Undergraduate Curriculum

Trial Courses
1-Utrial-Trial Course: MSL/FISH F394 - Aquatic Invertebrate Zoology (PDF), 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include MSL F211 and MSL F212 or BIOL F115 and BIOL F116, and CHEM F105, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered Fall of even numbers years, first offering Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 8-25-17: Received by CRC
9-26-17: Approved by CRC
9-30-17: Approved by Provost
2-Utrial-Trial Course: MSL F494 - Field Techniques in Ocean Acidification Research (PDF), 3 credits (10+16+14 noted on form), prerequisites include MSL F211 and MSL F212 and CHEM F105, or permission of instructor, letter graded; to be offered Maymester, first offering Maymester 2018 upon approval.
Status: 8-25-17: Received by CRC
9-26-17: Returned to submitter for changes.
12-19-17: Approved by CRC and sent to Provost for approval
Updated submission: MSL F494 - Field Techniques in Ocean Acidification research (PDF)
12-20-17: Approved by Provost
3-Utrial-Trial Course: DSGN F194/F294 - Modeling, Assembly & 3D Animation: Autodesk Inventor (PDF), 3 credits (3+0+0); no prerequisites, letter graded; to be offered Spring 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-25-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Discussed by CRC - reached out to faculty contact and department chair.
11-7-17: Approved by CRC
11-10-17: Sent to Provost for approval
11-13-17: Approved by Provost
4-Utrial - Trial Course: ART/COJO F494/F694 - History of Photography, 3 credits (3+0+0); prerequisites include WRTG F111x or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring 2018 upon approval.
COJO F494 - History of Photography (PDF) - to be cross listed with ART F494 and stacked with COJO F649
ART F494 - History of Photography (PDF) - to be cross listed with COJO F494 and stacked with ART F649
Status: 9-25-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - waiting for GAAC Approval
11-3-17: Approved by GAAC
11-6-17: Sent to Provost for approval
11-7-17: Approved by Provost
5-Utrial - Trial Course – , 3 credits (3+0+0) – prerequisites include ES F331, ES F346 – letter graded – to be offered Spring 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-29-17: Received by CRC
10-17-17: Approved by CRC
10-19-17: Sent to Provost for approval
10-19-17: Provost approved
New Submissions
1-UPch - Program Change:  (CourseLeaf login required); Add GEOS F332 to Technical Electives; effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-8-17: Received by CRC
9-26-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf
2-UNC - New Course –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) – prerequisites include PS101 or Permission of Instructor; letter graded – to be offered Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-26-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Discussed by CRC - reached out to faculty contact
11-1-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf
11-2-17: Approved by Provost
3-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) – changed prerequisites to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
4-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) – changed prerequisites to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; permission of instructor – changed maximum repeatable credits to 6 – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
5-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed prerequisites to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor. Recommended: ENGL F318 or a linguistics course is desirable, but no required – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
6-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) – changed prerequisites to WRTG F211x, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; ENGL F375, ENGL F376, or ENGL F377; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – changed Course Format to 6 weeks to full semester - changed maximum repeatable credits to 3 – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
7-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) – prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; ENGL F375, ENGL F376, or ENGL F377; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
8-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
9-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
10-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
11-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
12-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
13-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
14-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – changed maximum repeatable credits to 3 – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
15-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor. Recommended: ENGL F308 desirable but not required – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
16-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
17-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
18-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
19-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
20-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
21-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
22-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
23-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
24-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
25-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
26-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

27-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
28-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC
10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval
29-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

30-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

31-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

32-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

33-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17:Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

34-UCCh - Course Change –  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor – effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 9-28-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

35-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214x; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor - effective fall 2018 upon approval
Status: 10-3-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

36-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, or WRTG F214X; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor - effective fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-3-17: Received by CRC

10-10-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

37-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites changed to NRM F210 or permission of instructor - effective fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-4-17: Received by CRC

10-17-17: Approved by CRC - minor change does not need to be sent to the Provost for Approval

38-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits changed distribution to (2+3+0) by adding lab - changed course format to 6 weeks to full semester - remove cross listing - letter graded - effective spring 2019 upon approval
Status: 10-4-17: Received by CRC
10-17-17: CRC discussed and has recommended changes for submittor.
11-14-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-15-18: Approved by Provost

39-UCCh - Course Change -  (PDF), 3 credits - compress course to 2 weeks- effective January 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-10-17: Received by CRC
10-17-17: Approved by CRC
10-19-17: Sent to Provost for Approval

10-19-17: Provost approved

40-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites MATH F113X; or MATH F151X; or MATH F122X were removed - changed frequency of offering to As Demand Warrants - effective Fall 2018 upon approval
Status: 10-11-17: Received by CRC
10-17-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

10-25-17: Approved by Provost

41-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 4 Credits (3+3+0) - Department changed to Geoscience - Mode of delivery changed to Combined Lecture/Lab - Credit distribution changed to 3 lecture hours and 3 lab hours - effective Fall 2018 upon approval
Status: 10-17-17: Received by CRC
10-31-17: CRC discussed and recommended changes to submitter
11-2-17: Recommended changes were made; approved by CRC; sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-2-17: Approved by Provost

42-UCDr - Course Deactivation -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 1 credit (1+0+0) - deactivate course - effective Fall 2018 upon approval
Status: 10-17-17: Received by CRC
10-31-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

10-31-17: Approved by Provost

43-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 1 credits (1+0+0) - Credit distribution changed to 3 credits (3+0+0) - frequency of offering changed to As Demand Warrants - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-17-17: Received by CRC
10-31-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

10-31-17: Approved by Provost

44-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites ECON F227x or STAT F200x and ACCT F261x and MATH F122x - letter graded - frequency as demand warrants - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-26-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

45-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 3 credits (1+4+0) - letter graded - frequency of offering: fall even-numbered years - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-26-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: CRC requested changes
2-14-18: Approved by CRC & Sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

3-2-18: Approved by Provost

46-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 0 credits (0+0+0) - pass/fail graded - frequency of offering: every semester - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-26-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: CRC requested changes.
1-23-18: CRC requested more changes.
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

47-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login required) - changed general education requirements: complete the general education requirements - changed program requirements: removed BA F308, AIS F324, BA F309, BA F310 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-26-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

48-UPCh - Program change -  (CourseLeaf Login required) - changed general education requirements: complete the general education requirements - changed program requirements: removed ECON F321 or ECON F351, BA F309, BA F310 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-26-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

49-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login required), 1 credit (1.5+0+0) - frequency of offering: spring even-numbered years - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-31-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

11-21-17: Approved by Provost

50-UNP - New Program -  (CourseLeaf login required) - 120 credits comprised of SPRT F281x, SPRT F280, SPRT F483, SPRT F484, ACCT F261x, BA F307, BA F343, SPRT F482, 9 to 15 concentration credits and electives - Effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-2-17: Received by CRC
12-1-17: Approved by CRC & sent to CAC in Courseleaf
1-23-18: Approved by CAC & will be discussed at Faculty Senate meeting #229
2-5-18: Approved by Faculty Senate & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf
2-8-18: Approved by the Provost & Sent to the Chancellor in Courseleaf

2-13-18: Approved by Chancellor

51-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include BA F454 and BA F455 - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-2-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

11-21-17: Approved by Provost

52-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed course description - changed prerequisites to approval from SOE academic advisor, laptop or iPad required - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

11-21-17: Approved by Provost

53-UCD - Course Deletion -  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - course deactivation - last offering Summer 1997 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

54-UCD - Course Deletion -  (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - course deactivation - last offering Summer 1997 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval
Status: 11-3-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

55-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (4+0+0), changed course description - changed prerequisites to appropriate score on the math placement test; or MATH F151x and MATH F152x; or MATH F156x - Added corequisite MATH F251L - Added Pre- or Corequisite for students who have previously received a grade below C- or a W in MATH F251x: MATH F251R or MATH F251S - Removed lab hours - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC requested clarification
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

56-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - name changed - added pre- or corequisites for students who have previously received a grad below C- or a W in MATH F230X: MATH F230R or MATH F230S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC requested clarification
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

57-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - name changed - prerequisites changed to appropriate placement score; or DEVM F105; or DEVM F105N; or DEVM F105J - added pre- or corequisites for students who have previously received a grade below C- or W in MATH F122x: MATH F122R or MATH F122S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC requested clarification
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

58-UCCh - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include HSEM F301 or permission from instructor - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: CRC requested changes
11-27-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-27-17: Approved by Provost

59-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 1 credit (1+0+0) - prerequisites include AIS F101, AIS F324, BA F325 or concurrent enrollment - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
12-5-17: Approved by CRC and sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-5-17: Approved by Provost

60-UNP - New Program -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 120 credits comprised of MATH F122X, F151R, AIS F101, AIS F3010 or AIS F316, BAM F320, BA F308, BA F309, BA F307, BA F330, BA F323X, BA F343, BA F390, BA F490 or BA F360, HSEM F416, HSEM F445, BAM F462 - 39 credit hours at 300 or 400 level - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
1-16-18: Approved by CRC and sent to CAC in Courseleaf
2-23-18: Approved by CAC & will be discussed at Faculty Senate meeting #230
3-5-18: Approved by Faculty Senate & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf
3-8-18: Approved by Provost & sent to Chancellor in Courseleaf

3-14-18: Approved by Chancellor

61-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites included WRTG F111x - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
12-18-17: Approved by CRC and sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-18-17: Approved by Provost

62-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites included MATH F122x or equivalent - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
12-7-17: Approved by CRC and sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-12-17: Approved by Provost

63-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites included WRTG F111x, BAM F320, BAM F352, BA 343, BA 360; upper division - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: Approved by CRC and sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-19-17: Approved by Provost

64-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 1 credit (1.5+0+0) - no prerequisites - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: CRC requested changes
4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-17-18: Approved by Provost

65-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites included ANS F242X or instructor permission - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
1-16-18: CRC requested changes
2-8-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-12-18: Approved by Provost

66-UCD - Course Deletion -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), credits 1-9 - request deletion - last offered Fall 2005 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

67-UCD - Course Deletion -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (2+4+0) - request deletion - last offered Summer 1997 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
11-7-17: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in CourseLeaf

11-7-17: Approved by Provost

68-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include WRTG F11x for F464 and graduate standing for F664 - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
11-21-17: CRC requested changes
12-13-17: Approved by CRC and sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
4-23-18: Approved by GAAC and sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-28-18: Approved by Provost

69-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - changed name - changed certificate/degree change - changed abbreviated title - added concentrations: Emergency Medical and Public Health Management, Cybersecurity and Information Technology Management, and Public Safety Management - removed HSEM F404 from Emergency Medical and Public Health Management concentration - Added HSEM F415, HSEM F416, HSEM F417, HSEM F418 to Cybersecurity & Information Technology Management - removed HSEM F415, HSEM F416, HSEM F417 and added HSEM F404, HSEM F467 to Public Safety Management - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-6-17: Received by CRC
12-5-17: Approved by CRC and sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-5-17: Approved by Provost

70-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - course description changed - removed prerequisites CHEM F103X or CHEM F105X - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-7-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC
2-6-18: CRC requested changes
2-9-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-12-18: Approved by Provost

71-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - course description changed - removed prerequisites CHEM F103X and CHEM F105X - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-7-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC
2-13-18: CRC requested changes
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

72-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (2+3+0) - credits changed - credit distribution changed - course description changed - letter graded - effective Spring 2019 upon approval.
Status: 11-7-17: Received by CRC
12-5-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-5-17: Approved by Provost

73-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting permanent O/2 designator - letter graded - effective Spring 2019 upon approval.
Status: 11-7-17: Sent to GERC
1-19-18: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

74-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 120 credits - changed abbreviated title - removed PSY F101X from BA social science degree requirements - added ECE F130 and removed ECE F235 or ECE F130 from program requirements - removed GER recommendations - removed CIOS F 150, WRTG F212X, BA S301, BA S343, and BA S490; added ECE F310, ECE F345, ECE F410, ECE F450, ECE F240 or any approved special needs course in Administration within the Early Childhood Field concentration - change concentration name to Curriculum and Teaching - added Family Support concentration; with ECE F242, ECE F301 or ECE F302, ECE F306, ECE F405, ECE F410, ECE F442, ECE F471, and SWK F360 - changed concentration name to Infant and Toddler - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-9-17: Received by CRC
1-18-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-23-18: Approved by Provost

75-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include EBOT F100 or ANTH F100 or permission from instructor - letter graded - effective Spring 2019 upon approval.
Status: 11-9-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: CRC requested changes
12-22-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-22-17: Approved by Provost

76-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include WRTG F211X or WRTG F213X and ECE F340 or ECE F341 - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-9-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: CRC requested changes
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

77-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - no prerequisites - requesting GER status - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-9-17: Sent to GERC
1-29-18: GERC denied GER status but approved to move forward as a new course & sent to CRC in Courseleaf.
3-6-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf.

3-6-18: Approved by Provost

78-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 0 credits (0+0+0) - prerequisites include admittance to the art program, senior standing - pass/fail grades - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-10-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: CRC requested changes
1-16-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-16-18: Approved by Provost

79-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 120 credits - added ART F489 as the capstone requirement - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-10-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-19-17: Approved by Provost

80-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 120 credits - changed program name - changed abbreviated title - added program statement - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-19-17: Approved by Provost

81-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 18 credits - changed program name - changed abbreviated title - added program statement - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-19-17: Approved by Provost

82-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 19 credits - removed ED F350 or ED F420 or ANS F420; added ED F420 or ED F461 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-16-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-16-18: Approved by Provost

83-UNP - New Program -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 18 credits - comprised of HONR F101, HONR F201, HONR F290, and HONR F301 - 9 credits from ART F200X, COJO F141X, ENGL F200X, PS F300X, or HONR F390 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC

12-19-17: CRC returned proposal back to initiator

84-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 31 credits - name changed from Secondary Postbaccalaureate Lincesure Program to Secondary Postbaccalaureate Licensure Program - changed Admission process and requirements - removed EDSC F402 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval .
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-23-18: Approved by Provost

85-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 34 credits - Changed Admission Process and Requirements - removed EDSC F402 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-23-18: Approved by Provost

86-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 121 credits - changed Admission Requirements - removed EDSC F402 from Professional Internship Year with Integrated Coursework - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-23-18: Approved by Provost

87-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 1 credit (1+0+0) - prerequisites include BMSC F224 or permission of instructor - offered Fall - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: CRC requested changes
2-6-18: Approved by CRC & Sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-6-18: Approved by Provost

88-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include SPRT F281 - offered as demand warrants - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: CRC requested changes
2-6-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-6-18: Approved by Provost

89-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include SPRT F281 and SPRT F280 - offered as demand warrants - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: CRC requested changes
1-30-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-30-18: Approved by Provost

90-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include SPRT F280X and SPRT F281 - offered as demand warrants - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-23-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-23-18: Approved by Provost

91-UCD - Course Deactivation -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - last offered January 2013 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
1-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-14-18: Approved by Provost

92-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed course description - removed prerequisite ES F201 - changed mode of delivery from Combined Lecture/Lab; Directed Study to Lecture; Directed Study - Changed credit distribution from 2+2+0 to 3+0+0 - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by CRC
2-1-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-1-18: Approved by Provost

93-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (4+1+0) - added pre- or corequisites for students who have previously received a grade below C- or a W in MATH F156x: MATH F156R or MATH F156S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC is waiting for clarification
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

94-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (4.5+0+0) - prerequisites changed to appropriate score on the math placement test; a B or better in DEVM F105; or B or better in DEVM F105J; or C or better in DEVM F105N - added pre- or corequisite for students who have previously received a grade below C- or a W in MATH F151x: MATH F151R or MATH F151S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC is waiting for clarification
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

95-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - removed ED F350, ED F420, or ANS F420 - added ED/ANS F420 or ED F461 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-15-17: Received by CRC
1-30-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-30-18: Approved by Provost

96-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 2 credits (7.5+25+0) - F352 prerequisites include GEOS F213 or GEOS F262; GEOS F214 or GEOS F222 or GEOS F225 - F252 prerequisites include GEOS F101X or GEOS F120X or GEOS F261 - frequency of offering WINTERmester - letter graded - effective Spring 2019 upon approval.
Status: 11-15-17: Received by CRC
1-30-18: CRC requested changes
4-30-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-30-18: Approved by Provost

97-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include appropriate score on the math placement test or DEVM F105 or DEVM F105N or DEVM F105J - frequency of offering every semester - letter graded - GER course - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-15-17: Sent to GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC is waiting for clarification
2-9-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-12-18: Approved by Provost

98-UNP - New Program -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 15 credits - program requirements include ABUS F154; ABUS F179; ABUS F231 (3 credits); ABUS F232; ABUS F242 - effective 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-17-17: Received by CRC Chair
12-20-17: Approved by CRC Chair and sent to CAC Chair in Courseleaf
1-10-18: Approved by CAC Chair and sent to Faculty Senate President in Courseleaf
1-12-18: Approved by Faculty Senate President and sent to the Provost in Courseleaf
1-12-18: Approved by the Provost and sent to the Chancellor in Courseleaf

2-8-18: Approved by the Chancellor

99-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - no prerequisites - frequency of offering as demand warrants - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-17-17: Received by CRC
1-30-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-31-18: Approved by Provost

100-UNC - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - changed credits from 3 (2+3+0) to 4 (3+3+0) - changed course description - prerequisites include ANTH F221 and ANTH F422 or permission of instructor - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-17-17: Received by CRC
1-30-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
3-2-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

3-2-18: Approved by Provost

101-UCD - Course Deactivation -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deactivation - last offered Fall 2012 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-21-17: Received by CRC
1-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-14-18: Approved by Provost

102-UCD - Course Deactivation -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3-6 (0+7-15+0) - requesting deactivation - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-21-17: Received by CRC
1-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-14-18: Approved by Provost

103-UCD - Course Deactivation -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - requesting deactivation - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-22-17: Received by CRC
1-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

1-14-18: Approved by Provost

104-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - removed ES F201 from prerequisites - change mode of delivery from combined lecture/lab to lecture - changed credit distribution from 2+2+0 to 3+0+0 - changed frequency of offering from Fall to as demand warrants - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-22-17: Received by CRC
1-30-18: CRC requested changes
2-13-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-13-18: Approved by Provost

105-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 18 credits - removed all specific course options added 9 credits of ENGL electives at F400 level and 9 credits of ENGL electives F300 or above - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-22-17: Received by CRC
12-19-17: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

12-19-17: Approved by Provost

106-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (11.5+25+0) - prerequisites for F424 include application required, permission of instructor, appropriate background in Geology, Chemistry, and Physics - prerequisites for F624 include graduate standing in volcanology or permission of instructor - frequency of offering summer sessions - letter graded - effective Summer 2019 upon approval.
Status: 12-1-17: Received by CRC

1-30-18: CRC requested changes - will be reviewed by 2018-2019 committee

107-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (11.5+25+0) - prerequisites for F424 include application required, permission of instructor, appropriate background in Geology, Chemistry, and Physics - prerequisites for F624 include graduate standing in volcanology or permission of instructor - frequency of offering summer sessions - letter graded - effective Summer 2019 upon approval.
Status: 12-1-17: Received by CRC

1-30-18: CRC requested changes - will be reviewed by 2018-2019 committee

108-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - Name changed to Elementary Statistics - course description change - prerequisites changed to appropriate placement score; a grade of B or better in DEVM F105 or DEVM F105N or in all three of DEVM F105G and DEVM F105H and DEVM F105J; or permission of instructor - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 10-17-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
2-6-18: CRC is waiting for clarification
2-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-20-18: Approved by Provost

109-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - course number change from F358 to F258 - removed prerequisites FLPA F271 or COJO F280 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 12-12-17: Received by CRC
2-13-18: CRC requested changes
4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-17-18: Approved by Provost

110-UCCh - Course Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 3 credits (2.5+1+0) - changed course description - changed mode of delivery from lecture to combined lecture/lab - changed frequency of offering to as demand warrants - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 12-12-17: Received by CRC
2-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-14-18: Approved by Provost

111-UPCh - Program Change -  (CourseLeaf Login Required) - 18 credits - Removed ANTH/LING F225 from requirements and added ANTH F260 to requirements - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 12-22-17: Received by CRC
2-13-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-13-18: Approved by Provost

112-UPCh - Course Change - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed course description - removed restrictions - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 1-5-18: Received by CRC

2-13-18: CRC requested changes

113-UNC - New Course -  (CourseLeaf Login Required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - prerequisites included BIOL F260, STAT F200X - stacked course - combined lecture/lab - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 1-12-18: Received by CRC
2-14-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
3-30-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

3-30-18: Approved by Provost

114-UCD - Course Deletion - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2010 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 2-8-18: Received by CRC
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

115-UCD - Course Deletion - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught Spring 2010 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 2-8-18: Received by CRC
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

116-UCD - Course Deletion - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 2-8-18: Received by CRC
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

117-UCD - Course Deletion - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting deletion - course last taught before Banner - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 2-8-18: Received by CRC
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

118-UCD - Course Deactivation - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - deactivation requested - last offered Summer 1997 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 2-21-18: Received by CRC
2-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

2-27-18: Approved by Provost

119-UCD - Course Deactivation - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - deactivation requested - last offered Summer 1997 - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 2-21-18: Received by CRC

4-17-18: Course rolled back to uncross-list HUM/ART F469.

120-UNC - New Course - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include ENGL F11; one semester of foreign language; ENGL F318 or LING F101 or LING F223 or ANTH F260 - mode of delivery lecture and seminar - frequency of offering as demand warrants - letter graded - effective fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 3-5-18: Received by CRC
4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-17-18: Approved by Provost

121-UCCh - Course Change - , 3 credits (1+0+0) - Added Seminar as mode of delivery - Adding stack course EDSC F671 - pass/fail graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 3-20-18: Received by CRC
4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
4-17-18: Received by GAAC
4-23-18: GAAC requested changes
4-27-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-28-18: Approved by Provost

122-UCCh - Course Change - , 3-9 credits (1+0+0) - Added Seminar as mode of delivery - Adding stack course EDSC F672 - pass/fail graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 3-20-18: Received by CRC
4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
4-17-18: Received by GAAC
4-23-18: GAAC requested changes
4-27-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-28-18: Approved by Provost

123-UNC - New Course - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - Prerequisites include BIOL F310, or BIOL/CHEM F360, or CHEM F351, or permission of instructor - mode of delivery lecture - frequency of offering fall even-numbered years - letter graded - effective fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 4-5-18: Received by CRC
4-17-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

4-17-18: Approved by Provost

124-UNC - New Course - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - Prerequisites for F485 include LING F101, ANTH F260, ANTH F320, or permission of instructor - Prerequisites for F685 include ANTH F631, ANTH F670, LING F602, or LING F640 - mode of delivery seminar - frequency of offering fall even-numbered years - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 4-6-18: Received by CRC
4-17-18: Approved by CRC
4-17-18: Sent to GAAC in Courseleaf
5-4-18: Approved by GAAC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf

5-4-18: Approved by Provost

125-UCCh - Course Change - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - course name change from Highway Engineering - course description change - mode of delivery changed from combined lecture/lab to lecture - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 4-16-18: Received by CRC

4-17-18: CRC requested changes.

Trial Courses

1-Trial: (Stacked) BMSC F494 / F694 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology, [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F310; BIOL F360 / CHEM F360; BIOL F403 or BIOL F465 or CHEM F351; or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Todd O'Hara
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/11/2016: Revised syllabi received and posted below.
10/17/2016: CRC discussed and approved undergraduate level.
10/21/2016: GAAC approved graduate level.
10/24/2016: Provost approved.  

2-Trial:  Trial Course: MSL F394 - Human Impacts to the Marine Biosphere, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F211 and F212, or BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X, or permission of instructor; letter-graded; planned for offering in spring 2018; effective spring 2017 upon approval. 
Contact: Amanda Kelley
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/11/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
10/17/2016: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
10/19/2016: Provost approved.  

3-Trial: Trial Course: ME F494 - Introduction to Nanomaterials, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ME F334 or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered spring 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Lei Zhang
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/10/2016: Revised syllabus submitted and posted below.
10/17/2016: CRC discussed; Rainer to follow up.
10/24/2016: Second revised syllabus received. See below.
10/24/2016: CRC approved.
10/26/2016: Provost approved.  

4-Trial: Trial Course: ANTH F294 - Klingon, Elvish and Dothraki: The Art and Science of Language Creation (h), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be crosslisted as LING F294; prerequisites include ENGL F111X and one semester of foreign language; letter-graded; to be offered spring 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Robin Shoaps
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: Received on 10/25/2016. 
10/31/2016: CRC discussed.  11/01/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
11/03/2016: 2nd revised syllabus adding prerequisites received and posted below.
11/08/2016: CRC approved.
11/08/2016: Provost approved.  

5-Trial:  Trial Course: PS F394 - Gender and Development in the Global South, 3 credits (3+0); crosslisted as WGS F394; prerequisites include PS F100X; PS F201X; PS F202 or WGS F201X; letter-graded; to be effective for 2017-18 upon approval. 
[Update 11/21/2016: A special topics will be submitted by Patty S. for offering of course in spring 2017.]
Contact: Jeremy Speight
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 02/13/2017: Rob D. provided a revised syllabus. 
02/27/2017: Still trying to follow up on a revised syllabus.
04/27/2017: Approved electronically.
04/29/2017: Provost approved.  

6-Trial: Trial Course: MUS F194 - Suzuki Violin Pedagogy I, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0) distribution, as revised; course is repeatable one time for a maximum of 6 credits; prerequisite of instructor approval; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Submission deadline is January 13, 2017 for trial courses to be offered in fall 2017.]
Contact: Bryan Hall
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 02/13/2017: Discussed; Andres L. to follow up. 
02/27/2017: Still trying to contact instructor. 
03/06/2017: Revisions received and posted below:
03/27/2017: CRC approved as revised.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

7-Trial: Trial Course: MUS F294 - Suzuki Violin Pedagogy 2, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0) distribution, as revised; prerequisite of instructor approval; course is repeatable one time for maximum of 6 credits; letter graded; to be offered each spring (first offering slated for spring 2018); effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Submission deadline is January 13, 2017 for trial courses to be offered in fall 2017.] 
Contact: Bryan Hall
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 02/13/2017: Discussed; Andres L. to follow up. 
03/06/2017: Revisions received and posted below: 
03/27/2017: CRC approved as revised.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

8-Trial: Trial Course: MUS F394 - Suzuki Violin Pedagogy 3, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0) distribution, as revised; prerequisite of instructor approval; course is repeatable one time for maximum of 6 credits; letter graded; to be offered each fall (first offering slated for fall 2018); effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Submission deadline is January 13, 2017 for trial courses to be offered in fall 2017.] 
Contact: Bryan Hall
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 02/13/2017: Discussed; Andres L. to follow up. 
02/27/2017: Still trying to contact instructor.
03/06/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
03/27/2017: CRC approved as revised.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

9-Trial: Trial Course: MUS F494 - Suzuki Violin Pedagogy 4, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0) distribution, as revised; prerequisite of instructor approval; course is repeatable one time for maximum of 6 credits; letter-graded; to be offered each spring (first offering slated for spring 2018); effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Submission deadline is January 13, 2017 for trial courses to be offered in fall 2017.] 

Contact: Bryan Hall
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 02/13/2017: Discussed; Andres L. to follow up.  
02/27/2017: Still trying to contact instructor.
03/06/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
03/27/2017: CRC approved as revised.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

10-Trial: Trial Course: BIOL F194 - Biology of Addiction, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery; prerequisite of placement in ENGL F111X, placement in DEVM F105 or higher, or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval. 
Contact: Anshul Pandya
Assigned to Linda C.
Status: 02/20/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
02/27/2017: Discussed and LC to follow up for more information.
03/27/2017: Received and posted with 2nd revised syllabus.
03/27/2017: CRC approved as revised.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

Carried Over from 2015-16

CARRY OVER 70-UNC: New Course: DVM F4xx / F6xx - Skeleton Articulation, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (0.3+2.5); to be offered annually as a Maymester course (seeking a permanent course number for regular offering and Catalog listing); prerequisite for undergrad level is BIOL F213 or BIOL F214 or BIOL F310 or permission of instructor; prerequisite for graduate level is good standing in veterinary program; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Megan Hoffman
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
3/2/2016: Revisions received and posted on 3/3.  Revision indicates trial course; but prior communication indicates a permanent course number was desired for the catalog (i.e., New course).
3/4/2016: CRC approved undergraduate level of new course. 
4/27/2016: Still at GAAC.
06/07/2016: Instructor wants to offer undergrad course in another mode in addition to 'Mesters; will send in revised paperwork.  Revision not received as of 06/10/2016 when office closed for summer break.
12/05/2016: Revised paperwork received and posted below.
12/12/2016: CRC provisionally approved undergrad level upon receipt of rubric for participation. (A.L. to follow up.)
01/12/2017: CRC approved as revised.  Still under review at GAAC.

WITHDRAWN 75-UNC: New Course: COMM F485 - Management Communication, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of any 100-level course or permission of instructor; eLearning mode of delivery specified; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Peter DeCaro
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
3/2/2016: Revised Format 1 received. 
3/4/2016: CRC discussed. Short on credit hours. Andres to follow up.
05/03/2017: Rainer will follow up.
05/04/2017: Proposer has withdrawn the course.

CARRY OVER 90-UCCh.: Course Change: PS F203 - Peace, War, and Security, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change title to International Security(s); change course number to 300-level; no prerequisites; effective fall 2016 or 2017 pending Catalog deadlines.
Contact: Brandon Boylan
Assigned to Linda C.
Status: 4/15/2016: CRC discussed.
11/02/2016: Revised paperwork received and posted below.
11/14/2016: 2nd Revised paperwork received and posted below.
11/21/2016: CRC discussed. Linda C. to follow up.
12/13/2016: 3rd revision posted below below.  CRC approved as revised.
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

CARRY OVER 91-UCCh.: Course Change: PS F321 - International Politics, [REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change course level to lower division, and number to F221; no prerequisites; course is one option in BA degree requirements for Political Science; change frequency of offering; effective 2016 or 2017 pending Catalog deadlines.
Contact: Brandon Boylan
Status: Assigned to Nicole C.
4/15/2016: CRC discussed.
10/17/2016: CRC discussed; Nicole to follow up on SLOs.
10/24/2016: Revised syllabus received. CRC approved.
10/26/2016: Provost approved.  

CARRY OVER 94-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F466 - Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (1.5+4.5); change credit distribution to (2+4); make course (and research project) an option for fulfilling the degree program capstone; effective upon approval. 
Contact: Kristin O'Brien
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: Received and posted on 05/11/2016.
11/21/2016: Revised Format 1 form received and posted with original syllabus below.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/15/2017: Provost approved.  


New Submissions

1-UPCh.: Program Change: BS and Minor - Wildlife Biology and Conservation: Removal of WLF F410 from course requirements and Minor requirements; updated text and editorial changes; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kris Hundertmark
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/17/2016: CRC discussed; Gary to follow up re WLF F301 prerequisites.
04/07/2017: Revised Format 1 received and posted below.  (Includes removal of WLF F460 O/2 - Wildlife Nutrition due to loss of faculty teaching expertise.)
04/27/2017: Approved electronically.
04/29/2017: Provost approved.  

2-UCCh.: Course Change: WLF F101 - Survey of Wildlife Science,[SEE REVISION BELOW] 1.5 credits (1.0+1.5); change to 2 credits (1+2) because instructor notes that students are unable to apply the 0.5 credit toward degree requirements; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Todd Brinkman
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: Under review.
10/06/2016: Revisions received and posted below. 
10/10/2016: Syllabus updated; see below.
10/17/2016: CRC approved as revised.
10/19/2016: Provost approved.  

3-UCCh.: Course Change / Stacking: FISH F612 - Fish Conservation Biology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 4 credits (3+2); change credit distribution to (4+0); change title to Marine and Freshwater Conservation Biology; add undergraduate stacked level as FISH F413 with prerequisites of upper division standing and F200-level course in biological sciences or fisheries; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference #2-GCCh. at Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee]
Contact: Anne Beaudreau
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: Andres L. shared some revised paperwork during the CRC meeting. Posted below:
10/17/2016: CRC discussed; Rob to follow up on rubrics.
11/21/2016: Revised paperwork received and posted below. Includes rubrics.
12/12/2016: CRC approved as revised. (GAAC passed grad level in September.)
12/15/2016: Provost approved.  

4-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Anthropology: Reduction of total required credits from 130 to 120 credits by reducing the number of elective credits required from 44-45 to 34-35 general elective credits; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Ben Potter
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/17/2016: CRC approved.
10/19/2016: Provost approved.  

5-UCCh.: Course Change: WLF F305 - Wildlife Diseases, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0) and remove lab component of course; change frequency of offering to fall of odd-numbered years; effective upon approval.
Contact: (Todd is in VetMed now.) Contact Kris Hundertmark 
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/07/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC approved as revised.
11/15/2016: Provost approved. 

6-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Sociology: Change total required number of credits from 18 to 15; require 6 credits in upper division courses; editorial changes to course titles; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Sine Anahita
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC discussed and approved.
10/26/2016: Provost approved.  

7-UNC: New Course: SOC F280 - Contemporary Topics in Sociology - [and Title] [SEE REVISED BELOW] of Course which changes according to topic, e.g. "Cannabis and Society"]; 3 credits (3+0); course is repeatable 3 times for a total of 9 credits; letter-graded; prerequisite of placement into ENGL F111X or instructor's permission; to be offered as demand warrants, effective Summer 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Sine Anahita
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/17/2016: Revised Format form (course description) received.
10/24/2016: CRC discussed; J.L. to follow up.
11/21/2016: CRC approved as revised.
11/23/2016: Provost approved.  

8-UNC:  New Course: MSL F218 - Astrobiology: Planets, Oceans, and Life, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X and BIOL F103X, CHEM F103X, GEOS F101X, PHYS F102X or permission of instructor; previously offered as a trial course; letter-graded; to be offered every spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Eric Collins
Assigned to Linda C.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed; clarification to be requested re the prerequisites.
11/21/2016: CRC discussed further. Linda to follow up.
12/22/2016: Revisions received. 
01/11/2017: Page 2 update added to Format 1 form.
01/12/2017: CRC approved as revised.
01/17/2017: Provost approved.  

WITHDRAWN  9-UNC: New Course: MSL F310 - History of Ocean Exploration, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter-graded; to be offered fall of odd-numbered years; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Mark Johnson
Assigned to Norm H.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC discussed. N.H. to follow up.
11/21/2016: CRC discussed. Andres will speak to Jennifer R. (MSL) re objections of History Department.
01/12/2017: CRC discussed; Norm to follow up.
01/24/2017: PROPOSAL WITHDRAWN per email from NH.

10-UNC: New Course: MSL F464 - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (1+3); prerequisites include BIOL F260, BIOL F433, BIOL F445, or BIOL F481, or instructor's permission; letter-graded; previously offered as a trial course; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Eric Collins
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 10/17/2016: Revisions received and posted below.  CRC discussed; Galen to follow up.
10/24/2016: Second revision posted below.  CRC approved as revised.
10/28/2016: Provost approved.  

11-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Northern Studies: Change the program name from Northern Studies to Arctic and Northern Studies; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander
Assigned to Nicole C.
Status: 10/17/2016: CRC approved.
10/19/2016: Provost approved.  

12-UCDr.: Course Drop: CS F102 - Introduction to Computer Science, 3 credits (3+0); cancelled due to low enrollment; not a degree requirement; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jon Genetti
Status: Approved on 09/26/2016.
09/27/2016: Provost approved.  

13-UCDr.: Course Drop: CS F205 - C Programming, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in over 10 years; is not a degree requirement; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jon Genetti
Status: Approved on 09/26/2016.
09/27/2016: Provost approved. 

14-UCDr.: Course Drop:  CS F451 - Automata and Formal Languages, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in over 10 years; is not a degree requirement; effective fall 2017 upon approval. 
Contact: Jon Genetti
Status: Approved on 09/26/2016.
09/27/2016: Provost approved.  

15-UCDr.: Course Drop: CS F490 - Student Internship, 1-3 credits; has not been offered in over 10 years; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Jon Genetti
Status: Approved on 09/26/2016.
09/27/2016: Provost approved.  

16-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F470 - Civil Engineering Internship, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (0+3) on form; change grading mode from letter to Pass / Fail; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Nathan Belz
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed; Andres L. to follow up re credits.
01/12/2017: Revised syllabus received and posted below. CRC discussed. Rainer to follow up.
04/10/2017: CRC approved.
04/12/2017: Provost approved.  

17-UNC: New Course: MATH F230R - Prep for Calculus Essentials with Applications, 1 credit (.7+1+0); prerequisites include previous W or grade below C- in MATH F230X, or placement into MATH F230 or departmental recommendation; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered in Wintermester, Maymester and Summer; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Leah Berman
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC approved.
11/02/2016: Provost approved.

18-UNC: New Course: MATH F230S - Calculus Essentials with Applications Skills Workshop, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 1 credit (0.5+1.5+0); prerequisites include previous W or grade below C- in MATH F230X, or placement into MATH F230X, or departmental recommendation; grading mode not specified; to be offered each semester; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Leah Berman
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up.
11/04/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
01/30/2017: Confirmed that CRC has approved as revised.
02/01/2017: Provost approved.  

19-UCDr.: Course Drop: MATH F301 - Topics in Mathematics, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in over 7 years and was replaced by MATH F430; effective fall 2017.
Contact: Leah Berman
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC approved.
11/02/2016: Provost approved.  

20-UCCh.: Course Change / Stacking: BIOL F615 - Systematic and Comparative Biology, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (3+3+0); stack as BIOL F415with prerequisite of BIOL F481; letter-graded; to be offered fall of even numbered years; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 12-GCCh. at Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee.]
Contact: Derek Sikes
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 01/30/2017: CRC discussed and Andres to follow up.
02/27/2017: Revisions received and CRC approved.  GAAC approved via email.
02/28/2017: Provost approved.  

WITHDRAWN - Qualifies as Minor Change 21-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Marine Science: Addition of new course options [new course forms submitted - reference #8, #9 and #10-UNC] and removal of MSL F330; add and rearrange new crosslisting of MSL F305 - Invertebrate Zoology (BIOL F305); core of Minor remains the same; effective fall 2017 upon approval. 
Contact: Jennifer Reynolds; Ana Aguilar-Islas
Status: Treat as a MINOR Program Change since no degree requirements are being changed. Form will be sent to the Registrar's Office.

  1. MEMORANDUM RE CHANGES TO THE UAF HONORS PROGRAM - by Marsha Sousa, Honors Program Director, and Alex Fitts, Dean of General Studies and Vice Provost
  2. Second Memorandum re requested revisions to curriculum proposals - by Marsha Sousa, Honors Program Director (PDF; proposal numbers added for reference)

22-UNC: New Course: HONR F101 - Introduction to Honors Program,  [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); admission to UAF Honors Program required; has been offered as a FYE and special topics before; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed; Rob to follow up.
12/12/2016: Rob has heard from Marsha that revisions are to be sent in soon.
12/15/2016: Revisions received and posted below. See Memo #2 posted above #22-UNC.
02/27/2017: CRC approved as revised (Format 1 course description updated).
03/22/2017: Provost approved. 

23-UNC: New Course: HONR F201 - Methods of Inquiry, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); admission to UAF Honors Program required; has been offered as special topics; letter-graded; will be offered every fall and spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed; Rob to follow up.
12/12/2016: Rob has heard from Marsha that revisions are to be sent in soon.
12/15/2016: Revisions received and posted below. See Memo #2 posted above #22-UNC.
02/27/2017: CRC approved as revised (syllabus revised).
03/22/2017: Provost approved. 

24-UNC: New Course: HONR F301 - Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, COMM F141X, and admission to the Honors Program; course is repeatable 3 times for a maximum 9 credits; letter-graded; to be offered each fall and spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 12/12/2016: Rob has heard from Marsha that revisions are to be sent in soon.
12/15/2016: Revisions received and posted below. See Memo #2 posted above #22-UNC.
02/24/2017: Additional materials received and posted below.
02/27/2017: CRC approved with the additional documentation.
03/22/2017: Provost approved. 

WITHDRAWN 25-UNC: New Course: HONR F302 - Honors Interdisciplinary Group Project, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HONR F301; course is repeatable 3 times for a maximum 9 credits; letter-graded; to be offered each fall and spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed.
12/12/2016: Rob has heard from Marsha that revisions are to be sent in soon.
12/15/2016: Revisions received and posted below. See Memo #2 posted above #22-UNC.
02/24/2017: Course withdrawn per comments doc posted with #24-UNC.

WITHDRAWN 26-UNC: New Course: HONR F390 - Honors Research Development, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (no specified distribution); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, COMM F141X and HONR F201; no repeatable for credit; letter-graded; to be offered each fall and spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed.
12/12/2016: Rob has heard from Marsha that revisions are to be sent in soon.
12/15/2016: Revisions received and posted below. See Memo #2 posted above #22-UNC.
02/24/2017: Course withdrawn per comments doc posted with #24-UNC.

WITHDRAWN 27-UCDr.: Drop Course: HONR F381 - Honors Capstone Development, 1 credit (1+0); course is being replaced with a single 2-credit course (HONR F390 - Honors Research Development); effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC discussed.
03/22/2017: Course drop is withdrawn pending re-submission of #'s 25-UNC and 26-UNC.

WITHDRAWN 28-UCDr.:  Drop Course: HONR F382 - Honors Capstone Support, 1 credit (1+0); course is being replaced with a single 2-credit course (HONR F390); effective fall 2017 upon approval.  Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa 
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC discussed.
03/22/2017: Course drop is withdrawn pending re-submission of #'s 25-UNC and 26-UNC.

WITHDRAWN 29-UCDr.: Drop Course: HONR F383 - Honors Capstone Seminar, 1 credit (1+0);  course is being replaced with a single 2-credit course (HONR F390); effective fall 2017 upon approval. Reference Memorandum linked above 22-UNC.
Contact: Marsha Sousa
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC discussed.
03/22/2017: Course drop is withdrawn pending re-submission of #'s 25-UNC and 26-UNC.

30-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and BS in Biological Sciences:[SEE REVISED BELOW}  Changes to the degrees include removal of the requirement for a grade of C or better in the courses; additions  and changes to the course options for requirements and lists of approved electives; updates to the courses fulfilling the capstone project requirement; and removal of old language concerning O and W courses.  Changes to the BS in Biol. Sci. Without Concentration also include changes to required course options for the BS degree vs. program requirements.  Changes to the BS in Biol. Sci. With Concentration also include the addition of a new concentration in Biomedical Sciences.  Please note the CNSM Dean's Memorandum included with the packet regarding addition of CS courses as possible substitutes for the PHYS courses.  Effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/31/2016: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
10/31/2016: CRC discussed and Gary will follow up.
11/01/2016: Further revised Format 5 received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC approved as revised (Holly S. will discuss catalog layout edits with D.W.).
11/15/2016: Provost approved. 

31-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Elementary Education: Course changes and additions to meet the GERs; and reduction of the total required credits to 121; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt
Assigned to Linda C.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC approved.
11/02/2016: Provost approved.  

32-UNC: New Course: PLS F270 - Constitutional Law for Paralegals, [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of PLS F102 or instructor permission; letter-graded; to be offered each fall, effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Deana Waters
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/27/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
10/31/2016: CRC discussed. Gary to follow up.
11/08/2016: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC approved as revised.
11/15/2016: Provost approved. 

33-UPCh.: Program Change: AAS - Paralegal Studies: Remove upper division course options of PS F435W, PS F436, and JRN F413; add new course requirement of PLS F270 (new course submitted); effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Deana Waters
Assigned to Gary J.
Status:  11/14/2016: CRC approved.
11/15/2016: Provost approved. 

34-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Alaska Native Studies (with minor edits added): Addition of ANS F300W to degree requirements; removal of ANS F375 from degree requirements; add ANL course options to section 4; revisions to four concentrations areas (reducing to three); effective fall 2017 upon approval.  [See related course proposals listed below.]
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 01/30/2017: CRC discussed.
02/13/2017: CRC approved.
02/15/2017: Provost approved.  

TREAT AS MINOR CHANGE  35-UNC: New Course: ANS F110 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Land Claims in the 21st Century, 1 credit (1+0); to be cross-listed as RD; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/24/2016: Galen pointed out RD F110 already exists; paperwork is meant to cross-list existing RD F110 as ANS F110.  SENT TO OAR AS A MINOR COURSE CHANGE.

36-UCCh.: Course Change: ANS F111 - History of Alaska Natives (s), 3 credits (3+0); change title to History of Colonization in Alaska: the Indigenous Response; remove cross-listing with HIST F110; change frequency of offering by adding each spring; add "X" designation for GER (to be reviewed at Core Review Committee); effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 2-Core for adding "X" designator.]
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC discussed. Jessica L. to follow up.
11/21/2016: CRC discussed and approved.  12/07/2016: Core approved "X" designation.
12/12/2016: Provost approved.  

37-UCDr.: Course Drop: ANS F275 - Yup'ik Practices in Spirituality and Philosophy (h), 3 credits (3+0); course is not offered frequently, has low enrollment, and there is no faculty to teach it; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status:  10/24/2016: CRC approved the drop.
10/26/2016: Provost approved.  

38-UCDr.: Course Drop: ANS F330 - Yup'ik Parenting and Child Development, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); course is not offered frequently and was only offered at KUC who has no faculty to teach it; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC approved the drop.
10/26/2016: Provost approved.  

39-UCDr.: Course Drop: ANS F335 - Native North Americans (s), 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in decades; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC approved the drop.
10/28/2016: Provost approved.  

40-UCDr.: Course Drop: ANS F472W - Rural Alaska, Natives and the Press, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in over 10 years and is no longer needed; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 3-Core for dropping W designation.]
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC approved the drop. Core approved drop.
11/15/2016: Provost approved. 

41-UNC: New Course, Stacked: ANS F467 - Beyond Violence: Alaska Native Healing and Justice; 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of senior standing or instructor permission; has been offered previously as a special topics; crosslist and stack as RD F667; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in spring 2018; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 32-GNC at GAAC]
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 01/12/2017: Revised syllabi received and posted below. CRC discussed. Jessica to follow up.
01/30/2017: CRC discussed. Jessica following up.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

42-UNC: New Course: MA F144 - Administrative Procedures for the Medical Assistant, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 6 credits with (3+3+0) specified as credit distribution; prerequisites of MA F100, MA F114, HLTH F116, ENGL F111X, or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered each fall and spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Cathy Winfree
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/24/2016: CRC discussed; Rainer following up.
10/28/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/21/2016: CRC discussed. Rainer to follow up (credit hour distribution; grading percentages).
12/16/2016: Revised Format 1 received and added with 10/28/2016 Syllabus - posted below.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/15/2017: Provost approved.  

43-UCCh.: Course Change: HLTH F122 - First Aid and CPR, [SEE CORRECTED FORM BELOW] 1 credit (.5+1); change course title to First Aid and CPR for the Healthcare Provider; change from 1 credit to 0 credits; course to still be required for the AAS in Medical Assisting, the Certificate in Medical Assisting, and the Certificate in Medical/Dental Reception; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
JH question: Can a non-credit course be a degree requirement; or should this be 0 credit instead?
Contact: Cathy Winfree
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/17/2016: CRC discussed; to carry 100-level course number and be counted as a degree requirement, the course may be 0-credits; but it cannot be a "non-credit" course that would carry a number below 100 as those do not count toward degrees and certificates. Reference UA Regulation 10.04.090.F.2.a.
10/24/2016: Correction added to Format 2 form.  CRC approved as revised. (Holding for approval of related program changes.)
11/23/2016: Provost approved. 

44-UPCh.:  Program Change: AAS - Medical Assisting [SEE CORRECTED FORM BELOW]: In addition to reflecting the changes to the HLTH subject designator (changing to MA) for several courses, CIOS F150 and other elective options are removed; and new course MA F144 is added.  HLTH F122 will be a 0 credit course; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Cathy Winfree
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/17/2016: Changes to HLTH F122 discussed which impact use of the course as a degree requirement.
10/24/2016: Correction to HLTH F122 added to Format 5 form.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/15/2017: Provost approved.  

45-UPCh.:  Program Change: Certificate in Medical Assisting [SEE CORRECTED FORM BELOW]: In addition to reflecting the changes to the HLTH subject designator (changing to MA) for several courses, remove HLTH F110, HLTH F118, HLTH F130, HLTH F132, HLTH F234 and HLTH F236 from requirements; add HLTH F247 (will be MA F247) to course requirements; HLTH F122 will be a 0 credit course; reduce minimum credits from 38 to 36 credits; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Cathy Winfree
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/17/2016: Changes to HLTH F122 discussed which impact use of the course as a degree requirement.
10/24/2016: Correction to HLTH F122 added to Format 5 form.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/15/2017: Provost approved. 

46-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate in Medical/Dental Reception: [SEE CORRECTED FORM BELOW] HLTH F122 will be a 0 credit course; add HLTH F130 or CIOS F150 to course requirements; reduce minimum credits from 33 to 30; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Cathy Winfree
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/17/2016: Changes to HLTH F122 discussed which impact use of the course as a degree requirement.
10/24/2016: Correction to HLTH F122 added to Format 5 form.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/15/2017: Provost approved.  

47-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Rural Development: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Revise degree requirements to include RD F225 (new course submitted), RD F340 (new course submitted), and RD F474 (new course submitted); removal of Community Health and Wellness concentration; removal of Community Research and Indigenous Knowledge concentration; removal of Natural Resource Development concentration; removal of Rural Community Business and Economic Development concentration; addition of Human and Social Development concentration (RD F468 new course submitted); addition of Tribal and Municipal Governance concentration (RD/ANS F435 new course submitted); addition of Integrated Resource Management concentration; addition of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development concentration (RD F471 new course submitted); and addition of Multidisciplinary concentration option; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jennie Carroll
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 10/27/2016: Revised format 5 received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC discussed; Galen to follow up.
01/12/2017: CRC discussed. Holly to follow up.
01/30/2017: CRC discussed. Holly to send committee catalog layout.
04/10/2017: CRC confirmed approval per email re Catalog layout.
04/12/2017: Provost approved.  

48-UNC: New Course: RD F225 - Communicating for Rural Development, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMMF141X; ENGL F111X; or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jennie Carroll
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 11/04/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC approved as revised.
11/15/2016: Provost approved. 
11/22/2016: 2nd revised syllabus received; posted below and copy sent to OAR.

49-UCCh.: Course Change: RD F325 - Community Development Strategies, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change title to Rural Development Principles and Practices; add (s) and (a) designation; prerequisite of RD F225 or instructor's permission; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jennie Carroll
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 11/04/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC discussed. Galen to follow up.
12/14/2016: Revised syllabus received (and Format 2 will follow).
01/09/2017: Revised Format 2 received.
01/12/2017: CRC approved as revised.
01/17/2017: Provost approved.  

50-UNC: New Course: RD F340 - Community Research Toolbox, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of RD F225; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jennie Carroll
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 11/04/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/14/2016: CRC discussed. Galen to follow up.
11/22/2016: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted with Format 1, below.
12/12/2016: CRC approved as revised.
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

51-UCCh.: Course Change: RD F351 - Strategic Planning for Rural Communities, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Strategic Planning and Decision Making; add RD F300 and RD F325 as prerequisites; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jennie Carroll
Assigned to Norm H.
Status: 11/21/2016: CRC discussed. Norm to follow up.
01/11/2017: Revised syllabus received and added (posted below).
01/12/2017: CRC approved as revised.
01/17/2017: Provost approved.  

52-UNC: New Course: ANS / RD F435 - Participatory Policy-Making in Tribal, State, and Federal Government, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of RD F300, senior standing, or instructor's permission; RD F110 recommended; letter-graded; to be offered in fall of odd-numbered years; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Pat Sekaquaptewa
Assigned to Norm H.
Status: 01/11/2017: Revised syllabus received and added (posted below).
01/12/2017: CRC approved as revised.
01/17/2017: Provost approved.  

53-UNC: New Course: RD F468 - Human Development and Social Justice, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include RD F300, RD F325, senior standing or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered in spring of even-numbered years; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Charlene Stern, Jessica Black
Assigned to Nicole C.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC discussed. Clarification on prerequisites needed. Nicole to follow up.
12/15/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.  Desired course number is F468.
01/30/2017: CRC approval confirmed per Nicole C.
02/01/2017: Provost approved.  

54-UNC: New Course (Stacked): RD F471 / F671 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability in Rural and Indigenous Contexts, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites for F471 include RD F300, senior standing, or instructor's permission; prerequisites for F671 include RD F625, graduate standing, or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered in spring of even-numbered years; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference #39-GNC at GAAC]
Contact: Pat Sekaquaptewa
Assigned to Nicole C.
Status: 11/06/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
11/21/2016: CRC discussed and seeks clarification on effect of absences on grades. Nicole to follow up.
01/30/2017: CRC approval confirmed per Nicole C. Second set of revisions (of 11/29/2016) posted below.
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

55-UNC: New Course: RD F474 - Applied Community Research, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include RD F340; RD F352; senior standing; or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Jennie Carroll
Assigned to Nicole C.
Status: 11/16/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/21/2016: CRC is willing to approve with clarification to attendance and participation.
11/22/2016: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted with Format 1, below.
01/30/2017: CRC approval confirmed per Nicole C.
02/01/2017: Provost approved.  

56-UNP: New Minor in Tribal Management: 15 credits comprised of TM F101; TM F105; TM F201; TM F205; and 3 credits of TM electives; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Illingworth
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/31/2016: CRC approved. Next stop: Curricular Affairs Committee.
11/14/2016: CAC approved.  Sent to 11/28 Administrative Committee; approved for Faculty Senate vote.
12/05/2016: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #219.

WITHDRAWN 57-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F288 - Introduction to Chemical Research, 2 credits (1+3); change title to Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Research; change credits to variable 1-2 credits (repeatable for maximum of 2 credits); change distribution to (0+3-6+0); change prerequisites of CHEM F212 or CHEM F321 to co-requisites; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Nicole C.
Status: 11/28/2016: Proposal withdrawn by Tom Green (per email of 11/28/2016).

58-UCCh.: Course Change:  CHEM F419 - Practical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, 1 credit (.5+1.5); change from 1 credit to 2 credits with a credit distribution of (1+3) to allow students more lab time and time to cover more topics in lecture; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Carl Murphy
Status: 01/30/2017: CRC discussed. Rainer N. to follow up.
04/27/2017: Approved via email.
04/29/2017: Provost approved.  

WITHDRAWN 59-UCDr.: Course Drop: CTT F151 - Intro to Plumbing Tools and Drawings, 1 credit (1+.5); course material is being folded into CTT F153 to facilitate effective teaching of the course subject matter; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Michael Hirt
Status: 01/30/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/03/2017: Course drop has been withdrawn. 

WITHDRAWN 60-UCCh.: Course Change: CTT F153 - Plastic and Copper Pipe and Fittings, 1 credit (.5+1); change course title to Plumbing Piping and Tools; change number of credits to 2 credits with a distribution of (1+2); course material from dropped CTT F151 is being added to this course for more effective teaching; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Michael Hirt
Status: 01/30/2017: CRC discussed; Galen J. to follow up.
03/03/2017: Course change has been withdrawn. 

61-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate in Dental Assisting:  Change total number of required credits from 34 to 33 credits; reflect change to HLTH F122 which will be reduced from 1 credit to 0 credits; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference #43-UCCh. - change to HLTH F122 course]
Contact: Cathy Winfree
Status: 11/21/2016: CRC approved.
11/23/2016: Provost approved.  

62-UNP: New Program: Minor in Ethnobotany:[SEE REVISED BELOW] 15 credits comprised of EBOT F100, EBOT F200, EBOT F210, EBOT F220 and EBOT F230, or EBOT F250 and EBOT F251 (new courses submitted), and 4-5 credits of approved electives; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Rose Meier
Status: 12/12/2016: SK to follow up on possible guidance for "free electives."
12/16/2016: Revised form received and posted below.
02/06/2017: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #220.

63-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate in Ethnobotany: Remove BIOL F116X as an option under requirements; add EBOT F250 and EBOT F251 (new courses submitted) as options to fulfill course requirements; revision to approved electives requirements; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Rose Meier
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC has approved upon the approval of the related courses.
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

64-UNC: New Course: EBOT F250 - Applied Ethnobotany Fall, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of EBOT F100 or instructor's permission; distance delivery and BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Rose Meier
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC approved; notes credit distribution of (2+0).
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

65-UNC: New Course: EBOT F251 - Applied Ethnobotany Spring,[SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 2 credits (credit distribution needed); prerequisite of EBOT F100 or instructor's permission; distance delivery and BB Collaborate; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Rose Meier
Assigned to S.K.
Status: 12/12/2016: S.K. to follow up on course schedule and course start date. Revised syllabus to come. Provisionally approved upon these clarifications/changes. 12/19/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below; moves forward for provost's approval.
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

66-UNC: New Course: BMSC F214 - Beginning Research: Discovering Ourselves as Researchers, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); no prerequisites, but completion of CITI ethics training required outside of class time; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Arleigh Reynolds
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/12/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
12/13/2016: Course will be offered over regular semester (not 8 weeks). The (s) designation is NOT being sought. CRC has approved.
02/01/2017: Provost approved.  
Note about course title: 
04/04/2017: Email exchange with Aaron Kallas regarding changing the title for this course to: Introduction to Biomedical Research:...
A memo should be done and sent to the OAR for documentation of the change.

67-UNC: New Course: WRTG F214X - Arguing Across Contexts, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of WRTG F111X; letter-graded; to be offered each semester; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference #11-Core]
Contact: Rich Carr
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: Under review. (Core Review has approved the course.)
1/10/2017: Core Review had requested minor revision to the prerequisites in Course Description. See revision below.
1/11/2017: Updated syllabus added to the PDF below.
2/13/2017: Revision received with course description typo fixed. CRC has approved.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

68-UPCh.: Program Change: B.M. - Music Education K-12: Replace requirement of PSY F240 with ED F245 or PSY F245; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC approved.
12/15/2016: Provost approved.  

69-UCCh.: Course Change: AIS F224 - Advanced MS Excel, 1 credit (1+0); change course level from lower division to upper division and change course number to F324; add ACCT F262 as a prerequisite; will be degree requirement in Accounting BBA (program change submitted); effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Ruth Prato
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/12/2016: Revised syllabus posted during meeting.
CRC has approved provisionally upon revised description and course schedule. A.L. will follow up.
01/30/2017: Final revised syllabus approved; CRC approved.
02/01/2017: Provost approved.  

70-UNC: New Course: BA F308 - Professional Development: How to Prepare for a Job and Other Survival Skills, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X, COMM F131X or COMM F141X or COMM F121X; BA F151 or ACCT F261; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Kris Racina
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/13/2016: Revisions posted below.
01/23/2017: CRC discussed at length. Rob to follow up.
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below:
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

71-UNC: New Course: BA F309 - Professional Development: Finding a Career, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and BA F308 (new course submitted); letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Kris Racina
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/13/2016: Revisions posted below.
01/23/2017: CRC discussed at length. Rob to follow up.
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below:
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

72-UNC: New Course: BA F310 - Professional Development: Being Successful in Your Career;[SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and BA F308 (new course submitted); letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Kris Racina
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/13/2016: Revisions posted below.
01/23/2017: CRC discussed at length. Rob to follow up.
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below:
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

73-UPCh.: Program Change: BBA - Accounting:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Remove ENGL F314W O/2 and BA F456W as course options; add AIS F324 (course change submitted) and BA F308 (new course submitted) and BA F309 (new course submitted) and BA F310 (new course submitted) to degree requirements; remove ACCT F401 from required courses list to a course options list; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Charlie Sparks
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/12/2016: Updates to post.
01/23/2017: CRC discussed at length. Rob to follow up. Holly will note changes to Common Body of Knowledge section of the degree.
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised; requested memo of clarification go to Holly M. re Common Body of Knowledge.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

74-UNC: New Course: BA F443 - Social Media Marketing, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of BA F343 and AIS F101 (different prereqs included in syllabus); letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Tammy Tragis-McCook
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 01/23/2017: CRC discussed.  Prerequisites differ between Format Form and syllabus. Rob to follow up.
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

75-UNC: New Course: BA F481 - Entertainment and Sport Event Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be crosslisted as SPRT F481; prerequisites include BA F343, BA F281 and COMM F141X (only one of these is included in the syllabus); letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Josh Lupinek
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/13/2016: Revisions posted below.
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

76-UNC: New Course: BA F482 - Sport Marketing, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be crosslisted as SPRT F482; prerequisites include BA F343, BA F281 and COMM F141X (only one of these is included in the syllabus); letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval. 
Contact: Kevin Berry, Josh Lupinek
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/13/2016: Revisions posted below.
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

77-UNC: New Course: BA F483 - Sport Sales, 3 credits (3+0); to be crosslisted as SPRT F483; prerequisites include BA F343 or BA F281, and COMM F131X and/or COMM F141X; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry, Josh Lupinek
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 02/20/2017: CRC approved.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

78-UPCh.: Program Change: BBA MINORS - Business Administration: [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1.) Finance Minor: add BA F474 and BA F455 to requirements, and remove BA F151X.  2.) Management and Organizations Minor: remove BA F151X from course options.  3.) Marketing Minor: remove BA F151X from course options and add BA F443 and BA F482 to options. 4.) Sports Management Minor: update courses crosslisted as SPRT, and add options of BA / SPRT F481, BA / SPRT F482, BA / SPRT F483 to course options; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 12/13/2016: Revisions posted below.
01/23/2017: CRC discussed. 
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

79-UPCh.: Program Change: BBA - Business Administration: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Add two new concentrations of Sports Management, and Leadership; revisions to the Finance, General Business, Marketing concentrations (removing BA F151X and ENGL F314 requirements; and adding new courses BA F308, BA F309, BA F310 as course options; add BA / SPRT F443 and BA / SPRT F482 to options for Marketing concentration; clarification of degree requirements; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
Assigned to Rob D., Nicole C.
Status: 01/23/2017: CRC discussed.
02/17/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
02/20/2017: CRC approved as revised; requested a memo of clarification be sent to Holly M. re Common Body of Knowledge.
02/24/2017: Provost approved. 

WITHDRAWN 80-UNP: New Program: AA in Security Management: [SEE REVISED BELOW} Comprised of 39 credits of general education requirements and 21 credits of required courses in the major; total of 60 required credits; program designed to lead into BEM or other four-year program; effective upon all required approvals.
Contact: Cam Carlson; Sean McGee
Status: 01/12/2017: CRC discussed. Rainer to follow up.
02/13/2017: CRC approved as revised; forwarded on to Curricular Affairs Committee.
02/22/2017: CAC has approved as revised (see below). 02/24/2017: Administrative Committee passed. 
Proposal goes to FS #221 (Mar. 6, 2017)
WITHDRAWN AS OF 03/20/2017 per email from SOM Dean Herrmann (explaining loss of TSA contract / student cohort).

81-UNC: New Course: GENR F400 - Interdisciplinary Capstone, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 0 credits (0+0); prerequisite of admittance to interdisciplinary major; fulfills capstone requirement for interdisciplinary degree; graded pass/fail; to be offered every semester; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Alex Fitts
Status: 01/23/2017: CRC discussed. Rainer to follow up.
02/13/2017: CRC approved with revisions posted below.
02/15/2017: Provost approved.  

82-UCDr.: Course Drop: JRN F324 - Typography and Publication Design, 3 credits (3+0); moldy course drop; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC approved.
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

83-UCDr.: Course Drop: JRN F406 - Photojournalism II, 3 credits (3+0); moldy course drop; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 12/12/2016: CRC approved.
12/21/2016: Provost approved. 

84-UNC: New Course: BMSC F224 - Entering Research: Undergraduate Research Experience, 2 credits (1+3+0); prerequisite of BMSC F214 (see #66, approved); letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Aaron Kallas; Arleigh Reynolds.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 04/10/2017: CRC approved.
04/12/2017: Provost approved.  

WITHDRAWN 85-UNC: New Course: BMSC F314 - BLaST Skills Seminar I,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites of BMSC F214 (see #66, approved); BMSC F224 (new course #84-UNC) or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Aaron Kallas; Arleigh Reynolds.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 04/06/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
Status: 04/10/2017: CRC discussed.
WITHDRAWN as of 05/01/2017: Per email from Gary J., Aaron Kallas has withdrawn this course and will re-submit in the fall.

WITHDRAWN 86-UNC: New Course: BMSC F324 - BLaST Skills Seminar II, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites of BMSC F214 (see #66, approved), BMSC F224 (see #84-UNC), BMSC F314 (see #85-UNC) or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Aaron Kallas; Arleigh Reynolds.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 04/06/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
Status: 04/10/2017: CRC discussed.
WITHDRAWN as of 05/01/2017: Per email from Gary J., Aaron Kallas has withdrawn this course and will re-submit in the fall.

87-UNC: New Program: Minor in Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Studies: [SEE REVISED BELOW] 18 credits comprised of HUM F201X, and five course options from among six designated disciplines; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Eileen Harney
Assigned to Norm H.
Status: 02/24/2017: Revision received and posted below.
03/14/2017: Final revision with minor edits. Has been passed at CAC and will go to FS #222 (Apr. 3).
04/03/2017: Faculty Senate passed the new minor at Meeting #222 on April 3, 2017.

88-UNC: New Course: GEOS F375 - Oral Communication Skills for Geoscientists, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (.5+0+1.5); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; GEOS F225; minimum of junior standing; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Rainer Newberry
Assigned to Norm H.
Status: 02/27/2017: Provisionally approved upon some minor edits to course description.
03/20/2017: Revisions received (posted below). CRC approved.
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

89-UPCh.: Program Change: BS in Anthropology: Addition of ANTH F101X as an option to fulfill GER; replacement of ANTH/LING F223 course option with ANTH/LING F260 in degree requirements; effective fall 2017 upon approval.  Note: these changes would be folded in with the program change to the BS approved on 10-19-2016 (ref. #4-UPCh.).
Contact: Jamie Clark; Ben Potter
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 02/27/2017: CRC approved.
02/28/2017: Provost approved.  

90-UPCh.: Program Change: BA in Anthropology: Addition of ANTH F101X as an option to fulfill GER; and replacement of ANTH/LING F223 course option with ANTH/LING F260 in degree requirements; effective fall 2017 upon approval. 
Contact: Jamie Clark; Ben Potter
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: 02/27/2017: CRC approved.
02/28/2017: Provost approved.  

91-UCDr.: Course Drop: COMM F469 - Communication Internship, 3 credits (3+0); course is being replaced by JRN F400 due to department merger; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Program changes to be submitted.]
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

92-UCDr.: Course Drop: COMM F470 - Communication Internship Seminar, 3 credits (3+0); course no longer needed due to department merger; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Program changes to be submitted.]
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

93-UCDr.: Course Drop: JRN F432 W - Public Relations Techniques, 3 credits (3+0); course no longer needed due to department merger; effective fall 2017 upon approval.  [Program changes to be submitted.]
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

94-UCDr.: Course Drop: JRN F440 - Ethics and Reporting in the Far North, 3 credits (3+0); being dropped as a moldy course; effective fall 2017 upon approval.  Note:Email attached as approval from Alaska and Northern Studies Department.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

95-UCDr.: Course Drop: COMM F180X - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, 3 credits (3+0); with merging of Communication and Journalism departments, the course is being merged with JRN F101X - Media and Culture (COJO F101X); effective fall 2017 upon approval. [No paperwork has been received regarding JRN F101X being changed to COJO F101X -- has OAR seen any revision?  Reference #15-Core at Core Review Committee.]
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC and Core Review approved course drop.
03/28/2017: Provost approved.

96-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Geoscience: changes incorporate new communication plan requirements for the degree and its concentrations; effective fall 2017 upon approval. [On Format 5A form; to be treated as major program change.]
Contact: Paul McCarthy
Assigned to Santanu K.
Status: Under review.
03/07/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
03/27/2017: CRC approved as revised.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

97-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Communication: Update minor requirements to reflect course changes that involve new subject code designation of COJO with related course number changes; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/20/2017: CRC discussed.
03/27/2017: CRC passed with clarification that "COJO" electives (rather than COMM) are accepted.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

98-UCDr.: Course Drop: COMM F380 - Communication & Diversity, 3 credits (3+0); with department merger, course will no longer be offered; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/20/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

99-UCDr.: Course Drop: JRN F220 - Adobe Photoshop, 3 credits (3+0); with department merger, course will no longer be offered; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/20/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

100-UNC: New Course: MATH F251L - Calculus I Recitation, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 0 credits (0+0+0); co-enrollment with MATH F251X required; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered each semester; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Contact: Leah Berman
Status: 03/20/2017: CRC approved provisionally with some requested edits. (See below) 
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

101-UCDr.: Course Drop: COMM / WGS F351 - Gender and Communication, 3 credits (3+0); course to be replaced by JRN F380 crosslisted as WGS F380; effective fall 2017 upon approval.  (Minor course change done to create COJO F380 course.)
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/20/2017: CRC approved course drop.
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

102-UNC: New Course: EMS F270 - Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 10 credits (8+6+0); prerequisites include current state or national EMT certification and current AHA CPR certification and department permission; new course will replace and combine EMS F261 and EMS F265 to meet National EMS Education Standards; effective fall 2017 upon approvals.
Contact: Justin Yurong
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC discussed contact hours and credit distribution. Galen J. to follow up.
03/28/2017: Revisions received and posted below.
04/10/2017: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
04/12/2017: Provost approved. 

103-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Communication: Minor program change?  Changes reflect new course subject code of COJO that appears to have been created because Communication and Journalism merged departments; courses are basically the same except where minor changes were made to replace COMM with COJO and/or change course numbers (but not across upper - lower division lines).  Effective fall 2017 upon approvals.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/20/2017: CRC approved.
03/24/2017: Provost approved. 

104-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Digital Journalism: Degree program name is not changing. Changes reflect clarification to requirements (JRN F421 is removed, COJO F431 to be required instead which used to be COMM F361) as well as new course subject code of COJO created because Communication and Journalism merged departments; course subject code has changed from JRN to COJO with some changes to course numbers (but not across upper - lower division lines);  Effective fall 2017 upon approvals.
Contact: Charles Mason
Status: 03/27/2017: CRC discussed and approved.
03/28/2017: Provost approved. 

105-UCDr.: Course Drop: NRM F405 W - Senior Thesis in Natural Resources Management I, 2 credits (2+0); program requirements have been changed and course is no longer needed; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
Late arrival of April 4, 2017.
Contact: David Valentine
Status: CRC approved.  Core Review approved.
04/14/2017: Provost approved.  

106-UCCh.: Course Change: SWK F461 - Practicum in Social Work I, 3 or 6 credits (1+0+7 or 15); update credit distribution to more accurately reflect 2 hours of seminar held each week (2+0+7 or 15); late course change arrival - would be effective fall 2018 upon approval. [Received 04/12/2017; posted on 04/13/2017]
Contact: Retchenda George-Bettisworth
Status: 05/03/2017: CRC approved. Will ask for clarification on related SWK F466 course.  (Email clarification has occurred re the related SWK F466 course.)
05/09/2017: Provost approved. 

107-UCCh.: Course Change: SWK F464 - Practicum in Social Work II, 3 or 6 credits (1+0+7 or 15); update credit distribution to more accurately reflect 2 hours of seminar held each week (2+0+7 or 15); late course change arrival - would be effective fall 2018 upon approval. [Received 04/12/2017; posted on 04/13/2017]
Contact: Retchenda George-Bettisworth
Status: 05/03/2017: CRC approved. Will ask for clarification on related SWK F466 course. (Email clarification has occurred re the related SWK F466 course.)
05/09/2017: Provost approved. 

108-UPCh.: Program Change: AAS - Fire Science:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Suspending concentrations of Hazardous Materials, Public Safety, and Wildland Fire Control; changing concentration of Municipal Fire Control by removing 18 credits of required courses including EMS F170, FIRE F107, FIRE F117, FIRE F202, FIRE F203, FIRE F210, and adding FIRE F220 as required course, and increasing specialty electives from 6 to 15 credits (adding EMS F170, FIRE F107, FIRE F117, FIRE F202 and FIRE F210 to elective options, while removing FIRE F115, FIRE F123, FIRE F205, FIRE F207, FIRE F212, FIRE F216, FIRE F218, and EMS F261 from specialty electives; does Municipal Fire Control remain a concentration?; reduce overall required credits to 60 minimum; possibly effective fall 2017 if approved in time.
Contact: John George
Status: Received 04/17/2017; posted on 04/18/2017.  Registrar's Office has indicated they will try to squeeze into Catalog if CRC approves in time.
05/03/2017: CRC approved upon addition of added clarifications about the one remaining concentration. Galen has followed up (05/10/2017).
05/10/2017: Revised proposal received and posted below.
05/12/2017: Provost approved.  

109-UCDr.: Course Drop: GEOS F100X - Introduction to Earth Sciences, 4 credits (3+3+0); course has not been taught in over five years and is not required by nor recommended by any departments; effective fall 2017 if approved in time.
Contact: Rainer Newberry
Status: To be approved at CRC. (Core/GER Committee Chair has approved -via email- since course carries an "X" designation.)
Status: Curriculum Review Committee and Core / GER Review Committee both approved.
04/23/2017: Provost approved.  

110-UCCh.: ECE F320 - Environment and Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (2.5+0+1.5), compression request to offer course over two weeks in summer; effective summer 2017 or 2018 depending upon feasibility with late timing for OAR processes.
Contact: Veronica Plumb
Status: sent out electronically to CRC on 05/08/2017.
Revised syllabus received and posted below.
05/12/2017: Provost approved.  


Moldy Course Drops

The following courses are not required by any certificate or degree program, as per communications from the originating department of Early Childhood Education. Fully signed hard copies from CRCD are on file at the Faculty Senate Office.
05/09/2017: Provost approved.  

Trial Courses

1-Trial: Trial Course: MSL F394 - Field Techniques in Marine Science, 3 credits (10+16+14); MAYmester course for 2016; prerequisites of MSL F212 and MSL F213; letter-graded; course augments the Minor in Marine Science; effective for MAYmester upon approval.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas
Status: Andres L. to follow-up.
9/21/2015: CRC discussed. Revisions to be requested.
10/19/2015: Revisions requested but not yet received.
11/6/2015: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/6/2015: CRC discussed and approved.
11/10/2015: Provost approved. 

WITHDRAWN:  2-Trial: Trial Course: FISH F494 - Salmon and Society, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; F200-level course in cultural anthropology, sociology or political science; FISH F288 or BIOL F288; or instructor's permission; course will be offered via distance; letter-graded; to be offered Spring 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Peter Westley
Status: Andres L. to follow-up.
9/21/2015: CRC discussed. Revisions to be requested.
10/19/2015: WITHDRAWN (ref. email from Andres L. to committee)

3-Trial: Trial Course: MSL F494 - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisites include undergraduate course in genetics or evolution (e.g. BIOL F260, BIOL F433, BIOL F445 or BIOL F481, or equivalent, or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered Spring 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Eric Collins
Status: Andres L. to follow-up.
9/21/2015: CRC discussed.  Revisions to be requested.
10/19/2015: Revisions requested but not yet received.
11/23/2015: Revisions received and posted below. CRC approved as revised.
11/23/2015: Provost approved.  

4-Trial: Trial Course: ME F494 - Intermediate Mechanics of Materials,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ES F331; letter-graded; to be offered Spring 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cheng-fu Chen
Status: Reviewed on 9/21/2015 and revisions requested.
9/23/2015: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
10/9/2015: CRC approved as revised.
10/12/2015: Provost approved.  

5-Trial: Trial Course (Fall 2016): BIOL F194 - Behavioral Neuroscience Research, 1 credit (.5+1.5); eLearning online delivery; previously offered as a special topics online; restrictions include high school diploma, or junior or senior standing in high school with cumulative and science GPA of at least 3.0, with biology and chemistry course grades of at least 3.0, or permission of instructor; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered fall and spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Abel Bult-Ito
Status: Assigned to Rob D.
2/24/2016: CRC approved.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

6-Trial: Trial Course(s) for Spring 2017: ART F394 and ART F494 - Intermediate / Advanced 3-D Figure Studies in Multi-Media, 3 credits (1+4); prerequesites for F394 are ART F211 or ART F163; and prerequisites for F494 are ART F311 or ART F394; letter-graded; first offering in spring 2017; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Wendy Croskrey
Status: Assigned to Jessica L.
04/15/2016: CRC approved.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

7-Trial: Trial Course: BIOL F394 - Behavioral Neuroscience Research, 3 credits (1+6); online course with prerequisite of junior or senior standing or permission of instructor, and ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter-graded; to be offered in fall and spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Abel Bult-Ito
Status: 04/15/2016: CRC approved.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

8-Trial: Trial Course: BIOL F494 - The Human Microbiome, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include BIOL F260 and STAT F200X; letter graded; to be offered fall of even years; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Devin Drown
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
04/08/2016: Additional information received and posted below.
04/14/2016: Revised Format 1 and syllabus and fee memo copy received and posted below.
04/15/2016: CRC approved.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

New Submissions
1-UNC: New Course: ENVI F111 - Introduction to Water Quality II: Monitoring and Assessment; 1 credit; to be offered in various formats including compressed 3-day format; prerequisite of ENVI 110; letter-graded; to be offered in spring as demand warrants; effective Spring 2017 upon approval.  Course is required for new proposed OE: Surface Water Quality (not received at FS office yet).
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh
Status: 10/9/2015:assigned to Julie J.
10/19/2015: CRC approved.
10/20/2015: Provost approved. 
2-UNC: New Course: ENVI F112 - Introduction to Water Quality III: Data Quality Assurance; 1 credit; to be offered in various formats including compressed 3-day format; prerequisite of ENVI 111 or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered in spring as demand warrants; effective Spring 2017 upon approval.  Course is required for new proposed OE: Surface Water Quality (not received at FS office yet).
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh
Status: 10/9/2015:assigned to Julie J.
10/19/2015: CRC approved.
10/20/2015: Provost approved.  
3-UNC: New Course: ASLG F240 - ASL Literature; 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ENGL F111X and ASLG F202 or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants, effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier for Instructor
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to S.K.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/27/2015: Provost approved.  
4-UPCh: Program Change: Minor in American Sign Language: Remove requirements of ASLG F101 and ASLG F202; add requirement of 6 credits of ASLG electives; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to S.K.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/27/2015: Provost approved.  
5-UNC: New Course: RECR F150N - Beginning Japanese Iaido and Swordsmanship; 1 credit (0+3); graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier for instructor.
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Shawn R.
10/19/2015: CRC approved.
10/20/2015: Provost approved.  

6-UNC: New Course: ENGL F433 - Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Language, Literature, and Culture (h),[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as WGS F433; prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X or instructor's permission; repeatable one time for a maximum of 6 credits based upon different subject matter in each iteration; letter-graded; to be offered in fall of even years, first offering fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Chris Coffman
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Jessica L.
10/15/2015: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
10/19/2015: CRC has provisionally approved.  Jessica L. to follow up.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/27/2015: Provost approved. 

7-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOG F339 - Maps and Landscape Analysis (n); 3 or 4 credits (3+0) or (3+3); change to 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites of GEOG F111X, and GEOG F304 or instructor's permission; letter-graded; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Status: 9/28/2015: Syllabus received.  10/9/2015: assigned to Gary J.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved -- as a minor change.

8-UNC: New Course: CHEM F288 - Introduction to Chemical Research, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisite of CHEM F212 or CHEM F321, or instructor's permission; letter graded; previously offered as trial course in spring '15; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Sarah Hayes
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Gary J.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/27/2015: Provost approved.  

9-UCCh.: Course Change: ATM F615 - Cloud Physics, [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); create stacked level (ATM F415) to existing course; prerequisite / co-requisite of ATM F401; letter-graded; offered spring of even years; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Javier Fochesatto
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Thomas Z.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed. Thomas to follow up re student learning outcomes and rubrics.
11/13/2015: Revised syllabi received and posted below.
11/16/2015: Thomas to follow up; committee would like more detail about assignments and topics for the undergraduate side of course.
11/19/2015: REVISED syllabi received and posted below (replacing 11/13 revisions).
12/4/2015: CRC approved as revised.
12/08/2015: Provost approved.  

10-UPCh.: Program Change: BS and Minor - Wildlife Biology and Conservation: Remove WLF F460 O/2 from major requirements and place as a course option instead; correct course number for WLF F420 O to WLF F425 O; add course options to BS; replace WLF F460 O/2 in Minor with WLF F322 W; effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Kris Hundertmark
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Rainer N.
10/19/2015: CRC approved.
10/20/2015: Provost approved.  

11-UNC: New Course: TM F102 - Essentials of Tribal Government, 1 credit (1+0); compressed / intensive lecture format; may be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.  (Course paperwork shows first offering as spring 2016 - this is not possible - unless offered as a special topics in spring.)
Contact: Kevin Illingworth
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Rob D.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/27/2015: Provost approved.  

12-UNC: New Course: TM F103 - Introduction to Tribal Administration, 1 credit (1+0); 3-day intensive lecture format; may be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.  (Course paperwork shows first offering as spring 2016 - this is not possible - unless offered as a special topics in spring.)
Contact: Kevin Illingworth
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Rob D.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved (with minor grammatical corrections).
10/27/2015: Provost approved.

13-UNC: New Course: TM F139 - Elected Officials Management for Rural Utilities, 2 credits (2+0); intensive lecture format comprised of 32 hours over 5 days with audio follow-up; graded Pass/Fail; no prerequisites, but TM F130 is recommended; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval. (Course paperwork shows first offering as spring 2016 - this is not possible - unless offered as a special topics in spring.)
Contact: Kevin Illingworth
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Andres L.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved (with removal of prerequisite).
10/27/2015: Provost approved. 

14-UCCh.: Course Change: TM F250 - Current Topics in Tribal Government, 1 credits (1+0); change to variable credit 1-2 credits (1-2+0); change from letter-grading to Pass/Fail; course is repeatable 9 times (no changes to this feature); effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Kevin Illingworth
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Andres L.
10/19/2015: CRC discussed. Rob forwarded additional syllabi and will follow up re course-naming scheme.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/27/2015: Provost approved.  

Additional sample syllabi for TM F250:

  1. TM F250: Essentials of Tribal Government (PDF)
  2. TM F250: Tribal Constitutions, Laws, and Government (PDF)
  3. TM F250: Tribal Constitutions (PDF)
  4. TM F250: Indirect Rate Cost (PDF)
  5. TM F250: Co-Management Symposium and Co-Production of Research (PDF)
  6. TM F250: Introduction to Federal Subsistence Management, Regional Advisory Councils (PDF)

15-UNC: New Course: CE F437 - Design of Engineered Systems I, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CE senior standing and COMM F131X or COMM F141X, and ENGL F111X, ENLG F211X or ENGL F213X; course will be a degree requirement (Format 5 submitted); effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Nathan Belz
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Galen J.
10/19/2015: CRC discussed.  Team assignment rubric needed; Galen to follow up.
10/28/2015: Revised course paperwork received and posted below.
11/6/2015: SK to follow up on scoring individuals on team assignments.
12/4/2015: CRC approved as revised below.
12/08/2015: Provost approved.  

16-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F663 - Groundwater Dynamics, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); stack as CE F463; co-rerequisite of CE F344; course will be an elective option for the BS in Civil Engineering; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: David Barnes
Status: Format 2 revision received 10/9/2015. 10/9/2015: assigned to Rainer N.
10/19/2015: CRC discussed. Stacked course differentiation issues; Rainer to follow up.
10/28/2015: Revised undergraduate syllabus received.  See below.
11/6/2015: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
11/10/2015: Provost approved. 

10/28/2015: REVISED CE F463 - Groundwater Dynamics (with revised undergraduate syllabus; PDF)

17-UNC: New Course: CE F471 - Field Practicum, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of senior standing in CEE program or permission of instructor; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Nathan Belz
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Galen J. 
10/19/2015: CRC dicussed. Galen to follow up on weighting of grading rubric items.
10/28/2015: Revisions received; posted below:
11/6/2015: CRC discussed. Galen to follow up on class schedule and grading.
12/4/2015: CRC discussed and will follow up.
12/18/2015: 2nd revised syllabus received.  CRC approved.
12/21/2015: Provost approved. 

18-UPCh.:  Program Change: BS - Civil Engineering:[SEE REVISIONS BELOW] add new required course CE F437; remove DRT F210 from required course; remove CD F490 and CE F491 from required courses; add "CE F470 or CE F471" to required course list; update department title to Civil and Environmental Engineering [change degree name too?]; effective Fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Nathan Belz
Status: 10/9/2015: assigned to Thomas Z. 
10/19/2015: Some form inconsistencies; Thomas to follow up.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved with minor correction (removal of "***" three-asterisk-statement). Change is approved contingent upon approval of related courses.
12/18/2015: CRC approved as related courses are also approved.
12/21/2015: Provost approved. 

19-UNC: New Course: MATH F230X - Calculus Essentials with Applications, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MATH F122X or MATH F151X or MATH F156X or placement; credit cannot be earned for both MATH F230X and MATH F251X; MATH F230X cannot serve as a prerequisite for MATH F252X; Core "X" designation requested (submitted to Core Review simultaneously); letter-graded; to be each semester; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: John Rhodes
Status: 10/19/2015: assigned to Julie J.
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved. Core Review approved on 10/30/2015.
11/2/2015: Provost approved.  

20-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F406 - Traffic Engineering, 3 credits (2+3); stack as CE F606 (at GAAC, #14-GCCh.); prerequisite changed from CE F405 to CE F302, or permission of instructor; graduate level to be differentiated by a project with weekly reports, leading and giving paper discussions, and project presentations; offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Nathan Belz
Status: 10/19/2015: assigned to Julie J. 
10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/13/2015: Provost approved.

Late Arrivals
21-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOG F111X - Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography, 4 credits (3+3); change prerequisite of placement in MATH F151X to placement in DEVM F105 or higher; change of math requirement will be more appropriate to the course; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Status: 10/26/2015: CRC reviewed and approved (as a minor course change).

22-UNC: New Course: GEOG / GEOS F478 / F678 - Ice Age Alaska, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite for undergrad level is senor standing in Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Earth Science, Geography, Geoscience, or Northern Studies; for graduate level the prerequisite is graduate standing in one of the fields named above or Oceanography or Atmospheric Science or instructor's permission; to be offered fall of even years; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 11/6/2015: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up on student learning outcomes, reading assignments, clarification of field trip statement, number of course credits.
12/4/2015: CRC discussed the field trips.  Will follow up re lab reports, homework.  Possible credit distribution might be (2.5 + 1.5).
1/13/2016: Discussed at GAAC; D.F. forwarded revised paperwork.  GAAC has approved grad level.
1/22/2016: CRC discussed; Andres to follow up.
2/24/2016: CRC approved as revised below (undergrad syllabus revised 2/24/2016).
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

23-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and BS and Minor in Geography: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Update of the program descriptions; add GEOG F460 to BA course options for physical geography requirement; for the BS degree, show GEOG F483 W/O, and GEOS F488 or GEOG F300 as capstone requirements; update course options in the BS concentrations of Environmental Studies, Landscape Analysis and Climate Change Studies, Geospatial Sciences, and Geographic Information Systems; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 2/2/2016 Revisions received and posted below.
2/3/2016: BA capstone needs to be addressed. #22 and #43 tied to this program change.
2/25/2016: Final revised version received; CRC approves as revised.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

24-UCCh.: Course Change: ENVE F646 - Unit Processes: Biological, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); stack as ENVE F446; change title to Biological Unit Processes; for undergraduate level add recommendation of CE F341; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Srijan Aggarwal
Assigned to Julie J.
Status: 11/6/2015: CRC discussed. Julie to ask about possibility of CHEM F106 prerequisite.
11/16/2015: Minor revisions to be received with changes to format 1 and syllabus.  Approved upon receipt of changes.
12/9/2015: Revised format form and syllabi received and posted below. (Ready to move to Provost for final approval.)
12/15/2015: Provost approved.  

25-UNC: New Course: CHEM F111X - Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Arctic, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisite of "completion of DEVM F105 or placement in higher"; under review at Core for "X"; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Sarah Hayes
Assigned to Julie J.
Status: 11/6/2015: Grading rubrics to be requested.
11/12/2015: Revised syllabus with rubrics received and posted below.
11/20/2015: Core Review Committee has approved the "X" designation.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed; Julie to follow up.
3/4/2016: CRC has approved.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.

26-UNC: New Course: ECE F345 - Seminar on Screening, Assessment and Data Collection Tools, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of "ECE F211X" or "ECE F213X" noted on on Section 10 of Format 1 form tho' Section 14 shows "ENGL F211X or 213X", but noted on the syllabus are "ENGL 212S, 213X or Approval of Program"; course modes include distance delivered cross-regional audio or face-to-face; no textbook required; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Veronica Plumb
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 11/13/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
11/16/2015: CRC discussed; further revisions and corrections to be requested.
12/4/2015: 2nd revisions received and posted below.  CRC discussed revisions and will follow up on assignment detail.
12/18/2015: CRC discussed. Questions remain re reading assignments. Galen to follow up.
12/21/2015: Posted 3rd set of revised paperwork for ECE F345 (below).
01/07/2016: Revised syllabus for ECE F345 received and posted below.
1/22/2016: CRC approved pending addition of course schedule to revised syllabus. Galen to follow up.
3/4/2016: CRC has approved.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

27-UPCh.: Program Change: Bachelor of Emergency Management: remove ECON F201 and ENGL F314 W, O/2 from required courses and place them as options instead; addition of two new concentrations: Emergency Medical Management, and Cyber Security Management (seven new courses related to the concentrations have  been submitted: HSEM F402, F403, F404, F415, F416, F417, and F418); effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Galen J.
Status: 11/3/2015: Received revisions; posted below.
11/16/2015: CRC discussed. Galen to follow up on removal of technical writing requirement.
12/18/2015: Rob noted that course revisions related to the program should be coming next week at the CRC meeting.
3/11/2016: CRC approved.
03/16/2016: Provost approved.  

28-UNC: New Course: HSEM F402 - Incident Command for Emergency Medical Services, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); course description contains different title of "Incident Comand and Management"; prerequisite of HSEM F301 or permission of instruction; course to be taught as a hybrid online / in-class format; letter-graded; offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed at length.  CLA curriculum council comments on the courses (PDF)
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.
11/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
11/23/2015: Provost approved.  

29-UNC: New Course: HSEM F403 - Public Health in Emergencies, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); course description title is "Public Health Emergencies"; prerequisite of HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; course to be taught as a hybrid online / in-class format; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed. See CLA curriculum council comments PDF posted with #28-UNC.
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.a
11/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
11/23/2015: Provost approved.  

30-UNC: New Course: HSEM F404 - Public Safety Instructional Methods, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or instructor permission; course to be taught as a hybrid online / in-class format; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed.  See CLA curriculum council comments PDF posted with #28-UNC.
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.
01/21/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/22/2016: CRC approved as revised.
1/25/2016: Provost approved. 

31-UNC: New Course: HSEM F415 - Cyber Domain in the 21st Century, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites required; course will be taught online but lecture noted on Format 1; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed.  See CLA curriculum council comments PDF posted with #28-UNC.
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.
01/21/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/22/2016: CRC discussed; Rob to follow up.
2/3/2016: Revised syllabus received; complete proposal posted below.
2/17/2016: CRC approved.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

32-UNC: New Course: HSEM F416 - Cyber Security Management, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or instructor permission; course to be taught as a hybrid online / in-class format; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed.  See CLA curriculum council comments PDF posted with #28-UNC.
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.
01/21/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/22/2016: CRC approved as revised.
1/25/2016: Provost approved. 

33-UNC: New Course: HSEM F417 - Cyber Security Resiliency, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or instructor permission; course to be taught as a hybrid online / in-class format; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed. See CLA curriculum council comments PDF posted with #28-UNC.
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.
01/21/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/22/2016: CRC approved as revised.
1/25/2016: Provost approved. 

34-UNC: New Course: HSEM F418 - Cybercrime, Fraud, and Law, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or instructor permission; course to be taught as a hybrid online / in-class format; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Rob D.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed.  See CLA curriculum council comments PDF posted with #28-UNC.
11/18/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; posted below.
01/21/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
2/3/2016: Revised syllabus received; complete proposal posted below.
3/4/2016: CRC discussed. Rob to follow up on vague course schedule.
3/11/2016: Revised course schedule received. CRC approved.
03/16/2016: Provost approved. 

35-UNC: New Course: BIOL F3xx - Medical Physiology, [Revised syllabus below] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X, or BIOL F213X and BIOL F214X, or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered spring as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.  [To be an elective course option in the BA and BS in Biological Sciences.]
Contact: Robert Coker
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed and Gary to follow up on rubric for group assignments.
12/15/2015: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
12/18/2015: CRC discussed. Questions remain re problem solving modules which are 40% of grade. Gary to follow up.
02/02/2016: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted below.
2/17/2016: CRC approved.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

36-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F460 - Principles of Virology, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); add BIOL F360 as an option to the undergrad prerequisites (BIOL F342 currently required); add stacked 600-level (under review at GAAC); effective fall 2016 upon approval. Reference #26-GCCh. - GAAC
Contact: Jack Chen
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 11/16/2015: CRC discussed. Good with it.
12/14/2015: Final revisions received for GAAC and posted below.
12/16/2015: Provost approved. 
03/31/2016: Per OAR, new stacked number for grad level is F660.

37-UNC: New Course: FLM F481 - Special Topics in Film Production, [SEE REVISED BELOW; now FLPA F481 ] 3 credits (2+2+0); subject code changed to FLPA; title changed to Advanced Topics in Film or Stage Production; prerequisites are junior or senior standing and FLPA F271 or FLPA F248 or permission of instructor; repeatable 3 times for a maximum of 12 credits; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Maya Salganek
Status: 11/6/2015: CRC discussed. SK to follow up on change requests.
1/22/2016: SK has received some revisions and shared via email for committee comment. Not ready for posting, yet.
1/28/2016: Further revisions received and posted below. Course subject code to be FLPA instead of FLM.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed and approved (upon clarification from Holly re repeatability).  Final revision posted below (2/3/2016); repeatability clarified.
2/10/2016: Provost approved.  

38-UPCh.: Program Change: BT - Bachelor of Technology: change name of degree to Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS); no change to degree requirements; effective fall 2016 upon approval.Program Change: BT - Bachelor of Technology: change name of degree to Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS); no change to degree requirements; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Charlie Dexter
Status: 11/6/2015: CRC discussed and approved.
11/10/2015: Provost approved. 

39-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F235 - Screening, Assessment and Recording, 2 credits (2+0); change from 2 credits to 3 credits (2.5+1); change prerequisites to ECE F104 and ECE F107 (removing English placement and recommended courses); change will affect the AAS and CDEV degrees; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt
Assigned to Jessica L.
Status: Program changes posted below (#41 and #42).
2/12/2016: Revised syllabus received; posted below:
2/17/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

40-UNP: New Minor: Computer Information Technology Specialist: 15 credits comprised of CITS F204, CITS F212, and CITS F261 (9 credits total), and two CITS elective courses (6 credits total); effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Barnes
Status: 11/16/2015: Galen to follow up on committee's question re CITS F203 course.
12/18/2015: CRC discussed further; list of elective courses needs to be clarified or will take memos to graduation office to implement each time.  Galen to follow up.
1/22/2016: CRC has approved; Curricular Affairs Committee approved; Administrative Committee approved; to be voted upon at the Feb. 8 Faculty Senate.
02/08/2016: Faculty Senate approved the new minor at FS #212. Chancellor approved 02/22/2016.

41-UPCh.:  Program Change: Minor in Early Childhood Education: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Update requirements so that of the 15 ECE credits currently required, at least three credits are in child development; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt
Status: 12/4/2015: CRC discussed and would like course options for child development requirement clarified. 
12/18/2015: Revised paperwork received and posted below. CRC discussed.  Formatting needs to be cleaned up which OAR can do for Catalog.  CRC approved as revised.
12/21/2015: Provost approved. 

42-UPCh.: Program Change: AAS in Early Childhood Education: Remove campus locations where there are no faculty to advise; add ECE F130, and ECE F210 to requirements; add option of ECE F132 or LS F101 to requirements; make ECE F214 required; remove ECE F115 as an option with ECE F170; add ECE F299 Practicum as option to ECE F170; remove ECE F230 as an option with ECE F240; remove the requirement of "7 credits as designated by an ECE advisor / coordinator; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt
Status: 12/18/2015: CRC approved, noting difficulty with formatting of requested changes. OAR can assist with clean up of formatting. 
12/21/2015: Provost approved. 

43-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F330 - The Dynamic Alaskan Coastline, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F460; cross-list as GEOG F460 and add stacked and cross-listed level - GEOS / GEOG F660; change undergraduate prerequisites by removing MSL F111X, PHYS F211X, and by adding GEOG F111X, NRM F338 or equivalent GIS coursework; graduate level prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor permission; letter graded; change frequency of offering from fall to spring of even-numbered years; effective fall 2016 upon approval. [Reference 27-GCCh. at GAAC]
Contact: Chris Maio
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed and approved. (Related to #23 program change.)
03/16/2016: Provost approved.  

44-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Women's and Gender Studies: Change program name to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; course designator will remain as WGS; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Karen Gustafson
Status: 12/4/2015: CRC approved.
12/08/2015: Provost approved.  

45-UCCh.: Course Compression (Stacked): LING F431 - Field Methods in Descriptive Linguistics I, 3 credits (3+0); stacked as LING F631; cross-listed and stacked as ANTH F432 and F632; (syllabus title differs from course description title); compression to be offered as a 3-week practicum for summer 2016 Institute on Collaborative Language Research; effective summer 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Siri Tuttle
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
2/17/2016: CRC has approved the undergraduate level.  Still at GAAC for F631 level (ref. #28-GCCh.).
3/1/2016: Provost approved Undergraduate level of the compression. (Graduate level still under review at GAAC) 

46-UNC: New Course: JUST F490 - Capstone: Seminar in Critical Issues in Criminal Justice (s), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of senior standing; seminar is online and one week long; grading mode changed from P/F to letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Rob Duke
Status: 12/18/2015: CRC discussed.  As course description is currently written, it will not meet requirements for compressing 3 credits. Rob will re-write.
1/21/2016: Revised paperwork received and posted below.  Grading mode changed from Pass/Fail to letter-graded.
1/22/2016: CRC discussed. Rob to make some syllabus revisions.
2/2/2016: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted below. 2/3: Received correct revised file.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed and approved as revised. (Some minor typos to be addressed.)
2/18/2016: Final revisions received (see below); sent on to Provost.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

47-UNC: New Course: JUST F498 - Research Project, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS, BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; and PS / ECON F100X or JUST F110; letter-graded; Blackboard delivery; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Rob Duke
Status: 12/18/2015: Discussed at CRC. Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/22/2016: CRC approved.
1/25/2016: Provost approved. 

48-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Justice: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Revision of degree requirements to include capstone requirement options of research, internship, or seminar; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Rob Duke
Status: 2/10/2016: Discussed and revised at CRC. Posted below:
2/17/2016: CRC approved.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

49-UCCh.: Course Change: MUS F125 - Enjoying Jazz (h), 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits (3+0); to be offered lecture-based classroom course rather than on Blackboard; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: Assigned to Shawn R.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed; Shawn to follow up re learning outcomes; assignments.
2/15/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
2/17/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

50-UPCh.: Program Change: BM - Music Performance: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Extensive editorial changes to clarify degree requirements; add Functional Piano and Piano Proficiency courses to required courses list; add MUS F223 as required; move MUS F332 to elective options; correct course titles changed in 2014; show MUS F410W in course options; remove MUS F124 from requirements; add MUS F426 as elective option; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: 12/18/2015: CRC discussed. Inconsistencies noted with minimum credits required (particularly for Voice which requires 6 additional credits).  Assigned to Rainer N.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed; Julie or Rainer to request revisions.
2/9/2016: Revised format received; posted below on 2/10.
2/17/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

51-UPCh.: Program Change: BM - Music Education: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Editorial changes to clarify degree requirements; add Functional Piano and Piano Proficiency courses to required courses list; add MUS F223 as required; remove MUS F332 from required courses; correct course titles changed in 2014; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed.
2/9/2016: Revised format received; posted below on 2/10.
2/17/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

52-UNP: New Minor: Art History: Comprised of 15 credits, included required courses ART F261 and ART F262; and 6 credits from options of ART F363W, ART F364W, or ART F365W; and 3 seminar credits from ART F463; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Zoe Marie Jones
Status: 1/22/2016: CRC reviewed and approved. Curricular Affairs Committee approved; Administrative Committee approved; to be voted upon at the Feb. 8 Faculty Senate.
2/8/2016: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #212. 

53-UPCh.: Program Change: BA in Linguistics: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Clarification of course options for 18 required credits of LING electives; rewording of (**) statement below degree requirements; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Patrick Marlow
Assigned to SK.
Status: 1/29/2016:  Pg. 2 from major program change form added to paperwork (see above).
2/10/2016: CRC discussed; needs follow up re language credits and upper division credits.
2/25/2016: Approved revisions received and posted below. CRC has approved.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

54-UNC: New Course: ANTH F260 - Language in Culture and Communication (s), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LING F260; prerequisites include ANTH F100X, or ANTH F101, or ANTH F215, or SOC F100X, or LING F101, or instructor's permission; letter-graded; to be offered fall of odd-numbered years or as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Robin Shoaps
Status: Assigned to Santanu K.
1/27/2016: Revised paperwork received and posted below.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

55-UCCh.: Course Change: PSY F201 - Culture and Psychology (s),[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change to upper division level and change course number to F301; add PSY F275 to prerequisites; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Janet Schichnes
Assigned to S.K.
Status: 1/21/2016: Revision received and posted below.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
2/18/2016: Provost approved. 

56-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and BS in Psychology: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Reflect change to PSY F201 (course change submitted) to reflect change to upper division as F301; add PSY F240 to Theoretical course options list; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Janet Schichnes
Status:  S.K. has reviewed. Other than minor edits possibly needed, looks good. S.K. shared comments via email.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed; follow up needed re STAT course which can't be used to count for both core and major requirements (UA regs do not permit that).
3/11/2016: CRC discussed; approved with removal of a sentence concerning GERs -- Rainer to follow up.
04/15/2016: CRC approved pending revisions; Rob D. will follow up on consolidating some minor change paperwork with this major change paperwork.
04/19/2016: Revisions received and posted. CRC has approved.
4/20/2016: Provost approved. 

57-UNC: New Course: SWK F390 - Trauma and Wellness: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives; 3 credits (3+0); to be offered during summer session or via eLearning or traditional lecture; no prerequisites; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: LaVerne Demientieff
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/19/2015: Revised format 1 and syllabus received. Posted below.
03/01/2016: Revised paperwork received and posted below.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

58-UCCh.: Course Change: HIST F329 - History of the Middle East (s), [SEE REVISED BELOW]  3 credits (3+0); change title to Modern Middle East; change course number to F429; remove recommendation of HIST F100X; no prerequisites; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Walter Skya
Status: Assigned to Shawn R.
2/3/2016: CRC discussed; Shawn to follow up.
3/2/2016: Revisions received and posted below on 3/3.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

59-UCCh.: Course Change: FISH F650 - Fish Ecology,[SEE REVISED BELOW]  3 credits (3+0); add stacked level as FISH F425 with prerequisites of FISH F110, BIOL F371, and recommendations of FISH F288 and STAT F401; or permission of instructor; change frequency of offering from odd-numbered spring to odd-numbered fall years; updated course descriptions; effective fall 2016 upon approval. [Posted 01/11/2016]
Contact: Peter Westley
Assigned to SK.
Status: 2/22/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
2/24/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

60-UNC: New Course: ASLG F260 - ASL Lab, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (0+3); requires concurrent enrollment or completion of ASLG F202; graded Pass/Fail; not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Received and posted 2/2/2016. Assigned to Shawn R.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed; Shawn to follow up re outcomes; attendance policy.
2/22/2016: Revised syllabus received; posted below.
2/24/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

61-UNC: New Course: PHYS F400 - Capstone Project, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 0 credits; prerequisites of PHYS F220, PHYS F301, or permission of instructor; Pass / Fail grade; offered spring, fall and summer; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Renate Wackerbauer
Status: Received and posted 2/2/2016; assigned to Rainer N.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed; Rainer to follow up re 'additional work may be required' statement.
2/15/2016: Revised syllabus posted below. (Email discussion in progress since 2/10/2016)
2/19/2016: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus for PHYS F400 received and posted below.
2/24/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

62-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Physics: [SEE REVISED BELOW]  reflect the requirement of capstone "course" in the degree requirements; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Renate Wackerbauer
Status: Received and posted 2/2/2016; assigned to Rainer N.
2/10/2016: CRC discussed; provisionally approved with some minor edits and upon approval of #61.
2/19/2016: Revised Format 5 received and posted below:
2/24/2016: CRC approved as revised.
2/29/2016: Provost approved. 

63-UNP:  New Minor: Creative Writing:[SEE REVISED BELOW] 15 credits to be comprised of ENGL F2xx (new course "Introduction to Creative Writing"); and 12 credits from two lists of upper division course options; effective fall 2016 upon all approvals.  SEE #78-UCCh.,  #79-UCCh. below.  Soon to be added are #81-UNC and #82-UCCh. which are related to the new minor. 
Contact: Gerri Brightwell
Status: Received and posted on 2/10/2016.
03/01/2016: Revised proposal received and posted below.
3/11/2016: CRC approved pending all course approvals (and minor course changes - ENGL F488 is cross-listed with FLPA and needs FLPA approval too).
3/23/2016: A revised Format 3B was received and posted below.
04/04/2016: Faculty Senate has approved the new minor, as revised.  (Course changes pending final revisions.)

64-UPDr.: Program Deletion: BA and Minor - Russian Studies - As a result of 2012-13 academic program review, this program (BA and Minor) is slated for discontinuation. Effective fall 2016 upon all approvals. Received 2/9/2016; posted 2/12/2016.
Contact: Alex Fitts
Status: CRC and CAC have approved. 
March 7, 2016 FS #213: Faculty Senate approved the motion to agree to discontinuation of the BA and Minor in Russian Studies.  A minor program change has been submitted to OAR to provide for a Russian emphasis in the Foreign Language BA.
06/03/2016: BOR approved discontinuation.

65-UCCh.: Course Change: CM F142 - Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 4 credits (3+2); reduce from 4 credits to 3 credits and change distribution to (3+0); change allows for better coordination of class and student schedules; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Galen Johnson
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
3/1/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

66-UCCh.: Course Change: CM F213 - Civil Technology, 4 credits (3+2); reduce from 4 credits to 3 credits and change distribution to (3+0); remove DRT F170 from prerequisites;  change allows for better coordination of class and student schedules; effective fall 2016 upon approval.  
Contact: Galen Johnson
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
3/1/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved. 

67-UCCh.: Course Change: CM F231 - Structural Technology, 4 credits (2+4); reduce from 4 credits to 3 credits and change distribution to (3+0); remove DRT F170 from prerequisites;  change allows for better coordination of class and student schedules; effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Galen Johnson
Status: Assigned to Rob D.
3/4/2016: CRC approved. 
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

68-UPCh.: Program Change: AAS in Construction Management: Reduce total number of required credits to complete program from 65 to 62 by reducing three 4-credit courses to 3-credit courses; change allows for better corrdination of class and student schedules; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Galen Johnson
Status: Assigned to Rob D.
3/4/2016: CRC approved. 
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

69-UPCh.:Program Change: BA - Journalism: Program name change to Digital Journalism; updates to program description; effective fall 2016 upon all approvals.
Contact: Margo Campbell
Status: 2/17/2016: CRC approved.
2/20/2016: Provost approved. 

70-UNC: New Course: DVM F4xx / F6xx - Skeleton Articulation,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (no distribution provided); to be offered annually as a Maymester course (seeking a permanent course number for regular offering and Catalog listing); prerequisite for undergrad level is BIOL F213 or BIOL F214 or BIOL F310 or permission of instructor; prerequisite for graduate level is good standing in veterinary program; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Megan Hoffman
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
3/2/2016: Revisions received and posted on 3/3.  Revision indicates trial course; but prior communication indicates a permanent course number was desired for the catalog (i.e., New course).
3/4/2016: CRC approved undergraduate level of new course. Still at GAAC -- CARRY OVER TO 2016-17 REVIEW CYCLE.

71-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Film: [SEE REVISED BELOW]  In response to special program review, the two separate BA degrees (Theatre; and Film) are being combined to become the BA in Film and Performing Arts.  Both minors will be preserved (Theatre; and Film Studies). Course subject codes will be changed to FLPA. Proposal is related to new course FLPA F247 - Introduction to Production Design. Effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Carrie Baker
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
3/2/2016: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

72-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and Minor - Theatre: In response to special program review, the two separate BA degrees (Theatre; and Film) are being combined to become the BA in Film and Performing Arts (see #71-UPCh.); but, the Minor in Theatre will remain with course subject codes changed to FLPA, and electives requirement changed; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Carrie Baker
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
3/4/2016: CRC approved.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  
06/03/2016: BOR approved discontinuation of BA in Theatre.

73-UNC: New Course: FLPA F247 - Introduction to Production Design (h),[SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites, but FLPA F215 and FLPA F241 are recommended; letter-graded; required for BA in Film and Performing Arts; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
3/3/2016: Revised syllabus received and posted.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

74-UNC: New Course: FLPA F403 - Practicum in Film Production: FRAME, 3-6 credits (1+0+4); prerequisites include FLPA F271, FLPA F231, FLPA F290, or permission of instructor; course is repeatable 2 times for a maximum of 6 credits; letter-graded; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Maya Salganek
Status: Assigned to Rainer N. 
3/4/2016: Revision posted below.
3/4/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

75-UNC: New Course: COMM F485 - Management Communication,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of any 100-level course or permission of instructor; eLearning mode of delivery specified; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Peter DeCaro
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
3/2/2016: Revised Format 1 received. 
3/4/2016: CRC discussed. Short on credit hours. Andres to follow up.

76-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Chemistry (American Chemistry Society-approved): Add new course CHEM F288 (already approved) as one option (combined with variable credit CHEM F488 - existing course)  to fulfill degree requirement; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z. 
3/4/2016: CRC approved.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

77-UPCh.:    Program Change: BS - Chemistry with concentration in Environmental Chemistry: Add new course CHEM F288 (already approved) as one option (combined with variable credit CHEM F488 - existing course)  to fulfill degree requirement; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z. 
3/4/2016: CRC approved.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

78-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F271 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction (h),[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change title to Creative Writing: Fiction; change course level and number to ENGL F375; and add a "W"-intensive designator (Format 7 submitted); prerequisite will include a New Course called ENGL F270 - Introduction to Creative Writing (see #81-UNC); other prereqs are ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or permission of instructor; to be offered fall and spring, effective fall 2016 upon approvals. 
Related: #63-UNP: New Minor in Creative Writing.
Contact: Daryl Farmer
Status: Assigned to Julie J.
3/2/2016: Core Review has approved the "W" designator.
03/01/2016: Revised Format 2 received. 3/2: DocuSign copy received.
3/4/2016: CRC discussed and provisionally approved upon clean-up of class policies.
3/21/2016: Revised syllabus for ENGL F271 received and posted below.
4/15/2016: CRC approved as revised.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

79-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F272 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry (h),[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change title to Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry; change course level and number to ENGL F376 and add "W"-intensive designator (Format 7 submitted); prerequisites are ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and New Course ENGL F270 - Introduction to Creative Writing (#81-UNC) or permission of instructor; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2016 upon approvals. 
Related: #63-UNP: New Minor in Creative Writing.
Contact: Daryl Farmer
Status: Assigned to Julie J.
3/2/2016: Core Review has approved the "W" designator.
03/02/2016: Signed / Revised Format 2 received; posted below.
03/04/2016: Revised syllabus of 3/4/2016 added.
3/4/2016: CRC discussed and provisionally approved upon clean-up of class policies.
04/06/2016: REVISED syllabus received and posted below.
04/15/2016: CRC approved as revised.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

80-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - English:  Addition of a diversity requirement to the program; add course options to accommodate the new requirement, as well as to expand course options throughout the major; add mention of (new, still to be approved) Minor in Creative Writing; effective fall 2016 upon all approvals.  Related: #6-UNC (already approved).
Contact: Chris Coffman
Status: 2/24/2016: CRC approved pending clarification of some cross-listings; Amanda L. to contact Chris C. (Amanda has contacted Chris to clarify cross-listings.)
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

81-UNC: New Course: ENGL F2xx - Introduction to Creative Writing (h), [Course number will be F270X - SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.  Related to #63-UNP - new Minor in Creative Writing.
Contact: Daryl Farmer
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
03/01/2016: Revisions received and posted below. Signatures coming via DocuSign.
03/02/2016: Revised syllabus received for ENGL F270X - combined with signed Format 1 of 3/01/2016 - posted below.
03/04/2016: Re-posted with revised syllabus Gary shared at CRC meeting; Gary to follow up on a rubric for projects.
03/09/2016: Another revised syllabus received; posted with Format 1 below.
3/11/2016: CRC approved as revised.
03/16/2016: Provost approved.  

82-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F273 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction (h) [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F377; and change title to "Intermediate Creative Writing: Nonfiction (h)"; Format 7 to be submitted for "W" writing intensive designator/ prerequisites are ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, ENGL F270 - Introduction to Creative Writing (#81-UNC) or permission of instructor; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Daryl Farmer
Status: Assigned to Jessica L.
3/2/2016: Core Review has approved the "W" designator.
03/02/2016: SIGNED / Revised pages for Format 2 received and posted.
3/4/2016: CRC provisionally approved follwoing receipt of some minor corrections. Jessica to follow up.
3/5/2016: Revised syllabus received.  Format 2 and syllabus posted below.
3/11/2016: Jessica to follow up on course policies; tentatively approved by CRC.
4/7/2016: Revised syllabus received; CRC approved.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

83-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Music: Program was previously suspended but has been now reinstated. Changes include clarifying total credits required of Voice majors (122); corrections to course credits for Private Lessons and MUS F152 - MUS F154; updating course options under concentrations; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: 3/11/2016: CRC approved.
03/16/2016: Provost approved.  

84-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Earth Science: Addition of capstone requirements to each of the three concentrations (Earth Systems Science; Geological Hazards and Mitigation; and Secondary Education); update course options throughout the program; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Sarah Fowell
Status: 3/4/2016: CRC approved.
03/10/2016: Provost approved.  

85-UNC: New Course: MSL F499 - Senior Thesis, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (0+0+9); prerequisite of Fisheries and Ocean Science major with Ocean Science concentration and senior standing with GPA of 3.2 or higher; permission of a Fisheries and Ocean Sciences faculty mentor; recommended courses include MSL F450 or MSL F456 and STATE F401 or STAT F402; course is part of capstone requirement for the new Ocean Sciences concentration in the BS program (see Format 5 also submitted); effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Brenda Konar
Status: 3/4/2016: CRC discussed. 
3/9/2016: Revisions received and posted below.
3/11/2016: CRC approved.
03/16/2016: Provost approved. 

86-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Fisheries Science:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Change program name to BS - Fisheries and Ocean Sciences; add new concentrations of 1.) Fisheries Science, and 2.) Ocean Science; extensive changes to degree requirements; effective fall 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Trent Sutton
Status: 3/4/2016: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up on some needed corrections to core requirements.
3/9/2016: Revised submission received and posted below.
3/11/2016: Andres to follow up on GER courses.
3/25/2016: Cleaned up copy of catalog layout sent.  Added to most recent version of Format 5 form and posted below.
04/15/2016: CRC approved as revised.
04/18/2016: Provost approved. 

87-UNC: New Course: ART F488 / F688 - Professional Practices (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite for 4xx: junior standing or permission of instructor; prerequisite for 688: second or third year MFA student or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective fall 2016 upon approval. 
Contact: Mareca Guthrie
Status: 4/15/2016: CRC discussed and approved F488 undergraduate-level offering.  
F688 level under discussion at GAAC, carried over to 2016-17 review cycle.
05/31/2016: Provost approved undergraduate level of course. 

88-UNP: New Minor:  Sustainable Agriculture: comprised of 18 credits from currently existing courses; required courses include NRM F101, NRM F210, and ECON F235; and three courses from a list of NRM options, and one course from a complimentary discipline (approved by an NRM advisor); effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Jan Rowell
Status: Received and posted on 03/29/2016.
Assigned to Rob D.
4/15/2016: CRC discussed. 
4/20/2016: CRC has approved with revisions. Curricular Affairs approved.
05/02/2016: Faculty Senate approved.  

89-UNC: New Course: GENR F201 - Academic Recovery, 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites, but enrollment encouraged for students on academic probation or disqualification; to be offered each semester; effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Alex Fitts
Status: 4/15/2016: CRC discussed. Rob D. to follow up re how past trial offerings fared.
4/19/2016: CRC approved electronically.
4/20/2016: Provost approved.

90-UCCh.: Course Change: PS F203 - Peace, War, and Security, 3 credits (3+0); change title to International Security (s); change course number to 300-level; no prerequisites; effective fall 2016 or 2017 pending Catalog deadlines.
Contact: Brandon Boylan
Status: 4/15/2016: CRC discussed.

91-UCCh.: Course Change: PS F321 - International Politics, 3 credits (3+0); change course level to lower division, and number to F221; no prerequisites; course is one option in BA degree requirements for Political Science; change frequency of offering; effective 2016 or 2017 pending Catalog deadlines.
Contact: Brandon Boylan
Status: Assigned to Julie J.
4/15/2016: CRC discussed.
10/26/2016: Provost approved.  

92-UCDr.: Course Drop: MATH F222X - Calculus for Business and Economics, 4 credits (4+0); already-approved new course MATH F230X is replacing this course; effective fall 2016. 
Contact: John Rhodes
Status: CRC approved course drop.
05/11/2016: Provost approved.

93-UCDr.: Course Drop: MATH F232X - Calculus for Life Sciences, 4 credits (4+0); course is being replaced with already-approved new course MATH F230X; effective fall 2016. 
Contact: John Rhodes
Status: CRC approved course drop.
05/11/2016: Provost approved. 

94-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F466 - Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, 3 credits (1.5+4.5); change credit distribution to (2+4); make course (and research project) an option for fulfilling the degree program capstone; effective upon approval. 
Contact: Kristin O'Brien
Status: Received and posted on 05/11/2016. 
02/15/2017: Provost approved.

New OE: Rural Surface Water Quality Testing: 9 - 14 credits comprised of ENVI F101 (3 credits), ENVI F110, ENVI F111, and ENVI F112 (1 credit each), ENVI F160 (1-2 credits), ABUS F183 (1-3 credits) and CIOS F150 (1-3 credits).  Effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh
Status: 4/15/2016: Chancellor has signed off; now fully approved.

New OE: Mining Mill Operations: 17 credits comprised of PRT F110 (3 credits), PRT F140 (3 credits), AMIT F129 (1 credit), AMIT F130 (3 credits), AMIT F135 (4 credits), and AMIT F145 (3 credits).  Effective fall 2016 upon approvals.
Contacts: Brian Ellingson; Tathagata Ghosh; Keith Swarner; Rajive Ganguli.
Status: 1/22/2016: CRC Chair has approved. CAC Chair has approved.  Provost has approved. 
2/10/2016: Currently at Chancellor's Office for signature.
2/12/2016: Chancellor has signed.

Trial Courses
1-Trial WITHDRAWN: NRM F294 - Introduction to Animal Science, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of NRM F210; letter graded; to be offered spring; effective Spring 2015 upon approval.
Status update: 9/24/2014 WITHDRAWN (Format 2 will be submitted.)

2-Trial: MSL F294 - History of Ocean Exploration, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X; letter-graded; to be offered each spring; effective Spring 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Mark Johnson
Assigned to: Andres L.
10/14/2014: Revisions received and posted below.
10/15/2014: Approved as revised.
10/16/2014: Provost approved. 

3-Trial: MSL F494 - Computer Programming for Scientific Applications, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of senior or graduate level standing; letter-graded; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; effective Spring 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Seth Danielson
Assigned to: S.K.
10/10/2014: CRC approved.
10/13/2014: Provost approved. 

4-Trial: PHYS F494 - Advanced Topics in Physics II: Current Topics in Physics, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include PHYS F220 and PHYS F301; letter graded; repeatable based upon different content for maximum of 2 credits; to be offered every semester; effective Spring 2015 upon approval. (New course also submitted.)
Contact: C.P. Price
Assigned to: Jak M.
10/10/2014: CRC approved as revised.
10/13/2014: Provost approved. 

5-Trial: CHEM F494 - Nutritional Biochemistry, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of CHEM F321; letter graded; to be offered each spring, effective Spring 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kriya Dunlap
Assigned to: Rainer N.
10/15/2014: Revised format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
10/15/2014: CRC approved.
10/17/2014: Provost approved. 

6-Trial: JRN F494 - Advanced Digital Video Editing, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed with FLM F494; prerequisite of FLM/JRN F290; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; paperwork and syllabus note effective date of spring 2016 (not 2015).
Contact: Robert Prince
Assigned to Rob D.
10/17/2014: Syllabus revised (posted below) and CRC approved as revised.
10/21/2014: Provost approved. 

7-Trial: Trial Course: FISH F494 - Fish Diseases and Pathology, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include FISH F228 and ENGL F111X; letter graded; to be offered fall of odd numbered years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Brian Himelbloom
2/6/2015: CRC approved.
02/09/2015: Provost approved. 

8-Trial: Trial Course: CHEM F194 - Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Arctic,[SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (2+3); no prerequisites; letter graded; to be offered fall, effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Sarah Hayes
2/6/2015: CRC discussed. Jess L. to follow up.
2/20/2015: Jess L. to follow up. Per Holly - course can not substitute for core science with lab requirement since it's not 4 credits.
2/26/2015: Revised syllabus received and four related attachements (posted below).
3/2/2015: Provost approved. 

Carried Over from 2013-14

80-UNP: New Minor: Forest Management: [See REVISION below] 16 credits comprised of courses not counting toward major, including NRM F240; NRM F251, NRM F370, NRM F375, NRM F440, NRM F450, NRM F452, and NRM F453; effective Fall 2015 pending approval.
Contact: John Yarie
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: Revised version received 5/1/2014, carryover to Fall 2014 review cycle.
10/17/2014: Second revision received and posted below.
11/14/2014: CRC approved as revised.
12/1/2014: Approved by Faculty Senate / Chancellor. 

New Submissions
1-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Alaska Native Studies: Add Tribal Management designated courses to elective options for the degree program; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell Jones
Assigned to Julie J.
10/17/2014: Provisional approval; Julie to follow up.
10/31/2014: CRC has approved upon addition of note re number of required upper-division credits.
11/12/2014: Still waiting on approved language to add re upper-division credits (from OAR).
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 
2-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Rural Development: Add Tribal Management designated courses to elective options for the degree program; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell Jones
Assigned to Julie J.
10/17/2014: Provisional approval; Julie to follow up.
10/31/2014: CRC has approved upon addition of note re number of required upper-division credits.
11/12/2014: Still waiting on approved language to add re upper-division credits (from OAR).
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

3-UNC: New Course: FISH F110 - Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of placement into ENGL F111X is noted on syllabus (but not Format 1); letter graded; to be offered each fall; first offering Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Peter Westley
Assigned to: Julie J.
10/13/2014: Corrected syllabus received (removes mention of a prerequisite).
10/17/2014: CRC approved.
10/21/2014: Provost approved. 

4-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Fisheries Sciences: Remove FISH F101 - Introduction to Fisheries, from degree requirements and replace with FISH F110 - Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Assigned to Julie J.
10/17/2014: CRC approved.
10/21/2014: Provost approved. 
5-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Fisheries: Remove FISH F101 - Introduction to Fisheries, from degree requirements and replace with FISH F110 - Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Assigned to Julie J.
10/17/2014: CRC approved.
10/21/2014: Provost approved. 

6-UNC: New Course: PHYS F472Z - Advanced Topics in Physics II: Special Topics in Physics, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include PHYS F220 and PHYS F301; letter graded; repeatable based upon different content for maximum of 2 credits; to be offered every semester; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: CP Price
Assigned to Julie J.
10/17/2014: Discussed at CRC. Julie to follow up.
10/22/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
10/31/2014: CRC has approved as revised.
11/3/2014: Provost approved.

7-UPCh.: Program Change: BT - Bachelor of Technology: remove the following from degree requirements: computer competency (3 credits), TTCH F301, specialty electives (6 credits) and redefine 30 credits of specialization section of degree requirements (old #4 in catalog description); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Laura Bender
Assigned to S.K.
10/17/2014: Discussed at CRC. Rainer to follow up.
11/21/2014: Revised page two received and posted.
12/5/2014: CRC has approved.
12/18/2014: Provost approved. 

8-UNC: New Course: MSL F215 - Marine Geological Drama and Undersea Catastrophes, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of MSL F111X, or MSL F211, or instructor's permission; letter graded; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Jennifer Reynolds
Assigned to S.K.
11/12/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/14/2014: CRC approved as revised.
11/19/2014: Provost approved. 

9-UPCh.: Program Change: OE - Homeland Security:[SEE REVISION BELOW] add new course options of HSEM F120, HSEM F231 and HSEM F233 (new courses submitted simultaneously) to complete the required 12 credits for the endorsement; effective Fall 2015 (and upon related course approvals).
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to: Rainer N.
1/22/2015: Revised page 1 of program change received to reflect course number changes (HSEM F220 will be F120; and HSEM F221 will be course number F121 instead).
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/28/2015: Page one of form updated to reflect course title change to HSEM F231.
2/11/2015: Provost approved. 

10-UPCh.: Program Change: BEM - Emergency Management: [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] remove ACCT F261 from degree requirements and replace with HSEM F271 - Fiscal Management for Emergency Management Operations (new course simultaneously submitted); effective Fall 2015 (and upon related course approval).
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to S.K.
10/31/2014: Provisional approval upon clarification of how new ACCT / HSEM course to be listed in degree requirements.
11/12/2014: SOM submitted a new revised Format 5 which includes a new Fire concentration and two related new courses (#72 and #73, also received on 11/12/2014) in addition to changes requested by committee. 
11/14/2014: Another Format 5 submitted; both submissions were the same.
01/22/2015: REVISED format 5 submitted to reflect changes to lower division courses.
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

11-UNC: New Course: BA F235 - Entrepreneurship: A Small Business Approach, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BA F151 and ACCT F261; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering spring 2016; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
Assigned to S.K.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

12-UNC: New Course: ACCT F271 - Fiscal Management for Emergency Management Operations, 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as HSEM F271; prerequisites include sophomore standing or higher; placement, concurrent enrollment or complettion of Math at the F100-level or above; letter graded; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Charlie Sparks
Assigned to S.K.
10/31/2014: CRC approved upon addition of SLOs.
11/12/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
12/5/2014: CRC approved as revised.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

13-UNC: New Course: HSEM F220 - Introduction to Emergency Management, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW - COURSE NUMBER WILL BE F120 instead of F220] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X added to revision; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to S.K.
10/31/2014: CRC discussed. Issue with level of course.
11/14/2014: SK has emailed; no response yet.
11/17/2014: Revised syllabus received.
11/25/2014: Revisions received and posted below.
12/5/2014: CRC approved as revised.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 
1/19/2015: Course number will be updated to F120 (instead of F220).

14-UNC: New Course: HSEM F231 - Weapons of Mass Destruction, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to S.K.
10/31/2014: CRC discussed. Issue with level of course.
11/14/2014: SK has emailed; no response yet.
11/17/2014: Revised syllabus received; posted below.
12/5/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received, reflecting addition of ENGL F111X as a prerequisite.
12/12/2014: Updated syllabus and a rubric for writing and presentation received and posted below. ENGL F111X added as prerequisite.
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/26/2015: Provost approved - with title changed to "The Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction."

15-UNC: New Course: HSEM F233 - Critical Infrastructure Protection, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include HSEM F120 or HSEM F121; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Jessica L.
10/23/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
10/31/2014: CRC discussed. Issue with level of course.
12/12/2014: CRC discussed. Jessica has had no response to her email.
1/22/2015: Revisions received and posted below (adding prerequisite course options).
1/23/2015: CRC discussed. Committee would like rubric for 25% grade on attendance and participation.
1/27/2015: Revised syllabus and discussion board rubric received and posted below.
2/6/2015: CRC approved as revised.
02/09/2015: Provost approved. 

16-UCCh.: Course Change: NRM F320 - Animal Science, 3 credits (2+3); change course level from upper division to lower division and change course number from F320 to F220; change title to "Introduction to Animal Science"; change credit distribution from (2+3) to (3+0); change prerequisite to NRM F210; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Milan Shipka
Assigned to Jessica L.
10/22/2014: Revised Format 1 received.
10/31/2014: CRC approved as revised.
11/3/2014: Provost approved. 

17-UCCh.: Course Change: ANTH F422 - Human Osteology, 3 credits (3+0); change to 4 credits with a distribution of (3+3) to reflect addition of lab; course is currently stacked as ANTH F625 (reference #11-GCCh. at GAAC); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Brian Hemphill
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/14/2014: CRC approved.
2/3/2015: GAAC also approved.
02/05/2015: Provost approved. 

18-UNP: New Minor: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 16 credits comprised of LING F101, LING F200 (new course submission), LING F302 (minor course change submitted to change course number from 402 to 302), LING F315 (new course submission), LING F410 (minor course change submitted), and LING F451 (new course submission); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Duff Johnston
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/7/2014: Revised Format 3B received and posted below.
11/14/2014: CRC discussed. Jessica to follow up.
01/13/2015: Second Revised Format 3B received and posted.
01/13/2015: CRC approved as per the second revision (below). Reviewed and approved by Curricular Affairs Committee (1/14/2015).
2/2/2014: Approved by Faculty Senate / Chancellor. 

19-UNC: New Course: LING F200 - The Field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X; graded pass / fail; new course requirement for the proposed TESOL Minor; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Duff Johnston
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/7/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
11/14/2014: Provisionally approved upon addition of ENGL prerequisite.
01/13/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted. CRC approved as revised (with updated weekly schedule to come - will be added to syllabus).
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

20-UNC: New Course: LING F315 - English Language for Second Language Teaching, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of LING F101; letter graded; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact:Duff Johnston
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/7/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/14/2014: Prerequisite of LING / ED course needs correction; ENGL prerequisite suggested. Jessica to follow up.
01/13/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

21-UCCh.: Course Change: FL F451 - Foreign Language Teaching Practicum, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 4 credits (3+0+3-5); cross-list as LING F451; change from 4 credits to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0+3); add to prerequisites "for students teaching English as a second language, LING F410 is the alternative prerequisite;" change frequency of offering from fall to spring; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kimberly Stewart
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/14/2014: CRC discussed at length. Jessica to follow up on issues with different prerequisites for FL vs. LING, and different credit distribution for each.
11/19/2014: Emails (RN, JL, RD) agreeing to treat the submission as a NEW COURSE on its own and separte it from FL F451.
01/13/2015: CRC approved as revised (below). Credit distribution also corrected.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

21A-UNC: New Course: LING F451 - English Second Language Teaching Practicum, 3 credits (2+0+3); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or F213X; LING F410, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Duff Johnston
1/13/2015: CRC approved with correction to credit distribution.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

22-UCDr.: Course Drop: THR / ART F247 (h) - Introduction to Theatrical Design, 3 credits (3+0); not taught in seven years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. *Art Dept. has approved the cross-list.*
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz
Assigned to Gary J.
10/17/2014: CRC approved.
10/21/2014: Provost approved. 

23-UNC: New Course: FLM F289 / F389 / F489 - Film Reel Review, 0 credits (.5+.5); graded pass / fail; required participation by all majors for professional development and to aid in program assessment; FLM F289 is a prerequisite for F389, and F389 is a prerequisite for F489; to be offered in spring semesters; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Assigned to Gary J.
Contact: Maya Salganek
10/31/2014: CRC discussed.
12/5/2014: CRC discussed further. Revisions to be requested. See related program change (#84-UPCh.).
12/12/2014: CRC discussed further; revisions to be requested by Gary J.
1/23/2015: Gary will contact department again.
2/6/2015: CRC discussed revision; Julie J. to follow up re course descriptions.
2/12/2015: Revised Format 1 received and posted below. Updated on 2/13/2015.
2/17/2015: Provost approved. 

24-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Theatre: Incorporation of a capstone requirement into the major degree requirements; no change to total credits required; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Brian Cook
Assigned to Gary J.
12/5/2014: CRC provisionally approved upon confirmation of minor course change to THR F335.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

25-UCDr.: Course Drop: NRM / GEOG F463 / F663 - Wilderness Concepts, 3 credits (3+0); course is not required of any degrees; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. *additional signatures en route from CNSM*
Contact: Cary de Wit
Assigned to Gary J.
10/17/2014: CRC approved.
10/21/2014: Provost approved. 

26-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F482 / F682 - Geoscience Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); change grading mode from letter graded to pass / fail; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Reference #35-GCCh.]
Contact: Carl Tape
Assigned to Gary J.
02/03/2015: GAAC has approved graduate level.
02/06/2015: CRC approved.
02/09/2015: Provost approved. 

27-UCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL F317 - Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, 4 credits (2+6); insufficient resources to continue offering the course; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Assigned to Gary J.
10/17/2014: CRC discussed. Gary to follow up with Department Chair.
10/31/2014: CRC approved.
11/3/2014: Provost approved. 

28-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F476 O - Ecosystem Ecology, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0.5) to reflect data collection and analysis component of course; change frequency of offering and update catalog description; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tamara Harms
Assigned to Thomas.
10/31/2014 and 12/5/2014: CRC discussed. Course objectives (not SLOs) are needed; clarification of frequency of offering.
01/13/2015: CRC approved "as is."
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

WITHDRAWN - SEE #75-UPCh. 29-UPCh.: Program Change: BS and BA - Biological Sciences: change the minimum grade to C- (1.7) for the BA and BS programs; change the capstone requirement for the degrees; add to Physics course options to fulfill requirements for BS degree; minor corrections and additions of new courses to electives list; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Assigned to Thomas.
12/5/2014: #75-UPCh. was received and posted -- it replaces this version of the program changes.

30-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Wildlife Biology and Conservation: remove BIOL F317 from required courses (course is being dropped); change the minimum grade to C- (1.7) for the degree requirements; minor corrections; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Perry Barboza
Assigned to Thomas.
10/31/2014: Provisional approval following RN count of of credits.
11/4/2014: Provost approved. 

31-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F322 - Organic Chemistry II, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F325; change to 4 credits (3+3) to reflect incorporation of laboratory into the lecture course; separate lab course, CHEM F323, is being dropped; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Thomas.
10/17/2014: CRC discussed. Rainer to follow up.
10/20/2014: Agreement with department to change course number to F325.
12/5/2014: CRC approved as CHEM F325.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

32-UCDr.: Course Drop: CHEM F323 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 1 credit (0+3); lab is being rolled into CHEM F322 so that students can no longer take lab separately from the lecture course; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Assigned to Thomas.
Contact: Tom Green
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

33-UCDr.: Course Drop: CHEM F324 W - Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 3 credits (1+6); course no longer needed with changes to other lab courses; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Thomas.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

34-UNC: New Course: CHEM F419 - Practical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 1 credit (.5+1.5); prerequisite of CHEM F321; previously taught as trial; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective Fall 2015 upon approval (not spring 2015 as indicated on paperwork).
Contact: Carl Murphy
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

35-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Chemistry: [SEE ANNOTATED COPY BELOW] remove CHEM F324 W from required course options; reflect changes to CHEM F322, and CHEM F451 (minor course change submitted); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

36-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Optional Concentration of Environmental Chemistry: [SEE ANNOTATED COPY BELOW] remove CHEM F324 W from required course options; reflect changes to CHEM F322, effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

37-UPCh.: Program Change: BS Degree (American Chemistry Society-approved): [SEE ANNOTATED COPY BELOW] remove CHEM F324 W from required course options; reflect changes to CHEM F322, and CHEM F451 (minor course change submitted); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

38-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Optional Concentration in Biochemistry: [SEE ANNOTATED COPY BELOW] remove CHEM F324 W from required course options; reflect changes to CHEM F322, and CHEM F451 (minor course change submitted); remove two courses that no longer exist (BIOL F418 W and BIOL F452 O/2); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

39-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Chemistry: [SEE ANNOTATED COPY BELOW] reflect changes to CHEM F322 (and course drop of CHEM F323 lab); add course option of CHEM F332 - Physical Chemistry II; minimum credits required changed from 24 to 27 credits; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

40-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Biochemistry: [SEE ANNOTATED COPY BELOW] reflect changes to CHEM F322 (and course drop of CHEM F323 lab) and CHEM F451 (minor course change submitted); minimum credits required changed from 23 to 26 credits; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Green
Assigned to Andres.
12/5/2014: CRC approved.
12/9/2014: Provost approved.

41-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Anthropology: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Remove the requirement that an "s" or "h" designator be attached to the six required Anthropology (ANTH) elective courses; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Jamie Clark
Assigned to Rainer.
10/21/2014: Revised format 5 received and posted below.
10/31/2014: CRC approved upon Holly clarifying statement re ANTH electives.
11/12/2014: Still waiting on clarification re "anthropology" vs. ANTH electives.
11/17/2014: Clarification received (ANTH electives). Forwarded for Provost's approval.
11/19/2014: Provost approved. 

42-UPCh.: Program Change: K-12 Art Licensure Program: changes include updating course titles; addition of review process and internship information; addition of EDSC F443 to requirements; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Roy Roehl
Assigned to Jak.
12/19/2014: CRC approved.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

43-UPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program: Remove EDSC F431 from course requirement options; change program information concerning Academic Content Testing; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Roy Roehl
Assigned to Jak.
12/2/2014: Revised format 5 received; posted on 12/4/2014.
12/19/2014: CRC has provisionally approved pending further corrections.
2/17/2015: Added course title correction for EDSC F407.
2/201/2015: CRC approved as revised.
2/24/2015: Provost approved. 

44-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Secondary Education: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Change grade level from (8-12) to (7-12); change information submission date and World Language exam information; reflect title change to EDSE F422 (minor course submitted); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Roy Roehl
Assigned to Jak.
12/9/2014: Revised Format 5 received and posted. 12/19/2014: Swapped out page 4 that corrects a course title (EDSE F422).
12/19/2014: CRC has provisionally approved pending addition of language to clarify program is a double major (not a double degree).
2/5/2015: SECOND REVISON received and posted below.
2/17/2015: Added course title correction for EDSC F407.
2/201/2015: CRC approved as revised.
2/24/2015: Provost approved. 

45-UPCh.: Program Deletion: Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (BAS): [Copy updated -- draft version replaced and signature page corrected]: Program is no longer needed as student needs may be adequately met by the interdisciplinary degree; effective Fall 2015 pending all approvals including BOR and NWCCU.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt
Assigned to All.
10/20/2014: Program elimination approved by Curriculum Review Committee. Moving forward to FS Administrative Committee / Faculty Senate. Deletion motion is on the November 3 FS agenda.
11/3/2014: Faculty Senate approved the program elimination. 
BOR approved the program elimination at its February 2015 meeting in Anchorage.

46-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Elementary Education: [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] Change information regarding Praxis I to reflect new test; statement added that the degree requirements for a minor are met by completing the major requirements; add BIOL F103X to core course options in Section 1 of degree requirements; add ATM F100X and GEOG F111X to course options in Section 2.b.; update course listing for ED F486 O/2 in section 2.d.ii. (Format 6 and 7 submitted to add "W" and full "O" intensive designators to the course); remove "W" from ED F412 (major course change sent to Core Review); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt
Assigned to Jak.
12/19/2014: Provisionally approved with some minor editing (clean up asterisks).
2/9/2015: Cleaned up version received and posted below. Notes added to clarify removal of asterisks and to keep "W" designator for ED F412. Approved as revised.
2/11/2015: Provost approved. 

  • 2/9/2015: BA - Elementary Education (2/9: Formatting cleaned up; notes added to explain removal of asterisks; Keep "W" with ED F412)

47-UNC: New Course: ED / CCS F418 / F618 - Cultural Atlases, [SEE REVISION BELOW; final course numbers assigned were ED F419 / F619 and CCS F418 / F618] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed with CCS and stacked as F618; prerequisite of ANTH F242; special condition of access to a computer and the internet; letter graded; grad level previously offered as a special topics; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Note: title is longer for F618 grad level of course.]
Contact: Sean Topkok
Assigned to Jak.
12/19/2014: CRC discussed. Jak to request rubric for modules; issue with prereqs.
1/29/2915: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
2/20/2015: CRC discussed and Gary to follow up.
3/6/2015: Rubric added to syllabus and posted it below. Discussed at CRC and Gary to follow up with instructor.
3/25/2015: Email indicating approval of CRC received. Still under review at GAAC.
3/27/2015: GAAC approved via email.
3/30/2015: Provost approved. 
4/29/2015: Final course numbers assigned were ED F419 / F619 and CCS F418 / F618.

48-UPCh.: Program Change: BS / MS - Computer Science: changes to align the BS portion with 13-14 changes and update the MS portion of the degree program. To BS portion: addition of CS F371, CS F372, CS F411, and MATH F202X, and add option of EE F443 with CS F441 requirement; remove ENGL F314 W / O/2 from requirements. To MS portion: remove CS F611, CS F631, CS F641, CS F671; and add CS F600 (new course submission), CS F601 (new course submission), modify written comprehensive exam requirements and notes to the degree program; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Reference #50-GPCh. at GAAC.)
Contact: Orion Lawlor
Assigned to Galen.
12/12/2014: CRC discussed and approved BS level (there are at least 120 credits with required electives); CRC noted the MS level may not have enough credits but will have to be reviewed at GAAC.
2/17/2015: GAAC approved MS level (reference #50-GPCh.).
2/24/2015: Provost approved. 

49-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F424 / F624 - Introduction to Permafrost Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as CE F624 (proposal indicates a different title of "Frozen Ground Engineering"); prerequisite for CE F424 is CE F326, and recommended courses; prerequisite for CE F624 is "training or experience in soil mechanics." Effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Reference #54-GCCh. at GAAC.)
Contact: Yuri Shur
Assigned to Galen.
12/12/2014: CRC approved undergraduate level. Title variation at different levels may be OK; Amanda to check with Holly.
2/17/2015: Approved at GAAC also.
2/24/2015: Provost approved. 

50-UNP: New Program: Minor in Aerospace Engineering:[SEE REVISION BELOW] Minimum of 15 credits comprised of ME F451 and ME F452, and three courses from approved list of seven courses all at 400-level; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Michael Hatfield
Assigned to Galen.
12/12/2014: CRC discussed. SK to follow up as there are a lot of prerequisites for the required courses. Some course titles need correction, per Amanda.
12/16/2014: Revision received and posted below.
12/19/2014: CRC discussed revisions posted below.
01/13/2015: CRC approved as revised; however, RN to request additional revision to Section G on format form.
1/15/2015: Revision with changed section G. received and posted. Proposal has been moved forward to the Curricular Affairs Committee.
1/27/2015: Newer revision per request of the Curricular Affairs Committee. CAC approves (as revised) to move forward to Administrative Committee.
3/2/2015: Approved by Faculty Senate (meeting #205) and Chancellor.

51-UCCh.: Course Change: GE F430 - Geomechanical Instrumentation, 3 credits (3+0); change the credit distribution for the course to (2+3) adding lab component to course; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Margaret Darrow
Assigned to Galen.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

52-UNC: New Course: MATH F110 X - Precalculus, [F156X] 4 credits (4+1); request for "X" designation submitted to Core Review; prerequisite of placement into MATH F110X; letter graded; course offers a shorter path for better prepared students toward enrollment in Calc I; to be offered every fall, spring and summer; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Reference 1-Core at Core Review Committee]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Galen.
10/21/2014: Core Review Committee has approved the request for "X" designation.
12/12/2014: CRC approved course, but has question about prerequisites; OAR needs an ALEKS score.
12/18/2014: Provost approved. 
2/25/2015: New course number will be F156X.

53-UPCh.: Program Change: AAS - Human Services: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Change the Rural Human Services Certificate block of courses so that 27 credits are accepted as fulfilling the block; removing HUMS F102, HUMS F202, HUMS F233 from RHS block, and adding HUMS F205; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Diane McEachern
Assigned to Galen.
12/12/2014: CRC discussed and revisions will be requested.
12/15/2014: Section referencing a minor for the Social Work and Justice BAs has been OK'd for removal.
01/13/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

54-UNC: New Course: ENVI F115 - Rural Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered in a compressed and/or distance format over 3-5 days or for up to 4 weeks; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Not effective Spring 2015 as noted on Format form.]
Contact: Clint Reigh
Assigned to Rob.
10/30/2014: Notified by Todd R. that an OE has been developed which requires this course.
11/14/2014: CRC approved. Drop "P" from the course number (not needed).
11/19/2014: Provost approved. 

55-UNC: New Course: ENVI F116 - Rural Alaska Landfill Operator (RALO), 1 credit (1+0); to be offered in a compressed format over 3-5 days or for up to 4 weeks; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Not effective Spring 2015 as noted on Format form.]
Contact: Clint Reigh
Assigned to Rob.
10/30/2014: Notified by Todd R. that an OE has been developed which requires this course.
11/14/2014: CRC approved. Drop "P" from the course number (not needed).
11/19/2014: Provost approved. 

56-UNC: New Course: ENVI F117 - Community Spill Response, 1 credit (1+0); to be offered in a compressed format over 3-5 days or for up to 4 weeks in a conbination of eLearning, face-to-face, audio conference and/or field trip; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Not effective Spring 2015 as noted on Format form.]
Contact: Clint Reigh
Assigned to Rob.
10/30/2014: Notified by Todd R. that an OE has been developed which requires this course.
11/14/2014: CRC approved. Drop "P" from the course number (not needed).
11/19/2014: Provost approved. 

57-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F480 - Child Development and Family Studies Portfolio, 1 credit (0.5+0+1); add prerequisites of ENGL F211X or F213X and admission to the CDFS BA program; requirement for completion of the CDFS BA program; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Veronica Plumb
Assigned to Rob.
12/5/2014: CRC approved with clarification of credit distribution.
12/9/2014: Provost approved. 

58-UCCh.: Course Change: FISH F102 - Fact or Fishin': Case Studies in Fisheries, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); change grading mode from Pass/Fail to letter graded instead; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Andy Seitz
Assigned to Rob.
12/5/2014: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up.
12/10/2014: Revisions received and posted beow.
12/19/2014: CRC approved as revised.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

59-UPCh.: Program Change: General Studies BA, BS and BT: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Remove completion of the PRAXIS I pre-professional skills test as a degree requirement; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Alex Fitts
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/19/2014: CRC has approved with additional minor corrections.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

60-UNC: New Course: NRM F153 - Wild and Cultivated Berries for Alaska, [SEE REVISION BELOW. Course number revised to F154 on 6/24/2015.] 1 credit (1+0); for distance delivery in fall semesters, and on campus in spring semesters; no prerequisites; letter graded; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Pat Holloway
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/24/2014: Revisions received and posted below.
01/13/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 
Course number revised to F154 on 6/24/2015.

61-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate in Early Childhood Education: SEE ADDENDUM WITH CORRECTIONS (below). Suspend the program due to low enrollments; will delete program if warranted thereafter; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. This is a voluntary suspension from the ECE Department.
Contact: Patty Meritt
Assigned to Rainer N.
10/22/2014: Addendum with corrections to Format 5 received and posted below. (Email from Pete P. to support corrections is on file at FS Office.)
12/19/2014: CRC approved.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

62-UNC: New Course: BIOL F4xx - Exercise Physiology, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as BIOL F6xx; prerequisites include BIOL F213X and BIOL F214X; or BIOL F310; graduate level prerequisite of graduate standing or instructor's permission; letter graded; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Robert Coker, Diane Wagner
Assigned to Julie J.
12/5/2014: CRC discussed.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
4/6/2015: GAAC approved with revised 600-level syllabus.
4/13/2015: Provost approved.

63-UCDr.: Course Drop: GEOG F402 - Resources and Environment (s), 3 credits (3+0); course will not be required for one of the concentrations in the BS degree (program change to follow); course not essential to geography programs; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Assigned to Julie J.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

64-UCDr.: Course Drop: GEOG F475 - National Park Concepts, 3 credits (3+0); course not essential to existing geography programs; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Assigned to Julie J.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

65-UPCh.: Program Change: BA, BS and Minor - Geography: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Program has moved from SNRE to CNSM; drop GEOG F402 from BA electives and from BS Environmental Studies concentration; remove GEOG F404 from BA electives; drop GEOG F463 from BS Environmental Studies concentration electives; add STAT F200X to BS degree requirements for Environmental Studies concentration; reflect course designation changes including GEOG F338 change to NRM F338, and GEOG F435 change to NRM F435; update program description; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Assigned to Julie J.
12/12/2014: CRC will revisit on 12/19; provisionally approved with addition re required courses.
12/19/2014: Provisionally approved when changes are requested changes are received (on their way per Julie).
2/12/2015: Final revisions received and posted below. Approved as revised.
2/13/2015: Provost approved. 

66-UNC: New Course: BIOL F4xx - Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, [F466] 3 credits (1.5 + 4.5); to be crosslisted as CHEM F466; prerequisite of BIOL F360 or may be taken concurrently; letter graded; to be offered spring; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kristin O'Brien, Andrej Podlutsky
Assigned to Jessica L.
12/5/2014: CRC discussed.
1/23/2015: Revised syllabus received.
02/06/2015: CRC approved as revised.
02/09/2015: Provost approved. 
Course number assigned is F466.

67-UNC: New Course: ASLG F220 - Deaf Culture, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ASLG F202 and ENGL F111X; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/6/2014: Revision received to add ENGL F111X to prerequisites.
12/19/2014: Prerequisite language is confusing; Jess to follow up.
01/13/2015: Second revised syllabus received and posted.
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

68-UNC: New Course: ASLG F230 - Deaf History, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ASLG F202 and ENGL F111X; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Assigned to Jessica L.
11/6/2014: Revision received to add ENGL F111X to prerequisites.
12/19/2014: Prerequisite language is confusing; Jess to follow up.
01/13/2015: Second revised syllabus received and posted.
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

69-UNC: New Course: RECR F130Z - Intermediate Swing Dance, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of RECR F130V or RECR F130E or instructor's permission; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Assigned to Jessica L.
12/19/2014: CRC approved.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

70-UCCh.: Course Change: ENVE F643 - Air Pollution Management, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); bring the course out of "No Print" status as there is now faculty to teach it; add stacked level and cross-list as CE F443; change frequency of offering to spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. (Reference #57-GCCh. at GAAC)
Contact: Srijan Aggarwal
Assigned to Jessica L.
1/23/2015: CRC discussed. Jessica to follow up.
2/17/2015: GAAC approved graduate level of course.
2/20/2015: Jess to follow up on revisions.
3/4/2015: Revisions received and posted below.
3/6/2015: CRC approved (with addition of MATH F201X as a prerequisite.
3/13/2015: Provost approved. 

71-UNC: New Course: COMM F361 - Public Relations Campaigns, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include COMM F360 or ABUS F263; letter graded; to be offered every spring, first offering spring 2016; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. 
Contact: Peter DeCaro
Assigned to Gary J.
01/13/2015: CRC approved.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

72-UNC: New Course: HSEM F439 - Supervising Emergency Services, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Gary J.
12/11/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted.
12/19/2014: CRC discussed; Gary to follow up.
01/21/2015: Second revised syllabus received and posted.
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

73-UNC: New Course: HSEM F440 - Advanced Principles of Fire Service Administration, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Assigned to Gary J.
12/11/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted.
12/19/2014: CRC discussed; Gary to follow up.
01/21/2015: Second revised syllabus received and posted.
01/23/2015: CRC approved as revised.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

74-UNC: New Course: BIOL F4xx - Capstone Project, [Course number will be F400.] 0 credits (0+0); prerequisite of junior standing; taken in conjunction with initiation of a capstone research project and duration may exceed one semester; graded Pass / Fail, and students who do not complete or pass the capstone project in a given semester will receive a deferred grade "DF"; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Assigned to Gary J.
1/23/2015: CRC approved. Course number will be F400.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

75-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and BS - Biological Sciences: Change capstone requirement and include new capstone project "course" (Format 1 submitted); change minimum grade from C (2.0) to C- (1.7); update elective course lists; add PHYS F211X and PHYS F212X to courses fulfilling physics requirement; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved pending approval of #74-UNC capstone project. 1/23/2015: Approved.
01/26/2015: Provost approved. 

76-UNC: New Course: MATH F107R [TO BE F151R] - Prep for Functions for Calculus, 1 credit (.7 + 1); two-week course with 4.5 hours lecture and 6 hours lab per week; graded Pass / Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH 107X or placement into MATH F107P or departmental recommendation; to be offered every fall, spring, summer and 'Mester; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Due to Math Alignment Project, number will be F151R]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

77-UNC: New Course: MATH F107S [TO BE F151S] - Functions for Calculus Skills Workshop, 1 credit (.5 + 1.5); half-hour lecture with 1.5 hours lab per week; graded Pass/Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH F107X or placement into MATH 107S or departmental recommendation, and concurrent enrollment in MATH F107X; to be offered every fall, spring and summer; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Due to Math Alignment Project, number will be F151S]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

78-UNC: New Course: MATH F110R - Prep for Precalculus, [F156R] 1 credit (.7 + 1); two-week course with 4.5 hours lecture and 6 hours lab per week; graded Pass / Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH 110X or placement into MATH F110P or departmental recommendation; credit may be earned for taking MATH F110P or MATH F110S but not for both; to be offered every fall, spring, summer and 'Mester; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/18/2014: Provost approved. 
2/25/2015: New course number will be F156R.

79-UNC: New Course: MATH F110S - Precalculus Skills Workshop, [F156S] 1 credit (.5 + 1.5); half-hour lecture with 1.5 hours lab per week; graded Pass/Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH F110X or placement into MATH 110S or departmental recommendation, and concurrent enrollment in MATH F110X; to be offered every fall, spring and summer; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/18/2014: Provost approved. 
2/25/2015: New course number will be F156S.

80-UNC: New Course: MATH F161R [TO BE F122R] - Prep for Precalculus for Business, 1 credit (.7 + 1); two week course with 4.5 hours lecture and 6 hours lab per week; graded Pass / Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH F161X or placement into MATH F161P or departmental recommendation; credit may be earned for taking MATH F161P or MATH F161S, but not for both; to be offered every fall, spring, summer and 'Mester; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Course number to be F122R due to Math Alignment Project.]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

81-UNC: New Course: MATH F161S [TO BE F122S] - Precalculus for Business Skills Workshop, 1 credit (.5 + 1.5); half-hour lecture with 1.5 hours lab per week; graded Pass/Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH F161X or placement into MATH 161S or departmental recommendation, and concurrent enrollment in MATH F161X; credit may be earned for taking MATH F161P or MATH F161S, but not for both; to be offered every fall, spring and summer; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Course number to be F122S due to Math Alignment Project.]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

82-UNC: New Course: MATH F200R [TO BE F251R]- Prep for Calculus, 1 credit (.7 + 1); two-week course with 4.5 hours lecture and 6 hours lab per week; graded Pass / Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH F200X or placement into MATH F200P or departmental recommendation; credit may earned for taking MATH F200P or MATH F200S, but not for both; to be offered every fall, spring, summer and 'Mester; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Course number will be F251R due to Math Alignment Project.]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

83-UNC: New Course: MATH F200S [TO BE F251S] - Calculus I Skills Workshop, 1 credit (.5 + 1.5); half-hour lecture with 1.5 hours lab per week; graded Pass/Fail; prerequisites include previous grade below C- or previous W in MATH F200X or placement into MATH F200S or departmental recommendation; concurrent enrollment in MATH F200X; credit may be earned for taking MATH F200P or MATH F200S but not for both; to be offered every fall, spring and summer; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [Course number will be F251S due to Math Alignment Project.]
Contact: Latrice Bowman
Assigned to Rainer N.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

84-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Film: Update course titles and add new 0-credit FLM F289, F389, and F489 "Reel Review" courses (reference #23-UNC); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Miho Aoki
Assigned to Andres L.
12/12/2014: Approved once #23-UNC is finalized.
2/17/2015: Provost approved. 

85-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Asian Studies: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Addition of courses to increase options for students (PS F203, ANTH F302); removal of HIST/WMS F414 which is no longer offered; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Walter Skya
Assigned to Andres L.
12/12/2014: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
12/19/2014: New Revised Format 5 (removing one of the ANTH courses) received and posted below.
12/19/2014: CRC approved as revised.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

86-UCCh.: Course Change: SPAN F103 - Conversational Spanish I (h), 3 credits (3+0); remove SPAN F100A, SPAN F100B, and SPAN F101 from the prerequisites; add SPAN F102 or equivalent to prerequisites; change will allow course to count toward Spanish minor; change frequency of offering from fall to summer - as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tim Wilson
Assigned to Andres L.
12/19/2014: CRC approved.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

87-UCCh.: Course Change: SPAN F221 - Cultures and Civilizations of Latin America, 3 credits (3+0); change course level from lower to upper division and change course number from F221 to F321; course to be conducted in Spanish; add (h) designation; change prerequisites to SPAN F202 or equivalent and remove SPAN F102 recommendation; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tim Wilson
Assigned to Andres L.
12/19/2014: CRC approved.
12/24/2014: Provost approved. 

88-UCCh.: Course Change: SPAN F222 - Cultures and Civilizations of Spain (h), 3 credits (3+0); change course level from lower to upper division and change course number from F222 to F322; course to be conducted in Spanish; change prerequisites to SPAN F202 or equivalent and remove SPAN F102; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Tim Wilson
Assigned to Andres L.
02/06/2015: CRC approved.
02/09/2015: Provost approved. 

89-UNC: New Course: MUS F476 - Senior Project, 3 credits (1+0+2); prerequisite of senior standing and permission of instructor; course to serve as capstone course for the BA in Music; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Memo to CRC from CLA Curriculum Council (dated 10/23/2014) - PDF
Assigned to Thomas Z.
2/10/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below. Approved by CRC as revised.
2/11/2015: Provost approved. 

90-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Music: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Addition of a capstone course to the degree requirements (new course proposal for MUS F476 submitted); expand course and degree options to include three concentrations (Music Theory; Music History; and Music Composition); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Assigned to Rob D. and Rainer N.
1/23/2015: CRC discussed. Rob to follow up. Rainer will do spreadsheet.
2/10/2015: Approved pending revised Format 5 - received and posted below.
2/11/2015: Provost approved. 

91-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F350 - Literature of Alaska and the Yukon Territory (h), [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); change title of course to Northern and Environmental Literature; change course number from F350 to F449; add cross-listing as NORS F449; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Eric Heyne
Assigned to Thomas Z.
2/10/2015: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below. Course number will be F449 instead of F450 for both ENGL and NORS.
2/20/2015: CRC approved as revised.
2/24/2015: Provost approved. 

92-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and Minor in Justice: remove the Minor in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Justice program (Minor is moving to the Communication Dept. - ref. Comm program change); remove JUST F201 from BA degree course requirements; add JUST F310 to course requirements; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Rob Duke
Assigned to Thomas Z.
12/12/2014: CRC approved.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

93-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and Minor in Communication: Addition of the Minor in Alternative Dispute Resolution which is moved out of the Justice Department. [Updated version received 12/3/2014 and posted.]
Contact: Peter DeCaro
Assigned to Thomas Z.
12/12/2014: CRC approved with addition of a Minor Course Change format 2A listing the changes of courses from JUST to COMM.
12/17/2014: Provost approved. 

94-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Mechanical Engineering: Removal of PETE F407 from the petroleum engineering emphasis, and replacement with ME F464 instead (lessens the number of prerequisites for ME students); effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Rorik Peterson
Assigned to Rainer N.
01/13/2015: CRC approved.
01/16/2015: Provost approved. 

95-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Child Development and Family Studies: Addition of courses to recommended list to fulfill core curriculum requirements; changes and corrections to catalog description and listings; clarification of degree requirements to facilitate transfer students, program enrollment and advising; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Veronica Plumb
Assigned to Rainer N.
1/23/2015: CRC discussed. Turned over to OAR to work with department on formatting and layout of program for catalog.

96-UNC: New Course: MSL F216 - The Oceans and Global Change, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F111X, MSL F211, ATM F101X, ENVI F101, or GEOG F111X; letter graded; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Andrew McDonnell
Assigned to Julie J.
2/18/2015: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
2/20/2015: CRC discussed further.
3/6/2015: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
3/13/2015: Provost approved. 

97-UNC: New Course: BA F489 - Sports Marketing, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; BA F343; upper division BBA standing; or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
2/20/2015: CRC discussed. Thomas to follow up.
3/6/2015: CRC discussed; revisions being made. (Change to Marketing Minor will be made to replace STAT with ECON course in the meantime.)

98-UPCh.: Program Change: BBA - Sports Management Minor and Marketing Minor: [SEE REVISION BELOW - only changes are to Marketing Minor] Addition of BA F489 - Sports Marketing (new course submission) to Sports Management Minor requirements; and addition of BA F489 to Marketing Minor course options; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
2/20/2015: CRC approved pending #97-UNC.
3/10/2015: Revised format 5 (leaving out BA F489 course) received and posted below. Changes to be made only to the Marketing Minor.(#97-UNC still in process of revision; moving forward with changes that can be made without addition of the new Sports Marketing course.)
3/12/2015: Provost approved. 

99-UCDr.: Course Drop: PHYS F313 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, 4 credits (4+0); course has been replaced by PHYS F351 and PHYS F451; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: CP Price
02/06/2015: CRC approved.
02/09/2015: Provost approved. 

100-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Leadership: Add a track in Alaska Native Community Leadership; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Nicole Cundiff
2/20/2015: CRC approved.
2/24/2015: Provost approved.

101-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Physics: Correct number of credits required for the Applied Physics concentration to 6 credits; change upper division credits required for the Computational Physics concentration from 5 credits to 9 credits -- and specify those 9 credits must be physics courses, and simultaneously change "12 credits in applied physics" to "8 credits in other relevant upper-division courses" under that concentration; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Renate Wackerbauer
2/20/2015: CRC approved.
2/24/2015: Provost approved. 

102-UNC: New Course: ANS F478 W - Alaska Native Studies Senior Thesis, 3 credits (3+0); capstone course, prerequisites of senior standing and ANS F350 and RD F350, and ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each spring; effective Spring 2016 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Benson, Jenny Bell Jones
Status: Received 2/25/2015
3/6/2015: Core Review has approved the request for the "W" designation (with addition of ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X as prerequisites). 
4/17/2015: CRC has approved with revised course description developed at OAR and Marketing; and with addition of ENGL prerequisites.
4/27/2015: Provost approved. 

103-UNC: New Course: ESK F131 - Beginning Yup'ik Grammar II (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ESK F130 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Larry Kaplan
Status: Received 2/26/2015
2/27/2015: CRC approved electronically.
3/2/2015: Provost approved. 

104-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Yup'ik Language and Culture: addition and removal of major course requirements, including addition of new ESK F131 course (Format 1 submitted); total required credits remain at 120; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Larry Kaplan
Status: Received 2/26/2015
2/27/2015: CRC approved electronically.
3/2/2015: Provost approved. 

105-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate in Environmental Studies: reduce minimum required credits from 34 to 30 credits; remove GEOG F111X from degree requirements and place under science foundation options; add ATM F101X and MSL F111X to science options; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh
4/22/2015: Program change received and approved electronically with minor revisions.
4/27/2015: Provost approved. 


 Syllabus Requirements List (PDF, updated May 2013)
Trial Courses

1-Trial: PS F494 - Contemporary Political Philosophy, 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as PHIL F494; prerequisites include PS F101, upper division standing or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring, even numbered years; effective Spring 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Alexander Hirsch, x5418.
Assigned to: Peter F.
Status: 9/25/2013: Discussed at CRC. Syllabus is lacking a course schedule. Mary or Peter will follow up. 
9/30/2013: Revised syllabus submitted and posted below.
10/2/2013: CRC approved.
10/4/2013: Provost approved. 

2-Trial: SPAN F294 - Intermediate Spanish Reading (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of SPAN F102 or equivalent, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered every spring; effective Spring 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Tim Wilson, x5463.
Assigned to: Thomas Z.
Status: 9/25/2013: CRC approved. Will be forwarded to Provost.
9/30/2013: Provost approved. 

3-Trial: MSL F194 - Astrobiology: Planets, Oceans, and Life [SEE REVISED BELOW]; 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites; letter graded; to be offered every spring; effective Spring 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Eric Collins, x6482.
Assigned to Julie M.
Status: Under review.
10/14/2013: Revisions received and posted below.
11/13/2013: CRC discussed. Julie M. to follow up. Provisionally approved with addition of a 100-level BIOL, CHEM or PHYS prerequisite, addition of ENGL F111X.
2/4/2014: Revisions received and posted below.
2/10/2014: Provost approved. 

4-Trial: FISH F394 - Fish Nutrition, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F116X, CHEM F106X, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Brennan Smith, (907) 486-1531.
Assigned to Tom G.
Status: 9/25/2013: Provisionally approved upon some minor additions to the syllabus. Tom to follow up. 10/15/2013: Followed up with Tom; course is good to move forward to Provost.
10/18/2013: Provost approved. 
5-Trial: MSL F494 - Oceanography for Fisheries, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CHEM F105, PHYS F103, FISH F288, STAT F200X or permission of instructor; FISH F425 recommended; letter graded; first offering in spring 2014; then alternating falls beginning fall 2016; effective Spring 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Franz Mueter, 796-5448.
Status: 10/16/2013 - Rainer will follow up.
10/23/2013: CRC approved via email.
10/24/2013: Provost approved. 
6-Trial: MATH F194X - Preparation for Calculus, 4 credits (4+1); prerequisite of Accuplacer College Math score of at least 70 or placement into Calculus I; to be offered over three consecutive semesters as a trial course; effective Spring 2014 upon approval. (Also to be submitted to Core Review for approval of the "X" designation.)
Assigned to Andres L.
Contact: Jill Faudree, x7385.
Status: 10/16/2013: Approved; however "X" designator is not possible for the trial version. Instructor should do a blanket petition until course is submitted for a permanent number.
10/18/2013: Provost approved. 

7-Trial: CHEM F494 - Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS below], 1 credit (.5+1.5); prerequisite of CHEM F321 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring semesters; effective Spring 2014 upon approval.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: Carl Murphy, x5545.
Status: 10/16/2013: CRC discussed and approved as revised.
10/18/2013: Provost approved. 

8-Trial: CHEM F494 - Asymmetric Organic Synthesis, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of CHEM F322, and CHEM F202 or equivalent; minimum of C grade in the prerequisite courses; or permission of instructor; to be offered spring of even-numbered years, effective Spring 2014 upon approval.
Assigned to Tom G.
Contact: Fenton Heirtzler, x5507.
Status: 10/16/2013: CRC discussed and Tom will follow up re assignments / syllabus.
10/18/2013: Revised syllabus received and posted below. CRC has approved.
10/22/2013: Provost approved.

9-Trial: [SEE REVISED BELOW] FISH F194 - Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World; [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); introductory course with no prerequisites; letter graded; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Peter Westley
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L..
2/6/2014: CRC discussed. Andres will follow up on addition of placement into ENGL F111X. 
2/13/2014: Revised format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
2/13/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/17/2014: Provost approved. 

10-Trial: [SEE REVISED BELOW] MSL F294 - The Oceans and Global Change; [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of one of the following courses: ATM F101X or ENVI F101 or GEOG F111X or GEOS F100X or MSL F111X or MSL F211; letter graded; to be offered fall of even years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. (Course level is 294, not 394.)
Contact: Andrew McDonnell
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L..
2/6/2014: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up on prerequisites and course level.
2/13/2014: CRC provisionally approved upon receipt of revisions. Andres to follow up.
3/6/2014: Revisions received and posted below.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 


11-Trial: GENR F294 - Academic Recovery, 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites, however course is mainly for students who've already entered UAF and encountered academic difficulty; letter graded; to be offered every semester if successful as a trial course; first offering Fall 2014.

Contact: Alex Fitts
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
2/6/2014: CRC approved with addition of scaffolding.
2/10/2014: Provost approved. 

12-Trial: SOC F394 - Family Violence, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include SOC F100X or ANTH F100X; ENGL F111X; or permission of instructor; letter graded; first offering Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Andrea Greenberg
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
1/30/2014: CRC approved.
2/3/2014: Provost approved. 

13-Trial: BIOL F194 - Biological Sciences Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); no prerequisites; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
3/6/2014: CRC approved.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

14-Trial: BIOL F394 - Exercise Physiology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F213X and BIOL F214X; or BIOL F310; or permission of instructor; letter-graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Robert Coker
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
3/6/2014: CRC discussed. Chuen-Sen to follow up.
3/18/2014: Revisions received and posted on 3/27/2014.
3/27/2014: Discussed at CRC. Chuen-Sen to follow up.
4/17/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below; minor revisions added.
4/24/2014: CRC approved as revised.
4/25/2014: Provost approved. 

15-Trial: CHEM F294 - Introduction to Chemical Research, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisites include CHEM F212 or CHEM F321 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Sarah Hayes
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
3/6/2014: CRC discussed.
3/27/2014: CRC discussed. Jak to follow up.
4/17/2014: Revised syllabus with tentative schedule received and posted below.
4/22/2014: Revised Format 1, syllabus and tentative schedule received and posted below.
4/24/2014: CRC approved as revised.
4/25/2014: Provost approved. 

Carry Over from 2012-13
85-UNC: New Course: ANS F458 - The Politics of Indigenous Identity, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of upper division standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Gordon Pullar, 279-2706; Jenny Bell-Jones, x6842.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: Carry over to fall 2013 CRC review cycle. Will be offered as special topics in spring '14 in the meantime.
2/20/2014: CRC approved.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

130-UNC: New Course: BIOL F461 - Principles of Virology [SEE REVISED BELOW; ALSO NOTE THAT NEW NUMBER WILL BE F460INSTEAD], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F261, BIOL F342, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based upon changed content; to be cross-listed with the new dept. of Veterinary Medicine and a signature is included for this; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jiguo (Jack) Chen, x6566.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: Carry over to fall 2013 CRC review cycle. In the meantime, course may be offered one more time as a trial course during the 13-14 academic year.
9/25/2013: Approved at CRC (except for cross-listing as dept. does not yet exist). Andres to follow up.
9/29/2013: Revisions received and CRC has approved.
10/14/2013: Provost approved. 
10/29/2013: NEW NUMBER FOR COURSE WILL BE F460, not F461.

154-UCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F463 / F663 - Seminar in Art History, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: David Mollett, x5657.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed. Repeatability is at odds with frequency of offering. Jennie C. to follow up.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
3/5/2014: Revised Format 2 and syllabi received and posted below.
4/17/2014: CRC approved. Still under review at GAAC.

155-UCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F490 / F690 - Current Problems, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: David Mollett, x5657.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed. Repeatability is at odds with frequency of offering. Jennie C. to follow up.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
3/5/2014: Revised Format 2 and syllabi received and posted below.
4/2/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
4/17/2014: CRC approved. Still under review at GAAC.

156-UNC: New Course (Stacked): BIOL F435 / F635 - Introduction to Biology of Cancer [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of BIOL F360 (formerly numbered F261) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall, effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013. 
See also #52-GNC (carried over at GAAC).
Contact: Andrej Podlutsky, x6759.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 CRC review cycle. In the meantime, dept. will offer as a seminar course during 13-14 academic year.
9/25/2013: CRC has approved as revised. GAAC still reviewing graduate level of course.

157-UCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): WITHDRAWN PSY F469 / F669 - Health Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); add O/2 oral intensive designator (Format 6 submitted); update course description; remove junior standing from F469 prerequisites and add COMM F131X or COMM F141X; change frequency of offering to fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Ref. 53-GCCh. / 15-Core.]
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: 4/26/2013: Revised syllabus with sample rubric for F469 received at request of Core Review. Copy posted below.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 5/17/2013: Email from J. Schichnes to table. Contact will be E. Lopez.

158-UNC: New Course: NORS F201 - The Circumpolar North: An Introductory Overview (s) [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery; no prerequisites; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Assigned to Mary G.
Status: 4/5/2013: CRC discussed at length; Siri to follow-up with instructor.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 CRC review cycle. In the meantime, dept. will offer as a special topics eLearning course during 13-14 academic year.
12/9/2013: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus received and posted below.
12/11/2013: CRC discussed at length.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed.
2/3/2014: CRC email review. Discussed on 2/6/2014; Rainer to follow up.
2/27/2014: CRC approved as revised. 
3/4/2014: Provost approved. 

161-UPCh.: Program Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] B.A. - Northern Studies: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Change the degree course requirements by removing ANL F256, ANL F315 and ANL F316; adding new required course NORS F201 (format 1 submitted), and adding existing course options to include SOC F301, NORS F474, PS F460 and PS F468; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
10/14/2013: Revised Format 5 and cover memo received.
2/27/2014: CRC approved on check of cross-listings and existence of some of the courses.
3/4/2014: Provost approved as revised below. 

162-UPCh.: Program Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Minor - Northern Studies: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Add new course NORS F201 to requirements; remove ANL F256, ANL F315 and ANL F316; remove PS F263 and PS F462; ; add course options of SOC F301 and NORS F474; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
12/9/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
2/27/2014: CRC approved on check of cross-listings and existence of some of the courses.
3/4/2014: Provost approved as revised below. 

164-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Global Studies: change courses required as entry level courses; remove concentrations and replace with a list of approved course options; change the civic engagement / internship project; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC discussed and will follow up.
4/19/2013: CRC discussed further and recommends the minor be housed in a specific department. Issue of hidden credits with prerequisites required for courses in the minor.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
9/25/2013: Revisions received; discussed at CRC meeting. Gary will follow up.
10/2/2013: Further revisions received and posted below; CRC approved.
10/4/2013: Provost approved. 

165-UNC: New Course: COMM F210 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 4/19/2013: CRC discussed.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. In the meantime, course will be offered as special topics in spring 2014.
9/25/2013: Discussed at CRC meeting. Gary to follow up.
10/2/2013: CRC approved. 
10/4/2013: Provost approved. 

166-UNC: New Course: COMM F360 - Introduction to Public Relations [SEE REVISED BELOW, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; any F300-level communication course; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 
9/25/2013: Revised Format 1 form received.
10/8/2013: Revised Syllabus received.
10/31/2013: Final versions of Format 1 and syllabus received. CRC has approved.
11/1/2013: Provost approved. 

167-UNC: New Course: COMM F480 - Organizational Communication: Performance Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include any F300-level communication course or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered fall of even-numbered years, first offering Fall 2014; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 
10/2/2013: Updated Format form received and posted below (#18 completed on form):
2/20/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

171-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Yup'ik Language and Culture: complete revision of program requirements removing the following courses: ESK F221, ESK F222, ESK F223, ESK F205, ESK F206, ESK F230, ESK F231, ESK F240, ESK F250, ESK F251, ESK F208, ANL F287, ANL F288, ANS F111, ANS/ANTH F242, ANS/ANTH F320, ESK F230, ESK F231, LING F402, LING F410, and LING F450 O; and adding the following courses: ANS F401, ANS F461, ESK F131, ESK F301, ESK F305, and ESK F306; minimum credits required to remain 120; potential issue with upper division credit total; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Lawrence Kaplan, x6582.
Assigned to Mary G.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC discussed; there are related course requests which have not yet been turned in to the Faculty Senate Office [since received and posetd - see #189, 190 and 191]. Upper division credit problem noted.
4/19/2013: CRC discussed. 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
12/9/2013: WITHDRAWN.

183-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F270 - Practicum II, 3 credits (0.5+0); correct the credit distribution to (0.5+0+15); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Ed H. to follow up.
4/19/2013: CRC has provisionally approved with addition of disabilities statement.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
9/25/2013: Committee reiterates approval with addition of disabilities statement; revised copy of syllabus needs to be sent to Jayne for processing.
10/15/2013: Revised syllabus received. Moved forward to Provost.
10/18/2013: Provost approved. 

184-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F132 - Young Child and the Family, 1 credit (1+0); change credit distribution to (.75+.5); remove frequency of offering "offered spring" since the course is offered year round; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed and recommends the change be withdrawn from CRC. Handle just the change of frequency only -- as a minor change. Ed H. to follow up.
4/19/2013: CRC discussed further; issue of lab vs practicum. Distribution should be (.75+0+.5).
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
9/25/2013: Committee reiterates approval with addition of disabilities statement; revised copy of syllabus needs to be sent to Jayne for processing.
10/15/2013: Revised syllabus received. Moved forward to Provost.
10/18/2013: Provost approved. 

189-UNC: New Course: ESK F131 - Beginning Yup'ik Grammar II (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ESK F130; letter graded, not repeatable based upon content change; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 or 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Larry Kaplan, x6582
Assigned to Jennie C. 
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Syllabus changes to be recommended. 
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. [5/30/'13: emailed instructor to ask re special topics offering in meantime; however, no response yet.]
12/9/2013: WITHDRAWN.

190-UCCh.: Course Change: ESK F205 - Regaining Fluency in Yup'ik (h); 3 credits; change course number and course level from F205 to F305; old and new syllabi attached to justify change from lower to upper division; effective Fall 2013 or 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Sopie Alexie, 907-543-4534.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
10/16/2013: WITHDRAWN

191-UCCh.: Course Change: ESK F206 - Regaining Fluency in Yup'ik II (h); 3 credits; change course number and course level from F206 to F306; prerequisite of ESK F205 [course number is changing to F305]; old and new syllabi attached to justify change from lower to upper division; effective Fall 2013 or 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Sopie Alexie, 907-543-4534.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
10/16/2013: WITHDRAWN

192-UNC: New Course: COMM F121X - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery course proposed for offering fall, spring and summer; online delivery via Blackboard; course intended to be a third option along with COMM F131X and F141X to fulfill general education / core communication requirement; effective Fall 2013 or Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference #16-Core.]
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Assigned to Mary G.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Asynchronous delivery is one issue; meeting rural student needs is another. 4/16/2013: Core Review approved the "X" designator.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 5/30/2013: Course will be offeres as a special topics in meantime during 13-14 academic year.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed. (Core Review approved the "X" designator.)
2/6/2014: CRC discussed further.
3/27/2014: Additional document to add to COMM F121X received and posted below.
Discussed at CRC. Rob to follow up.
417/2014: CRC approved as revised.
4/21/2014: Provost approved. 

New Submissions 

Program Changes with related Courses (new and changed):

1-UNP: New Minor:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Leadership: 15 credits comprised of two 6-credit courses with LEAD/BA/HSEM options; and 9 credits chosen from one of six "tracks" including Business Administration, Military Science, STEM, Political Science, Liberal Arts, or Department of Recreation, Adventure and Wellness; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. 
Contact: Nicole Cundiff, SOM
Status: Assigned to Rainer N. 10/16/2013: Discussed at CRC. Following up on STEM / Honors courses "track".
11/12/2013: Revised Format 3B received and posted (below).
11/13/2013: CRC discussed; provisional approval upon small change; Rainer to follow up.
11/18/2013: Revised Format 3B received and posted below. CRC has approved.
11/22/2013: Administrative Committee approved upon one further small change.
11/26/2013: Some additional review to take place re PS track.
12/18/2013: Revised and re-submitted paperwork received and posted below. Moved forward to Curricular Affairs Committee (potentially for February Faculty Senate).
1/27/2014: Curricular Affairs Committee passed new minor with requested revisions.
1/29/2014: Final Revision to New Minor in Leadership received and posted below:
2/3/2014: Minor approved as revised at Faculty Senate Meeting #196

2-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Minor - Art: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Add new course Art F271, reflect course title change to ART F472, and remove ART F371 O from the requirements; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
10/21/2013: Consolidated Format 5 received and posted.
Contacts: David Mollett, Mary G.
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
12/4/2013: Provisionally approved pending changes to non-Art majors wording.
12/21/2013: Revisions received and posted below. CRC approved.
2/6/2014: Provost approved. 

3-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BA - Art:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Add new course Art F271 to elective options, and remove ART F371 O from the elective options; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
[Two sets of changes submitted; being resubmitted as one set.]
10/18/2013: Consolidated format 5 received and posted.
Contacts: David Mollett, Mary G.
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
12/4/2013: Discussed at CRC. Total overall credits and updating of course options are under consideration.
12/11/2013: CRC continued discussion. Need for required 39 upper division credits still a concern.
12/21/2013: Revisions received and posted below.
1/13/2014: CRC discussed. Rainer to follow up on total credits.
2/4/2014: CRC approved. (Minimum credits required changed to 120 from 130.)
2/6/2014: Provost approved. 

4-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BFA - Art: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Add new course Art F271 to course requirements, and remove ART F371 O; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
[Two sets of changes submitted; being resubmitted as one set.]
10/18/2013: Consolidated format 5 received and posted.
Contacts: David Mollett, Mary G.
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
12/4/2013: Discussed at CRC. Total overall credits and updating of course options are under consideration.
12/21/2013: Revisions received and posted below.
2/4/2014: CRC approved. (Minimum credits required changed to 120 from 130.)
2/6/2014: Provost approved. 

5-UNC: New Course: ART F271 - Beginning Computer Art (h),[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (1+4); prerequisite of ART F161 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Miho Aoki, x5425.
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
12/4/2013: CRC discussed need for participation rubric.
12/21/2013: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/13/2014: CRC discussed. Thomas to follow up.
1/23/2014: CRC approved as revised.
1/27/2014: Provost approved. 

7-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BS - Fisheries Science:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Add two new courses - FISH F102 and FISH F103 to the degree requirements; add existing course FISH F261 to requirements; remove FISH F301 - Biology of Fishes which is not taught; and reduce additional science electives from 15 credits to 9 credits; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285.
Status: 12/20/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
2/6/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/10/2014: Provost approved. 

8-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BA - Fisheries [SEE REVISED BELOW]: add option of ENGL F414 W to requirements; add two new courses - FISH F102 and FISH F103; add FISH F487 W O as a capstone course; add GEOG F312 or SOC F440 as options to FISH F411; add degree concentrations of Fisheries Business and Social Science, and Rural and Community Development; add new course FISH F340 to the Fisheries Business and Social Science concentration; reduce total credits required from 125 to 121 credits; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285.
Status: 12/20/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
2/6/2014: Andres to follow up with requested revisions; then CRC has approved.
2/13/2014: Final revised Format 5 received and posted below. (CRC approved.)
2/13/2014: Provost approved. 

9-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] FISH F102 - Fact or Fishin': Case Studies in Fisheries [SEE REVISED BELOW], 1 credit (1+0); course restricted to first-year students or permission of instructor; grading mode will be Pass / Fail; offered every fall; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285.
Status: Assigned to Peter F.
11/27/2013: Discussed at CRC. Peter will follow up on grading / course policies.
12/4/2013: Revised grading mode to Pass / Fail; changes to Format 1 and syllabus posted below:
12/20/2013: Final revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
1/13/2014: CRC approved as revised.
1/15/2014: Provost approved. 

10-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] FISH F103 - The Harvest of the Sea,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites of FISH F101 and FISH F102 or permission of instructor; letter graded; offered every spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285.
Status: Assigned to Peter F.
11/27/2013: Discussed at CRC. Peter will follow up on prerequisites; grading / course policies.
12/20/2013: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
1/13/2014: CRC discussed. Peter to follow up on 50% participation.
1/27/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
1/30/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/3/2014: Provost approved. 

11-UNC: New Course: FISH F340 - Seafood Business, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of FISH F261 or permission of instructor; letter graded, to be offered each fall, effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Quentin Fong, 486-1516.
Status: Assigned to Peter F.
11/27/2013: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
11/27/2013: Discussed at CRC. Peter will follow up on homework assignments.
1/23/2014: Received an updated syllabus and posted below.
1/23/2014: CRC approved as revised.
1/27/2014: Provost approved. 

12-UCCh.: Course Change: FISH F412 - Human-Environment Research Methods, 3 credits (3+0); change prerequisites to remove FISH F411, change "junior or senior standing" to "upper level standing", and add COMM F131X or COMM F141X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X to the prerequisites; add stacked level of FISH / ANTH F612 (submitted to GAAC); change frequency of offering from spring to fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. (Reference 12-GCCh. at GAAC)
Contact: Courtney Carothers
Status: Assigned to Peter F.
10/30/2013: Provisionally approved by CRC upon receipt of changes. Graduate-level course number of "F612" for both ANTH and FISH is NOT available; new stacked numbers is F613. Cross-listing with ANTH approval still at CLA curriculum council; GAAC approved on 2/17/2014.
2/17/2014: Provost approved.

13-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Marine Science: reallocate elective credits from 6 (MSL only) courses and 2 (MSL or other department) courses, to 3 (MSL only) courses and 5 (MSL or other department) courses; remove elective course FISH F301 which is no longer offered; add elective options from MSL and other departments; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Ana M. Aguilar-Islas
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
12/18/2013: CRC approved.
12/24/2013: Provost approved. 

14-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] MSL F440 - Oceanography for Fisheries SEE REVISED BELOW, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CHEM F105, PHYS F103, FISH F288, STAT F200X or permission of instructor; FISH F425 recommended; letter graded; to be offered alternating falls beginning fall 2016; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. (Also a Trial Course submitted for Spring 2014 - See 5-Trial.)
Contact: Franz Mueter.
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
11/13/2013: CRC discussed.
12/12/2013: Revisions received.
12/18/2013: CRC approved as revised.
12/24/2013: Provost approved. 

15-UCCh.: Course Change: MSL F660 - Chemical Oceanography [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); create stacked version of this course at undergraduate level: MSL F461; prerequisites include upper division standing, general chemistry and biology; letter graded; to be offered spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
11/13/2013: CRC discussed.
11/20/2013: CRC approved as revised and posted below. [Note: Format 2A also submitted for course description change to F660 level of course.]
1/16/2014: Provost approved as revised. 

16-UPCh.: Program Change: OE - Entry Level Welder: change program name to "Welder, Entry Level" to facilitate finding the program in the Catalog; add WMT F150 to required courses; increase total credits from 21 to 24 credits; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Brian Rencher
Assigned to Rainer N. (Does not need to go to entire CRC)
1/13/2014: Approved by CRC Chair.
1/15/2014: Provost approved. 

17-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Paralegal Studies: Change total number of credits required for the minor from 18 credits to 15 credits by lowering total number of required elective credits; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Ed H.
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
11/13/2013: CRC approved.
11/21/2013: Provost approved. 

18-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BS - Physics: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Remove PHYS F313 (4 credits) which is being replaced with two new courses (submitted) - PHYS F351 and PHYS F451 (2 credits each); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: CP Price
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
12/16/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted below.
1/23/2014: CRC approved as revised.
1/30/2014: Provost approved. 

19-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] PHYS F351 - Thermal Physics, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include PHYS F212, PHYS F220, PHYS F301, PHYS F341, or permission of instruction; letter graded; to be offered in spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: CP Price
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
12/16/2013: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
1/23/2014: CRC approved. as revised.
1/30/2014: Provost approved. 

20-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] PHYS F451 - Statistical Physics, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include PHYS F213, PHYS F220; PHYS F301, PHYS F341, PHYS F342, PHYS F393, PHYS F421, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: CP Price
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
12/16/2013: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
1/23/2014: CRC approved as revised upon receipt of minor edits to be requested by Jak M.
1/28/2014: 2nd revisions received; CRC approves as revised.
1/30/2014: Provost approved. 

21-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Theatre: Update program requirements to reflect title change and removal of cross-listing of THR F245 (Format 2 submitted); correct Directing concentration so that 18 credits are required; correct course listing for THR F347O under Performance concentration; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Carrie Baker
Status: 10/30/2013: CRC approved.
11/1/2013: Provost approved. 

22-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F245 - Stage and Film Production Management (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Stage Management (h) and remove the cross-listing with FLM F245 (course will be dropped from the Film program); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Carrie Baker
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
10/30/2013: CRC approved.
11/1/2013: Provost approved. 

23-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BA - Social Work: update program description to reflect that gerontology minor is no longer offered; include statement of student learning outcomes in program description; add SWK F440 to required courses listing; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Retchenda George-Bettisworth
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
12/18/2013: CRC approved as revised.
12/24/2013: Provost approved. 

24-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Music: Update the listing of courses required for the degree program to reflect changes to courses (submitted via minor course change forms); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
11/13/2013: CRC approved.
11/21/2013: Provost approved. 

25-UPCh.: Program Change: BM - Music Education: Update the listing of courses required for the degree program to reflect changes to courses (submitted via minor course change forms); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
11/13/2013: CRC approved.
11/21/2013: Provost approved. 

26-UPCh.: Program Change: BM - Performance: Update the listing of courses required for the degree program to reflect changes to courses (submitted via minor course change forms); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
11/13/2013: CRC approved.
11/21/2013: Provost approved. 

27-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Music: Update the listing of courses required for the degree program to reflect changes to courses (submitted via minor course change forms); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Post
Status: Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
11/13/2013: CRC approved.
11/21/2013: Provost approved. 

28-UPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program: Change language under the program heading "Application Review Process" to reflect a new deadline date being added for spring admissions; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Larry Meath
Status: Assigned to Mary G.
12/11/2013: CRC approved.
2/17/2014: Provost approved. 

29-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Elementary Education: Update degree requirements to show the ECON crosslisting with PS F100X, and remove course options of GEOG F203 and JRN F308; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt
Status: Assigned to Mary G.
12/11/2013: CRC approved (pending re-count of total credits).
2/17/2014: Provost approved. 

30-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Elementary Education: Remove EDSE F482 from course requirements, and add EDSE F316; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt
Status: Assigned to Mary G
12/11/2013: CRC approved.
2/17/2014: Provost approved.

31-UPCh.: Program Change: BA and BS - Geography: Update the program description; list NRM F303X as a core requirement for both BA and BS; update course options with addition of new courses; remove courses no longer being offered; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Copy of Signature Authority Memo, 9-27-2013 (PDF)
Contact: Cary de Wit
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
2/25/2014: Received revised Format 5, but document utilized tracked changes which cannot be used for Banner entry and catalog production. Form is being revised and will be posted upon receipt. Approved upon receipt of changes.
3/4/2014: Provost approved. 

32-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Natural Resources Management: Reduce overall credits required for the degree from 130 to 120; remove the three concentration areas from the degree program; revise the core major requirements (adding two new required courses and reflecting course changes to four required courses, also submitted); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Copy of Signature Authority Memo, 9-27-2013 (PDF)
Contact: Peter Fix
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
2/11/2014: 2nd revision of Format 5 received and posted below.
2/13/2014: CRC has approved program change upon completion of the review of #54-UNC: NRM F210 - Principles of Sustainable Agriculture.
2/20/2014: CRC approved. Pending #54-UNC; 36-UCCh. - approved as of 2/21/2014.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

33-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] NRM F111 - Introduction to Sustainability Science,[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); new course to be required for revised BS - NRM; prerequisite of NRM F101; letter graded; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Copy of Signature Authority Memo, 9-27-2013 (PDF)
Contact: Julie Joly
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
11/20/2013: Discussed at CRC; they would like to see homework specified; participation rubric.
1/27/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed.
2/13/2014: CRC approved.
2/17/2014: Provost approved. 

34-UCCh.: Course Change: NRM F340 - Natural Resources Measurement and Inventory [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (2+3); change from upper division to lower division, and change course number to F240; change prerequisite to MATH F107; effective Fall 2014.
Contact: John Yarie.
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
11/20/2013: CRC approved upon addition of a math prerequisite (to come); Peter will follow up.
11/27/2013: Revised paperwork received and posted below.
12/3/2013: Provost approved. 

35-UCCh.: Course Change: NRM F375 - Forest Ecology, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Natural Resources Ecology; revise course description; change prerequisites by removing NRM F251 and adding NRM F240; course will be part of program degree requirements for the BS - NRM: effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: John Yarie.
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
11/20/2013: CRC approved contingent upon changes to #34-UCCh.; processing for Provost's approval.
12/9/2013: Provost approved.

36-UCCh.: Course Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] GEOG F489 W - Senior Practicum: Field Studies in Landscape Analysis and Climate Change; [SEE REVISED BELOW] 4 credits (3+3); change to 3 credits (3+0); change title to Research Design, Writing, and Presentation Methods; change course number from F489 to F483 instead (retaining W); remove GEOG F437 and GEOS F378 from prerequisites; change senior standing to "junior standing in Geography or Natural Resources Management" and add "at least one writing intensive course designated (W)" to prerequisites; apply changes simultaneously to the cross-listing with NRM; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Cary de Wit
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
11/20/2013: Discussed at CRC; following up on practicum exercises noted in syllabus (vs. lab removal).
1/8/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed.
2/20/2014: 2nd syllabus revision received and posted below.
2/21/2014: Revised Format 1 added to revisions.
2/21/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

37-UCCh.: Course Change: NRM F465 - Survey Research in Natural Resources Management, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F366; change frequency of offering from "spring even-numbered years" to "spring"; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Peter Fix
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
11/20/2013: CRC approved upon some changes to be requested by Gary re: goals and objectives.
12/20/2013: Revisions received and posted below.
1/7/2014: Provost approved. 

38-UCCh., 38-UCCh.-A, and 38-UCCh.-B: Course Change: NRM F215 - Plant Propagation [all 3 proposals in one document], 3 credits (2+3); split the course into three 1-credit modules: 38-UCCh. - NRM F150 - Plant Propagation: I. Seeds and Seed Germination (1+0); 38-A: NRM F151 - Plant Propagation: II. Vegetative Propagation (1+0); and 38-B: NRM F152 - Plant Propagation Practicum (0+0+3); prerequisite to NRM F150 and F151 is high school biology; and prerequisites to NRM F152 include NRM F150 and 151 or concurrent enrollment; each letter graded; each to be delivered via distance delivery synchronously and asynchronously; courses to be offered fall, spring and summer; effective in FALL 2014. (A format 2 form has been received for each of the three modules.)
Contact: Pat Holloway
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
2/27/2014: CRC discussed. #38-UCCh. is approved. #38-A is approved. #38-B is under discussion.
3/6/2014: CRC approved with revision to #38-B (below).
3/10/2014: Provost approved. 

39-UCDr.: Course Drop: CHEM F313 - Chemical Analysis of Dynamic Systems, 2 credits (1+4); course material has been integrated into CHEM F212; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Bill Simpson
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
10/16/2013: CRC approved dropping course.
10/22/2013: Provost approved. 

40-UCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL F303 - Principles of Biochemistry and Metabolism, 4 credits (3+3); course has not been taught in several years; the course-drop paperwork was inadertently forgotten last year with the extensive program changes; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Diane Wagner
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
10/16/2013: CRC approved dropping course.
10/22/2013: Provost approved. 

41-UCCh.: Course Change: PS F475 - Internship in Public Affairs [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (0+0+10-40); course will now include 10 hours/week of internship (140 hours per semester); course is repeatable for maximum of 12 credits; addition of (s) designation; to be offered in fall or spring semesters; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Jerry McBeath
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
10/30/2013: Discussed at length at CRC. Ed H. to follow up with instructor.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed. Ed to follow up.
2/11/2014: Revised Format 2 submitted and posted below.
2/13/2014: CRC discussed. Course description and repeatability issues to be followed up.
2/18/2014: Format 2 revised and resubmitted - see below.
3/6/2014: CRC approved.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

42-UCCh.: Course Change: ANS F420 - Alaska Native Education (s), 3 credits (3+0); crosslisted with ED F420 and stacked as ED F606; add requirement of junior standing to the 400-level, and requirement of graduate standing to the 600-level; change frequency of offering for ANS F420; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell Jones
Status: Assigned to Mary G.
12/11/2013: CRC discussed.
3/6/2014: CRC approved. (GAAC approved 2/10/2014)
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

New Courses

43-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] COMM F215 - Interviewing (h), [SEE REVISED BELOW - Number is F220 and title is Professional Interviewing] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X or permission of instructor; letter graded, not repeatable based upon content changes; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in Spring 2015; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Peter DeCaro
Status: Assigned to Tom G.
11/20/2013: Discussed at CRC. Very similar to existing HUMS F215 course. Tom to follow up.
1/23/2014: CRC discussed. Similarity with HUMS F215 discussed further. Ed to follow up.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed further. Tom to follow up.
2/6/2014: Course revisions submitted and posted below; course number changed to F220 and course title changed to Professional Interviewing.
2/13/2014: CRC discussed. Tom G. to follow up.
2/20/2014: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus for COMM F220 received and posted.
2/27/2014: CRC approved as revised (below).
3/4/2014: Provost approved. 

44-UNC: New Course: PS F414 - Contemporary Political Philosophy, 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as PHIL F414; prerequisites include PS F101 and upper division standing, or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered spring of even-numbered years; first offering spring 2016; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. (Contains revised syllabus submitted for Trial Course - see #1-Trial already approved.)
Contact: Alexander Hirsch
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
11/20/2013: Discussed at CRC. If first offering is spring 2016, should this be held until after trial course has been offered?
2/6/2014: CRC has approved.
2/10/2014: Provost approved. 

45-UNC: New Course: RECR F130V - Beginning Swing Dance, 1 credit (0+3); to be cross-listed as THR F130V; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Assigned to Mary G.
12/9/2013: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
12/18/2013: CRC approved with revised syllabus of 12/18/2013.
12/24/2013: Provost approved. 

46-UNC: New Course: RECR F160M - Advanced Fly Fishing and Fly Tying, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisites include RECR F140M or RECR F140N or permission of instructor; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, Shann Jones
Status: Assigned to Mary G.
12/11/2013: CRC approved.
2/17/2014: Provost approved. 
47-UNC: New Course: RECR F160F - Introduction to Mountaineering, 2 credits with (0+3) credit distribution according to submission; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
11/27/2013: Discussed at CRC. Andres to follow up on title and credit distribution.
1/13/2014: CRC approved.
1/15/2014: Provost approved. 
48-UNC: New Course: RECR F170Q - Introduction to Dog Mushing, 1 credit (0+3); graded Pass / Fail; prerequisite of enrollment with the Black Spruce Dog Sledding business; offered over 4 weeks - but syllabus states course meets 2x week for 2 weeks with weekend experience; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
11/13/2013: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up.
1/13/2014: Andres to follow up on trial course outcome.
1/30/2014: CRC approved.
2/13/2014: Provost approved. 
49-UNC: New Course: CS F482 - Simulations in Computer Graphics, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of CS F381 and PHYS F212; letter graded; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years - first offering Spring 2015; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Orion Lawlor
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
1/13/2014: CRC approved.
1/15/2014: Provost approved. 
50-UNC: New Course: ENVI F121 - Building Ventilation and Energy, 1 credit (1+0) compressed into three days; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Marsik
Status: Assigned to Tom G.
11/27/2013: CRC approved.
12/3/2013: Provost approved. 
51-UNC: New Course: ENVI F122 - Energy Efficient Building Design and Simulation, 1 credit (1+0) compressed into three days; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Tom Marsik
Status: Assigned to Tom G.
11/27/2013: CRC approved.
12/3/2013: Provost approved. 

52-UNC: New Course: ENVI F150 - Viewpoints in Environmental Studies, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 1 credit (1+0) to be offered in various formats including compressed time-frames; repeatable up to 3 times for a total of 3 credits - or a maximum of 3 credits for use toward a certificate or degree program; no prerequisites; graded Pass / Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh
Status: Assigned to Tom G.
11/27/2013: CRC discussed. Tom to follow up on contact hours / repeatability.
1/23/2014: CRC approved with revised syllabus, and with changes to repeatability (Todd approved via email).
1/27/2014: Provost approved. 

53-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] ENVI F250 - Current Topics in Environmental Studies, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1-3 credits (1-3+0) offered in a variety of modes in a variety of compressed formats; prerequisites include ENVI F101, ENGL F111X, a 100-level science course, or permission of instructor; repeatable up to 3 times for a total of 3 credits - or a maximum of 3 credits for use toward a certificate or degree program; letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh
Status: Assigned to Tom G.
11/27/2013: CRC discussed. Tom to follow up.
1/30/2014: CRC discussed. Tom to follow up.
2/3/2014: CRC approved with revisions to repeatability.
2/6/2014: Provost approved. 

54-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] NRM F210 - Principles of Sustainable Agriculture, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of a college-level biology course; course will be part of degree requirements; letter graded; to be offered every fall semester; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Milan Shipka
Status: Assigned to Gary J.
2/13/2014: CRC discussed revision (Gary distributed at meeting; copy posted below). Peter F. to follow up.
2/20/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

55-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] BEM - Emergency Management: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Add concentrations of "Homeland Security" and "Emergency Management" each requiring six credits of one of two new Contemporary Topics courses; removal of BA F343 and ED F486 O/2 from list of course options; addition of any URSA course, any HSEM course, STAT F200X, PSY/SOC F250; JUST F222, PS F203, BA F330 and GEOS F380 to list of course options; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Late arrival of 10/29/2013]
Contact: Cam Carlson
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
1/23/2014 and 1/30/2014: CRC discussed.
2/25/2014: Revised Format 5 submitted; posted on 2/26/2014.
3/6/2014: CRC approved as revised.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

56-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] HSEM F405 - Contemporary Topics in Emergency Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; course is letter graded and repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
1/23/2014 and 1/30/2014: CRC discussed. Questions re textbook and differentiation between course topics.
2/25/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus submitted; posted on 2/26/2014.
3/6/2014: CRC approved as revised.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

56A-UNC: New Course: HSEM F407 - Comparative Emergency Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; course is letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
3/6/2014: CRC approved as revised.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

57-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] HSEM F406 - Contemporary Topics in Homeland Security;[SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; course is letter graded and repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Cam Carlson
Status: Assigned to Thomas Z.
1/23/2014 and 1/30/2014: CRC discussed. Questions re textbook and differentiation between course topics.
2/25/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted on 2/26.
3/6/2014: CRC approved as revised.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

57A-UNC: New Course HSEM F408 - Homeland Defense and Security, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; course is letter graded; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering in Spring 2015; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
3/6/2014: CRC approved.
3/7/2014: Provost approved. 

58-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] ECON F327 - Intermediate Econometrics for Forecasting and Business, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include AIS F101 or equivalent; STAT F200X or ECON F227; or permission of instructor; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Doug Reynolds
Status: Assigned to Peter F.
1/22/2014: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted below.
1/27/2014: 2nd revision to syllabus received and posted below.
1/30/2014: CRC approved as revised.
2/3/2014: Provost approved. 

59-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL / WLF F485 - Global Change Biology, 3 credits (3+0); Format 7 submitted for "W" designator; addition of ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X or permission of instructor, to prerequisites; change frequency of offering to each fall; update course description; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Reference #2-Core for Format 7 "W" request.
Contact: Richard Boone
Status: Assigned to Andres L.
2/13/2014: CRC discussed; Andres to follow up re reading assignments.
3/27/2014: CRC discussed and approved with some minor changes.
4/2/2014: Provost approved. 

60-UNC: New Course: RECR F130Y - Beginning Tap Dance, 1 credit (0+3); no prerequisites required; to be offered as demand warrants, effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Andres L.
11/27/2013: CRC approved.
12/3/2013: Provost approved. 

61-UCCh.: Course Change: PLS F299 - Paralegal Internship, 3 credits (3+0); correct the credit distribution to (0+0+10); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Ed Husted.
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
11/27/2013: CRC approved.
12/3/2013: Provost approved.

62-UCCh.: Course Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] ANTH F415 - Zooarchaeology and Taphonomy, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (2+3); add graduate-level stacking - F620; prerequisite of graduate standing; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. 
Contact: Jamie Clark
Status: Stacking approved by GAAC; to be reviewed by CRC re credit distribution change.
Assigned to Rainer N.
1/31/2014: CRC approved as revised. [Credit distribution should remain (2+3) per email exchanges with Rainer.]
2/10/2014: Provost approved. 
Grad-level course number will be F628 (615 and 620 are not available).

63-UPCh.: Program Change: BA - Anthropology: Replace course requirement of LING F101 with ANTH / LING F223 - Sociolinguistics: Language and Inequality (new title, 2A submitted); effective Fall 2014 if approved by Catalog deadline. Paperwork received 2/11/2014.
Contact: Robin Shoaps
Status: Assigned to Rob D.
3/7/2014: Confirmed that course will show with cross-listing as ANTH/LING F233; approved.
3/12/2014: Provost approved. 

64-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Anthropology: Replace course requirement of ANTH F320 W with ANTH / LING F223 - Sociolinguistics: Language and Inequality (new title, 2A submitted); effective Fall 2014 if approved by Catalog deadline. Paperwork received 2/11/2014.
Contact: Robin Shoaps
Status: Assigned to Rob D.
3/7/2014: Confirmed that course will show with cross-listing as ANTH/LING F233; approved.
3/12/2014: Provost approved. 

65-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Anthropology: Replace option of LING F101 with ANTH F223 - Sociolinguistics: Language and Inequality (new title, 2A submitted) in list of course requirements; effective Fall 2014 if approved by Catalog deadline. Paperwork received 2/11/2014.
Contact: Robin Shoaps
Status: Assigned to Rob D.
3/7/2014: Confirmed that course will show with cross-listing as ANTH/LING F233; approved.
3/12/2014: Provost approved. 

66-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED BELOW] ANTH F314 - The Archaeology of the Cavemen (s), 3 credits (3+0); "W" designator requested simultaneously via Format 7 form; prerequisites include ANTH F100X or ANTH F101; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter graded; to be offered spring of odd numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Paperwork received 2/11/2014. [Reference 3-Core at Core Review Committee.]
Contact: Jamie Clark
Status: Assigned to Tom G.
2/14/2014: Core Review Committee approved the request for "W" designation.
3/7/2014: CRC approved with addition of prerequisites: ANTH F100X or F101.
3/12/2014: Provost approved. 

67-UNC: New Course: [SEE REVISED SUBMISSION BELOW] ANTH / LING F435 O - Political Media and Discourses of the American Right[SEE REVISED SUBMISSION BELOW] ; format 6 submitted for Oral - Public (small) designation; prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or instructor's permission; to be stacked as ANTH / LING F635; letter graded; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approvals. 
Contact: Robin Shoaps
Assigned to Peter F.
2/14/2014: Core Review Committee has requested minor modifications to course description and syllabus (remove "or permission of instructor"; and add "O" statements to syllabus). Instructor emailed on 2/17/2014.
2/27/2014: Core Review Committee approved as revised. Copy of revised syllabus is included in the 3/28 posting below. (Revised Format 6 posted at Core Review Committee page.)
3/28/2014: Revised Format 1 received and combined with revised F435 syllabus and original F635 syllabus - posted below.
5/8/2014: Revised format 1 and 400-level syllabus received and posted below.
[4/14/2014: GAAC discussed and wants more differentiation of grad level from undergrad level.]
5/9/2014: CRC approved with revised catalog description (to be posted when received). Still under review at GAAC.
6/10/2014: Instructor agreed to process undergraduate level approval only at this time (still under review at GAAC for stacking as F635).
6/11/2014: Provost approved (undergraduate level). 

68-UNC: New Course: FIRE F220 - Emergency Services Safety, Health and Survival, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F101, FIRE F131, FIRE F133, FIRE F135, and FIRE F137 or permission of instructor; no grading specified on form but letter grading shown in syllabus; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Format 1 updated on 2/17/2014.]
Contact: John George
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
2/20/2014: CRC approved upon receipt of minor revisions.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

69-UNC: New Course: RECR F170J - Introduction to Arctic Backpacking; NEW NUMBER IS F170P 1 credit (0+3); course taught over 1 week+; no prerequisites; special restriction of physical condition to carry 40 lb backpack over tundra for one week; Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Signed e-copy received; originals in transit.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Peter F.
3/5/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below:
3/10/2014: Provost approved. NEW NUMBER IS F170P

70-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED BELOW] RECR F180A - Expedition Rock Climbing, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (0+3); course taught over 3+ days; prerequisites include RECR F140H or RECR F140J (Beginning, and Intermediate Rock Climbing) or equivalent; Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Signed e-copy received; originals in transit.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Assigned to Peter F.
3/5/2014: Revisions received and posted below.
3/10/2014: Provost approved. 

71-UNC: New Course: RECR F180B - Introduction to Expedition Kayaking, 1 credit (0+3); course taught over two weekends; special restriction of ability to paddle kayak 5-9 hours / day and carry gear; no prerequisites; Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Signed e-copy received; originals in transit.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier
Status: Peter F.
3/5/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
3/10/2014: Provost approved. 

72-UCCh.: Course Change: HLTH F114 - Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 4 credits (3+3); remove lab from course and change credit distribution to (4+0) in order to make course applicable to the Health Care Reimbursement Program; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Christa Bartlett
Status: Assigned to Ed H.
3/6/2014: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted below.
3/10/2014: Provost approved. 

73-UCDr.: Course Drop: HONR F241 - Honors Viewpoints of Humanity I, 3 credits (3+0); the course has not been taught in more than 10 years and is no longer a requirement for Honors students; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. 
Contact: Barbara Taylor
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
2/20/2014: CRC approved course drop.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

74-UCDr.: Course Drop: HONR F242 - Honors Viewpoints of Humanity II, 3 credits (3+0); the course has not been taught in more than 10 years and is no longer a requirement for Honors students; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. 
Contact: Barbara Taylor
Status: Assigned to Rainer N.
2/20/2014: CRC approved course drop.
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

75-UPCh.: Program Change: AAS - Emergency Services: Change the program name from "Emergency Services" to "Fire Science" since Paramedicine and Law Enforcement no longer reside within the program; reduce confusion in trying to locate concentrations of Municipal Fire Control and Wildland Fire Control. Received 2/24/2014.
Contact: Ed Husted for John George
Status: Assigned to Jak M.
2/27/2014: CRC approved.
3/4/2014: Provost approved. 

76-UPCh.: Program Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] BA - Alaska Native Studies: Clarify that a minor is required and provide information of options for fulfilling the minor; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones
3/6/2014: CRC approved with revision (below).
3/10/2014: Provost approved.

77-UPCh.: Program Change:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Minor - Rural Development: Change requirement of RD F300 so that another 300-level (or above) RD course may be used with advisor approval; reduce overall required credits from 18 to 15 credits; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones 
3/6/2014: CRC approved with revision (below).
3/10/2014: Provost approved. 

78-UCCh.: Course Change: RD F100 - College Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); change from 1 credit to 3 credits (3+0); update course description; effective Fall 2014 or 2015 pending actual approval date.
Contact: Colleen Angaiak
3/12/2014: Revised Format 2 and syllabus received and posted. CRC has approved as revised.
3/12/2014: Provost approved. 

79-UNC: New Course:[SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] EDSE / PSY F448 stacked as EDSE / PSY F648 - Understanding FASD: Diagnosis, Intervention and Strategies, 3 credits (3+0); asynchronous, online only course; no prerequisites except graduate standing for F648; letter graded; to be offered spring and summer, first offering Spring 2015; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference 31-GNC]
Contact: Joanne Healy
Status: 4/24/2014: Revisions requested. 5/1/2014: Revised syllabus received and posted below.
5/8/2014: 2nd revised syllabus received and posted below.
5/9/2014: CRC approved with requested modification demonstrating student contact hours, posted on 5/9/2014 below.
5/9/2014: Provost approved. 

80-UNP: New Minor: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Forest Management: [SEE REVISED BELOW]16 credits comprised of courses not counting toward major, including NRM F240; NRM F251, NRM F370, NRM F375 or BIOL F371, NRM F440, NRM F450, NRM F452, and NRM F453; effective Fall 2014 or Fall 2015 depending upon approval.
Contact: John Yarie
Status: Revisions received on 5/1/2014 and posted below.


Carried Over to 2014-15 

81-UPCh.: Program Change: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Bachelor of Business Administration: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Remove STAT F200X from the BBA core requirements; add HSEM F445 W, O/2 to the Common Body of Knowledge requirements; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
Status: 4/17/2014: Credit totals do not add up; Rainer to follow up.
4/21/2014: Revised pages received and posted below.
4/24/2014: CRC approved as revised.
4/25/2014: Provost approved. 

82-UPCh.: Program Change: BA, BBA - Economics: For the BA remove STAT F200X from requirements and replace it with ECON F327 (new approved course); for the BBA, add ECON F327 to requirements and remove BA F460 O; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
Status: 4/24/2014: CRC approved.
4/25/2014: Provost approved.
83-UPCh.: Program Change: BBA - Accounting: Remove HSEM F445 W, O/2 from the Accounting BBA requirements since it is now a course required in the Common Body of Knowledge for the BBA; effective Fall 2015 upon approval.
Contact: Kevin Berry
Status: 4/24/2014: CRC approved.
4/25/2014: Provost approved. 
84-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Marketing: Remove STAT F200X as an option in the requirements; add ECON F227 to the available options; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. 
Contact: Kevin Berry
Status: 4/24/2014: CRC approved.
4/25/2014: Provost approved. 
The following new course will be reviewed in the 2014-15 review cycle:
New Course: FISH F110 - Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of placement into ENGL F111X is noted on syllabus (but not Format 1); letter graded; to be offered each fall; first offering Fall 2015 upon approval. (Previously offered as a trial course.)
Contact: Peter Westley
Compressions and Trial Courses 

(Time sensitive for December / Spring 2013)

1-Comp: Wintermester / New Course: FREN F433 - Studies in French and European Cinema (h), 3 credits; to be cross-listed as FLM F433; compressed format for Winter or Summer 'Mesters; to be offered odd years; prerequisites include ENGL F217 or FLM F217; ENGL F211X or F213X; FREN F301 or FREN F302 or permission of instructor; letter graded and may be repeated 2 times for total of 9 credits; effective Spring 2013 upon approval (for Wintermester).
Contact: Yelena Matusevich, x5851 (see proposal for additional contact info)
Status: 10/1/2012: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) and approved without repeatability. Issue of repeatability under discussion.
10/3/2012: Provost approved.
1-Trial Course: PHYS F394 - Thermal Physics, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include PHYS F212, F220, F301, F341; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; effective Spring 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106.
Status: 10/1/2012: CRC approved.
10/3/2012: Provost approved. 
2-Trial Course: PHYS F494 - Statistical Physics, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include PHYS F213X, F220, F301, F341, F342, F393, F421; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; effective Spring 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106.
Status: 10/1/2012: CRC approved.
10/3/2012: Provost approved.

3-Trial Course: CS F394 - Software Construction, [REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CS F311; letter graded and not repeatable; effective Spring 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Chris Hartman, x5829.
Status: 10/1/2012: Discussed at CRC and Rainer will follow up with instructor.
10/11/2012: Revisions received and course approved by CRC.
10/12/2012: Provost approved (as revised). 

4-Trial Course: BIOL F194 - Introduction to Human Nutrition, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X or higher; placement in DEVM F105 or higher; or permission of instructor; to be letter graded and not repeatable for credit; effective Spring 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Andrea Bersamin, x6129.
Status: 10/1/2012: CRC approved.
10/3/2012: Provost approved.

5-Trial Course: CHEM F494 - Analysis of Environmental Samples, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of CHEM F212 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; effective Fall 2013.
Received 1-28-2013.
Contact: Sarah Hayes, x7118.
Status: CRC approved.
3/27/2013: Provost approved. 


Carry Over from Spring 2011
37-UNC: New Course: TM F141 - Practical GIS for Rural Alaska, 2 credits taught in a compressed time format of six days (with 5 days on-site intensive lecture format and 1 audio conference on 6th day); prerequisite of TM F140 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. [Not Spring 2012 as stated on form.]
Assigned to Peter Fix (was assigned to Patricia H. who has left).
Contact: Steve Becker, x5096
Status: 4/11/2012: CRC discussed and Patricia H. to follow up.
Discussed further on 4/25/2012; Patricia H. to follow up.
Reassigned to Peter Fix.
11/15/2012: Discussed at CRC and approved.
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 
38-UNC: New Course: TM F142 - Practical GIS Project Design, 2 credits taught in a compressed time format of six days (with 5 days on-site intensive lecture format and 1 audio conference on 6th day); prerequisite of TM F141 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. [Not Spring 2012 as stated on form.]
Assigned to Peter Fix (was assigned to Patricia H. who has left).
Contact: Steve Becker, x5096
Status: 4/11/2012: CRC discussed and Patricia H. to follow up. (4/11: Scanned submission and re-posted.)
Discussed further on 4/25/2012; Patricia H. to follow up.
Reassigned to Peter Fix.
11/15/2012: Discussed at CRC and approved.
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 
73-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Renewable Resources: Change program name to Environmental Studies; articulate with the existing certificate(s) and proposed occupational endorsement as well as B.S. Geography's environmental studies option; utilize existing ENVI courses; update program description and course requirements; effective Fall 2012. 
Assigned to Peter Fix (was assigned to Patricia H. who has left), and Chuen-Sen L.
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh, 907-842-5109.
Status: 2/24/2012: CRC discussed. 3/2/2012: CRC discussion continued.
5/8/2012: Update: still undergoing review. Carried over to Fall 2012 review cycle.
1/10/2013: Double-checking with CRCD on this one. 3/22/2013: Jennie C. will follow up.
3/29/2013: Discussions with Geography Dept. and Todd R. need to occur (Peter will follow up and arrange). CRC cannot work on the proposal until that has occurred.

119-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S. - Psychology [SEE REVISIONS BELOW]; Addition of PSY F201 (new course submitted) to degree requirements; simplify degree requirements and remove sub-specialties; removal of Community Service designator from courses; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Rainer N. (Rainer followed up in early Fall 2012.)
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: CRC reviewing changes received 9/19/2012 (below):
10/12/2012: Approved as revised BELOW :
10/12/2012: Provost approved (as revised).

122-UNC: New Course: ELT F211 - Advanced FCC Amateur and General Radiotelephone Operator (GROL) Licensing, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ELT F111 or equivalent, DEVM F105, and a position in a technical, electrical or broadcast media field, or departmental approval; AFPM students must have AFPM departmental permission; to be offered spring or as demand warrants.
Contact: Roger Weggel, 455-2847.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin. Carried over to Fall 2012 review cycle due to late arrival.
Status: 8/14/2012: Chuen-Sen waiting to hear back from the instructor.
4/12/2013: Ed H. will contact instructor.

New Submissions 
1-UNC: New Course: PHYS F471J - Advanced Topics in Physics I: Order of Magnitude Physics, 1 credit compressed to 5 weeks delivery; prerequisites include PHYS F220; PHYS F301; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L. [10/28/2012: Emailed instructor with comments.]
Status: 10/28/2012 Email to instructor. 11/15/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed.
11/17/2012: Revised course description received and included in Format 1 form linked above.
11/29/2012: CRC approved with revision to course description (see above).
11/30/2012: Provost approved. 

2-UNC: New Course: JPN F100E - Japanese Culture and Conversation IIA (h) [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW]; 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of JPN F100B with C grade or better or instructor approval; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall - as demand warrants; effective fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/11/2012: Discussed at CRC. Gary J. will follow up.
10/25/2012: Gary J. has received revisions [ posted below]. CRC has approved.
10/31/2012: Provost approved (as revised). 
12/12/2012: Course had been numbered F100"C" - but "C" is not available in Banner. Instead, course will be numbered F100"E".

3-UNC: New Course: JPN F100F - Japanese Culture and Conversation IIB (h) [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW]; 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of JPN F100C with C grade or better or instructor approval; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring - as demand warrants; effective fall 2013 upon approval.
Paperwork is also being processed at RO as a Special Topics for spring 2013.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/11/2012: Discussed at CRC. Gary J. will follow up.
10/25/2012: Gary J. has received revisions [to be posted when JH receives copies]. CRC has approved.
10/25/2012: Gary J. has received revisions [ posted below]. CRC has approved.
10/31/2012: Provost approved (as revised). 
12/12/2012: Course had been numbered F100"D" - but "D" is not available in Banner. Instead, course will be numbered F100"F".

4-UNC: New Course: RECR 130S - Beginning Contemporary Dance, 1 credit (0+3); to be cross-listed as THR F130S; graded Pass/Fail; no prerequisities; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. [Also submitted as Special Topics for Spring 2013.]
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/11/2012: CRC approved.
10/12/2012: Provost approved. 
5-UNC: New Course: RECR 130T - Beginning Lyrical Dance, 1 credit (0+3); to be cross-listed as THR F130T; graded Pass/Fail; no prerequisites; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 10/11/2012: CRC approved.
10/12/2012: Provost approved. 
6-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Civil Engineering: remove DRT F170 from major requirements and add DRT F210 as a major requirement in its place; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: David Barnes, Keith Whitaker, x7497.
Assigned to Peter F.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved conditionally; Peter F. to follow up with requested changes.
12/13/2012: CRC approved. (Related minor change to be made for DRT F210 catalog language to allow CE majors in to the course without DRT F170 as a prerequisite. This will remain a manual process since Banner cannot be coded to automatically handle that.)
12/14/2012: Provost approved.

7-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Mechanical Engineering [SEE REVISED BELOW]: add ME F486 - Senior Design (new course; 8-UNC) as a major requirement; decrease required elective credits from 2 to 1; add technical elective course options of PETE F407 and PETE F426 to existing options for the emphasis in Petroleum Engineering; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/17/2012: Provisionally approved by CRC. Andres to follow up. 1/17/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted. 1/30/2013: Moved forward to Provost.
1/30/2013: Provost approved. 

8-UNC: New Course: ME F486 - Senior Design [SEE REVISIONS BELOW], 1 credit (1+0?); 3 project hours are indicated on form; prerequisites include COMM F131X or F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or F213X; co-requisites of ME F441, ME F403; or permission of instructor; and senor standing required; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Gang (Sheng) Chen, Chuen-Sen Lin; x5126.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 10/11/2012: Discussed at CRC; Andres L. will follow up.
10/25/2012: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted - see below.
11/29/2012: CRC approved as revised.
11/30/2012: Provost approved as revised. 

9-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Fisheries Science [SEE REVISED BELOW]: addition of course options to the degree core requirements: BIOL F111X and BIOL F112X; FISH F427; GEOG F312 or SOC F440; PHYS F115X or PHYS F211X; removal of BIOL F473W and options of MSL F411, BIOL F476, BIOL F483 and FISH F440 from degree core requirements; increase electives from 12 to 15 credits and add Marine Science and Limnology as option; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 10/11/2012: Provisionally approved upon receipt of revisions to credit totals.
10/25/2012: CRC has approved with revisions [to be posted when JH receives copies].
11/19/2012: Received and posted revised Format 5 (below).
11/21/2012: Provost approved. 

10-UNC: New Course: MSL F419 - Concepts in Physical Oceanography, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F211 and F213, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered odd-numbered fall; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Mark Johnson, x6933.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: CRC discussed; 3/25/ revisions received; approved.
4/4/2013: Provost approved. 

11-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Elementary Education: Change of degree requirements reflecting associated course changes and additions; remove GEOS F100X and PHYS F116X; remove PSY F101; add option of ENGL F273 and remove options of ENGL F306, ENGL F308, ENGL F309 or "other literature focus course" under humanities requirements; add ED F476 (new course) to professional internship courses; update listings to reflect changes of total credits to ED F414, ED F417, ED F467, F468, ED F478 and ED F479; add new EDSE F316 and EDSE F320 to requirements; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 11/15/2012: CRC approved with clarifications to the internship hours required in the courses.
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

12-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F245 - Child Development, 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as PSY F245; add (s) social sciences designator; add prerequisite of ENGL F111X and remove prerequisite of PSY F101; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

13-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F411 - Reading, Writing, Language Arts: Methods and Curriculum Development, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+4); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Mary G. / Siri T.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved.

14-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F412 W - Integrated Social Studies and Language Arts: Methods and Curriculum Development, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2+0+8); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Mary G. / Siri T.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

15-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F414 - Art, Music and Drama in Elementary Classrooms, 2 credits (1+2); change credits from 2 to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (1.5+0+12); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Mary G. / Siri T.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

16-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F417 - Physical and Health Education for Elementary Teachers, 2 credits (1+2); change from 2 to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (1.5+0+12); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Mary G. / Siri T.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved.

17-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F466 - Internship and Collaborative Student Teaching, 3 credits (1+0+25); change credit distribution to (1.5+0+12); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 10/25/2012 and 11/8/2012: CRC discussed. Gary J. to follow up.
11/15/2012: CRC approved. Distribution changed to (1.5+0+12).
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

18-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F467 - Synthesizing the Standards I, 1 credit (1+0); change from 1 to 2 credits and change credit distribution to (1+0+8); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 10/25/2012 and 11/8/2012: CRC discussed. Gary J. to follow up.
11/15/2012: CRC approved. Distribution changed to (1+0+8).
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

19-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F468 O - Internship and Student Teaching, 6 credits (1+0+40); change from 6 to 4 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0+16); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

20-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F469 - Synthesizing the Standards II, 2 credits (2+0); change credit distribution to 1+0+8); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

21-UNC: New Course: ED F476 - Literacy Development Profiles, 1 credit (0.5+0+4); prerequisite of admission to the internship year or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each spring; first offering spring 2014; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
11/15/2012: JH will communicate updated credit distribution to registrar's office.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

22-UCCh.: Course Change STACKED: ED F478 / F678 - Math Methods and Curriculum Development [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW], 2 credits (2+0); increase credits from 2 to 3 and change credit distribution to (2+0+8); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC discussed. 11/7/2012: Revised syllabi received and posted below:
11/8/2012: CRC discussed and provisionally approved; Gary J. to follow up re practicum hours.
11/15/2012: CRC approved with credit distribution of (2+0+8).
2/28/2013: Provost approved. 

23-UCCh.: Course Change STACKED: ED F479 / F688 - Science Methods and Curriculum Development [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW] , 2 credits (2+0); increase credits from 2 to 3 and change credit distribution to (2.5+0+4); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC discussed. 11/7/2012: Revised syllabi received and posted below:
11/8/2012: CRC discussed and provisionally approved; Gary J. to follow up re practicum hours. 
11/15/2012: CRC approved with credit distribution of (2.5+0+4).
2/28/2013: Provost approved. 

24-UCCh.: Course Change STACKED: EDSE F422 / F622 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0+1); change frequency of offering to every fall, spring and summer; update course descriptions; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Phillip Patterson, x5362.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
2/28/2013: Provost approved. 

25-UNC: New Course: EDSE F320 - Adapting and Accommodating Instruction for Students with Disabilities [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 and SYLLABUS BELOW], 3 credits (3+0+0); 15 hours practicum per semester required with course; prerequisites include ED F201; ED F482 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 10/31/2012: Requested revisions received and posted below:
11/15/2012: CRC approved.
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

26-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. / M.S. - Mechanical Engineering [SEE REVISED BELOW]: Add 1-credit new course (ME F486 - Senior Design) to degree requirements; increase overall minimum credits from 151 to 152; effective Fall 2013.
Contact Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved. Still under review at GAAC (see corresponding #10-GPCh.).
1/17/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted for CRC and for GAAC.
1/22/2013: SECOND REVISION received and posted below.
2/6/2013: GAAC approved also.
2/11/2013: Provost approved. 

27-UPDr.: Program Elimination: B.A. - Physics: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. No students are currently enrolled.
Status: 10/11/2012: CRC discussed; discussion will continue at 10/25 meeting.
10/25/2012: WITHDRAWN.

28-UPDr.: Program Elimination: B.S. - Applied Physics: Program review process identified this as a program for discontinuation. Seven students are enrolled; three graduated in May 2012.
10/11/2012: CRC discussed; discussion will continue at 10/25 meeting.
10/25/2012: WITHDRAWN.

29-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S. - Mathematics [SEE REVISED BELOW]: Addition and removal of courses fulfilling elective options for the degree requirements; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Leah Berman
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: To be reviewed at CRC.
11/7/2012: Revised Format 5 received and posted below:
11/8/2012: CRC approved.
11/14/2012: Provost approved. 

30-UNC: New Course: EDSE F316 - Introduction to Special Education for Elementary Classroom Teachers, 3 credits (3+0+0); course will be a major degree requirement; prerequisites include ED F201 and Praxis I, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered each fall and spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6447.
Assigned to Mary G. / Siri T.
Status: 11/15/2012: CRC approved.
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

31-UNP: New Program: B.A. in Secondary Education - with Content Area * [SEE REVISED BELOW] (e.g., English; History; Biology; Mathematics; etc.):[SEE REVISED BELOW] Teacher certification completed concurrently with an undergraduate degree in content areas suitable for public school teaching; secondary education course work includes EDSC F110, EDSC F407, EDSC F414 or EDSE F422 or EDSE F482, EDSC F205 or EDSC F415, and EDSC F458; professional year courses (requiring admittance to professional year) include EDSC F402, EDSC F442 and related new course "Technology Applications in Education II", EDSC F457, EDSC F471, EDSC F472, and one of the required EDSC courses corresponding to student's major teaching content area; effective upon all required approvals by Faculty Senate, BOR, and NWCCU. 
* Revised version received 10/30/2012 with BOR Summary Form and Resource Commitment Form.
Additional document: Content Area Timelines for BA in Secondary Ed (PDF) - SEE UPDATED VERSION BELOW for 3/26/2013.
Contact: Larry Meath, x6589.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: Under discussion at CRC. 1/31/2013: Revised content area checklists received and posted below.
2/1/2013: CRC discussed further. Format 3, page 20-21, needs revision, also.
2/7/2013: Revised Format 3 form received and posted below.
2/8/2013: REVISED Format 3 form received that incorporates feedback from CRC meeting of 2/8/2013.
2/15/2013: CRC has approved with some minor formatting revisions to final document. Sent to Curricular Affairs Committee (CAC).
Status: Proposal was approved with revisions at 3/18/2013 Curricular Affairs Committee meeting. It was further revised on 3/26/2013 for the Administrative Committee. Revised documents are posted below.
4/1/2013: Approved at Faculty Senate Meeting #190. 
Approved at 
Approved by the NWCCU, August 2013

32-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Education - Secondary: Add EDSC F110 as new course (Format 1 submitted), required for degree; show credit change to EDSC F442 and new course EDSC F443; increase credits required for minor from 15 to 16; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Larry Meath, x6589.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 10/19/2012: Revision received at this date was in error. Original submission fine.
2/15/2013: CRC has approved.
2/25/2013: Provost approved. 

33-UPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure: Remove the requirement for evidence of technology competence from the admission requirements (#9); reflect course changes to EDSC F442 (becoming two separate courses - F442/F642 and F443/F643 - paperwork has been submitted); reflect variable credit change to EDSC F472 from 3 credit to 3-9 credits; change minimum credits required from 31 to 31-37 credits; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Larry Meath, x6589.
Assigned to Mary G./Siri T.
Status: 10/19/2012: Minor revisions received and posted.
2/15/2013: CRC has approved; noting minimum credits required is 31.
3/7/2013: Provost approved. 

34-UNC: New Course: EDSC F110 - Becoming a Middle/High School Teacher, 1 credit (1+0); no prerequisites; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be taught every fall and spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Diane Noble, x6180.
Assigned to Mary G./Siri T.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

35-UCCh.: Course Change: EDSC F472 - Secondary Teaching: School Internship II and Seminar [SEE REVISED FORMAT 2 and SYLLABUS BELOW], 3 credits (1+0+4-16); change to variable credits totalling 3-9 credits; distribution needs to be adjusted accordingly; "O" designator sought for Public - Large class (Format 6 form submitted); change prerequisites from "admission to the secondary post- baccalaureate licensure program" to "satisfactory completion of EDSC F471" or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Diane Noble, x6180.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 11/8/2012: CRC discussed; Gary J. to follow up re practicum hours.
[Reference 5-Core for "O" designator request.]
11/14/2012: Revised Format 2 and Syllabus received and posted below.
2/8/2013: Received revisions via CRC Chair which are dated 11/20/2012 - posted below. 
CRC has approved as revised. Also approved by Core Review for "O" designation.
3/7/2013: Provost approved. 

36-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F321 - Organic Chemistry I, 3 credits (3+0); change from 3 credits to 4 credits and change credit distribution to reflect addition of a lab (3+3); effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Thomas Green, x1559.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/17/2012: CRC approved; but lab fee memo was in question. [Format 5 requested for BA and BS programs.]
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

37-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F323 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 3 credits (1+6); reduce credits from 3 to 1 credit and change credit distribution to (0+3); changes reflect addition of lab to CHEM F321 course change; and reduced need of credits by non-majors; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Thomas Green, x1559.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/17/2012: CRC approved; but lab fee memo was in question. [Format 5 requested for BA and BS programs.]
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

38-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F324 W - Advanced Organic Laboratory, 4 credits (2+6); reduce credits from 4 to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (1+6); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Thomas Green, x1559.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/17/2012: CRC approved. [Format 5 requested for BA and BS programs.]
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

39-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F413 - Analytical Instrumental Laboratory, [NEW NUMBER IS F314 W] 3 credits (3+0); change course level and course number to F3xx; change prerequisites to remove ENGL F111X and co-requisite of CHEM F332; update catalog description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Sarah Hayes, x7118.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 12/17/2012: CRC approved. (New number is F314.) [Format 5 requested for BA and BS programs.]
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

40-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S., Minor - Biological Sciences[SEE FINAL CLEAN REVISION BELOW]: increase the number of upper division courses in the major; add capstone project requirement to the B.A. and B.S. degrees; add option of B.S. degree with choice of three concentration areas: Cell and Molecular Biology; Physiology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; remove "Requirements for Biology Teachers" list and update program descriptions; reduce credits required for Minor from 20 to 18 credits, and update course options to reflect overall program and course changes; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Diane Wagner, x5227.
Assigned to Mary G./Siri T.
Status: Under discussion at CRC. 2/1/2013: CRC discussed further; further discussion at department needed.
1/31/2013: Summary of Program Changes (.docx)
3/1/2013: Approved at CRC, pending all course approvals and REVISED format 5 that is updated with new course numbers and correct or NEW course titles. Moved forward to Provost.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

41-UNC: New Course: BIOL F1xx X - Introduction to Human Nutrition, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include ENGL F111X or higher; placement in DEVM F105 or higher; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; Format 8 also submitted for "X"; to be offered every spring; first offering Spring 2014; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Andrea Bersamin, x6129.
Assigned to Mary G./Siri T.
Status: 3/8/2013: CRC has approved.
3/11/2013: Provost approved. 

42-UNC: New Course: BIOL F102X - Biology of Sex, [SEE REVISED BELOW / NEW NUMBER IS F101X] 4 credits (3+3); Format 8 core course paperwork submitted; prerequisites include high school algebra; placement in ENGL F111X; placement in DEVM F105 or higher; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring; first offering spring 2014; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Laura Conner, x6950.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: CRC has discussed. Proposal sent back to department regarding proposed labs.
2/28/2013: Core Review Committee has approved (7-Core) with revised Format 8 and Syllabus which indicate placement in DEVM F105 or higher with the course prerequisites.
2/25/2013: Core Review approved with minor revisions to Format and Syllabus, posted below.
3/8/2013: CRC has approved. NEW NUMBER IS F101X
3/11/2013: Provost approved. 

43-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F111X - Human Anatomy and Physiology I [SEE REVISED BELOW; NEW NUMBER WILL BE F213X], 4 credits (3+3); change course number to F211X; change prerequisites by adding CHEM F103X or CHEM F105X and change corresponding "recommended" section; add "or permission of instructor" to CHEM prerequisites; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294.
Assigned to Peter F.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved. Hold for moving forward with #44-UCCh. (below).
1/17/2013: Received copy of revised format 2 form: removal of "recommended" from the prerequisites. 1/30/2013: #44 revision received. Sent approval form to Provost.
2/1/2013: Note: Registrar's Office to check on transfer issues.
2/15/2013: Approval is on hold while distance delivery issues are being addressed. 
CRC approved with addition of "permission of instructor" added to prerequisites.
Provost approved. 

44-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F112X - Human Anatomy and Physiology II [SEE REVISED BELOW; NEW NUMBER WILL BE F214X], 4 credits (3+3); change course number to F212X; change prerequisites by adding CHEM F103X or CHEM F105X and change corresponding "recommended" section; add "or permission of instructor" to CHEM prerequisites; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294.
Assigned to Peter F.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC conditionally approved; Peter F. to follow up with requested changes.
1/28/2013: REVISED Format 2 received and posted below. Approval forwarded to Provost.
2/1/2013: Note: Registrar's Office to check on transfer issues.
2/15/2013: Approval is on hold while distance delivery issues are being addressed.
CRC approved with addition of "permission of instructor" added to prerequisites.
Provost approved. 

45-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL / CHEM F261 - Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology [NEW NUMBER IS F360], 4 credits (3+3); change course title to "Cell and Molecular Biology"; reduce credits from 4 to 3 and change credit distribution to (3+0) removing the lab component; change course number and course level to F3xx for both BIOL and CHEM listings; change prerequisites by removing BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X, and add prerequisite of BIOL F2xx - Principles of Genetics (currently BIOL F362, but change has been submitted -- see #48-UCCh. below -- the NEW NUMBER WILL BE F260); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Kristin O'Brien, x5311.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved. Registrar's Office to provide new course number (BIOL / CHEM).
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

46-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F271 - Principles of Ecology (n), [REVISED SYLLABUS POSTED BELOW; NEW NUMBER IS F371] 4 credits (3+3); remove (n); change course level from lower division to upper division, and change course number to F3xx; indicate frequency of offering as fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Diane Wagner, x5227.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved as revised.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

47-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F334 W - Structure and Function of Vascular Plants (n) [additional justification for change added 1/8/2013], [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 4 credits (3+3); remove (n); course will satisfy capstone project degree requirements in Biological Sciences; change prerequisites by removing BIOL F239; add MATH F107 or higher, and STAT F200X; offered odd-numbered spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Donie Bret-Harte, x5434.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 1/11/2013 posted additional justification on Format 2 form (above). 1/15/2013: Discussed at length at CRC. Jennie will follow up.
1/23/2013: Revised syllabus, project guidelines and rubrics received and posted below.
2/1/2013: CRC discussed further.
3/1/2013: CRC confirmed approval of this course.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

48-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F362 - Principles of Genetics, 4 credits (3+3); change course level from upper division to lower division, and change course number to F260; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Diana Wolf, x5538. [NEW NUMBER WILL BE F260.]
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved. Registrar's Office to provide new course number. (See related #45-UCCh. - BIOL/CHEM F3xx above.)
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

49-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F441 W, O/2 - Animal Behavior (n), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (2+2+1); remove (n); per syllabus, course will satisfy capstone project degree requirements in Biological Sciences; change prerequisites to: STAT F200X; BIOL F310; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; Co-requisite of BIOL F481; or permission of instruct; offered every fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Sasha Kitaysky, x5179.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 3/6/2013: Revised (below) and approved by CRC.
CRC approved with addition of "permission of instructor" added to prerequisites.
3/10/2013: Provost approved.

50-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F473 W - Limnology [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] , 4 credits (2+3+2); reduce from 4 to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (2+3); course will satisfy capstone project degree requirements in Biological Sciences; update course description; offered each fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jay Jones, x7972.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 3/1/2013: Discussed at CRC. Revised syllabus posted on 3/2/2013.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

51-UNC: New Course: BIOL F488 - Research Experience in Biology, [SEE REVISED BELOW. NEW NUMBER IS F490] 3 credits (1+0+6); prerequisites include CHEM F105X, CHEM F106X, BIOL F115X, BIOL F116X, or permission of instructor; letter graded and repeatable up to 2 times for a maximum of 6 credits; to be offered each semester; effective Fall 2013. [F490 is new number.]
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487.TO BE NUMBERED 490.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 3/1/2013: CRC discussed and approved upon revisions. See below:
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

52-UNC: New Course: BIOL F4xx W - Metabolism and Biochemistry, [SEE REVISED BELOW - COURSE TO BE NUMBERED F403 W] 4 credits (1.5+7.5); course will satisfy capstone project degree requirements in Biological Sciences; prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGLS F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; CHEM F105X; CHEM F106X; BIOL F3xx - Cell and Molecular Biology (course change submitted changing it from BIOL F261 to 3xx); or permission of instructor; "W" designator request (submitted Format 7); letter graded and not repeatable; to be offer every fall; effective Fall 2013. Related to #1-Core at Core Review Committee (approved).
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487. COURSE TO BE NUMBERED F403 W
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: 3/1/2013: Reviewed and ready to be approved at CRC.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

53-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., Minor - Film: [Note department name change below] Revisions to degree major requirements to reflect course changes and added course options (total degree credits remain at 120); and revision to the Minor to reflect course requirement changes totalling 9 credits, with 9 additional credits of department approved film electives, increasing total from 17 to 18 credits; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 11/15/2012: CRC discussed; will request revisions.
11/29/2012: CRC discussed; revisions requested by Ed were received same day; tracking down related course paperwork. 
12/13/2012: CRC approved, related new course needs approval - #134-UNC.
1/30/2013: Related new course approved. This program change will be moved forward to the Provost.
2/15/2013: Provost approved. 

54-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Theatre [Note department name change below]: Remove the concentration of Film / Multimedia from the Theatre major (has no current students; interested students are enrolled in Film degree program); catalog listing clean-up to emphasize requirement of 39 upper division credits for degree majors; changes reflecting current course change submissions (change THR F220 to F320; THR F235 to F335); catalog clean-up to consolidate all major requirements and pull them out of the concentration areas; clarify Theatre Practicum note in catalog description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 11/15/2012: CRC discussed and approved.
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

55-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F220 - Voice and Speech for the Actor, 3 credits (2+2); change credit distribution to (3+0); change course level from lower division to upper division and change course number from F220 to F320; add frequency of offering as "offered alternate years"; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 11/8/2012: CRC discussed and approved.
11/14/2012: Provost approved. 

56-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F221 - Acting II (h), 3 credits (1+4); change credit distribution to (3+0); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Stephan Golux, x5253.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 11/8/2012: CRC discussed and approved.
11/15/2012: Provost approved. 

57-UCDr.: Course Drop: THR F225 - Movement of the Actor, 3 credits (1+4); course no longer needed since the creation of THR F321 last year; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

58-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F235 - The Collaborative Process (h), 3 credits (3+0); change course level from lower division to upper division and change course number from F235 to F335; change frequency of offering to "offered alternate years"; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Stephan Golux, x5253.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 11/8/2012: CRC discussed and approved.
11/15/2012: Provost approved. 

59-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F347 O - Lighting Design (h), 3 credits (3+0); remove cross-listings with Film and Journalism and remove from eLearning / Distance Ed; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz, x7638.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: CRC discussed and wants further confirmation re cross-listing drops. Ed H. to follow up.
11/15/2012: Both FLM and JRN have approved dropping their cross-listing with THR. CRC has approved. (Ref. 11/8/2012 emails re Theatre Courses.)
11/17/2012: Provost approved. 

60-UCDr.: Course Drop: THR F410 - Styles Acting (h), 3 credits (3+0); course no longer needed since the creation of THR F321 last year; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

61-UCDr.: Course Drop: THR F412 W - Theatre History II (h), 3 credits (3+0); course has not been taught in many years; effective Fall 2013. (Copied to Core Review Committee, also.)
Contact: Bethany Marx, x5365.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved. 11/5/2012: Core Review Cmte approved the drop.
11/15/2012: Provost approved. 

62-UCDr.: Course Drop: THR F485 - Edward Albee Prince William Sound Theatre Conference (h), 3 credits (1+6); course has not been taught in 8 years and no faculty available to teach it; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved.
10/26/2012: Provost approved. 

63-UNP: New Minor: Emergency Management [SEE REVISION BELOW]: 15 credits consisting of HSEM F301; options for 9 credits from among HSEM courses; and options for 6 credits from other program areas; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 11/12/2012: Revised proposal received -- addition of course option: GEOS F120X (under item 3 of requirements). 
11/15/2012: CRC approved and sent to Curricular Affairs Committee.
(11/19/2012: CAC has approved; forwarded on for 12/3/2012 Faculty Senate)
12/3/2013: Faculty Senate approved. 

64-UNP: New Minor: Military Security Studies [SEE REVISED BELOW]: 16 credits consisting of ten credits transferred from the Joint Service Transcript (JST) for military education and/or training as approved by the program director; and two courses from a list of course options from the HSEM and MILS program, or courses pre-approved by the program director; effective Fall 2013 upon approval. 
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 11/15/2012: CRC approved and sent to Curricular Affairs Committee.
(11/19/2012: CAC is still discussing this proposal.)
12/3/2012: Revised new minor received for CAC meeting held on 12/3/2012.
12/17/2012: CAC has approved. Will move forward to Administrative Committee.
12/3/2013: Faculty Senate approved. 

65-UPCh.: Program Change: B.E.M. - Emergency Management: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Revise the degree requirements to include "cyber security or equivalent military credit as approved by the program director" as part of the "30 credits of major requirements from the UAF emergency services A.A.S. degree or any regionally accredited institution with a simlar type of program..."; revise HSEM course requirements as major requirements to reflect "a major within the BEM degree "Emergency Managment and Homeland Security"; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
Assigned to Peter F.
Status: 12/13/2012: Discussed at CRC. Peter to follow up. 
2/14/2013: Revised format 5 received and posted below. 
2/15/2013: Discussed further at CRC. Rainer to follow up. Stacey meeting with SOM on Monday.
3/1/2013: Approved as revised. Final revision received 3/6/2013 and posted below:
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

66-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Tribal Management [SEE REVISED BELOW]: revision of program description and areas of study; addition of approved course options under areas of study; effective Fall 2013.
Content: Kevin Illingworth, x5710.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 1/10/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

67-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Tribal Management [SEE REVISED BELOW]: revision of program description and areas of study; addition of approved course options under areas of study; effective Fall 2013.
Content: Kevin Illingworth, x5710.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 1/10/2013: Revised Format 5 received and posted.
2/1/2013: CRC approved as revised.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

68-UNC: New Course STACKED: MIN F445 / F645 - Accidents, Emergency and Safety Management in Mines, [REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW FOR F445 level] 3 credits (3+0); undergrad prerequisites include MIN F302; concurrent enrollment in MIN F454; or permission of instructor for F445; grad prerequisites include MIN F302 or equivalent, graduate standing, or permission of instructor for F645; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Sukumar Bandopadhyay, x7388.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Status: Curriculum Review Committee reviewing; changes requested.
11/9/2012: Revised F445 syllabus received and posted below. (Course description modified; rubric added for course project.)
12/13/2012: CRC has approved F445 level of course. F645 level under review at GAAC.
5/14/2013: Provost approved F445 level of course; F645 level still under review at GAAC and will carry over to next review cycle. 

69-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Earth Science: Reduce overall credits of degree from 130 credits to 120-130 credits depending upon option; addition of three options to include: Earth Systems Science, Geological Hazards and Mitigation, and Secondary Education; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Sarah Fowell, x7810.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC provisionally approved with some minor changes to be requested; Gary J. to follow up. 1/15/2013: Minor revisions still to be received from department.
2/11/2013: Revised form received and posted below. Moved forward to Provost.
2/16/2013: Provost approved. 

70-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geoscience [REPLACED BY #70A-UPCh, BELOW]: Drop the degree requirement of CHEM F106X for the Geophysics option (but keep it for the options of Geology, Paleontology, and Geospatial Sciences; add an additional 3 credits of upper-division GEOS or other advisor-approved upper-division courses to the Geophysics option; and change course number of GEOS F377 O to F477 O (minor course change format 2A submitted); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Erin Pettit, x5389.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

70A-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geoscience: This revised version of #70 fixes an unintended requirement that resulted from the earlier version. Because the concentrations have different requirements for courses offered by other departments, some of these got rolled into the "major requirements". Students would have had to earn C or better in them, which was not intended. Concentration requirements have therefore been reorganized. This newer version received on 2/13/2013.
3/10/2013: Provost approved as revised. 

71-UNC: New Course: GEOS F380 - Geological Hazards, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include GEOS F101X or GEOS F120X; GEOS F112X or GEOS F106X, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered in spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jessica Larsen, x7992.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

72-UNC: New Course: ESLG F121 - Intermediate Academic Listening and Speaking I, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of a minimum score of 50 on the TOEFL Internet based test (iBT) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Duff Johnston, x5235.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved.
11/30/2012: Provost approved. 

73-UNC: New Course: ESLG F131 - Intermediate Academic Listening and Speaking II, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of a minimum score of 50 on the TOEFL Internet based test (iBT) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered spring; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Duff Johnston, x5235.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved.
11/30/2012: Provost approved. 

74-UNC: New Course: ESLG F141 - Advanced Academic Listening and Speaking I, 4 credits (4+0); prerequisite of a minimum score of 60 on the TOEFL Internet based test (iBT) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Duff Johnston, x5235.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved.
11/30/2012: Provost approved. 

75-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - History: Update of the program description for the UAF Catalog; no changes to degree requirements; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John Heaton, x7126.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC reviewed and approved with minor change.
11/30/2012: Provost approved. 

76-UNC: New Course: JRN F433 W - Public Relations Techniques [F432 - SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); [note that course number is repeat of one dropped in 2006 / F432 will be used instead]; "W" designator requested (Format 7 submitted) prerequisites include ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, JRN F202, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Lynne Lott, x6245.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: (11/5/2012: Core Review approved the "W" request.)
11/29/2012: CRC discussed and approved; however, a new course number needs to be used rather than F433. Stacey provided alt. course numbers to Chuen-Sen.
12/3/2012: COURSE NUMBER WILL BE F432; and, prerequisites revised to remove redundant "ENGL F111X". With these changes, new course is approved by CRC.
12/7/2012: Provost approved. 

77-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Music:[Credit total changed.] Change number of credits showing as earned in the program requirements for MUS F131 and MUS F132 from two to three credits per course (each course currently exists in the Catalog as a 3-credit course); reduce credits required for degree from 130 to 120 credits total; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: William Post, x5827.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC provisionally approved with confirmation of total number of credits; Craig W. to follow up. 1/15/2013: Craig has not heard back from department; Rainer checking credit totals.
3/1/2013: Approved at CRC with total minimum credits revised to 120.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

78-UPCh.: Program Change: B.M. - Music - Education [Credit totals changed]: Change number of credits showing as earned in the program requirements for MUS F131 and MUS F132 from two to three credits per course (each course currently exists in the Catalog as a 3-credit course); correct minimum required credits for the degree options: 133 credits for the Elementary option; 130 credits for the Secondary option; and 145 credits for the K-12 option; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: William Post, x5827.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC provisionally approved with confirmation of total number of credits; Craig W. to follow up. 1/15/2013: Craig has not heard back from department; Leah checking credit totals.
3/1/2013: Approved at CRC with total minimum credits required revised to 133 for the Elementary concentration; 130 credits for Secondary concentration, and 145 credits for the K-12 concentration.
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

79-UPCh.: Program Change: B.M. - Music - Performance: Change number of credits showing as earned in the program requirements for MUS F131 and MUS F132 from two to three credits per course (each course currently exists in the Catalog as a 3-credit course); change does not affect minimum required credits for the degree; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: William Post, x5827.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC provisionally approved with confirmation of total number of credits; Craig W. to follow up. 1/15/2013: Discussed further. CRC has approved with corrected total of 122 minimum credits.
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

80-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Music: Change number of credits showing as earned in the program requirements for MUS F131 and MUS F132 from two to three credits per course (each course currently exists in the Catalog as a 3-credit course); change does not affect minimum required credits for the degree; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: William Post, x5827.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 1/15/2013: Discussed at CRC and approved.
1/17/2013: Provost approved.

81-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate and A.A.S. - Information Technology Specialist [SEE REVISED BELOW]: change requirements for Certificate by dropping CITS F201 and F202 from required list; and change program coordinator approved course offerings by removing CITS F133 and F146 and adding CITS F201, F241, F242, F262 and F263 to approved list; change requirements for A.A.S. by dropping CITS F201, F202, F203, and F241 from required list and adding CITS F281, and F284 or F285 to required list; remove section of courses comprised of 15-16 credits of pgm. coordinator approved courses; add requirement of 6 credits from CITS, CIOS or CS; add concentrations of Computing Technology, Network and Cybersecurity, and Network and System Administration; remove concentration of Web Development and Administration; changes consolidate degree requirements common to all of the concentrations; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Keith Swarner, 455-2820.
Assigned to Andres L.
Status: 1/15/2013: CRC discussed and the Certificate portion is approved. (Andres to follow up re the AAS portion.)
1/29/2013: Received REVISED Format 5 posted below.
2/1/2013: CRC approved as revised.
2/5/2013: Provost approved. 

82-UNC: New Course: CITS F262 - Cybersecurity Defense and Countermeasures, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CITS F261 or equivalent skills; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Keith Swarner, 455-2820.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved.
11/30/2012: Provost approved.

83-UNC: New Course: CITS F263 - Network Security Penetration Testing, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CITS F261 or equivalent skills; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Keith Swarner, 455-2820.
Assigned to Peter F.
Status: 11/29/2012: CRC approved.
11/30/2012: Provost approved. 

84-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Rural Development: concentration area names have been changed and corresponding course requirements and options have been revised; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones, x6842.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: 1/15/2013: Discussed at CRC and approved.
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

85-UNC: New Course: ANS F458 - The Politics of Indigenous Identity, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of upper division standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Gordon Pullar, 279-2706; Jenny Bell-Jones, x6842.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: Carry over to fall 2013 CRC review cycle. Will be offered as special topics in spring '14 in the meantime.
2/24/2014: CRC approved (2013-14 review cycle).
2/24/2014: Provost approved.

86-UCCh.: Course Change: FISH F487 W, O - Fisheries Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); remove cross-listing as NRM F487 (constituting a major rather than minor change); remove redundant list of prerequisites that are already required by existing prerequisite of ENGL F414; add prerequisites of STAT F200X and FISH F288; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285.
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Andres to follow up re prerequisite issue; approved with revisions.
4/15/2013: Provost approved. 

87-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F340 - Financial Management of Early Childhood Programs, 3 credits (1+4); change credit distribution to (3+0+0) as practicum occurs in ECE F471; change prerequisites by removing ECE F245 or permission of instructor, and adding ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: CRC approved.
12/7/2012: Provost approved. 

88-UCCh.: Course Change STACKED: EDSC F442 / F642 - Technology Applications in Education [SEE REVISED SYLLABI BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change title to "Technology Applications in Education I"; change from 3 credits to 1 credit with a credit distribution change to (1+0); change prerequisites from admission to the "secondary post baccalaureate licensure program" to "Internship year" instead; change frequency of offering from spring to fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Donald Peterson, x6180.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: Discussed at CRC. 2/7/2013: Revised syllabi received and posted below.
2/11/2013: Newer revisions to syllabi received and posted below.
2/15/2013: CRC has approved according to latest revisions of 2/11/2013.
3/7/2013: GAAC approved with final revisions.
3/7/2013: Provost approved. 

89-UNC: New Course STACKED: EDSC F443 / F643 - Technology Applications in Education II [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 AND SYLLABI BELOW], 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include admission to the internship year, successful completion of EDSC F442 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered in spring, effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Donald Peterson, x6180.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: 2/1/2013: CRC discussed and looked at revised syllabi received 1/17/2013. Further revisions requested. 2/7/2013: Second revised syllabi received and posted below. 2/11/2013: Newer revisions to syllabi and Format 1 form received and posted below.
2/15/2013: CRC has approved according to latest revisions of 2/11/2013.
3/7/2013: GAAC approved with final revisions.
3/7/2013: Provost approved. 

90-UNP: New Minor: Interdisciplinary Minor: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Consists of 18 credits from courses relevant to a body of knowledge and skills, which will be reviewed and approved by three faculty appointed by the Dean of General Studies; effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Contact: Alex Fitts, x6253.
Status: 10/25/2012: CRC approved. Curricular Affairs Committee approved.
12/3/2012: Faculty Senate approved. 

91-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S., Minor - Physics: [SEE REVISED BELOW] Integration of degree program requirements for B.S. - Applied Physics into the Physics degree program, thus creating concentrations of "Physics", "Applied Physics", Atmospheric Physics", "Computational Physics", and "Technical Management"; and removal of PHYS F103X / F104X from the requirements for the Minor; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Renate Wackerbauer, x6108.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 2/15/2013: CRC discussed. The mention of BA in the Catalog discussed, since program is suspended and being taught out. Need for more upper division "W" courses.
3/1/2013: Further discussion. 3/6/2013: CRC has approved as revised (below).
3/10/2013: Provost approved. 

92-UPCh.: Program Change: O.E. - Sustainable Energy: Reduce minimum credits required from 13 to 12; add course options to make the program more accessible across regions; add more Math course options; reduce required courses to 6 credits from 13, adding 6 credits of approved electives; effective term following approval.
Contact: Tom Marsik, 842-5109.
Status: 11/16/2012: Email approvals for Curriculum Review / Curricular Affairs and FS President.
Sent to Provost.
11/19/2012: Provost approved. 

93-UPCh.: Program Change: Associate of Science: Program description change listing all CRCD campuses because the degree is available from each CRCD location; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Suze Nolan, x5109.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved. Under review at Provost's Office.
1/14/2013: Provost disapproved and referred back to CRCD. 

94-UCDr. [cross-listing]: Course Drop [cross-listing]: SWE F471 W - Software Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); but KEEPING the CS F471 W course -- only dropping the SWE cross-listing because the MSE degree program is suspended; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jon Genetti, x7537
Status: 12/17/2012: CRC approved.
1/17/2013: Provost approved. 

95-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Computer Science: Add two new required course (forms submitted) CS F371 - Computer Ethics and Technical Communication, and CS F372 - Software Construction; remove CS F451 as an option in the course requirements; remove ENGL F314 W from course requirements; update catalog to reflect course title changes of CS F471 W and CS F472 W,O to Senior Capstone I and II, respectively; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jon Genetti, x7537
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 3/1/2013: CRC approved as revised.
3/4/2013: Provost approved. 

96-UNC: New Course: CS F371 - Computer Ethics and Technical Communication, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; and CS F202; to be letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jon Genetti, x7537
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 3/4/2013: Provost approved. 

97-UNC: New Course: CS F372 - Software Construction, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CS F311; to be letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered each spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jon Genetti, x7537
Assigned to Craig W.
Status: 3/4/2013: Provost approved. 

98-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Petroleum Engineering: Remove PETE F103, PETE F104, PETE F205 and PETE F206 from the program major requirements (drop forms submitted for these courses); add new course PETE F101 - Fundamentals of Petroleum, Drilling and Production (format 1 submitted); change total of minimum credits required from 134 to 133; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Shirish Patil, x7734.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

99-UNC: New Course: PETE F101 - Fundamentals of Petroleum, Drilling and Production, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of freshman standing in Petroleum Engineering or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered each fall and spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Shirish Patil, x7734.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

100-UCDr.: Course Drop: PETE F103 - Survey of Energy Industries, 1 credit (1+0); course is being replaced by new 3-credit PETE F101 (format 1 submitted); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Shirish Patil, x7734.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

101-UCDr.: Course Drop: PETE F104 - Fundamentals of Petroleum, 1 credit (1+0); course is being replaced by new 3-credit PETE F101 (format 1 submitted); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Shirish Patil, x7734.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

102-UCDr.: Course Drop: PETE F205 - Fundamentals of Drilling Practices, 1 credit (1+0); course is being replaced by new 3-credit PETE F101 (format 1 submitted); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Shirish Patil, x7734.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

103-UCDr.: Course Drop: PETE F206 - Introduction to Petroleum Production, 1 credit (1+0); course is being replaced by new 3-credit PETE F101 (format 1 submitted); effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Shirish Patil, x7734.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

104-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Diesel / Heavy Equipment: Addition of three new courses to the major program requirements, and removal of WMT F103 and WMT F105; no change in total credits for program; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Brian Rencher, 455-2843, (bkrencher)
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 12/20/2012: Department has been contacted via email.
2/15/2013: Provisionally approved at CRC with some further minor revisions to course syllabi.
2/25/2013: Provost approved. 

105-UNC: New Course: DSLT F110 - Basic Industrial Fabrication [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 AND SYLLABUS BELOW], 2 credits (20+30) in a compressed two-week mode of delivery; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based upon changed content; no prerequisites but restrictions include "departmental approval"; course is a new major requirement for the certificate in Diesel / Heavy Equipment; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Brian Rencher, 455-2843, (bkrencher)
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 12/20/2012: Department has been contacted via email with suggested changes.
1/8/2013: Revised Format 1 form received; posted 2/6/2013.
2/11/2013: RE-revised Format 1 form and syllabus received and posted on 2/13/2013 (below)
2/15/2013: Provisionally approved with some further very minor changes to syllabi.
2/25/2013: Provost approved.

106-UNC: New Course: DSLT F111 - Diesel Emissions [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 AND SYLLABUS BELOW], 2 credits (20+30) in a compressed two week mode of delivery; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based upon changed content; no prerequisites but restrictions include "departmental approval"; course is a new major requirement for the certificate in Diesel / Heavy Equipment; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Brian Rencher, 455-2843, (bkrencher)
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 12/20/2012: Department has been contacted via email with suggested changes.
1/8/2013: Revised Format 1 form received; posted 2/6/2013.
2/15/2013: Provisionally approved with some further very minor changes to syllabi.
2/25/2013: Provost approved. 

107-UNC: New Course: DSLT F210 - Heavy Equipment Fabrication, [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 AND SYLLABUS BELOW] 2 credits (20+30) in a compressed two week mode of delivery; prerequisite of DSLT F110 and special restriction of "departmental approval"; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based upon changed content; course is a new major requirement for the certificate in Diesel / Heavy Equipment; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Brian Rencher, 455-2843, (bkrencher)
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 12/20/2012: Department has been contacted via email with suggested changes.
1/8/2013: Revised Format 1 form received; posted 2/6/2013.
2/15/2013: Provisionally approved with some further very minor changes to syllabi.
2/25/2013: Provost approved. 

Wildland Fire Program Changes Overview - Updated 12/13/2012 (PDF)
Learning Outcomes for the A.A.S. (PDF, received 1-14-2013)

108-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Emergency Services: Wildland Fire Control [SEE REVISED BELOW]: Integrate five new courses as program requirements ( list ) and ten new courses as major electives; change ten existing courses; reduce overall credits from 69 to 63; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Status: 1/15/2013: CRC discussed at length; Ed H. to follow up.
1/24/2013: Received revised Format 5, posted below.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

109-UNC: New Course: FIRE F152 - Wildland Firefighter II, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F151 or permission of instructor; special restrictions include ability / strength to start a portable pump and chainsaw; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based on content; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Status: 12/13/2012: CRC approved.
3/6/2013: Corrected credit distribution to (3+0).
12/14/2012: Provost approved. 

110-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F153 - Advanced Wildland Firefighter, 3 credits (2.5+1); reduce credits from 3 to 2 and change credit distribution to (2+0); change title to Wildland Firefighter III; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Leah B.
Status: 1/15/2013: CRC discussed at length; Ed to follow up.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

111-UNC: New Course: FIRE F154 - Basic Wildland Fire Safety, 1.5 credits (1.5+0); prerequisite of FIRE F151 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based on content; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Leah B.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

112-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F155 - Wildland Fire Behavior, 3 credits (3+0); reduce credits from 3 to 2 and change credit distribution to (2+0); change title to Wildland Fire Behavior I; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Jennie C.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

113-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F159 - Wildland Fire Operations Function, 3 credits (3+0); reduce from 3 to 2 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0); change prerequisites to include only FIRE F151, FIRE F153 or permission of instructor, and remove FIRE F155, FIRE F157, and FIRE F254; update course description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Jennie C.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

114-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F161 - Wildland Fire Logistics Function, 3 credits (3+0); reduce credits from 3 to 2 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0); change title to Incident Logistics Function; remove prerequisites of FIRE F151 or permission of instructor; update course description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Peter F.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

115-UNC: New Course: FIRE F163 - Wildland Fire Dispatch I, 2 credits (2+0); no prerequisites; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Peter F.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

116-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F165 - Wildland Fire Planning Function, 3 credits (3+0); reduce credits from 3 to 2 and change credit distribution to (2+0); change title to ICS and the Incident Planning Function; update course description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Mary / Siri.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

117-UNC: New Course: FIRE F170 - Incident Information, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of FIRE F151 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Mary / Siri.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

118-UNC: New Course: FIRE F176 - Wildland Fire Ignition Operations, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of FIRE F155 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered spring of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

119-UNC: New Course: FIRE F251 - Wildland Firefighter IV, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F151, FIRE F153, FIRE F155 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved with hard copy revisions (to be scanned).
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

120-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F252 - Wildland Fire Prevention, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Wildland Fire Prevention I; remove prerequisite of FIRE F153; update course description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Gary J.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

121-UNC: New Course: FIRE F253 - Wildland Fire Investigation I, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F151, FIRE F155, FIRE F252 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Gary J.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

122-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F254 - Wildland Fire Finance Function, 3 credits (3+0); reduce credits from 3 to 1.5 and change credit distribution to (1.5+0); change title to Incident Finance and Administration; remove prerequisites of FIRE F151, FIRE F153 or permission of instructor; update course description; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

123-UNC: New Course: FIRE F255 - Wildland Fire Behavior II, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of FIRE F155 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered spring of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

124-UNC: New Course: FIRE F257 - Wildland Fire Helicopter Management, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisite of FIRE F157 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Andres L.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

125-UCCh.: Course Change: FIRE F262 - Wildland Fire Control II, 3 credits (3+0); change from 3 to 2 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0); change title to Tactical Operations; remove previous prerequisites keeping FIRE F155 and add new prerequisite of FIRE F251 or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Andres L.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

126-UNC: New Course: FIRE F264 - Incident Business Practices, 1.5 credits (1.5+0); prerequisite of FIRE F254; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Rainer N.
Status:1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

127-UNC: New Course: FIRE F276 - Prescribed Fire I, 2 credits (2+0);prerequisite of FIRE F255 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Rainer N.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

128-UNC: New Course: FIRE F277 - Prescribed Fire II, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include FIRE F251, FIRE F255 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Craig W.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

129-UNC: New Course: FIRE F278 - Prescribed Fire III, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include FIRE F255 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: John George, 907-347-8386.
Assigned to Ed H.; Craig W.
Status: 1/15/2013: Ed will follow up with revisions.
3/1/2013: CRC has approved as revised. (REVISION TO BE POSTED)
3/6/2013: Provost approved. 

130-UNC: New Course: BIOL F461 - Principles of Virology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F261, BIOL F342, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for credit based upon changed content; to be cross-listed with the new dept. of Veterinary Medicine and a signature is included for this; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Jiguo (Jack) Chen, x6566.
Assigned to Leah B.
Status: Carry over to fall 2013 CRC review cycle. In the meantime, course may be offered one more time as a trial course during the 13-14 academic year.

131-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Health Care Reimbursement: addition of ENGL F111X and HLTH F130 as course options for requirements; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Christa Bartlett, x2823.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 1/25/2013: CRC approved.
1/30/2013: Provost approved. 

132-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Medical Assistant: addition of HLTH F130 as course option for requirements; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Christa Bartlett, x2823.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 1/25/2013: CRC approved.
1/30/2013: Provost approved. 

133-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Medical / Dental Reception: addition of HLTH F130 as course option for requirements; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Christa Bartlett, x2823.
Assigned to Gary J.
Status: 1/25/2013: CRC approved.
1/30/2013: Provost approved. 

134-UNC: New Course: FLM / JRN F458 - SFX Up Your Video, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FLM F290, FLM F271 or F280; video editing experience or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content changes; to be offered in spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz, x7638.
Assigned to Mary G./Siri T.
Status: 12/17/2012: Provisionally approved at CRC with checking of the related cross-listings. 
1/25/2013: CRC has approved (cross-list approved with JRN).
1/30/2013: Provost approved. 

135-UPCh.: Program Change: B.B.A. - Accounting: Reduce minimum required total credits from 123 to 120; add "W" and "O/2" designations to HSEM F445 (Formats 6 and 7 submitted) and add course along with BA F456W as options to take instead of ENGL F314 W, O/2; remove ACCT F414 from program major requirements; add "O/2" designation to ACCT F414 and use it as a course option instead (Format 6 submitted); update course options to reflect "W" added to ACCT F472 (Format 7 submitted); remove AIS F473 from course options; remove Catalog note; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Charlie Sparks, x5037.
Status: Jennifer C. has followed up with dept.; revised Format 5 received 2/26/2013.
Status: 3/4/2013: Provost approved. 

136-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. and Minor - Journalism: remove B.A. degree concentrations of Broadcast Journalism, New Media, News-Editorial, and Photojournalism; revise the degree major requirements and approved electives; update Minor requirements to reflect course changes; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Brian O'Donoghue, x7761.
Status: 3/1/2013: Discussed at CRC. Revisions requested.
1/31/2013: Memo summarizing submitted paperwork (PDF)
3/18/2013: Provost approved. 

137-UNC: New Course: JRN F302 W - Reporting, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include JRN F101, JRN F202, JRN F251, ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, or instructor's permission; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content; Format 7 for "W" also submitted; effective Fall 2013. (Related: 13-Core)
Contact: Brian O'Donoghue, x7761.
Status: 3/1/2013: Approved at CRC. Core Review Committee has approved with addition of ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, to prerequisites.
3/18/2013: Provost approved. 

138-UCCh.: Course Change: JRN F454 - Advanced TV News Production, 3 credits (1+6); "O" request simultaneously submitted; change title to "Newscast"; repeatable one time with only the first 3 credits counting toward major requirements and second 3 credits counting toward approved electives; change prerequisites adding JRN F101 and JRN F202 and JRN F302 to remaining JRN F251, and removing JRN F452 and JRN F453; effective Fall 2013. (Related: 14-Core)
Contact: Robert Prince, x6249.
Status: 3/8/2013: Discussed at CRC; issues regarding repeatability.
3/6/2013: Has been approved at Core Review upon receipt of revised Format 6 and syllabus.
3/12/2013: Provost approved. 

139-UNC: New Course: BIOL F145 - An Introduction to Field Entomology, [as revised] 1 credit (.75+.75); summer course to be offered in a compressed 3-day format; not intended to be used as a biology elective by biological science majors; Pass/Fail grading; to be offered each summer; effective Fall 2013. [Paperwork indicates offering in Summer 2013 -- notify instructor this may not be possible.]
Contact: Derek Sikes, x6278. New number if F145.
Status: 3/8/2013: CRC has approved with a credit distribution of (.75+.75).
3/11/2013: Provost approved. 

140-UNC: New Course: RELG F114 - The Bible in the Quran, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; five-week course to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in spring 2014; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, x2836.
Status: 2/15/2013: CRC discussed. 3/22/2013: CRC discussed further. Follow-up to be done on (h) designation and revisions.
3/29/2013: Provisionally approved upon receipt of changes.
4/5/2013: CLA has approved (h) for these courses.
4/8/2013: Provost approved. 

141-UNC: New Course: REGL F115 - End of Days - Apocalypse Across the Ages, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; five-week course to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in spring 2014; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, x2836.
Status: 2/15/2013: CRC discussed. 3/22/2013: CRC discussed further. Follow-up to be done on (h) designation and revisions.
3/29/2013: Provisionally approved upon receipt of changes.
4/5/2013: CLA has approved (h) for these courses.
4/8/2013: Provost approved. 

142-UNC: New Course: RELG F231 - Prophecy, Shamanism and Scripture, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in spring 2014; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, x2836.
Status: 2/15/2013: CRC discussed. 3/22/2013: CRC discussed further. Follow-up to be done on (h) designation and revisions.
3/29/2013: Provisionally approved upon receipt of changes.
4/5/2013: CLA has approved (h) for these courses.
4/8/2013: Provost approved. 

143-UNC: New Course: RECR F130U - Hot Hula Fitness, 1 credit (0+3); graded pass / fail; no prerequisites; not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering in spring 2014; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, x2836.
Status: 3/9/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved. 

144-UNC: New Course: HSEM F221 - Introduction to Homeland Security, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); special restriction of closed enrollment - restricted to TSA employees; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
4/5/2013: CRC approved as revised.
4/6/2013: Provost approved. 

145-UNC: New Course: HSEM F223 - Terrorism: A Global Threat, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); special restriction of closed enrollment - restricted to TSA employees; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
Status: 4/1/2013: Revisions requested by CRC submitted. ENGL F111X added as prerequisite (or permission of instructor).
4/5/2013: CRC approved as revised.
4/6/2013: Provost approved. 

146-UNC: New Course: HSEM F225 - Intelligence Analysis and Security Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); special restriction of closed enrollment - restricted to TSA employees; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
Status: 4/1/2013: Revisions requested by CRC submitted. ENGL F111X added as prerequisite (or permission of instructor).
4/5/2013: CRC approved as revised.
4/6/2013: Provost approved. 

147-UNC: New Course: HSEM F227 - Transportation and Border Security, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); special restriction of closed enrollment - restricted to TSA employees; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2013. 
Contact: Cam Carlson, x6537.
Status: 4/1/2013: Revisions requested by CRC submitted. ENGL F111X added as prerequisite (or permission of instructor).
4/5/2013: CRC approved as revised.
4/6/2013: Provost approved.

148-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Applied Business Management: Add and/or drop courses under the concentrations of Administrative Management, Human Resources, Marketing, and Office Administration; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Andy Anger, x2862; Charlie Dexter, x2837.
Assigned to: Andres L.
Status: CRC approved upon receipt of minor changes.
Sent to Registrar's Office upon receipt of changes.

149-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Applied Business: Add four course options (BA F307, ECON F201 or F102, BA F317, BA F343) and drop one (ABUS F275) to the general business requirements; add and/or drop courses under the concentrations of Administrative Management, Health Care Management, Human Resources, Public Management, and Tourism; effective Fall 2013.
Contact: Andy Anger, x2862; Charlie Dexter, x2837.
Assigned to: Andres L.
Status: CRC approved upon receipt of minor changes.
Sent to Registrar's Office upon receipt of changes.

150-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Baking and Pastry Arts: Add two new courses, CAH F180 - Artisan Break Making, and CAH F181 - International Breads, to the elective options. No change to the degree requirements. Effective Fall 2013 upon approval.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 3/1/2013: CRC has approved upon revisions to new courses.
3/11/2013: Provost approved. 

151-UNC: New Course: CAH F180 - Artisan Bread Making,[SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 2 credits (.5+1.5); six-week course; no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon content change; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 3/1/2013: CRC has approved upon receipt of minor revisions.
3/11/2013: Provost approved. 

152-UNC: New Course: CAH F181 - International Breads, [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 2 credits (.5+1.5); six-week course; no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable based upon content change; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Ed H.
Status: 3/1/2013: CRC has approved upon receipt of minor revisions.
3/11/2013: Provost approved. 

153-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Child Development and Family Studies: Clarify options for students transferring in to the degree program with an A.A. or A.A.S. degree in Early Childhood Education from a regionally accredited college or university; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Jennie C.
Status: CRC has approved.
Status: 3/4/2013: Provost approved. 

154-UCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F463 / F663 - Seminar in Art History, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: David Mollett, x5657.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed. Repeatability is at odds with frequency of offering. Jennie C. to follow up.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

155-UCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): ART F490 / F690 - Current Problems, 3 credits (3+0); make both stacked sections of the course repeatable based upon changed content; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: David Mollett, x5657.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed. Repeatability is at odds with frequency of offering. Jennie C. to follow up.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

156-UNC: New Course (Stacked): BIOL F4xx / F6xx - Introduction to Biology of Cancer, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of BIOL F111X, BIOL F360 (formerly numbered F261) or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall, effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013.
Contact: Andrej Podlutsky, x6759.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 CRC review cycle. In the meantime, dept. will offer as a seminar course during 13-14 academic year.
2/24/2015: Course and course stacking fully approved. 

WITHDRAWN 157-UCCh.: Course Change (Stacked): PSY F469 / F669 - Health Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); add O/2 oral intensive designator (Format 6 submitted); update course description; remove junior standing from F469 prerequisites and add COMM F131X or COMM F141X; change frequency of offering to fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Ref. 53-GCCh. / 15-Core.]
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: 4/26/2013: Revised syllabus with sample rubric for F469 received at request of Core Review. Copy posted below.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 5/17/2013: Email from J. Schichnes to table. Contact will be E. Lopez.
3/5/2014: COURSE WITHDRAWN. (Email of 3/5/2014)

158-UNC: New Course: NORS F201 - The Circumpolar North: An Introductory Overview (s), 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery; no prerequisites; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Status: 4/5/2013: CRC discussed at length; Siri to follow-up with instructor.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 CRC review cycle. In the meantime, dept. will offer as a special topics eLearning course during 13-14 academic year.
2/27/2014: CRC approved the course as revised. See 2013-14 Course Approvals page.

REVIEW SUSPENDED - No instructor 
159-UNC: New Course: NORS F474 - The Changing Arctic: Scientific and Social Perspectives on Change, Adaptation, and Sustainability in the North (s), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of junior standing or higher or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; both classroom and distance delivery modes; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Maribeth Murray, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Status: 4/5/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: Northern Studies department is discussing whether or not to keep the course because instructor is leaving.
5/10/2013: Department has not indicated if the course will be offered or not. CRC has suspended review until the dept. has indicated if they will offer it or not since the instructor is departing.

160-UNC: New Course: RUSS F486 - Russian Culture and Society in the 21st Century (h), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as NORS F476; prerequisite of junior standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered spring of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Trina Mamoon, x5460.
Status: 4/12/2013: Discussed at CRC. Issue with no prerequisites; Siri to follow up.
4/17/2013: Revised syllabus received and posted with Format 1, below.
5/10/2013: Confirmed approval by CRC.
5/13/2013: Provost approved. 

161-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Northern Studies: Change the degree course requirements by removing ANL F256, ANL F315 and ANL F316; adding new required course NORS F201 (format 1 submitted), and adding existing course options to include SOC F301, NORS F474, PS F460 and PS F468; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

162-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Northern Studies: Add new course NORS F201 to requirements; remove ANL F256, ANL F315 and ANL F316; remove PS F263 and PS F462; ; add course options of SOC F301 and NORS F474; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

163-UPDr.: Program Deletion: Minor in Leadership and Civic Engagement. Request to delete program due to lack of student demand and faculty resources; effective upon approval of Faculty Senate, and Provost / Chancellor with notification to NWCCU.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, Laura Schneider, x7126.
Status: 3/22/2013 and 3/29/2013: CRC discussed and Craig W. to follow up with Northern Leadership Center. 
4/5/2013: Discussed at CRC. SOM will develop a separate, new minor in leadership and submit proposal next fall. 
5/6/2013: Faculty Senate approved discontinuation of this minor at Meeting #191.

164-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor in Global Studies: change courses required as entry level courses; remove concentrations and replace with a list of approved course options; change the civic engagement / internship project; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC discussed and will follow up.
4/19/2013: CRC discussed further and recommends the minor be housed in a specific department. Issue of hidden credits with prerequisites required for courses in the minor.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

165-UNC: New Course: COMM F210 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Status: 4/19/2013: CRC discussed.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. In the meantime, course will be offered as special topics in spring 2014.

166-UNC: New Course: COMM F360 - Introduction to Public Relations, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; any F300-level communication course; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.
11/01/2013: Provost approved. 

167-UNC: New Course: COMM F480 - Organizational Communication: Performance Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include any F300-level communication course or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered fall of even-numbered years, first offering Fall 2014; effective Fall 2013 (if approved before May 2013).
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 
2/24/2014: Provost approved. 

168-UNC: New Course: MUS F152 - Functional Piano I, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include MUS F131 or equivalent, or concurrent enrollment in MUS F131, restricted to music majors only, permission of instructor required; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2014.
Contact: Lorna Eder, x6576.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed and revisions to be requested. Provisional approval upon receipt of revisions.
4/4/2013: Provost approved. 

169-UCCh.: Course Change: MUS F153 - Functional Piano, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); change title to Functional Piano II; change prerequisite to MUS F152 and remove MUS F131 or equivalent or concurrent enrollment; change restriction of non-music majors only to music majors only and permission of instructor required; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2014. Will miss Catalog deadline.
Contact: Lorna Eder, x6576.
Status: Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed and revisions to be requested.
4/4/2013: Provost approved. 

170-UNC: New Course: MUS F154 - Functional Piano III, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 1 credit (1+0); prerequisite of MUS F153 and restricted to music majors only, permission of instructor required; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2014.
Contact: Lorna Eder, x6576.
Status: Status: 3/29/2013: CRC discussed and revisions to be requested.
4/4/2013: Provost approved. 

171-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Yup'ik Language and Culture: complete revision of program requirements removing the following courses: ESK F221, ESK F222, ESK F223, ESK F205, ESK F206, ESK F230, ESK F231, ESK F240, ESK F250, ESK F251, ESK F208, ANL F287, ANL F288, ANS F111, ANS/ANTH F242, ANS/ANTH F320, ESK F230, ESK F231, LING F402, LING F410, and LING F450 O; and adding the following courses: ANS F401, ANS F461, ESK F131, ESK F301, ESK F305, and ESK F306; minimum credits required to remain 120; potential issue with upper division credit total; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Lawrence Kaplan, x6582.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC discussed; there are related course requests which have not yet been turned in to the Faculty Senate Office [since received and posetd - see #189, 190 and 191]. Upper division credit problem noted.
4/19/2013: CRC discussed. 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

172-UCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL F135 - The Third Kingdom: Mushrooms and other Fungi, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in several years and there is no student demand or degree requirement; effective upon approval.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved. 

173-UCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL F443 - Microbial Ecology, 3 credits (3+0); primary instructor is no longer at UAF; little student demand; effective upon approval.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved. 

174-UNC: New Course: BIOL F456 - Winter Ecology, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of BIOL F371 (formerly F271) - Principles of Ecology, or permission of instructor; class size restricted to 12 students; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013. [Number assigned is F456.]
Contact: Knut Kielland, x6294.
Status: 4/5/2013: CRC approved.
4/6/2013: Provost approved. 

175-UCDr.: Course Drop: HLTH F245 - Phlebotomy Principles and Methods; course being dropped along with HLTH F265 and both will be replaced by a new course, HLTH F255; effective upon approval.
Contact: Cathy Winfree, x2876.
Status: 3/22/2013: Pending discussion of new course at CRC.
3/29/2013: CRC approved with #177-UNC.
4/1/2013: Provost approved. 

176-UCDr.: Course Drop: HLTH F265 - Phlebotomy Externship; course being dropped along with HLTH F245 and both will be replaced by a new course, HLTH F255; effective upon approval.
Contact: Cathy Winfree, x2876.
Status: 3/22/2013: Pending discussion of new course at CRC.
3/29/2013: CRC approved with #177-UNC.
4/1/2013: Provost approved. 

177-UNC: New Course: HLTH F255 - Phlebotomy Principles, Methods and Externship, 5 credits (2+1+7); course will meet for 6 hours per week for the the first seven weeks, then followed by 100 hours of externship; prerequisites include HLTH F122 or current First Aid and CPR cards, Accuplacer reading comprehension score of 65 or above; and DEVM F060; and documentation of positive antibody titer for hepatits B, current immunizations or titers to measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, flu shot and two step PPD within the past year; letter graded and not repeatable based upon changed content; to be offered every fall and spring; effective Fall 2013 if approved before May 2013.
Contact: Cathy Winfree, x2876.
Status: 3/29/2013: CRC approved as revised.
4/1/2013: Provost approved.

178-UCCh.: Course Change: DEVE F060 - Preparatory College Writing I, 3 credits (3+0); change course number and level to F100 to allow students to receive elective credit for the course; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Dana Greci, x5580.
Status: Sent to SADAC for review.

179-UCCh.: Course Change: DEVE F070 - Preparatory College Writing II, 3 credits (3+0); change course number and level to F104 to allow students to receive elective credit for the course; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Dana Greci, x5580.
Status: Sent to SADAC for review.

180-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate in Construction Trades Technology:[SEE REVISED BELOW] Add concentrations to the certificate in Carpentry, Facility Maintenance, and Sustainable Energy, changing minimum credits from 36.5 to a variable 30-36.5 depending upon concentration; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Michael Hirt, x6764.
Status: 3/22/2013: Provisional approval at CRC; Peter F. to follow up with requested revisions.
5/1/2013: Revisions sent; OK'd on 5/2/'13. Correction made 5/9/2013. Approved to move forward to Provost.
5/13/2013: Provost approved. 

181-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate Degree Requirements: update the Human Relations course offerings by removing ECE F245 (no longer offered) and replace it with two ECE course options: ECE F104 and ECE F107; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Requested by Patty Meritt, Social & Human Development, CRCD.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC discussed as a correction in light of ECE course having been dropped; Registrar's Office will update Catalog section.

182-UPCh.: Program Change: Associate of Applied Science Degree Requirements: update the Human Relations course offerings by removing ECE F245 (no longer offered) and replace it with two ECE course options: ECE F104 and ECE F107; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Requested by Patty Meritt, Social & Human Development, CRCD.
Status: CRC discussed as a correction in light of ECE course having been dropped; Registrar's Office will update Catalog section.

183-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F270 - Practicum II, 3 credits (0.5+0); correct the credit distribution to (0.5+0+15); effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Ed H. to follow up.
4/19/2013: CRC has provisionally approved with addition of disabilities statement.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

184-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F132 - Young Child and the Family, 1 credit (1+0); change credit distribution to (.75+.5); remove frequency of offering "offered spring" since the course is offered year round; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed and recommends the change be withdrawn from CRC. Handle just the change of frequency only -- as a minor change. Ed H. to follow up.
4/19/2013: CRC discussed further; issue of lab vs practicum. Distribution should be (.75+0+.5).
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

185-UCDr.: Course Drop: ECE F118 - Nutrition, Health and Safety, 3 credits; course content has been replaced by ECE F229 and ECE F110; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved. 

186-UCDr.: Course Drop: ECE F128 - Thinking, Reasoning and Discovery, 3 credits; course has been replaced by ECE F213; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved. 

187-UCDr.: Course Drop: ECE F245 - Child Development, 3 credits; this course has been replaced by two 3-credit courses, ECE F104 and ECE F107; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved. 

188-UCDr.: Course Drop: ECE F271 - Practicum Seminar, 1 credit; course is no longer necessary and content is covered by ECE F270; effective Fall 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Patty Meritt, x2883.
Status: 3/22/2013: CRC approved.
3/25/2013: Provost approved.

189-UNC: New Course: ESK F131 - Beginning Yup'ik Grammar II (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ESK F130; letter graded, not repeatable based upon content change; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 or 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Larry Kaplan, x6582
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Syllabus changes to be recommended. 
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. [5/30/'13: emailed instructor to ask re special topics offering in meantime; however, no response yet.]

190-UCCh.: Course Change: ESK F205 - Regaining Fluency in Yup'ik (h); 3 credits; change course number and course level from F205 to F305; old and new syllabi attached to justify change from lower to upper division; effective Fall 2013 or 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Sopie Alexie, 907-543-4534.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

191-UCCh.: Course Change: ESK F206 - Regaining Fluency in Yup'ik II (h); 3 credits; change course number and course level from F206 to F306; prerequisite of ESK F205 [course number is changing to F305]; old and new syllabi attached to justify change from lower to upper division; effective Fall 2013 or 2014 upon approval.
Contact: Sopie Alexie, 907-543-4534.
Status: 5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle.

192-UNC: New Course: COMM F121X - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery course proposed for offering fall, spring and summer; online delivery via Blackboard; course intended to be a third option along with COMM F131X and F141X to fulfill general education / core communication requirement; effective Fall 2013 or Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference #16-Core.]
Contact: Peter DeCaro, x6799.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed. Asynchronous delivery is one issue; meeting rural student needs is another. 4/16/2013: Core Review approved the "X" designator.
5/10/2013: Carry over to Fall 2013 review cycle. 5/30/2013: Course will be offeres as a special topics in meantime during 13-14 academic year.
4/14/2014: Provost approved.

193-UNC: New Course: JUST F452 - Comparative Criminology, [SEE REVISED BELOW / COURSE NUMBER WILL BE F453] 3 credits (3+0); proposal indicates "independent study" and 3 hours lecture per week, and syllabus indicates summer session offering; "O" designator requested (format 6 submitted to Core Review Committee for "O" - Public - small class); prerequisites of JUST F110 and JUST F251 [or instructor's permission - noted on syllabus but not on Format 1]; previous history notes at #17 on format form indicate that the course was dropped as a regular course in 2012; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013 or Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference #17-Core.]
Contact: Rob Duke, x6501.
Status: 4/19/2013: Revisions received and posted below. Core Review Committee has approved "O" (#17-Core). NEW NUMBER IS F453.
5/3/2013: Corrections received and posted. CRC approved upon receipt of corrections.
5/9/2013: Provost approved. 

4/12/2013: CRC discussed at length. Changes requested, and further review ongoing.

194-UNP: New Program: New Minor in Dispute Resolution [SEE REVISED BELOW] To be comprised of 15 credits of new courses, including JUST F201, JUST JUST F402, JUST F403 and JUST F404; and either JUST F320 or JUST F401; effective Fall 2013 pending approvals.
Contact: Rob Duke, x6506.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed at length.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below. Curricular Affairs Committee approved.
New Minor will be on the May 6 Faculty Senate agenda.
5/6/2013: Faculty Senate approved new minor at Meeting #191.

195-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Justice [SEE REVISED BELOW] Add new course JUST F201 to degree requirements and remove JUST F460 O; remove requirement of six credits of electives from ANTH, HUMS, PSY and SOC; effective Fall 2014 pending approval.
Contact: David Blurton, x6506.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 

196-UNC: New Course: JUST F201 - Dispute Resolution and Restorative Practices (s), [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content change; to be offered every fall and spring; effective Fall 2013 pending approvals.
Contact: Brian Jarrett, x6790.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 

197-UNC: New Course: JUST F320 - Correctional Counseling and Rehabilitation [SEE REVISED BELOW] [Renumbered as F315] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of JUST F310 and junior standing; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content change; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013 pending approvals.
Contact: Mike Daku, x5717.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 
[4/30/2013: Renumbered as F315]

198-UNC: New Course: JUST F401 - Cross Cultural Conflict Analysis and Intervention (s) [SEE REVISED BELOW] , 3 credits (3+0); requirement of junior or senior standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable based upon content change; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013 pending approvals.
Contact: Brian Jarrett, x6790.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 

199-UNC: New Course: JUST F402 - Dispute Systems Design (s) [SEE REVISED BELOW - NOTE CHANGED COURSE NUMBER] , 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of JUST F201 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2013 pending approvals. [Needs syllabus; F401 syllabus is attached to this submission.]
Contact: Brian Jarrett, x6790.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 

200-UNC: New Course: JUST F403 - Law and Science of Arbitration (s) [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); requirement of junior or senior standing or permission of instructor; letter garded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, effective Fall 2013 pending approvals.
Contact: Brian Jarrett, x6790.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 

201-UNC: New Course: JUST F404 - Clinic in Mediation, Conferencing, and Circle Practices (s) [SEE REVISED BELOW], [Renumbered as F405] 3 credits in a compressed 'Mester format; requirement of junior or senior standing or permission of instructor; to be offered every Maymester; effective Fall 2013 pending approvals.
Contact: Brian Jarrett, x6790.
Status: 4/12/2013: CRC discussed.
4/19/2013: CRC approved as revised below.
4/22/2013: Provost approved. 
[4/30/2013: Renumbered as F405]

202-UNC: New Course: ART F412 - Portrait Photography, [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed as JRN F412; prerequisites include ART F483, JRN F402, JRN F407 or permission of instructor; letter-graded, not repeatable based upon content changes; to be offered each fall; first offering fall 2013 if possible.
Contact: Mary Goodwin.
Status: Received 5/1/2013. Posted on 10-day review page. 
5/10/2013: CRC discussed. Revised syllabus received and posted below:
5/14/2013: Provost approved. 

Trial Courses
1-Tr: Trial Course: GEOS F194 - Natural Hazards and Disasters, 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered Spring 2012 upon approval.
Contact: Jessica Larsen, x7992
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 9/19/2011.
9/20/2011: Provost approved.

2-Tr: Trial Course: SCIA F194 - Bush Physics in the 21st Century [See REVISION BELOW], 6 credits (5 lecture; 1 lab) offered October - April; distance delivery via video conference; foundational physics course with lab component; designed for underserved college and high school students; prerequisites include passing the Alaska High School Exit Exam for high school students; placement in DEVM F105 or satisfactory high school Algebra I with instructor permission; high school geometry, Algebra 2 and Trigonometry recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each year, [effective Fall 2012 / Spring 2013].
Contact: Daniel Solie, x2616
Status: 9/19/2011: Under discussion at Curriculum Review Committee.
Discussed further on 10/17/2011 and on 11/14/2011.
2/17/2012: Approved as F094, per Diane W.
3/1/2012: Received revised SCIA F094 - see below:
3/2/2012: CRC approved as revised below.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

3-Tr: Trial Course: URSA F[388]394 - Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship I, 2-4 credits, repeatable for up to 6 credits maximum; letter graded; to be offered fall and spring; first offering Fall 2012. 
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487
Status: This course will be resubmitted. [See 70-UNC.]
Course Compressions - Non-Core

1-Comp: Course Compression: HIST F131 - History of the United States, 3 credits (3+0); compression to Maymester course. 
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, x6556.
Assigned to: Rainer N.
Status: 12/12/2011: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee. Some revisions have been requested.
12/14/2011: See revision and email statement posted below.
12/19/2011: CRC has approved with some additional minor changes to the syllabus.
1/4/2012: Provost approved.

2-Comp: Course Compression: ENGL F230 - English Language Proficiency, 3 credits (3+0); compression to 2.5 weeks for intensive English program by Summer Sessions (July 19 - August 1, 2012).
Contact: Duff Johnston, x5235.
Status: Rainer N. reviewed, noting work required outside class time does not meet BOR policy minimums.
5/18/2012: CRC approved.
5/20/2012: Provost approved.
3-Comp: Course Compression: ENGL F231 - English Language Proficiency, 3 credits (3+0); compression to 2.5 weeks for intensive English program by Summer Sessions (August 2-16, 2012).
Contact: Duff Johnston, x5235.
Status: Rainer N. reviewed, noting work required outside class time does not meet BOR policy minimums.
5/18/2012: CRC approved.
5/20/2012: Provost approved.
Carried over from 2010-11
114-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F482 - Undergraduate Seminar (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Topics in Language and Literature (h); allow course to be repeated for credit one time based upon content variation; increase frequency of offering to every fall and spring; change course description; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to: Craig G.
Contact: Chris Coffman, x5233.
CR review not completed; discussed 10/17/2011. 
(Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

123-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Russian Studies: Move RUSS F431 and F482 from core degree requirements (Item 3 in program description) to options for the core degree requirements (Item 4 in program description); and add HIST F461 and F463 to degree electives; correct title of HIST F464 under Item 5; effective Fall 2012. SEE REVISED FORMAT 5 BELOW.
Contact: Trina Mamoon, x7396.
Assigned to Rainer N.
4/1/2011: Discussed and concerns noted about relatively low number of upper division credits required for the degree.
5/13/2011: Provisionally approved after follow-up re 12 more upper division credits; Rainer has emailed Trina M. Carried over from Spring 2011 cycle.
11/8/2011: CRC approved. 
11/9/2011: Provost approved.

135-UNC: New Course: FISH F440 - Oceanography for Fisheries, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F440; prerequisites include FISH F101, BIOL F115X, CHEM F105X, PHYS F103X or equivalent, or permission of instructor; with MSL F111, FISH F288, BIOL F271 or FISH F425 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternating fall or as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: Franz Mueter, 907-796-5448.
5/13/2011: Issues with course level number; Rainer following up. (Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
1/27/2012: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received (below).
2/3/2012: CRC discussed and Rainer will follow up.
2/24/2012: WITHDRAWN.

140-UCDr.: Drop Course: ME F401 - Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, 3 credits (1+4); to be replaced with two new courses; effective Fall 2012. (See also 141-UNC and 142-UNC which will replace this course.)
Assigned to Patricia H.; Andres L.
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. 
10/31/2011: Drop approved pending #141 and #142 approvals. (Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
2/17/2012: CRC approved. 
2/20/2012: Provost approved.
141-UNC: New Course: ME F404 - Computer Aided Design,[use course number F405 instead] 3 credits (1.5+4.5); requires senior standing or permission of instructor; co-requisite of ES F331; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other fall; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. (Related to: #140 course drop, #142 new course.)
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Assigned to Patricia H.; Andres L.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. 
10/31/2011: CRC discussed the credit distribution. Proposed course number is F405 which is availabe. 
(Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
01/11/2012: A credit distribution of (1+6) is OK with the instructor (per email from Chuen-Sen).
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

142-UNC: New Course: ME F405 - Computer Aided Manufacturing,[use course number F406 instead, SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (1.5+4.5); requires senior standing or permission of instructor; prerequisite of ME F321; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126. (Related to: #140 course drop, #141 new course.)
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. 
Assigned to Patricia H.; Andres L.
10/31/2011: CRC discussed the credit distribution. Proposed course number is F406 which is availabe. 
(Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
2/17/2012: CRC approved as per revised. 
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

147-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F433 - Reinforced Concrete Design, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change frequency of offering from fall to spring; effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: Andrew Metzger, x6120.
5/13/2011: Revisions to syllabus have been requested. (Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
2/24/2012: Curriculum Review approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

148-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F434 - Timber Design, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change frequency of offering from as demand warrants to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: Andrew Metzger, x6120.
5/13/2011: Revisions to syllabus have been requested. (Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
2/24/2012: Curriculum Review approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

151-UNC: is now resubmitted as #56-UNC. New Course: ECE F304 W - Attachment and Social Development (s), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X and F211X or F213X, ECE F104; ECE F245 is recommended; letter-graded and not repeatable; W request to Core Review; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038. NOTE: Core Review approved the "W" request.
4/1/2011: Discussed and Ed H. will follow up on the prerequisites.
5/13/2011: No approval signatures received; prerequisites question. 
RESUBMITTED with changes -- See #56-UNC.

154-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Theatre: Extensive changes to degree requirements including program requirements and concentration requirements for Design/Technical Theatre, Directing, Film and Multimedia, and Performance; effective Fall 2012.
5/13/2011: This is still under review by the committee. 
Assigned to Craig G., Julie M. (Was carried over to Fall 2011.)
12-12-2011: Discussed at Curriculum Review. Problems noted with lack of enough upper division credits for the degree requirements; and lack of upper division W and O courses to fulfill requirements.
CRC members have emailed. 2/24/2012: Update: No response to committee emails.
3/2/2012: CRC has requested revisions.
3/8/2012: Provost approved.

159-UNC: New Course: FIRE F220 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Health, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F101, F131, F133, F135, and F137, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring; first offering Spring 2012.
Contact: John George, 455-2879.
5/13/2011: Ed H. has contacted for clarification and revision of syllabus. Assigned to Ed H. 
2/17/2012: WITHDRAWN

New Submissions

4-UNC: New Course: FISH F1xx - Distinctive Education in Motion: Biodiversity of Nature and Environmental Stewardship (DEM BONES), 2 credits (1+3); course designed for high school students; letter-graded and repeatable twice for max of 4 credits based upon differing content; prerequisites include GPA of 2.5 or higher for junior or senior students who have at least 1 science and 1 math class completed; first offering Spring 2013 [not 2012]. Course is submitted on Format 2 -- treat as Format 1. Was taught as a trial course (see 7-Tr for 2010-11).
Assigned to Andres L.
Contact: Shannon Atkinson, 796-5453
Status: Revised submission received 9/25/2011. 
Discussed further on 10/17/2011. 
11/11/2011: (Approved) Revised Format 1 and syllabus received. See below:
11/14/2011: CRC approved as revised. 
11/23/2011: Assigned FISH F100 course number.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

5-UNC: New Course: BIOL F3xx - Principles of Epidemiology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of STAT F200X or higher or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring of even years; first offering [Spring 2014 - probably not Spring 2012]. 
Assigned to Diane W.
Contact: Andrea Bersamin, x6129.
Status: 2/24/2012: Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.
6-UNC: New Course: RECR F150Q - Intermediate Tennis, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of RECR F140Q or permission of instructor; graded pass/fail and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2013 [NOT Spring 2012 which is on proposal].
Assigned to Ed H.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
Status: 11/14/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee (CRC).
11/15/2011: Provost approved.
7A-UNC: New Course: CHNS F100A - Chinese Culture and Conversation IA (h), 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012 [NOT fall 2011 which is in proposal].
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.
7B-UNC: New Course: CHNS F100B - Chinese Culture and Conversation IB (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CHNS F100A or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2013 [NOT spring 2012 which is in proposal].
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.
7-UNC: New Course: CHNS F100C - Chinese Culture and Conversation IIA (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CHNS F100B or permission of instructor [does F100B course exist?]; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012 [NOT fall 2011 which is in proposal].
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
Status: 11/14/2011: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee (CRC). 100A and100B were received on 11/22/2011 -- posted above as 7A and 7B.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.
8-UNC: New Course: CHNS F100D - Chinese Culture and Conversation IIB (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of CHNS F100C or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2013 [NOT Spring 2012].
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
Status: 11/14/2011: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee (CRC). Where are 100A and100B?
100A and100B were received on 11/22/2011 -- posted above as 7A and 7B.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

9-UNC: New Course: LING F441 - Topics in Linguistics (h) [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include LING F101, LING F318, LING F320, or permission of instructor; letter-graded; repeatable two times; to be offered in fall; first offering Fall 2012 [NOT Fall 2011 which is in the proposal]. 
Assigned to Craig G., Ed H.
Contact: Siri Tuttle, x5708
Status: 4/25/2012: CRC has approved upon receipt of changes to syllabus to add student learning outcomes.
5/2/2012: CRC approved.
5/7/2012: Provost approved. F441 assigned as course number.

10-UNP: New Minor - Paleontology: 16-20 credits comprised of GEOS F101X, GEOS F112X; and three electrives chosen from GEOS F315W, GEOS F322, GEOS F317O (new course), GEOS F453, GEOS F486 and GEOS F485 (new course). 
Assigned to Rainer N., Patricia H.
Contact: Patrick Druckenmiller, x6954
Status: 2/10/2012: CRC approved. Sent to CAC.
3/7/2012: Curricular Affairs Committee discussed.
4/4/2012: CAC approved; to go to the May 7 Faculty Senate.
5/7/2012: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #183; Chancellor approved.

11-UNP: New Minor - Geospatial Sciences: 19 credits comprised of GEOS F101X, GEOS F112X, GEOS/GEOG F222 (new course), GEOS F225, GEOS F458, and GEOS F422; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Patricia H.
Contact: Anupma Prakash, x1897.
Status: 2/10/2012: CRC approved. Sent to CAC.
3/7/2012: Curricular Affairs Committee discussed.
4/4/2012: CAC approved; to go to the May 7 Faculty Senate.
5/7/2012: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #183; Chancellor approved.

12-UNP: New Minor - Geophysics: 21 credits comprised of GEOS F101X, GEOS F112X, GEOS F377O (new course), GEOS F318, GEOS F406, and GEOS F431; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Patricia H.
Contact: Erin Pettit, Carl Tape, x5389.
Status: 2/10/2012: CRC approved. Sent to CAC.
3/7/2012: Curricular Affairs Committee discussed.
4/4/2012: CAC approved; to go to the May 7 Faculty Senate.
5/7/2012: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #183; Chancellor approved.

13-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geology: Change name of major to "Geoscience"; reduce required credits from 130 to 120; add four options to the major including: Geoscience Option I - Geology, Geoscience Option II - Paleontology, Geoscience Option III - Geospatial Sciences, and Geoscience Option IV - Geophysics; and change requirements of existing Geology minor from 16 credits to 20 credits; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Patricia H.
Contact: Sarah Fowell, x7810.
Status: 2/10/2012: CRC has approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

14-UNC: New Course: GEOS F222 - Fundamentals of Geospatial Sciences [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (2+3); to be cross-listed as GEOG F222; prerequisites of GEOG F111X or GEOS F101X or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Anupma Prakash, x1897.
Status: 11/14/2011: Discussed at CRC; the course schedule is missing.
1/31/2012: Syllabus with course schedule received and posted (below).
2/7/2012: Received a revised Format 1 and Syllabus with highlighted changes.
2/10/2012: Provisionally approved at CRC; Diane W. to follow up re lecture hours.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

15-UNC: New Course: GEOS F309 - Tectonics, [SEE REVISION BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include [remove GEOS F101] GEOS F112X, and GEOS F214 or GEOS F262, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Elisabeth Nadin, x5181.
Status: 11/28/2011: Approved at CRC with correction to prerequisites.
12/2/2011: Provost approved.

16-UNC: New Course: GEOS F290 - The Geology of Wine, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 2 credits (1.5+.95); no prerequisites; graded Pass/Fail and not repeatable; adherence to UAF Alcohol Beverage Policy 05.12.001, students must be 21 to register; to be offered every spring; first offering Spring 2013 [not 2012]; effective Fall 2012. 
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Michael Whalen, x5302
Status: 11/28/2011: Discussed at CRC.
12/12/2011: Discussion continued. Instructor will submit a revised Format 1.
1/12/2012: Provost approved.

17-UNC: New Course: GEOS F317O - Paleontological Research and Laboratory Methods, 2 credits (1+3); prerequisites include GEOS F101X, GEOS F112X, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; Oral emphasis for Public (small class); to be offered spring of even-numbered years, first offering Spring 2014; effective Fall 2012. Format 6 submitted for "O" designator.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Patrick Druckenmiller, x6954.
Status: 12/12/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved. (Core Review to review O request in January 2012; following up on signatures in meantime.)
2/20/2012: Core Review has approved "O" request.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

18-UNC: New Course: GEOS F377O - Ice in the Climate System, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisites include PHYS F103C and MATH F200X or permission of instructor; new foundation course for Geology degree; letter-graded and not repeatable, Oral emphasis for Public (medium or large class); to be offered spring of even-numbered years, first offering Spring 2014, effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Erin Pettit, x5389.
Status: 1/27/2012: Approved at CRC pending clarification frequency of offering (should be spring of EVEN years, not odd years). Format 6 for "O" designator request still under review at Core Review Committee. 2/10/2012: CRC confirmed approval. 2/16/2012: Core Review approved.
3/1/2012: Provost approved.

19-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOS F418 - Basic Geophysics, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Solid Earth Geophysics; change course number from F418 to F318; to be used as a prerequisite course for GEOS F431 (new course); change frequency of offering from every fall to alternate fall; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Douglas Christensen, x7426.
Status: 1/27/2012: CRC conditionally approved. Rainer to follow up.
2/10/2012: CRC confirmed approval.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

20-UNC: New Course: GEOS F436 / F636 - Beyond the Mouse: Computer Programming and Automation for Geoscientists [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS], 2 credits (1+3); prerequisites include for F436 - senior standing or permission of instructor; for F636 - graduate standing; graded Pass / Fail and not repeatable; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. STACKED (see 8-GNC).
Assigned to Rainer N., Julie M.
Contact: Jeff Freymueller, x7286.
Status: 11/14/2011: Discussed at CRC; revisions to be requested.
11/22/2011: GAAC approved graduate level of the course.
2/2/2012: Revised syllabus received (below):
3/2/2012: CRC approved with some minor revisions to syllabus / prerequisites.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

21-UNC: New Course: GEOS F431 / F631) - Foundations of Geophysics, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include GEOS F418, MATH F302, and MATH F314 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Julie M.
Contact: Erin Pettit, Jeff Freymueller, x5389.
Status: 11/14/2011: CRC provisionally approved with suggested change (Julie M. to follow up).
11/22/2011: GAAC has approved the graduate level course.
1/27/2012: CRC discussed further; there were some course policy issues to be cleared up. Diane W. to follow up (also with Julie M.).
2/9/2012: Revised syllabus received (below):
3/19/2012: Provost approved.

22-UNC: New Course: GEOS F485 - Mass Extinctions, Neocatastrophism and the History of Life, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include GEOS F315W and GEOS F322, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Sarah Fowell, x7810
Status: 2/10/2012: Approved at CRC with a clarification to the Format 1 form to show prerequisites with "and" between them: GEOS F315W AND GEOS F322.
3/12/2012: Provost approved.

23-UNC: New Course: GEOS F446 - Petroleum Geology [See REVISED Format 1 and syllabi below], 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as GEOS F646 (which is to be cross-listed as PETE F646); prerequisite for PETE / GEOS F646 is graduate standing or permission of instructor; prerequisites for GEOS F446 include GEOS F314 and GEOS F322 or equivalent; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall of even-numbered years, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. STACKED. 
[Re-posted with all signatures 10/30/2011. Reference 9-GNC at GAAC.]
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Contact: Catherine Hanks, x5562.
Status: 4/5/2012: Revised Format 1 received.
4/25/2012: CRC has approved upon receipt of some minor corrections to Format and syllabus. 4/27/2012: Revisions received.
5/1/2012: CRC approved.
5/4/2012: Provost approved.

24-UCDr.: Drop Course: GEOS F434 / F634 - Remote Sensing of Cryosphere, 4 credits (3+3); was offered as an elective and its deletion will not hamper remote sensing degree emphasis; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Andres L.
Status: 11/14/2011: CRC approved the drop. 
11/22/2011: GAAC approved drop.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

25-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Wildlife Biology and Conservation: reduce the number of credits required from 130 to 120 by removing courses and accepting a more diverse suite of courses to fulfill requirements, and reducing number of required electives; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Mark Lindberg, x6598.
Status: 10/31/2011: CRC approved pending a check of credits and core requirements by Diane W.
11/14/2011: CRC approved with check of credits (below). 
11/15/2011: Provost approved.

26-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. and B.S. - Biological Sciences: reduce the number of credits required from 130 to 120 to complete the degrees by reducing the number of elective credits that were required; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294.
Status: 11/14/2011: CRC approved with check of credits (see #25 above).
11/15/2011: Provost approved.

27-UCCh.: Course Change: WLF F222 - Principles and Techniques of Wildlife Management, 3 credits (2+3); change course number (and level) to F322; add writing-intensive designator (Format 7 submitted); add ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X to prerequisites; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Perry Barboza, x 7142.
Status: 10/31/2011: CRC has approved this course. Still at Core Review for "W" request.
1/9/2012: Revised syllabus sent to Core Review Committee for "W" request.
3/1/2012: Provost approved.

28-UCDr.: Drop Course: BIOL F450W, O - Women and Science, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been taught in more than five years; effective Fall 2012.
Status: 10/31/2011: CRC approved course drop. Core Review Committee also approved drop.
11/3/2011: Provost approved.

29-UNC: New Course: BIOL F488 / F688 - Arctic Vegetation Ecology: Geobotany, [See REVISED below INCLUDING TITLE change and CREDITS change] 3 credits (3+1); part one of a proposed two-part series; prerequisites include BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X or equivalent, BIOL F239 or BIOL F271, or permission of instructor; lecture course includes 7 hours lab time and a 1-day field trip; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring semesters, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012. STACKED.
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Donald Walker, x2460.
Status: 10/31/2011: CRC discussed.
11/14/2011: CRC approved as revised (below). GAAC still has to review 600-level.
2/21/2012: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus received; title changed (see below) and Field course (#14-GNC / #30-UNC) has been withdrawn. (These revisions received at GAAC's request.)
3/2/2012: CRC requested further revisions; see below:
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

30-UNC: New Course: BIOL F4xx / F6xx - Arctic Plants and Vegetation Ecology: Field[WITHDRAWN], 2 credits (2*); part two of a proposed two-part series; prerequisites include BIOL F115X and BIOL F116X or equivalent, BIOL F239 or BIOL F271, or permission of instructor; 14 days with 10 days of field work, 2 days of preparation and 2 days of preparation and presentation of student oral summaries of field projects; first offering Spring 2014; effective Fall 2012. STACKED.
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Donald Walker, x2460.
Status: 10/31/2011: CRC discussed. Credit distribution: (2+.5+.5).
2/21/2012: Field course has been withdrawn.

31-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F489 - Vegetation Description and Analysis[SEE REVISED BELOW], 2 credits (1+3); change credit distribution to (2+3) and increase to 3 credits; to be numbered as F489, and to be stacked as a graduate level course (F689); change prerequisites from BIOL F474 or other general ecology course instead to: BIOL F239 or BIOL FF233 or BIOL F271; or BIOL F331 or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Donald Walker, x2460
Status: 2/17/2012: CRC discussed.
2/21/2012: Revised Format 2 and Syllabus received. (Revisions received at request of GAAC.)
2/24/2012: Both CRC and GAAC have approved.
3/1/2012: Provost approved.
Undergraduate level has been number F489 (not F475). Graduate level has been numbered F689.

32-UNC: New Course: BIOL F457 W / F657 - Environmental Microbiology, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as BIOL F6xx ; prerequisites include BIOL F115X, F116X, BIOL F342 and CHEM F105X, F106X or equivalent, or permission of instructor; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. [REFERENCE 16-CORE for "W" designator.]
Assigned to Diane W., Craig W.
Contact: Mary Beth Leigh, x6656.
Status: 11/15/2011: CHEM and ENVE cross-listing removed.
3/2/2012: CRC discussed and approved. Still under review at Core Review (reference #16-Core).
4/19/2012: A revised 400-level syllabus was received that addresses Core Review Committee's request for revision to address "W" requirements.
5/7/2012: Provost approved.

33-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S. and Minors - Chemistry [SEE REVISED BELOW]: Reduce number of required credits for the degrees from 130 to 120 credits; move the Forensic Chemistry concentration out of the B.S. into the B.A. degree instead because it is not an ACS-approved Chemistry degree; update requirements for both the B.A. and B.S. degrees and the concentrations; update requirements for the Minor in Chemistry and in Biochemistry; revise and update catalog language; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Julie M., Craig G.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235.
Status: 2/9/2012: Revisions received.
2/17/2012: Provisionally approved by CRC with some minor word-smithing to be submitted.
2/24/2012: Provisionally approved by CRC. Diane W. will follow up on a revision.
3/2/2012: Final revisions received.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

34-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. and Certificate in Construction Trades Technology: Reduce credits for the Certificate from 36.5 - 38.5 to just 36.5; reduce credits for the A.A.S. from 73-75 credits to 70-73 credits; add new concentrations to the A.A.S. degree: "Residential Construction" and "Residential Construction Project Management"; effective Fall 2012. 
Assigned to Julie M., Craig W.
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613.
Status: 2/24/2012: Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) reviewed. Julie M. following up to get clarification on criteria for accepting electives. 2/29/2012: Clarification of electives added to Format 5 linked above.
3/2/2012: Provisionally approved with follow up by Julie M.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

35-UNC: New Course: CTT F250 - Current Topics in Construction Trades [SEE REVISED FORMAT 1 BELOW], 1-3 variable credits taught in compressed time formats; letter-graded; repeatable up to 4 times with a maximum of 12 credits earned; prerequisite of CTT F100 or permission of instructor; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Julie M., Craig W.
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613.
Status: 12/12/2011: Discussion regarding the variable distribution of lecture and lab hours; Pete will ask for some additional information for next week.
12/13/2011: Email re clarification on credit distribution (PDF)
4/10/2012: Revisions received.
4/11/2012: CRC approved as revised.
4/16/2012: Provost approved.

36-UNC: New Course: TM F140 - Introduction to Geospatial Data, 1 credit taught in a three-day compressed format; prerequisite of 'basic computer literacy equivalent to CIOS F100 or permission of instructor'; letter-graded and not repeatable; effective Fall 2012. [Not Spring 2012 as stated on form.]
Assigned to Patricia H., Julie M.
Contact: Steve Becker, x5096
Status: 4/11/2012: Discussed and approved at Curriculum Review Committee.
4/16/2012: Provost approved.

37-UNC: New Course: TM F141 - Practical GIS for Rural Alaska, 2 credits taught in a compressed time format of six days (with 5 days on-site intensive lecture format and 1 audio conference on 6th day); prerequisite of TM F140 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. [Not Spring 2012 as stated on form.]
Assigned to Patricia H., Julie M.
Contact: Steve Becker, x5096
Status: 4/11/2012: CRC discussed and Patricia H. to follow up.
Discussed further on 4/25/2012; Patricia H. to follow up.

38-UNC: New Course: TM F142 - Practical GIS Project Design, 2 credits taught in a compressed time format of six days (with 5 days on-site intensive lecture format and 1 audio conference on 6th day); prerequisite of TM F141 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. [Not Spring 2012 as stated on form.]
Assigned to Patricia H., Julie M.
Contact: Steve Becker, x5096
Status: 4/11/2012: CRC discussed and Patricia H. to follow up. (4/11: Scanned submission and re-posted.)
Discussed further on 4/25/2012; Patricia H. to follow up.

39-UPCh.: Program Change: Art K-12 Licensure Program: addition of course options (EDSC F205, EDSE F622, EDSE F482) to fulfill program requirements; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Karen Eiler, Larry Meath, x6180.
Status: 11/28/2011: Approved at CRC.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

40-UPCh.: Program Change: Secondary Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program: Add course options of EDSE F422/F622 and EDSE F482 to program requirements; add additional admission requirements to World Language applicants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Karen Eiler, Larry Meath, x6180.
Status: 11/28/2011: Approved at CRC.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

41-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Elementary Education: Clarify program degree requirements that all required courses for the BA must be completed with a grade C (2.0) or better, including core, major requirements, education and other content courses required for the degree; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6457.
Status: 10/31/2011: Curriculum Review Committee suggested some wording clarifications to make grading policy statements clearer.
12/12/2011: Roy R. noted the grading policy statement is worded as the department wants it to be. Curriculum Review Committee approved.
12/14/2011: Provost approved.

42-UPCh.: Program Change: Education Minor - Secondary: add course option of EDSE F422; clarify catalog description; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Karen Eiler, Larry Meath, x6180.
Status: 11/28/2011: Approved at CRC.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

43-UNC: New Course: ED F4xx - Fundamentals of Media Design, SEE REVISIONS BELOW, 3 credits (3+0); distance delivered, web-based course with 3 synchronous class sessions during semester; prerequisite of admission to the M.Ed. Program or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. [Requested 431 as course number.]
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Don Peterson (x5761), Roy Roehl (x5453).
Status: 11/14/2011: Discussed at CRC. Roy agreed to some further additions to the syllabus; will develop for the next meeting.
11/28/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved with the revisions provided. The syllabus has been corrected as of 11/28/2011 following the CRC meeting.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

44-UNC: New Course: ED F4xx - Web 2.0 Fundamentals: Participate, Produce, Publish, SEE REVISIONS BELOW, 3 credits (3+0); distance delivered, web-based course with 3 synchronous class sessions during semester; prerequisite of admission to the M.Ed. Program or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. [Requested 432 as course number.]
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Skip Via (x5761); Roy Roehl (x5453).
Status: 10/31/2011: CRC discussed. Rainer asked for a summary to equate distance delivery to 3 credits of lecture to use as a guideline. Roy provided the Distance Course Coding Manual to help with the discussion.
11/28/2011: Curriculum Review Committee is willing to approve with some additional revisions - to be provided.
11/29/2011: Revised syllabus received; course approved by CRC.
11/29/2011: Provost approved.

45-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geography [SEE REVISION BELOW]: addition of a new concentration in Environmental Decision Making; update the concentration of Geographic Information Sciences and Technology and change its name to Geospatial Sciences; update course offerings of the existing concentrations; add new Minor - Geographic Information Systems (Format 3B submitted); effective Fall 2012.
Assigend to Patricia H., Craig G.
Contact: Cary de Wit, x7494; Patricia Heiser, x7068.
Status: 2/17/2012: CRC discussed at length. Patricia will make revisions.
2/24/2012: Provisionally approved with submission of revised Format 5.
3/1/2012: Revised Format 5 received. See below:
3/2/2012: CRC approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

46-UNP: New Minor: Geographic Information Systems (GIS): 17 credits comprised of GEOG F111X, GEOG/GEOS F222 (new course - approved); GEOG F309; GEOG F338, and one course from among GEOG F435, GEOG F430, NRM F369, or GEOG F300; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Patricia H., Craig G.
Contact: Cary de Wit, x7494; Patricia Heiser, x7068.
Status: 2/17/2012: CRC discussed in conjunction with the BS - Geography program change.
2/24/2012: CRC approved.
3/7/2012: Curricular Affairs Committee discussed.
4/4/2012: CAC approved; to go to the May 7 Faculty Senate.
5/7/2012: Faculty Senate approved at Meeting #183; Chancellor approved.

47-UNC: New Course: GEOG F202 - Natural Disasters, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X; course designed for the new Environmental Decision Making concentration; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Craig G.
Contact: Patricia Heiser, x7068.
Status: 3/22/2012: Brief discussion.
4/25/2012: CRC has approved.
5/4/2012: Provost approved.

48-UNC: New Course: GEOG F4xx - Comparative Farming and Sustainable Food Systems, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); cross-list as NRM F4xx and CCS F4xx; prerequisites include junior standing and ENGL F211X or 213X, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; frequency not specified; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Patricia H., Roy R.
Contact: Cary de Wit (x7494), Craig Gerlach.
Status: 12/12/2011: CRC approved pending some revisions to be sent in for posting. Also, signatures received approving the cross-listing as CCS (12/19/2011). New number to be determined.
1/9/2012: CRC has approved; Craig to send revision.
1/12/2012: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus posted.
1/12/2012: Provost approved.

49-UCDr.: Course Drop: PHYS F116X - Physical Science II, 4 credits (3+3); course has not been offered in several years, and is not needed by Process Technology or any other program; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Diane W.
Contact: Ataur Chowdhury, x7339.
Status: 12/19/2011: CRC approved the drop.
1/5/2012: Provost approved.

50-UCCh.: Course Change: EE F408/F608 - Power Electronics, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Power Electronics Design; change number of credits to 4 and distribution to (3+3); add "W" and "O" -intensive designators (Formats 6 and 7 to go to Core Review); change prerequisites by dropping EE F303 and EE F333; add as prerequisites: COMM F131X or COMM F141X; EE F303; EE F334; EE F354; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGLS F213X or permission of instructor; and senior standing; letter-graded and not repeatable; offered spring; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin, Craig G.
Contact: Richard Wies, x7071.
Status: To be reviewed at CRC.
2/22/2012: Revised syllabus and a lab syllabus received (see below).
2/24/2012: CRC approved; GAAC approved. Core Review has approved "O"; but discussing "W" designators.
3/1/2012: Provost approved.

51-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Culinary Arts and Hospitality: Include CAH F255 as satisfying 3 credits in Human Relations; update the program major requirements and reduce total credits required from 69 to 60; align program courses with national accreditation standards for the American Culinary Federation Education Founcation Accrediting Commission (ACFEFAC); effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Roy R.
Contact: Michael Roddey, 455-2903.
Status: 11/14/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved for forwarding to the Provost.
11/15/2011: Provost approved.

52-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Culinary Arts: reduces overall credits required from 37 to 30 credits by using CAH F255 and CAH F256 to fulfill discipline-based computation and human relations requirements; effective Fall 2012. [Re-posted with all signatures, 10/30/2011]
Assigned to Ed H., Roy R.
Contact: Michael Roddey, 455-2903.
Status: 11/14/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved for forwarding to the Provost.
11/15/2011: Provost approved.

53-UNP: New Program: Certificate - Baking and Pastry Arts: A minimum of 30 credits required comprised of 6-9 credits of general certificate requirements, 15 credits of required CAH courses, and 6-9 CAH elective credits; effective Fall 2012 pending all approvals including BOR and NWCCU.
Assigned to Ed H., Roy R.
Contact: Michael Roddey, 455-2903.
11/14/2011: Resource Commitment Form received and added to paperwork.
11/14/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved for forwarding to Curricular Affairs Committee. 11/23/2011: Curricular Affairs approved.
11/28/2011: FS Administrative Committee approved. Revised Resource Commitment Form added.
12/5/2011: Faculty Senate approved; Provost / Chancellor approved.
BOR approved in February 2012; NWCCU Letter of Approval received 3/22/2012.

54-UCDr.: Course Drop: MATH F402 - Intermediate Real Analysis, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in several years; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin.
Contact: Leah Berman, x7123.
Status: 1/9/2012: CRC approved drop.
1/12/2012: Provost approved.

55-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Child Development and Family Studies (CDFS) [REVISED 2-10-2012]: Change total number of credits required from 127-129 to new total of 120 credits; addition of new concentration "Infants and Toddlers"; addition of upper division courses to strengthen each of the four concentrations; better articulation with the AAS degree in Early Childhood Education; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Required Minor with the bachelors of arts degree needs to be addressed in the catalog program description. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/10/2012: ECE Minor needs to be addressed for the BA. 2/14/2012: Received Format 5 for the Minor in ECE -- see #55.A-UPCh. below:
2/17/2012: CRC approved all with receipt of 55.A-UPCh.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

55.A-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Early Childhood Education: Remove the restriction that students majoring in the BA in CDFS may not use courses in the major to meet the requirements of the minor.
Status: With approval of this program change, approval of #55-UPCh. can be finalized.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

56-UNC: New Course: ECE F304 W - Attachment and Social Development[REVISION BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; recommended are ECE F104 or ECE F220 or ECE F245 or ED/PSY F245 or other early development course; (s) designator; distance delivery mentioned though mode not specified; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered "fall or as demand warrants"; effective Fall 2012. (Format 7 to Core Review for "W")
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/3/2012: CRC provisionally approved. (Still has recommended courses listed.)
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

57-UNC: New Course: ECE F305 - Social Emotional Development: Reflection and Practice [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered "spring or as demand warrants"; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/2/2012: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus received (removes courses that were recommended) and revises catalog description.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

58-UNC: New Course: ECE F306 W - Building Bridges to Support Family Mental Health [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered "spring or as demand warrants"; effective Fall 2012. (Format 7 to Core Review for "W")
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/6/2012: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus received.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved as revised (below). Core Review has approved the W.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

59-UNC: New Course: ECE F410 - Supporting Family Relationships through Mentoring [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ECE F242, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/22/2012: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received; prerequisites updated. Note: ECE F405 is shown on the syllabus as a prerequisite -- but it's not on the Format 1 form.
2/2/2012: Revised Format 1 and Syllabus received.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved (and ECE F242 is added as a prerequisite).
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

60-UNC: New Course: ECE F471 - Clinical Practice: Organizational Action Research, 3 credits (1+0+14); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and completion of all CDFS core major and Administration or Family Support concentration coursework; distance delivery mentioned though mode not specified; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring of odd-numbered years or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/10/2012: CRC discussed. Roy R. to follow up.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

61-UNC: New Course: ECE F472 - Clinical Practice: Classroom Research, 3 credits (1+0+14); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and completion of all CDFS core major and concentration coursework, excluding ECE F473; distance delivery mentioned though mode not specified; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/10/2012: CRC discussed. Roy R. to follow up.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

62-UNC: New Course: ECE F473 - Clinical Practice: Classroom Management, 3 credits (1+0+14); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and completion of all CDFS core major and concentration coursework, excluding ECE F472, may be taken concurrently with ECE F480; distance delivery mentioned though mode not specified; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/10/2012: CRC discussed. Roy R. to follow up.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

63-UNC: New Course: ECE F480 - Child Development and Family Studies Portfolio, 1 credit (.5 +0+1.5); prerequisites include all CDFS major and concentration coursework, may be taken concurrently with ECE F471 or ECE F472 or ECE F473; graded Pass/Fail; distance delivery mentioned though mode not specified; to be offered fall and spring as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Ed H., Craig G.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038.
Status: 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/3/2012: CRC discussed. Roy R. to follow up.
2/17/2012: CRC approved with receipt of revised syllabus below.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

64-UCCh.: Course Change: PSY F345 - Abnormal Psychology (s), 3 credits (3+0); add "or permission of instructor" to prerequisite of PSY F101; recommending PSY F275; form mentions addition of CDE offering in an asynchronous web-based format; change frequency of offering to spring of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin; Andres L.
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: 12/19/2011: Curriculum Review Committee discussed and will follow up with instructor.
1/30/2012: Received revisions below:
2/3/2012: CRC approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

65-UCCh.: Course Change: PSY F470 - Sensation and Perception, 3 credits (3+0); addition of (s) designator; W and O designators (Formats 6 and 7 to Core Review); prerequisites changed to include ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; nine hours of PSY courses which must include PSY F101 and PSY F275, or permission of instructor; change frequency of offered to "as demand warrants"; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin; Andres L.
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: 2/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; Chuen-Sen following up with instructor.
2/24/2012: Andres L. to follow up.
3/4/2012: Revised syllabus received and posted.
3/8/2012: Provost approved.

66-UNC: New Course: PSY F301 W, O - Psychology in Action, 3 credits (3+0); (s) designator; W and O designators (Formats 6 and 7 to Core Review); prerequisites include PSY F101, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, COMM F131X or COMM F141X, a social science research methods course, and 9 credits of psychology; course is repeatable for up to 6 credits based on content variability; letter-graded; to be offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin; Andres L.
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: To be reviewd at Curriculum Review Committee.
2/27/2012: Received revision to page 2 of Format 1 form (re prerequisites and addition of ENGL F111X at request of Core Review Committee).
3/2/2012: Proposed to offer as a Trial Course instead. (No core designators in the case of a trial course.)
3/5/2012: Provost approved as a Trial Course.

67-UCCh.: Course Change: PSY F335 - Physiological Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); change title to "Brain and Behavior"; add O/2 designator (Format 6 to Core Review); change prerequisities to include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; keep PSY F101 and add "plus previous or concurrent enrollment in PSY F275, or permission of instructor; with change to BIOL F112X or BIOL F116X recommended (removing BIOL F115X and BIOL F111X from recommended); change frequency of offering to alternate fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin; Andres L.
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: 2/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Chuen-Sen is following up with instructor.
2/24/2012: Andres L. to follow up.
3/4/2012: Revised syllabus received and posted.
3/8/2012: Provost approved.

68-UCCh.: Course Change: PSY F469 / F669 - Health Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); change prerequisites by removing requirement of junior standing; add to prerequisites: COMM F131X or COMM F141X, and 9 credits of Psychology courses with a "C" grade or better; change frequency of offering to fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2012. 
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin; Andres L.
ON HOLD re issue of asynchronous distance delivery and simultaneous request for O/2 core designator.
12/12/2011: WITHDRAWN.

69-UNC: New Course: URSA F192 - Introduction to UAF Research and Creative Scholarship [SEE REVISION 5-17-2012], 1 credit (1+0); graded Pass/Fail; repeatable for a total of 2 credits; to be offered fall and spring semesters; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L., Diane W.
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487.
Status: 1/9/2012: CRC discussed. Chuen-Sen to follow up with instructor.
2/9/2012: Revised syllabus received.
4/11/2012: CRC discussed and will ask for a grading rubric. Will be approved upon receipt of such.
5/8/2012: Meeting arranged with CRC members and instructor.
5/17/2012: CRC approved.
5/18/2012: Provost approved.

70-UNC: New Course: URSA F388 - Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship I [SEE REVISION 5-17-2012], 2-4 credits (0-.5+4-10); variable credit earned based on research project size; repeatable two times for a maximum of 6 credits; letter-graded; to be offered fall and spring semesters; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L., Diane W.
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487.
Status: Status: 1/9/2012: CRC discussed. Chuen-Sen to follow up with instructor.
2/9/2012: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received.
4/11/2012: CRC discussed and agreed to follow up on several issues with instructor/department.
5/8/2012: Meeting arranged with CRC members and instructor.
5/17/2012: CRC approved.
5/18/2012: Provost approved.

71-UNC: New Course: URSA F488 - Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship II [SEE REVISION 5-17-2012], 2-4 credits (0-.5+4-10); variable credit earned based on research project size; repeatable two times for a maximum of 6 credits; letter-graded; to be offered fall and spring semesters; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L., Diane W.
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487.
Status: Status: 1/9/2012: CRC discussed.
2/9/2012: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received.
4/11/2012: CRC discussed and agreed to follow up on several issues with instructor/department.
5/8/2012: Meeting arranged with CRC members and instructor.
5/17/2012: CRC approved.
5/18/2012: Provost approved.

72-UNC: New Course: URSA F492 - Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Seminar [SEE REVISION 5-17-2012], 1 credit (1+0); repeatable for a maximum of two credits; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered fall and spring semesters; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L., Diane W.
Contact: Barbara Taylor, x2487.
Status: Status: 1/9/2012: CRC discussed.
2/9/2012: Revised syllabus received.
5/8/2012: Meeting arranged with CRC members and instructor.
5/17/2012: CRC approved.
5/18/2012: Provost approved.

73-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Renewable Resources: Change program name to Environmental Studies; articulate with the existing certificate(s) and proposed occupational endorsement as well as B.S. Geography's environmental studies option; utilize existing ENVI courses; update program description and course requirements; effective Fall 2012. 
Assigned to Patricia H., Chuen-Sen L.
Contact: Todd Radenbaugh, 907-842-5109.
Status: 2/24/2012: CRC discussed. 3/2/2012: CRC discussion continued.
5/8/2012: Update: still undergoing review. Will carry over to Fall 2012 review cycle.

74-UNC: New Course: MRAP F288 - Museum Research Apprentice I[SEE REVISED BELOW], 1-2 credits (0-1+3-6); prerequisite of instructor's permission; graded Pass/Fail and repeatable 4 times for a maximum of 8 credits; to be offered both fall and spring; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Kevin Winker, x7027.
Assigned to: Roy R., Diane W.
Status: 12/19/2011: CRC discussed at length and will follow up with instructor.
1/17/2012: Pre-meeting: Revisions received and posted.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Discussed need for rubrics for final report and lab work; and repeatability.
1/27/2012: CRC approved with revisions of 1/24/2012 (below).
2/1/2012: Provost approved.

75-UNC: New Course: MRAP F488 - Museum Research Apprentice II [SEE REVISED BELOW], 1-2 credits (0-1+3-6); prerequisite of instructor's permission; graded Pass/Fail and repeatable 4 times for a maximum of 8 credits; to be offered both fall and spring; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Kevin Winker, x7027.
Assigned to Roy R., Diane W.
Status: 12/19/2011: CRC discussed with #74-UNC.
1/17/2012: Pre-meeting: Revisions received and posted.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Discussed need for rubrics for final report and lab work; and repeatability.
1/27/2012: CRC approved with revisions of 1/24/2012 (below).
2/1/2012: Provost approved.

76-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F301 - Parents as Partners in Education, 3 credits (1.5+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); remove prerequisites of ECE F245 or permission of instructor; add prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; change frequency of offering to spring - as demand warrants; mention of possible CDE delivery; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Status: 12/12/2011: CRC approved.
12/14/2011: Provost approved.

77-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F310 - Constructivist Curriculum, 3 credits (2.5+1); change credit distribution to (3+0); remove recommended courses ECE F130 and ECE F210; add prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGLS F213X; change frequency of offering from fall of even years to "fall"; mention of possible CDE delivery; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Status: Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved with revised syllabus (below).
2/8/2012: Provost approved.

78-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F320 - Environments and Curriclum for Infants and Toddlers [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5); change frequency of offering to Fall as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Status: Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved with revised syllabus (below).
2/8/2012: Provost approved.

79-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F341 - Personnel Management of Early Childhood Programs[SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (1.5+3); add a Writing intensive designator (Format 7 submitted); change credit distribution to (3+0); remove ECE F245 or permission of instructor as prerequisites; add ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X as a prerequisite; change frequency from spring of odd-numbered years to spring as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Status: 12/19/2011: Curriculum Review Committee discussed and noted corrections that are needed. Provisionally approved with required corrections.
1/6/2012: Revised Format 2 and syllabus received.
1/9/2012: CRC reiterated approval of this course.
1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved with revised syllabus (below). Core Review approved "W" request.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

80-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F360 - Assessment in Early Childhood [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (2.5+1); change credit distribution to (3+0); add prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGL213X; remove recommended course; change frequency of offering from spring even-numbered years to spring; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Status: Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
2/3/2012: CRC has approved with revised Format 2 and syllabus (below).
2/8/2012: Provost approved.

81-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F420 W - Developing Literacy in the Early Years[SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5); prerequisites include ECE F240, ECE F310, ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Curriculum Review Committee noted issue with recommended courses.
Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/27/2012: CRC approved as per the revisions (below) of 1/22/2012.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

82-UCCh: Course Change: ECE F421 - From Babbling to Talking to Early Literacy[SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5); revise prerequisites to include ECE F220, ENGLS F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; and remove "upper division standing" requirement; change frequency from as demand warrants instead to "Spring as demand warrants"; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Curriculum Review Committee noted issue with recommended courses.
Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/27/2012: CRC approved as per the revisions (below) of 1/22/2012.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

83-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F430 - Fine Arts in the Early Years[SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5); prerequisites include ECE F240, ECE F310, ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; change frequency from spring of odd-numbered years to "Spring"; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Curriculum Review Committee noted issue with recommended courses.
Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/27/2012: CRC approved as per the revisions (below) of 1/22/2012.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

84-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F442 - Family Resource Management [SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (1.5+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change prerequisites to ECE F242, ENGL F111X, and ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; change frequecy of offering to Fall as demand warrants; possible distance delivery through CDE mentioned; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Curriculum Review Committee noted issue with recommended courses.
Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/27/2012: CRC approved as per the revisions to prerequisites (below) of 1/22/2012.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

85-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F445 W - Adolescence through the Lifespan[SEE REVISED BELOW], 3 credits (2.5+1); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5); change prerequisites to show one of the following courses is required: ECE F107, ED F245, or PSY F245; and add ENGL F111X, and ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; drop "permission of instructor, junior standing" from prerequisites; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, x5929.
Assigned to Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Curriculum Review Committee noted issue with recommended courses.
Pre-meeting on 1/17/2012: Revised format 2 and syllabus received.
Post-meeting on 1/17/2012: Curriculum Review Committee discussed; issue of no prerequisites for upper division courses. Ed H. to follow up with V.P.
1/27/2012: CRC approved as per the revisions (below) of 1/22/2012.
2/14/2012: Provost approved.

86-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Paralegal: [SEE REVISION BELOW] Addition of JUST F110 course as an option to PS F101 course; update with program requirements with course number and title change to PLS F103 (to be PLS F201 - Practical Paralegal Skills); AND SHOW NAME CHANGE TO PLS F102 - Introduction to Paralegal Studies; effective Fall 2012. 
Contact: Ed Husted
Assigned to Rainer N., Ed H.
Status: 12/12/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved. Revised copy of Format 5 received:
12/15/2011: Provost approved.

87-UCCh.: Course Change: GE F375 - Principles of Engineering Geology and Terrain Analysis, 3 credits (3+0); change of credit distribution to (2+3) and add lab component to the course; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Margaret Darrow, x7303.
Assigned to: Chuen-Sen L.
Status: 2/24/2012: Curriculum Review Committee approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

88-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Emergency Services: Remove "Emergency Medical Services" as a concentration from this degree program since it is replaced by the A.A.S. in Paramedicine which BOR approved. 
Contact: Chuck Kuhns, 455-2895
Assigned to Ed H., 
Status: 12/12/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved.
12/16/2011: Provost approved.

89-UNC: New Course: BA F470 - Leadership Theory and Development [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LEAD F470; prerequisites include ENGL F111X and ENGL F211X, COMM F131X or COMM F141X; and BA F390 or by permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Nicole Cundiff, x5401.
Assigned to: Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee. Craig W. to follow up with instructor.
3/8/2012: Received revised paperwork adding 300-level prerequisite and detail on how participation will be evaluated.
4/25/2012: Craig W. provided feedback; Ed H. to review.
5/8/2012: CRC discussed further and Diane W. will follow up.
8/27/2012: 2nd Revised syllabus received and approved. CRC approved course.
9/28/2012: Provost approved.

90-UNC: New Course: BA F472 - Leading Change [SEE REVISIONS BELOW] , 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LEAD F472; prerequisites include ENGL F111X and ENGL F211X, COMM F131X or COMM F141X; and BA F390 or by permission of instructor; special restrictions of BA F390 preferred; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall; first offering Fall 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Nicole Cundiff, x5401.
Assigned to: Craig W., Ed H.
Status: 1/9/2012: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee. Craig W. to follow up with instructor.
3/8/2012: Received revised paperwork adding 300-level prerequisite and detail on how participation will be evaluated.
4/25/2012: Craig W. provided feedback; Ed H. to review.
5/8/2012: CRC discussed further and Diane W. will follow up.
8/27/2012: CRC has approved this course and BA / LEAD F470.
9/28/2012: Provost approved.

91-UNC: New Course: ANTH F223 - Fundamentals of Sociolinguistics, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as LING F223; prerequisites include ANTH F100X or LING F101; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offering spring 2013, effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Mark Sicoli, x6884.
Assigned to: Andres L., Craig G.
Status: 4/25/2012: CRC has approved.
5/4/2012: Provost approved.

92-UCDr.: Course Drop: JUST F320 - Practicum, 1-6 variable credits (1-6+0); course no longer offered and not required for the B.A. in Justice or other programs; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: David Blurton, x6506.
Status: 1/9/2012: CRC approved drop.
1/12/2012: Provost approved.

93-UCDr.: Course Drop: JUST F404 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing, 3 credits (3+0); course no longer offered and not required for the B.A. in Justice or other programs; effective Fall 2012. Course is cross-listed as PS F404. 
1/5/2012: sent email to David Blurton to check on this cross-listing.
1/10/2012: PS Dept. Chair approved the drop.
Contact: David Blurton, x6506.
Status: 1/9/2012: CRC approved the drop.
1/12/2012: Provost approved.

94-UCDr.: Course Drop: JUST F452 - Comparative Criminology, 3 credits (3+0); course no longer offered and not required for the B.A. in Justice or other programs; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: David Blurton, x6506.
Status: 1/9/2012: CRC approved drop.
1/12/2012: Provost approved.

95-UCCh.: Course Change: MUS F131 - Basic Music Theory I (h), 2 credits (2+0); change credits from 2 to 3 (3+0); change the prerequisites from "concurrent enrollment in MUS F133", to "Music majors must be concurrently enrolled in MUS F133"; update description; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: William Post, x5827.
Status: Emailed Jan. 6 and Feb. 22: needs syllabus.
2/23/2012: Received syllabus:
2/24/2012: Assigned to Ed H.
3/2/2012: CRC approved. Ed to check on course name modification.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

96-UCCh.: Course Change: MUS F132 - Basic Music Theory II (h), 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits (3+0); change prerequisites from "MUS F131 or equivalent and concurrent enrollment in MUS F134 unless exempted by music theory placement test" instead to "MUS F131 or equivalent. Music majors must be concurrently enrolled in MUS F134"; update description noting "offered spring"; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: William Post, x5827.
Status: Emailed Jan. 6 and Feb. 22: needs syllabus.
2/23/2012: Received syllabus:
2/24/2012: Assigned to Diane W.
3/2/2012: CRC approved. Ed to check on course name modification.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

97-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Northern Studies: change BIOL F104 (3) to BIOL F104X (4) and changing existing notations in the major requirements section to add: "**Students may take this course as one of the two lab science courses that they are required to take within the university's general requirements" (revising order of the existing notations); add requirement to take ART F425W or ENGL F349 or ENGL F350; provide options of ANL F256 or ANL F316 to the ANL F315 course; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, x7126.
Assigned to Andres L.
3/2/2012: CRC approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

98-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Northern Studies: change BIOL F104 (3) to BIOL F104X (4) and add notation: "*Students may take this course as one of the two lab science courses that they are required to take within the university's general requirements"; add requirement to take ART F425W or ENGL F349 or ENGL F350; provide options of ANL F256 or ANL F316 to the ANL F315 course; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Mary Ehrlander, x7126.
Assigned to Craig W.
3/2/2012: CRC approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

99-UCCh.: Course Change: FISH F633 - Pacific Salmon Life Histories, 3 credits (3+0); stack as F433; update the catalog description; prerequisite for F433 would be FISH / BIOL F427; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Megan McPhee, 907-796-5464.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen L.
3/2/2012: CRC approved.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

100-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOG / NRM F300 - Internship in Natural Resources Management and Geography, 1-6 credits (1-6+0); change variable credits to 1-3 credits and change credit distribution to (0+0+1-10); effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Cary de Wit, x7494.
2/15/2012: Email sent to department to request a syllabus.
Assigned to Roy R.
3/2/2012: To be approved provisionally -- Roy to follow up on Handbook for internship from Patricia H.
3/5/2012: Provost approved.

101-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOG F309 - Digital Cartography and Geo-Visualization, 4 credits (4+0); correct or change credit distribution to (3+3); effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Cary de Wit, x7494.
2/15/2012: Email sent to department to request a syllabus.
Assigned to Rainer N.
WITHDRAWN. Course will be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

PDF with Overview of Changes to the Elementary Education Programs
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

Internship Calendar used for Elementary Education (PDF, 4/19/2012)

102-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Elementary Education: Change credits of ED F468 from 6 to 4; add 1 credit each to ED F414, ED F417, ED F467, ED F478 and ED F479; add new 1 credit course ED F476 - Assessment of Literacy Development; drop requirement of PSY F101; drop requirement of a 300-400 level English Literature elective; add ENGL F273 as an option in the humanities requirements; change total number of minimum credits required for the degree from 130 credits to 128 credits; effective Fall 2013. Note: Proposal DOES reflect the change already approved for #41-UPCh. which was already reviewed in Fall 2011 and approved in December 2011.
Assigned to Roy R., Diane W.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: Initial discussion at CRC on 3/28/2012.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

103-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F411 - Reading, Writing, Language Arts: Methods and Curriculum Development, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.5+0+1.5) to reflect the internship component of the course; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: Initial discussion at CRC on 3/28/2012. A course schedule is needed. Ed H. to follow up.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

104-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F412 - Integrated Social Studies and Language Arts: Methods and Curriculum Development, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.0+0+3) to reflect the internship component of the course; effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Ed H.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: Initial discussion at CRC on 3/28/2012. Ed H. to follow up.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

105-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F414 - Art, Music and Drama in Elementary Classrooms, 2 credits (1+2); increase to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (1.5+0+4.5) to reflect internship; effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Julie M.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

106-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F417 - Physical and Health Education for Elementary Teachers, 2 credits (1+2); increase to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (1.5+0+4.5); effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Julie M. 
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

107-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F466 - Internship and Collaborative Student Teaching, 3 credits (1+0+25); change credit distribution to (1+0+6); syllabus is merged with ED F468 O (see #108-UCCh.) because ED F468 builds upon intern experiences during ED F466; effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Craig G.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

108-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F468 O - Internship and Student Teaching, 6 credits (1+0+40); change to 4 credits and change credit distribution to (1+0+9); syllabus is merged with ED F466 (see 107-UCCh.) because ED F468 builds upon intern experiences during ED F466; effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Craig G.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

109-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F467 - Synthesizing the Standards I, 1 credit (1+0); change to 2 credits and change credit distribution to (1+0+3); effective Spring 2013. 
Assigned to Roy R., Craig G.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

110-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F469 - Synthesizing the Standards II, 2 credits (2+0); change the credit distribution to (1+0+3); effective Spring 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Andres L.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

111-UNC: New Course: ED F476 - Assessment of Literacy Development, 1 credit (.5+0+1.5); however, contact hours are shown as 1 hour lecture with 22 hours practicum; letter-graded and not repeatable; prerequisite of admittance to the internship year or permission of instructor; to be offered every spring; first offering spring 2014; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Roy R., Andres L.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

112-UCCh.: Stacked Course Change: ED F478 / F678 - Math Methods and Curriculum Development, 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits and change credit distribution to (2+0+3); offered fall; effective date of summer 2013 is shown on paperwork. [Reference 38-GCCh. at GAAC.]
Assigned to Roy R., Craig W.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

113-UCCh.: Course Change: ED F479 / F688 - Science Methods and Curriculum Dvelopment, 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits and change credit distirbution to (2.5+0+1.5); offered spring; effective date of summer 2013 is shown on paperwork. [Reference 39-GCCh. at GAAC.]
Assigned to Roy R., Craig W.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6437.
Status: To be resubmitted in Fall 2012.

114-UCDr.: Course Drop: CE F400 - FE Exam, 0 credit; course is no longer needed to track students that are taking the exam; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: David Barnes, x6126.
3/28/2012: CRC approved.
3/28/2012: Provost approved.

115-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geological Engineering: changes include specifying recommended technical elective courses, and clarifying degree requirements; addition of GE F371 and MIN F225 to degree requirements; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Rainer N., Chuen-Sen L.
Contact: Margaret Darrow, x7303.
3/28/2012: CRC approved.
3/28/2012: Provost approved.

116-UCCh.: Course Change: GE F422 - Unsaturated Soil Geoengineering, 3 credits (3+0); unstack the course as GE F622; change title to Soil Physics; change credit distribution from (3+0) to (2+3); change prerequisites to CHEM F105X, CHEM F106X, or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Rainer N., Chuen-Sen L.
Contact: Margaret Darrow, x7303.
3/28/2012: CRC approved.
3/28/2012: Provost approved.

117-UNC: New Course: GE F445 - Design of Earth Dams and Embankments, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of GE F420 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N., Chuen-Sen L.
Contact: Debu Misra, x5339.
3/28/2012: CRC approved.
3/28/2012: Provost approved.

118-UNC: New Course: ANTH F225 - Anthropology and Race (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ANTH F100X; letter-graded and not repeatable; course to be required for the BA/BS in Anthropology; to be offered in spring of even-numbered years; first offering Spring 2014, effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Andres L., Craig G.
Contact: Kara Hoover, x6110.
5/21/2012: CRC has approved.
5/22/2012: Provost approved.

119-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S. - Psychology SEE REVISIONS BELOW; Addition of PSY F201 (new course submitted) to degree requirements; simplify degree requirements and remove sub-specialties; removal of Community Service designator from courses; effective Fall 2013.
Assigned to Rainer N. (Rainer followed up in early Fall 2012.)
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
Status: CRC reviewing changes received 9/19/2012 (below):
10/12/2012: Approved as revised BELOW :

120-UNC: New Course: PSY F201 - Culture and Psychology, [See REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of PSY F101; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each fall and spring; first offering fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: Janet Schichnes, x6163.
5/8/2012: Approved by CRC pending revised syllabus.
5/10/2012: Provost approved.

121-UNP: New Minor: Interdisciplinary Minor - Minimum of 15 credits to be approved by an interdisciplinary minor committee; intended to also serve tranfer students with substantial credits that are not applicable to a degree; effective the term following approval.
Assigned to Rainer N.
Contact: Dana Thomas, x6253.
4/25/2012: CRC discussed at length and had issues and questions to follow up with.
5/8/2012: WITHDRAWN. To be resubmitted next fall.

122-UNC: New Course: ELT F211 - Advanced FCC Amateur and General Radiotelephone Operator (GROL) Licensing, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ELT F111 or equivalent, DEVM F105, and a position in a technical, electrical or broadcast media field, or departmental approval; AFPM students must have AFPM departmental permission; to be offered spring or as demand warrants.
Contact: Roger Weggel, 455-2847.
Assigned to Chuen-Sen Lin. May carry over to Fall 2012 review cycle due to late arrival.

Moldy Course Drops
Trial Courses

(Trial courses number 1-Tr through 9-Tr were already reviewed in the Fall 2010 cycle.  Trial course number 10-Tr is listed under the Spring 2011 Graduate Curriculum Review Cycle.)

11-Tr: Trial Course: GEOG F494 / F694 - Climate Change Processes: Past, Present, Future, 4 credits (4+0); cross-listed as ATM F494/F694; this course has been looked at as #98-GCCh (#112-UCCh at undergraduate review), and due to extensive revision requests at Curriculum Review it's now being submitted as a new trial course to be offered in Fall 2011 upon approval. 
2/21/2011: REVISED DOCUMENTS RECEIVED AND POSTED. To help with any questions, please see the Prospectus for the Climate Change Literacy Course Sequence (PDF). Request to crosslist with BIOL has been withdrawn.
5/16/2011: GAAC approved. (Curriculum Review has approved the F494 level.)
5/20/2011: Provost approved graduate level.

Program Changes

115-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S., Natural Resources Management - High Latitude Agriculture concentration: remove NRM F102 as a required elective course; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Mingchu Zhang, x7188.
Assigned to all CR members.
4/1/2011: Discussed and problems noted with inconsistencies.
5/13/2011: CR has approved with revisions (see below). 5/13/2011: Provost has approved.

122-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., B.S. - Sociology: update the program description to reflect prior approved course changes including title change to SOC F350 W - Sociology of Childhood; and remove SOC F307 O from the elective options; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Jordan Titus, x5387.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.
123-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Russian Studies: Move RUSS F431 and F482 from core degree requirements (Item 3 in program description) to options for the core degree requirements (Item 4 in program description); and add HIST F461 and F463 to degree electives; correct title of HIST F464 under Item 5; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Trina Mamoon, x7396.
Assigned to all CR members.
4/1/2011: Discussed and concerns noted about relatively low number of upper division credits required for the degree.
5/13/2011: Provisionally approved after follow-up re 12 more upper division credits; Rainer has emailed Trina M. Carried over to 2011-12 Review Cycle.
11/8/2011: CRC approved.
11/9/2011: Provost approved.
125-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Geological Engineering: changes to the introductory description of the program to reflect updated educational objectives of the program; effective Fall 2011 upon approval.
Note: These are clerical changes for the catalog, and have been approved via email in order to meet the printed catalog deadline.
126-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Mining Engineering: changes to the introductory description of the program to reflect updated educational objectives of the program; effective Fall 2011 upon approval.
Note: These are clerical changes for the catalog, and have been approved via email in order to meet the printed catalog deadline.
137-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Mining Engineering: change degree requirements to require MIN F103, MIN F226; and 12 credits of electives; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Rajive Ganguli, x7212.
Assigned to all CR members.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.
138-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Mechanical Engineering: delete the requirement of ME F487 W, O; and add ME F488 W, O and ME F489 W, O as required courses; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Jonah Lee, x7136.
Assigned to all CR members.
5/13/2011: Issues with credits and W and O designators; Rainer has contacted J.L. and G.S. at ME department.
139-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S./M.S. - Mechanical Engineering: delete the requirement of ME F487 W, O; and add ME F488 W, O and ME F489 W, O as required courses; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Jonah Lee, x7136.
Assigned to all CR members.

149-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. and Minor - Alaska Native Studies: concentrations changed and expanded from two to four; the "General" concentration becomes "Alaska Native Forms of Cultural Expression"; the "Language" concentration becomes "Alaska Native Language"; and "Alaska Native Education" and "Alaska Native Law, Government and Politics" are new concentrations; new core degree requirements have been identified; the minimum required credits are now 120 (from 130); effective Fall 2012. (See also #150-UNC - Stacked new course.)
Contact: Ralph Gabrielli, x5808.
5/13/2011: A revised format 5 to tie in the revisions needs to be submitted. Rainer has contacted department.
5/31/2011: REVISED Format 5 form received and posted.

154-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Theatre: Extensive changes to degree requirements including program requirements and concentration requirements for Design/Technical Theatre, Directing, Film and Multimedia, and Performance; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz, x7638.
5/13/2011: This is still under review by the committee. Carried over to 2011-12 Review Cycle.
3/2/2012: CRC has notified program that the catalog deadline must be met to implement proposed changes.


New Programs

129-UNP: New Minor: Marine Science: A minimum of 15 credits must be completed, of which MSL F211, F212 and F213L comprise seven required credits; other MSL course options comprise an additional six credits; and two credits must be completed from options that include either MSL, Fisheries, Biology and Wildlife, or Economics; ten new courses associated with the proposed minor have been submitted.
Contact:Sarah Hardy, x7616.
Assigned to all CR members.
5/13/2011: Approved at CR and CAC. To go forward to Sept. 12, 2011 Faculty Senate for voting.

New Courses

116-UNC: (STACKED): New Course: MSL F463 - Chemical Coastal Processes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as MSL F663; prerequisites include CHEM F105X and F106X, MSL F111X, upper division standing or permission of instructor for undergraduates (or graduate standing for F663); letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered odd-numbered (alternate) spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas, x1524.
Assigned to: Andres L. and Patricia H.
4/16/2011: CR discussed and approved with some changes (see revised documents, below). 
4/25/2011: Approved at GAAC for graduate level.

119-UNC: New Course: CHEM F323 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 3 credits (1+6); letter-graded and not repeatable; co-requisite course is CHEM F322 - Organic Chemistry Lecture II; to be offered every spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: John Keller, x6042.
Status: 3/4/2011 - A more detailed course schedule will be requested. 3/10/2011: CR Approved.
3/11/2011: Provost approved.

124-UNC: New Course: RECR F130R - Beginning Break Dance, 1 credit (0+3); graded pass/fail; not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2012. Revised syllabus below.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, x2808.
Assigned to: Ed H. and Anne A.
Status: 3/4/2011 - Ed H. will follow up with Mahla S.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.

127-UNC: New Course: MSL F330 - The Dynamic Alaskan Coastline, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as GEOS F330; prerequisites include junior standing, MSL F111X or GEOS F101X, CHEM F105X, PHYS F103X or PHYS F211X; a field trip is required; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in fall semesters, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Sam VanLaningham, x6991.
4/16/2011: CR discussed and approved.
4/18/2011: Provost approved.
128-UNC: New Course: MSL F403 - Estuaries Oceanography, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F213, STAT F200X or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall with first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Peter Winsor, x7740.
Assigned to Rainer N., Diane W.
4/29/2011: Provost approved.
130-UNC: New Course: MSL F211 - Introduction to Marine Science I, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of MATH F107 [SEE ADDITIONAL PREREQs BELOW] or equivalent or concurrent enrollment; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each fall, effective Fall 2011. 
Contact:Harper Simmons, x4697.
Assigned to Rainer N., Diane W.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.
4/16/2011: CR discussed again; some concerns whether it meets 200-level definition. 5/13/2011: CR approved (again) with additonal prerequsites: "plus one of the following CHEM105, or BIOL 115, or PHYS103, or GEOS101."
131-UNC: New Course: MSL F212 - Introduction to Marine Science II, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of MSL F211; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011. Note: MSL F211 is a new course proposal.
Contact: Sarah Hardy, 7616.
Assigned to Diane W., Miho A.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.
4/16/2011: CR discussed again; some concerns whether it meets 200-level definition. 5/13/2011: CR approved (again) with additional prerequisites to MSL F211.
132-UNC: New Course: MSL F213L - Marine Science Laboratory, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of MSL F212 or concurrent enrollment; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas, x1524.
Assigned to Diane W., Miho A.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
4/4/2011: Approved by Provost.
133-UNC: New Course: MSL F317 - Introduction to Marine Mammal Biology, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F116X, MSL F212, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in even-number spring, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Larissa Dehn, x7724.
Assigned to Diane W., Jacob J.
4/16/2011: CR discussed and approved.
4/18/2011: Provost approved.

134-UNC: New Course: MSL F412 - Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MSL F212 or permission of instructor; BIOL F305 or BIOL F450 are recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall, first offering Fall 2012. Note: MSL F212 is a new course proposal.
Contact: Sarah Hardy, 7616.
Assigned to Diane W., Jacob J.
4/16/2011: CR discussed. Course is to be stacked as MSL F612 -- did not receive a syllabus for the graduate level. 4/18: Graduate syllabus received.
5/3/2011: CR Committee approved with revisions to prerequisites (add upper division standing, remove recommended courses).

135-UNC: New Course: FISH F440 - Oceanography for Fisheries, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F440; prerequisites include FISH F101, BIOL F115X, CHEM F105X, PHYS F103X or equivalent, or permission of instructor; with MSL F111, FISH F288, BIOL F271 or FISH F425 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternating fall or as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012.
Contact: Franz Mueter, 907-796-5448.
5/13/2011: Issues with course level number; Rainer following up.
Carried over to 2011-12 Review Cycle. 
WITHDRAWN as of 2/24/2012.

136-UNC: New Course: MSL F449 - Biological Oceanography, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked with existing MSL F650; prerequisite of MSL F212 for undergraduate level; offered fall with first offering of undergraduate level in Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. SEE REVISIONS (BELOW)
Contact: Rolf Gradinger, x7407.
Assigned to Anne A., Miho A.
4/29/2011: CR approved as revised.
5/2/2011: Provost approved.

141-UNC: New Course: ME F404 - Computer Aided Design, 3 credits (1.5+4.5); requires senior standing or permission of instructor; co-requisite of ES F331; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other fall; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012. (Related to: #140 course drop, #142 new course.)
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126. (Related to #142 new course, and to #140 course drop and #144 drop.)
Assigned to Andres L., Patricia H.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. Carried over to 2011-12 Review Cycle.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

142-UNC: New Course: ME F405 - Computer Aided Manufacturing, 3 credits (1.5+4.5); requires senior standing or permission of instructor; prerequisite of ME F321; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other spring; first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126. (Related to: #140 course drop, #141 new course.)
Assigned to Andres L., Patricia H.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. Carried over to 2011-12 Review Cycle.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

143-UNC: New Course: ME F443 / F643 - Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nanofluids, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites of ES F341 and ME F441 or their equivalent, or permission of instructor; senior standing for F443; graduate standing for F643; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Debendra Das, x6094. (#117-GNC at GAAC.)
5/13/2011: Committee has requested statement of two exams (undergrad and grad). Graduate level is approved by GAAC as of 5/16/2011. Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email.
6/17/2011: Provost approved.

145-UNC: New Course: ME F488 - Senior Design I, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F 211X or 213X; co-requisite of ME F441 or permission of instructor; senior standing; letter graded and not repeatable; W and O designtors are indicated on form; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2012. (See related #144-UCDr. - course drop.)
Contact: Gang Sheng, x5649.
[Updated] Assigned to Debu M., Patricia H.
Status: #144 course drop was withdrawn; and there are issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses, below) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve.

146-UNC: New Course: ME F489 - Senior Design II, 2 credits (2+0); prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F 211X or 213X; ME F441, ME F488, co-requisite of ME F403, or permission of instructor; senior standing; letter graded and not repeatable; W and O designtors are indicated on form; to be offered every spring; effective Fall 2012. (See related #144-UCDr. - course drop.)
Contact: Gang Sheng, x5649.
[Updated] Assigned to Debu M., Patricia H.
Status: #144 course drop was withdrawn; and there are issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses, below) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve.

150-UNC: New Course: RD F470 - The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act: Pre-1971 to Present, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of junior standing or permission of instructor; to be stacked as RD F670; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Ralph Gabrielli, x5808.
Assigned to Anne A., Miho A.
4/16/2011: CR approved the undergraduate level of the course. 
4/25/2011: GAAC approved.
4/26/2011: Provost approved.

151-UNC: New Course: ECE F304 W - Attachment and Social Development (s), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X and F211X or F213X, ECE F104; ECE F245 is recommended; letter-graded and not repeatable; W request to Core Review; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038. (Note: Core Review approved the "W" request.)
Assigned to Ed H., Rainer N.
4/1/2011: Discussed and Ed H. will follow up on the prerequisites.
5/13/2011: No approval signatures received; prerequisites question. Ed H./ Pete P. to follow up.

152-UNC: New Course: CTT F240 - Introduction to Project Development for Rural Residential Construction, 3 credits (3+0) in an 11-week distance delivery format; prerequisites include a certificate in Construction Trades Technology, CIOS F150, CTT F106, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2012. 
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613. 
Assigned to: Ed H., Jacob J.
4/29/2011: Provost approved.

153-UNC: New Course: CTT F241 - Introduction to Estimating, Cost Control, and Quality Control for Rural Residential Construction, 3 credits (3+0) in an 11-week distance deliver format; prerequisites include a certificate in Construction Trades Technology, CTT F240, or permission of instruction; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2012. 
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613. 
Assigned to: Ed H., Jacob J.
4/29/2011: Provost approved.

156-UNC: New Course: THR F354 - Intermediate Costume Construction (h), 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of THR F254 or demonstrated sewing experience and instructor permission; Theatre practicum or work study in the Costume Shop is recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternating spring of odd-numbered years, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bethany Marx, x5365.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

158-UNC: New Course: FLM F358 - Lights, Camera, Audio! (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FLM F71 or JRN F280; with FLM F273 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Kade Mendelowitz, x7638.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

159-UNC: New Course: FIRE F220 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Health, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include FIRE F101, F131, F133, F135, and F137, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring; first offering Spring 2012.
Contact: John George, 455-2879.
5/13/2011: Ed H. has contacted for clarification and revision of syllabus.

160-UNC: New Course: NRM F470 - Terrestrial Carbon Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F271 or permission of instructor ADD: "or NRM F375"; letter graded and not repeatable; to offered every spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: John Yarie, x5650.
5/13/2011: CR Committee has approved with revision to prerequisites, adding NRM F375.
5/17/2011: Provost approved.

Course Changes
114-UCCh.: Course Change: ENGL F482A - Undergraduate Seminar (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Topics in Language and Literature (h); allow course to be repeated for credit one time based upon content variation; increase frequency of offering to every fall and spring; change course description; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Chris Coffman, x5233.
Assigned to: Miho A. and Anne A.
CR review not completed; carry-over to Fall 2011 review.
2011-12 Review Cycle: 2/17/2012: CRC approved. 
2/20/2012: Provost approved.

117-UCCh.: (STACKED): Course Change: HIST F663 / F463 (NORS F663) - Foundations of Russian History, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Imperial Russia; change prerequisite for F463 to HIST F275; change prerequisites for F663 to Graduate Standing or permission of instructor; update description of course; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Brian Kassof, x6507.
Assigned to: Miho A. and Jacob J.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
5/17/2011: Provost approved.

118-UCCh.: (STACKED): Course Change: HIST F464 / F664 (NORS F664) - Modern Russia, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia; change prerequisite for NORS F664 to Graduate Standing or permission of instructor, and remove HIST F275 for graduate level; update course description; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Brian Kassof, x6507.
Assigned to: Miho A. and Jacob J.
4/1/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
5/17/2011: Provost approved.

120-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F324W - Organic Chemistry Laboratory, 4 credits (2+6); change title to Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory; change prerequisites by removing ENGL F111X and adding CHEM F212; update course description; change frequency of offering to every spring; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Contact: John Keller, x6042. 
Status: 3/4/2011 - Curriculum Review approved.
3/07/2011: Provost approved.
121-UCCh.: Course Change: CHEM F488 - Undergraduate Chemistry and Biochemistry Research, 1-6 credits (0+1-6); change credits to 2-3 credits with a distribution of (0+6-9); course may be repeated 4 times for a maximum of 12 credits; effective Spring 2012.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235.
Status: 3/4/2011 - Curriculum Review approved.
3/11/2011: Provost approved.
140-UCDr.: Drop Course: ME F401 - Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, 3 credits (1+4); to be replaced with two new courses; effective Fall 2012. 
(See also 141-UNC and 142-UNC which will replace this course.)
Contact: Chuen-Sen Lin, x5126.
Assigned to Andres L., Patricia H.
Status:6/14/2011: Following up via email. Carried over to 2011-12 Review Cycle.
2/17/2012: CRC approved.
2/20/2012: Provost approved.
WITHDRAWN: 144-UCDr.: Course Drop: ME F487 W, O - Design Project, 3 credits (3+0); course is being replaced with two new courses; effective Fall 2012. 
(See #145-UNC and #146-UNC.)
Contact: Gang Sheng, x5649.
Status: There are also issues with number of credits for replacement courses (#145 and #146 - Senior Design courses) for W, O course designators. Core Review did not approve.
147-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F433 - Reinforced Concrete Design, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change frequency of offering from fall to spring; effective Spring 2013.
Contact: Andrew Metzger, x6120.
[Updated] Assigned to: Debu M., Rainer N.
5/13/2011: Revisions to syllabus have been requested by the committee. Carried over to 2011-12 review cycle.
2/24/2012: CRC approved.
148-UCCh.: Course Change: CE F434 - Timber Design, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0); change frequency of offering from as demand warrants to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Andrew Metzger, x6120.
[Updated] Assigned to: Debu M., Rainer N.
5/13/2011: Revisions to syllabus have been requested by the committee. Carried over to 2011-12 review cycle.
2/24/2012: CRC approved.
155-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F254 - Costume Design / Construction I (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Beginning Costume Construction and Crafts; change credit distribution to (2+3); change offering to fall semester; update course description; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Bethany Marx, x5365.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.
157-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F331/ FLM F331 - Directing Film/Video (h), 3 credits (1+4); change prerequisites to add FLM/THR F271; FLM/THR F273; FLM/JRN F290 (along with existing prereqs); with FLM/ENGL F217 recommended; change frequency of offering from spring to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2012.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950.
5/13/2011: CR has approved; Provost has approved.

Moldy Course Drops

Undergraduate and Graduate Requests for "Moldy" Course Drops (PDF)

Trial Courses

1-Tr: MSL F694 - Chemical Coastal Processes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as MSL F494; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring, first offering Spring 2011. Per requested changes, prerequisites include graduate standing for the F694 level, and undergraduate level requires CHEM F105X and F106X, and MSL F111X, or permission of the instructor.
Contact: Ana Aguilar-Islas, 474-1524, amaguilarislas@alaska.edu
STATUS: 10/4/2010: Processing Provost's approval (per revisions received). 
9-29-2010: Curriculum Review Committee discussed and will follow up regarding course prerequisites. Graduate level approved at GAAC.
REVISIONS RECEIVED 10/4/2010 and Provost approved:

2-Tr through 4-Tr are Graduate level trial courses.
5-Tr: BIOL F394 - Fundamentals of Epidemiology, 3 credits (3+0); letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include STAT F200X or higher or permission of instructor; to be offered spring; first offering Spring 2011.
Contact: Andrea Bersamin, 474-6129, abersamin@alaska.edu
STATUS: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 9-29-2010.
Provost approved on 9-29-2010.
6-Tr: MSL F494 - Data Analysis for Marine Scientists, 3 credits (2+3); to be cross-listed as FISH F494; letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include STAT F200X or equivalent, upper division biology or ecology courses; undergraduate marine biology or fisheries courses recommended; to be offered spring; first offering Spring 2011.
Contact: Arny Blanchard, 474-1123, alblanchard@alaska.edu
STATUS: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 9-29-2010.
Provost approved on 9-29-2010.
7-Tr: FISH F194 [094]- Distinctive Education in Motion: Biodiversity of Nature and Environmental Stewardship (DEM BONES), 2 credits (1+3); course designed for high school students; graded Pass/Fail and repeatable based upon different course content (articulating a different species each year) up to three times for a maximum of 6 credits; prerequisites include a GPA of 2.5 or higher; high school biology recommended; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering in Spring 2011.
Contact: Shannon Atkinson, 907-796-5453, atkinson@sfos.uaf.edu
STATUS: Curriculum Review Committee approved with change to course number(changed from 194 to 094) on 9-29-2010.
Provost approved on 9-29-2010.
8-Tr: NRM F394 - Applied Animal Nutrition in High Latitude Agriculture, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F115X, BIOL F116X and NRM F320; CHEM F106X is recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; first offering in Spring 2011.
Contact: Bret Luick, 474-6338, bluick@alaska.edu
STATUS: Curriculum Review Committee members assigned to follow-up with further discussion on this course. 11/12/2010: Syllabus still being revised. 12/2010: Course will be offered as a Special Topics instead while course issues are being resolved for a trial offering. 
Course was not approved this review cycle.

9-Tr: ED F194 - Orientation to Education, 1 credit (1+0); course designed for high school students to introduce the teaching profession; letter graded and not repeatable; special restriction that students must be currently enrolled in a high school program; to be offered fall and spring, first offering Spring 2011.
Syllabus for ED F194 - Posted 10/16/2010.

STATUS: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved with prerequisite changes and revisions.
12/14/2010: Provost approved.

New Submissions
1-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F618 - Biogeography, 3 credits (3+0); stack as BIOL F418; crosslist and stack as GEOG F418 and F618; update description and change frequency of offering from spring to fall; effective Fall 2010. (Carried over from Spring 2010 review cycle. Curriculum Review has OK'd the undergraduate level. Also at GAAC for review of graduate level.)
Contact: Patricia Heiser
STATUS: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee. 11/29/2010: Approved at GAAC. 
12/1/2010: Provost approved.
2-UCDr.: Drop Course: CHEM F075 - Introduction to Chemical Sciences, 3 credits (3+0); not taught in four years and no faculty to teach it in future; no negative impacts anticipated. Effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 10/15/2010. 
Provost approved on 10/18/2010.
3-UCDr: Drop Course: CHEM F312 - Instrumental Analysis, 4 credits (3+3); course content needed for majors will be integrated into CHEM F413W; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 10/15/2010. 
Provost approved on 10/18/2010.
4-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S., Environmental Chemistry: Remove CHEM F312 from the degree requirements; and update the UAF Catalog program description (page 148) to reflect course name changes (CHEM F105X, F106X, F321, F322, F331 and F332); add CHEM F455 to advanced course options; update footnotes; effective Fall 2011. SEE ADDITIONAL CHANGE under Status.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: 1/4/2011: CR approved changes with additional change of removing BIOL F494, a trial course offering of Environmental Microbiology, from section 7 of the program description. (Mary Beth Leigh plans to submit it as a new course offering in the future; then, it can be included in the future.)
1/6/2011: Provost approved.
5-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S., Biochemistry / Molecular Biology: Update UAF Catalog program description (page 148) to reflect course name changes (CHEM F105X, F106X, F321, F322, F331 and F332); update description to remove CHEM F312; update footnotes; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: 1/4/2011: CR approved changes.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.
6-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., Chemistry: Update UAF Catalog program description (page 147) to reflect course name changes (CHEM F105X, F106X, F321, F322, F331 and F332); and remove CHEM F312 from list of required courses; update footnotes; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: 1/4/2011: CR has approved changes.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.
7-UPCh.: Program Change: Minors, Chemistry / Biochemistry: Update the UAF Catalog program description (page 149) to reflect course name changes (CHEM F105X, F106X, F321, F322, F331 and F332); effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: CR approved.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.
8-UCCh.: Course Change: BIOL F475 - Vegetation Description and Analysis, 2 credits (1+3); change the course number to [[F479]] F448; change to 3 credits with a distribution of (2+3); cross-list with NRM F448 and GEOG F448; stack as BIOL F648 with GEOG F648 and NRM F648; change prerequisites by removing BIOL F474 or other general ecology course, and add BIOL F239 and F271 or permission of instructor; update description; offered fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Donald Walker, x2460
Stacked course: Reference 99-GCCh. - to be re-submitted in Fall 2011 review cycle.
Status: 1/4/2011: Course numbering conflict with stacking as BIOL F675. Anita notes that F448/F648 would work with stacking and cross-listing as BIOL, NRM, GEOG. Otherwise approved by CR; at GAAC for graduate level review.
5/16/2011: ON HOLD for Graduate portion (thus undergrad as well); this paperwork will be re-submitted in Fall 2011. (Undergrad changes can be pursued as minor course changes in the meantime.)
5/18/2011: Course is to be re-submitted to the Fall 2011 review cycle. Not approved at this time.
9-UNC: New Course: FISH F301 - Biology of Fishes, 4 credits (3+3); to be cross-listed as BIOL F301; prerequisites include BIOL F116X or equivalent, junior or senior standing; [[BIOL F317 is recommended; - removed from proposal]] letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall; first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Andres Lopez
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved with removal of BIOL F317 as a recommended course, on 10/15/2010. Provost approved on 10/18/2010.
10-UCCh.: Course Change: FISH F426 - Behavioral and Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); stacked as FISH F626; change title to Behavioral Ecology of Fishes; drop FISH F288 from prerequisites; ADD FISH F301 OR BIOL F271 OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR TO PREREQUISITES; update description; to be offered alternate spring semesters; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Andrew Seitz, x5254
Status: Curriculum Review Committee discussed on 10/15/2010; questions re prerequisites. 
10/20/2010: Additions (caps above) to prerequisites approved. CR approved.
10/25/2010: GAAC also approved. 
10/26/2010: Provost approved.
11-UNC: New Course: FISH F428 - Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as FISH F628; prerequisites include BIOL F115X, BIOL F116X, FISH F301 OR BIOL F271 OR PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR; recommended courses include FISH F425 or BIOL F271, FISH F427, BIOL F310; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring of odd-years; first offering in Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Andrew Seitz, x5254
Status: Curriculum Review Committee discussed on 10/15/2010; questions re prerequisites. 
10/20/2010: Additions to prerequisites approved (Add FISH F301 or BIOL F271).
10/25/2010: GAAC also looking at prerequisites. Add requirement of "graduate standing or permission of instructor" for graduate level.
11/15/2010: Provost approved.
12-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A., Fisheries: Update catalog degree requirements to reflect changed course names (FISH F288), course additions (ANS F350, ANS F401, FISH F411, PS F454, PS F455, PS F458, and STAT F200) and course deletions (ECON F200, MSL F111, ACCT F262, and AIS F101), and change number of required credits from 126 to 125; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285
Status: 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review Committee discussed and approved following a final check of the course numbers. (Andres to contact Jayne.)
2/21/2011: Provost approved.
13-UPCh: Program Change: Minor, Fisheries Program, Update catalog degree requirements to reflect changed course name (FISH F288), and course additions and deletions in areas of concentrations; minimum credits required remain 15; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7285
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review Committee discussed. Clear up confusion over the total number of required credits. 
1/6/2011: Provost approved.
14-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - Elementary Education: remove the course option of LING F303 W,O because the course has not been offered since 2005; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Carol Barnhardt, x6457
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 10/15/2010. 
Provost approved on 10/18/2010.
15-UPCh.: Program Change: Minor - Secondary Education: add the course option of ED/PSY F245 to the minor requirements; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Larry Meath, x6589
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved on 10/15/2010. 
10/18/2010: Provost approved.

16-UNC : New Course: HONR F241 - Honors Viewpoints of Humanity I, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211 or F213, and COMM F131 or F141; with Honors sections of ENGL F211 or F213, and of COMM F141 recommended; special restrictions include open only Honors Program students and required for second-year Honors students; letter graded and not repeatable; [[Removed per revision: may be used to fulfill one requirement from the Perspectives on the Human Condition core]]; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved. Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committees and revisions requested (see revised proposal below). Core Review disapproved the request to have the course fulfill a Core requirement.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

17-UNC : New Course: HONR F242 - Honors Viewpoints of Humanity II, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211 or F213, and COMM F131 or F141; with Honors sections of ENGL F211 or F213, and of COMM F141 recommended; special restrictions include open only Honors Program students and required for second-year Honors students; letter graded and not repeatable; [[Removed per revision: may be used to fulfill one requirement from the Perspectives on the Human Condition core]]; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved. Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committees and revisions requested (see revised proposal below). Core Review disapproved the request to have the course fulfill a Core requirement.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

18-UCCh.: Course Change: ATM F613/F413 - Atmospheric Radiation, 3 credits (3+0); cross-list and stack as PHYS F613/F413; offered fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Nicole Molders, x7910
Status: To be reviewed at Curric. Review. 2/14/2011: GAAC has approved graduate level. 
2/18/2011: CR approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

19-UPCh.: Program Change: BS - Fisheries Science : Update catalog degree requirements to reflect changed course name (FISH F288), course additions (FISH F301, F411, F414, F426, F428, F433 and F440, and BIOL F305; and course deletions (ECON F200, MSL F411, ECON F202, MSL F111, and FISH F427; change from 12 credits of upper division electives to 10 credits; change from 126 required degree credits to 120 credits; effective Fall 2011. SEE REVISED FORMAT BELOW.
Contact: Trent Sutton, x7284
Status: 12/3 and 12/13: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee.
Assigned to Diane W. (Diane OK'd; Andres L. OK'd.)
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

20-UNC: New Course: HONR F381 - Honors Capstone Development, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211 or F213, and COMM F131 or F141; with Honors sections of ENGL F211 or F213, and of COMM F141 recommended; special restrictions include open only Honors Program students and required for third-year Honors students; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106
Status: 12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Committee.
Jacob J. will contact Channon regarding syllabus and grading. 
2/18/2011: Jayne checked and only revisions to #16 and #17 were received.
2/28/2011: Revisions received and posted below:
3/4/2011: Provost approved.

21-UNC: New Course: HONR F382 - Honors Capstone Support, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211 or F213, and COMM F131 or F141, and HONR F381; with Honors sections of ENGL F211 or F213, and of COMM F141 recommended; special restrictions include open only Honors Program students and required for third-year (in spring) and fourth-year (in fall) Honors students; letter graded and repeatable two times; to be taught every fall and spring, first offering in Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106
Status: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee again on 2/18/2011; Rainer will follow up regarding the abstract for a conference requirement.
2/28/2011: Revisions received and posted below:
3/4/2011: Provost approved.

22-UNC: New Course: HONR F383 - Honors Capstone Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); prerequisites include HONR F381, HONR F382, ENGL F211 or F213, and COMM F131 or F141; with Honors sections of ENGL F211 or F213, and of COMM F141 recommended; special restrictions include open only Honors Program students and required for fourth-year Honors students; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in spring each year, first offering in Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Channon Price, x6106
Status: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee and will be approved upon receipt of a revised syllabus. 2/18/2011: Jayne checked and only revisions to #16 and #17 were received.
2/28/2011: Revisions received and posted below:
3/4/2011: Provost approved.

23-A and B-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Physics: remove PHYS F382 W - Physics Laboratory from the degree requirements because it's no longer taught; rearrange combination of total credits required for PHYS F471 and PHYS F472 from three topics in each to a total of six topics from either course; effective Fall 2011. UPDATE: PHYS F382 W will not be removed (2/2/2011).
Contact: Channon Price, x6106
Status: Curriculum Review Committee approved the change on 10/29/2010. 
Provost approved on 11/4/2010.
UPDATED APPROVAL (2/2/2011): Removal of PHYS F382 W has been rescinded. Only changes from 23-B-UPCh. are approved. 2/3/2011: Provost signed revised approval form.

24-UCCh: Course Change: WLF [[F419]] F425 O - Waterfowl and Wetlands Ecology and Management, 4 credits (3+3); change title to Ecology and Management of Birds; change credits to 3 from 4; change credit distribution to (3+0); change course number from F419 to F420; change core designator from O/2 to O (submitted to Core Review); change prerequisites to remove BIOL F426 and WLF F201, and add WLF F222; change frequency from fall of odd-numbered years to spring of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2011. (4-Core)
Contact: Mark Lindberg, x6598
Status: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee and approved on 2/18/2011. Core Review approved "O" request as of 2/2/2011. 2/28/2011: Course number will be F425, not F419 or 420.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

25-UNC: New Course: GEOG F430 - Google Earth and Neogeography, 3 credits (3+0); [prerequisites have been added -- see revised paperwork below]; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: John Bailey, x6504
Status: Some discussion has occurred at Curriculum Review Committee. The CLA Curriculum Committee has not approved an (h) designator for this course (it has been removed). Discussed again on 2/18/2011 and Patricia will follow up on the course schedule; and ask for "upper division standing or permission of instructor" addition. A 300-level prerequisite is suggested. Anne A. will follow up, also.
2/23/2011: Revised course description and revised syllabus have been received. PDF has been re-posted. CR has approved via email.
2/28/2011: Provost approved.

26-UCDr.: Drop Course: ABUS F120 - Personal Finance and Investing, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); course has been replaced by ABUS F161 and ABUS F234; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

27-UCCh.: Course Change: ABUS F142 - Office Accounting I, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change course number to F203; change title to Accounting Capstone; change to 3 credits (3+0); effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

28-UCCh.: Course Change: ABUS F178 - Business and Professional Presentations, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Professionalism; change frequency to as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. The course description needs to be updated. Anne A. is following up with Terry B. (Then #32 can be OK'd.) 2/2/2011: Revised syllabus received. 2/4/2011: Still needs a good course description. Ed H. to follow up with Charlie D.
2/18/2011: Ed H. to follow up with Jayne.
3/21/2011: Provost approved.

29-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Applied Business Management: change title of ABUS F178 to reflect new title (submitted on Format 2) and correct the catalog wording to reflect UAF CTC name change; allow other approved Human Relations courses besides ABUS F154; remove ABUS F142 from general business offerings; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: 2/18/2011: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee, and Ed H. will follow up on addition of catalog language regarding Human Relations requirement.
3/21/2011: Provost approved.

30-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Accounting Technician: update course information for ABUS F203 (removing ABUS F143); allow other approved Human Relations courses besides ABUS F154; update catalog information to reflect UAF CTC name change; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee.
Assigned to Debu Misra. (He has OK'd; needs CR finalization.)
3/21/2011: Provost approved.

31-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Applied Accounting: update course information for ABUS F203 (removing ABUS F143); update catalog description and footnotes; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

32-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Applied Business: update program description; remove CIOS F128 from Computer Applications electives, and add CIOS F233 and CIOS F255 as options; update all instances of changed title for ABUS F178; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Dexter, x2837
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. This is OK once #28-UCCh. changes are made. HOLD FOR #28 to be approved. 2/18/2011: #28 provisionally approved.
3/4/2011: Provost approved.

33-UNC: New Course: CTT F160 - Photovoltaic Systems - Part 1, 5 credits in an intensive lecture (55 hours) and lab (20 hours) format over three weeks; prerequisites include CTT F106 - Construction Mathematics, or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613
Status: 1/4/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved with a (4+2) credit distribution.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

34-UNC: New Course: CTT F161 - Photovoltaic Systems - Part 2, 5 credits in an intensive lecture (57 hours) and lab (18 hours) format over three weeks; prerequisites include CTT F160 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Bryan Uher, x2613
Status: 1/4/2011: Curriculum Review Committee approved with a (4+2) credit distribution.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

35-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate and A.A.S. - Information Technology Specialist: add an IT support foundation to the certificate requirements, re-arranging the personal computing courses accordingly; update certificate and associates program descriptions for ITS; for the A.A.S., change courses available for the Computation requirement; add CIOS courses as available electives; and add CITS F212 and F261 to section 3.a of the Computer TechnologySupport Concentration and remove CS F205 as an option for introductory programming in section 3.a; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Keith Swarner, x2820
Status: 1/4/2011: CR discussed and with some additional wording to program description regarding certification reviews, this will be approved. Andres will follow up with Keith. 1/10/2011: Revised Format 5 received (see below).
Assigned to Andres Lopez and Rainer Newberry.
3/4/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
3/7/2011: Provost approved.

36-UNC: New Course: ENVI F120 - Home Energy Basics, 1 credit (1+0); graded Pass/Fail and not repeatable; to be offered in a compressed 3-day intensive lecture course format; to be offered each fall; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Tom Marsik, 842-5109
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee.
Assigned to Julie Maier and CR Committee.
3/4/2011: Curriculum Review did not approve this course for 100-level.
5/13/2011: Revised Format 1 and syllabus received and posted. 5/25/2011: Still under review.
6/14/2011: CR approved as revised below.
6/15/2011: Provost approved.

37-UNC: New Course: ENVI F220 - Introduction to Sustainable Energy, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of any 100-level MATH course or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered by distance delivery; to be offered each spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Tom Marsik, 842-5109
Status: 12/3/2010: Curriculum Review Committee approved with check on prerequisites. Proposal needs signature pages from CRCD (requested and received). 
12/14/2010: Provost approved.

38-UNP: New Program: A.A.S. - Paramedicine: [See revised format 3 posted below] 69-73 credits are required from courses that include EMS F181, EMS F183, EMS F280, EMS F282, EMS F283, and HLTH F114 or BIOL F111X and F112X; prerequisites include EMS F170 with HLTH F114 recommended; special admission requirement of a current EMT-Basic Certification; effective Fall 2011 upon approval including BOR.
Contact: Chuck Kuhns, 455-2895
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. Ed H. will follow up on Committee's recommended changes to pages 4, 5 and 6 of the proposal. Updated BOR form has been received.
2/28/2011: Ed H. received some changes and will forward them; this can go to Curricular Affairs now.
4/4/2011: Approved at Faculty Senate Meeting #174. Prospectus requested by Provost's Office so it can go up to Statewide Academic Council, then BOR.

39-UNP: New Minor - Structural Engineering: Requires completion of 27 credits, including ES F209, ES F210, ES F331, CE F331, CE F334, CE F432, and CE F433; and two courses from an approved list; effective Fall 2011 upon approval (Chancellor-level).
Contact: David Barnes, x6126
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. This minor and #40 and #41 need to be addressed as potential concentrations within the degree program. Debu will follow up. #39 is not approved at Curriculum Review.

40-UNP: New Minor - Environmental and Water Resource Engineering: Requires completion of 20 credits comprised of ES F341, CE F344, CE F341, and three additional courses from an approved list; effective Fall 2011 upon approval (Chancellor-level).
Contact: David Barnes, x6126
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. This minor and #39 and #41 need to be addressed as potential concentrations within the degree program. Debu will follow up.
#40 is not approved at Curriculum Review.

41-UNP: New Minor - Transportation Engineering: Requires completion of 18 credits comprised of CE F112, CE F302, ESM F422; and three additional courses from an approved list; effective Fall 2011 upon approval (Chancellor-level).
Contact: David Barnes, x6126
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. This minor and #39 and #40 need to be addressed as potential concentrations within the degree program. Debu will follow up.
#41 is not approved at Curriculum Review.

42-UNC: New Course: ENGL F273 - Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ENGL F111X or permission of instructor; (h) designator; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered each spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: David Crouse, x5234
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Committee. Assigned to Debu (Lead), and Jacob and Miho are readers. Debu notes lecture topics and homework questions.
3/1/2011: Revised syllabus received and posted below:
3/4/2011: Provost approved.

43-UNC: New Course: ENGL F410 - Studies in American Literature to 1900 (h), 3 credits (3+0); "W" and "0/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include COMM F131X or F141X, ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; course is repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third spring, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Jennifer Schell, x1982
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Debu (Lead), and Jacob and Miho are readers. Debu notes homework question.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

44-UNC: New Course: ENGL F415 - Studies in 17C and 18C British Literature, 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; "W" and "O/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include COMM F131X or F141X, ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; course is repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third fall, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Jennifer Schell, x1982
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Debu (Lead), and Jacob and Miho are readers. Debu notes homework question.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

45-UNC: New Course: ENGL F420 - Studies in Medieval and 16th Century British Literature, 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; "W" and "0/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include COMM F131X or F141X, ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; course is repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Karen Grossweiner, x5012
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Jacob (Lead), and Debu and Miho are readers. Jacob notes questions re syllabus.
12/13/2010: Writing Center needs to be mentioned in syllabus. 
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

46-UNC: New Course: ENGL F440 - Studies in 20th and 21st Century British Literature, 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; "W" and "0/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; course is repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Jacob (Lead), and Debu and Miho are readers. Jacob notes question re grading.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

47-UNC: New Course: ENGL F450 - Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; "W" and "O/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include COMM F131X or F141X; ENGL F211X or 213X; or permission of instructor; repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third fall, first offering Fall 2013; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Chris Coffman, x5233
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Jacob (Lead), and Debu and Miho are readers.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

48-UNC: New Course: ENGL F455 - Studies in 20th Century and 21st Century American Literature, 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; "W" and "0/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include COMM F131X or 141X, ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; course is repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third spring, first offering Spring 2014; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: James Ruppert, x6605
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Miho (Lead), and Debu and Jacob are readers.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

49-UNC: New Course: ENGL F460 - Studies in Comparative World Literature, 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; "W" and "0/2" designator requests to Core Review; prerequisites include COMM F131X or 141X, ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; course is repeatable one time based on variable content; letter graded; to be offered every third fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Alla Ivanchikova, x5996
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. (11/1/2010: Core Review approved for Core.)
Assigned to Miho (Lead), and Debu and Jacob are readers.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

50-UNC: New Course: ENGL F465 - Genre, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; (h) designator; letter graded; repeatable one time when content varies; to be offered each spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Karen Grossweiner, x5012
Status: 1/4/2011: Rainer followed up on prerequisities, but no changes agreed to. CR approved the course. 
Assigned to Miho (Lead), and Debu and Jacob are readers.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

51-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F403 W, O/2 - American Renaissance, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

52-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F404 W, O/2 - American Realism, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

53-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F405 - British Writers of the 19th Century: Romantic Period (h), 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

54-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F406 - British Writers of the 19th Century: Victorian Period, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

55-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F407 - British Writers of the Restoration and 18th Century: Neo-Classical Period, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

56-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F408 W, O/2 - American Origins, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

57-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F421 - Chaucer and His Age, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

58-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F426 O/2 - Milton, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

59-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F444 W - Fiction in Translation, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

60-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F445 - Drama after 1900, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

61-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F446 - Major Modern and Contemporary Poetry, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

62-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F447 O/2 - British Prose after 1900, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

63-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F448 W, O/2 - American Prose after 1900, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

64-UCDr.: Course Drop: ENGL F452 O/2 - The British Novel to 1900, 3 credits (3+0); one of fourteen courses being dropped as the undergraduate curriculum is revised and ten new courses are introduced; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Rich Carr, x6361
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review (and Core Review) approved the drop.
12/14/2010: Provost approved the drop.

65-UNC: New Course: ENGL F435 - Authors (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or 213X or permission of instructor; letter graded and repeatable one time based on variable content; to be offered each fall, first offering in Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Terry Reilly, x5180
Status: 2/18/2011: Reviewed and approved at Curriculum Review Committee; however the course number will not work and Anita H. will contact the department about what's available to use.
2/25/2011: 435 is approved as the new course number (changed from F430).
2/28/2011: Provost approved.

66-UNC: New Course: FLM 273 - Previsualization and Preproduction for Digital Cinema, (h), 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as THR F273 and ART F273; (h) designator; letter graded and not repeatable; no prerequisites, but FLM F271 and FLM/JRN F290 are recommended; to be offered each spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011. NOTE: REVISED COURSE NUMBER IS F172, revised again from F131 for this course.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950
Status: 12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Following up on questions re prerequisites. Good syllabus noted.
2/9/2011: Revised format 1 and syllabus received from Maya S. 
2/18/2011: Diane will follow up with department about finding a course number that works across the cross-listings, then can be approved.
3/15/2011: Provost approved.

67-UNC: New Coures: FLM F418 - Internship in Film Production (h), 1-6 credits (0+0+3-18); (h) designator; course is repeatable two times for a maximum of 12 credits; letter graded; FLM F271 and FLM F245 recommended but not required; special restrictions include 18 credits in upper division film classes or permission of instructor; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950
Status: 12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Following up on clarification of credits.
2/18/2011: Approved with revised credit distribution of (0+0+3-18).
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

68-UNC: New Course: FLM F431 - Advanced Film Production (h), 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; to be cross-listed as THR F431; prerequisites include FLM F273, FLM F331, FLM/JRN F290; with FLM F271 and FLM F334 recommended; to offered in fall of even-numbered years; first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review Commitee.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

69-UNC: New Course: FLM F[[463]] 460 - Cross-Cultural Filmmaking (h), 3 credits (3+0); (h) designator; to be cross-listed as ANTH F460 and ART F460; prerequisite of junior, senior or graduate standing or permission of instructor; FLM F271 and FLM/JRN F290 are recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in fall of odd-numbered years; first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011. 
NOTE: F481 is NOT available across the cross-listed depts. F460 has been identified and chosen for the new course and its cross-listings.
Contact: Maya Salganek, x5950
Status: 2/18/2011: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee and using #481 across the cross-listings needs to be checked. Suggestion to add "upper division standing or permission of instructor" and Diane will follow up. 2/27/2011: Approval pending department response.
3/15/2011: Provost approved.

70-UNC: New Course: THR F235 - The Collaborative Process (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of THR F215; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate spring, first offering Spring of 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Stephan Golux, x5253
Status: 2/4/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee discussed and approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

71-UNC: New Course: THR F356 - Costume Design (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ART F104 or F105; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered in fall of odd-numbered years; first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Stephan Golux, x5253
Status: 12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. 2/4/2011: Discussed prerequisites vs. recommendations issues. Patricia H. to follow up. 2/21/2011: Prerequisites confirmed and course is approved.
2/28/2011: Provost approved.

72-UNC: New Course: THR F421 [F423]- Acting IV (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include THR F121, F215, F220, F221, F321 or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every other spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011. CHANGE COURSE NUMBER TO F423.
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754
Status: 1/4/2011: CR confirmed approval of course. 12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Patricia will follow up on changing course number to F423. Double-check with Anita H.
Assigned to Patricia (Lead) and Diane (reader).
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

73-UNC: New Course: THR F432 - Stage Directing II, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include THR F332, and one of the following: THR F321, F343, F347, F351, or F356; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Stephan Golux, x5253
Status: 1/21/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review Committee.
12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Questions on credit distribution. Patricia will follow up.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

74-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F215 - Dramatic Literature, 3 credits (3+0); remove cross-listing with FLM F215; add prerequisite of ENGL F111X or concurrent enrollment or permission of instructor; change course description; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Stephan Golux, x5253
Status: 12/13/2010: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Patricia to follow up. 2/4/2011: Discussed ENGL F111X issues (prereq? coreq? rather than recommendation?). 2/18/2011: Patricia will follow up and then contact Jayne.
2/21/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review.
2/28/2011: Provost approved.

75-UCCh.: Course Change: THR F321 - Advanced Acting, (1+4); change title to Acting III; change credit distribution to (3+0); change prerequisites to THR F220 and THR F221; change course description; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Carrie Baker, x7754
Status: 1/4/2011: CR confirmed approval of course. 12/13/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Tied to #72 - will course number work? 
Assigned to Patricia (Lead) and Diane (reader).
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

76-UCDr.: Course Drop: FREN F434 W - La Litterature Quebecoise, 3 credits 3+0); course has not been offered in ten years and there are no plans to offer it in the future; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Yelena Matusevich, x7396
Status: 12/3/2010: Curriculum Review Commitee approved the drop.
12/7/2010: Provost approved.

77-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Computer Engineering, add two courses to address ABET accreditation: EE F353 and EE F354; drop required course EE F334; drop elective course CS F441; add elective courses EE F334 and EE F471; update general program description; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Charlie Mayer, x6091
Status: 1/10/2011: Revised Format 5 received. Approved by Curriculum Review Commitee.
1/31/2011: Provost approved.

78-UCCh.: Course Change: GE F322 - Engineering Sedimentology, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Erosion Mechanics and Conservation; update course description; change the prerequisites by dropping GE F261 and PHYS F212X, and adding ES F341 or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Debu Misra, x5339
Status: 11/12/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. These qualify as minor changes and were sent to the Registrar's Office.

79-UCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL F418 W - Developmental Biology, 4 credits (3+3); cross-listed as CHEM F418 W; the course has not been taught in more than five years; the course number is needed for #1-UCCh - Biogeography course; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294; Bill Simpson, x7235
Status: 12/3/2010: Curriculum Review Commitee approved the drop.
12/7/2010: Provost approved.

80-UCDr.: Course Drop: BIOL F328 O - Biology of Marine Organisms, 3 credits (3+0); course is being redeveloped at SFOS, and has not been taught at CNSM for many years; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Christa Mulder, x6294
Status: 12/3/2010: Curriculum Review Commitee approved the drop.
12/7/2010: Provost approved.

81-UPCh.: Program Change: B.A. - English: Overhaul of the 400-level courses which includes dropping 14 courses: F403 W O/2; F404 O/2; F405, F406, F407, F408 W O/2, F421, F426 O/2, F444 W, F445, F446, F447 O/2, F448 W O/2, F452 O/2; adding nine courses: F420 W O/2, F430, F460 W O/2, F440 W O/2, F465, F415 W O/2, F410 W O/2, F450 W O/2, and F455 W O/2; changing F482; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Karen Grossweiner, x5012
Status: 2/18/2011: Discussed more at Curriculum Review and Miho will follow up with some of the catalog language and change of total credits (and then contact Jayne).
2/25/2011: Approved by Curriculum Review Committee.
2/28/2011: Provost approved.

82-UPCh.: Program Change: B.S. - Natural Resources Management: change the concentration name of "Resources" to "Humans and the Environment", and update the program description; revise the contration requirements; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Joshua Greenberg, x7189
Status: 12/3/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. References a new 3xx course for which there is no paperwork turned in. 2/18/2011: Discussed; needs some follow up.
2/28/2011: Provost approved.

83-UPCh.: Program Change: Certificate - Early Childhood Education: Increase minimum credits required from 31 to 34; change the Human Relations course requirement to ECE F107 and remove ECE F245 and ABUS F154 as options to fulfill it (removing old footnote to that #2.c section); change the program requirement courses listed to only include ECE F101, ECE F104, ECE F110, ECE F119, ECE F120 or F220, ECE F129, ECE F132, ECE F140, ECE F170 or F115 or F299; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee has provisionally approved this; and Anne will do some minor follow up (and then contact Jayne).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

84-UPCh.: Program Change: A.A.S. - Early Childhood Education: Change the Human Relations course requirement to ECE F107, removing option of ECE F245 (removing old footnote to that #2 section); change the program requirement courses listed to only include ECE F101, ECE F104, ECE F110, ECE F119, ECE F120 or F220, ECE F129, ECE F140, ECE F170 or F115 or F299, ECE F210, ECE F235, ECE F230 or F240, ECE F242 or F342 or approved course, ECE F270; and specify 7 credits of courses required by the offering campus; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee has provisionally approved this; and Anne will do some minor follow up (and then contact Jayne).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

85-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F104 - Child Development I: Prenatal, Infants and Toddlers (s), 3 credits (2+2); change the credit distribution to (2.5+1); remove the existing prerequisites; update course description; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

86-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F107 - Child Development II: The Preschool and Primary Years (s), 3 credits (2+2); change the credit distribution to (2.5+1); remove the existing prerequisites; recommend ECE F104; update course description; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Ed (Lead); and Julie and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

87-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F110 - Safe, Healthy Learning Environments, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2.75+.5); add lab requirement; update course description; remove frequency of offering; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: 2/4/2011: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Credit distribution should be (2.5+1).
Assigned to Ed (Lead); and Julie and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

88-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F120A - Curriculum I, 3 credits (2.5+1); change course number to F119; change title to Curriculum I: Principles and Practices; remove frequency of offering; update course description, remove alternative courses and indicate lab is required; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883a
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Ed (Lead); and Julie and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

89-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F120B - Curriculum II, 3 credits (2.5+1); change course number to F120; change title to Curriculum II: Thinking, Reasoning and Discovery; remove frequency of offering; update course description, include required lab, and recommend ECE F104, F107 and F119; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Anne (Lead); and Ed and Julie (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

90-UNC: New Course: ECE F129 - Foundations for Nutrition and Physical Wellness, 3 credits (2.5+1); will be required for the ECE A.A.S.; letter graded and not repeatable; lab indicated in credit distribution; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patty Meritt, 455-2883
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Anne (Lead); and Ed and Julie (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

91-UCCh.: Course Change: ECE F140 - Positive Social Development, 3 credits (2.5+.5); change title to Positive Social and Emotional Development; change credit distribution to (2.75+.5); remove frequency of offering; update course description; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: AnneMarie Mattacchione, 455-2931
Status: 2/4/2011: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Credit distribution should be (2.5+1).
Assigned to Anne (Lead); and Ed and Julie (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

92-UNC: Course Change: ECE F220 - Infant and Toddler Care, 3 credits (2.5+1); change title to Curriculum III: Infants and Toddlers; remove ECE F245 from prerequisites and add ECE F104; update course description; remove frequency of offering; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: AnneMarie Mattacchione, 455-2931
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Anne (Lead); and Ed and Julie (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

93-UNC: New Course: ECE F302 - Building Home Program Relationships: Prenatal to 3 Years, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite includes ENGL F111X; with ENGL F211X or F213X and ECE F342 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; course formats include 10-week and full semester; to be offered alternate spring or as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Julie (Lead); and Ed and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

94-UNC: New Course: ECE F320 - Environment and Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers, 3 credits (2.5+1); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or F213X; with ECE F104, or ECE F245, ECE F220, ECE F110 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; ten-week course format; to be offered alternative spring or as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Julie (Lead); and Ed and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

95-UNC: New Course: ECE F405 - Seminar in Culture and Child Rearing Practices, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or 213X; with recommended courses ECE F104, or ECE/PSY/ED F245, ECE F130, ECE F342; letter graded and not repeatable; ten week course format; to be offered alternative spring or as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038
Status: Discussed at Curriculum Review Commitee. CLA Curriculum Council did not approve the (h) designator request for this course (it has been removed).
Assigned to Julie (Lead); and Ed and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

96-UNC: New Course: ECE F421 - From Babbling to Talking to Early Literacy, 3 credits (2.5+1); prerequisites include ENGL F211X or 213X; with recommended courses ECE F104 or ECE F245 or other early development course; letter graded and not repeatable; ten week course format; to be offered alternative spring or as demand warrants; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Veronica Plumb, 455-2038
Status: To be reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee.
Assigned to Julie (Lead); and Ed and Anne (readers).
3/2/2011: Provost approved.

97-UNC: New Course: RECR F110J - Fundamentals of Competitive Water Polo, 1 credit (0+3); prerequisite of RECR F110D (Conditioning Swimming) or permission of instructor; graded Pass/Fail and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
Status: 1/4/2011: CR Approved with revisions to syllabus (below) addressing class attendance.
12/13/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. Anne notes too many absences allowed.
Assigned to Ed (Lead); and Anne (reader). 
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

98-UNC: New Course: RECR F120L - Zumba Fitness, 1 credit (0+3); graded Pass/Fail and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808
Status: 12/13/2010: Curriculum Review Commitee approved.
12/14/2010: Provost approved.

99-UNC: New Course: RELG F110 - Isaac v. Ishmael: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (s), 1 credit (1+0) in a 5-week format; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808 (Dr. Paul Korchin)
Status: 1/21/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee discussed; Pete had received revised syllabus to address grading needs clarification on participation requirement. 2/2/2011: The CLA Curriculum Council does not approve the (h) designator for this course (it has been removed). However, an (s) designator has been approved at the CLA Curriculum Council. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

100-UNC: New Course: RELG F111 - Rebellious Women of the Bible (h), 1 credit (1+0) in a 5-week format; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808 (Dr. Paul Korchin)
Status: 1/21/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee discussed; Pete had received revised syllabus to address grading needs clarification on participation requirement. 2/2/2011: Miho confirmed the (h) designator is approved by CLA Curriculum Council. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
Assigned to Patricia (Lead) and Diane (reader).
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

101-UNC: New Course: RELG F112 - Dealing with Demons and Death: Magic in Ancient Cultures (h), 1 credit (1+0) in a 5-week format; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808 (Dr. Paul Korchin)
Status: 1/21/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee discussed; Pete had received revised syllabus to address grading needs clarification on participation requirement. 2/2/2011: Miho confirmed the (h) designator is approved by CLA Curriculum Council. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

102-UNC: New Course: RELG F113 - The Biblical Environment: Human Ecology in Ancient Israel (s), 1 credit (1+0) in a 5-week format; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Mahla Strohmaier, 455-2808 (Dr. Paul Korchin)
Status: 1/4/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee discussed; grading needs clarification on participation requirement. Pete will follow up on that. 2/2/2011: Miho followed up on the (h) designator request with the CLA Curriculum Council, and the council needs more clarification on the course content. 
2/9/2011: CLA Curriculum Council approved an (s) designation for this course; not (h). 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

103-UPCh.: Program Change: B.E.M. - Emergency Management: Change minimum required credits from 129-131 credits to 120-121 credits; remove BA F151, BA F317 W, BA F452 W, COMM F335 O, ECON F200, PS F101, PS F321, and PS F403 W from requirements; add BA F343, ECON F201, ED F486 O/2, and new courses HSEM F301, HSEM F412, HSEM F423, HSEM F434, HSEM F445, and HSEM F456 to the required courses; under section 5 remove both the options for the 15-credits required from the Leadership and Civic Engagement minor and remove the options listed in the 9 credits area; add three required credits from a new section 5 that includes options of BA F317W; BA F490; COMM F335 O, COMM F353, COMM F300X and BA F452 W; change program description; changes will allow A.A.S. students to matriculate into the B.E.M.; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: 1/21/2011: Under discussion at Curriculum Review Commitee. 
1/31/2011: PDF has been updated to include some missing text at Section E.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

104-UNC: New Course: HSEM F301 - Principles of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MATH F107X or F161X [[REMOVE "or STAT F200X and junior"]] ADD "and upper division standing"; letter graded and not repeatable; course will be a new requirement for the B.E.M. degree; to be offered fall or spring; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: Reviewed at 1/21/2011 Curriculum Review Commitee meeting. Prerequisites are revised as noted above. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

105-UNC: New Course: HSEM F412 - Emergency Planning and Preparedness, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; [[REMOVE "MATH 107X or F161X or STAT F200X and junior standing]]; letter graded and not repeatable; course will be a new requirement for the B.E.M. degree; to be offered fall or spring, first offering in Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: Reviewed at 1/21/2011 Curriculum Review Commitee meeting. Prerequisites are revised as noted above. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

106-UNC: New Course: HSEM F423 - Disaster Response Operations and Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; [[REMOVE "MATH 107X or F161X or STAT F200X and junior standing]]; letter graded and not repeatable; course will be a new requirement for the B.E.M. degree; to be offered fall or spring, first offering in Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: Reviewed at 1/21/2011 Curriculum Review Commitee meeting. Prerequisites are revised as noted above. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

107-UNC: New Course: HSEM F434 - All Hazards Risk Analysis, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; [[REMOVE "MATH 107X or F161X or STAT F200X and junior standing]]; letter graded and not repeatable; course will be a new requirement for the B.E.M. degree; to be offered fall or spring, first offering in Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: Reviewed at 1/21/2011 Curriculum Review Commitee meeting. Prerequisites are revised as noted above. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

108-UNC: New Course: HSEM F445 - Business Continuity and Crisis Management, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; [[REMOVE "MATH 107X or F161X or STAT F200X and junior standing]]; letter graded and not repeatable; course will be a new requirement for the B.E.M. degree; to be offered fall or spring, first offering in Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011. 
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: Reviewed at 1/21/2011 Curriculum Review Commitee meeting. Prerequisites are revised as noted above. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

109-UNC: New Course: HSEM F456 - Leadership and Influence During Crisis, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include HSEM F301 or permission of instructor; [[REMOVE "MATH 107X or F161X or STAT F200X and junior standing]]; letter graded and not repeatable; course will be a new requirement for the B.E.M. degree; to be offered fall or spring, first offering in Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011. 
Contact: Cameron Carlson, x6537
Status: Reviewed at 1/21/2011 Curriculum Review Commitee meeting. Prerequisites are revised as noted above. 2/18/2011: Curriculum Review approved.
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

110-UPCh.: Program Change: B.B.A. - Business Administration: delete ACCT F352 as a major requirement for the degree; increase additional credits required from Accounting, Business Administration or Economics from 3 credits to 6 credits; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Jacob Joseph, x6532
Status: 1/4/2011: Curriculum Review Commitee approved.
1/6/2011: Provost approved.

111-UNC: New Course: LEAD F190 - Leadership and Management Development, 1-3 credits offered in a compressed 6-day format with 1-6 hours of lab; graded Pass/Fail and repeatable up to six credits based on variable content; to be offered as demand warrants, first offering in Summer 2011 upon approval.
Contact: Nicole Cundiff, x5401
Status: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee. 
Assigned to Andres L.; follow up on maximum number of credits, and course number.
3/4/2011: Curriculum Review consensus that this course either be offered as a trial course or be numbered <100-level. Not approved.

112-UCCh.: Course Change: GEOG F412 - Geography of Climate and Environmental Change, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Processes of Climate Change Past, Present, and Future; change from 3 to 4 credits (4+0); cross-list as ATM, BIOL and GEOS F412 and stack all as F612; change frequency of offering from spring to fall; effective Fall 2011.
Contact: Patricia Heiser, x7068
Status: 12/3/2010: Reviewed at Curriculum Review Commitee who recommend this not be combined with ATM F456, and that it be a trial course at the graduate level first. 2/18/2011: Approved at Curriculum Review as a #11-Trial Course for Fall 2011. Submitted to GAAC. Revised paperwork to be posted.
11-Trial GEOG-F494 / F694 Climate-Change-Processes: Past, Present, Future (PDF)

113-UCCh.: Course Change: EDSE F422 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); stacked with EDSE F622; change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered in spring; effective Fall 2011.
Status: CR approved 2/18/2011. 
2/21/2011: Provost approved.

Excel Spreadsheet Listing

Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download 
Contact Info
Status in Committee


(1-Tr through 
4-Tr were processed in fall 09.
5-Tr is at GAAC )


Trial Course: MSL F394 - The Dynamic Alaskan Coastline, 3 2 credits (2+10); to be cross-listed with GEOS F394; prerequisites include junior standing, MSL F111X; CHEM F105X; and PHYS F103X or PHYS F211X; with GEOS F101X and FISH F288 recommended; field trip required; letter graded; non-repeatable; to be offered alternate fall or as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010.

CR Cmte approved for 2 credits, (2+0).

PDF: MSL-F394-Dynamic-Coastline

PDF: MSL-F394-Trial-Course

Sam VanLaningham

2-23-10: Provost approved. Memo sent to depts.

2-22-2010: CR Cmte approved with revision to credits. Checking on the cross-listing sigs for GEOS F394.

58-UPCh SOM - Business Administration Program Change: B.B.A., Business Administration: elimination of the concentration of Management and Organizations; change required course option from ECON F322 to ECON F351; addition of required course options to include choice of BA F461 and ECON F463 W; effective Fall 2010.
Note: page 137 current Catalog

PDF: Business-Admin-program-change

Jacob Josef

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

58A-UPCh SOM Program Change: B.B.A.: increase the degree requirement from one oral intensive course to at least one and one-half oral intensive courses (page 130 current Catalog); effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BBA-degree-change-pg130-Catalog

Jacob Josef

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.


CRCD - Human Services

Course Drop: HUMS F397 - Management of Complex Cases, 1-6 credits (1-6+0); course already exists as HUMS F310; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: HUMS-F397-course-drop

Barbara Price

3/16/10: Provost approved.

3/15/10: CR Cmte approved.


SOM - Economics

Program Change: B.A., and Minor - Economics: add two new required courses, ECON F201 - Principles of Economics I, and ECON F202 - Principles of Economics II; remove ECON F200 which is no longer offered; minimum credits for Minor increased from 15 credits to 18 credits; effective Fall 2010.

Word: Economics-BA-program-change

Greg Goering, x5572

3/16/10: Provost approved.

3/15/10: CR Cmte approved.


CLA - Women's Studies

Program Change: Minor - Women's Studies: change program name to Women's and Gender Studies; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: Womens-Studies-program-change

Chris Coffman, Sine Anahita

4/26/10: Provost approved; CR Cmte approved.

62-UNC CLA - Women's Studies New Course: WMS F403 - Theories in Women's and Gender Studies (h) (s), 3 credits (3+0); letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisite of WMS F201 or permission of instructor; to be offered alternate fall, first offered Fall 2011; effective Fall 2010.

6/10/10: Received copy of CLA Curric. Council approval of dual designators.

5-7-10: CLA Curric. Council has written an approval memo allowing the course to have both "s" and "h" designators. Copy en route.

4-8-10: Revised syllabus for WMS-F403 (Word)

PDF: WMS-F403-new-course

Chris Coffman, Sine Anahita

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

63-UCCh. CEM - Engineering Science Course Change: ES F331 - Mechanics of Materials, 3 credits (2+3); change credit distribution to (3+0) format by dropping the use of a recitation section from the course, and adding more lecture component; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: ES-F331-course-change

Charlie Mayer, x6091

3/16/10: Provost approved.

3/15/10: CR Cmte approved.

64-UCCh. CEM - Mining & Geological Engineering Course Change: GE F261 - General Geology for Engineers, 3 credits (3+0); change the credit distribution to (2+3) which corrects a catalog error; adding MATH F107X and MATH F108X to the prerequisites; addition of a course fee proposed for Spring 2011 semester; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: GE-F261-course-change

Margaret Darrow, x7303

3/16/10: Provost approved.

3/15/10: CR Cmte approved.


CRCD/TVC - Recreation
CLA - Theatre

New Course: RECR F130Q - Beginning Hip Hop, 1 credit (0+3); to be cross-listed with THR F130Q; graded pass/fail; not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: RECR-F130Q-new-course

Jarek Stultz - adjunct

Kelly Wilson, 455-2808

3/16/10: Provost approved.

3/15/10: CR Cmte approved.

66-UNC CRCD/TVC - Allied Health

New Course: HLTH F207 - Certified Nurse Aide II: Medication Aide-Certified (MA-C), 6 credits (4+4); prerequisites include holding an unencumbered SOA Nurse Aide Certification, minimum one year CAN experience, three professional letters of reference, Accuplacer math score of 48 or higher, 18 years of age minimum, possess required immunizations; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered one time per year; effective Fall 2010.

Back to Top


Cathy Winfree, 455-2876

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

67-UPCh. CRCD/TVC - Human Services Program Change: Minor - Human Services: allow 18 credits in Human Services courses as approved by HUMS faculty, as an additional option to earn the Minor; correct formatting error in Catalog to separate requirements for Minor from state certification courses; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: HUMS-program-change-Minor

Barbara Price, 455-2897

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.




CNSM - Mathematics and Statistics New Course: STAT F654 - Statistical Consulting Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); stacked with STAT F454; prerequisites include STAT F200X or F300; STAT F401; completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH F408; graded pass/fail and may be repeated 3 times; to be offered every spring; first offering in Spring 2011; effective Fall 2010.

5/5/2010: REVISED Docs

OLDER PDF: STAT-F454-F654-new-course

Julie McIntyre, x6253

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

5/5/10: Posted revised docs requested by CR.

4-26-2010: Approved at GAAC. Still at CR.

69-UPCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Program Change: A.A.S. - Culinary Arts: degree requirements have been changed to support accreditation goals, with course changes to CAH F140, F141, F146, F150, F243, F248, F250, F253, F255, and F256; with additions of CAH F101 (new), F154, F160, F175, F199, and F230 (new); effective Fall 2010.

Program Name Clarification: Culinary Arts and Hospitality

6-3-2010 Summary Memo from Ed H. with final modifications.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes. (Word)

Memo re Program Name (PDF)

PDF: AAS-CulinaryArts-pgm-change

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved; some modifications to come from Ed H.




CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Program Change: Certificate - Culinary Arts: the single certificate with three concentrations (Baking; Cooking; Culinary Arts) has been changed into a certificate for Culinary Arts, eliminating the concentrations in Cooking and Baking; and will require 31 credits, effective Fall 2010.Γ‚  (A separate Baking & Pastry certificate will be proposed as a new program in the future.)Γ‚ 

Program Name Clarification: Culinary Arts and Hospitality

6-3-2010 Summary Memo from Ed H. with final modifications.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Memo re Program Name (PDF)

Word docs:
70-UPCh-Cul-Arts-Certificate-Remove two-Concentrations -AND-

REJECTED as a program change: 70A-UPCh-Cul-Arts-Baking-and-Pastry

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/14/10: Provost approved #70.

70-UPCh: CR Cmte approved.

Provost has emailed Michael R. and Marsha S. about new certificate - Baking & Pastry. Marsha will submit Format 3.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

71-UNC CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

New Course: CAH F101 - Introduction to the Culinary Field, 1 credit (1+3); no prerequisites; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered each fall; first offering in Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

6-3-2010 Summary Memo from Ed H. with final modifications.

Word docs: 

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

72-UNC CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

New Course: CAH F230 - Menu Planning, 1 credit (1+0); no prerequisites, but CAH F140, CAH F146 and CAH F150 are recommended; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered every fall and spring; first offering in Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010.

Back to Top

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

4/19/10: Provost approved.

4/12/10: CR approved.

73-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F140 - Food Production I, 5 credits (5+0); title changed to "Culinary I Γ’β‚¬β€œ Principles & Techniques"; description updated; change credits from 5 to 4, and change credit distribution to (1+6); prerequisites/co-requisites changed to include CAH F101, CAH F150; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

74-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F141 - Food Production II, 5 credits, (5+0); change title to Culinary II - Stocks, Soups and Sauces; description updated; change credits from 5 to 4, and change credit distribution to (1+6); require prerequisites of CAH F140 and CAH F150; effective Fall 2010.


Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

75-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F146 - Baking Production II, 5 credits (5+0); title changed to Introduction to Baking and Pastry; description updated; change credits from 5 to 4, and change credit distribution to (1+6); require prerequisites/corequisites of CAH F101, CAH F140, CAH F150; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

76-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F150 - Sanitation, 1 credits (1+0); change title to Food Service Sanitation; change to 2 credits (2+0); update description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs: 

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

4/19/10: Provost approved.

4/12/10: CR approved.

77-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F154 - Dining Room Service, 2 credits (2+0); change title to Food and Beverage Service; change credit distribution to (.5+3); add prerequisite or corequisite of CAH F150; update description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

78-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F160 - Principles of Nutrition, 2 credits (2+0); update course description and syllabus; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

79-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F175 - Introduction to Meat Cutting I, 2 credits (1.5+2.5); change title to Protein Fabrication; change to 3 credits with a credit distribution of (1+4); change course frequency of offering; add course fee; update description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/25/10: Provost has question re title. Approved as is.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

80-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F199 - Culinary Arts Workstudy Externship, 1-12 credits (0+0); change title to Culinary Arts Externship; change to 2 credits with credit distribution of (0+0+18); enrollment after completion of 2nd, 3rd or 4th semester and department approval required; change to frequency of offering; effective Fall 2010.

Back to Top

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

81-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F242 - Food Production III, 5 credits (5+0); change title to Culinary III - Vegetables and Starch; change to 4 credits with a distribution of (1+6); remove prerequisite of CAH F141; add prerequisite of CAH F140; change description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

Summary Memo from Ed H. clarifies question re: course textbook.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

82-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F243 - Food Production IV, 5 credits (5+0); change title to Culinary IV - Ala Carte Cookery; change to 4 credits with a distribution of (1+6); add CAH F141, CAH F175 to prerequisites with CAH F242 - or permission of instructor; change description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

83-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F248 - Bakery Production IV, 5 credits (5+0); change title to Intermediate Baking and Pastry; change credits to 4 with a distribution of (1+6); remove CAH F247 from prerequisites and add CAH F150 to prerequisites with CAH F146 or permission of instructor; change description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

84-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F250 - Garde Manger, 2 credits (2+0); change credits to 4 with a distribution of (1+6); update description; change frequency of offering; add prerequisites of CAH F141, CAH F175; and CAH F242; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

85-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F253 - Storeroom Purchasing and Receiving, 2 credits (2+0); change frequency of offering and update description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

86-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F255 - Food Service Management, 2 credits (2+0); change title to Human Resource and Supervision in Hospitality; change to 3 credits, (3+0); change description and frequency of offering; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

87-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F256 - Food Service Accounting, 2 credits (2+0); change title to Restaurant and Hospitality Cost Management; change frequency of offering and update description; add prerequisite of CAH F101; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved.

88-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F117 - Art in Cake Icing, 2 credits (1+2); change credit distribution to (.5+3); update description; effective Fall 2010.

Back to Top

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memofrom Ed H.

89-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F161 - Pastry Tube Art, 1 credit (1+1); change credit distribution to (.5+2); addition of special fees to course description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memofrom Ed H.

90-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F170 - Gourmet Cooking, 2 credits (2+0); change credit distribution to (.5+3); update description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memofrom Ed H.

91-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F171 - Gourmet Baking, 2 credits (2+0); change credit distribution to (.5+3); update course description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memofrom Ed H.

92-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F172 - Gourmet Asian/Oriental Cooking, 2 credits (1.5+2.5); change title to Gourmet Asian Cooking; change credit distribution to (.5+3); change frequency of offering; update description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/3/10: Modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memo from Ed H.

4/19/10: Provost approved.

4/12/10: CR approved.

93-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F174 - Vegetarian Cooking, 2 credits (1.5+2.5); change credit distribution to (.5+3); update description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/3/10: Modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memo from Ed H.

4/19/10: Provost approved.

4/12/10: CR approved.

94-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F176 - Heart Healthy and Diabetic Cooking, 1 credit (1+3); change to 2 credits with a credit distribution of (.5+3); update course description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with modification to grading system. See Exhibits A-D. Summary Memofrom Ed H.

95-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F177 - Introduction to Zymurgy, 1 credit (1+3); change title to Understanding Brewing and Fermentation; change credit distribution to (.5+1); update course description; effective Fall 2010.

Memo summarizing ALL program changes.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with minor modified class length. Summary Memo from Ed H.

96-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts

Course Change: CAH F178 - Intermediate to Zymurgy, 1 credit (1+3); change title to Intermediate Brewing and Fermentation; change credit distribution to (.5+1); update course description; effective Fall 2010.

Back to Top

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with minor modified class length. Summary Memo from Ed H.

97-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F257 - Oenology-Hospitality Industry I, 1 credit (1+0); change title to Introduction to Wine Appreciation; change credit distribution to (.5+1); change frequency of offering; update course description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with minor modified class length. Summary Memo from Ed H.

98-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Culinary Arts Course Change: CAH F258 - Oenology-Hospitality Industry II, 1 credit (1+0); change title to Intermediate Wine Appreciation; change credit distribution to (.5+1); change frequency of offering; update course description; effective Fall 2010.

Word docs:

Michael Roddey, Asst. Prof.

Dept. contact: Kathy Dixon, 455-2903

6/6/10: Provost approved.

6/3/10: CR Cmte approved with minor modified class length. Summary Memo from Ed H.

99-UPCh. CNSM - Mathematics and Statistics Program Deletion: B.S., Statistics: elimination of the baccalaureate program due to low enrollment; and the B.S. program in Mathematics will be revised to accommodate an option in statistics; effective Fall 2010 upon approval of the BOR.

PDF: Program-deletion-BS-Statistics

Dana Thomas, x6253
Ron Barry, Julie McIntyre, Margaret Short

Must await Fall 2010 Faculty Senate vote.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

100-UPCh. CNSM - Mathematics and Statistics

Program Change: B.S., Mathematics: revision of the statistics option to accommodate the program deletion of the B.S. in Statistics (see 98-UPCh.); effective Fall 2010.

Also reference 101-UCCh. and 102-UCCh. for associated course changes.

PDF: B.S.-Mathematics-degree-change

Dana Thomas, x6253
Ron Barry, Julie McIntyre, Margaret Short

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.
101-UCCh. CNSM - Mathematics and Statistics Course Change: MATH F215 - Introduction to Mathematical Proofs, 2 credits (2+0); increase credits from 2 to 3, (3+0); change course description; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: MATH-F215-course-change

Jill Faudree, x7385

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

102-UCCh. CNSM - Mathematics and Statistics Course Change: MATH F490 O - Senior Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); change from 1 to 2 credits (2+0); add senior standing to the prerequisites; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: MATH-F490-O-course-change

Jill Faudree, x7385

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

103-UNC CRCD/TVC - Human Services New Course: HUMS F275 - Childhood Trauma and Systems of Care, 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery format of audio 1.5 hours X 2/week; letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisite of PSY F240; to be offered every spring; first offering Spring 2011; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: HUMS-F275-new-course-w-syllabus

Leona Schick, 786-1628

CR review not completed.
104-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Management New Course: TM F182 - Introduction to NEPA for Rural Transportation, 1 credit, intensive lecture format of 17 hours over three days; graded pass/fail and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: TM-F182-new-course-w-syllabus

Steve Becker, x5096

5/25/10: CR Cmte approved.

105-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Management New Course: TM F271 - Rural Transportation Planning, 1 credit, intensive lecture format of 18 hours over three days; graded pass/fail and not repeatable; prerequisite of TM F171 or permission of instructor; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: TM-F271-new-course-w-syllabus

Steve Becker, x5096

5/25/10: CR Cmte approved.
106-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services New Course: RNS F250 - Current Topics in Rural Nutrition Services: [title of topic]; 1-3 credits, blended intensive and/or audio conferencing with 14/28/40 hours of lecture over 3/6/9 days; may be repeated for credit as topic changes; may count 9 credits toward proposed RNS Certificate as electives; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2010; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: RNS-F250-new-course-format1
Word docs:

Sarah McConnell, x6080

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

107-UNC CRCD/NW - Science Application New Course: SCIA F105 - Field Biology, 2 credits, intensive lecture/lab format over 40 hours/six days; letter graded and not repeatable; no prerequisites; to be offered each summer; first offered in Summer 2010 upon approval.

PDF: SCIA-F105-w-revised-syllabus (of 3/16/10)

Claudia Ihl, 443.8417

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.



SFOS - Fisheries Div. New Course: FISH F414/F614 - Field Methods in Marine Ecology & Fisheries, 3 credits (2+3); two-week course format for Maymester; to be letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include FISH F101, BIOL F271, or permission of instructor; to be offered alternate Maymesters; first offering Maymester 2011; effective Fall 2010.

Revised Syllabus of 5/25/10:
FISH-F414-syllabus (PDF)
Revised Format 1 - 5/25/10:

OLD PDF: FISH-F414-F614-new-course
Note: Typo on form at #10: course is NOT being cross-listed.

Ginny Eckert, 796-5450

5/25/10: Provost approved F414.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved for undergraduate level.

5/13/2010: GAAC rejected graduate-level of course proposal.

109-UCDr. CNSM - Biology and Wildlife Drop Course: BIOL F104 - Natural History of Alaska, 3 credits (3+0); the course is also available as a core course - BIOL F104X which will still be offered and would not be affected by this drop of the lecture-only course option; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BIOL-F104-Lecture-Only-Drop-Course

Knut Kielland, x7164

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

110-UCDr. CNSM - Biology and Wildlife Drop Course: BIOL F104L - Natural History of Alaska, 1 credit (0+3); the course is also available as a core course - BIOL F104X which will still be offered and would not be affected by this drop of the lab-only course option; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BIOL-F104-Lab-Only-Drop-Course

Knut Kielland, x7164

5/25/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

111-UPCh. CNSM - Biology and Wildlife Program Change: B.S., Wildlife Biology and Conservation: replace WLF F201 with WLF F222 (a course change); replace WLF F303 W (course drop) with new course WLF F301; expand upper division elective courses available for the degree; change required courses for Minor and increase minimum credits from 15 to 16; make minor corrections to approved course numbers and credits that need to appear in Catalog; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BS-Wildlife-Biology-and-Conservation-Pgm-Change

Perry Barboza, x7142

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

112-UNC CNSM - Biology and Wildlife

New Course: WLF F301 - Design of Wildlife Studies , 3 credits (2+3); prerequisites include WLF F101, WLF F201; MATH F107X or MATH F161X, or permission of instructor; STAT F200 or F300 are recommended; letter graded; not repeatable for credit; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2011; effective Fall 2010.

Note: Form indicates a core natural sciences designator, but no format 8 was submitted and the course is not the required 4 credits.

PDF: WLF-F301-new-course

Mark Lindberg, x6598

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

113-UCCh. CNSM - Biology and Wildlife Course Change: WLF F201 - Wildlife Management Principles, 3 credits (2+3); change title to Principles and Techniques of Wildlife Management; change course number for F201 to F222; add ENGL F111X to prerequisites; change the course description; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: WLF-F201-course-change

Perry Barboza, x7142

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

114-UCDr. CNSM - Biology and Wildlife Course Drop: WLF F303 W - Wildlife Management Techniques, 3 credits (2+3); course is being replaced by rearranging courses at the second and third year of program; course content will be integrated into WLF F222; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: WLF-F303W-course-drop

Perry Barboza, x7142

6/11/10: Provost approved.

5/24/10: CR Cmte approved.

115-UPCh. SNRAS - Geography Program Change: B.S. - Geography: minor course name and number changes to accurately reflect course content, but not affecting degree requirement specifics; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BS-Geography-pgm-change

Cary de Wit, x7494

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

116-UPCh. SNRAS - Geography Program Change: B.A. - Geography: minor course name and number changes to accurately reflect course content, but not affecting degree requirement specifics; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BA-Geography-pgm-change

Cary de Wit, x7494

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

117-UCCh. SNRAS - Geography Course Change: GEOG F408 - Quantitative Research Techniques, 3 credits (3+0); change course title to Research Methods & Statistics in Geography; change course number and level from 408 to F207; change prerequisites to placement in MATH F103X or F107X or permission of instructor; change description; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: GEOG-F408-course-change-to-F207

Dave Veazey, x5276

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.

118-UCCh. SNRAS - Forest Sciences
Course Change: NRM F375 - Forest Ecology, 3 credits (2+3); remove lab component from course and change credit distribution to (3+0) lecture format; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: NRM-F357-course-change

John Yarie, x5650

6/11/10: Provost approved.

6/10/10: CR Cmte has approved.


CNSM - Biology

SNRAS - Geography

Course Change: BIOL F618 - Biogeography, 3 credits (3+0); stack as BIOL F418; crosslist and stack as GEOG F418 and F618; update description and change frequency of offering from spring to fall; effective Fall 2010.

PDF: BIOL-F618-stack-as-F418-course-change

Patricia Heiser, x7068

Diane Wagner, x5227

5/10/2010: CR approved. GAAC has not reviewed it.

Table updated 6/15/2010

Excel Spreadsheet Listing

Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download 
Contact Info
Status in Committee
105-UPCh. SNRAS - PASS Program Change: B.S., Natural Resources Management - Plant, Animal, Soil Sciences; change the PASS option name to match the new department name of High Latitude Agriculture; and simplify the course listing of requirements for that option; effective Fall 2009.


Milan Shipka

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-11-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

106-UCCh. CNSM - Biology Course Change: BIOL F362 - Principles of Genetics, 4 credits (3+3); change prerequisites description to include CHEM F105X, MATH 107X, BIOL 115X, which are already technically required with BIOL 116X but need to be specified to avoid confusion; effective Fall 2009. BIOL-F352.pdf This course change was approved by CR Cmte. and the Provost on 2/18/2009.
107-UNC CLA - Foreign Languages New Course: SPAN F221 - Cultures and Civilizations of Latin America, 3 credits (3+0); letter grade; no prerequisites; to be offered alternate spring of odd years; first offered Spring 2011; effective Fall 2009.


Tim Wilson, x7128

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-11-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

108-UCCh. SNRAS - NRM / GEOG Course Change: NRM/GEOG F341 - GIS Analysis, 4 credits (3+3); change the course number to F435, adding a required project; eliminates the need for a graduate independent study course in same topic; prerequisite of junior standing or above; effective Fall 2009.


Dave Verbyla

6-3-09: Provost approved.

Update requested from CR Cmte.

109-UNC CNSM - Chemistry / Biochemistry New Course: CHEM F474 - Neurochemistry, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include BIOL F115X, CHEM F322; and PSY F335 or BIOL F417O or CHEM F470; letter graded and not repeatable; first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.


OLDER version:

Kelly Drew, x7190

6-6-09: Provost approved.

Update requested from CR Cmte.

110-UCCh. CNSM - Biology & Wildlife Course Change: BIOL F305 - Invertebrate Zoology, 5 credits (3+6); change to 4 credits (3+3); change frequency of offering from fall of odd-numbered years to spring of even-numbered years; to be offered in Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.


Derek Sikes, x6278

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-11-09: Approved by CR Cmte.


SFOS - Fisheries

Cross-listing with

New Course: FISH F411 (s) - Human Dimensions of Environmental Systems, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed with NRM F411 (s); prerequisites include junior or senior standing, COMM F131X or F141X;, ENGL F211X or F213X; letter-graded and not repeatable; course to be required for new B.A. (and B.S.) in Fisheries; to be offered each fall, first offered in Fall 2010; effective Fall 2009.

5-4-09: Latest revisions of Format 1 and syllabus:

4-10-09: renumbered and revised:
Copy of original syllabus:

Courtney Carothers,

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-17-09: SNRAS/NRM will not be crosslisting this course.

4-14-09: Approved by CR Cmte with title and number changes.

112-UNC CEM - Electrical Engineering New Course: ES F166 - Electric Car Conversion, 2 credits in a 3-week intensive format for Maymester; no prerequisites; letter graded, non-repeatable; to be offered Maymester/Summer Sessions 2009.

4-20-09 revisions:

Michael Golub

Richard Wies


4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions.

113-UCCh. CLA - Foreign Languages Course Change: SPAN 301O - Advanced Comprehension and Conversation, 3 credits (3+0); course may be repeated up to one time when content topic varies; effective Fall 2009.


Alex Fitts, x7980

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

114-UPCh. CLA - Journalism Program Change: B.A. in Journalism; replace required course, JRN F324, for New Media degree option with new course JRN F390 - New Media Toolkit; add JRN F390 to list of approved electives; effective Fall 2009.


Charles Mason, x7761

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

115-UNC CLA - Journalism New Course: JRN F390 - New Media Toolkit, 3 credits (2.5+.5); prerequisites include ENGL F111X or ENGL F213X, JRN F202, or permission of instructor; letter graded, non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised Format 1 received 4-16-09:

Older version:

Lynne Snifka, x6245

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions.

116-UNC CNSM - Mathematics & Statistics New Course: MATH F430 - Topics in Mathematics, 3 credits (3+0); an elective course for majors; prerequistes of MATH F215 or permission of instructor; letter grade and repeatable up to nine credits; to be offered in spring, first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.

