Graduate Curriculum
Trial Courses
1-GTrial - Trial Course: ART/COJO F494/F694 - History of Photography, 3 credits (3+0+0); prerequisites include WRTG F11x or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered Spring 2018 upon approval. COJO F494 - History of Photography (PDF) - Cross listed with ART F494 & Stacked with COJO F694 ART F494 - History of Photography (PDF) - Cross listed with COJO F494 & Stacked with ART F694 Contact: Zoe Jones Status: 09-25-2017: Received 10-10-17: Approved by CRC 10-13-17- Assigned to Mike D., Amanda, Falk 11-3-17: Approved by GAAC 11-6-17: Sent to Provost for approval 11-7-17: Approved by Provost |
Carried over from 2016-17
45-GNC: New Course (Stacked): REVISED DVM F4xx/6xx - Skeleton Articulation (PDF), 1 credit (0.3+2.5+0); to be offered each spring (seeking a permanent course number for regular offering and Catalog listing); prerequisite for undergrad level is BIOL F213 or BIOL F214 or BIOL F310 or permission of instructor; prerequisite for graduate level is good standing in veterinary program and/or up-to-date rabies vaccination/titer; letter-graded; effective fall 2017 upon approvals. Contact: Megan Hoffman Status: CRC: approved undergraduate level of new course GAAC: 05-04-2017- GAAC would still like further revisions to the graduate level of the course. Has been communicated to C. Griseto and carried forward to 2017-18 review cycle. 09-01-2017- will be reassigned for review. 09-22-2017- Withdrawn |
45-GCDr: Course Drop: JRN/NORS F640 - Ethics and Reporting in the Far North(PDF), 3 credits (3+0); being dropped as a moldy course; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Note: Email attached a approval from Alaska and Northern Studies Department. Contact: Charles Mason Status: 04-20-2017- No update, to be reviewed 2017-18 review cycle 09-01-2017- GAAC assigned to Mike D. 09-22-2017- Mike D. suggested dropping - did not have a quorum to vote. 10-13-17- Passed to drop. |
47-GNC: New Course: ACNS F689 - Thesis Writing Workshop (PDF), 3 credits (3+0+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's permission; repeatable 4 times for maximum 12 credits; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Alex Hirsch Status: 05-04-2017- GACC discussed briefly. Received too late for review. 09-22-17- Assigned to Ghosh & Sean T. 10-13-17- Emailed faculty contact. 2-2-18 - Approved by GAAC 2-6-18 - Paper submission given to Provost. 2-7-18 - Approved by Provost |
New Submissions
1-GCD - Course Deactivation: (CourseLeaf login required); effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Milo Adkison Status: 09-22-2017 - GAAC assigned to Don 10-13-17- Passed to Drop 10-25-17 - Approved by Provost |
2-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - changed electives; select two of the following: ENGL F603, ENGL F604, ENGL F606, or ENGL F607 and select two of the following: ENGL F609, ENGL F611, ENGL F612, or ENGL F620; effective fall 2018 upon approval Contact: Rich Carr Status: 09-28-2017- Received 9-29-17- Rolled back to initiator per initiator's request. 11-9-17 - Changes were considered minor and approved by CLA Dean |
3-GNC - New Course - (CouresLeaf Login required), 3 Credits (1+4+0) - letter graded - frequency of offering: fall even-numbered years - effective Fall 2018 upon approval Contact: Zoe Marie Jones Status: 10-26-17: Sent to CRC 11-21-17: CRC requested changes 2-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf 2-16-18: Assigned to Don & John 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
4-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required) - effective Fall 2018 upon approval Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 10-27-17: Received 11-3-17: Assigned to Roman, Jen, & John 11-17-17: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 11-17-17: Approved by Provost |
5-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - added admission requirements: submit GRE scores (scores must be less than 5 years old); complete a master's degree; in consultation with a UAF faculty member, prepare and submit: statement of academic goals, research prospectus, proposed graduate study plan; other materials: resume, official transcripts, two academic letters of recommendation, two letters of endorsement from two proposed PhD advisory committee members (one from UAF committee chair and one from a different department) - minimum requirements for degree: 36 credits - added degree requirements: Thesis credits (F699): 18; Coursework: 9; additional course work or thesis credits: 9; Pass an oral defense of the written research proposal (this may be the oral comprehensive exam) - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Michelle Baumann Status: 10-31-17: Received 11-3-17: Assigned to Robin & John 11-17-17: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 11-17-17: Approved by Provost |
6-GCCh - Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - removed prerequisites effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Matthew Wooler Status: 11-1-17: Received 11-3-17: Assigned to Anne & Cheryl 11-14-17: Rolled back to the initiator 11-15-17: Received by GAAC 11-17-17: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 11-17-17: Approved by Provost |
7-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - changed Abbreviated Program Title to M.B.A. - changed admissions requirements - changed Concentrations to General Management, STEM - removed courses listed in the STEM requirements; changed description of requirements. Contact: Kevin Berry Status: 11-2-17: Received 11-3-17: Assigned to Sean M. & Mike D. 12-1-17: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 12-1-17: Approved by Provost |
8-GCCh - Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 2 credits (2+0+0) - changed credits - changed prerequisites to Graduate standing or permission of instructor - added seminar to mode of delivery - changed lecture hours to 2 - changed course repeatability to 3 repeats for maximum of 6 credits - changed grading system to pass/fail - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jessica Larsen Status: 11-3-17: Received 11-20-17: Approved by GAAC e-vote & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 11-21-17: Approved by Provost |
9-GCCh - Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - name changed - course description changed - added prerequisite ED F670 - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Maureen Hogan Status: 11-6-17: Received 11-17-17: Assigned to Jen & Robin 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
10-GCCh - Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed name - changed course description - added prerequisite LING F602 - removed restrictions - changed frequency of offering to Spring - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Maureen Hogan Status: 11-6-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Jen & Robin 2-6-18: Requested changes 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
11-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (2+0+0) - request deletion - last offered Fall 2004 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jann Laiti Status: 11-6-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Ghosh & Mike D. 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
12-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - request deletion - last offered Fall 2003 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jann Laiti Status: 11-6-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Ghosh & Mike D. 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
13-GNC - New Course - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include WRTG F11x for F464 and graduate standing for F664 - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Zoe Marie Jones Status: 11-6-17: Sent to CRC 11-21-17: CRC requested changes 12-13-17: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf 4-23-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
14-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 12 credits - changed abbreviated title - changed admission requirements to Complete Calculus I (MATH F251X), Calculus II (MATH F252X), and Calculus III (MATH F253X); Complete Regression and Analysis of Variance (STAT F401) or equivalent. Students without this requirement may be admitted into the program with a deficiency but will be required to complete STAT F401 as part of the requirements of the certificate - removed ESM F621 and FISH F601 and added FISH F604, FISH F631, and PETE F687 in electives - removed or any graduate statistics course and added or other elective courses approved by a Statistics Advisor - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Leah Berman Status: 11-9-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Anne & Amanda 2-7-18: Requested changes 2-16-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 2-20-18: Approved by Provost |
15-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kathy Toohey Status: 11-10-17: Received 11-20-17: Approved by GAAC e-vote & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 11-21-17: Approved by Provost |
16-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kathy Toohey Status: 11-10-17: Received 11-20-17: Approved by GAAC e-vote & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 11-21-17: Approved by Provost |
17-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 35 credits - changed name - changed abbreviated title - added program statement - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: David Valentine Status: 11-14-17: Received 11-17-17: Assigned to Don & John 12-1-17: GAAC requested changes 2-16-18: Clarification requested 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
18-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 30 credits - changed name - changed abbreviated title - added program statement - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: David Valentine Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Don & Cheryl 2-16-18: Changes requested 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
19-GCCh - Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed name from Instruction and Assessment in Reading I to Instruction and Assessment in Literacy - changed abbreviated title - changed course description - added prerequisite ED F673 - changed frequency of offering - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Maureen Hogan Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Roman & Falk 2-2-18: Reassigned to Mike D. & Falk 2-16-18: Waiting for EDSC F672 to make it to the Committee 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
20-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 34 credits - removed ED F453 and EDSC F402 - added EDSC F672 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Ute Kade Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Roman & Amanda 2-2-18: Reassigned to Falk and Amanda 2-16-18: Waiting for EDSC F472/F672 to come to the committee 4-27-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
21-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required), and Literacy - 30 credits - changed name from Language and Literacy, Master of Education to Second Language Acquisition, Bilingual Education, and Literacy - added LING F600, LING F601, ED F670, ED F673, and ED F683 - removed ED F620, ED/CCS F603 or ED/CCS F604, and Cross-Cultural Foundations with Focus on Alaska Context Courses - added current teaching certificate to admission requirements - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Maureen Hogan Status: 11-14-17: Received 11-17-17: Assigned to Robin & Jen 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
22-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 31-37 credits - changed Admission and Application Requirements - removed EDSC F402, EDSC F471 and EDSC F472 - added EDSC F671 and EDSC F672 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Ute Kade Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Roman & Falk 2-16-18: Waiting for EDSC F672 to come to the Committee 4-27-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
23-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 37 credits - changed number of minimum credits required from 31 to 37 - changed Admission and Application Requirements - removed EDSC F402 from program requirements - added EDSC F407, EDSC F671, and EDSC F672 to program requirements - removed from EDSC F407 from comprehensive exam options - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Ute Kade Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Mike D. & John 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
24-GCD - Course Deactivation - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - last offered March 2012 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Don & Cheryl 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
25-GCD - Course Deactivation - (CourseLeaf login required), 0 credits (0+0+0) - requesting deactivation - last offered prior to 1998 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 11-14-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Don & Anne 2-16-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to the Provost in Courseleaf 2-20-18: Approved by Provost |
26-GCD - Course Deactivation - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - final offering Fall 2018 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kathy Toohey Status: 11-17-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Sean T. & Anne 2-16-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to the Provost in Courseleaf 2-20-18: Approved by Provost |
27-GNC - Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - changed credits from 3 (2+3+0) to 4 (3+3+0) - changed course description - prerequisites include ANTH F221 and ANTH F422 or permission of instructor - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Brian Hemphill Status: 11-17-17: Sent to CRC 1-30-18: CRC approved & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf 2-2-18: Assigned to Anne & Jen 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
28-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 115 credits - removed PSY F604, PSY F633, PSY F639, and PSY F679 from program requirements - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M Dewey-Davidson Status: 11-22-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Sean M. & Ghosh 2-3-18: GAAC contacted initiator to verify deactivation |
29-GCD - Course Deactivation - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - last offered in 1998 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 11-22-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Sean M. 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
30-GCD - Course Deactivation - (CourseLeaf login required), 0 credits (0+0+0) - requesting deactivation - last offered in 1998 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 11-22-17: Received 12-1-17: Assigned to Amanda 1-11-18: Rolled back per initiator request |
31-GNC - New Course - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (11.5+25+0) - prerequisites for F424 include application required, permission of instructor, appropriate background in Geology, Chemistry, and Physics - prerequisites for F624 include graduate standing in volcanology or permission of instructor - frequency of offering summer sessions - letter graded - effective Summer 2018 upon approval. Contact: Pavel Izbekov Status: 12-1-17: Sent to CRC Will be reviewed in 2018-2019 |
32-GNC - New Course - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (11.5+25+0) - prerequisites for F424 include application required, permission of instructor, appropriate background in Geology, Chemistry, and Physics - prerequisites for F624 include graduate standing in volcanology or permission of instructor - frequency of offering summer sessions - letter graded - effective Summer 2018 upon approval. Contact: Pavel Izbekov Status: 12-1-17: Sent to CRC Will be reviewed in 2018-2019 |
33-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 36 credits - changed name from Cross Cultural Studies to Indigenous Studies - admission requirements changed - effective Fall 2019 upon approval. Contact: Michael Koskey Status: 12-12-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Robin & Mike D. 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
34-GCD - Course Deactivation - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - has not been taught in 5+ years - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Rob Duke Status: 12-12-17: Received 2-2-18: Approved by GAAC 2-2-18: Approved by Provost |
35-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 30 credits - added admission requirements completion of a bachelors degree from an accredited institution - added thesis or project option and if a student elects to complete a thesis or project, receive a passing grade on an oral defense examination of a thesis or project - removed JUST F630, JUST F650, and JUST F670 option - removed JUST F698/F699 requirement - added additional course options - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Rob Duke Status: 12-12-17: Received 12-13-17: Rolled back to initiator per initiator request |
36-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 1 credit (1+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Fall 2009 - effective 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
37-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught prior to Banner implementation - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
38-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught prior to Banner implementation - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
39-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught prior to Banner implementation - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
40-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2011 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
41-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 1-3 credits (1-3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Fall 2001 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
42-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2013 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
43-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2003 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
44-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Summer 2012 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
45-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2005 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 12-22-17: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
46-GNC - New Course - (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - prerequisites included BIOL F260, STAT F200X - stacked course - combined lecture/lab - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Devin Drown Status: 1-12-2018: Sent to CRC 2-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf 2-16-18: Assigned to Sean T. & Don 3-2-18: GAAC requested changes 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
47-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+3+0) - requesting to delete PSY section of cross-listed course - course last taught Summer 2011 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
48-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+2+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Fall 2003 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
49-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2006 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
50-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Fall 2001 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
51-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
52-GCD - Program Deletion: (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting to delete PSY section of cross-listed course - course last taught Summer 2012 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
53-GCD - Program Deletion: (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting to delete PSY section of cross-listed course - course last taught Spring 2011 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
54-GCD - Course Deletion - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
55-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Fall 2003 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
56-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credit (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. |
57-GCD - Course Deletion - (CourseLeaf login required), 3-12 credits (0+40+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Fall 2003 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Jill M. Dwey-Davidson Status: 1-23-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Sean M. 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
58-GPCh - Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 30 credits - Changed name from Administration of Justice to Justice Administration - updated program statement - updated admission requirements - removed JUST F630, JUST F650, JUST F670 - added electives approved 600 level ANTH, COJO, HSEM, or MBA course or 400 level JUST, ANTH, BA, COJO, HSEM, or LEAD Electives or transferred 400-level or graduate-level credits - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Rob Duke Status: 1-26-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Don & Amanda 4-23-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
59-GCD - Course Deletion: (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0)- requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 1-30-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Amanda 2-2-18: Contacted initiator to verify deactivation 2-6-18: Deactivation verified 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
60-GCD - Course Deletion: (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 1-30-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Amanda 2-2-18: Contacted initiator to verify deactivation 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
61-GCD - Course Deletion: (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Kim Fisher Status: 1-30-18: Received 2-2-18: Assigned to Amanda 2-2-18: Contacted initiator to verify deactivation 2-5-18: Deactivation verified 3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-2-18: Approved by Provost |
Program Change - (CourseLeaf login required) - 30 credits - Changed Brief Program Statement - Changed Admission Requirements - Added Thesis or Non-Thesis option ATM F698 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Uma Bhatt Status: 2-16-18: Received 2-16-18: Assigned to Falk & Mike D. 3-20-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-24-18: Approved by Provost |
63-GNC - New Course - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include admission to the secondary licensure program or permission of instructor - mode of delivery; lecture, seminar, internship, practicum, & research - pass/fail grades - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Douglas Cost Status: 2-21-18: Received 3-2-18: Assigned to Amanda & Mike D. 3-8-18: Proposal was shredded to stack with EDSC F471 |
64-GNC - New Course - , 6 credits (6+0+0) - prerequisites include admission to the secondary licensure program or permission of instructor - mod of delivery; lecture, seminar, internship, practicum, & research - pass/fail grades - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Ute Kaden Status: 2-21-18: Received 3-2-18: Assigned to Amanda & Mike D. 3-8-18: Proposal was shredded to stack with EDSC F472 |
65-GCCh - Course Change - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - course description updated - prerequisite changed to STAT F651; MATH F371; MATH F253X; MATH F314; or permission of instructor - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Leah Berman Status: 2-21-18: Received 3-2-18: Assigned to John & Anne 3-30-18: GAAC requested changes 4-23-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
66-GPCh - Program Change - - 30 credits - updated program description - updated admissions requirements - removed ACNS F640, ACNS F652, ACNS F660, ACNS F662, & ACNS F668; added ACNS/ENGL F620, ACNS/ART F625, ACNS/GEOG F627, ACNS/ANTH F670, ACNS/ANTH F672, ACNS F689 for the Individualized Study concentration - Added ACNS/PS F669 as required; removed ACNS F613 and ACNS F648; added ACNS F611 for the Environmental Politics and Policy concentration - Replaced ACNS F690 or HIST F490 with ACNS F675 as a requirement; Added ACNS F604 and ACNS F611 for the Norther History concentration - Removed PS F699 and HIST F404; Added PS F603, ACNS F652, and ACNS F604 for the Arctic Policy concentration - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Mary Ehrlander Status: 2-21-18: Received 3-2-18: Assigned to Cheryl & Sean 3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 3-30-18: Approved by Provost |
67-GCCh - Course Change - , 3 credits (1+0+0) - Added Seminar as mode of delivery - Adding stack course EDSC F671 - pass/fail graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Ute Kaden Status: 3-20-18: Sent to CRC 4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf 4-23-18: GAAC requested changes 4-27-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
68-GCCh - Course Change - , 3-9 credits (1+0+0) - Added Seminar as mode of delivery - Adding stack course EDSC F672 - pass/fail graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Ute Kaden Status: 3-20-18: Sent to CRC 4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf 4-23-18: GAAC requested changes 4-27-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 4-28-18: Approved by Provost |
69-GNC - New Course - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - Prerequisites for F485 include LING F101, ANTH F260, ANTH F320, or permission of instructor - Prerequisites for F685 include ANTH F631, ANTH F670, LING F602, or LING F640 - mode of delivery seminar - frequency of offering fall even-numbered years - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval. Contact: Robin Shoaps Status: 4-6-18: Sent to CRC 4-17-18: Approved by CRC 4-27-18: Received by GAAC 5-4-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf 5-4-18: Approved by Provost |
UAF Syllabus Requirements Checklist (PDF)
Trial Courses
1-Trial: (Stacked) BMSC F494 / F694 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F310; BIOL
F360 / CHEM F360; BIOL F403 or BIOL F465 or CHEM F351; or permission of instructor;
letter graded; to be offered spring 2017 upon approval.
2-Trial: NORS F694 - Thesis Writing Workshop, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites; course may be repeated;
letter-graded; effective spring 2017 upon approval.
3-Trial: Trial Course: FISH F694 - The Alaska Board of Fisheries: A Case Study, 2 credits (1+0+45); prerequisite of instructor's permission; course meets 12 hours
of classroom instruction, and, as practicum, students attend 1 Joint Boards of Fish
and Game local advisory committee meeting and attend a 5-day meeting of the Alaska
Board of Fisheries; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered in fall of odd-numbered years;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. Received on 12/14/2016. Contact: Keith Criddle Assigned to Mike D., Roman M. Status: 02/22/2017: GAAC passed via email. |
Carried over from 2015-16
CARRY OVER 28-GCCh.: Course Compression (Stacked): LING F631 - Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics I, [REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); stacked as LING F431; cross-listed and
stacked as ANTH F432 and F632; (syllabus title differs from course description title);
compression to be offered as a 3-week practicum for summer 2016 Institute on Collaborative
Language Research; effective summer 2016 upon approval.
CARRY OVER 43-GNC: New Course: DVM F7xx - Strategies for Establishing and Maintaining Well-Being in the Veterinary
Profession, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of good standing in the VetMed
program, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each fall to first-year
veterinary students (currently being taught as a special topics); effective fall 2016.
Note: should this be a 600-level course if taught to first-year vet students?
CARRY OVER 45-GNC: New Course: DVM F4xx / F6xx - Skeleton Articulation,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (0.3+2.5+0); to be offered each spring (seeking a permanent
course number for regular offering and Catalog listing); prerequisite for undergrad
level is BIOL F213 or BIOL F214 or BIOL F310 or permission of instructor; prerequisite
for graduate level is good standing in veterinary program and/or up-to-date rabies
vaccination/titer; letter-graded; effective fall 2017 upon approvals.
CARRY OVER 49-GNC: New Course: ART F488 / F688 - Professional Practices (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite for 488: junior standing or permission of instructor;
prerequisite for 688: second or third year MFA student or permission of instructor;
letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
New Submissions
1-GNC: New Course: ATM F658 - Air-Sea Interactions, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ATM F601, and graduate standing
or permission of instructor; to be offered spring of even-numbered years, first offering
spring 2018; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
2-GCCh.: Course Change / Stacking: FISH F612 - Fish Conservation Biology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 4 credits (3+2); change credit distribution to (4+0); change
title to Marine and Freshwater Conservation Biology; add undergraduate stacked level
as FISH F413 with prerequisites of upper division standing and F200-level course in
biological sciences or fisheries; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 3-UCCh.
at Curriculum Review Committee]
3-GPCh.: Program Change: MFA - Art: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Change of program admission requirements; clarifications and
additions to course options for the degree requirements; increase in credits for the
required studio areas with minimums in studio areas specified; 60 required credits
(BOR and UA President approved exceeding maximum credits in June 1999 when program
was created); effective upon approval.
4-GCDr.: Course Drop: NRM / BIOL F676 - Interdisciplinary Modeling of High Latitude Global Change, 4-credit cross-listed course mutually dropped by both units due to loss of faculty
to teach the course; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: David Valentine Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
5-GCDr.: Course Drop: CS F602 - Software Project Management, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been taught in over three years; under special academic
program review, the MSE (Master of Software Engineering) program is being deleted
due to lack of student enrollment; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
6-GCDr.: Course Drop: CS F651 - The Theory of Computation, 3 credits (3+0); an elective course which hasn't been taught in over ten years;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
7-GCDr.: Course Drop: CS / SWE F670 - Computer Science for Software Engineers, 3 credits; course no longer needed; under special academic program review, the MSE
(Master of Software Engineering) program is being deleted due to lack of student enrollment;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
8-GCDr.: Course Drop: CS / SWE F672 - Software Process Improvement, 3 credits; course no longer needed; under special academic program review, the MSE
(Master of Software Engineering) program is being deleted due to lack of student enrollment;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
9-GCDr.: Course Drop: CS / SWE F673 - Software Requirements Engineering, 3 credits; course no longer needed; under special academic program review, the MSE
(Master of Software Engineering) program is being deleted due to lack of student enrollment;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
10-GCDr.: Course Drop: CS / SWE F674 - Software Architecture, 3 credits; course no longer needed; under special academic program review, the MSE
(Master of Software Engineering) program is being deleted due to lack of student enrollment;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/11/2016: GAAC approved course drop. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
WITHDRAWN - TO BE NO PRINT STATUS INSTEAD 11-GCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL/WLF F614 - Foraging Ecology, 2 credits (2+0); faculty teaching the course is retiring; effective fall 2017 upon
approval. [HOLD: This might be put into No Print status instead to preserve course
number; 10/03 email to Kris H. per JH.] Contact: Kris Hundertmark Assigned to: Anne B. Status: 11/08/2016: Course will be placed into No Print Status rather than deleted. The course drop is withdrawn. |
12-GCCh.: Course Change / Stacking: BIOL F615 - Systematic and Comparative Biology, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (3+3+0); stack as BIOL F415 with prerequisite of BIOL
F481; letter-graded; to be offered fall of even numbered years; effective fall 2017
upon approval. [Reference 20-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee.] |
13-GNC: New Course: ED F637 - Designing Social Science Research Overview, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of graduate level introductory
research class such as ED F601 or ED F603, or permission of instructor; previously
offered as a special topics; taught via Blackboard Collaborate; letter-graded; to
be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
14-GNC: New Course: ED F638 - Designing Social Science Research In Depth, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of ED F637; previously offered
as special topics; taught via BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered as demand
warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
15-GNC: New Course: ED F647 - Conducting Social Science Research Overview, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of ED F638; previously offered
as special topics; taught via BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered as demand
warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
16-GNC: New Course: ED F648 - Conducting Social Science Research In Depth, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of ED F647; previously offered
as special topics; taught via BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered as demand
warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
17-GNC: New Course: ED F651 - Analyzing Social Science Research, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of ED F648; previously offered
as special topics; taught via BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered as demand
warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
18-GNC: New Course: ED F652 - Presenting Social Science Research Results,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of ED F651; previously offered
as special topics; taught via BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered as demand
warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
19-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Master of Education: Change the two concentrations of Cross-Cultural Education and Curriculum and Instruction
into one new concentration called People, Place and Pedagogy; effective fall 2017
upon approval. |
20-GPCh.: Program Change: Special Education K-12 Post-baccalaureate Certificate of Completion (Graduate Certificate): Change the prerequisite courses to "prerequisite or co-requisite"
courses in the admission requirements; change Alaska Studies and Multicultural class
from a requirement to a recommendation; add co-requisite of EDSE F482 before program
requirements of each concentration; change title of EDSE F610 (minor course change
submitted); effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
21-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Master of Education in Special Education: Change the prerequisite courses to "prerequisite or co-requisite" courses in the
admission requirements; change Alaska Studies and Multicultural class from a requirement
to a recommendation; add co-requisite of EDSE F482 before program requirements of
each concentration; change title of EDSE F610 (minor course change submitted); effective
fall 2017 upon approval. |
22-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Master of Education in Counseling: add COUN F601 and COUN F635 to program requirements (new courses submitted); remove
COUN F629 and ED F601 from program requirements; add COUN F629 to requirements for
Clinical Mental Health concentration, and remove COUN F687 from requirements; add
COUN F629 and COUN F651 (new course submitted) to requirements for Clinical Mental
Health and School Counseling concentration, and remove COUNT F687; add COUN F629 and
COUN F651 to Clinical mental health and K-12 school counseling concentration; update
course titles; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
23-GPCh.: Program Change: School Counselor Certification Program: Remove the requirement to pass the CPCE; minor edits and course title changes; effective
fall 2017. [Technically, this is a minor program change, but keeping the paperwork
with the major changes to the MEd in Counseling for continuity.] |
24-GNC: New Course: COUN F601 - Research in Counseling and Educational Settings, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to counseling program
or School Counseling Certification program, or permission of instructor; letter-graded;
to be offered every summer as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
25-GNC: New Course: COUN F635 - Field Practicum, 3 credits (3+0+5); prerequisite of COUN F634 and admission to MED in Counseling
or School counseling Certification program; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered fall
and spring as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
26-GNC: New Course: COUN F651 - Counseling for Addictions, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of COUN F650, admission to the Med in Counseling or
School Counselor Certification Program; letter-graded; to be offered every spring;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
27-GCCh.: Course Change: COUN F636 - Internship I, 3 credits (3+0+20); change the grading mode from letter to Pass / Fail to reflect
skills-based course; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
28-GCCh.: Course Change: COUN F686 - Internship II, 3 credits (3+0+20); change the grading mode from letter to Pass / Fail to reflect
skills-based course; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
29-GCCh.: Course Change: COUN F687 - Internship III, 3 credits (3+0+20); change the grading mode from letter to Pass / Fail to reflect
skills-based course; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
30-GCCh.: Course Change: COUN F688 - Internship IV, 3 credits (3+0+20); change the grading mode from letter to Pass / Fail to reflect
skills-based course; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
31-GPCh.: Program Change: Graduate Certificate in Statistics: Changes to degree requirements including removal of Calculus III; STAT 652, STAT
653; STAT 602, STAT 605, STAT 611, STAT 621 and STAT 631; allow the substitution of
MATH F408 (which requires MATH F371 as prereq) for STAT F651; and changes to list
of electives; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
32-GNC: New Course, Stacked: RD F667 - Beyond Violence: Alaska Native Healing and Justice; 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing; has been offered previously
as a special topics; cross-list and stack as ANS F467; to be offered as demand warrants,
first offering in spring 2018; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
33-GNC: New Course: DVM F726 - Principles of Imaging Interpretation, 2 credits (1+0+1); prerequisite of good standing in Professional Veterinary Program;
letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
34-GNC: New Course: DVM F737 - Principles of Veterinary Anesthesia,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (2+2+0); prerequisite of good standing in Professional
Veterinary Program; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017
upon approval.
35-GNC: New Course: DVM F742 - Biology of Disease III - Pathology of Organ Systems II,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (2+2+0); prerequisite of good standing in Professional
Veterinary Program; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017
upon approval. |
36-GNC: New Course: RD F630 - Economic Development Policy and Entrepreneurship in Rural Alaska: Challenges
and Opportunities, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's
permission; RD F625 recommended; letter-graded; to be offered spring of odd-numbered
years; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
37-GNC: New Course: RD F675 - Federal Indian Law in Alaska: Land, Water and Subsistence, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's
permission; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon
approval. 03/01/2017: REVISED RD F675 - Federal Indian Law in Alaska: Land, Water and Subsistence (PDF) |
38-GNC: New Course: RD F676 - Federal Indian Law in Alaska: Tribal Self-Governance - Business, Public
Safety, Protection of Family, Property, and Resources, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's
permission; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon
approval. |
39-GNC: New Course (Stacked): RD F471 / F671 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability in Rural and Indigenous
Contexts, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites for F471 include RD F300, senior standing, or instructor's
permission; prerequisites for F671 include RD F625, graduate standing, or instructor's
permission; letter-graded; to be offered in spring of even-numbered years; effective
fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference #54-UNC at GAAC] |
40-GCCh.: Course Change: HIST F404 W - Modern Scandinavia, 3 credits (3+0); stack as NORS F604; no prerequisites noted (graduate standing presumed?);
effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
41-GCCh.: Course Change: HIST F475 W - Historiography, 3 credits (3+0); stack course as NORS F675 with prerequisite of graduate standing
or permission of instructor; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
42-GPCh.: Program Change: PhD - Fisheries: Clarification to number of credits required for the degree program (total of 36
credits); effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
43-GCCh.: Course Change: FISH F487 - Fisheries Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); add stacked level as FISH F687; remove ENGL
F414 from prerequisites for F487; prerequisite for F687: graduate standing, with elementary
statistics course recommended; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
44-GNC: New Course: FISH F674 - Economic Development for Fisheries-Dependent Communities, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of STAT F401 or ECON F227, or
instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years;
first offering spring 2019; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
45-GCDr.: Course Drop: JRN / NORS F640 - Ethics and Reporting in the Far North, 3 credits (3+0); being dropped as a moldy course; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Note:Email attached as approval from Alaska and Northern Studies Department. |
46-GPCh.: Program Change: MA - English:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Remove the non-thesis option; add ENGL F601 and ENGL F685 to
Thesis requirements; effective fall 2017 if possible (proposal received after Catalog
47-GNC: New Course: ACNS F689 - Thesis Writing Workshop, 3 credits (3+0+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's permission;
repeatable 4 times for maximum 12 credits; letter graded; to be offered each spring;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
48-GPCh.: Program Change: MA - Linguistics: Change courses required for degree and its concentrations by reducing concentrations
from 18 credits to 9 credits, and requiring 9 credits of electives; effective fall
2017 if approved in time. |
49-GCCh.: Course Change: ACNS F484 - Stack as F600 - Seminar in Northern Studies: This course stacking is more of a catalog / Banner clean-up and is not a standard
stacking request as it involves two existing courses. The instructor notes she has
taught these two courses as stacked for 16 years and now wishes to formalize the stacking;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
Program Change: PhD - Interdisciplinary: Add an additional 18 credits to the degree; add the requirement of an oral defense
of the written research proposal. This program change is to be considered during
the 2017-18 curriculum review cycle as it arrived after the GAAC had finished meeting
for AY17. Contact: Mary Ehrlander NOTE: The program paperwork has been returned to the Graduate School for resubmission via CourseLeaf in fall 2017. |
Trial Courses
1-Trial: Trial Course: BIOL / WLF F694 - Decision Analysis for Conservation (PDF missing, 15-16_1-Trial_BIOL-WLF-F694_Decision-Analysis-for-Conservation), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's permission; letter-graded;
to be offered spring of even-numbered years; effective Spring 2016 upon approval.
Carried over from 2014-15
(2013-14) 25-GNP: New Program: [original older submission] Graduate Certificate
in Resilience and Adaptation (PDF missing, 13-14_25-GNP_Grad-Cert_RAP-1-14-2014): [SEE REVISION BELOW] 12 required credits comprised of 9 credits of core courses
(BIOL/NRM F616; ANTH F616; ECON F616; NRM F647; BIOL F649) and 3 credits of approved
electives; effective Fall 2014 pending approvals of FS, BOR and NWCCU. [Received 1/13/2014;
posted 1/15/2014; lacks prospectus for NWCCU.]
(2014-15) 34-GNP: New Program: Graduate Certificate in Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems
(PDF missing, 14-15_34-GNP_Graduate-Certificate-in-Sustainability-of-Marine-Ecosystems-sig11-10-2014): an interdisciplinary degree requiring a minimum of 12 credits; required courses
include FISH F641, FISH F681, and ANTH/FISH/MSL F680 (an internship) for a total of
six credits; and six credits from two categories of elective courses - Natural Sciences,
Social Sciences, or petitioned elective(s); effective Fall 2015 pending all required
approvals including BOR and NWCCU. [Note:Dean's Signature from SFOS requested and
"en route."] Contact: Ginny Eckert Assigned to Lara H., Jessie C. 11/10/2014: Added signature page with Dean's signature included. 2/17/2015: GAAC discussed proposal with Ginny E. Revisions to be made. 9/9/2015: Assigned to John Y. and Don H. 9/23/2015: Emails to put review on hold until spring semester when new SFOS Dean is on board (per Ginny E.). 05/05/2016: Review suspended for AY2015-16. |
New Submissions
1-GNC: New Course: DVM F710 - Foundations of Veterinary Medicine III (PDF missing, 15-16_1-GNC_DVM-F710_Foundations-of-Vet-Med-III), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of DVM F611; letter graded; to
be offered each fall beginning 2016.
2-GNC: New Course: DVM F714 - Preventative Veterinary Medicine (PDF missing, 15-16_2-GNC_DVM-F714_Preventative-Veterinary-Medicine), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of good standing in Vet Med program
or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning 2016.
3-GNC: New Course: DVM F722 - Veterinary Pharmacology, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of successful completion of first
year courses in Vet Med program; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning
4-GNC: New Course: DVM F724 - Veterinary Bioanalytical Pathology,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 6 credits (5+2); prerequisite of good standing in Vet Med Program;
letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning fall 2016.
5-GNC: New Course: DVM F741 - Biology of Disease II - Pathology of Organ Systems I,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (3+2); prerequisite of successful completion of first
year courses in Vet Med program; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning
2016. |
6-GNC: New Course: DVM F751 - Clinical Toxicology, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of successful completion of first
year courses in Vet Med program; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning
7-GPCh.: Program Change: MS and PhD - Atmospheric Sciences:[SEE REVISION BELOW] Clarification of the minimum number of credits of additional
approved 600-level courses for the MS; and clarification of the additional course
requirements for the PhD degree; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
8-GNC: New Course: CHEM F686 - Chemical Research Mentoring, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisite of graduate standing in a scientific discipline; previously
offered as a trial course; repeatable up to 1 time for a maximum of 4 credits; letter
graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
9-GCCh.: Course Change: WLF / FISH F625 - Population Dynamics of Vertebrates, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (3+3); change to 3 credits (2+3) to accommodate faculty
instructor changes; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
WITHDRAWN 10-GCCh.: Course Change: NRM F665 - Advanced Outdoor Recreation (PDF missing, 15-16_10-GCCh_NRM-F665_Adv-Outdoor-Recreation), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Survey Research in Human Dimensions of Natural
Resources; update course description; effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
11-GNP: NEW PROGRAM: MA - Marine Science (PDF missing, 15-16_11-GNP_MA_Marine-Science_Revised):[SEE REVISIONS BELOW] Requires 30 credits (9 may be at 400-level), with a minimum
of 12 credits from a specific list of options (including MSL F419, MSL F610, MSL F615,
MSL F620, MSL F630, MSL F640, MLS F650, or MSL F660); a minimum of 2 credits from
graduate seminar-style courses (including MSL F692, MLS F601, MSL F602, or MSL F605;
a minimum of 2 credits of practical experience at the 400- or 600-level; a minimum
of 6 credits of graduate non-thesis research/project; and a minimum of 8 credits of
electives; effective upon all approvals (Faculty Senate, BOR and NWCCU). CFOS & UAF Administration decided to change the degree name from Master's of Arts Program in Marine Science to Master of Marine Studies. 03/03/2017: BoR Approved Master of Marine Studies 06/08/2017: NWCCU Approved Master of Marine Studies
12-GPDr.: PROGRAM DELETION: Master of Electrical Engineering (PDF missing, 15-16_12-GPDr_Deletion-of-Master-of-Elec-Engineering): 2014-15 Special Academic Program Review recommendation to suspend admission; program
will be instead combined with the MS in Electrical Engineering as a non-thesis option;
effective upon all approvals (GAAC; Faculty Senate; BOR). |
13-GPCh: Program Change: MS - Electrical Engineering (PDF missing, 15-16_13-GPCh_MS-Electrical-Engineering): With the program deletion pending for the MEE degree, a non-thesis option is being
added to the MSEE; total credits required for the degree will be changed from 30 to
32 credits; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
14-GCCh.: Course Change: CE F406 - Traffic Engineering (PDF missing, 15-16_14-GCCh_CE-F406_Stack-as-F606_Traffice-Engineering), 3 credits (3+0); stack as CE F606; prerequisite changed from CE F405 to CE F302,
or permission of instructor; graduate level to be differentiated by a project with
weekly reports, leading and giving paper discussions, and project presentations; offered
each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval. (#20-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee) |
15-GNC: New Course: CE F607 - GIS Applications in Civil Engineering (PDF missing, 15-16_15-GNC_CE-F607_GIS-Applications-in-CE_Belz), 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of CE graduate standing or permission of instructor;
letter-graded; to be offered fall semesters as demand warrants; effective fall 2016
upon approval. |
16-GNC: New Course: PETE F687 - Experimental and Data Analysis Methods in Petroleum
Engineering (PDF missing, 15-16_16-GNC_PETE-F687_Experimental-and-Data-Analysis-MethodsAwoleke), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of PETE graduate standing or permission of instructor;
letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants with first offering in fall 2017;
effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
17-GPCh.: Program Change: MS and PhD - Geology (PDF missing, 15-16_17-GPCh_MS-PhD-Geology_add-Geography-Name-Change-to-Geoscience): Change degree name to Geoscience; the MS and PhD degrees will each have concentrations
in Geology, and in Geography; the concentrations in Economic Geology, General Geology,
Petroleum Geology, Quaternary Geology, Remote Sensing, and Volcanology are removed;
effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
18-GPCh.: Program Change: Master of Education in Counseling (PDF missing, 15-16_18-GPCh_MEd-Counseling-CACREP-accreditation): updates added to the admissions requirements and degree program requirements; Community
Counseling concentration renamed to Clinical Mental Health Counseling; addition of
elective credits to the renamed concentration to comply with specialized accreditation
standards, changing minimum credits required from "48-54" to "48-60" credits; effective
fall 2016 upon approval. Final approval will be made by the UA President as degree
exceeds maximum credits allowed in BOR Policy. |
19-GPCh.: Program Change: Graduate Licensure and MEd in Special Education: update admission requirements for the Graduate Licensure; add the option to earn
a MEd in Special Ed for already-certified teachers (minimum of 36 credits) ; effective
fall 2016 upon approval. |
20-GPCh.: Program Change: Master of Education (PDF missing, 15-16_20-GPCh_Master-of-Education): Add ED/CCS F619 and ED F681 as course options under degree requirement of cross-cultural
foundations lists for the ME degrees in Cross-Cultural Education, Curriculum and Instruction,
Language and Literacy, and Online Innovation and Design; effective fall 2016 upon
approval. |
21-GCCh.: Course Change: ED F620 - Language, Literacy and Learning (PDF missing, 15-16_21-GCCh_ED-F620_Language-Literacy-and-Learning), 3 credits (3+0); add "Fieldwork required" to the updated course description and
correct the credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect fieldwork; effective fall 2016
upon approval. |
22-GCCh.: Course Change: ED F630 - Curriculum Development (PDF missing, 15-16_22-GCCh_ED-F630_Curriculum-Development), 3 credits (3+0); add "Fieldwork required" to the updated course description and
correct the credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect fieldwork; effective fall 2016
upon approval. |
23-GCCh: Course Change: ED F682 - Rethinking Multicultural Education (PDF missing, 15-16_23-GCCh_ED-F682_Rethinking-Multicultural-Education), 3 credits (3+0); add "Fieldwork required" to the updated course description and
correct the credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect fieldwork; change frequency
of offering to fall of odd-numbered years; effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
24-GCCh.: Course Change: ED F686 - Assessment and Testing in K-12 Public Schools (PDF missing, 15-16_24-GCCh_ED-F686_Assessment-Testing-in-K-12-Public-Schools), 3 credits (3+0); add "Fieldwork required" to the updated course description and
correct the credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect fieldwork; remove prerequisites
and recommended courses to open the course to more students; effective fall 2016 upon
approval. |
25-GNC: New Course: GEOG / GEOS F478 / F678 - Ice Age Alaska (PDF missing, 15-16_25-GNC_stacked-GEOG-GEOS-F478-F678_Ice-Age-Alaska),[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite for undergrad level is senor standing
in Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Earth Science, Geography, Geoscience, or Northern
Studies; for graduate level the prerequisite is graduate standing in one of the fields
named above or Oceanography or Atmospheric Science or instructor's permission; to
be offered fall of even years; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
26-GCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F460 - Principles of Virology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); add stacked 600-level: F660; prerequisite
of graduate standing or permission of instructor; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
27-GCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F330 - The Dynamic Alaskan Coastline, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F460; cross-list as GEOG F460 and add stacked
and cross-listed level - GEOS / GEOG F660; change undergraduate prerequisites by removing
MSL F111X, PHYS F211X, and by adding GEOG F111X, NRM F338 or equivalent GIS coursework;
graduate level prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor permission; letter
graded; change frequency of offering from fall to spring of even-numbered years; effective
fall 2016 upon approval. |
28-GCCh.: Course Compression (Stacked): LING F631 - Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics I, 3 credits (3+0); stacked as LING F431; cross-listed and stacked as ANTH F432 and
F632; (syllabus title differs from course description title); compression to be offered
as a 3-week practicum for summer 2016 Institute on Collaborative Language Research;
effective summer 2016 upon approval. |
29-GPCh.: Program Change: MA - Applied Linguistics (PDF missing, 15-16_29-GPCh_MA-Applied-Linguistics-complete): Reconcile the total number of credits required for the General MA to 30 credits,
matching the required number of credits for the concentrations; effective fall 2016
upon approval. |
30-GNC: New Course: DVM F711 - Foundations of Veterinary Medicine IV, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of successful completion of DVM F710; letter-graded;
to be offered each spring, effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
31-GNC: New Course: DVM F744 - Theriogenology,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (2+2); prerequisites of satisfactory completion of
year one and good standing in VetMed program; graded Pass / Fail; effective fall 2016
upon approval.
32-GNC: New Course: DVM F745 - Clinical Sciences I, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 5 credits (10+0) compressed to 8 weeks; prerequisite of second
year VetMed student in good standing or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to
be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval. Note to committee: 10
hrs lecture x 8 wks = 4800 minutes = 6 credits. Course does not conform to 800 min.
per credit, nor to 14-week semester. - JH
33-GNC: New Course: DVM F747 - Clinical Sciences II, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 5 credits (10+0) compressed to "the second 8 weeks of the semester";
prerequisite of second year VetMed student in good standing or permission of instructor;
letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
34-GNC: New Course: DVM F681 - Performance Dog Medicine and Surgery, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of good standing in the Veterinary Medicine program
or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each fall, effective fall
2016 upon approval. |
35-GCCh.: Course Change: DVM F603 - Veterinary Science Research and Methods, 1 credit (1+0); change grading mode from Pass / Fail to letter-graded instead, to
match CSU grading mode which recently changed; effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
36-GCDr.: Course Drop: ENVE F648 - Solid Waste Management, 3 credits (3+0); course content to be combined with other modified existing course
to meet current demand; effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
37-GCCh.: Course Change: ENVE F650 - Advanced Topics,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); change from one credit to 3 credits (3+0); change
subject code to CE and course number to F601; change title to "Engineering Research
Communication"; remove repeatability of course; effective fall 2016.
38-GNC: New Course: CE F665 - Introduction to Watershed Hydrology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of PHYS F212X, MATH F253X; or permission of instructor;
[paperwork notes prereq of PHYS F212X in one location, but PHYS F211X in another];
letter graded; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective fall 2016 upon
39-GPCh.: Program Change: MS - Environmental Engineering and Environmental Quality Science: change degree program name to Water and Environmental Science; add concentration
of Hydrology; change degree requirements for existing concentration areas; reflect
addition of new course CE F665 (submitted); effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
40-GPCh.: Program Change: MS - Civil Engineering: [SEE REVISED BELOW] As a result of special program review, master's program are
being consolidated as follows: remove the MCE program; add to the MS CE degree program
the concentrations of Arctic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Design
and Construction, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation
Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
41-GPCh.: Program Change: MA - Anthropology: [SEE REVISED BELOW] codify the degree requirement that students have either the
appropriate linguistic skills or research tools for their field of study; effective
fall 2016 upon approval.
42-GNC: New Course: NRM F667 - Survey Research in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing; letter-graded; to be offered
fall of even-numbered years; effective fall 2016 upon approval. [Previously had been
submitted as a course change to NRM F665 - Advanced Outdoor Recreation; #10-GCCh.
which was withdrawn.] |
43-GNC: New Course: DVM F7xx - Strategies for Establishing and Maintaining Well-Being in the Veterinary
Profession, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of good standing in the VetMed program, or permission
of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each fall to first-year veterinary students
(currently being taught as a special topics); effective fall 2016. Note: should this
be a 600-level course if taught to first-year vet students? |
44-GNC: New Course: DVM F733 - Principles of Surgery, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of successful completion of first-year
VetMed program and good standing in program; letter graded; to be offered each spring,
first offering in spring 2017; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
45-GNC: New Course: DVM F4xx / F6xx - Skeleton Articulation, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (no distribution provided); to be offered annually
as a Maymester course (seeking a permanent course number for regular offering and
Catalog listing); prerequisite for undergrad level is BIOL F213 or BIOL F214 or BIOL
F310 or permission of instructor; prerequisite for graduate level is good standing
in veterinary program; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
46-GCCh.: Course Change: ANTH / ART F402; ANTH F602 - Anthropology of Art, 3 credits (3+0); add new stacked level as ART F602; prerequisite of senior standing
or permission of instructor; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approvals. |
47-GNC: New Course: COMM F698 - Non Thesis / Project: 1 - 6 credits, but no credit distribution; graded Pass / Fail; prerequisite of MA
standing; repeatable six times for a maximum of 6 credits; provides an alternative
to the thesis option for the MA degree; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
48-GPCh.: Program Change: MA - Professional Communication: Addition of a non-thesis project course as an alternative to the thesis option for
the degree; effective fall 2016 upon approvals. |
49-GNC: New Course: ART F488 / F688 - Professional Practices (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite for 488: junior standing or permission of instructor;
prerequisite for 688: second or third year MFA student or permission of instructor;
letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval. |
Trial Courses
1-Trial: GEOS F694 - Deformation and Metamorphism of Crystalline Rocks, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's permission; letter
graded; to be offered each spring, first offering Spring 2015 upon approval. Contact: Jochen Mezger Assigned to: John Y.; Mike D. 11/4/2014: GAAC passed. 11/6/2014: Provost approved. |
2-Trial: FISH / BIOL F694 - Physical Processes in Freshwater Ecosystems, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing, and BIOL F483 or FISH
F425 or FISH F650 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring
of odd years; effective Spring 2015 upon approval.
Carried over from 2013-14
(2012-13) 49-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F463 / F663 - Seminar in Art History, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed
content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [#154-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee] |
(2012-13) 50-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F490 / F690 - Current Problems, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon
changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [#155-UCCh. at Curriculum Review
Committee] |
(2012-13) 52-GNC: New Course (Stacked): BIOL F435 / F635 - Introduction to Biology of Cancer [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of BIOL F360 (formerly numbered
F261) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed
content; to be offered every fall, effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013.
(2013-14) 19-GNC: New Course: MATH F6xx - Topics in Geometry [SEE REVISION BELOW] course number will be F658; 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of
graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter graded; course may be repeated
for credit one time for a total of six credits due to variable content; to be offered
fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
(2013-14) 22-GCCh.: Course Change: NRM F641 - Natural Resource Applications of Remote Sensing, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (3+3); change number of credits from 4 to 3, removing
lab component of the course, and change credit distribution to (3+0); change mode
of delivery from lecture / lab to web-based only; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
(2013-14) 25-GNP: New Program: Graduate Certificate in Resilience and Adaptation (PDF missing, 13-14_25-GNP_Grad-Cert_RAP-1-14-2014): 12 required credits comprised of 9 credits of core courses (BIOL/NRM F616; ANTH
F616; ECON F616; NRM F647; BIOL F649) and 3 credits of approved electives; effective
Fall 2014 pending approvals of FS, BOR and NWCCU. [Received 1/13/2014; posted 1/15/2014;
lacks prospectus for NWCCU.]
(2013-14) 26-GNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW]ANTH / LING F635 - Political Media and Discourses of the American Right; [SEE REVISED BELOW] prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X;
ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or instructor's permission; to be stacked as ANTH / LING
F435 O; letter graded; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014
upon approvals.
28-GNC: COURSE WITHDRAWN New Course: CE F660B - Construction Project Management - Planning Phase, 1 credit (1+0); delivered as one 3-hr. lecture over 5 weeks via classroom or video-conferencing;
prerequisite of ESM F450 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
29-GNC: COURSE WITHDRAWN New Course: CE F660C - Construction Project Management - Design Phase, 1 credit (1+0); delivered as one 3-hr. lecture over 5 weeks via classroom or video-conferencing;
prerequisites include ESM F450 and CE F660B, or permission of instructor; letter graded;
to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
30-GNC: COURSE WITHDRAWN New Course: CE F660D - Construction Project Management - Construction Phase, 1 credit (1+0); delivered as one 3-hr. lecture over 5 weeks via classroom or video-conferencing;
prerequisites include ESM F450 and CE F660B, or permission of instructor; letter graded;
to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
New Submissions
1-GNC: New Course: FISH F641 - Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management , 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include FISH F487 or FISH F640 or graduate standing
or instructor's permission; offered spring of odd years, first offering spring 2017
upon approval. Contact: Gordon Kruse Assigned to: Lara H.; John Y. 11/4/2014: GAAC approved. 11/6/2014: Provost approved. |
2-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Elementary Education : Change requirement of 6 credits of elective courses to 3 credits instead, effectively
changing to one elective course from two; reduce overall minimum credits required
from 33 to 30 credits; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Contact: Carol Barnhardt; Phil Patterson Assigned to: Mike D. 11/4/2014: GAAC approved. 11/6/2014: Provost approved. |
3-GPCh.: Program Change: M.A. - Northern Studies: Change the program name to Arctic and Northern Studies; no changes to degree requirements;
effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Contact: Mary Ehrlander 9/30/2014: GAAC reviewed and approved. 10/6/2014: Provost approved. |
4-GCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F465 - Immunology, 3 credits (3+0); stack as DVM F606; correct F465 prerequisites by removing BIOL
F111X and F112X and replacing with BIOL F213X and BIOL F214X (Catalog correction);
prerequisite of acceptance into the Professional Veterinary Program or instructor's
permission for graduate level; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Contact: Andrea Ferrante; Diane Wagner Assigned to: Lara H.; Mike D.; Donie B. 11/4/2014: GAAC discussed. Invitation extended to VetMed faculty for discussion. Donie to follow up. 12/2/2014: GAAC discussed further. 3/4/2015: GAAC approved. 3/9/2015: Provost approved. |
5-GNC: New Course: DVM F603 - Veterinary Science Research and Methods, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of acceptance into Professional Veterinary Program;
graded Pass/Fail; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
6-GNC: New Course: DVM F619 - Veterinary Neurobiology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 4 credits (3+3); prerequisite stated both as successful completion
of first semester Veterinary courses, and prerequisite of acceptance into the Professional
Veterinary Medical program; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective Fall
2015 upon approval.
7-GNC: New Course: DVM F638 - Veterinary Parasitology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite stated both as successful completion
of first semester Veterinary courses, and prerequisite of acceptance into the Professional
Veterinary Medical program; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective Fall
2015 upon approval. BIOL F634 and MSL F688 cross-listings added.
8-GNC: New Course: DVM F639 - Veterinary Virology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite stated both as successful completion
of first semester Veterinary courses, and prerequisite of acceptance into the Professional
Veterinary Medical program; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective Fall
2015 upon approval. BIOL F6xx and MSL F6xx cross-listings added.
WITHDRAWN 9-GNC: New Course: PHYS F625 - Inverse Problems and Parameter Estimation, [SEE #37-GCCh INSTEAD] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as GEOS F627; prerequisites
of MATH F202X and MATH F314, or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered
in spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
10-GNC: New Course: FISH F605 - Communicating Science to the Public, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of graduate standing in the sciences or instructor's
permission; letter graded; to be offered in spring of odd-numbered years; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval.
11-GCCh.: Course Change: ANTH F625 - Human Osteology, 3 credits (3+0); change to 4 credits with a distribution of (3+3) to reflect addition
of lab; course is currently stacked as ANTH F422; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
(Reference #17-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee.) |
12-GNC: New Course: DVM F610 - Foundations of Veterinary Medicine I, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of acceptance into Professional
Veterinary Program; letter graded; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon
13-GNC: New Course: DVM F611 - Foundations of Veterinary Medicine II, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of acceptance into Professional
Veterinary Program; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective Fall 2015
upon approval.
14-GNC: New Course: DVM F616 - Functional Anatomy, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 8 credits (5+8), prerequisite of acceptance into the Professional
Veterinary Program; letter graded; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2015 upon
15-GNC: New Course: DVM F618 - Organ Systems Anatomy and Physiology, [SEE NEW TITLE AND REVISED BELOW] 7 credits (6+3); prerequisite of acceptance into
the Professional Veterinary Program; letter graded; to be offered every fall; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval.
16-GNC: New Course: DVM F623 - Veterinary Nutrition and Metabolism, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of "successful completion of first
semester veterinary courses"; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. Cross-listed as MSL F613. |
17-GNC: New Course: DVM F625 - Principles of Diagnostic Imaging,[SEE REVISION BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); mode described as lectures and labs, however
no lab component given in course distribution of 2+0; letter graded; to be offered
each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
18-GNC: New Course: DVM F637 - Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of "successful completion of
first semester veterinary courses"; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. Cross-listed as BIOL F632 and MSL F637.
19-GNC: New Course: DVM F640 - Veterinary Pathology / Biology of Disease I,[SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 5 credits (4+3); prerequisite of "successful completion of
first semester veterinary courses"; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. Cross-listed as BIOL F640 and MSL F642. |
20-GNC: New Course: DVM F648 - Food Animal Production and Food Safety, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of "successful completion of
first semester veterinary courses"; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. |
21-GNC: New Course: HSEM F601 - Legal Aspects of Homeland Security and Emergency Management[SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of Security
and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program Director;
letter graded; to be offered online each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
22-GNC: New Course: HSEM F603 - Disaster Management Policy, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of
Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program
Director; letter graded; to be offered online each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon
23-GNC: New Course: HSEM F605 - Community Planning in Emergency Management, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of
Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program
Director; letter graded; to be offered online each spring; first offering spring 2016;
effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
24-GNC: New Course: HSEM F607 - Vulnerability and Protection, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of
Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program
Director; letter graded; to be offered online each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon
25-GNC: New Course: HSEM F609 - Human Security, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of
Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program
Director; letter graded; to be offered online each summer, first offering summer 2016;
effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
26-GNC: New Course: HSEM F611 - Security and Disaster Management, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of
Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program
Director; letter graded; to be offered online each spring; first offering spring 2016;
effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
27-GNC: New Course: HSEM F613 - International Disaster Management, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master of
Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program or permission of HSEM Program
Director; letter graded; to be offered online as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015
upon approval. |
28-GNC: New Course: HSEM F632 - Project Management, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as MBA F632; prerequisite of
admission to the Master of Security and Disaster Management (MSDM) online program
or MBA program, or permission of MSDM or MBA Program Director; letter graded; to be
offered online as demand warrants (special topics for spring 2015); effective Fall
2015 upon approval.
29-GNC: New Course: HSEM F665 - Strategic Collaboration, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as MBA F665; prerequisite of
admission to the MSDM or MBA program; or permission of HSEM or MBA Program Director;
letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering spring 2016; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. |
30-GNC: New Course: HSEM F692 - Security and Disaster Management Seminar, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to MSDM program
or permission of HSEM Program Director; course may be repeated 1 time for total of
six credits; to be offered summer, first offering summer 2016; effective Fall 2015
upon approval.
31-GNP: New Program: Master of Security and Disaster Management (MSDM), [SEE LINK
BELOW] comprised of 30 credits with HSEM F601, F603, F605, F607, F609, F632 and F665
required; 6 credits from list of options; and a 3-credit capstone; program to be offered
online; effective Fall 2015 pending all required approvals. SEE PDFs BELOW. |
32-GPCh. Program Change: Master of Natural Resources Management and Geography (MNRMG): Change program name to Master of Natural Resources Management (MNRM) because the
Geography program has moved away from the School of Natural Resources and Extension
to CNMS; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
33-GCDr.: Course Drop: NRM / GEOG F463 / F663 - Wilderness Concepts, 3 credits (3+0); course is not required of any degrees; effective Fall 2015 upon
approval. |
34-GNP: New Program: Graduate Certificate in Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems (PDF missing, 14-15_34-GNP_Graduate-Certificate-in-Sustainability-of-Marine-Ecosystems-sig11-10-2014): an interdisciplinary degree requiring a minimum of 12 credits; required courses
include FISH F641, FISH F681, and ANTH/FISH/MSL F680 (an internship) for a total of
six credits; and six credits from two categories of elective courses - Natural Sciences,
Social Sciences, or petitioned elective(s); effective Fall 2015 pending all required
approvals including BOR and NWCCU. [Note: Dean's Signature from SFOS requested and
"en route."] |
35-GCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F482 / F682 - Geoscience Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); change grading mode from letter graded to pass / fail; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. [Reference #26-UCCh.] |
36-GCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F626 - Applied Seismology, 3 credits (3+0); change number of credits to 4 and change credit distribution to
(3+3); change prerequisites by removing GEOS F431 / F631, and replacing with MATH
F202X and MATH F314; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
37-GCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F627 - Inverse Problems and Parameter Estimation, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2+3) to reflect
computational lab exercises which are required for the course; add cross-listing as
PHYS F625; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
38-GPCh.: Program Change: MS - Wildlife Biology and Conservation: change degree requirements so that two graduate courses in Wildlife Biology or Biological
Sciences are required toward fulfilling 9 credits of required course work; require
one course from among BIOL / WLF F602, or BIOL / WLF F604, or BIOL / WLF F680; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. |
39-GPCh.: Program Change: Master of Business Administration: The program will be made available online and thus changes to prerequisite courses
required for the degree have been changed to self-study modules that are more flexible
for students; MBA F675 is now required as a core course; and course options have been
added to the concentrations (including three new courses, also submitted: MBA F674,
MBA F627, MBA F642); effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
40-GNC: New Course: MBA F627 - Business Law and Ethics, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0), prerequisite of admission to the MBA program;
letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering planned for spring
2016; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
41-GNC: New Course: MBA F642 - Economics of Environmental and Business Sustainability, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the MBA
program; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants, effective Fall 2015 upon
approval. |
42-GNC: New Course: MBA F674 - New Venture Development, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the MBA
program; previously offered as a trial course; letter graded; to be offered each spring,
first offering spring 2016; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
43-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Counseling: Change to acceptance of applications from once per year to twice per year; remove
elective credits from the School Counseling K-12 degree option; effective Fall 2015
upon approval. |
44-GPCh.: Program Change: Master of Education:[SEE REVISION BELOW] Along with editorial changes to the program descriptions and
course titles, remove ED F669 as an option under #5 of program requirements for Focus
on Alaska Context Courses, adding ED F682 to program requirements where it does not
already occur. For the MEd in Elementary Education, reduce elective credits from 6
to 3; changing total number of required credits for that degree from 33 to 30. For
the MEd in Online Innovation and Design, replace ED F432 with ED F659; make ED F654
a requirement; update title of ED 650 (major course change submitted). For the MEd
in Special Education, make EDSE F625 and F677 required courses; revise the elective
course blocks to reflect changed course titles and added / removed courses. Revise
section on Praxis exams. Effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
45-GCCh.: Course Change: ED F650 - Current Issues in Technology, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Current Topics in Educational Technology: Innovative
Instruction and Leadership; remove prerequisites; update course description; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. |
46-GPCh.: Program Change: K-12 Art Licensure Program toward MEd: Remove EDSE F482 from course option; update changed course titles; program listing
updated with prior-year course changes already made; add EDSC F643 as new requirement
approved in previous catalog year; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
47-GPCh.: Program Change: Special Education K-12 Postbaccalaureate Certificate of Completion: Add EDSE F625 and EDSE F677 as required courses; change elective sections in degree
requirements, revise section on Praxis exams; reflect course title changes and remove
EDSE F681 course; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
48-GPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program toward M.Ed. - Secondary Education: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Changes include removal of EDSE F482 from course options, and
EDSC F631 as a required course; changes to program information concerning Academic
Content Testing; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
49-GNC: New Course: ED / CCS F618 / F418 - Cultural Atlases,[SEE REVISION BELOW; final course numbers assigned were ED F419 / F619 and CCS F418
/ F618] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed with CCS and stacked as F418; prerequisite
of ANTH F242; special condition of access to a computer and the internet; letter graded;
grad level previously offered as a special topics; to be offered every fall; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. [Note: title is longer for F618 grad level of course.]
50-GPCh.: Program Change: BS / MS - Computer Science: changes to align the BS portion with 13-14 changes and update the MS portion of
the degree program. To BS portion: addition of CS F371, CS F372, CS F411, and MATH
F202X, and add option of EE F443 with CS F441 requirement; remove ENGL F314 W / O/2
from requirements. To MS portion: remove CS F611, CS F631, CS F641, CS F671; and add
CS F600 (new course submission), CS F601 (new course submission), modify written comprehensive
exam requirements and notes to the degree program; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
51-GPCh.: Program Change: MS - Computer Science: Remove CS F611, CS F631, CS F641 and CS F671 from degree requirements, replacing
with CS F600 and CS F601 (new course submissions); increase approved elective credits
from 12 to 16; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
52-GNC: New Course: CS F600 - Professional Software Development, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of CS F472 W/O; letter graded; to be offered every
fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
53-GNC: New Course: CS F601 - Algorithms, Architecture and Languages, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisites include CS F331; CS F411; and CS F441 or EE F443;
letter graded; to be offered every spring, first offering spring 2016; effective Fall
2015 upon approval. |
54-GCCh.: Course Change: CE F424 / F624 - Introduction to Permafrost Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as CE F624 (proposal indicates a different title
of "Frozen Ground Engineering"); prerequisite for CE F424 is CE F326, and recommended
courses; prerequisite for CE F624 is "training or experience in soil mechanics." Effective
Fall 2015 upon approval. |
55-GNC: New Course: FISH F682 - Field Course in Salmon Management, 4 credits (no credit distribution provided); prerequisites include FIS F633 and
STAT F401; to be offered in a compressed 3-week format; letter graded; to be offered
alternate summers; Summer 2015 noted but will have to be next academic year (not this
academic year).
56-GNC: New Course: BIOL F6xx - Exercise Physiology, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as BIOL F4xx; prerequisites include BIOL F213X and
BIOL F214X; or BIOL F310 for undergraduate level; graduate level prerequisite of graduate
standing or instructor's permission; letter graded; to be offered each fall; effective
Fall 2015 upon approval.
57-GCCh.: Course Change: ENVE F643 - Air Pollution Management, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); bring the course out of "No Print" status
as there is now faculty to teach it; add stacked level and cross-list as CE F443;
change frequency of offering to spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2015
upon approval. |
58-GNC: New Course: MSL F633 - Integrative Oceanography, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F620, MSL F630, MSL F650, or MSL F660;
letter graded; to be offered fall of odd years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
The following late submissions (April 20, 2015) will be re-numbered and reviewed in
the Fall 2015 review cycle at GAAC:
59-GNC: New Course: DVM F710 - Foundations of Veterinary Medicine III, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of DVM F611; letter graded; to be offered each fall
beginning 2016. Contact: Lisa Lunn Status: Just received on April 20, 2015. To be reviewed by GAAC in 15-16 review cycle. |
60-GNC: New Course: DVM F714 - Preventative Veterinary Medicine, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of good standing in Vet Med program or permission
of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning 2016. Contact: Lisa Lunn Status: Just received on April 20, 2015. To be reviewed by GAAC in 15-16 review cycle. |
61-GNC: New Course: DVM F722 - Veterinary Pharmacology, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of successful completion of first year courses in
Vet Med program; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning 2016. Contact: Arleigh Reynolds Status: Just received on April 20, 2015. To be reviewed by GAAC in 15-16 review cycle. |
62-GNC: New Course: DVM F724 - Veterinary Bioanalytical Pathology, 6 credits (5+2); prerequisite of good standing in Vet Med Program; letter graded;
to be offered each fall beginning fall 2016. Contact: Molly Murphy Status: Just received on April 20, 2015. To be reviewed by GAAC in 15-16 review cycle. |
63-GNC: New Course: DVM F741 - Biology of Disease II - Pathology of Organ Systems I, 4 credits (3+2); prerequisite of successful completion of first year courses in
Vet Med program; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning 2016. Contact: Molly Murphy Status: Just received on April 20, 2015. To be reviewed by GAAC in 15-16 review cycle. |
64-GNC: New Course: DVM F751 - Clinical Toxicology, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of successful completion of first year courses in
Vet Med program; letter graded; to be offered each fall beginning 2016. Contact: Arleigh Reynolds Status: Just received on April 20, 2015. To be reviewed by GAAC in 15-16 review cycle. |
Syllabus Requirements List (PDF, updated May 2013)
Trial Courses
1-Trial: COUN F694 - Ethnicity and Family Studies, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of COUN F666 or permission of instructor; letter graded;
for offering Spring 2014 upon approval. [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW, received 9/20/2013.]
2-Trial: CHEM F694 - Chemical Research Mentoring, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisite of graduate standing; letter graded; students mentor
undergraduates who are taking CHEM F294 course; course intended for repeatability three times for maximum 6 credits; to be
offered every spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Carried over from 2012-13
WITHDRAWN: 41-GNC: New Course: ANTH F659 - Language and Prehistory, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LING F659; prerequisite of graduate student
enrollment or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered
fall of even-numbered years; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. Contact: Mark Sicoli, x6884. Assigned to Vince C., Lara H. Status: Carried over to Fall 2012 review cycle. 10/15/2012: Revisions requested; but instructor no longer here. Will this one be withdrawn or will it proceed? 11/12/2012: Course request will proceed. Waiting on the revisions that were requested. 3/20/2013: No word from department; Vince will check again. 5/8/2013: CARRIED FORWARD AGAIN TO FALL 2013. Originally submitted in 2011-12 cycle. 9/16/2013: Department confirmed they will not need this course reviewed (instructor has left). WITHDRAWN. |
5-Trial: Trial Course [CHANGED TO NEW COURSE as of 10/14/2013]: PHYS F694 - Core Skills for Computational Science, [NEW COURSE NUMBER IS F608] 3 credits (credit distribution not provided, but lecture
and lab hours indicated); prerequisites include graduate standing in physical sciences,
experience with FORTRAN or C programming language or permission of instructor; letter
graded; to be offered Fall 2013 if approved in time for the Registrar's Office. [This
course cannot be offered as a Special Topics; it has reached the permitted limit according
to the Registrar's Office.] |
WITHDRAWN 30-GNC: New Course STACKED: MIN F445 / F645 - Accidents, Emergency and Safety Management in Mines, 3 credits (3+0); undergrad prerequisites include MIN F302; concurrent enrollment
in MIN F454; or permission of instructor for F445; grad prerequisites include MIN
F302 or equivalent, graduate standing, or permission of instructor for F645; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2013.
WITHDRAWN: 45-GNC: New Course: MBA F687 - Brand Management, 3 credits (3+0); special restriction of permission of the MBA director; letter graded;
effective Fall 2013. Contact: Lily Dong, x1808. Status: Assigned to Cheng-fu C., Amy L. 3/20/2013: Revisions requested by GAAC. 5/8/2013: CARRY FORWARD TO FALL 2013 GAAC. No revisions received as of last GAAC meeting. 9/16/2013: Assignment updated. No revisions received yet. 9/30/2013: Submission withdrawn; to be resubmitted as part of a new package of courses. |
47-GNC: New Course: BIOL F6xx - Advanced Immunology, [Course number is F628.] 3 credits (3+0), prerequisites include BIOL F261, BIOL
F360, and BIOL F465 or equivalent or permission of instructor; to be cross-listed
as a Biochemistry course; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content;
to be offered in fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
49-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F463 / F663 - Seminar in Art History, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed
content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [#154-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee] |
50-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F490 / F690 - Current Problems, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon
changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [#155-UCCh. at Curriculum Review
Committee] |
52-GNC: New Course (Stacked): BIOL F435 / F635 - Introduction to Biology of Cancer [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of BIOL F360 (formerly numbered
F261) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed
content; to be offered every fall, effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013.
WITHDRAWN 53-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): PSY F469 / F669 - Health Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); add Oral intensive designator (Format 6 submitted); update course
description; remove junior standing from F469 prerequisites and add COMM F131X or
COMM F141X; change frequency of offering to fall of even-numbered years; effective
Fall 2014 upon approval. |
New Submissions
Priority items for Catalog production deadline of March 1, 2014 include Course Changes, Program Changes and New Programs.
1-GNP: New Program: M.M. - Master of Music in Performance [SEE REVISED PROPOSAL BELOW]: requires a total of 36 credits consisting of 8 credits
from MUS F625, MUS F601, and MUS F632), 6 credits of MUS F698 Research, 14 credits
of MUS F661 - Advanced Private Lessons, 4 credits of MUS F606 - Advanced Chamber Music,
and 4 credits of MUS F606 - Advanced Chamber Music (large ensemble); effective Fall
2014 pending all approvals including Faculty Senate, Board of Regents, and NWCCU.
New Program.
2-GPD: Program Deletion: M.A. - Master of Arts in Music: the program is proposed to be eliminated as the department is restructuring its
graduate degree program. Effective date will depend upon GAAC, Faculty Senate and
BOR actions. 9/30/2013: GAAC approved. Will be forwarded to Faculty Senate Meeting #194 (Nov. 4, 2013). 11/4/2013: Passed at Faculty Senate Meeting #194. Next: To go to SAC / BOR. |
3-GPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] MS and PhD - Geophysics: [SEE REVISED BELOW] add language to clarify the minimum required credits for the
degrees; require MATH F302 for MS degree (removing it from recommended courses); remove
GEOS F434/F634 and GEOS F484/F684 and ATM F413 from Remote Sensing concentration options;
for the PhD clarify number of credits required from the MS coursework, add MATH F421
to Mathematical Methods coursework; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
4-GPCh.: Program Change: PhD - Natural Resources and Sustainability: increase credit requirements from 18 to 26 credits total (of which 18 are thesis
credits); modify application requirements; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Contact: Josh Greenberg Assigned to: John Y., Sophie G. 11/11/2013: GAAC approved. 11/21/2013: Provost approved. |
5-GPCh.: Program Change: MA - Northern Studies: Addition of a new concentration, Arctic Policy, to the degree program; effective
Fall 2014 upon approval. Contact: Mary Ehrlander Assigned to: Amy L, Mike D. 10/21/2013: GAAC approved. 10/22/2013: Provost approved. |
6-GPCh.: Program Change: MA and MS - Chemistry: Update the MA degree requirements; change the MS degree requirements to require
the GRE test, and add the concentrations of Biochemistry and Neuroscience, and Environmental
Chemistry to the MS degree listing; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Contact: Bill Simpson Assigned to: Elisabeth N., Donie B. 10/21/2013: GAAC approved. 10/22/2013: Provost approved. |
7-GPCh.: Program Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] MS and PhD - Environmental Chemistry: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Remove the MS degree listing (which is being moved to the Chemistry
MS as a concentration by means of a related Format 5 form); effective Fall 2014 upon
approval. |
8-GPCh.: Program Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] MS and PhD - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: [SEE REVISED BELOW] change the program name to Biochemistry and Neuroscience; increase
core degree course options from 3 to 5 (adding CHEM F675 and CHEM F670); remove the
MS degree listing (which is being moved to the Chemistry MS as a concentration by
means of a related Format 5 form); update PhD requirements to show the biochemistry
concentration and update the neuroscience concentration; effective Fall 2014 upon
approval. |
9-GPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program toward M.Ed., Secondary Education: Change language under the program heading "Application Review Process" to reflect
a new deadline date being added for spring admissions; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
10-GCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F615 - Systematic and Comparative Biology, 3 credits (3+0); add a laboratory to the course and change the number of credits
to 4 (3+3); effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
11-GCCh.: Course Change: FISH F411 - Human Dimensions of Environmental Systems, 3 credits (3+0); add stacked course FISH F611; prerequisites of graduate standing
or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
12-GCCh.: Course Change: FISH F412 - Human-Environment Research Methods, 3 credits (3+0); add stacked level of FISH / ANTH F612; prerequisite of graduate
standing or permission of instructor; change frequency of offering from spring to
fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. To be assigned. (Reference
12-UCCh. at Curric. Review Committee.) |
13-GCCh.: Course Change: ANS F420 - Alaska Native Education (s), 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed with ED F420 and stacked as ED F606; add requirement
of junior standing to the 400-level, and requirement of graduate standing to the 600-level;
change frequency of offering for ANS F420; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
14-GNC: New Course: COUN F667 - Ethnicity and Family Studies, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of COUN F666 or permission of instructor; letter graded;
to be offered spring semesters; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
15-GNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] FISH F681 - The North Pacific Fishery Management Council: A Case Study [SEE REVISED BELOW]; 2 credits (1+0+1); proposal states Lecture 4 days X 5 hours
= 20 hours (1.5 credit) plus practicum of 40 hours (.5 credit); prerequisite of permission
of the instructors; restriction that students must attend in person; graded Pass/Fail;
to be offered summer; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
16-GNC: New Course: FISH F676 - Aquatic Food Web Ecology, 3 credits (2+3); to be cross-listed as MSL F676; prerequisite of FISH F425 or permission
of instructor; letter graded; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective
Fall 2014 upon approval. |
17-GNC: New Course: EE F648 - VLSI Design, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of EE F343 or equivalent;
letter graded; to be offered in spring of odd-numbered years, first offering in spring
2015; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
18-GNC: New Course: CE F660A - Project Management Boot Camp, 1 credit (1+0); compressed to three weeks with two 2.25 hr. lectures per week delivered
face-to-face or via video conference; prerequisite of permission of instructor; letter
graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
19-GNC: New Course: MATH F6xx - Topics in Geometry, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor;
letter graded; course may be repeated for credit one time for a total of six credits
due to variable content; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall
2014 upon approval. |
20-GPCh.: Program Change: MBA - Master of Business Administration: Clarification of admission policy; clarification of prerequisite courses; add new
course MBA F624 - Controllership (submitted simultaneously); effective Fall 2014 upon
approval. |
21-GNC: New Course: MBA F624 - Controllership, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of MBA F602 or equivalent, admittance to MBA program
or permission of MBA; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
22-GCCh.: Course Change: NRM F641 - Natural Resource Applications of Remote Sensing, 4 credits (3+3); change number of credits from 4 to 3, removing lab component of
the course, and change credit distribution to (3+0); change mode of delivery from
lecture / lab to web-based only; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
23-GCCh.: Course Change: ANTH F415 - Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy, 3 credits (2+3); add graduate-level stacking - F628; prerequisite of graduate standing
or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Credit distribution
should remain (2+3) per email exchanges with Rainer.]
24-GPCh.: Program Change: PhD - Mathematics: Modification of degree program requirements in accordance with the revitalization
proposal approved by Provost in Spring 2013. Effective Fall 2014 upon approval by
March 1, 2014. |
25-GNP: New Program: Graduate Certificate in Resilience and Adaptation: 12 required credits comprised of 9 credits of core courses (BIOL/NRM F616; ANTH
F616; ECON F616; NRM F647; BIOL F649) and 3 credits of approved electives; effective
Fall 2014 pending approvals of FS, BOR and NWCCU. [Received 1/13/2014; posted 1/15/2014;
lacks prospectus for NWCCU.]
26-GNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] ANTH / LING F635 - Political Media and Discourses of the American Right; [SEE REVISED BELOW] prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X;
ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or instructor's permission; to be stacked as ANTH / LING
F435 O; letter graded; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014
upon approvals.
27-GCDr.: Course Drop: NRM F634 - Resource Management in Developing Countries, 2 credits (2+0); very low demand for the course; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
28-GNC: New Course: CE F660B - Construction Project Management - Planning Phase, 1 credit (1+0); delivered as one 3-hr. lecture over 5 weeks via classroom or video-conferencing;
prerequisite of ESM F450 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
29-GNC: New Course: CE F660C - Construction Project Management - Design Phase, 1 credit (1+0); delivered as one 3-hr. lecture over 5 weeks via classroom or video-conferencing;
prerequisites include ESM F450 and CE F660B, or permission of instructor; letter graded;
to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
30-GNC: New Course: CE F660D - Construction Project Management - Construction Phase, 1 credit (1+0); delivered as one 3-hr. lecture over 5 weeks via classroom or video-conferencing;
prerequisites include ESM F450 and CE F660B, or permission of instructor; letter graded;
to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. |
31-GNC: New Course: EDSE / PSY F448 stacked as EDSE / PSY F648 - Understanding FASD: Diagnosis, Intervention
and Strategies, 3 credits (3+0); asynchronous, online only course; no prerequisites except graduate
standing for F648; letter graded; to be offered spring and summer, first offering
Spring 2015; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference 79-UNC]
Trial Courses
1-Trial: BIOL F694 - Advanced Landscape Ecology SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 AND SYLLABUS BELOW], 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of previous
landscape ecology coursework or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable;
to be offered spring 2013 upon approval. |
2-Trial: NRM F694 - Terrestrial Carbon Management [REVISED syllabus below], 3 credits (3+0), prerequisites include BIOL F271 or NRM
F375 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered
spring 2013 upon approval.
3-Trial: MSL F694 - Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interactions in the Oceans, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F620, MSL F650, or MSL F660, or permission
of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered
Fall 2013 upon approval. Contact: Andrew McDonnell Status: 2/6/2013: GAAC approved. (Some follow-up will occur with instructor re difficulty with participation.) 2/11/2013: Provost approved. |
4-Trial: GEOS F694 - Snow and Snow Cover, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (2.5+1.5); graduate standing or permission of instructor;
letter graded and not repeatable for credit based on changed content; effective Fall
2013. |
5-Trial: Trial Course: PHYS F694 - Core Skills for Computational Science, 3 credits (credit distribution not provided, but lecture and lab hours indicated);
prerequisites include graduate standing in physical sciences, experience with FORTRAN
or C programming language or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered
Fall 2013 if approved in time for the Registrar's Office. [This course cannot be offered
as a Special Topics; it has reached the permitted limit according to the Registrar's
Office.] |
Carried Over from 2011-12
Removed from carry-over items and resubmitted:
- 36-GPCh.: Program Change: Elementary Education - Elementary Post Baccalaureate Licensure Program: SEE #5-GPCh. BELOW.
- 37-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Elementary Education: SEE #4-GPCh. BELOW.
- 38-GCCh.: Stacked Course Change: ED F678 / F478 - Math Methods and Curriculum Development: SEE #7-GCCh. BELOW.
- 39-GCCh.: Stacked Course Change: ED F688 / F479 - Science Methods and Curriculum Development: SEE #8-GCCh. BELOW.
40-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Geological Engineering: [REVISED FORM BELOW] Change the program admission requirements to indicate course
requirements with the varying types of bachelors' degrees accepted; revise course
offerings and exclude focus groups and discontinued courses; update course requirements
and offerings; effective Fall 2013. Contact: Margaret Darrow, x7303. Assigned to John Y., Michael D. Status: Carried over to Fall 2012 review cycle. 10/15/2012: GAAC approved pending clarification. 2/27/13: GAAC approved with addition of statement of impacts to the form. 2/28/2013: Provost approved.
41-GNC: New Course: ANTH F659 - Language and Prehistory, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LING F659; prerequisite of graduate student
enrollment or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered
fall of even-numbered years; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. Contact: Mark Sicoli, x6884. Assigned to Vince C., Lara H. Status: Carried over to Fall 2012 review cycle. 10/15/2012: Revisions requested; but instructor no longer here. Will this one be withdrawn or will it proceed? 11/12/2012: Course request will proceed. Waiting on the revisions that were requested. 3/20/2013: No word from department; Vince will check again. 5/8/2013: CARRY FORWARD TO FALL 2013. No word from department. |
42-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Fisheries: addition of a Seafood Science emphasis requiring two core Seafood Science courses
and courses from two of the three core areas of the existing Fisheries emphasis; house-keeping
edits to add two courses in the Management and Human Dimensions core area; and addition
of a program prerequisite option to include biology of fishes; effective Fall 2013
upon approval. |
New Submissions
1-GPDr.: Program Elimination: M.A.T. Biology: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. No students
are enrolled. Status: GAAC approved elimination 8/30/2012. Faculty Senate approved elimination at Meeting #184 on 9/10/2012. |
2-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Marine Biology: Changes to the field course requirement component for the degree and clarification
of what the acceptable substitutions are for the MSL F651 Marine Biology Field Course;
effective Fall 2013. Contact: Katrin Iken, x5192. (See proposal for add'l contact info.) Assigned to Donie B., Lara H. Status: 10/16/2012: GAAC approved. 10/16/2012: Provost approved. |
3-GCCh.: Course Change: FISH / BIOL F650 - Fish Ecology, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution for (2+3) to (3+0); change frequency
of offering from as demand warrants to spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall
2013. Course is cross-listed as BIOL F650; signatures en route. Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285. (See proposal for add'l contact info.) Assigned to Lara H. Status: 10/16/2012: GAAC approved. 10/16/2012: Provost approved. |
4-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Elementary Education: add 1 credit each to ED F678 and ED F688 (stacked courses); change minimum credits
required from 30 [should have been 31] to 33 credits; effective Fall 2013. Assigned to Vince C. and Tim B. Status: 2/6/2013: GAAC discussed. 2/27/2013: GAAC approved. 2/28/2013: Provost approved. |
5-GPCh.: Program Change: Post Baccalaureate Licensure Program - Elementary Education: Change the Program Requirements reflect changes to the following courses: change
credits of ED F468 from 6 to 4; add 1 credit to ED F414, F417, F467, F478/F678, F479/F688;
and add new 1-credit course ED F479 - Assessment of Literacy Development; changing
overall minimum credits required from 35 to 39 credits; effective Fall 2013.
6-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Concentration areas of Language and Literacy, Cross Cultural Education, Secondary
Education: add ED F620 - "Language, Literacy and Learning" as a required course for the Language
and Literacy concentration of the M.Ed.; Add ED F682 - "Rethinking Multicultural Education"
as a required course for the Cross Cultural Education concentration of the M.Ed. and
change total credits of approved electives from 15 to 12; Add the changed and new
courses EDSC F642 and EDSC F643 to the Secondary Education requirement options; effective
Fall 2013. |
7-GCCh.: Course Change STACKED: ED F478 / F678 - Math Methods and Curriculum Development, [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); increase credits from 2 to 3 and change
credit distribution to (2+0+3); effective Fall 2013.
8-GCCh.: Course Change STACKED: ED F479 / F688 - Science Methods and Curriculum Development [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW], 2 credits (2+0); increase credits from 2 to 3 and change
credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5); effective Fall 2013.
9-GCCh.: Course Change STACKED: EDSE F422 / F622 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0+1); change frequency of offering to every fall, spring and summer;
update course descriptions; effective Fall 2013. |
10-GPCh.: Program Change: B.S. / M.S. - Mechanical Engineering [SEE REVISED BELOW]: Add 1-credit new course (ME F486 - Senior Design) to degree
requirements; increase overall minimum credits from 151 to 152; effective Fall 2013.
11-GNC: New Course: MSL F632 - Oceanographic Data Analysis and Visualization, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate stand; MATH F202; MATH F314 or permission
of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring; effective
Fall 2013. |
12-GPDr.: Program Elimination: M.A.T. - Mathematics: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. No students
are enrolled. |
13-GPDr.: Program Elimination: M.A.T. - Physics: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. Currently
no students are enrolled. |
14-GPDr.: Program Elimination: M.S. - General Science: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. Currently
no students are enrolled. |
15-GPDr.: Program Elimination: M.S. - Space Physics: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. One student
is currently enrolled. |
16-GPDr.: Program Elimination: M.S. -Computational Physics: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. Three students
are currently enrolled. |
17-GNC: New Course: STO F601 - Communicating Science, 2 credits (2+0); graduate standing or permission of instructor required; letter
graded; to be part of proposed Graduate Certificate in Scientific Teaching and Outreach;
to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013. |
18-GNC: New Course: STO F602 - Mentoring in the Sciences, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of graduate standing;
graded Pass/Fail; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013.
19-GNC: New Course: STO F603 - Instructional Design, 1 credit (1+0); graduate standing required; letter graded; to be offered every spring;
effective Fall 2013. |
20-GNC: New Course: STO F604 - Science Teaching and Outreach Internship, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (0+0+12); requires 12 hours internship per week; prerequisites
vary according to "strand" - either STO F666 or STO F601; graded Pass/Fail; to be
offered every semester; effective Fall 2013.
21-GNC: New Course: STO F692 - Current Topics in Scientific Teaching, 1 credit (1+0); graduate standing required; STO F666 or F601 recommended; to be
offered alternate fall semesters, first offering Fall 2014; effective Fall 2013. |
22-GNC: New Course: PHYS F605 - Physics Teaching Seminar [SEE REVISED BELOW], 1 credit (.5 +0+1); graduate standing required; graded Pass/Fail;
course may be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits; to be offered each fall and spring;
effective Fall 2013.
23-GNC: New Course: ATM F610 - Analysis Methods in Meteorology and Climate, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ATM F601; graduate standing; or permission of
instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring of odd-numbered
years, first offering spring 2015; effective Fall 2013.
24-GNC: New Course: ATM F673 - Introduction to Micrometeorology, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ATM F601; graduate
standing; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered
fall of even numbered years, first offering fall 2014; effective Fall 2013. |
25-GNC: New Course: CHEM F671 - Receptor Pharmacology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include upper division or graduate biochemistry or
neurochemistry course or permission of instructor; BIOL F417 is recommended; letter
graded; repeatability 1X indicated but maximum credits shown are 3; to be offered
spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2013. |
26-GCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F474 - Neurochemistry, 3 credits (3+0); stack as CHEM F676; prerequisite of graduate standing or permission
of instructor; effective Fall 2013.
27-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. and Ph.D. - Environmental Chemistry: updating catalog program description to show that GRE scores are required prior
to admission; effective Fall 2013. |
28-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. and Ph.D. - Geophysics: corrections to catalog program descriptions and course numbers; effective Fall 2013. |
29-GPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure toward M.Ed.: Remove the requirement for evidence of technology competence from the requirements
of items for submission to the School (#6); reflect course changes to EDSC F442 (becoming
two separate courses - F442/F642 and F443/F643 - paperwork has been submitted); reflect
variable credit change to EDSC F472 from 3 credit to 3-9 credits; change minimum credits
required from 31 to 31-37 credits; effective Fall 2013. |
30-GNC: New Course STACKED: MIN F445 / F645 - Accidents, Emergency and Safety Management in Mines, 3 credits (3+0); undergrad prerequisites include MIN F302; concurrent enrollment
in MIN F454; or permission of instructor for F445; grad prerequisites include MIN
F302 or equivalent, graduate standing, or permission of instructor for F645; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2013.
31-GNC: New Course: WLF / BIOL F6xx - Predictive Modeling, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisites include BIOL F371, STAT F200X, or permission of instructor;
letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered fall as demand
warrants; effective Fall 2013. |
32-GNC: New Course: WLF F6xx - Eco-Informatics, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisites include an undergraduate course in ecology or wildlife
management [will be BIOL F371 or WLF F201 or BIOL F469/F669 or permission of instructor];
graduate standing; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered
fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. |
33-GNC: New Course: MUS F632 - Topics in Music Theory, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor;
to be a required first year course for graduate music students; letter graded and
not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered each spring; effective Fall 2013. |
34-GNP: New Program: M.M. - Master of Music in Performance: proposal to replace the M.A. degree (but no corresponding Format 4 program deletion
submitted); requires a total of 36 credits consisting of 8 credits from MUS F625,
MUS F601, and MUS F632), 6 credits of MUS F698 Research, 14 credits of MUS F661 -
Advanced Private Lessons, 4 credits of MUS F606 - Advanced Chamber Music, and 4 credits
of MUS F606 - Advanced Chamber Music (large ensemble); effective pending all approvals
including Faculty Senate, Board of Regents, and NWCCU. |
35-GNP: New Program: Graduate Certificate in Science Teaching and Outreach, submitted by the College of Natural Science and Mathematics; prerequisites to the
program include a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, admission to a
graduate science or engineering degree program at UAF, or prior completion of a Master's
degree or Ph.D. in the sciences or engineering; 12 required credits consisting of
6 credits from STO F666, STO F601, and STO F602 (new courses submitted for review);
4 credits of internship or practicum from STO F604 (new course submitted for review);
and 1credit from STO F603 and an additional credit from three course options; effective
Fall 2013 pending all approvals including Faculty Senate, Board of Regents, and NWCCU.
36-GCCh.: Course Change STACKED: EDSC F442 / F642 - Technology Applications in Education [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change title to "Technology Applications
in Education I"; change from 3 credits to 1 credit with a credit distribution change
to (1+0); change prerequisites from admission to the "secondary post baccalaureate
licensure program" to "Internship year" instead; change frequency of offering from
spring to fall; effective Fall 2013.
37-GNC: New Course STACKED: EDSC F443 / F643 - Technology Applications in Education II [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 AND SYLLABI BELOW], 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include
admission to the internship year, successful completion of EDSC F442 or permission
of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered
in spring, effective Fall 2013. (Reference #89-UNC at Curriculum Review Committee.)
38-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Physics: Change the degree requirements to incorporate two options: MS degree with Computational
Physics option, and MS degree with Space Physics option; effective Fall 2013. |
39-GNC: New Course: CE F652C - Pre-Construction Contracts, 1 credit in a compressed 3-week format (4.5+0); no prerequisites; letter graded
and not repeatable for credit; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. |
40-GNC: New Course: CE F659A - Mentoring, 1 credit in a compressed 3-week format (4.5+0); no prerequisites; letter graded
and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered as demand warrants; effective
Fall 2013. |
41-GPCh.: Program Change: MS in Marine Biology: Change minimum grade requirements for 600-level courses in the degree core from
C (2.0) to B- (2.7) - for students to be able to take the comprehensive exams; effective
Fall 2013. [See text with one asterisk on page two of form.] |
42-GPCh.: Program Change: PhD in Marine Biology: Change minimum grade requirements for 600-level courses in the degree core from
C (2.0) to B- (2.7) - for students to be able to complete the qualifying exams; effective
Fall 2013. |
43-GPCh.: Program Change: MS in Oceanography: Change minimum grade requirements for 600-level courses in the degree core from
C (2.0) to B- (2.7) - for students to be able to take the comprehensive exams; effective
Fall 2013. |
44-GPCh.: Program Change: PhD in Oceanography: Change minimum grade requirements for 600-level courses in the degree core from
C (2.0) to B- (2.7) - for students to be able to complete the qualifying exams; effective
Fall 2013. |
45-GNC: New Course: MBA F687 - Brand Management, 3 credits (3+0); special restriction of permission of the MBA director; letter graded;
effective Fall 2013. |
46-GNC: New Course: EE F647 - Data Compression, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ES F201 or CS F201 or equivalent; letter-graded
and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered spring of even-numbered
years, first offering in spring 2014; effective Fall 2013. |
[5-Trial: Trial Course: PHYS F694 - Core Skills for Computational Science, 3 credits (credit distribution not provided, but lecture and lab hours indicated);
prerequisites include graduate standing in physical sciences, experience with FORTRAN
or C programming language or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered
Fall 2013 if approved in time for the Registrar's Office. [This course cannot be offered
as a Special Topics; it has reached the permitted limit according to the Registrar's
Office.] |
47-GNC: New Course: BIOL F6xx - Advanced Immunology, 3 credits (3+0), prerequisites include BIOL F261, BIOL F360, and BIOL F465 or equivalent
or permission of instructor; to be cross-listed as a Biochemistry course; letter-graded
and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered in fall of odd-numbered
years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. |
48-GPDr.: Program Deletion: Master of Arts in Music: the MA program is proposed to be eliminated and replaced by the Master of Music
in Performance (a new program proposal submitted in fall 2012 and still under review
at GAAC). Effective date will depend upon GAAC, Faculty Senate and BOR actions. |
49-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F463 / F663 - Seminar in Art History, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed
content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [#154-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee] |
50-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F490 / F690 - Current Problems, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon
changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [#155-UCCh. at Curriculum Review
Committee] |
51-GNC: New Course: MATH F614 - Numerical Linear Algebra, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MATH F314X or equivalent or permission of
instructor; recommended courses include MATH F421 or MATH F401; letter graded; to
be offered in fall of odd-numbered years, first offering Fall 2015; effective upon
approval. |
52-GNC: New Course (Stacked): BIOL F4xx / F6xx - Introduction to Biology of Cancer, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of BIOL F111X, BIOL F360 (formerly numbered F261)
or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content;
to be offered every fall, effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013. |
WITHDRAWN 53-GCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): PSY F469 / F669 - Health Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); add Oral intensive designator (Format 6 submitted); update course
description; remove junior standing from F469 prerequisites and add COMM F131X or
COMM F141X; change frequency of offering to fall of even-numbered years; effective
Fall 2014 upon approval. |
Trial Courses
Graduate 1-Tr: GEOS F694 - Applied Seismology: 3 credits (3+0), prerequisites include MATH F202X and MATH F314 or permission of
instructor; not repeatable; letter graded; to be offered even-number spring; first
offering Spring 2012.
Graduate Trial Course received April 25, 2012 - to be reviewed in Fall 2012: TRIAL Course: BIOL F694 - Advanced Landscape Ecology, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of previous landscape ecology coursework or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring 2013 upon approval. Contact: Falk Huettmann, x7882. Status: Carry-over to Fall 2012 review cycle. |
Carried Over from 2010-11
See the Spring 2011 Graduate Curriculum Review Cycle for M.Ed. items 100-GPCh - 108-GNC; as well as 115-GNC, and 117-GNC. Items #61-GNC through 92-GNC (Construction Management) also listed there.
New Submissions
Special Topics: LAS F693 Format 1A and Syllabus (PDFs, distributed via email 9/14/2011)
1-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S., Ph.D. - Environmental Chemistry: Addition of new track within the program called "Environmental Toxicology and Contaminate
Fate"; related course change CHEM F655; related track name change from Aqueous Geochemistry
to Aqueous/Environmental Geochemistry; related course requirement changes. (CHEM F655
course change referred to in this proposal was already approved in FY09.) Contact: Tom Trainor, x5628 Status: 1/25/2012: GAAC approved. 1/31/2012: Provost approved. |
2-GNC: New Course: FISH F645 - Bioeconomic Modeling and Fisheries Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include STAT F401 and MATH F200, MATH F262 or MATH
F272; graduate standing or permission of instructor; distance delivery by videoconference;
letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring; first offering SPRING
2013 [not 2012]. |
3-GNC: New Course: FISH F670 - Quantitative Analysis for Marine Policy Decisions, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include STAT F401 and MATH F200, MATH F262 or MATH
F272; graduate standing or permission of instructor; distance delivery by videoconference;
letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring of odd-numbered years; first
offering Spring 2013. |
4-GNC: New Course: FISH F672 - Law and Fisheries, 2 credits (2+0); distance delivery by videoconference; prerequisite of graduate
standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered
in even-numbered fall; first offering Fall 2012.
5-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S., Ph.D. - Geophysics: degree requirements changes including addition of a new comprehensive course (GEOS
F631) required for all incoming M.S. and Ph.D. students, more stringent admission
requirements, addition of new courses, and addition to Ph.D. of advanced skill categories;
and addition of guidelines for how Ph.D. program can be entered directly from a bachelor's
program. |
6-GNC: New Course: GEOS F626 - Applied Seismology [approved course number is F626], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of GEOS F431 or F631,
or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring
of even-numbered years, first offering Srping 2014; effective Fall 2012. |
7-GNC: New Course: GEOS F627 - Inverse Problems and Parameter Estimation,[approved course number is F627] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MATH F202X
and MATH F314, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be
offered spring of odd-numbered years, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012. |
8-GNC: New Course: GEOS F636 / F436 - Beyond the Mouse: Computer Programming and Automation for Geoscientists, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisites include graduate standing for F636; graded Pass /
Fail and not repeatable; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2012; effective
Fall 2012. STACKED (20-UNC).
9-GNC: New Course: PETE F646 - Petroleum Geology, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed and stacked as GEOS F446 / F646; prerequisite
for PETE / GEOS F646 is graduate standing or permission of instructor; prerequisites
for GEOS F446 include GEOS F314 and GEOS F322 or equivalent; letter graded and not
repeatable; to be offered fall of even-numbered years, first offering Fall 2012; effective
Fall 2012. [Re-posted with all signatures 10/30/2011. Reference 23-UNC at Curriculum
10-GCDr.: Drop Course: GEOS F434 / F634 - Remote Sensing of Cryosphere, 4 credits (3+3); was offered as an elective and its deletion will not hamper remote
sensing degree emphasis; effective Fall 2012. Note: See related Geoscience course: #21-GNC: GEOS F6xx/F4xx - Foundations of Geophysics, posted below. |
11-GPCh.: Program Change: Ph.D. - Wildlife Management: Change the name of the degree to Wildlife Biology and Conservation to be consistent with names for the BS and MS degree programs; and delete the concentration in Wildlife Biology under the Ph.D. in Biological Sciences. The Ph.D. in Wildlife Management was never formally deleted when a concentration of Wildlife Biology was created under the Ph.D. of Biological Sciences; so this proposal reactivates and renames the Ph.D. in Wildlife Management to Wildlife Biology and Conservation. Proposal includes historical backup documentation for actions. Effective Fall 2012. Contact: Mark Lindberg, x6598. |
12-GNC: New Course: BIOL F666 - Scientific Teaching [SEE REVISED BELOW], 2 credits (2+0); to be cross-listed as CHEM F666 and GEOS F666;
prerequisite of graduate standing; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered
spring, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012. |
13-GNC: New Course: BIOL F688 / F488 - Arctic Vegetation Ecology: Geobotany, [See REVISED below INCLUDING TITLE CHANGE & credit change] 3 credits (3+1); part
one of a proposed two-part series; prerequisites include BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X
or equivalent, BIOL F239 or BIOL F271, or permission of instructor; lecture course
includes 7 hours lab time and a 1-day field trip; letter-graded and not repeatable;
to be offered spring semesters, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012. STACKED. |
14-GNC: New Course: BIOL F6xx / F4xx - Arctic Plants and Vegetation Ecology: Field [WITHDRAWN], 2 credits (2*); part two of a proposed two-part series; prerequisites
include BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X or equivalent, BIOL F239 or BIOL F271, or permission
of instructor; 14 days with 10 days of field work, 2 days of preparation and 2 days
of preparation and presentation of student oral summaries of field projects; first
offering Spring 2014; effective Fall 2012. STACKED. |
15-GCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F489 - Vegetation Description and Analysis [SEE REVISED BELOW], 2 credits (1+3); change credit distribution to (2+3) and increase
to 3 credits; stack as a graduate level course (F689); change prerequisites from BIOL
F474 or other general ecology course instead to: BIOL F239 or BIOL FF233 or BIOL F271;
or BIOL F331 or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2012. |
16-GPCh.: Program Change: Art K-12 Licensure Program toward M.Ed., Secondary Education: addition of course options (EDSC F205, EDSE F622, EDSE F482) to fulfill program
requirements; effective Fall 2012. |
17-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Master's of Education: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Remove CCS F601 from degree requirements; add option of ED/CCS
F604 to each concentration area; add EDSE F622 as an option in the Secondary Ed concentration;
remove ED/LING F621 as a cross-cultural foundations course; addition of new concentration
"Instructional Technology Innovation" to catalog layout; effective Fall 2012.
18-GPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program toward M.Ed., Secondary Education: Add course options of EDSE F622 and EDSE F482 to program requirements;
add additional admission requirements to World Language applicants; effective Fall
2012. |
19-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. in Special Education: Change how program requirements are laid out to help differentiate between those
for certified teachers and those for students seeking initial teacher certification
in special ed; add a second course, EDSE F678 (new course) for students in the initial
licensure program; effective Fall 2012. |
20-GPCh.: Program Change: Special Education K-12 Post-Baccalaureate Certificate of Completion: Change how program requirements are laid out to help differentiate between those
for certified teachers and those for students seeking initial teacher certification
in special ed; add a second course, EDSE F678 (new course) for students in the initial
licensure program; effective Fall 2012. |
21-GNC: New Course: GEOS F431 / F631) - Foundations of Geophysics, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include GEOS F418, MATH F302, and MATH F314 or permission
of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall; first offering
Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. |
22-GNC: New Course: BIOL F457 W / F657 - Environmental Microbiology [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as BIOL F657; prerequisites
include BIOL F115X, F116X, BIOL F342 and CHEM F105X, F106X or equivalent, or permission
of instructor; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall
2012. [Course paperwork needs CEM signatures.] |
23-GNC: New Course: GEOG F656 - Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Well-Being, 3 credits (3+0); cross-list as NRM F656 and CCS F656; prerequisite of graduate standing
or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall,
first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. |
24-GNC: New Course: EDSE F678 - Special Education Clinical Practice: Initial, 3 credits (1+0+20); required course for students in the initial licensure
program; prerequisite of successful completion of 18 approved credits in graduate
level special education coursework; to be offered every fall, spring and summer; effective
Fall 2012. |
25-GNC: New Course: ED F682 - Rethinking Multicultural Education, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of having completed a bachelor's degree; letter-graded
and not repeatable; to be offered each fall; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall
26-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. in Counseling and School Counselor Certification Program [SEE REVISION BELOW]: add new course COUN F627 - Developmental Interventions to requirements
for both M.Ed.-Counseling and School Counselor certification; remove COUN F629 (change-course
submitted) from School Counselor certification but keep as option in M.Ed.-Counseling;
clarify internship course requirements to reflect courses needed for M.Ed. vs. certification
(two related new courses); update minimum credits required; effective Fall 2012.
27-GNC: New Course: COUN F627 - Developmental Interventions, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include COUN F623, admittance to the Counseling program,
or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered each
spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012. [F627 proposed by department.]
28-GCCh.: Course Change: COUN F629 - Counseling Interventions [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change title to Counseling Interventions for
Adults, with corresponding course content change and updated course description; effective
Fall 2012. [Waiting on a copy of the syllabus.] |
29-GNC: New Course: COUN F6xx - Internship III [SEE REVISED Format 1 BELOW], 3 credits (3+20); prerequisites include COUN F686,
admittance to Counseling program, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not
repeatable; to be offered every fall and spring; first offering in Fall 2012; effective
Fall 2012. [Course number of F691 proposed by department.]
30-GNC: New Course: COUN F6xx - Internship IV [SEE REVISED Format 1 BELOW], 3 credits (3+20); prerequisites include COUN F687 (new
Internship III course), admittance to Counseling program, or permission of instructor;
letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall and spring; first offering
in Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. [Course number of F696 proposed by department;
but that is a reserved number and not available.]
31-GNC: New Course: PETE F608 - Flow Assurance in the Petroleum Industry, 3 credits (3+0);prerequisite includes permission of instructor; letter-graded and
not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. |
32-GCCh.: Course Change: EE F608/F408 - Power Electronics, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Power Electronics Design; change number of credits
to 4 and distribution to (3+3); add "W" and "O" -intensive designators (Formats 6
and 7 to go to Core Review); change prerequisites by dropping EE F303 and EE F333;
add as prerequisites: COMM F131X or COMM F141X; EE F303; EE F334; EE F354; ENGL F111X;
ENGL F211X or ENGLS F213X or permission of instructor; and senior standing; letter-graded
and not repeatable; offered spring; effective Fall 2012. STACKED.
33-GCCh.: Course Change: MUS F601 - Introduction to Graduate Study, 3 credits (3+0); change from 3 to 2 credits (2+0); change prerequisites to "graduate
standing and permission of instructor"; note frequency of offering as "offered spring";
update description; effective Fall 2012.
34-GCCh.: Course Change: MUS F606 - Advanced Chamber Music, 1-2 credits (0+3 or 6); change to 1 credit (1+0); change frequency of offering to
fall and spring; effective Fall 2012. Note by JH: should the distribution more accurately
be (0+3)? |
35-GCCh.: Course Change: GEOG / NRM F692 - Graduate Seminar, 1-6 credits; change number of credits from 1-6 to 1-3 and change distribution to
(1-3+0); proposed changes will correct BOTH of the listings in the Catalog; effective
Fall 2012. |
36-GPCh.: Program Change: Elementary Education - Elementary Post Baccalaureate Licensure Program: Change the Program Requirements reflect changes to the following courses: change
credits of ED F468 from 6 to 4; add 1 credit to ED F414, F417, F467, F478/F678, F479/F688;
and add new 1-credit course ED F479 - Assessment of Literacy Development; changing
overall minimum credits required from 35 to 39 credits; effective Summer 2013. |
37-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Elementary Education: add 1 credit each to ED F678 and ED F688 (stacked courses); change minimum credits
required from 30 [should have been 31] to 33 credits; effective Summer 2013. |
38-GCCh.: Stacked Course Change: ED F678 / F478 - Math Methods and Curriculum Development, 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0+3);
offered fall; effective date of summer 2013 is shown on paperwork. [Reference 112-UCCh.
at Curric. Review.] |
39-GCCh.: Stacked Course Change: ED F688 / F479 - Science Methods and Curriculum Development, 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5);
offered spring; effective date of summer 2013 is shown on paperwork. [Reference 113-UCCh.
at Curric. Review.] |
40-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Geological Engineering: Change the program admission requirements to indicate course requirements with the
varying types of bachelors' degrees accepted; revise course offerings and exclude
focus groups and discontinued courses; update course requirements and offerings; effective
Fall 2013. |
41-GNC: New Course: ANTH F659 - Language and Prehistory, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LING F659; prerequisite of graduate student
enrollment or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered
fall of even-numbered years; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. |
42-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Fisheries: addition of a Seafood Science emphasis requiring two core Seafood Science courses
and courses from two of the three core areas of the existing Fisheries emphasis; house-keeping
edits to add two courses in the Management and Human Dimensions core area; and addition
of a program prerequisite option to include biology of fishes; effective Fall 2013
upon approval. |
Moldy Course Drops
- School of Education - Moldy Courses List (PDF)
- CEM Moldy Courses: Format 2 with all departments
- CNSM Moldy Courses:
Biology Format 2
Chemistry Format 2 (with Biology cross-lists)
Wildlife Format 2 - 11/22/2011: All above moldy course drops were approved by GAAC.
- School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences - Moldy Courses (PDF; 1/19/2012)
- PDF modified on 1/20/2012 to REMOVE FISH / BIOL F625. Course is being kept.
Trial Courses
(Trial courses number 1-Tr through 9-Tr were already reviewed in the Fall 2010 cycle.)
*10-Tr: Trial Course: FISH F694 - Climate Change and Fisheries: Ecological and Evolutionary Responses, 3 credits (3+0); lecture format includes video conference delivery; letter graded
and not repeatable; prerequisite of instructor's permission; to be offered odd-numbered
fall; first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
11-Tr: Trial Course: GEOG F494 / F694 - Climate Change Processes: Past, Present, Future, 4 credits (4+0); this course has been looked at as #98-GCCh (#112-UCCh at undergraduate
review), and due to extensive revision requests at Curriculum Review it's now being
submitted as a new trial course to be offered in Fall 2011 upon approval.
New Submissions
100-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - New concentration in Instructional Technology Innovation:
[See revision of 12/9/2011 below] A minimum of 30 credits including required courses
ED F601, ED F650 (new), F651 (new), and F652 (new); a cross-cultural foundation course
with focus on AK; three content classes from ED F653-F655 (new), F676 (new), F677
(new); along with a Thesis or Project option, and a Comprehensive Exam.
101-GNC: New Course: ED F650 - Current Issues in Technology (PDF missing, 10-11_101-GNC_ED-F650_CurrentIssues-Tech), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
102-GNC: New Course: ED F651 - Web 2.0 Fundamentals: Participate, Produce, Publish
(PDF missing, 10-11_102-GNC_ED-F651_Web2.0-Fundamentals), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Roy Roehl,, x5453; or Skip Via, 5/16/2011: This course will be offered at the 400-level as a special topics instead, and new course format to be submitted for Fall 2011 cycle to CR. WITHDRAWN from GAAC; will go to undergrad committee. |
103-GNC: New Course ED F652 - Fundamentals of Media Design (PDF missing, 10-11_103-GNC_ED-F652_MediaDesign), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor, and ED F651 (or taken concurrently); letter
graded and not repeatable; web-based delivery format; to be offered as demand warrants;
effective Fall 2011. Contact: Don Peterson, 5/16/2011: This course will be offered at the 400-level as a special topics instead, and new course format to be submitted for Fall 2011 cycle to CR. WITHDRAWN from GAAC; will go to undergrad committee. |
104-GNC: New Course: ED F653 - Instructional Design (PDF missing, 10-11_104-GNC_ED-F653_InstructionalDesign), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered every spring as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
(To be offered as Special Topics for spring 2012.)
105-GNC: New Course: ED F654 - Digital Citizenship, Internet Legal Issues, Digital
Copyright and Fair Use (PDF missing, 10-11_105-GNC_ED-F654_Legal-Issues), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered every fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
106-GNC: New Course: ED F655 - Online Pedagogy (PDF missing, 10-11_106-GNC_ED-F655_Online-Pedagogy), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered every fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
107-GNC: New Course: ED F676 - Supporting Learning in Diverse Systems (PDF missing, 10-11_107-GNC_ED-F676_Diverse-Systems), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered every spring as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
(To be offered as Special Topics in Spring 2012.)
108-GNC: New Course: ED F677 - Digital Storytelling (PDF missing, 10-11_108-GNC_ED-F677_DigitalStorytelling), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of admission to the Master's of Education in Technology
Innovation or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; web-based
delivery format; to be offered every spring as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
(To be offered as Special Topics in Spring 2012.)
109-GNC: New Course: MSL F622 - Tides - Their Nature and Impacts (PDF missing, 10-11_109-GNC_MSL-622_Tides-Nature-and-Impacts), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F620, MATH F201X, or permission of instructor;
letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in even-numbered spring, first offering
Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
110-GNC: New Course: MSL F663 (F463) - Chemical Coastal Processes (PDF missing, 10-11_110-GNC_stacked_MSL-663_Chemical-Coastal-Processes), [See revised documents below] 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as MSL F463; prerequisites
include graduate standing (or CHEM F105X and F106X, MSL F111X, upper division standing
or permission of instructor for undergraduates); letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered odd-numbered (alternate) spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective
Fall 2011. |
111-GCCh.: Course Change: HIST F663 / F463 (NORS F663) - Foundations of Russian History, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Imperial Russia; change prerequisite for F463 to
HIST F275; change prerequisites for F663 to Graduate Standing or permission of instructor;
update description of course; effective Spring 2012.
112-GCCh.: Course Change: HIST F664 / F464 (NORS F664) - Modern Russia, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia; change prerequisite
for NORS F664 to Graduate Standing or permission of instructor, and remove HIST F275
for graduate level; update course description; effective Spring 2012.
113-GCCh.: Course Change: PSY F601 - Clinical/Community/Cross-Cultural Integration
Seminar (PDF missing, 10-11_113_GCCh_PSY-F601_Integration-Seminar) 1 credit (1+0); change frequency of offering to As Demand Warrants; change grading
from Pass/Fail to letter grading; effective Spring 2013. |
114-GPCh.: Program Change: Ph.D. - Psychology (PDF missing - 10-111_114-GPCh_PhD_PSY-Clinical-Community), Clinical - Community: In response to APA Commission on Accreditation, the number
of clinical practicum credit hours is being increased from six to 12; PSY F601 has
been dropped as a degree requirement; and the minimum number of credit hours in community
practicum work has been reduced from six to three; the program description has been
revised; effective Fall 2012. |
115-GNC: New Course: CHEM F671 - Receptor Pharmacology (PDF missing, 10-11_115-GNC_CHEM-F671_Receptor-Pharmacology), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of upper division biochemistry or neurochemistry course
or permission of instructor; BIOL F417 is recommended; letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered spring of odd years; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012. |
116-GNC: New Course: CHEM F675 - Cellular Signaling (PDF missing, 10-11_116-GNC_CHEM-F675_Cellular-Signaling), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of upper division biochemistry or neurochemistry course
or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall
of even years; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
117-GNC: New Course: ME F643 / F443 - Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Characteristics
of Nanofluids (PDF missing, 10-11_143-UNC_117-GNC_ME-F443-643), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ES F341 and ME F441 or their equivalent, or permission
of instructor; senior standing for F443; graduate standing for F643; letter graded
and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012; effective
Fall 2012. (#143-UNC at Curric. Rev.)
118-GNC: New Course: RD F670 - The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Pre-1971 to
Present (PDF missing, 10-11_118-GNC_RD-F670_ANCSA), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor;
to be stacked as RD F470; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall;
effective Fall 2012. |
Moldy Course Drops
Undergraduate and Graduate Requests for "Moldy" Course Drops (PDF)
The following courses from Fall 2010 were re-submitted for Spring 2011 review. Each
of them has now been cross-listed with Business Administration.
5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. Issue remains
whether or not these are graduate level offerings or 500-level professional development
61-GNC: New Course: CE 655B - Managing Business Risk, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
62-GNC: New Course: CE 655C - Topics in Risk Management, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
72-GNC: New Course: CE F657A - Supervising Others, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
73-GNC: New Course: CE F657B - Managing Change Productively, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
74-GNC: New Course: CE F657C - Leading and Developing Cross-functional Teams, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
75-GNC: New Course: CE F657D - Collaborative Critical Thinking, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
77-GNC: New Course: CE F657F - Organizational Behavior in Projects, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
78-GNC: New Course: CE F657G - Topics in Leadership, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; repeatable
three times based upon different course content; to be offered as demand warrants;
effective Fall 2011. RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
83-GNC: New Course: CE F658E - Stakeholders and Their Management, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
85-GNC: New Course: CE F658G - Negotiations, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
89-GNC: New Course: CE F659B - The Legal, Ethical and Practical Aspects of Personnel Decision Making, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
90-GNC: New Course: CE F659C - Recruiting and Retention, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
91-GNC: New Course: CE F659D - Labor Relations, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle. |
92-GNC: New Course: CE F659E - Topics in Personnel for Projects, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. RESUBMITTED IN SPRING 2011 with BA cross-listing. Contact: Robert Perkins, x7694 Status: Ongoing discussion at GAAC. Committee recommends these be 500-level professional development courses instead. 5/16/2011: Discussion at GAAC will continue in Fall 2011 review cycle |
Excel Spreadsheet List of Curriculum, as of 11-12-2010.
(Addition of one minor program change: #97-GPCh.)
Excel Spreadsheet List of Curriculum, as of 11-11-2010.
CEM Graduate Cert. in Construction Mgt. - List of New Courses (PDF; Document provided by CEM)
Excel Spreadsheet List of Curriculum, as of 10-22-2010.
Trial Courses
1-Tr: MSL F694 - Chemical Coastal Processes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as MSL F494; letter graded and not repeatable; to
be offered alternate spring, first offering Spring 2011. Submitted by SFOS / GPMSL. Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas, 474-1524, STATUS: Approved by GAAC 9/10/2010. Approved with revisions by Curriculum Review Committee 9/29/2010. Approved by Provost 10/4/2010. |
2-Tr: MSL F694 - Scientific Writing Techniques, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as FISH F694; graded Pass/Fail and not repeatable;
to be offered alternate spring, first offering Spring 2011. Submitted by SFOS / GPMSL. Contact: Brenda Norcross, x7990, STATUS: Approved by GAAC 9/10/2010. Approved by Provost 9/15/2010. |
3-4-Tr: BIOL F694 - Communicating Science, 2 credits (2+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F694; letter graded and not repeatable;
prerequisite of permission of instructor; to be offered in spring, first offering
Spring 2011. Course materials have been combined into one course as recommended by
GAAC. Status: GAAC reviewed on 10/25/2010 and approved the course with the changes that have been made. 10/26/2010: Provost approved. |
Older 3-Tr: MSL F694 - Communicating Ocean Science, 2 credits (2+0); to be cross-listed as BIOL F694; letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered in spring; first offering Spring 2011. Contact: Laura Conner, 474-6950, STATUS: GAAC has requested revisions. |
Older 4-Tr: BIOL F694 - Communicating Climate Change Science, 2 credits (2+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F694; letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered spring; first offering Spring 2011. Contact: Laura Conner, 474-6950, STATUS: GAAC has requested revisions. |
Carried Over from 2009-10
26-GNC: New Course: CHEM F618 - Crystallography and Diffraction 9/13/2010: Revised syllabus for CHEM F618 (Word doc) STATUS: GAAC approved with revisions to syllabus 9/27/2010. Provost approved on 10/15/2010. |
22-GCCh: Course Change: ME F634 - Advanced Materials Engineering ME F634 syllabus |
31-GCCh: BIOL F618 - Biogeography. This course was not reviewed last spring 2010. It will be included with the submissions for this Fall 2010 and renumbered as #1-GCCh. |
New Submissions
1-GCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F618 - Biogeography, 3 credits (3+0); stack as BIOL F418; cross-list as both GEOG F418 (existing) and
GEOG F618; change frequency from spring to fall offering; change course description;
effective Fall 2011. Posted spring 2010 - carried over. Contact: Patricia Heiser Status: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee (last spring). 11/29/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/1/2010: Approved by Provost. |
2-GCCh.: Course Change: PHYS F645 - Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F647; cross-list as ATM F647; to be offered
fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2011. Contact: John Olson, x6793 Status: 11/15/2010 - approved at GAAC. 11/15/2010 - approved by Provost. |
3-GPCh.: Program Change: Certificate of Completion for the Post-Baccalaureate K-12 Special Education Licensure
Program: Update degree requirements to reflect course number and title changes; and update
admission requirements to the program to accommodate candidates who do not already
possess a teaching certificate; reduce total credit requirements for the licensure
from 30 credits to 24 credits plus addition of a 3-credit prerequisite; effective
Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 11/29/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/1/2010: Approved by Provost. |
4-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Special Education: Update degree requirements to reflect course number and title changes; and update
admission requirements to the program to accommodate candidates who do not already
possess a teaching certificate; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 11/29/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/1/2010: Approved by Provost. |
5-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F605 - Early Childhood Special Education, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to more accurately reflect
required course fieldwork; change frequency of offering to fall only, as demand warrants;
effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 11/29/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
6-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F610 - Assessment of Students with Disabilities, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to more accurately reflect
required course fieldwork; offered summer, as demand warrants; effective Summer 2011
upon approval. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
7-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F612 - Curriculum and Strategies I: Low Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to more accurately reflect
required course fieldwork; offered summer, as demand warrants; effective Summer 2011
upon approval. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. CR reviewed and approved. 2/21/2011: Provost approved. |
8-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F622 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); stacked with EDSE F422; change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to
reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered in spring; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. (Curriculum Review looking at F422 stack.) |
9-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F624 - Social/Emotional Development, Assessment, and Intervention, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork
required in the course; offered fall and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status:12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
10-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F625 - Teaching Mathematics to Special Learners, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork
required in the course; offered fall and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
11-GCCh: Course Change: EDSE F633 - Autism: Communication and Social Disorders, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork
required in the course; offered spring and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
12-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F640 - Collaboration and Consultative Methods, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork
required in the course; eliminate prerequisites to increase enrollment; offered spring
and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
13-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F642 - Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Social and Behavioral Issues, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect fieldwork required;
eliminate prerequisites to increase enrollment; update frequency of offering to Summer,
as demand warrants; effective Summer 2010 upon approval. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
14-GCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F677 - Reading Assessment, Curriculum and Strategies, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork
required in the course; offered spring and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Joanne Healy, x1557 Status: 12/13/2010: Approved at GAAC. 12/14/2010: Provost approved. |
15-GPCh.: Program Change: K-12 Art Licensure Program: add EDSC F205 as an option in the program requirements; effective Summer 2011 upon
approval. Contact: Larry Meath, x6589 Status: 11/15/2010 - approved at GAAC. 11/15/2010 - approved by Provost. |
16-GCCh.: Course Change: FISH F626 - Behavioral and Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); stacked as FISH F426; change title to Behavioral Ecology of Fishes;
drop FISH F288 from prerequisites; ADD FISH F301 OR BIOL F271 OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR
TO PREREQUISITES; add requirement of "graduate standing or permission of instructor"
for graduate level; update description; to be offered alternate spring semesters;
effective Fall 2011. Contact: Andrew Seitz, x5254 Status: Curriculum Review Committee discussed on 10/15/2010; questions re prerequisites. 10/20/2010: Additions (caps above) to prerequisites and approved at Curriculum Review. 10/25/2010: GAAC approved this course with minor changes. 10/26/2010: Provost approved. |
17-GNC: New Course: FISH F628 - Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as FISH F428; prerequisites include BIOL F115X, BIOL
F116X, FISH F301 or BIOL F271 or permission of instructor; recommended courses include
FISH F425 or BIOL F271, FISH F427, BIOL F310; letter graded and not repeatable; to
be offered spring of odd-years; first offering in Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Andrew Seitz, x5254 Status: Reviewed at Curriculum Review on 10/15/2010 (they have questions re prerequisites). 10/20/2010: Additions made to prerequisites and approved at Curriculum Review. Reviewed at GAAC on 10/25/2010 and there will be some follow-up on questions about the prerequisites. 11/15/2010 - approved at GAAC with changes. 11/15/2010 - approved by Provost. |
18-GCCh.: Course Change: ATM F613/F413 - Atmospheric Radiation, 3 credits (3+0); cross-list and stack as PHYS F613/F413; offered fall of odd-numbered
years; effective Fall 2011. |
19-GNC: New Course: ATM F666 - Atmospheric Remote Sensing, 3 credits (3+0); letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include ATM F401/ATMF601
or permission of instructor; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years, first offering
Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.
20-GCDr.: Course Drop: MSL F611 - Field Problems in Marine Biology, 5 credits (5+0); course is now obsolete and has not been offered in ten years; course
content is covered in MSL F450 and MSL F651; effective Fall 2011. |
21-GCDr.: Course Drop: MSL F616 - Metabolic Physiology, 3 credits (3+0); drop course which hasn't been taught in more than 5 years due to
low demand; content is covered in MSL F615; effective Fall 2011. |
22-GNC: New Course: MSL F612 - Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates, 3 credits (3+0); to be letter graded and not repeatable; recommended graduate standing
or instructor permission, and Invertebrate zoology; to be offered alternate fall,
first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
23-GCDr.: Course Drop: MSF F617 - Marine Mammal Management, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in more than five years; much of the
course content is covered in MSL F619; low demand for the course; effective Fall 2011. |
24-GNC: New Course: FISH F631 - Data Analysis in Community Ecology, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F631; letter graded and not repeatable;
prerequisites include STAT F200X, STAT F401 or equivalent; FISH F693 or familiarity
with R, general ecology, graduate standing in Fisheries or permission of instructor;
to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; first offering spring 2013; effective
Fall 2011.
25-GNC: New Course: ATM F678 - Mesoscale Dynamics, 3 credits (3+0); letter-graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include ATM F401/ATM
F601 or permission of instructor; recommended are Calculus I to III and a 400-level
Physics; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering in Spring 2012; effective
Fall 2010.
26-GCCh.: Course Change: WLF F625 - Analysis of Vertebrate Population Survival and Movement, 3 credits (2+3); change title to "Population Dynamics of Vertebrates"; course is
cross-listed with FISH F625; change to 4 credits with a distribution of (3+3); offered
spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2011.
27-GNP: New Program: M.A. - Political Science: Requires 6 credits of core courses for the degree from PS F603 and PS F622; and
24 additional credits from either the concentration of Environmental Politics and
Policy, or the concentration of Arctic Policy; effective Fall 2011 pending all approvals
including BOR.
28-GNC: New Course: PS F622 - Political Science Research Design and Methods, 3 credits (3+0); seminar and lecture format; prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011. Contact: Jon Rosenberg, x6502. |
29-GNC: New Course: PS F669 - Arctic Politics and Governance, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor,
and PS F450, PS F452, or PS F454 or equivalent; letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011. |
30-GNC: New Course: PS F675 - Internship in Public Affairs, 3 credits (0+0+10-15); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor;
letter graded; repeatable two times for a maximum 6 credits; to be offered fall and
spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
31-GCCh.: Course Change: PSY F652 - Practicum Placement - Clinical I, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change repeatability from a maximum of 6 credits to 9 credits;
effective Fall 2011. |
32-GCCh.: Course Change: PSY F653 - Practicum Placement - Clinical II, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change repeatability from a maximum of 6 credits to 9 credits;
effective Fall 2011. |
33-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S., M.A.T. - Biology: change the name of the degree from M.S., M.A.T. Biology to M.S., M.A.T. Biological
Sciences; effective Fall 2011. |
34-GPCh.: Program Change: Ph.D. - Biological Sciences: remove the concentrations of Biology, Botany, and Zoology as there are no requirements
associated with them; keep the concentration of Wildlife Biology and Conservation;
effective Fall 2011. |
35-GPCh.: Program Change: M.Ed. - Reading and K-12 Reading Endorsement: remove this area of specialization from the School of Education's master's graduate
program due to low enrollment; effective Fall 2011. |
36-GNC: New Course: EE F614 - Numerical Methods for Electrical Engineers, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing in Electrical or Computer
Engineering or permission of instructor; with Electromagnetic Waves, Digital Signal
Processing, Programming in C, and Matlab recommended; letter graded and not repeatable;
effective Fall 2011. |
37-GNC: New Course: EE F643 - Selected Topics in Computer Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CS F201 or ES F201, EE F443, graduate standing,
or permission of instructor; with EE F463 or EE F464 recommended; letter graded and
not repeatable; to be offered fall of odd years; first offering Fall 2011, effective
Fall 2011.
38-GNC: New Course: EE F646 - Wireless Sensor Networks, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CS F201 or ES F201, EE F341 or EE F343, graduate
standing, or permission of instructor; with EE F443, EE F444, EE F463 or EE F464 recommended;
letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall of even years; first offering
Fall 2012, effective Fall 2011. |
39-GNC: New Course: EE F668 - Radar Systems, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing in Electrical or Computer
Engineering, or permission of instructor; with Electromagnetic Waves, Digital Signal
Processing recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; effective Fall 2011. |
40-GNC: New Course: EE F675 - Robot Modeling and Control, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include EE F471, PHYS F212, or equivalent courses
in automatic control systems, and mechanics; with EE F303 or equivalent electrical
machinery courses and some experience with MatLab recommended; letter graded and not
repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
41-GPCh.: Program Change: Ph.D. - Fisheries: Modify the admission requirements to the program so that it may be entered directly
from the Bachelor's program upon meeting specified requirements; effective Fall 2011. |
42-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Fisheries: Expand the current requirement of one elective course to include three core courses
- one from each of three key domains of fishery research and practice; note that only
nine credits of the required minimum of 30 credits may be at the 400-level; effective
Fall 2011. |
43-GNC: New Course: FISH F680 - Marine Sustainability Internship, 2 credits (0+0+2); to be cross-listed as MSL F680 and NRM F680 AND ANTH F680; 8-week
(minimum) summer internship with a meeting in the fall to report and discuss experiences;
prerequisites include MSL F652, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not
repeatable; to be offered every summer/fall; effective Summer/Fall 2011 upon approval. |
44-GNC: New Course: CE F651A - Introduction to Construction Contract Administration, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
45-GNC: New Course: CE F651B - Construction Claims: Prevention, Analysis, and Dispute Resolution, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
46-GNC: New Course: CE F651C - Construction Claims Case Studies, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
47-GNC: New Course: CE F651D - Topics in Construction Contract Administration, (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission to the
Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter graded
and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered as demand
warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
48-GNC: New Course: CE F652A - Project Management Organization and Delivery Systems, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
49-GNC: New Course: CE F652B - Alternate Project Delivery Systems, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
50-GNC: New Course: CE F652C - Pre-Construction Contracts, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
51-GNC: New Course: CE F652D - Topics in Project Contracts, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
52-GNC: New Course: CE 653A - Scheduling for Construction Administration, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
53-GNC: New Course: CE 653B - Project Network Scheduling, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
54-GNC: New Course: CE 653C - Project Controls, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
55-GNC: New Course: CE 653D - Topics in Project Scheduling and Controls, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
56-GNC: New Course: CE 654A - Construction Estimating Basics, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
57-GNC: New Course: CE 654B - Advanced Construction Estimating, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
58-GNC: New Course: CE 654C - Advanced Dirt Estimating, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
59-GNC: New Course: CE 654D - Topics in Project Estimating, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
60-GNC: New Course: CE 655A - Managing Project Risk, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
61-GNC: New Course: CE 655B - Managing Business Risk, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
62-GNC: New Course: CE 655C - Topics in Risk Management, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
63-GNC: New Course: CE 656A - Arctic Construction, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
64-GNC: New Course: CE 656B - Introduction to Safety Engineering, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
65-GNC: New Course: CE 656C - Quality Control, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
66-GNC: New Course: CE 656D - Introduction to Right of Way Law, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
67-GNC: New Course: CE 656E - Construction-Related Law Topics, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
68-GNC: New Course: CE 656F - Remote Construction, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
69-GNC: New Course: CE 656G - Environmental Laws and Permitting, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
70-GNC: New Course: CE 656H - New Technology for Construction, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
71-GNC: New Course: CE 656I - Topics in Construction, 1 credit (4.5+0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
72-GNC: New Course: CE F657A - Supervising Others, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
73-GNC: New Course: CE F657B - Managing Change Productively, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
74-GNC: New Course: CE F657C - Leading and Developing Cross-functional Teams, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
75-GNC: New Course: CE F657D - Collaborative Critical Thinking, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
76-GNC: New Course: CE F657E - Ethics, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
77-GNC: New Course: CE F657F - Organizational Behavior in Projects, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
78-GNC: New Course: CE F657G - Topics in Leadership, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; repeatable
three times based upon different course content; to be offered as demand warrants;
effective Fall 2011. |
79-GNC: New Course: CE F658A - Project Interaction with Regulators, Stakeholders, and the Public, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
80-GNC: New Course: CE F658B - Project Proposals, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
81-GNC: New Course: CE F658C - Alaska Rural Projects, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
82-GNC: New Course: CE F658D - Information Technology, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
83-GNC: New Course: CE F658E - Stakeholders and Their Management, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
84-GNC: New Course: CE F658F - Written Communications, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
85-GNC: New Course: CE F658G - Negotiations, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
86-GNC: New Course: CE F658H - Effective Verbal and Visual Communications, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
87-GNC: New Course: CE F658I - Topics in Communications, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
88-GNC: New Course: CE F659A - Mentoring Skills, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
89-GNC: New Course: CE F659B - The Legal, Ethical and Practical Aspects of Personnel Decision Making, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
90-GNC: New Course: CE F659C - Recruiting and Retention, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
91-GNC: New Course: CE F659D - Labor Relations, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
92-GNC: New Course: CE F659E - Topics in Personnel for Projects, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
93-GNC: New Course: CE F660A - Planning and Project Definition, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
94-GNC: New Course: CE F660B - Project Management Boot Camp, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
95-GNC: New Course: CE F660C - Public Policy and Public Administration, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
96-GNC: New Course: CE F660D - Topics in Program Management, 1 credit (4.5 +0) over a 3-week compressed format; no prerequisites, but admission
to the Graduate Certificate in Construction Management program is recommended; letter
graded and repeatable three times based upon different course content; to be offered
as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011. |
97-GPCh.: Program Change: M.S. - Statistics: Corrections to the catalog language regarding the comprehensive exam for the program;
effective Fall 2011. |
The following course has now been submitted as #11-Trial Course. |
99-GCCh.: Change Course: BIOL F675 / 475 - Vegetation Description and Analysis, 2 credits (1+3); change the course number to [[F479]] F448; change to 3 credits
with a distribution of (2+3); cross-list with NRM F448 and GEOG F448; stack as BIOL
F648 with GEOG F648 and NRM F648; change prerequisites by removing BIOL F474 or other
general ecology course, and add BIOL F239 and F271 or permission of instructor; update
description; offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2011. |
Excel Spreadsheet Listing (Excel file missing, ONLINE_Spring_10_Courses)
Course Listing Number |
Dept./Unit |
Course Request Description |
Electronic File for Download |
Status in Committee |
5-Trial (1-Tr through |
SFOS - Fisheries | Trial Course: FISH F694 - Law and Fisheries, 2 credits (2+0); restrictions include graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offered in Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010. |
REVISED DOCS received 2/22/2010: OLDER PDF: FISH-F694-Trial-Course (PDF missing, Trial_Spr-10/FISH-F694-Trial-Course)(see revisions of 2-22-10 above) Keith Criddle |
2-23-10: Provost approved and approval memo sent to department. 2-22-10: Approved by GAAC with revisions. |
18-GNC Cross-listed |
CNSM - Biology and Wildlife | New Course: BIOL F665 - Aquatic Entomology, 2 credits (1+3); to be cross-listed with FISH F665; prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor; special restrictions include student's ability to wade in streams and wetlands; letter-graded and not repeatable for credit; to be offered every fall; first offering in Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: BIOL/FISH F665 Aquatic Entomology (PDF missing, BIOL-FISH-F665-Aquatic-Entomology) Mark Wipfli |
4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
19-GPCh. | SOEd - Secondary Education | Program Change: M.Ed., Secondary Education: add EDSC F637 to list of options for required courses; rearrange options for choices between the thesis, project, and comprehensive exam options; overall minimum credits required for degree changed from 30 to 31; effective Fall 2010. |
Word: MEd SecondaryEd program change (Word doc missing, MEd-SecondaryEd-ProgramChange) Jane Monahan, |
4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
20-GPCh. | CEM - Engineering | Program Change: Ph.D., Engineering: specify the residency requirement to include at least three full-time semesters of residency, defined as living in the ÌÇÐÄvlog¹ÙÍø area, working with graduate advisor and graduate committee, while taking courses at UAF; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: PhD Engineering residency program change (PDF missing, PhD-Engineering-residency-pgm-chg) Charles Mayer, x6091 |
4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
21-GPCh. | CEM - Petroleum Engineering | Program Change: M.S., Petroleum Engineering: add the approved course PETE F621 to the list of available courses for the degree; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: MS-Petroleum-Engineering program change (PDF missing, spring2010/PETE-MS-pgm-chang) Santanu Khataniar, x5658 |
4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
22-GCCh. | CEM - Mechanical Engineering | Course Change: ME F634 - Advanced Materials Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2+3), and add a 3-hour lab to the course; effective Fall 2010. |
Word: Jing Zhang Sarah Hall, x7136 |
GAAC follow-up not completed. |
23-GPCh. | CLA - Psychology | Program Change: Ph.D., Clinical-Community Psychology: correct the program description and application deadline; update admission requirements to the program; update program requirements regarding cultural immersion; addition to "Advancement to Candidacy" under Additional Requirements; effective Fall 2010. |
Received 5/13/2010-- PDF, OLD Version: PhD Clinical Community Psychology program change (PDF missing, PSY-Clinical-Community-Psych-Program-Change2-26-10) Bill Connor Cathy Morgan, x7012 |
5/14/10: Provost approved. 5/13/10: GAAC approved with revisions. |
24-GNC | SFOS - Fisheries Division | New Course: FISH F62 |
PDF: FISH MSL F628 new course (PDF missing, FISH-MSL-F628-new-course) Franz Mueter, 796-5448 |
5/24/2010: Registrar's Office has approved the new course number as F627. 4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
25-GPCh. | SOEd. - Counseling | Program Change: M.Ed., Counseling: program introduction rewritten; community counseling internship requirements increased from 3 credits of Internship I-Community to 6 credits, and from 3 credits of Internship II-Community to 6 credits; effective Fall 2010. |
Revised Format 5 received 4-8-2010: OLDER Word: M.Ed.-Counseling-pgm-change Allan Morotti Jane Monahan, x5362 |
6/15/10: Provost approved. 4/27: GAAC approved pending further minor edits (not received). |
26-GNC | CNSM - Chemistry and Biochemistry | New Course: CHEM F618 - Crystallography and Diffraction, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: CHEM F618 new course (PDF missing, CHEM-F618-Crystallography-new-course) Tom Trainor, x5628 |
GAAC follow-up not completed. |
27-GCCh. | CRCD - Alaska Native & Rural Dev. | Course Change: CCS F612 - Traditional Ecological Knowledge, 3 credits (3+0); TO BE
CROSS-LISTED WITH RD F612; letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisite of graduate
standing or permission of instructor; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring
2011; effective Fall 2010. (Was submitted on a New Course form, but is not really a new course because CCS F612 already exists. Aim is just to create the cross-listed course RD F612. Review syllabus.) |
PDF: Review Syllabus for cross-list of CCS F612 with RD F612 Michael Koskey Kay Thomas, x6528 |
4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
28-GNC Stacked |
CNSM - Mathematics & Statistics | New Course: STAT F654 - Statistical Consulting Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); stacked with STAT F454; prerequisites include STAT F200X or F300; STAT F401; completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH F408; graded pass/fail and may be repeated 3 times; to be offered every spring; first offering in Spring 2011; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: STAT F454-F654 new course (PDF missing, STAT-F454-F654-new-course) Julie McIntyre, x6253 |
5/25/10: Provost approved. 5/24/10: CR Committee approved.
4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. Still at CR. |
29-GNC Stacked |
SFOS - Fisheries Div. | New Course: FISH F414/F614 - Field Methods in Marine Ecology & Fisheries, 3 credits (2+3); two-week course format for Maymester; to be letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include FISH F101, BIOL F271, or permission of instructor; to be offered alternate Maymesters; first offering Maymester 2011; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: FISH F414-F614 new course (PDF missing, FISH414_614-New-Course) Ginny Eckert, 796-5450 |
5/13/2010: GAAC rejected. |
30-GPCh. | SFOS - Fisheries Div. | Program Change: Ph.D. - Fisheries: modification of the Ph.D. degree program admission requirements to allow acceptance with a bachelor's degree and not requiring a master's degree; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: Fisheries PhD program change (PDF missing, Fisheries-PhD-Pgm-Change) Ginny Eckert, 796-5450 |
4-30-2010: Provost approved. 4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. |
31-GCCh. | CNSM - Biol. SNRAS - Geog. |
Course Change: BIOL F618 - Biogeography, 3 credits (3+0); stack as BIOL F418; cross-list and stack as GEOG F418 and F618; update description and change frequency of offering from spring to fall; effective Fall 2010. |
Patricia Heiser, x7068 Diane Wagner, x5227 |
No review by GAAC. |
Table updated 6/15/2010 |
Course Listing Number |
Dept./Unit |
Course Request Description |
Electronic File for Download |
Status in Committee |
2-Tr (1-Tr is undergrad) |
SFOS - MSL | Trial Course: MSL F694 - Early Life-histories of Marine Invertebrates, 3 credits (3+0); letter graded; not repeatable; prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor; to be offered alternate spring; first offered Spring 2010 upon approval. |
PDF: MSL F694 - Early Life-histories Invertebrates (PDF missing, Trial_MSL694-Early-life-histories-marine-invertebrates) Sarah Hardy, x7616 |
Disapproved upon review of 9-10-09. (Messages left for submitter who is out of town; email to dept. chair Katrin Iken, also.) Emailed to GAAC on |
3-Tr No longer to be stacked as of 11-18-09. |
SoED |
Trial Course: ED F694 - Dynamic Earth Processes: A Science Course for Teachers, 3
credits (3+0); NOTE: Not approved at undergraduate level. |
Revised Word Docs for Graduate-level-only trial course: OLD PDF: ED-F494-694-Dynamic-Earth-Processes (PDF missing, Trial_ED-494-694_Dynamic-Earth-Processes) Ute Kaden, x5721 |
11-22-09: Provost approved. Memo sent to Larry Meath, SOEd Chair for Sec. Ed. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC as a graduate level trial course for Fall '10, as revised.. 11-18-09: Being reviewed as just a graduate trial course for Fall 10. Emailed to CR & GAAC on 9-13-09 9-21-09: Disapproved at CR Committee for undergraduate level. |
1-GPCh | SNRAS | Program Change: M.S., and Master's of Natural Resources Management and Geography (MNRMG), revise degree requirement descriptions to make them accurate; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: MS MNRMG Program change descriptions (PDF missing, PgmChg-NRSM_MS_MNRMG) Word .doc version with strikethrough text. (Word doc missing, Format-5-MastersProgramsChange-v[1].2) Susan Todd,, x6930 |
11-4-09: Provost approved. 10-30-09: GAAC approved. To GAAC for |
2-GNC | Office of Research Integrity / Graduate School - Interdisciplinary Studies | New Course: LAS F601 - Responsible Conduct of Research, 2 credits (2+0); letter graded; non-repeatable; prerequisites include senior or graduate student standing; to be offered every fall and spring; first offered Spring 2011. (Wintermester, also) |
PDF: LAS 601 Responsible Conduct new course (PDF missing, New_Graduate-Fall-09/2-GNC-LAS-601_RespConduct) Word: LAS F601 Revised Syllabus (Word doc missing, LAS-F601-Revised-Syllabus) Kelly Hochstetler,, x7832; John Blake |
11-28-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC as revised. Revised syllabus received and posted on 11/4/09. To GAAC for |
3-GCDr (10-UCDr) |
Drop Course: NRM F432/F632 -Literature of Science and the Environment, 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed and stacked with NORS F432/F632; low enrollment; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: Drop-NRM-432-632 9-22-09: Heard from CLA Dean's Office that NORS dept. head ok's the drop. CLA Curric. Council has ques. for Susan Todd. Susan Todd,, x6930 |
Held up at CLA Curric. Council 10-1-09: GAAC approved drop. To GAAC for |
4- CHANGED to 4-GCCh as this course exists as NRM F692 already. |
SNRAS - Geography |
GAAC rejected 11-20-09. No response to requests for clarification and requested changes. Contact for GAAC: Amber T. |
Mike Sfraga |
11-20-09: GAAC rejected (see note under description). To GAAC for |
5-GNC (16-UNC) |
SFOS - Fisheries | New Course: FISH F626 - Behavioral and Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked with FISH F426; letter-graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include BIOL F115X, BIOL F116X, FISH F288, or permission of instructor; FISH F425 or BIOL F271, and FISH F427 recommended; to be offered alternate spring; first offered Spring 2011; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: FISH F426-F626 Behavioral Phys Ecology of Fishes (PDF missing, FISH-F426-F626-NewCourse-Ecol-of-Fishes) Andrew Seitz, x5254 |
1-24-10: Provost approved. 10-30-09: Approved at GAAC. Still at CR. To GAAC for |
6-GNC | CNSM - Physics | New Course: PHYS F648 - Nonlinear Dynamics, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite is graduate standing; letter graded; non-repeatable; to be offered alternate spring; first offered Spring 2012; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: PHYS F648 Nonlinear Dynamics (PDF missing, 6-GNC-PHYS-F648-Nonlinear-Dynamics) Renate Wackerbauer, x6108 |
11-4-09: Provost approved. 10-30-09: GAAC approved. To GAAC for |
7-GNC | CNSM - Biology & Wildlife | New Course: BIOL *F6## - Scientific Writing, Editing and Revising, 3 credits (3+0);
prerequisites include graduate standing in biology or related discipline, and permission
of instructor; to be cross-listed with WLF *F6##; letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2010. *Course, if approved, will be numbered BIOL F604 |
RTF: Revised BIOL F604 Scientific Writing New Course (RTF missing, 7-GNC-BIOL-F604-Scientific-Writing) OLD PDF: BIOL F604 Scientific Writing (PDF missing, 7-GNC-BIOL-6xx-Scientific-Writing) Christa Mulder, x7152 |
11-28-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC as revised. To GAAC for |
8-GPCh | CLA - Communication | Program Change: M.A., Communication, in the statement of degree requirements add an admission requirement for an academic writing sample; also UAF Catalog modification (pg. 28) to include "communication" in list of programs with earlier credential submission dates; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: MA Communication Program Change (PDF missing, 8-GPCh-MA-Professional-Communication) Robert Arundale, x6799 |
11-28-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 10-23-09 for |
9-GPCh (28-UPCh) |
CEM - Electrical & Computer Engineering | Program Change: M.S., Electrical Engineering, add wording to program requirements
that at least |
PDF: MS Electrical Engineering Graduate Program Change (PDF missing, Updated-9-GPCh-Pgm-MS-Electrical-Engr) Charlie Mayer, x6091 |
11-28-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC. 11-18-09: CR has approved 28-UPCh Emailed GAAC on 10-23-09 for |
10-GPCh | SOEd - Secondary Ed | Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program with M.Ed., Secondary Education Option, clarify admission requirements and add test requirements for World Language applicants, and minor editorial changes; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: Secondary-Post-Bac-Lic-MEd-Option Larry Meath, x6180 |
12-2-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 10-23-09 for |
11-GPCh | SOEd - Secondary Ed | Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program, clarify admission requirements and add test requirements for World Language applicants, and minor editorial changes; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: Secondary Post Bac Licensure (PDF missing, 11-GPCh-Secondary-Post-Bac-Licensure) Larry Meath, x6180 |
12-2-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 10-23-09 for |
12-GPCh | SOEd - Secondary Ed | Program Change: K-12 Art Endorsement with M.Ed., Secondary Education Option, minor editorial changes to program description and correction of a course name and credit hours; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: K-12 Art Endorse with MEd Option (PDF missing, 12-GPCh-K12-Art-Endorse-MEd-Option) Larry Meath, x6180 |
12-2-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 10-23-09 for |
13-GPCh | SOEd - Secondary Ed | Program Change: K-12 Art Endorsement Licensure Program, minor editorial changes to program description and correction of a course name and credit hours; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: K-12-Art-Endorse-Licensure (PDF missing, 13-GPCh-K12-Art-Endorsement-Licensure) Larry Meath, x6180 |
12-2-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 10-23-09 for |
14-GCCh (See 40-UCCh) |
CLA - Political Science, Alaska Native Studies |
Course Change: PS F450 - Comparative Aboriginal Policies and Politics (s); 3 credits (3+0); change title to Comparative Indigenous Rights and Policies; currently cross-listed with ANS F450; stack with PS F650; offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2010. Format 2 form is revised as of 12-8-09 to reflect newer wording for the "Justification for Action" section. GAAC rejected at 11/20 meeting -- unclear difference between grad and undergrad levels. (Donie - GAAC contact)
12-8-09 and 12-11-09: REVISED SYLLABI and memo to clarify F650: REVISED Word doc.: PS F450 Course Change (Word doc missing, PS-ANS-F450-650-Course-Change-REVISED) Chanda Meek, x5115 |
1-26-10: Provost approved. 1-20-10: GAAC approved. 1-19-10: CR has approved with changes received. 1-19-10: Approval by GAAC pending review of the revisions. Emailed Donie again. 12-8-09: emailed Donie re: new docs rec'd. 11-20-09: GAAC rejected (see note in description). Emailed GAAC on 11-16-09 for |
15-GCCh (see 41-UCCh and
All approved. |
CLA - Political Science | Course Change: PS F603 - Public Policy, 3 credits (3+0); stack with PS F403 O (oral designator request submitted to Core Review); cross-listed as NORS F603; offered spring of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2010. |
Revised Format 2: Word: PS F603 Course Change (Word doc missing, PS-F603-stacking-course-change) Amy Lovecraft, x2688 |
11-28-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at GAAC, and at Core Review. CR approved with changes to prereqs on 11-18-09. Note: This is also under review at Curric. Review and Core Review Committees. Emailed GAAC on 11-16-09 for |
16-GNC | CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. | New Course: GE F624 - Stochastic Hydrology & Geohydrology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include GE F620 or equivalent, and graduate standing in Engineering or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in Spring 2011; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: GE F624 New Course (PDF missing, 16-GNC-GE-F624-StochasticHyd) Debasmita Misra, x5339 |
1-20-10: Provost approved. 1-19-10: Approved by GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 11-16-09 for |
17-GPCh | CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. | Program Change: M.S., Geological Engineering; changes to both thesis and non-thesis core course requirements; effective Fall 2010. |
PDF: MS Geological Engineering Program Change (PDF missing, Geol-Engr-MS-Program-Change) Debasmita Misra, x5339 |
1-20-10: Provost approved. 1-19-10: Approved by GAAC. Emailed GAAC on 11-16-09 for |
Table updated 1/25/2010 |
Course Listing Number |
Dept./Unit |
Course Request Description |
Electronic File for Download |
Status in Committee |
44-GPCh. | CNSM - Atmospheric Sciences | Program Change: M.S., Atmospheric Sciences; correct the number of additional approved 600-level credits to be required from 9 to 12, to make the minimum number of required credits equal to 30; effective Fall 2009. |
Nicole Molders, x7910 |
3-26-09: Approved by GAAC |
45-GNC | CNSM - Chemistry / Biochemistry | New Course: CHEM F623 - Molecular Modeling, 3 credits (2+0+3); prerequisites include graduate standing in chemistry/biochemistry, or one year each of undergraduate organic, physical, and analytical chemistry (or equivalent) or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; first offered in Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009. |
John Keller, x6042 |
3-26-09: Approved by GAAC |
46-GNC | SFOS - GPMSL / FISH | New Course: MSL F604 - Modern Applied Statistics for Fisheries, 4 credits (3+3); to be cross-listed as FISH F604; prerequisites include STAT F200, STAT F401; proficiency in computing with R, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall, first offered Fall 2009; effective Fall 2009. |
Franz Mueter, 796-5448 |
3-26-09: Approved by GAAC |
47-GNC | SFOS - GPMSL | New Course: MSL 628 - Sea Ice Ecology, 1 credit (1+0); no prerequisites, but MSL 650 recommended; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offered in Fall 2009; effective Fall 2009. |
Rolf Gradinger, x7407 |
3-26-09: Approved by GAAC |
48-GCCh. (#117-UCCh.) |
CNSM - Chemistry; Biology & Wildlife | Course Change: CHEM F455/F655 - Environmental Biochemistry and Toxicology, 3 credits (3+0); change title to "Environmental Toxicology"; change frequency of offering from even-numbered fall to even-numbered spring years; stack with CHEM F455 and cross-list with BIOL F455/F655; change prerequisites to include CHEM F451 or BIOL F303; or one semester each of organic chemistry and cell or molecular biology, or permission of instructor; Core Requests for "O" and "W" designators submitted simultaneously; effective Fall 2009. |
Revised syllabus: Todd O'Hara, x1838 Tom Trainor, x5628 |
6-9-09: Revised syllabus rec'd, and approval sent to Provost. 3-26-09: Approved by GAAC (Still at CR Committee for undergrad approval) |
49-GNC | CNSM - Math & Statistics | New Course: MATH F665 - Topics in Graduate Mathematics, 3 credits (3+0); an elective course for graduate mathematics students; letter graded and repeatable up to three times; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. |
Elizabeth Allman, x2479 |
3-26-09: Approved by GAAC |
50-GNC (#118-UNC) |
CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. | New Course: GE F620/F420 - Subsurface Hydrology, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of graduate standing in Engineering or permission of instructor; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered fall of odd-numbered years or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. |
Revised Syllabus of 3-27-09: Debu Misra, x5339 |
3-31-09: GAAC approved with modified syllabus. |
51-GNC (#119-UNC) |
CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. | New Course: GE F622/F422 - Unsaturated Soil Geoengineering, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of GE F620 or permission of instructor, and graduate standing in Engineering; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offered in Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009. |
Debu Misra, x5339 |
3-26-09: Approved by GAAC (Still at CR Committee for undergrad approval) |
52-GNC (#120-UNC) |
CEM - Mechanical Engineering | New Course: ME F640/F440 - Introduction to Microfluidics, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include PHYS F211X and graduate standing in Engineering; ES F341 recommended; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009. |
REVISED Format 1, received 5-12-09: REVISED Syllabi as of 5-13-09: Cheng-fu Chen, x7265 |
5-12-09: Approved by CR with revisions to Format 1. 3-26-09: Approved by GAAC (Still at CR Committee for undergrad approval) |
53-GNC | SOM and RAP - Economics | New Course: ECON 69X - Economics Background for Resilience and Adaptation, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered in a 5-week format; graded Pass/Fail and not repeatable; prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2009. |
Updated syllabus for the course: Mark Herrmann |
New syllabus received; ready for approval at Provost level. |
54-GNC | CLA and RAP - Anthropology | New Course: ANTH 6XX - Anthropological Background for Resilience and Adaptation, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered in a 5-week format; letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2009. |
Revised Format 1: Ellen Weiser (RAP) |
4-22-09: Provost approved. |
Table updated 5/13//2009 |
Excel Spreadsheet Listing
Graduate All Courses Programs - PDF Format
Stacked and Cross-listed Courses - PDF Format
Course Listing Number |
Unit/Dept. |
Course Request Description |
Assigned to |
Dept Contact |
Electronic File for Download |
Status in Committee |
3-GTC | CNSM - Math | Trial Course: MATH 694 - Numerical Linear Algebra (3+0) 3 credits; offered alternate spring, first offered Spring 2009. | Ed Bueler,, 474-7693 | Math-694.pdf [296 KB] | 9-18-08: Hard copy to chair. Approved by Provost on 10-14-08. | |||
1-GNP |
CNSM - Mathematics & Statistics |
New Degree Program: Graduate Certificate in Statistics - Requires 12 credits composed of a combination of applied and theoretical statistics courses designed to complement a quantitative field of study; effective Spring 2009 pending all approvals including BOR. | Ron Barry, x7226 Margaret Short, x5249 |
NWCCU Approval (PDF) Statistics-Certificate.pdf |
CLA - English | Program Change: Creative Writing MFA - Add ENGL 688, Writing for Film and Television, as a Forms class, to the requirements; effective Fall 2009. | Burns Cooper Leah Aranow-Brown,, x7193 |
MFA-CreativeWriting.pdf | Still under review as of 1-29-09. | |||
3-GNC | SFOS - Fisheries |
Courtney Carothers Christina Neumann, x5840 |
Received from CLA 11-12-08: e-File not yet available; originals at Anthro Dept. |
11-24: Provost approved.. 11-20-08: GAAC approved. |
4-GPCh |
CNSM - Wildlife Biology |
(Also sent to Curric. Rev. for BS)
BIOL-WLF_ProgramChange.pdf |
11-18-08: Provost approved. Approved by GAAC; BS review by Curric. Rev. Committee. |
5-GNC | CNSM - Wildlife Biology | New Course: BIOL 6xx - Animal Stable Isotope Ecology; 3 credits (3+0); to be offered alternate spring; first offered Spring 2011. | Diane O'Brien x5762 |
11-24: Provost approved. |
6-GPCh | SoEd - M.Ed. | Program Change: M.Ed. - Language and Literacy; addition of three required classes; effective Fall 2009. | Patrick Marlow, x5362 |
MEd_LangLiteracyPgm.pdf | 11-3-08: Provost approved. 10/28/08: Approved by GAAC. |
7-GPCh |
SoEd - M.Ed. |
Program Change: M.Ed. - Counseling; additional internship requirements; effective Fall 2009. | Allan Morotti, x5362 |
MEd_CounselingPgm.pdf |
11-5-08: 10/31/08: Approved by GAAC. Forwarding to Provost. |
8-GNC |
CNSM - Biology SNRAS - NRM |
New Course: BIOL 6xx - Ecological Background for Resilience and Adaptation; 1 credit
(1+0); to be cross-listed with NRM 6xx; offered every fall, effective Fall |
Catherine Seymour, x7987 Glenn Juday, x5395 (1st-offering date change per Diane Wagner, 2-6-09.) |
BIOL-6xx_NRM-6xx.pdf |
2-18-09: Provost approved. Tentatively approved as of 2-6-09; date of 1st offering changed. |
9-GNC | CNSM - Geology- Geophysics, Biology |
New Course: GEOS 6xx - Vertebrate Paleontology, 3 credits (2+3); to be cross-listed with BIOL 6xx and stacked with GEOS/BIOL 4xx; offered alternate spring, first offered Spring 2011. | Patrick Druckenmiller,, x6954 |
GEOS-BIOL-6xxVertPal.pdf |
2-4-09: Provost approved. |
10-GCCh ( #6-UCCh) |
SoEd - Secondary Ed | Course Change: EDSC 642 - Portfolio Preparation: Integrating Theory and Practice, 2 credits (2+0); change title to "Teaching with Technology" and increase to 3 credits (3+0); stacked with EDSC 442; offered spring; effective Spring 2010. (Corresponding undergraduate paperwork. #6-UCCh) | (Also at Curriculum Review) | Karen Eiler,; x6180 Diane Noble, x6589 |
Revised syllabus received 2-3-09: |
2-9-09: Provost approved. Jayne needs status update as of 2-3-09. |
11-GCCh (#7-UCCh) |
SoEd - Secondary Ed | Course Change: EDSC 658 - Classroom Organization and Management, 3 credits (3+0); addition of 12-hr. practicum; change to prerequisites; stacked with EDSC 458; change from offering in summer to fall; effective Fall 2009. (Corresponding undergraduate paperwork. #7-UCCh) | (Also at Curriculum Review) | Karen Eiler,; x6180 Diane Noble, x6589 |
2-18-09: Provost approved. 2-5-09: GAAC has approved. |
12-GPCh | SoEd - Secondary Ed | Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure with M.ED.; Secondary Education Option; reflect course credit change in requirements; effective Fall 2009. | Karen Eiler,; x6180 Diane Noble, x6589 |
PostBac_MEd-SecEdOption.pdf |
11-3-08: Provost approved. |
13-GPCh |
SoEd - Secondary Ed |
Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program; reflect course credit change in requirements; effective Fall 2009. | Karen Eiler,; x6180 Diane Noble, x6589 |
12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
14-GNP | SoEd - Special Ed | New Program: Master of Education in Special Education; 36 credits including 24 credits of required new EDSE courses, 6 credits of practicum and portfolio development, and 6 credits from additional EDSE courses; program meets requirements for Alaska Licensure as a Special Education Teacher; effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
12-8-08: Approved by Faculty Senate. Forwarded to SAC. |
15-GNP | SoEd - Special Ed | New Program: K-12 Special Education Certificate; graduate level certificate requiring 30 credits including completion of a practicum and portfolio; effective Fall 2010 pending all approvals including BOR. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
Updated version (name of program): |
12-8-08: Approved by Faculty Senate. Forwarded to SAC. | |||
16-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 605 - Early Childhood Special Education, 3 credits (3+0) with 15 hours field study required; to be offered fall, spring, as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-605_NC.pdf [1 MB] |
12-17-08: Provost approved. |
17-GCCh | SoEd - Counseling | Course Change: COUN 636 - Internship I, 3 credits (2+7); make course repeatable for up to 9 credits; offered Fall, Spring; effective Fall 2009. | Allan Morotti, | COUN-636_CCh.pdf Submitted on 2A form -- but is a major change. |
11-3-08: Approved by Provost. |
18-GNP (32-UNP) |
CEM - Mechanical Engineering | New Program: B.S./M.S. in Mechanical Engineering; a fast-track 7-year degree program for excellent students; requires completion of 150 credits to earn both B.S. and M.S. (a difference of 11 elective credits if programs were done separately); effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR. | Jonah Lee, Doug Goering, |
Revised proposal as of 3-23-09: |
4-6-09: Approved by Faculty Senate and forwarded to Statewide Academic Council. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. Still at CR Committee as of 2-4-09. |
19-GNP | CEM - Civil & Environmental Engineering | New Program: Graduate Certificate in Construction Management; 15 required credits from three main construction management rubrics and two main associated rubrics, including Human Relations & Communication, Construction Project Management, Technical Management of Construction and Costs, and Financial Aspects of Construction, and Other Technical Areas; effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR. | Robert Perkins, | 5-1-09: Document with revised BOR Hex Form |
5-4-09: Approved by Faculty Senate. Sent to Statewide Academic Council. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. Will go to Admin. Committee on 2-20-09. |
20-GNP | CLA, SoEd, CRCD, Grad School | New Program: Ph.D. in Indigenous Studies; comprised of a minimum of 12 core course credits for the degree, 6 research credits, 12 credits of thematic electives, and a minimum of 18 thesis credits; degree candidates choose from five thematic areas of emphasis; effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR. | Ray Barnhardt, Bryan Brayboy, |
NWCCU-requested Minor Changes to the PhD for Indigenous Studies (Word document; followed BOR Approval) NWCCU Approval (PDF) IndigenousStudiesPhD.pdf |
2-3-09: Approved by Chancellor and forwarded to Statewide Academic Council. 2-2-09: Approved at Faculty Senate. 12-17-08: GAAC approved. |
21-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 610 - Assessment of Students with Disabilities, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the Med in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered summers as demand warrants; first offered Summer 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-610_Assessment-withSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
22-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 612 - Curriculum and Strategies I: Low Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the Med in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered summers as demand warrants; first offered Summer 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-612_CurricStrat1Low-withSyllabus.doc |
12-17-08: Provost approved. |
23-GNC (51-UNC) |
SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 622 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; stack with EDSE 422; to be offered spring as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-622_CurricStrat2High-withSyllabus.doc EDSE-422_Syllabus.pdf |
12-17-08: Provost approved. |
24-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 624 - Social/Emotional Development, Assessment, and Intervention, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered fall as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2009. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-624_SocEmotionalDev-withSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
25-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 625 - Teaching Mathematics to Special Learners, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered summer as demand warrants; first offered Summer 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
26-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 632 - Special Education Law: Principles and Practices, 3 credits (3+0); letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered fall as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2009. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-632_SpecialEdLaw-withSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
27-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 633 - Autism: Communication and Social Disorders, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered spring as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-633_Autism-andSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
28-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 640 - Collaboration and Consultative Methods, 3 credits (3+0); letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered spring as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-640_Collaboration-withSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
29-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 642 - Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Social and Behavioral Issues, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered spring as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-642_AutismAsperger-withSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
30-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 677 - Reading Assessment, Curriculum and Strategies, 3 credits (3+0), 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered spring as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-677_Reading-withSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
31-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 6xx - Special Education Practicum, 3 credits (3+0+35); field experience with weekly seminar, taken concurrently with EDSE 6xx - Special Education Portfolio; letter grade; minimum of 24 graduate credits in Special Education and admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered fall as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-6xx_SpecEdPracticum-andSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
32-GNC | SoEd - Special Ed | New Course: EDSE 6xx - Special Education Portfolio, 3 credits (3+0); taken concurrently with EDSE 6xx - Special Education Practicum; letter grade; minimum of 24 graduate credits in Special Education and admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; to be offered fall as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2010. | Joanne Healy, x1557 |
EDSE-6xx_SpecEdPortfolio-andSyllabus.doc | 12-17-08: Provost approved. 12-16-08: GAAC approved. |
33-GPCh | SoEd - Elementary Ed | Program Change: Elementary Graduate Licensure Program; change program requirements to include passing the Praxis II, Elementary Ed Content Knowledge (test 0014) with a score of 143 or greater, prior to internship year; effective Fall 2009. | Carol Barnhardt, x6457 |
ElemEd-GradLicensure_Format5.pdf |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
34-GNC | CLA, SoEd, CRCD, Grad School | New Course: CCS/ED 690 - Seminar in Cross-cultural Studies, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed with RD/ANL 690; a core course for the Ph.D. in Indigenous Studies across the five thematic areas of emphasis; to be offered spring, first offered Spring 2010. | Ray Barnhardt, x1902/6431 |
CCS-Ed-690_Seminar.pdf |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
35-GNC | CEM - Electrical & Computer Engr. | New Course: EE 673 - Modern Control Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); previously taught as a trial course; letter grade; EE 471 prerequisite or permission; to be offered alternate fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. | Seta Bogosyan, x2755 |
Revised syllabus received 1-31-09: |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
36-GNC | CEM - Electrical & Computer Engr. | New Course: EE 655 - Adaptive Filters, 3 credits (3+0); previously taught as a trial course; letter grade; EE 451 prerequisite or permission; to be offered alternate spring, first offered Spring 2010. | Richard Wies, x7071 |
Revised EE 655 received 1-31-09: |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
37-GCCh (33-UCCh) |
CEM - Mechanical Engr. | Course Change: ME 602 - Advanced Mechanical System Design, 3 credits (3+0); change description and stack with ME 402; update course content; effective Fall 2009. | Chuen-Sen Lin x7136 |
Revisions received 2-9-09. |
2-11-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. (Still at CR Committee.) |
38-GCCh |
CNSM - Chemistry CEM - Environmental Engr/Env. Quality Science |
Course Change: CHEM 605 - Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Aquatic Chemistry; cross-list with ENVE 641 - Aquatic Chemistry; update course descriptions; change frequency of offering from fall to fall of even-numbered years; next offered Fall 2010; effective Fall 2009. | Tom Trainor, x5628 |
CHEM-605_ENVE-641_wSyllabus.pdf |
2-26-09: Provost approved. Still under review by GAAC as of 1-29-09. |
39-GCCh | CLA - Anthropology | Course Change: ANTH 626 - Bioarchaeology, 3 credits (3+0); change frequency of offering from spring of even-numbered years to spring of odd-numbered years; stacked with ANTH 426; effective Fall 2009. | Kara Hoover x6110 |
Updated Syllabus rec'd 1-21-09: ANTH-626_Bioarchaeology.pdf |
1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. (Or is it actually withdrawn?) | |||
40-GCCh | CLA/SoEd/CLA | Course Change: CCS 608 - Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed with RD, ED and ANL 608; prerequisite - graduate standing or instructor approval; effective Fall 2009. | Ray Barnhardt x1902 |
CCS-608_IndigenousKnowledgeSystems.pdf |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
41-GPCh (see also 2-GPCh) |
CLA - English | Program Change: M.A., M.F.A. and MFA/MA for English, Creative Writing, and Combined Degree in Creative Writing and Literature; add line to requirements that ENGL 601 is required in the first year of study; effective Fall 2009. | Burns Cooper x7193 |
MAandMFA-ENGL-CreativeWritingProgram.pdf |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
42-GPCh | SNRAS - NRM | Program Change: M.S., Natural Resources Management; drop the non-thesis option of the M.S. degree; effective Fall 2009. |
Stephen Sparrow |
MS-NatResMgt.pdf |
2-4-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |
43-GCCh (see also 98-UCCh) |
CNSM - Biology and Wildlife | Course Change: BIOL 645 - Molecular Evolution, 4 credits (3+3); change to 3 credits (2+3); change title to Molecular Ecology and Evolution, and change course description; remove cross-listing with CHEM 645; (stacked with BIOL 445); change offering to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2009. | Matt Olson x2766 |
Revised syllabus rec'd 2-6-09: |
2-9-09: Provost approved. 1-29-09: Approved by GAAC. |