitigaaryuit Declaration (2014)
- A Circumpolar Inuit Declaration on Resource Development Principles in Inuit Nunaat (2011)
- Inuit Arctic Policy (2010)
- Moscow Declaration (2010)
- Nuuk Declaration (2010)
- A Circumpolar Inuit Declaration on Sovereignty in the Arctic (2009)
- Utqiagvik Declaration (2006)
- (2016)
- The Sámi Arctic Strategy/Sámi Árktalaš Áigumušat/Samisk Strategi for Arktiske saker (2019)
- Declaration from the 21st Saami Conference in Tråante (2017)
- Plan for Suicide Prevention among the Sámi People in Norway, Sweden, and Finland (2017)
- EU Arctic Stakeholder Forum Sápmi Report (2017)
- Declaration from the 20th Saami Conference in Kuellnegk Neark/Murmansk (2013)
- The Rovaniemi declaration of the 19th Saami Conference (2008)
- The Saami Council Charter (2008)
International and Pan-Arctic Agreements and Cooperation
A comprehensive list, current status, and full descriptions of international agreements related to the Arctic can be found at the
- Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean (2018)
- Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation (2017)
- International Maritime Organization - International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) (2015)
- Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic (2013)
- Agreement on Cooperation on Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue in the Arctic (2011)
- Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council: Joint Communique of the Governments of the Arctic Countries on the Establishment of the Arctic Council (Ottawa Declaration) (1996)
- ILO C169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, (ILO Convention No. 169 or C169) (1989)
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (1982)
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (1973)
- Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears (1973)
- The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (1946)
- Svalbard Treaty (1920)
Chart illustrating national participation in international agreements in the Arctic. Source: