2023 AGU

The American Geophysical Union's Annual Fall Meeting in 2023 was held in San Francisco from December 11-15th.  Numerous Toolik Field Station community members presented about Toolik and region throughout the week.

ID Title First author Type Time Location
*** Consequences of Changing Seasonality for Phenology and Biogeochemical Cycling in a Warming Arctic Poster Amanda Young Session 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Isoprene Emissions of Sedge Species Under Varying Arctic Climate Conditions Christopher Leong Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Exploring the importance of capturing shoulder seasons dynamics in Arctic headwaters: Are we giving the Arctic the cold shoulder? (invited) Arial Shogren Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Winter Limnology in Arctic Lakes - Legacy Effects Sally MacIntyre Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
The Legacy of Unprecedented Extreme Late Freeze of the Active Layer on Carbon Release: Arctic Ecosystem Model Evaluation with Long-Term Measurements of Tundra Carbon Fluxes Eugenie Euskirchen Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Quantifying change in growing season length as a mechanism of shrubification in a warming Arctic Ruby An Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Photosynthetic Response of Arctic Tundra Forbs and Deciduous Shrubs to Vapor Pressure Deficit Steve Oberbauer Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Seasonal Differences in Canopy Greenness and Soil Nutrient Availability in a Long-Term Fertilization Gradient Experiment in Moist Acidic Tundra Jessie Motes Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Runoff response of permafrost rivers to rainfall and heatwaves Cansu Culha Oral 9:30-9:45 2001-West
Deeper Snow may Contribute to Annual CO2 Release in Arctic Alaska Kyoko Okano Oral 11:12-11:22 2005-West
Arctic tundra ecosystems under fire – potential directions for stable state shifts Gabriela Schaepman-Strub Oral 11:32-11:42 2005-West
Microbial dynamics following permafrost thaw: how does disturbance intensity and time affect microbiome structure and biogeochemical function? Jessica Ernakovich Oral 14:10-14:22 2004-West
Assessing the Abundance of Track-Gully Complexes in the Arctic Landscape Brandon Yokeley Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Permafrost carbon emissions in response to 25 years of snow addition to tundra Claudia Czimczik Oral 14:22-14:34 2004-West
Profiles of Near-surface Excess Ground Ice from Satellite Radar Interferometry Simon Zwieback Oral 17:04-17:14 2004-West


ID Title First Author Type Time Location
Quantifying Variations in Soil Moisture Across Arctic Hillslopes Underlain by Continuous Permafrost  Emma Ferm  Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Database of Ground-truthed Permafrost Thaw and Thermokarst Locations Across Alaska  Hailey Webb Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Rusting of the Arctic: causes of metal mobilization from thawing permafrost and consequences for aquatic ecosystems

 Jonathan O'Donnell

Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Using Ground-Penetrating Radar to Investigate the Control of Ground Ice on Continuous Permafrost Hillslope Hydrology  Rachel Harris Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall

Direction finding of auroral cyclotron harmonic radio emissions Tedi Godfrey Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall

Results from the ABoVE Permafrost Dynamics Observatory: What Remote Sensing Big Data Tells Us about the Dynamic Active Layer, Soil Moisture, and Greening and Browning Elizabeth Wig Oral 9:10-9:20 3006-West

Atmospheric concentration measurements improve Arctic-boreal carbon dioxide and methane flux model development Luke Schiferl Oral 10:20-10:30 3006-West

Controls on the Respiration of Ancient Permafrost Carbon in Sunlit Arctic Surface Waters Emma Rieb Oral 10:22-10:32 3008-West

The potential of multi-temporal and multi-frequency SAR data in characterizing regional soil organic carbon distribution in Alaska Yonghong Yi Oral 11:20-11:30 3006-West

Chlorpyrifos Fate in the Arctic: Lens Through Which to Observe Resilience and Vulnerability in Arctic Systems Lauren O'Connor Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall

The NASA ABoVE LVIS Full Waveform Lidar Airborne Surveys Elizabeth Embury Hoy Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Assessing the Transferability of Runoff Generation Paradigms to Permafrost Catchments in the Arctic Amelia Grose Oral 15:05-15:15 3020-West


ID Title First author Type Time Location
Catching Up With Science: The Evolution of the Arctic LTER’s "Teachers At Toolik” Research Experience for Teachers Program Over 15 Years  Amanda Morrison  Poster  8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Changing the way we teach science based on our experiences within the Arctic LTER Research Experience for Teachers program: perspectives from a first year teacher high school teacher and a seventh year elementary school teacher  Ellen Gomora Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Alaskan River Temperatures Projected to Steadily Increase by Mid-century Despite Disparate Trends in Summer Streamflow  Dylan Blaskey Oral  8:46-8:56 3003-West
‘H2COLD: Water in the Arctic’: Translating Permafrost Research through Outreach to Bring Climate Awareness to Rural Communities  Sarah Godsey Oral  8:48-8:57 203-South
From Field to Air: Integrating Field Data in Support of the ABoVE Airborne Campaign Miles Moore Oral 9:40-9:50 3006-West
Polar Explorer: A place-based virtual learning environment for STEM undergraduate education Deborah Huntzinger Oral 9:42-9:51 203-South
Employing Spectral Signatures in Vegetation to Differentiate Hydrologic Features Above Continuous Permafrost Key Hatch eLightning 10:29-10:32 eLightning Theater II, Hall D
Improving the Application of a Novel Model Conceptualization for Permafrost Simulation at Full-river Basin Bo Gao eLightning 10:38-10:41 eLightning Theater II, Hall D
Using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to characterize organo-mineral complexes in environmental and synthesized samples Qian Zhao Oral 10:50-11:00 3007-West
OCS and CO2 Surface Fluxes in Arctic Tundra Biomes during the Alaskan Growing Season Allison Newton Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Reduced mycorrhizal activity decreases foliar micronutrients 13 years post Arctic wildfire Natalie Kashi Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Boreal-Arctic Wetland and Lake Methane Emissions Are More Sensitive to Direct Warming Effects Than to Permafrost Thaw Until 2100 McKenzie Kuhn Oral 14:20-14:30 3007-West
Multi-scale Geomagnetic Forcing and F-region Neutral Wind Response During the March 27th, 2014 Substorm Event Cheng Sheng Oral 14:30-14:40 207-South
Burn Severity and the Recovery of the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire Adrian Rocha Oral 14:50-15:00 3009-West
Heterogenous auroral observations, during winter 2023 from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska Kristina Lynch Oral 15:10-15:20 207-South
Mature spruce trees respire less CO2, consume less O2 and have a lower respiratory quotient than seedlings or saplings at the Forest Tundra Ecotone. Kevin Griffin Oral 16:48-16:58 3008-West


ID Title First author Type Time Location
Using Coupled Concentration- and Process-Discharge Analysis to Inform Arctic Stream Metabolic Response to River Discharge.  Abigail Rec Poster  8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
*** Using social media to publicize entryways into field research, boost climate literacy, and build community at a remote Arctic research station  Haley Dunleavy  Poster 8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Characterization of summertime carbonaceous aerosol and biogenic precursors on the North Slope of Alaska  Allison Welch  Oral  11:20-11:30 3000-West
Known and unexplored reactive organic carbon in the Arctic atmosphere  Lu Hu  Oral  11:30-11:40 3000-West

Analyzing vegetation effects on snow depth variability in Alaska boreal forests with airborne lidar obtained during Nasa SnowEx Alaska. Lora May  Oral 15:00-15:10 2004-West

Data assimilation and modeling to improve Alaska snow water equivalent assessments Kate Hale  Oral 15:10-15:20 2004-West
ID Title First author Type Time Location
Investigating High-Latitude Permafrost Carbon Dynamics with Artificial Intelligence and Earth System Data Assimilation  Bradley Gay  Poster


Poster Hall
Biogenic Emissions and Aerosol response on the North Slope (BEAR-oNS) Preliminary 2022 and 2023 Results for the North Slope of Alaska: Aerosol Composition and Realtime VOC  Tate Matthews Poster  8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
NASA SnowEx 2023 tundra and boreal forest field campaign in Alaska, U.S.  Carrie Vuyovich Poster  8:30-12:50 Poster Hall
Arctic ecosystem modeling: What role can paleo history play in reducing model uncertainty?  Hannah Mevenkamp  Oral  9:00-9:10 3009-West 
Global Summary from the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) Network Nikolay Shiklomanov  Oral 10:20-10:30 2004-West
Seasonal Drivers of Carbon Processing in Arctic Rivers: Biodegradation and Photodegradation in North Slope, Alaska Jansen Nipko  Oral 10:40-10:50 3009-West 
Ground Heat Flux into Permafrost as an Indicator of Permafrost Degradation Vladimir Romanovsky  Oral 10:40-10:55 2004-West
Characterizing Drained Lake Basins in lowland permafrost regions using a multi-source remote sensing approach Helena Bergstedt  Oral 11:25-11:35 2004-West
Investigating Permafrost Carbon Dynamics in Alaska with Artificial Intelligence Bradley Gay  Oral 11:35-11:45 2004-West
Quantifying the Influence of Small Mammals on Microbial Community Diversity and Functional Changes of Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Soils. Lyndsey Marquez Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Impacts of climate warming on ice rich permafrost on the North Slope of Alaska Dmitry Nicolsky Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Landscape-specific responses of near-surface permafrost to climate change in the Kuparuk River Basin, North Slope of Alaska Kelsey Nyland Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Machine Learning for Prediction of Permafrost and Active Layer Temperatures along the North Slope of Alaska Robert Chance Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Tracking Permafrost Landscape Subsidence: A Comprehensive Study Across the North Slope of Alaska using Terrestrial Lidar Tabatha Fuson Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
MacGyvered approach to cost-effective magnetometers in Alaska: The University of Alaska vlog Space Weather UnderGround program’s Multiple-Deployment-Vessel. Austin Cohen Poster 14:10-18:30 Poster Hall
Distribution of Belowground CH4 and CO2 Trapped in Soils of Arctic Tundra and Boreal Forest in Alaska, USA Jinhyun Kim eLightning 16:06-16:09 eLightning Theater III, Hall D