Revised Format 1 as of 4-10-09:

Revised as of 4-13-09:


Elizabeth Allman, x2479

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions.



CNSM - Chemistry; Biology & Wildlife Course Change: CHEM F455/F655 - Environmental Biochemistry and Toxicology, 3 credits (3+0); change title to "Environmental Toxicology"; change frequency of offering from even-numbered fall to even-numbered spring years; stack with CHEM F455 and cross-list with BIOL F455/F655; change prerequisites to include CHEM F451 or BIOL F303; or one semester each of organic chemistry and cell or molecular biology, or permission of instructor; Core Requests for "O" and "W" designators submitted simultaneously; effective Fall 2009.

6-9-09: Revised syllabus received:


Todd O'Hara, x1838

Tom Trainor, x5628

6-9-09: Revised syllabus rec'd, and approval sent to Provost.

Update requested from CR Cmte.

3-26-09: Approved by GAAC



CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. New Course: GE F420/F620 - Subsurface Hydrology, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisites include GE F365 or permission of instructor; and MATH F302, PHYS F211X; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered fall of odd-numbered years or as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.


Revised syllabus for graduate level received on 3-27-09:
Debu Misra, x5339

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved. GAAC approved with revised syllabus (3-31-09).



CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. New Course: GE F422/F622 - Unsaturated Soil Geoengineering, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of GE F420 or permission of instructor; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants, first offered in Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.


Debu Misra, x5339

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

3-26-09: Approved by GAAC



CEM - Mechanical Engineering New Course: ME F440/F640 - Introduction to Microfluidics, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include PHYS F211X and junior standing or higher; ES F341 recommended; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.

REVISED Format 1, received 5-12-09:

REVISED Syllabi as of 5-13-09:

Cheng-fu Chen, x7265

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-12-09: Approved by CR with revisions to Format 1.

3-26-09: Approved by GAAC

121-UNC CRCD/TVC - Amer. Sign Lang. New Course: ASLG F205 - American Sign Language V, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of ASLG F204 or permission of instructor; to be letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. ASLG-205.pdf
Mahla Strohmaier, x2836

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-12-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

122-UNC CRCD - Community Health Pgm. New Course: CHP F218 - Wellness: Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease, 2 credits comprised of 37.5 Intensive format and two audio conferences following community activities; Pass/Fail grading and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. CHP-218.pdf

Linda Curda, 786-1630


123-UPCh. CRCD/TVC - Process Technology Program Change: A.A.S. in Process Technology; change degree requirements from two physics courses (PHYS F115X, F116X) to one physics course (PHYS F115X) and one chemistry course (CHEM F100X); effective Fall 2009. ProcessTechAAS.pdf

Brian Ellinston, x2868
4-28-09: Provost approved.
124-UPCh. CRCD - DANRD Program Change: B.A. in Rural Development; delete RD F451 from the degree requirements, and require an additional three credits from RD, ANS or ED electives; effective Fall 2009. Rural-Dev-BA.doc
Joanne Ducharme

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-12-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

125-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F115 - Tribal Court Administration, 1 credit (1+0); intensive lecture format of 16 hours over three days; no prerequisites; Pass/Fail grading and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus, 5-1-09:


Kevin Illingworth, x5710

5-7-09: Provost approved.

5-4-09: Approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

126-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F116 - Juvenile Justice in Tribal Court, 1 credit (1+0); intensive lecture format of 16 hours over three days; no prerequisites; Pass/Fail grading and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus, 5-1-09:


Kevin Illingworth, x5710

5-7-09: Provost approved.

5-4-09: Approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

127-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F117 - Tribal Court Enforcement of Decisions, 1 credit (1+0); intensive lecture format of 16 hours over three days; no prerequisites; Pass/Fail grading and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus, 5-1-09:


Kevin Illingworth, x5710

5-7-09: Provost approved.

5-4-09: Approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

128-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F118 - Tribal Community and Restorative Justice, 1 credit (1+0); intensive lecture format of 16 hours over three days; no prerequisites; Pass/Fail grading and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus, 5-1-09:


Kevin Illingworth, x5710

5-7-09: Provost approved.

5-4-09: Approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

129-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F170 - Fundamentals of Rural Transportation, 4 credits (4+0); lecture course with distance delivery; no prerequisites; graded Pass/Fail and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised 4-6-09:

Revised 4-6-09:

Steve Becker, x5096

4-10-09: Provost approved.

Approved by CR Cmte

130-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. TM F173 - Traffic Monitoring for Rural Transportation, 1 credit (.5+1); intensive lecture format of 21 hours over three days; no prerequisites, with TM F171 and F172 recommended; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised both 4-6-09:


Steve Becker, x5096

4-10-09: Provost approved.

Approved by CR Cmte

131-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F174 - Basics of a Good Gravel Road, 1 credit (.5+1); intensive lecture format of 21 hours over three days; no prerequisites, with TM F171, F172 and F173 recommended; graded Pass/Fail; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised both 4-6-09


Steve Becker, x5096

4-10-09: Provost approved.

Approved by CR Cmte

132-UNC CRCD/IAC - Tribal Mgt. New Course: TM F276 - Project Management for Rural Transportation, 4 credits (4+0); comprised of both a semester format with audioconference for distance students, OR an Intensive lecture format of 40 hours over three weeks including two 2.5-hour follow-up audioconferences per week; prerequisites of TM F170 or TM F171, TM F172, TM F173 and TM F174, or permission of instructor; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised all 4-6-09:



Steve Becker, x5096

4-10-09: Provost approved.

Approved by CR Cmte

133-UCCh. CRCD/IAC - Veterinary Sciences

New Course: VTS F161 - Introduction to Infectious Animal Diseases for Veterinary Science, 3 credits (3+0); semester format over 10 weeks with 4 hours lecture per week; distance delivery via Blackboard, Elluminate! Live and/or audio conferencing; prerequisites include VTS 110, VTS F130, or instructor permission; letter-graded and non-repeatable; first offered in Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.

Course Change: VTS F160 - Animal Diseases for Veterinary Sciences, 3 credits (3+0); change title to "Infectious Animal Diseases for Veterinary Sciences"; Semester format over 10 weeks with 4 hours of lecture per week; distance delivery via Blackboard, Elluminate! Live and/or audio conferencing; effective Fall 2009.

CR Cmte recommended a new course rather than a changed course. VTS F160 will be phased out via a Program Change in the Fall 09 cycle.




Suzanne Nolan, x5716

4-30-09: Provost approved.
134-UNC CRCD/IAC - Veterinary Sciences New Course: VTS F260 261 - Introduction to Non-infectious Animal Diseases for Veterinary Sciences, 3 credits (3+0); Semester format over 10 weeks with 4 hours of lecture per week; distance delivery via Blackboard, Elluminate! Live and/or audio conferencing; prerequisites of VTS F110, F130, and F160, or instructor approval; letter-graded and non-repeatable; first offered in Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.

Will be VTS F261 rather than 260. (4-27-09)



Suzanne Nolan, x5716

4-30-09: Provost approved.
135-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services New Course: RNS F101 - Rural Nutrition and Health Change, 1 credit delivered in intensive lecture format of 14 hours (12-13 hours lecture with 1-2 hours audio conference follow-up); no prerequisites; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Sarah McConnell, x6080

5-17-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved. Are there revisions? (no)

136-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services New Course: RNS F105 - Nutrition Science for the Generations; 3 credits delivered in Intensive lecture formats equaling 40 hours: intensive I: daily M-F for 3.5 hours with 10 weekly 90-minute audio conferences; Intensive II: daily M-W for 3 hours; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Sarah McConnell, x6080

5-17-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved. Are there revisions? (no)

137-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services New Course: RNS F120 - Alaska Native Food Systems, 3 credits delivered in Intensive lecture formats equaling 40 hours: Intensive I: daily M-F for 3.5 hours with 10 weekly 90-minute audio conferences; Intensive II: daily M-W for 3 hours; prerequisites include concurrent enrollment in RNS F105 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Sarah McConnell, x6080

5-17-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved. Are there revisions? (no)

138-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services New Course: RNS F201 - Community Nutrition Interventions; 2 credits delivered in intensive lecture formats equaling 28 hours; prerequisites include RNS F105 or permission of instructor, with RNS F120 recommended; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.



Sarah McConnell, x6080

5-17-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved. Are there revisions? (no)

139-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services New Course: RNS F210 - Introduction to Rural Nutrition Counseling; 2 credits delivered in Intensive lecture formats equaling 28 hours; prerequisites include RNS F105 or permission of instructor, with RNS F120 recommended; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.



Sarah McConnell, x6080

5-17-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved. Are there revisions? (no)

140-UNC CRCD/IAC - Rural Nutrition Services


New Course: RNS F260 - Rural Nutrition Practicum, 2-3 credits comprised of lecture and 40- or 80-hour practicums in a blended intensive/audio conference/practicum over 10 weeks, (1+0+3=2 credits / 1+0+6=3 credits); prerequisites include RNS F105 and concurrent enrollment in RNS F201 or permission of instructor; letter-graded and non-repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009.

4-30-09: Revised-Format1_RNS-260.doc



Sarah McConnell, x6080

5-17-09: Provost approved.

5-14-09: To Provost

141-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. REVISED:
New Course: CTT F130 - Introduction to Facilities Maintenance, 1 credit (.5+1); intensive on-site format of 16 hours over 3 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised 4-14-09:


Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-14-09: approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

142-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. REVISED:
New Course: CTT F131 - Interior Repairs: Drywall, Woodwork Trim, Window Replacement; 1 credit (.5+1); intensive on-site format of 16 hours over 3 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised 4-14-09:


Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-14-09: approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

143-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. REVISED:
New Course: CTT F132 - Flooring Installation: Vinyl, Wood, and Parquet; 1 credit (.5+1); intensive on-site format of 16 hours over 3 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised 4-14-09:


Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-14-09: approved by CR Cmte with revisions.

144-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. New Course: CTT F133 - Cabinet Installation with Countertops; 1 credit (1+0); intensive lecture format of 20 hours over 4 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-14-09: Approved by CR Cmte without revisions.

145-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. REVISED:
New Course: CTT F134 - Garbage Disposal Installation; 1 credit (.5+1); intensive on-site format of 16 hours over 3 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

4-14-09 Revised:


Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-14-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions.

146-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. New Course: CTT F135 - Boiler Troubleshooting and Burner Repair; 2 credits (2+0); intensive lecture format of 27 hours over 6 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

147-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. New Course: CTT F136 - Landscaping and Horticulture; 2 credits (2+0); intensive lecture format of 27 hours over 6 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

148-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. New Course: CTT F137 - Appliance Troubleshooting and Repair; 2 credits (2+0); intensive lecture format of 27 hours over 6 days; no prerequisites; letter-graded and may be repeated two times (reflecting changes in technology); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

149-UNC CRCD - Construction Trades Tech. New Course: CTT F138 - Troubleshooting HVAC Systems; 2 credits (2+0); intensive lecture format of 27 hours over 6 days; no prerequisites (reflecting changes in technology); letter-graded and may be repeated two times; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Jerry Trainor / Pam Hagan

4-22-09: Provost approved.

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.

150-UNC CRCD/NWC - Intructional Services New Course: AUTO F172 - All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Maintenance and Repair, 1 credit (1+0); delivered in either semester format or 15 hours over 3 days; no prerequisites; graded Pass/Fail; repeatable up to 3 credits; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Carol Gales, 443-8407

5-11-09: CR Cmte approved (but questions for registrar's office)
151-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Allied Health Course Change: HLTH F110 - Professional Skills for the Workplace, 2 credits (2+0); change from Pass/Fail grading to letter grade; effective Fall 2009.



Christa Bartlett, x2887

4-30-09: Provost approved.
152-UDr. CRCD/TVC - Allied Health Drop Course: HLTH F112 - Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Language, 3 credits (3+0); drop course as it is redundant with HLTH 100 which is offered more frequently and fulfills same purpose; effective Fall 2009.


Marsha Sousa, x2867

4-21-09: CR Cmte approved.
153-UNC CNSM - Mathematics & Statistics New Course: MATH F320 - Topics in Combinatorics, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of MATH F215 or permission of instructor; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered in fall of odd-numbered years, first offered Fall 2011 (and in Fall 2009 as a trial course); effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus received 6-9-09:


Elizabeth Allman, x2479

6-9-09: Revised syllabus received, and sent to Provost for approval.

Update requested from CR Cmte.

154-UNC CNSM - Mathematics & Statistics New Course: MATH F321 - Number Theory, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of MATH F215 or permission of instructor; letter graded and non-repeatable; to be offered in fall of even-numbered years, first offered Fall of 2010; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus received 6-9-09:


Elizabeth Allman, x2479

6-9-09: Revised syllabus received, and sent to Provost for approval.

Update requested from CR Cmte.

155-UCCh. CRCD/TVC - Allied Health Course Change: DH F181 - Clinical Practicum I, 4 credits (0+0+12); change from Pass/Fail grading to letter grading; effective Fall 2009.


Rena Bower, x2834

5-11-09: CR Cmte approved.
Table updated 6/2/2009

Excel Spreadsheet Listing 
Undergrad_All_CoursesPrograms - PDF Format
Undergrad_NewCourses - PDF Format
Undergrad_ChangeCourses - PDF Format
Undergrad_NewPrograms - PDF Format
Undergrad_ChangePrograms - PDF Format
Undergrad_DroppedCourses - PDF Format
Stacked and Crosslisted Courses - PDF Format
Committee Assignments - Numerical Order-PDF Format

Has a course or program been approved, or changes requested by the committee? 
PLEASE EMAIL JAYNE and keep her apprised. Thanks! fysenate@uaf.edu

Table of Courses/Programs Still Under Review and Table of Courses/Programs Approved to Date - 2/5/09

Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Status in Committee
1-UTC SNRAS - NRM Trial Course: NRM 394 - Biomass and Bio-energy (2+1) 3 credits; offered alternate spring, first offered Spring 2009. NRM-394.pdf [327 KB]

Juan Andres Soria, ffjas3@uaf.edu,

R.N. 9-18-08: Hard copy to chair. Course had problems to resolve. Not approved.


Trial Course: BIOL 494 - Principles of Virology (3+0) 3 credits; offered alternate spring, first offered Spring 2009.

BIOL-494.pdf [293 KB]

Karsten Hueffer, karsten.hueffer@uaf.edu, 474-6313 R.N.

Provost approval on 10-20-08.

9-18-08: Hard copy to chair.
Approved on 10-16-08.



New Course: NRM 410 - Numerical Methods for Natural Resources Management (n), 3 or 4 credits (3+3); optional 1-credit lab; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2009.

Updated version as of 2-4-09:

Revised syllabus as of 1-27-09:

Jingjing Liang


Ed Husted

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with changes.



CNSM - Wildlife Biology Program Change: Wildlife Biology - Biological Sciences, BS, MS, PhD; change name of degrees from Wildlife Biology to Wildlife Biology and Conservation; effective Fall 2009. BIOL-WLF_ProgramChange.pdf
[685 KB]
Perry Barboza, 
ffpsb@uaf.edu, x7142
Ed Husted

11-18-08: Provost approved.

9-29-08 Hard copy to chair. Also sent to GAAC for MS, PhD review -- and GAAC has OK'd this change.

3-UPCh CNSM - Biological Sciences Program Change: Biological Sciences, BA; BIOL F261 - Intro to Cell and Molecular Biology - will be required; removing elective; effective Fall 2009.


Richard Boone,
Ed Husted

11-25-08: Provost approved.
11-25-08: Sent to Provost.
11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.

4-UPCh CRCD/TVC - Human Services Program Change: AAS in Human Services; deletion of four concentrations (retaining two), and addition of new concentration; effective Fall 2009.

CORRECTED VERSION as of 11-25-08:

Revised Catalog Layout

Bob Parr
Anne Armstrong

1-5-08: Provost approved.
12-24-08: To Provost.
12-22-08: CR Cmte approved.



CNSM - Geology-
Geophysics, Biology
New Course: GEOS 4xx - Vertebrate Paleontology, 3 credits (2+3); to be cross-listed with BIOL 4xx and stacked with GEOS/BIOL 6xx; offered alternate spring, first offered Spring 2011. GEOS-BIOL-4xx.pdf Patrick Druckenmiller,
ffpsd@uaf.edu, x6954
John Yarie

2-4-09: Provost approved.
2-3-09: GAAC approved. 1-12-09: Approved by CR Cmte. Needs GAAC approval.



SoEd - Secondary Ed

Course Change: EDSC 442 - Portfolio Preparation: Integrating Theory and Practice, 2 credits (2+0); change title to "Teaching with Technology" and increase to 3 credits (3+0); stacked with EDSC 642; offered spring; effective Spring 2010.

Revised syllabus received 2-3-09:


Karen Eiler, fnkje@uaf.edu; 

Diane Noble, ffdmn@uaf.edu
(Also at GAAC)
Ed Husted

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with revised syllabus received.

Still awaiting GAAC approval as of 2-4-09..


SoEd - Secondary Ed Course Change: EDSC 458 - Classroom Organization and Management, 3 credits (3+0); addition of 12-hr. practicum; change to prerequisites; stacked with EDSC 658; change from offering in summer to fall; effective Fall 2009. EDSC-458_UCCh.pdf Karen Eiler, fnkje@uaf.edu; 

Diane Noble, ffdmn@uaf.edu
(Also at GAAC)
Ed Husted

2-18-09: Provost approved.

1-12-09: Approved by CR Cmte. Needs GAAC approval.

8-UPCh CEM - Petroleum Engr. Program Change: B.S., Petroleum Engineering; add choice of ES 301 to math requirments; effective Fall 2009.


Shirish Patil,
ffslp@uaf.edu, x7748
Anne Armstrong

Provost approved.
12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

Environmental Studies
New Program: Certificate in Environmental Studies; 30 credits comprised of 9 credits of general certificate requirements, 18-20 credits of ENVI required courses; and 3-4 credits of electives; effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR.

4-6-09 Revised Program Proposal:

[335 KB]

Todd Radenbaugh (BBC) bftar@uaf.edu, 
Jodie Anderson (SNRAS-Palmer)
Rainer Newberry

5-4-09: Approved by Faculty Senate. Sent to Statewide Academic Council.

4-9-09: Sent to Curricular Affairs for final review before May 4 Faculty Senate.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Environmental Studies

New Course: ENVI 110 - Introduction to Water Quality I: Measurement, 1 credit (.5+0+1.5) 5 week format with lecture, lab and field work; letter grade, non-repeatable; to be offered spring; first offered Spring 2010.

Revisions as of 4-9-09:

Revisions as of 2-21-09:


Older version:

Todd Radenbaugh (BBC) bftar@uaf.edu
Rainer Newberry

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-9-09: CR Cmte has approved with revisions.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.


Environmental Studies

New Course: ENVI 130 - Introduction to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), 1 credit (1+0); to be offered in 16-hour distance format; letter grade, non-repeatable; to be offered spring; effective Spring 2010.

Revisions as of 4-9-09:

Revisions as of 2-21-09:


Older version:

Todd Radenbaugh (BBC) bftar@uaf.edu
Rainer Newberry

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-9-09: CR Cmte has approved with revisions.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Environmental Studies
New Course: ENVI 160 - Internship in Environmental Studies, 1-2 credits (0+0+3.1-15.4); repeatable internship in variable formats; graded pass/fail; may be repeated twice for no more than a total of 4 credits; prerequisites include ENVI 101 or permission of instructor; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Summer 2009 upon approval.

Revisions as of 4-9-09:

Revisions as of 2-21-09:


Older version:

Todd Radenbaugh (BBC) bftar@uaf.edu
Rainer Newberry

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-9-09: CR Cmte has approved with revisions.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Environmental Studies

New Course: ENVI 260 - Field Techniques for Environmental Technicians, 2 credits (2+0); 7-day, face-to-face intensive, hands-on data collection; prerequisites include ENVI 101 or NRM 101, ENVI 110, and 100- level 4-credit lab science course or permission of instructor; letter grade, not repeatable; to be offered summer; effective Summer 2009 upon approval.

Revisions as of 4-9-09:

Revisions as of 2-21-09:


Older version:

Todd Radenbaugh (BBC) bftar@uaf.edu
Rainer Newberry

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-9-09: CR Cmte has approved with revisions.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Environmental Studies
New Course: ENVI 205 265 - Introduction to Methods in Environmental Studies Reporting, 2 credits (1.5+0+1.5); 9-week distance delivered format; prerequisites include ENVI 101 or NRM 101, ENVI 110, and ENVI 260 and a lab based 100-level science course or permission of instructor; letter grade, non-repeatable; to be offered fall; first offered Fall 2009.

Revisions as of 4-9-09:

Revisions as of 2-21-09:


Older version:

Todd Radenbaugh (BBC) bftar@uaf.edu
Rainer Newberry

4-15-09: Provost approved.

4-9-09: CR Cmte has approved with revisions.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

15-UPCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Program Change: B.S., Chemistry/Molecular Biology Concentration; remove CHEM 313 course; increase CHEM 331 and 332 to 4 credits from 3; remove BIOL 418W from options; effective Fall 2009. BS_Chem_Format5.pdf

John Keller, ffjwk@uaf.edu

Trent Sutton

12-3-08: Approved by Provost.

12-1-08: Approved by Curric. Rev.

16-UPCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Program Change: B.S., Minor in Chemistry; remove CHEM 313 course; increase CHEM 331 and 332 to 4 credits from 3; correct course listing and total credits; effective Fall 2009. BS_Minor_Chem_Form5.pdf John Keller, ffjwk@uaf.edu
Trent Sutton

12-3-08: Approved by Provost.

12-1-08: Approved by Curric. Rev.

17-UPCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Program Change: B.S., Minor in Biochemistry; remove CHEM 313 course; update course listing and total credits; effective Fall 2009. BS_Minor_Biochemistry.pdf John Keller, ffjwk@uaf.edu
Trent Sutton

12-3-08: Approved by Provost.

12-1-08: Approved by Curric. Rev.

18-UPCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Program Change: B.A., Chemistry; scheduled removal of CHEM 313 course; increase CHEM 331 and 332 to 4 credits from 3; correct course listing and total credits; effective Fall 2009. BA_Chemistry_Form5.pdf John Keller, ffjwk@uaf.edu
Trent Sutton

12-3-08: Approved by Provost.

12-1-08: Approved by Curric. Rev.

19-UCCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Course Change: CHEM 331 - Physical Chemistry, 3 credits (3+0); change to 4 credits, adding 1-credit lab (3+3); offered fall; effective Fall 2009.

Revised Course and Syllabus:

Older version:

William Simpson, ffwrs@uaf.edu
Trent Sutton

12-22-08: Provost approved.
12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. w/changes.

20-UCCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Course Change: CHEM 332 - Physical Chemistry, 3 credits (3+0); change to 4 credits, adding 1-credit lab (3+3); offered spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised Course and Syllabus:

Older version:

William Simpson, ffwrs@uaf.edu
Trent Sutton

12-22-08: Provost approved.
12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. w/changes.

21-UPCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Program Change: B.S., Chemistry/Environmental Chemistry Concentration, scheduled removal of CHEM 313 course; increase CHEM 331 and 332 to 4 credits from 3; correct course listing and total credits; effective Fall 2009. BS_Chem-Environmental.pdf John Keller, ffjwk@uaf.edu
Trent Sutton

12-3-08: Approved by Provost.

12-1-08: Approved by Curric. Rev.

22-UPCh SoEd - Elementary Ed Program Change: B.A., Elementary Education, change program requirements to include passing the Praxis II, Elementary Ed Content Knowledge (test 0014) with a score of 143 or greater, prior to internship year; effective Fall 2009.


Carol Barnhardt,
Debu Misra

11-25-08: Provost approved.
11-25-08: Sent to Provost.
11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.
23-UPCh CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. Program Change: A.A.S. and Certificate, Information Technology Specialist; move technical courses into new course designator: CITS (Computer and Information Technology Systems); application courses stay in existing designator CIOS; implement three concentrations (Computer Technology Support; Network and System Administration; Web Development and Administration) at the associate level of the IT Specialist Program; effective Fall 2009. ITS-ProgramChange_Format5.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

24-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 203 - Information Technology Support Fundamentals, 4 credits (4+0); letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants, first offered Fall 2009; effective Fall 2009. CITS-203_ITSandSyllabus.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

25-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 212 - Server Operating Systems, 3 credits (3+0); to be required for the for the Network and System Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree, replacing CIOS 212; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. CITS-212_ServerOSandSyllabus.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

26-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 221 - Graphics and Multimedia for the Web, 3 credits (3+0); required course for the Web Development and Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Change Pg 3 of Format 1 (prerequisite changed to recommended):


Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

27-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 224 - Web Scripting, 3 credits (3+0); required course for the Web Development and Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. CITS-224_WebScripting-andSyllabus.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

28-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 228 - Advanced Website Design and Development, 3 credits (3+0); required course for the Web Development and Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2009.


Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

29-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 240 - System and Network Services Administration, 3 credits (3+0); course replaces CIOS 247 - Advanced Networking & Communications; required course for the Network and System Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. CITS-240_SystemNetwk-andSyllabus.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

30-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 261 - Computer and Information Security, 3 credits (3+0); required course for the Network and System Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009. CITS-261_Security-andSyllabus.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

31-UNC CRCD/TVC - Business Systems Technologies Div. New Course: CITS 265 - Directory Services Administration, 3 credits (3+0); required course for the Network and System Administration concentration of the IT Specialist AAS degree; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2010. CITS-265_Directory-andSyllabus.pdf Keith Swarner, keith.swarner@uaf.edu
Miho Aoki

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.



CEM - Mechanical Engineering New Program: B.S./M.S. in Mechanical Engineering; a fast-track degree program for excellent students; requires completion of 150 credits to earn both B.S. and M.S. (a difference of 11 elective credits if programs were done separately); effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR.

Revised proposal as of 3-23-09:

Older version:
[1 MB]

Jonah Lee, ffjhl@uaf.edu
Doug Goering, ffdjg@uaf.edu
Julie Maier

NWCCU Approval (PDF)

4-6-09: Approved by Faculty Senate and forwarded to Statewide Academic Council..

3-20-09: CR Cmte approved and sent to Curricular Affairs. Will go to 4-6-09 Faculty Senate Meeting.

(GAAC has approved MS as of 1-29-09.)



CEM - Mechanical Engineering Course Change: ME 602 - Advanced Mechanical System Design, 3 credits (3+0); change description and stack with ME 402; update course content; effective Fall 2009.

Revisions received 2-9-09.


Chuen-Sen Lin
Julie Maier

2-11-09: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved with revisions (not yet rec'd) as of 2-4-09.

GAAC approved as of 1-29-09.

34-UCCh CNSM - Geology & Geophysics Course Change: GEOS 106 - Dinosaurs and Their World, 4 credits (3+0); change title to Life in the Age of Dinosaurs; change from 3 credits to 4 (3+3) adding lab component; add prerequisites; change frequency of offering from fall to alternate spring, first offered Spring 2010.

Revised Syllabus received 2-4-09:


Patrick Druckenmiller

Sarah Fowell

Julie Maier

2-9-09: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved with revisions as of 2-4-09.

35-UCDr CNSM - Geology & Geophysics Drop Course: GEOS 425 - Computer Applications in Geology, 2 credits (1+3); course content has been rolled into GEOS 458/658; effective Fall 2009. GEOS-425_Drop.pdf Ellen Craig
Julie Maier

1-27-09: Provost approved drop.

CR Cmte approved drop 1-20-09.

36-UCCh CNSM - Chemistry & Biochemistry Course Change: CHEM 412 - Instrumental Analytical Methods, 3 credits (3+0); change to 4 credits (3+3) adding lab component; change course number to 312; change title to Instrumental Analysis; effective Fall 2009. CHEM-412_Instrumental-wSyllabus.pdf Todd Gouin
Trent Sutton

2-9-09: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved as of 2-4-09.

37-UNC SNRAS - Geography New Course: GEOG 420 - Geopolitics of Energy (s), 3 credits (3+0); junior standing with intro course requirements or permission; letter grade; previously taught as a trial course; offered in fall of odd years; effective Fall 2009.

Revised documents received 2-4-09:

Cary de Wit
Julie Maier

2-9-09: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved with revisions (received) as of 2-4-09.

38-UPCh CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. Program Change: Certificate, Early Childhood Education; addition of new courses, increasing number of credits required for certificate; effective Fall 2009. ECE-Certificate-PgmChg.pdf Sharon Vaska

Patty Meritt
Diane Wagner

12-15-08: Provost approved.

12-12-08: CR Cmte approved.

39-UPCh CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. Program Change: AAS in Early Childhood Education, addition of seven new courses to program requirements (ECE 104, ECE 107, ECE 115, ECE 118, ECE 127, ECE 128 and ECE 271); effective Fall 2009.

Revised version rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska

Patty Meritt
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

40-UPCh CRCD - Early Childhood Ed.

Child Dev. & Family Studies BA Program
Program Change: B.A. in Child Development & Family Studies, addition of seven new courses to program requirements (ECE 104, ECE 107, ECE 115, ECE 118, ECE 127, ECE 128 and ECE 271) in concert with changes to the A.A.S. degree in Early Childhood Education; effective Fall 2009.

Revised version rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Veronica Plumb
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

41-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 104 - Child Development I: Prenatal, Infants and Toddlers, 3 credits (2+2); letter grade; prerequisites ECE 101, enrolled in or completion of ENGL 111X; required for completion of AAS degree; offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised version rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska

Veronica Plumb
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

42-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 107 - Child Devlopment II: The Preschool and Primary Years, 3 credits (2+2); letter grade; prerequisites ECE 101, ECE 104, enrolled in or completion of ENGL 111X; required for completion of AAS degree; offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised version rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska

Veronica Plumb
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

43-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 115 - Responsive and Reflective Teaching, 3 credits (2+2); letter grade; prerequisites ECE 101, enrolled in or completion of ENGL 111X; required for completion of AAS degree; offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised versions rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

44-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 118 - Nutrition, Health and Safety, 3 credits (2+2); letter grade; prerequisites ECE 101, enrolled in or completion of ENGL 111X; required for completion of AAS degree; offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised versions rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

45-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 127 - Language and Creative Expression, 3 credits (2+2); letter grade; prerequisites ECE 101, ECE 104, ECE 107, ECE 115, enrolled in or completion of ENGL 111X; required for completion of distance certificate and AAS degree; offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised versions rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

46-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 128 - Thinking, Reasoning, and Discovery, 3 credits (2+2); letter grade; prerequisites ECE 101, ECE 104, ECE 107, ECE 115, enrolled in or completion of ENGL 111X; required for completion of distance certificate and AAS degree; offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised versions rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

47-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 271 - Practicum Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); letter grade; concurrent enrollment in ECE 270 - Practicum; permission of instructor; to be offered fall and spring; effective Fall 2009.

Newer version rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Sharon Vaska

Veronica Plumb
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

48-UNC CRCD - Early Childhood Ed. New Course: ECE 350 - Play: Foundation for Development, 3 credits (3+0); to be offered in both a 2-week format and semester format; prerequisite ECE 245 or approved development course; letter grade; to be offered Summer 2009 upon approval; effective Fall 2009.

New versions rec'd 12-8-08:

Older version:

Veronica Plumb
Diane Wagner

Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

49-UCCh CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. Course Change: MIN 401 - Mine Site Field Trip, 2 credits (0.5+6); change to 1 credit (0.5+3) (0.5+0+3); effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus rec'd 2-9-09:
(also, credit distribution changed)


Gang Chen
Julie Maier

2-11-09: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved with revisions (not yet received) as of 2-4-09.

50-UNC CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. New Course: MIN 380 - Computer-Aided Orebody Modeling, 1 credit (1+0); 4.5 weeks format comprised of the first third of MIN 482 - Computer-Aided Mine Design-VULCAN, geared to the geology/geological engineering (non-MIN) student; offered fall; effective Fall 2009.

Revised version as of 2-4-09:


Rajive Ganguli
Miho Aoki

2-9-09: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved with revisions as of 2-4-09.


SoEd - Special Education New Course: EDSE 622 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); 15 hours in a special ed setting is required; letter grade; admission to the M.Ed. in Special Education or new Certificate program; stack with EDSE 422; to be offered spring as demand warrants; first offered Spring 2010.

Revised Format 1 received as of 2-4-09 and page one was swapped out.:

(Pg. 1 updated on Format 1)



Joanne Healy, ffjh4@uaf.edu
Ed Husted

12-17-08: Provost approved.

CR Cmte approved with revisions as of 2-4-09.

52-UNC CEM - Mining & Geological Engr. New Course: GE 322 - Engineering Sedimentology, 3 credits (3+0); letter grade; prerequisites GE 261 and PHYS 212X; to be offered alternate spring semesters when GEOS 421 is not taught; effective Spring 2009 upon approval.

Revised description & syllabus 2-24-09:

Revisions to come. (2-6-09)


Debasmita Misra
John Yarie

5-28-09: Provost approved; however, program change has not been submitted.

As of 3-20-09, the related program change to this course is still under discussion at the CEM Dean's Office.

Not withdrawn. Stilll in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.


Veterinary Sciences
New Course: VTS 210 - Pharmacology for Veterinary Sciences, 2 credits (2+0); to be offered in a variety of formats including distance delivery and compressed; prerequisites VTS 110, VTS 130, VTS 160 or permission; letter grade; offered fall; effective Fall 2009. VTS-210_Pharm-wSyllabus.pdf Suzanne Nolan
John Yarie

1-16-09: Provost approved.

1-12-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Veterinary Sciences
New Course: VTS 220 - Principles of Imaging for Veterinary Sciences, 2 credits (2+0); to be offered in a variety of formats including distance delivery and compressed; prerequisites VTS 110, VTS 130, VTS 140 or permission; letter grade, offered spring; effective Spring 2009 upon approval. VTS-220_Imaging-wSyllabus.pdf Suzanne Nolan
John Yarie

1-28-09: Provost approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Veterinary Sciences
New Course: VTS 230 - Theory of Veterinary Nursing Practice, 3 credits (3+0); to be offered in a variety of formats including distance delivery and compressed; prerequisites VTS 130, VTS 160, VTS 199, VTS 210 or permission; letter grade; offered fall; effective Fall 2009. VTS-230_TheoryNursing-wSyllabus.pdf Suzanne Nolan
John Yarie

1-28-09: Provost approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Veterinary Sciences
New Course: VTS 270 170 - Veterinary Office Management, 3 credits (3+0); to be offered in a variety of formats including distance delivery and compressed; prerequisite instructor approval; letter grade; offered spring; effective Spring 2010.

Revised Format 1 and syllabus received 2-4-09:



Suzanne Nolan
John Yarie

1-28-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: Further revisions received and CR Cmte approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Apprenticeship Technology
Program Change: A.A.S., Apprenticeship Technology; program updates to align with UAA and UAS programs; requirements to include AAS degree requirements, 38 approved apprenticeship program credits; 6 credits from safety, computer, business, technical or other advisor approved courses linked to an identified education or career pathway; effective Fall 2009. ApprenticeshipTech-Format5.pdf

Roger Weggel

Ed Husted

Debu Misra

1-28-09: Provost approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Paralegal Studies
Program Change: A.A.S., Paralegal Studies; increase to 62-credit hours, with PLS 102 increased to 4 credits and PLS 105 increased to 2 credits; legal writing will be comprised of three levels: introductory, intermediate and advanced, and integrated into existing courses; add JRN 413 as option with PS 435W/436 courses; effective Fall 2009. Paralegal-Studies_Format5.pdf Ed Husted
Debu Misra

1-28-09: Provost approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Paralegal Studies
Course Change: PLS 102 - Introduction to the Law, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Introduction to Paralegal Studies; change description; change credits from 3 to 4 (4+0); addition of research and writing content; effective Fall 2009. PLS-102_IntroPLS-wSyllabus.pdf Ed Husted
Debu Misra

1-28-09: Provost approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

Paralegal Studies
Course Change: PLS 105 - Introduction to Paralegal Ethics, 1 credit (1+0); change from 1 credit to 2 credits; effective Fall 2009. PLS-105_Ethics-wSyllabus.pdf Ed Husted
Debu Misra
1-28-09: Provost approved.
1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.
Process Tech.
Power Generation
Program Change: Certificate, Power Generation; change required course from WMT 101 - Introduction to Welding, to WMT 103 - Welding I; reduce minimum credit hours required from 38 to 37; effective Fall 2009. PowerGeneration_Certificate.pdf Brian Ellingson
Rainer Newberry

11-25-08: Provost approved.

11-25-08: Sent to Provost.
11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.

Allied Health
Course Change: HLTH 267 - Medical Assisting Externship Completion, 2-4 credits (1+5+12); change title to Medical Assisting Practicum Completion; change from variable 2-4 credits to 2 credits (0+0+8); add prerequisites HLTH 122, HLTH 132, HLTH 234, HLTH 142, HLTH 244; effective Fall 2009. HLTH-267_MedAssist-wSyllabus.pdf Christa Bartlett
Rainer Newberry

12-22-08: Provost approved.

12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. Cmte.

Allied Health
Course Change: HLTH 150 - Dental Radiography, 4 credits (3+3); change credit distribution from 3+3 to 3+2, reducing lab component to 2 hours per week; change course description; effective Fall 2009. HLTH-150_DentalRad-wSyllabus.pdf Marsha Sousa
Rainer Newberry

12-22-08: Provost approved.

12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. Cmte.

Tribal Management
Course Change: TM 110 - Tribal Court Development for Alaska Tribes, 3 credits (3+0); change from 3 credits to 1 credit (1+0); change course description; effective Fall 2009. TM-110_TribalCourtDev-wSyllabus.pdf Kevin Illingworth
Ping Lan

11-25-08: Provost approved. 11-25-08: Sent to Provost.
11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.
Tribal Management
New Course: TM 111 - Children's Topics in Tribal Justice, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 16 hours over 3 days; graded Pass/Fail; no prerequisites; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised TM-111_Syllabus.doc


Kevin Illingworth
Ping Lan

3-30-09: Provost approved.

3-27-09: Approved by CR Cmte

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 112 - Federal Indian Law for Alaska Tribes, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 16 hours over 3 days; graded Pass/Fail; TM 110 recommended; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.

Revised TM-112_Syllabus.doc


Kevin Illingworth
Ping Lan

3-30-09: Provost approved.

3-27-09: Approved by CR Cmte

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 113 - Tribal Code Development, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 16 hours over 3 days; graded Pass/Fail; TM 110 recommended; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Kevin Illingworth
Ping Lan

3-30-09: Provost approved.

3-27-09: Approved by CR Cmte

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 114 - Tribal Justice Responses to Community and Domestic Violence, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 16 hours over 3 days; graded Pass/Fail; TM 110 recommended; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.



Kevin Illingworth
Ping Lan

4-28-09: To Provost.

3-27-09: Approved by CR Cmte

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 171 - Introduction to the Indian Reservation Roads Program, 1 credit (1+0); course formats include 17 hours over 3 days intensive, or 1.25 hour per week audio conferenced over semester; letter grade Pass/Fail grading; no prerequisites; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.


Changed to Pass/Fail grading.

Steve Becker
Ping Lan

6-2-09: Provost approved.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 172 - Conducting a Rural Transportation Inventory, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 17 hours over 3 days intensive; TM 171 recommended; letter grade Pass/Fail grading; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.


Changed to Pass/Fail grading.

Steve Becker
Ping Lan

6-2-09: Provost approved.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 272 - Finance Applications for Rural Transportation, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 21 hours over 3 days intensive; prequisites TM 171 or permission, TM 105 recommended; letter gradePass/Fail grading; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.


Changed to Pass/Fail grading.

Steve Becker
Ping Lan

6-2-09: Provost approved.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Tribal Management
New Course: TM 273 - Transportation Improvement Programs & Control Schedules, 1 credit (1+0); course format is 17 hours over 3 days intensive; prerequisities TM 272 or permission; letter gradePass/Fail grading; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2009.


Changed to Pass/Fail grading.

Steve Becker
Ping Lan

6-2-09: Provost approved.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

New Program: Certificate in Ethnobotany; 33-36 credits comprised of 9-10 credits in general certificate requirements, 8 credits in natural science core courses, 10 credits in EBOT core courses, and 6-8 elective credits; effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR.

4-28-09: Latest revisions, including additional support letters and revised BOR Hex Form.

3-30-09: Format 3 Word Doc:


Rose Meier
John Yarie

4-6-09: Approved at Faculty Senate; sent to SAC.

4-28-09: received the most up-to-date version of Format 3.

3-30-09: Courses and Program Approved at Curricular Affairs

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

New Course: EBOT 100 - Introduction to Ethnobotany, 3 credits (2+3); course formats include semester and 2-week field camp; no prerequisites; letter grade; to be offered in summer; effective Summer 2009 upon approval.

Revisions received 3-30-09:

Older version:

Rose Meier
John Yarie


4-9-09: Provost approved.

3-30-09: Courses and Program Approved at Curricular Affairs

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

New Course: EBOT 220 - Research Methods in Ethnobotany, 2 credits (2+0); course formats include semester, and 2-week intensive; EBOT 100 is a prerequisite; letter grade; to be offered spring; effective Spring 2010.

Revisions received:

2-12-09: Email from Rose M. that a revised Format 1 and syllabus will be sent in a few days.


Rose Meier
John Yarie

4-9-09: Provost approved.

3-30-09: Courses and Program Approved at Curricular Affairs

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

New Course: EBOT 230 - Ethnobotanical Chemistry, 3 credits (3+0); on-site and distance delivery; letter grade; EBOT 100 is a prerequisite; to be offered fall; effective Fall 2009.

Revisions rec'd March 09:

Revised Format 1 for EBOT 230, 2-12-09:
EBOT 230 Format 1.doc

OLDER version:

Rose Meier
John Yarie

4-9-09: Provost approved.

3-30-09: Courses and Program Approved at Curricular Affairs

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

Allied Health
New Program: Certificate in Pre-Nursing Qualifications; 37-42 credits comprised of 9 credits in general certificate requirements; 24 credits of major requirements; and 4-9 credits in clinical courses; effective Fall 2009 pending all approvals including BOR.



Marsha Sousa
Rainer Newberry

2-2-09: Passed at Faculty Senate and forwarded to Statewide Academic Council..

1-20-09: Approved by CR Cmte and then approved at Curricular Affairs.

Allied Health
New Course: HLTH 130 - Medical Office Technology, 3 credits (3+0); course delivery using combined synchronous and asynchronous online lectures; letter grade; no prequisites; offered spring; effective Fall 2009.

Revised Syllabus rec'd 12-29-08:

Old version of Syllabus:

Dallas Budden
Miho Aoki

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with revised syllabus (received).

Allied Health
Program Change: Certificate in Dental Assistant; change the course designator on clinical dental assisting courses from HLTH to DA (change affects HLTH 150, 151, 152, 153, 251, 252, 254); replace HLTH 132 with new course DA 132 - Administrative Procedures for the Dental Assistant; effective Fall 2009. Dental-Asst_Certificate.pdf Jenifer Filotei
Ping Lan

11-25-08: Provost approved.

11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.

Allied Health
New Course: DA 132 - Administrative Procedures for the Dental Assistant, 2 credits (2+0); addresses needs of dental assisting students (medical assisting students will continue to take HLTH 132); offered fall, effective Fall 2009. DA-132_AdminProcDA-wSyllabus.pdf Jenifer Filotei
Ping Lan

11-25-08: Provost approved. 11-25-08: Sent to Provost.
11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.
Allied Health
Program Change: A.A.S. in Dental Assisting; change the course designator on clinical dental assisting courses from HLTH to DA (change affects HLTH 150, 151, 152, 153, 251, 252, 253, 254); replace HLTH 132 with new course DA 132 - Administrative Procedures for the Dental Assistant; effective Fall 2009. Dental-Asst_AAS_degree.pdf Jenifer Filotei
Ping Lan

11-25-08: Provost approved.

11-25-08: Sent to Provost.
11-24-08: CR Cmte approved.

Process Tech/Safety
Course Change: OSH 120 - Safety Program Management and Recordkeeping, 2 credits (2+0); change to 3 credits (3+0); offered spring; effective Fall 2009. OSH-120_SafetyPgmMgt-wSyllabus.pdf Brian Ellingson
Ed Husted
12-22-08: Provost approved.
12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. Cmte.
Process Tech/Safety
Program Change: Certificate in Safety, Health and Environmental Awareness Technology; change from 36 credits to 37 credits (OSH 120 changing from 2 to 3 credits); effective Fall 2009. Safety-Health-EnvironAwareTech_Certificate.pdf Brian Ellingson
Ed Husted
12-22-08: Provost approved.
12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. Cmte.
84-UCCh CLA - Anthropology Course Change: ANTH 426 - Bioarchaeology, 3 credits (3+0); change frequency of offering from spring of even-numbered years to spring of odd-numbered years; stacked with ANTH 626; effective Fall 2009.

Updated Syllabus rec'd 1-21-2009:


Kara Hoover
Julie Maier
WITHDRAWN as of 2-4-09. No changes being made to the course.
85-UNC CLA - Social Work New Course: SWK 440 - Social Work Practice with Military Families, 3 credits (3+0); course offered through distance education; no prerequisites; letter grade; to be offered year-round; effective Fall 2009.

Revisions received as of 2-6-09:

OLD: SWK-440_SW-PracMilitaryFam-wSyllabus.pdf

Heidi Brocious
Julie Maier

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions (received 2-6-09).

86-UCDr CLA - Communications Course Change (Drop): COMM 231 - Business and Professional Communication, 3 credits (3+0); dropping course due to lack of enrollment during past six years; effective Fall 2009. COMM-231_Bus-Prof-Comm_Drop.pdf Robert Arundale
Julie Maier

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved drop.

87-UNC CLA - English New Course: ENGL 427 - Topics in Film Studies, 3 credits (2+2); lecture, discussion and film screenings; letter grade; may be repeated twice with course content change; prerequisites include ENGL 217 or FILM 217, ENGL 211X or ENGL 213X or instructor permission; cross-listed with FILM 427; to be offered spring; effective Spring 2010. ENGL-427_TopicsFilmStudies-wSyllabus.pdf Karen Grossweiner
Ed Husted

2-9-09: Provost approved.

1-26-09: Approved by CR Cmte.

2-4-09: Still in CR Cmte.

88-UNP CLA - Film Studies New Program: B.A., Film Major; minimum of 120 credits comprised of general and B.A. university requirements; minimum of 36 credits for Film Major, including 18 credits in major program requirements (ENGL/FLM 217; THR/FLM 271; FLM/JRN 290; FLM/ENGL 334W; FLM/THR 331; FLM/JRN 480); 6 credits from Film Studies; and 12 credits from Film Production; 5 FLM courses must be at 300-400 level (of which 2 must be 400-level); effective Fall 2009.

Most current version:

2-5-09: FINAL version:

Older Final version 12-21-08:

Newer Older version 12-15-08:

Older version:

Maya Salganek
Anne Armstrong

3-2-09: Passed at Faculty Senate Meeting #157. Forwarded to SAC.

2-4-09: At the Curricular Affairs Cmte.

89-UPCh SOM - Business Administration Program Change: B.B.A., Business Administration; changes reflect some submitted course changes; the concentrations of Finance; General Business; Management and Organizations; and Marketing reduced to 4 courses from 5 courses, allowing additional credits from ACCT, BA, or ECON; effective Fall 2009.

Page 139 current catalog.


Jacob Joseph
Anne Armstrong

12-22-08: Provost approved.

12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. Cmte.

90-UPCh SOM - Accounting; Business Administration, Economics Program Change: B.B.A. Degree Program; change Social Sciences and Statistics requirements by removing ECON 200 - Principles of Economics; and replacing it with ECON 201 - Microeconomics; and ECON 202 - Macroeconomics; an increase from 10 to 12 credits; effective Fall 2009.

Page 132 current catalog.


Mark Herrmann

Jacob Joseph
Anne Armstrong

12-22-08: Provost approved.

12-15-08: Approved by Curric. Rev. Cmte.

91-UCCh SOM - Business Administration Course Change: BA 441 - Promotion Management, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to BA 241; change course title to Advertising, Sales and Promotion; remove prerequisite of BA 343; effective Fall 2009. BA-441_to_BA-241-wSyllabus.pdf Jacob Joseph
Anne Armstrong

12-15-08: Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

92-UNC CLA - Communication New Course: COMM 469 - Communication Internship, 1-3 credits (0+0+10-30);prerequisites include COMM 469, junior or senior standing and permission of instructor; letter grade; to be offered as demand warrants; Summer 2009 upon approval. COMM-469_CommInternship-wSyllabus.pdf Karen Taylor
Ed Husted

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved.

93-UNC CLA - Communication New Course: COMM 470 - Communication Internship Seminar, 3 credits (3+0+0); prerequisites include COMM 469 and permission of instructor; letter grade; to be offered alternate fall; effective Fall 2009. COMM-470_CommInternshipSeminar-wSyllabus.pdf Karen Taylor
Ed Husted

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved.

94-UPCh CLA - Philosophy Program Change: Minor, Philosophy; add PHIL 487 - Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology, to the list of requirements for the degree; effective Fall 2009. Philosophy_Minor.pdf Eduardo Wilner
Debu Misra

12-15-08: Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

95-UPCh CLA - Philosophy Program Change: B.A., Philosophy; add PHIL 487 - Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology, to the list of electives for the degree requirements; effective Fall 2009. Philosophy_Major_BA.pdf Eduardo Wilner
Debu Misra

12-15-08: Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.

96-UPCh CLA - Foreign Languages Program Change: B.A., Japanese Studies; replace JPN 377 - Japanese American Experience, with JPN 330 - Classical Japanese Literature; eliminate the career concentration area requirement; change catalog description of the major to list language classes separately from culture classes; increase Japan-related courses that count toward approved electives; total credits do not change from 120; effective Fall 2009.

Revised Format 5 as of 2-4-09:


See #102-UNC
David Henry
Debu Misra

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions (received).

97-UCDr CLA - Foreign Languages Course Drop: JPN 377 - Japanese American Experience, 3 credits (3+0); replacing course with JPN 330 - Classical Japanese Literature, 3 credits (3+0), for which there is more interest; effective Fall 2009.


Approved with addition of replacement course #102-JPN 330.

David Henry
Debu Misra

2-9-09: Provost approved.

12-8-08: CR Cmte approved.


(See also 43-GCCh)

CNSM - Biology and Wildlife Course Change: BIOL 445 - Molecular Evolution, 4 credits (3+3); change to 3 credits (2+3); change title to Molecular Ecology and Evolution, and change course description; remove cross-listing with CHEM 445; (stacked with BIOL 645); change offering to fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus rec'd 2-6-09:

Revised file not received as of 2-4-09.


Matt Olson
Debu Misra

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions.

99-UCDr CLA - Communication Course Change (Drop): COMM 251 - Argumentation and Conflict Communication, 3 credits (3+0); course was dropped 10 years ago, but has inexplicably reappeared in the catalog for no known reason; effective Fall 2009. COMM-251_Argumentation-DROP.pdf Robert Arundale
Julie Maier

1-27-09: Provost approved.

1-20-09: CR Cmte approved drop.

100-UNC CLA - Foreign Languages New Course: SPAN 222 - Cultures and Civilizations of Spain, 3 credits (3+0); letter grade; to be offered alternate spring of even years; first offered Spring 2010; effective Fall 2009. SPAN-222_CulturesCivSpain-wSyllabus.pdf Alex Fitts
Julie Maier

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-6-09: Approved by CR Cmte

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

101-UCDr CNSM - Geology & Geophysics Course Drop: GEOS 378 - Introduction to Geoinformatics, 3 credits (2+3); course content has been incorporated into GEOS 458; effective Fall 2009. GEOS-378_IntroGeoinformatics_Drop.pdf Ellen Craig
Julie Maier

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-6-09: Approved by CR Cmte

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

102-UNC CLA -Foreign Languages New Course: JPN 330 - Classical Japanese Literature (h), 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of junior standing or instructor permission; letter grade; replaces deleted course JPN 377; effective Fall 2009.

Revised syllabus as of 2-4-09:



David Henry
Debu Misra

2-9-09: Provost approved.

2-4-09: CR Cmte approved with revisions (received).

103-UPCh. Graduate School and Interdisciplinary Programs Program Change: B.A., B.S., B.T. in Interdisciplinary Studies; addition of a new degree option in General Studies to provide a pathway for degree completion for students who've accumulated sufficient credits and completed general baccalaureate requirements to graduate but do not have the collection of courses needed to meet specific major requirements; requires a total of 130 credits; effective Fall 2009.

Files received 1-16-09:


Dana Thomas

2-4-09: Provost approved.

Approved by both Curriculum Review and Curricular Affairs Committees. Discussed at Feb. 2 Senate Meeting for endorsement.

104-UTC CLA - Foreign Languages Trial Course: RUSS F194 - Practical Russian I, 3 credits (3+0); no prerequisites, letter graded; to be offered every fall, effective Fall 2009.

Revised Format 1 and Syllabus:

(Revisions include: course description change, course number change; specification in syllabus that plus/minus grades are not used.)

Marina Enikeeva

2-17-09: Course proposal withdrawn.

Still in CR Cmte as of 2-4-09.

105-UPCh. SNRAS - NRM Program Change: B.S., Natural Resources Management - Plant, Animal, Soil Sciences; change the PASS option name to match the new department name of High Latitude Agriculture; and simplify the course listing of requirements for that option; effective Fall 2009. NRM_PASS-Name-changeFormat5.pdf Milan Shipka
  For Spring Cycle of Review.
Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download
Status in Committee
129. CEM, Elec/Computer Engineering NEW COURSE:Γ‚  CE 424 - Introduction to Permafrost Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); to be offered alternate Spring; effective Spring 2009. CE 424 (PDF 594 KB) 4-21: Rec'd revised syllabus hard copy. Cmte approved.
4-22: Sent to Provost.
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.


NEW COURSE:Γ‚  NRM 360 - GIS and Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 3 credits (1.5+1.5); to be offered Spring of even years, first offered Spring of 2010. (need syllabus)

Revised Format 1 (PDF 47 KB)

Revised Syllabus (PDF 95 KB)

3-27-08 revised paperwork received; has committee approval.

Provost Approved 


CLA, History

NEW COURSE:Γ‚  HIST 123 - African Studies: Introduction to Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa, 3 credits (3+0); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2008. HIST 123 - only hard copy received; e-copy has been requested.

(Bob Arundale - provided revisions..)

5/6/08: Approved by Provost

5/21/08: Melissa called to change course number to HIST 124.

132. CLA, Journalism NEW COURSE:Γ‚  JRN 290 - Digital Video Editing, 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed with FLM 290; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2009. JRN 290 (RTF 189 KB)
[Syllabus just needs Disabilities stmt. - as of 4-21-08]

Committee Approved 
Sent to Provost 3-24-08
Provost Approved 3-26-08

133. CLA, Alaska Native Studies NEW COURSE:Γ‚  ANS 150 (s) - Topics in Alaska Regional Cultures, 1-3 credits 
(1-3+0); credits vary from 1-3 and course is repeatable for up to 9 credits; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2009.

Rev. ANS 150 (RTF 229 KB)

Rev. Syllabus (DOC 48 KB)

4-4-08: Approved pending receipt of revised paperwork.
4-15-08: Rec'd paperwork.
4-22-08: Sent to Provost.
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.

134. CLA, Social Work CHANGE COURSE:Γ‚  SWK 306W Γ’β‚¬β€œ Social Welfare: Policies and Issues, 3 credits (3+0); drop the writing intensive designator; offered Spring; effective Spring 2009.

SWK 306 (RTF 90 KB)

5/9/08: Approved by Provost

135. CLA, Social Work CHANGE COURSE:Γ‚  SWK 342O - Human Behavior in the Social Environment II, 3 credits (3+0); drop the oral intensive designator; offered Spring; effective Spring 2009. TO CORE REVIEW
SWK 342 (RTF 41 KB)
5/9/08: Approved by Provost

CNSM, Biology & Wildlife

CHANGE COURSE: WLF 201 - Wildlife Management Principles, 3 credits (2+3); change prerequisites to add WLF 101, NRM 101; offered Spring; effective Spring 2009. E-copy has been requested. 4-4-08: Approved by Committee.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
137. CNSM,
Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHANGE COURSE:Γ‚  CHEM 212 (n) - Chemical Equilibrium and Analysis, 3 credits (3+0); change to 4 credits, (3+3); change catalog description to reflect lab portion; offered Fall; effective Fall 2008. CHEM 212 (RTF 172 KB)

Committee Approved 3-21-08
Sent to Provost 3-24-08
Provost Approved 3-26-08

138. CNSM,
Mathematics & Statistics
CHANGE COURSE:Γ‚  MATH 401W - Advanced Calculus, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Introduction to Real Analysis; change catalog description; offered Fall, effective Fall 2008.Γ‚  E-copy has been requested.

Committee Approved 
Sent to Provost 3-24-08
Provost Approved 3-26-08

139. CNSM,
Mathematics & Statistics
CHANGE COURSE: MATH 402 - Advanced Calculus, 3 credits (3+0); change title to Intermediate Real Analysis; change catalog description; change frequency of offering to as demand warrants; effective Fall 2008. E-copy has been requested.

Committee Approved 
Sent to Provost 3-24-08
Provost Approved 3-26-08


SOM, Business Administration

NEW COURSE: BA 305 - Leadership Alaska: Making a Difference, 4 credits (4+0); cross-listed with LEAD 305; year-long seminar and practicum; letter grades; not repeatable; effective Fall 2008.

Revised BA 305 (DOC 132 KB)

Revised Syllabus (DOC 92 KB)

4-4-08: Approved pending revised paperwork.
4-15-08: Received revisions.
4-22-08: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.

141. CRCD, Ethnobotany NEW COURSE: EBOT 200 - Seminar in Ethnobotany, 1 credit (1.5+0); to be offered distance delivery and on-site at Kuskokwim Campus; course format varies to accommodate teaching locations; letter grade; not repeatable; to be offered Spring; effective Spring 2009.

EBOT 200 (RTF 187 KB) updated

Syllabus (DOC 78 KB)

4-4-08: updated format 1 received and committee approval indicated in email from Nicola.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.

142. CRCD, Ethnobotany NEW COURSE: EBOT 210 - Ethical Wildcrafting, 1 credit, (1+0); to be offered distance delivery and on-site at Kuskokwim Campus; course format varies to accommodate teaching locations; letter grade; not repeatable; to be offered Fall; effective Fall 2008.

EBOT 210 (RTF 187 KB) updated


4-4-08: updated format 1 received and committee approval indicated in email from Nicola.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
143. CRCD/TVC, Information Technology Specialist Pgm NEW COURSE: CIOS 250 - Intermediate Networking and LAN Infrastructure, 4 credits (4+0); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2009. CIOS 250 (DOC 180 KB)

Committee Approved 
Sent to Provost 3-24-08
Provost Approved 3-26-08

144. CRCD/TVC, Information Technology Specialist Pgm NEW COURSE: CIOS 252 - Advanced Network Infrastructure Services, 4 credits (4+0); to be offered as demand warrants; effective Spring 2009. CIOS 252 (DOC 187 KB)

Committee Approved 
Sent to Provost 3-24-08
Provost Approved 3-26-08

145. CRCD, Tribal Management NEW COURSE: TM 274 - Introduction to RIFDS, 1 credit (1+0) in a 2-day format combined with a follow-up audio conference; to be offered as demand warrants, effective Fall 2008. TM 274 (PDF 374 KB)
Rev. Pg 1 - title change (PDF)
Rev. Syllabus (DOC 54 KB)

4-4-08: Approved pending revised syllabus.
4-16: Rec'd revised pg 1 of form and syllabus.
4-22: Sent to Provost.
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.

146. CRCD, DANRD, Rural Dev. DROP COURSE: RD 256 Γ’β‚¬β€œ Co-Management of Renewable Resources (s), 3 credits (3+0); effective Fall 2008. RD 256 (DOC 103 KB) 
4-21: signed copy received
4-4-08: Drop approved by Committee.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
147. CNSM, Biology & Wildlife CHANGE COURSE: WLF 101 Γ’β‚¬β€œ Survey of Wildlife Science, 1.5 credits (1+0+1.5); change from lecture to lecture and field camps; change from Spring to Fall; effective Fall 2008. Rev. WLF 101 (PDF 75 KB)

4-4-08: Approved by Committee.

4-15: Rec'd revision.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.

148. CNSM, Biology & Wildlife PROGRAM CHANGE: B.S., Wildlife Biology Γ’β‚¬β€œ Delete NRM/WLF 431 course requirement and replace with NRM 204; effective Fall 2008. BS Wildlife Biology (PDF 40 KB) 4-4-08: Approved by Committee.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
149. Graduate School, INDS Programs NEW Special Topics: INDS 193 Γ’β‚¬β€œ Interdisciplinary Portfolio Development, 1 credit (1+0); graded Pass/Fail; repeatable for up to 3 credits; to be offered Fall and Spring; effective Fall 2008. INDS 192 (DOC 201 KB)

3-27-08 This will be a Special Topicsinstead.
(Rainer Newberry)

150. CNSM, Biology & Wildlife CHANGE COURSE: WLF 460 Γ’β‚¬β€œ Wildlife Nutrition, 3 credits (3+0); add a lab component and change to 4 credits, (3+3); change course description; offered Fall; effective Fall 2008. Rev. WLF 460 (PDF 103 KB)

4-4-08: Approved by Committee.

4-15: Rec'd revision.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.

151. CRCD, Allied Health PROGRAM CHANGE:Γ‚  A.A.S., Medical Assistant Γ’β‚¬β€œ Replace the ABUS 108 typing class with HLTH 236, Health Care Reimbursement; effective Fall 2008. A.A.S. - Medical Assistant (PDF 265 KB) 4-4-08: Approved by Committee.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
152. CRCD, Allied Health PROGRAM CHANGE:Γ‚  Certificate, Medical Assistant Γ’β‚¬β€œ Replace the ABUS 108 typing class with HLTH 236, Health Care Reimbursement; effective Fall 2008.

Cert.-Med. Asst. (PDF 279 KB)

4-4-08: Approved by Committee.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
153. CRCD, Allied Health PROGRAM CHANGE:Γ‚  Certificate, Medical Dental Reception Γ’β‚¬β€œ Replace the ABUS 108 typing class with HLTH 236, Health Care Reimbursement; effective Fall 2008. Cert.-Dental Reception (PDF 219 KB) 4-4-08: Approved by Committee.
4-22: Sent to Provost
4-24-08: Approved by Provost.
Table updated 5/14/2008